#sschat Archive
#sschat is a network of educators, resources, and ideas that started on Twitter, but has expanded to Facebook, an annual NCSS unconference, and more. Join us to chat asynchronously on Twitter or Facebook, or chat with us live on Mondays from 7-8pm EST.
Monday January 4, 2016 7:00 PM EST
Welcome to ! is stoked to be hosting this week as we discuss what we all think the conferences of the future should be!
Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re tuning in from!
under the weather Chuck from Milrockee WI - been to 18 NCSS conferences ... looking for some changes!
Rebecca from Birmingham, AL.
Chris from Bloomington, IN. Teach world history for an online HS. Looking forward to chatting about conferences.
Jill from small town Kansas tuning in tonight!
Interested in hearing what you have to say. I have only been to 3 Nat Confs. Your preso was awesome!
Portland, Oregon. Good evening.
Joanne from Missouri. I teach 7th grade ancient history and 11th grade modern global issues.
I have been MIA on for some time now, but looking forward to a night of PD, Phil from Sarasota, Fl. Teaching 6-8 Civics
Welcome back, everyone in ! Hope you chilled with Downton Abbey instead of worrying about going back. Mary from Colorado here.
Jessica Ellison, pres. of MN Council for Social Studies. Hello everyone!
Gil from suburbs of Chicago, IL
I'm Michael from MA. One of the mods at . At conferences in the future, I imagine we'll fly our cars to a cloud city & learn lots.
glad to be back from break!
Nick Lawrence from Jersey City. I teach 8th grade US in the Bronx.
Hi Scott Petri, HS World History T from LA. Love attending conferences. Wish our Dist paid for it.
I want your chip in my brain, please.
Cheryl in west Florida checking in
Beverly from NJ - social studies coordinator at NJDOE
Kim from KC,middle school-
Isabelle from Morgan Hill, CA. Hoping to attend NCSS for the first time this year.
Quinn from Utah checking in. Social studies specialist for . Don't hold it against them.
Happy New Year! Emily from NY. Teach HS US History, Gov and Econ
Welcome, everyone! Sounds like we have folks from many corners of the U.S. this evening.
Still got one more week left. About to start my NCSS16 Proposal. Hope you had a nice break.
Brian from KC. Teach 7/8 SS for OlatheUSD. Looking forward to the chat!!
Q1 What was the last F2F conference you attended and what excited you most about it?
Would love to attend NCSS conference this year! Fingers crossed!
Shane from Maine! It's 10 degrees and feels like 0 right now!
Attended NCSS15 in November. Went to some good presentations but the unconference was probably most exciting for me.
NCSS New Orleans this year. I liked being surrounded by like-minded people
A1 Attended NCSS15 in NoLa. Loved the unconference and visiting the WW2 museum. Bourbon St. didn't hurt either.
I was very excited to hit up NCSS15. It's neat to e around a large group of people excited about social studies.
Went to in NOLA - was excited about seeing the , some sessions, and the unconference (which didn't disappoint)
A1 for me. I thought the unconference was great!
Don't forget about the happy hour. That was fun too!
A1 the NCSS conference in NOLA was great! Got rep respect ME in the HOD and Learn get some psych PD
A1: I get to be part of a social studies study group 4 times a year! I LOVE it! I always leave with great ideas!
Q1: NCSS New Orleans. Getting to know my counterparts from councils around the country.
A1 That would be NCSS15. It really is the F2F that makes it special. Online relationships are confirmed and new ones formed.
A1 Also attended , and it's consistently a solid conference. That said, the was very good. I like the free-flow
A1 NCSS, networking, brainstorming, learning f2f from colleagues, re-energizing and stealing ideas for the classroom
A1: National CUE 2014. I loved the enthusiasm of the attendees and the presenters. They were so excited to share and learn.
I made it! Amy Presley, HS History in OK
A1. Just got back from the NCSS15 in New Orleans. It's awesome to meet with other teachers and discuss various topics of interest.
Wish the NCSS unconference wasn't at the same time as House of Delegates so I could go!
I was a newbie this year. Next time I hope to do more.
Ken from Western Oregon Univ. Coming a bit late
A1 It was also exciting for the Tech Community to get into the House of Delegates. Painful at times, but exciting to participate in!
