Rik in MA, a facilitator of HS Math and Life Lessons for Learning, honored to join @garnet_hillman and @KatieBudrow to co-moderate tonight's #sblchat on Getting Started with Standards-Based Learning!
Katie, science teacher, tweeting from the Chicagoland area. So happy to be moderating with the fantastic @garnet_hillman and @RoweRikW tonight! #sblchat
Hi everyone! Welcome back for another great year of #sblchat! I'm Garnet, an author and ed consultant - happy to be back with my co-mods @KatieBudrow and @RoweRikW.
We have six questions tonight about Getting Started with Standards-Based. Please respond with A1, A2, etc and please don't forget the hashtag! #sblchat
A1-Our purpose of grading is to communicate proficiency levels at the close of marking periods. These levels should never be a surprise to our Learners. #sblchat
A1 Grading should be used to communicate individual learning at a given point of time. It should represent summative work, not the practice along the way. #sblchat
A1. Grades should show a Ss level of mastery, not their progress or growth (unless you’re comparing semester to semester or year to year). Grades are not motivation, rewards, or punishment #sblchat
My Ss told me today that a grade is points they get. And I said, what if I told you there are no grades just insights into where you are in relation to a standard at a given moment? And your “grade” will change frequently as you get retested? #sblchat
A1: In a perfect world: Grading is to communicate proficiency of standards in the curriculum. In reality: How many points students have earned #sblchat
A1: A snapshot in time showing parents and students what concepts/standards have been mastered or not. Students should then take that information and improve on it to continue their learning. #sblchat
A1: A snapshot in time showing parents and students what concepts/standards have been mastered or not. Students should then take that information and improve on it to continue their learning. #sblchat
A1: The purpose of grades is to understand learning -- what a student knows, what a students doesn't know, what a student misunderstands, then use that information to help the student continue their learning. #sblchat
I’m fighting (working? Subverting?) this mindset with my HS ELA freshmen—show me what you know, and if you know it better later, show me then. Your grade is what you know and can do, not points or effort or time #sblchat
Are we not doing grades at this school anymore? I filled them in on how I use standards based grading while everyone else still does points. But that’ll be changing in the next 2-3 years. #sblchat
A1 - We shared with our 9th graders recently how our 4-point Standards-Based Learning inspires learning, growth, and an innovative mindset for greater learning. They got it and asked why more teachers didn't use it. #sblchat
Just today, I helped to instill a love of reading in one of our HS Math Seniors. He committed to engage daily in reading for imagination and learning. #sblchat
A1 - We shared with our 9th graders recently how our 4-point Standards-Based Learning inspires learning, growth, and an innovative mindset for greater learning. They got it and asked why more teachers didn't use it. #sblchat
A2-Evidence of demonstrated understanding or proficiency is all we include in a grade..Behaviors and "late learning" should be excluded. "Late learning" is encouraged in our environment. Behaviors are best reported through #GoodCallsHome. #sblchat
Our middle schools no longer have letter grades or any composite scores for classes--all disaggregated by learning target. But our HS still converts at the end of the course to get a letter grade that informs a GPA. #sblchat
Yet, we have to be careful not to over use grades for feedback. Ss already perceive much of their school day as a performance (they get grades for everything) which often creates an obstacle to formative growth. #sblchat
A2: a grade should only include current status on identified targets/standards. It shouldn’t include behaviors such as timeliness or participation. They should be reported separately from the academic grade. #sblchat
A2 Grades should include Ss work compared to a standard. Effort, timeliness, and class behavior are separate concerns. I don’t report on those except in conferences with Ss (and sometimes parents). #sblchat
A2: If you believe grades are communicating levels of learning, mastery, or understanding, then only those things should be reflected in a grade, not behavior, effort, attitude, work ethic. #sblchat
A2: Attainment of learning in relation to the standards for each class should be included. Separate out the behavioral elements - these are critical pieces of information, but not to be confused academic growth and achievement. #sblchat
A1. I am with you guys. I believe that’s we study to learn, not for a grade. Yet, we end up converting our assessments into letters. How do we stay away from it ? #sblchat
A2: Attainment of learning in relation to the standards for each class should be included. Separate out the behavioral elements - these are critical pieces of information, but not to be confused with academic growth and achievement. #sblchat
A letter or a number simply communicates a proficiency level. Feedback honors what the student has achieved and moves them forward...I have a tough time calling grades feedback ;) #sblchat
I find many fellow HS Ts like participation points. I find these forced and subjective. How good does the participation have to be? Why a certain number of times? Now, if we’re working on collaborative speaking standards, that’s something else... #sblchat
A2: Extra credit, participation, group work, etc....all of it should be included. Just kidding!!! The only thing that should be in a grade is evidence in meeting the standards. #sblchat
Some of us must work within systems that use grades. I just posted my progress on sbl this past weekend at https://t.co/l5Acj1u5kh if that’s of any assistance. We have to work within our parameters, but we can help make the conceptual shift #sblchat
I require Ss to participate. I randomly roll for Ss & they have to answer. The catch is their answer doesn’t have to be correct (Today is a great day to be wrong) and we celebrate/learn from them. Usually by October vast majority of Ss have bought in to the expectation. #sblchat