A1 I don't think of "networking" as something I'm good at, so it's taken me a few conferences in a row to make solid connections.
the Maine council conference was pretty good too! and presented and they were awesome!
I'm curious... What was the unconference?
A1: Another huge benefit of F2F National Conferences is getting to travel to different parts of the country
A1 NCSS 2015 in NOLA. Always exciting to talk to fellow social studies educators. Leaves me energized!
Awwww! Love ! He's always so willing to share the geography love.
A1 Last local conference used an edcamp style, liked ability to take what I needed or interested in & move on
House of Delegates is a tricky thing. I enjoy it, but it takes HOURS of time. I'd rather learn.
A1: Went to the NCSS11 in DC. Loved being able to exchange ideas with Ts from around the country
A1: Last one was NCSS in NOLA. My fav part of F2F conf is having convos about all the awesome stuff ppl r doing in the classroom!
A1 My presentation at NCSS14 was scheduled opposite unconference. Big disappointment for me. I so wanted to meet folks.
Not a big fan of the HOD. Feel like I wasted a lot of time listening to debate on resolutions.
Ken I *loved* your session at on comics and graphic novels. Y'all are doing it right!
Leaving conferences energized may be my favorite part
For those of you who go to Nat. Conferences...does your district pay for you to go and travel expenses?
I also participated in a neat conference for new teachers with . (I also helped plan it, presented, & hosted a panel)
last SS specific was , but I'm an EdCamp addict, so there's been several of those since
A teacher collaboration session. Sort of like an EdCamp. Participants vote on which session to attend.
That was great. I just finished Footnotes in Gaza a few weeks ago. And I was sitting in front of
Checking in from El Dorado, KS - 8th Grade U.S. History
RT Leaving conferences energized may be my favorite part
wow! Thanks for the kind words!
Nope. Use my husband's frequent flyer miles. Roomed w/ someone in 2014 to cut down on expenses.
My district will pay for some conferences... if they have value to the classroom
I felt robbed by this too. Snuck out of HOD early to attend last hour of unconf.
thanks! And I love Joe Sacco's work!
My district pays for it as long as I'm on a committee or presenting. I may be running out of time.
Mine will pay for conferences in state... Not sure about traveling out of state.
Sacco's "Great War" is amazing too -- a 30-foot (ish) foldout that looks at an entire battle/trench system.
A1 Also attended at UCLA in November. Very good CA conference organized by
Q2 What fundamental issues plague in-person conferences today?
I tried to braid your hair, but got distracted. Comics.
OMG. That sounds awesome. Wonder if our library has that . . .
BTW since we're talking conferences, if you're in Oregon, Center for Geo Ed doing free geo ed conference @ PSU (Portland) March 5th.
in NOLA - It's always great to be able to collaborate with your collegues in person (and maybe socialize)
It would be a tricky one for a library to maintain. I hadn't seen it before alerted me to it.
A2 Expense, propaganda from corporate/textbook company sponsors.
A2: Being everywhere at once. National conf tend to be more formal, hard to use EdCamp movement in that setting
Not sure, but I am going to talk to a few of my council members
I think there's something about realizing that you're a part of something bigger that conferences show
Awesome! Haven't seen that one. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for sharing!
A2-Deciding which sessions to attend and sacrificing some
The private school I worked for paid for conf. and travel if it related to classroom. Husband's public dist. did not.
A2) There's just so much to see/do. Feel like I'm missing out when I make a decision about what to attend.
A2. As we see here, one is cost. You have to get a lot out of a conference to justify travel expenses, etc.
A2: Too much sit and get...not enough collab in reg sessions. Need more time/location to play with new ideas and talk to presenters
Time out of school can be a hindrance to attending conferences. You have to choose carefully and realize you can't go to them all!
A2: Expense is a huge issue. Both with registration and travel... it gets expensive!
A2 Knowing I have access to tons of great sessions, but little cataloging of resources during and after.
A2: Not being able to be in multiple places at once! Lots of great sessions, but many of them overlap.
A2 travel expenses, making the time to go with so many other professional/work responsibilities
A2 School districts need to encourage attendance at national conferences. It's a vital investment.
A2- I agree. Cost is a factor.
A2 biggest prob w session content: too often you're tricked into sitting in a vendor commercial *or* a sit-and-get
Q2 making connections across sessions. I'd like cognitive coach 1on1 time to help me get solid about what I'm bringing back.
A2 commercial presos, crowded rooms, sketchy wifi - need more workshop, discussion, collab, walk away w/something for next class
A2 Cost and timing, too many relevant/interesting sessions at the same time
A2- no offense to any vendors, but the commercialization of some sessions is troublesome. Hard to have legit PD w/o $
A2: Cost of attendance, travel time, time outside of classroom, not always easy to follow up after the session with peers
: A2 I think session quality can vary and descriptions don't always match actual presentation.
A2 Was so excited catching up with tweeps I missed sessions I wanted to see. Can conf put materials on web page?
Your comment about making connections across sessions makes me think that reflection time could be built in.
A2: Costs & days away unsupported by Districts are prohibitive for some. Sessions that conflict, getting materials paper v tech
agreed - this year was one of the worst for that
I really like that idea... can you elaborate
Are there methods or materials people have used to turn-key and help teachers at your schools see the importance of F2F conferences?
Sometimes conferences seem to be a whirlwind and then you're right back into the classroom.
Must have process time!
That would be AWESOME! (curation of presentation resources on NCSS site)
A2 ...At every conf I've been to, there have been poster sessions that would have been outstanding full sessions.
A2 wifi in NOLA was a real beast this year - even with paid presenter access
that's why when I present I want people to participate
A2: Cost, choosing which sessions to attend, ways to share resources after.
Late joining ! Eeek! A1: I last went to AERA in Chicago, but had to miss NCSS15. I'll be there for 16 tho!!
Getting space as well as time would be great!
A2: cost is a factor, travel is a factor with me, still have little kiddos at home. Hard to get away
Yes, it was horrid in some rooms. Very frustrating for presenters and attendees. :(
I frequently only pick sessions put on by fellow teachers for this reason. Doesn't address everything, but helps ...
So true. https://t.co/YusI4Lg0zh
Sometimes conferences seem to be a whirlwind and then you're right back into the classroom.
Must have process time!
That was HUGE at . There were several I had to check and see that I was in the right room.
A2: Finding the hidden gem presentations/sessions and questionable wifi
A1: It's not content specific but is my absolute favorite conference bar none.
So true! A few minutes built in at the end to chat with presenters or attendees would be great!
Yep. I had to shut down part of my preso b/c of this. WiFi should be more reliable, esp for prsntrs
That does help. There were some excellent ones from universities/professors as well.
A2 NCSS 15 was my 6 national conference and 3rd in a row. It seemed like a lot less attendees to me, anyone else? Theories?
Yes, even if it's just to discuss w/ those around you how you could implement with your students.
It would be great if all of that was accessible to NCSS members who couldn't attend as well!
If 50 min isn't enough to build in collab time there should be a place for pres 2 go 2 continue showcasing/collab
A2: wish formats allowed us to utilize the pedagogies we know work w/kids &adults rather than boring traditional formats
It was wonderful to connect with both of you this year!
Totally agree. Not like people aren't going b/c they don't want to go. Cost & other issues mentioned here.
So very true, I think I have bags from the past 2-3 that I finally recycled when I moved this summer...
It's been great to have and some other ways to process what we got out of the conference, remind us what we liked.
A1: It was and loved the collaboration & insight into where tech & education are going. Great experience.
Hi 'ers! Late to the party! And will be in and out as I alligator wrangle a.k.a. get my kids to bathe and then to bed.
A2: Breakout sessions with Ts who teach similar sub/gr. in rooms with roundtables to share ideas! Walk in & share!
And if wifi was more consistent, could have backchannels where people could discuss via Twitter.
Hey , Matt from ATL here. 8th Grade US History & Gov't :) Just chiming in!
Q3 What technology is most useful for you (as a presenter or participant) during conferences (i.e. powerpoint, QR codes, etc.)?
Great point! https://t.co/DkYR8JDnz9
It's been great to have and some other ways to process what we got out of the conference, remind us what we liked.