A3: Group work can't be accurately assessed as individual work. (All you need to do is to think back to a time in which you were working in a group and everyone was assessed the same. Was that fair?) - nope! #sblchat
A3 With group work, there is no way to know precisely how much evidence of proficiency each student has provided. Group work is great in the formative realm, but each student has to prove proficiency in the summative. #sblchat
A3: A critical life skill, but incredibly difficulty to tease out individual student growth from group work. Don't get rid of group work, just don't use it as a dipstick for student achievement. #sblchat
A2: I worry that reporting habits formally can sometimes turn into rewarding and punishing students--not actually looking at them as skills that need to be practiced and instructed. I like @allison_zmuda work with habits of mind for this reason. #sblchat
We talked about that today, too. They were upset that work wouldn’t count. I don’t know who did what question or if everyone worked on anything. But if I assess you individually, then I have a clearer picture of what was learned and who learned it. #sblchat
A3 grades are in individual reflection of learning. I have yet to see a group project that can give an accurate picture of the individuals contribution #sblchat
A3b. Also, we do everything in class so I am involved in helping Ss through points of struggle. So my contributions would be part of the group too. I know I know the material, I want to know if they know it. #sblchat
A3: Group work can be a powerful means to an end when it comes to learning. Collaboration, teaching others, problem solving, communication, etc. #sblchat
A3- Collaboration is one of the 4Cs we want in deep learning. It's a valuable skill on which we need to train our students. However, it's also hard to measure. For that reason, give feedback, not necessarily grades on the collaboration of the individuals in the group. #sblchat
Group work can be a tool for improving collaboration, but determinating a level of individual understanding based on the work of that group is sketchy, at best. And is quite stressful for learners. #sblchat
A3 With group work, there is no way to know precisely how much evidence of proficiency each student has provided. Group work is great in the formative realm, but each student has to prove proficiency in the summative. #sblchat
For me, it depends on whether the student can take action or if they simply know where their current level resides. For feedback to be effective, students need to act upon it and have a productive response. #sblchat
A3: Group work is hard to separate out -- who did what, so that makes it hard to determine an individual student's actual learning. A teacher would have to be with a group all the time to really understand what each student in the group knows. #sblchat
A3: group learning is a very valuable tool. It allows Ss to interact & learn from each other. But a grade should reflect each individual S’s competencies. Only exception for me would be if target is, “I can work effectively in a group.” #sblchat
A3: But that doesn't mean group work can't happen or doesn't have value. Meaningful learning can happen in groups, and kids can inspire each other and work on soft skills like communication and collaboration. #sblchat
Hopefully if they know they performed at the 2 level and they know where growth potential is they can target that. I could be involved in that with modeling or exemplars, etc. #sblchat
Q3: Do we have any music or drama teachers here who use group work to score? I know each Ss should be able to play an instrument or sing, but the group performance is an authentic assessment, no? I hadn’t considered this much before... #sblchat
A3: has anyone read Culture Code by Dan Coyle? It's really making me think about how to build effective teams in the classroom--and how to teach collaboration. #sblchat
Renee, I think you hit the nail on the head. It's easy to think that not assessing group work means that learners never work together. Time to break down that misconception. :) #sblchat
We do team outings but 3 of us have worked together for 13 years. We also go out for lunch on in service days. We get along great. We joke a lot. The newer guys fit right in. #sblchat
A4- Standards-Based practices are best introduced and reinforced over time. Learners and their Parents need time to process, understand, and adapt. It just takes time. #sblchat
A4: All hands on deck and gradually over time. Consistent messaging from the classroom level (students and teachers) up through the district level regarding "the why" goes a long way towards a successful implementation. #sblchat
A4 I usually make videos (like this one - https://t.co/HE928B5ZSX) that show what it looks like, as well as having quotes from prior students that describe. #sblchat
A4. I focus on learning and showing me what you know. We discuss reassessment and I use sports practice/game metaphors. I’m not fully sbl yet, but getting real close. I haven’t had much pushback because Ss are seeing the worth #sblchat
A4: I'm lurking on this question! We are transitioning to SBG this school year and communicating this shift can be challenging to the students and parents in our district. Not unexpected -- it's a big leap for lots of people! So I want to see what everyone says! #sblchat
Time is key. You can't change how people view a century-old practice in a few days. Also, time provides the opportunity for others to see the positive changes that take place in an SBL environment. #sblchat
Today I received correspondence from two high school graduates thanking me for our learning lessons, regular feedback, and inspirational learning. #WorthItAll#sblchat
True about the group work, yet you almost want students to demonstrate proficiency before the performance (which is a chance to show it off). So it is still possible to assess individually. #sblchat
A4: we have used the GPS metaphor to explain the shift from a compensation model to a communication model. Here's the blog we wrote about it way back in 2014--I can't believe how long ago that was! https://t.co/8dnCZHapo3#sblchat