Agreed! Seen some great content presentations from professors that helped me reshape units based on current research.
A2: My admin has been very supportive of in-state conferences. Not sure about out of state.
A2 I do think it is time to end the paper handouts and put everything online. Killing those trees seems wasteful
and presenters could have specific backchannel for each, via twitter, , something like that
I found some great sessions via Twitter; it would be nice to see more activity there.
Sounds as if professional organizations need a way to rate wifi access at diff. conference venues. That would get their attention.
agreed! BTW, still haven't heard about NCGE proposals. Maybe now that holidays are over I'll get info
Would LOVE that. https://t.co/h7HxM8omdc
A2: Breakout sessions with Ts who teach similar sub/gr. in rooms with roundtables to share ideas! Walk in & share!
Matt- That is a great idea!
A3- having WiFi available. It gives us a variety of choices for presenting and participating.
Agreed. Being able to keep up as the year goes on (even if lurking/storify) allows to better focus on site
Annual CUE usually has a public doc to add notes to for the sessions. It's been a great resource to go back to.
And it's so easy to lose/destroy the handouts. . .
Many here discussing the importance of reflection time. We need it just as much as our students do! Would be gr8 if built in.
A3: I use Google Slides, QR Codes, and YouTube videos when I present at conferences. Then I literally walk around & chat with peeps
Agreed, Not only wasteful but adds to Climate Change gases in so many ways.
A2 an opening session for new twitter users could help increase the chatter, connections, collaboration
Good to see you Chris! :) Our 1st day back today was fun :) How are you?
A3- ideally some kind of back channel discussion, but since wifi is often iffy, a web link with everything posted to it
there have been evaluation forms that included Qs about wifi access--it would be nice to have that as a requirement.
Would luv to see newbie lounge/bloggers corner at like organizes at ISTE. Good to collab & process lrning
Also late to the party! Laurie from Milwaukee; teaching partner of and co-host of next week's !
That would be great. We set up Google docs for to record resources for some unconference schedules.
A3 Having everything available online (especially if conference has wifi) and beforehand
A3 Yes! If everything is archived, then you can go back and find it.
I took lots of notes in my notebook. It's just where I wanted to be as a participant. But I did take pictures of handouts.
Agreed....When all the T's tweet their thoughts during/after conf. presentations, we can share ideas
A3: Having access to the materials the presenters give. Whether is their PPTs or handouts... a QR Code with their materials is key
Hi Laurie! Excited to see what y'all cook up!
A2 petty, but the conference app isn't very functional - no search, no contact info for presenters or attendees to check in
A3 - Most useful? Digital projector. Still want to be able to use my laptop - my comfort zone. Easy to set up.
QR codes didn't work well in NOLA- couldn't get close enough for my phone to read it or they didn't work?
Love, love this idea! I was so lost at times!
A3... to add on to what others are saying... WiFi is an absolute MUST HAVE
A3 Definitely wifi. Notes, slides should be available online.
A3; Internet access in general, Google docs, QR codes, You tube access
It definitely needs some work! Sometimes more important than the resources is contact with the people who created them.
LOVE this idea! and I would be happy to share our collaborative notes from our preso! Lots o' links!
! I'm sure we could get volunteers to do the session, need instl support from https://t.co/OKDw0W5Btv
A2 an opening session for new twitter users could help increase the chatter, connections, collaboration
A3 -- internet access is definitely the most important; presenters using Drive or Dropbox to get materials out to participants.
"WiFi is life," as my Ss say . . . helps when it's open, no confusing password (or password is clearly posted).
That's a great idea. Even if it was just a space (table) where people could swing by & get hands on help.
: A3 Good wifi is a must when presenting. I use Twitter but also Google Docs for those who aren't in Twitterverse.
I was thinking of a more widely shared service for planners years prior to selecting conference sites.
Love this idea! Kind of an un-conf feel but almost more drop-in/open house!
Wifi seems to be a pretty common necessity with presentations. I think my last few were on Google Slides and required research.
Love this idea!!! https://t.co/m6Dls4aO54
Would luv to see newbie lounge/bloggers corner at like organizes at ISTE. Good to collab & process lrning
A3 small handout (like bookmark) w/ link to materials - don't need CDs anymore - but digital materials have to be available
Yeah I put my preso on my blog, but I know only a fraction of conf attendees go there.
Q3 posters, paper, & markers count as tech, right? I teach SS & ESL, so hands-on participation and active learning is essential.
A3: shared google folders, websites, QRs for dissemination, wish there was an easy way to get contact info to keep up after conf
A3 Good wifi is a must when presenting. I use Twitter but also Google Docs for those who aren't in Twitterverse.
A3: Wifi, projector to hook up to laptop,
A2 Love that idea -- (I think?) is where I discovered and how to use Twitter in the first place. https://t.co/46T4OCIOPP
A2 an opening session for new twitter users could help increase the chatter, connections, collaboration
I'd happily take a shift helping out. I bet others here would as well.
Could be a great thing for folks to help at since we're all Twitter masters. ;)
A3 - Agree that wifi is big. Probably 2nd big thing. Want people to connect, interact, share w/presentation.
A3: Will echo that Wifi is a must. Having QR codes accessible in multiple places in a room if it is a large conference space.
AASL conferences I've attended have a monitored coffee break room for anyone to meet, greet, present. Very effective.
Q3 when presenting, I enjoy using s'more & todaysmeet, but they need internet access.
totally agree - can be done in AM, during the huge downtime at lunch too - set the stage for happy hour
A3 Agree w/ projs should be free. Rental fee in NoLa = robbery. Can this be negotiated when det loc?
A3 I think about what tech to teach Ss by thinking of what I use daily. Reliable, fast internet access at F2F conferences is a must!
Would need NCSS backing so they could include in program or just signs where people pick up materials.
I love that idea! Who monitors the room? Conference staff or other teachers?
A3: REALLY love collaborative notes on a GoogleDoc! Love the idea of audience sharing ideas and notes.
plus, it would lead to more F2F contacts among, get even more on board for - easy peasy
A3 - Maybe moveable chairs/desks/tables is 3rd? Able to configure the space to include the people who show up, big or small group?
. think we could do this? A Twitter help table staffed by volunteers at next NCSS? https://t.co/mkPeKGiOxh
I would love to help with this.
I was shocked to hear the project rental fee.
Volunteers sign up to monitor. Peer-to-peer in nature.
Isn't that standard? Every time I've presented w it's been an additional cost, not just a NoLa thing
I'd like to think connecting with other T's and discussion future ideas & lessons are what we all want from conferences
A2 I think NCSS should be free for presenters. Let people rate the presentations and be more selective in who presents
We need a projector version of Uber for conferences.
Have you seen this done in a conference? How was it used?
Presented five or six times - never at NCSS - but never been asked to pay for projector.
yup - every conference - you pay to present, pay for the tech - conv center owners need to eat
A3: Ability to have backchannel chat... like a Twitter or Google Doc is a great way to collaborate during a session & connect after
There's a million dollar idea right there.
Those connecting chairs made it so difficult even if you did want to try break outs.
Yes. As you know, anyone who has served on a conference committee has an entirely new appreciation for what it takes!
we do it for our edcamps, did it for our preso - works great if audience gets involved
I think the Tech Community could definitely support that!
now we're talking! Great idea!
Q4 What F2F conferences are drawing the most people and why?
Does this tweet count as copyright? Problem is needing them arranged ahead of time (winging it not advised).
We must do something about the high fees associated with projectors and wi-fi
Have to head to a meeting but will try to check back into later
Woo hoo! That would be awesome. Think we'd have plenty of volunteers to work shifts.
A4: Edcamps & other smaller state conferences, but nothing big on the national level
A4) Sounded like ISTE was very well attended or maybe it's just a heavy Twitter user conf. :)
A4: EdCamps - free, learner-driven, a choke on the big business end. NCSS at a national level
A4 edcamps are free, saturdays, close by - usually well attended - but not for people that want to sit and get .... crickets ...
Could we build tech cost into conference fee?
A4 Have been taking/teaching MOOCs and not doing as much F2F. Like the convenience of online/asynchronous PD.
A4: Google EdCamps and TED. They have big names and a very wide reach
said "happy hour." Magic words. I'm in.