I start with explaining how % and points set up the opposite of learning because it’s about the points. And the % system is unfairly weighted to the F side. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to have the levels count equally and Ss would know what they should learn #sblchat
A4: Above all, students are the most powerful communicators of SBL. Once they understand and can communicate it to parents the flywheel really starts cranking. #sblchat
Time is key. You can't change how people view a century-old practice in a few days. Also, time provides the opportunity for others to see the positive changes that take place in an SBL environment. #sblchat
And this goes for all activities—just became it’s not summative doesn’t mean it’s not formative. As Ts shift, they will get rid of useless assignments, but others will stay—with a new/different purpose and context #sblchat
A4: When Ss and Ps see the advantage of mode and most recent evidence over averaging that is a big step. It more accurately reflects the learning and is forgiving - they like that. #sblchat
A4: Above all, students are the most powerful communicators of SBL. Once they understand and can communicate it to parents the flywheel really starts cranking. #sblchat
A4 lots of ways to do it but you must give it the time it deserves and repeat it over and over. It is a big change for many and they need your patience (and persistence) #sblchat
A5- Standards-Based Grading & Learning can be integrated in a traditional gradebook when all learning is aligned to a specific Standard. No superfluous activities not aligned to Standards. #sblchat
Yep. Huge amounts of trust. Also, it's so important to put things in student-friendly and parent-friendly terms for each. Plus always going back to the why. #sblchat
A5 I used a conversion scale. Went from descriptors (proficient) to a number (3.8) which would calculate the grade. Students helped design the scale, felt strongly that proficient should be an A, and I agreed. :) #sblchat
Since my school still uses traditional, I had to convert the proficiency scales to percents. I simply use the highest percent value for each grade, with an F being a 60% - something recoverable. #sblchat
A4 lots of ways to do it but you must give it the time it deserves and repeat it over and over. It is a big change for many and they need your patience (and persistence) #sblchat
But performance is intimately linked to working together. In theatre, you have to work off of another (even with tech). There is a trust and rehearsal and liveliness to performing. I’m just thinking as I go here. I teach an Intro to Drama and Ss do independent monologues #sblchat
A5: Trick question! It can't!
Kind of joking, but the reality is that an inordinate amount of time is spent having conversations about trying to marry the two systems that conflict with one another. Whenever possible - go all in! #sblchat
A4: we have used the GPS metaphor to explain the shift from a compensation model to a communication model. Here's the blog we wrote about it way back in 2014--I can't believe how long ago that was! https://t.co/8dnCZHapo3#sblchat
A4: It starts with “the why”, what it means to be a learner, and creating trust. The logistics of grading / reporting become secondary when Ps and Ss understanding the goal. #sblchat
A4: It starts with “the why”, what it means to be a learner, and creating trust. The logistics of grading / reporting become secondary when Ps and Ss understanding the goal. #sblchat
Could students be assessed on their part of the whole? We say the waters are muddy with group work ... but is it really muddy with something like a part in the play? What do the standards look like? #sblchat
A5. I’m playing with my traditional gradebook now with standards-based learning. I just posted this weekend at https://t.co/l5Acj1u5kh on reporting on standards. I begin my first round of assessing tomorrow—we’ll see how it goes! #sblchat
A5: Transitioning to an SBG grade book can begin by recording assignments by the target/standard they align to. Now you have info on S performance by target to help ID patterns & trends. #sblchat
Was thinking more about something like band (husband is a band director) where it might be hard to tell one third clarinet from another in the concert, but can hear them play individually in lessons. :) #sblchat
A5: Transitioning to an SBG grade book can begin by recording assignments by the target/standard they align to. Now you have info on S performance by target to help ID patterns & trends. #sblchat
That’s a tough one - the shifting of the gradebook is what helps so many Ts make the shift. When you try to alter a traditional gradebook it can make people feel like they’re doing the wrong thing. Finding tech to support SBL is hugely important. #sblchat
A6 Get to know the standards with teachers. Work together to tackle some of the harder transition points. Encourage risk-taking and help problem-solve when needed. #sblchat
A6-When Admin allows teachers to aggregate and report grades differently with a Standards-Based approach versus a traditional approach, they value, support, and trust their educators. #sblchat
A5: Changing the focus to learning instead of collecting points is what is most important. If you still have to assign a letter to a level of mastery for a traditional grade book that can be done. #sblchat
A6: Allow them to ask questions, make mistakes, provide input, give them time to process and understand, provide resources, and celebrate successes! #sblchat
A6: Admins have to have a good grasp of SBL/SBG in order to communicate with teachers who will surely have questions and doubts. They need to offer plenty of support and time for buy-in. They need to patient with their teachers as they change their thinking. #sblchat
Thanks so much to everyone for joining in tonight's chat! Sorry I had to jump out for awhile - I am in working Utah and my family called! looking forward to chatting with everyone in two weeks. #sblchat
A6 (shameless plug)
Our new book goes over the SBL learning targets and scales that were created for our faculty in regards to the shift to SBL...that might be of help!🙂
Thanks for another great chat everyone! Huge thanks to @garnet_hillman and @RoweRikW for being such awesome co-mods. See you all in two weeks! #sblchat