Sounds like that is the wave of the future. People want what edcamps provide - reflection, choice, F2F, etc.
A4 I think state conferences are getting really popular b/c of budgets. KS had to move to bigger site this year b/c of interest
Our state conferences usually draw about 200 teachers (Utah), but it's the same Ts every time. It'd be great to get some new faces.
ISTE is a good example of a BIG national conf that still feels EdCamp-ish. METC follows same https://t.co/oh5KjEfG2r
A4) Sounded like ISTE was very well attended or maybe it's just a heavy Twitter user conf. :)
I am just ok with edcamps. While I love our unconference, it's because it is social studies focused.
A4 seems that has become a must go to destination for innovation, collaboration, tech
A4 I think the key is innovation. No one wants to go to an outdated conference
A4 Any edcamp. Free, teacher led, plenty of reflection.
The Edcamp thing is relatively new here; I want to be more involved next time around.
A4: I. Not sure, but I know that I am attracted to conferences w/ Ts who teach 7-8 Am. Hist. Love being w/ Ts who do the same as I
A4 From what I've seen NCSS, AERA, & state conference (when looking per capita). Reason prob because they reach a specific niche
Love the cross pollination between & in . What a conference that would be!
A4 ME council conference keeps getting bigger each year. Combo of free for presenters, teacher input, and door prizes
A4 I see unconferences growing in popularity because they are participant driven, timely, growth-focused & collaborative.
A4: I see lots about EdCamps and unconferences these days. Peer to peer and "vote with your feet" are what I enjoy most about them.
I think that would be my biggest issue with them. I want them to meet MY needs, not just STEMmy-STEM.
That would be awesome! I'd definitely try to go to a combo conference like that.
That is a problem, edcamps are great but it's a specific demo, we need to reach all teachers.
A4 how about that awesome Summer Spark in Milwaukee? You are all invited - and you can present! https://t.co/WGtX28F3Cw
Isn't ISTE really expensive?
Yea! Because it's all about the ! Or at least it really should be.
A4 - Some of the state conferences are pretty cool - offer more value in some cases. But is the best. Need more, really.
Is there any chance that local schools/universities are big enough to host national confs? I'm assuming no...
Here in OK the put on a state-wide EdCamp. Impressive to have state support for T driven model
A4 At we've had success with an annual conference based on our MN history textbook. Specific audience with similar needs.
we *are* the funniest and most attractive.
A4 Prefer Hist confs over tech events like CUE & ITSE. Like hearing from Pulitzer Prize winners instead of geeks
I agree. Most of the local edcamps aren't as social studies focused. More tech based.
Does ISTE have issues w/ wifi and/or projectors?
and social! It's in our name!
I'd guess on par with most national confs. Cert not in my budget w/o dist support https://t.co/DgNuc4Ccha
Isn't ISTE really expensive?
A4 is trying to have a combo - featured presenters, unconference, workshops, general sessions, social lunch, spark talks
They would be more so if SS teachers attended and presented.
Oh, I would too. And with ELA involved, we might get more support from admin.
A4 TED is obviously really expensive, but very thought-provoking. Short talks instead of long key-notes are oftentimes powerful.
. I love technology and all. Give me a PD about tech and social studies and I'm happy. Not just tech for tech's sake
CA did a state-wide edcamp last yr. Some sites were not prepped for collab so it was hit & miss
A4 I've also talked to a lot of teachers who are uncomfortable with the edcamp model. How can we merge edcamp and trad. conference?
A4 unconference was a gamechanger - we added one to in 2015, will do it again in March - people are there, why not collab?
Went to ncss New Orleans. Need to expand unconference next time. It was awesome
There is definitely something very motivating to conference with other people who do exactly what you do! Great ideas to share!
Great question. Think building in some reflection and interaction time would help.
A4 I think more needs to be done to stop educators feeling isolated. Unconferences reassure teachers "you are not alone"
Offer both styles and clearly mark. Be clear about "Rule of 2 feet" & golden. Use it for Dist w/o prob https://t.co/5EFEk6vtyd
A4 I've also talked to a lot of teachers who are uncomfortable with the edcamp model. How can we merge edcamp and trad. conference?
Looking forward to ! https://t.co/SgxYmPHVy8
A4 is trying to have a combo - featured presenters, unconference, workshops, general sessions, social lunch, spark talks
Always seemed like the elephant in the room. . . "What do the other 50 professionals in the room think?"
Shouldn't have to ask, but when are proposals for NCSS16 due?
collaborative cross curricular confs would be great!
Iowa does something like that. Hope to show up this year.
I'm digging the topic tonight, . can't wait to read the storify later
I know there are limited content specific presos at tech conferences. Is the opposite true of NCSS? Mostly content?
Q5 If you had a blank slate for designing a future F2F conference, what would you include? We've heard a lot of great things so far!
I've heard of districts putting on their own edcamp type conferences using Twitter and their own resources to drive district PD
Have to head out shorty, but wanted to plug next week's chat on LITTLE KNOWN HISTORIES! Bring your favorite "missed in histories."
come up to Wisconsin too - March 11-12 for , June 13-14 for
A4 options are key! Unconference is not 4 me. But others love it. So, have it as an option along w/ trad sessions.
We had a district edcamp for MS. Many apprehensive, but got great reviews from Ts.
A5) If i had a blank slate for a future F2F conference, ironically enough I would include blindfolds!
Would love to know more about what you all love about your local social studies conferences as we plan ours.
Agreed. I think NCSS is more content over tech. Haven't been to tech confs. Not sure what they do
Would love to be able to org that. So many of our own colleagues do amazing things we never get the chance to hear about
we have done edcamp inservice last two years - awesome, build community, experts next door
A5: cross curricular. Would love to see a duo presentation with. SS and Lang. Ts presenting on how they collaborate together.
There are def more tech presos each year. Next year wants to endorse the best tech presos.
A5 an unconference & Ed-Fest, where short, fast-paced sessions are done & participants get to go to all those sessions instead of 1
Does NCSS plan to move in the direction of virtual conference attendance? I believe both SITE and EERA offer this economical option
Thanks! And I meant "shortly," not "shorty." But I am only 5'2", so "shorty" kinda applies, too!
Summer ROAD TRIP! All I need is a station wagon.
A5 - First, free projectors. Second, free, open wifi. Third, chance to collaborate. Love to see a cool blend of TED/edcamp.
The tech conferences I've attended cast a wider net, but they leave out a lot of Ts.
A5 unconference, ken burns, Sandra day o Connor, Pulitzer Prize winners, common folk like Greensboro sit in, and teacher sessions
A5-definitely good key note speakers. The breakfast was worth the $
A5 High-tech digital map of the conference with presenter contact info and pres resources attached ahead of time.
time to for me to take daughter to ballet. Thanks for another great !
A5 - Like it when there's a mix of different kinds of teachers. Lots of ways to get creative thinking when all mixed up.
Welcome to Twitter and ! :)
A5 unlimited reliable wi-fi access, unlimited reliable wi-fi access, unlimited reliable wi-fi access, and snacks
A5) Lots of opportunities for Ts to collaborate and reflect by subject/grade/interest.
did several yrs of great TED-type conferences. Really forces a presenter to cut to the chase.
Definitely need that presenter contact info!
I love presentations. If you are an expert or you did something neat, I could listen to you forever. As long as you're excited.
A5: the idea of short presentations and the. Collaboration time w/ other Ts sounds awesome!
Would love to see more of this in High School. Many Middle School Ts already do it.
A5 A conference program organized around problems of practice in addition to content areas, grade levels, etc.
A5: more coordination btwn communities, would love to see tech used to make NCSS more sustainable, use social media to connect
Checking out to take my son to Cub Scouts. I've been missing my Twitter fix lately, hoping to show up more often this year.
Same here for me and https://t.co/EikrlFrmjO
Would love to know more about what you all love about your local social studies conferences as we plan ours.
A5 all sessions should have pre- identified keywords so I can easily customize my time around themes that matter to me & my kids.
Great chat, everyone! Thanks for being here to share! See you around!
It would be neat to have some sessions as collaboration spaces. Sign up, learn something, and collaborated on a project & share it.
A5- more primary sources! People who lived history or who have researched it. Teachers and vendors are good too
We've tried some of that the last few years, trying to figure out the best way to handle it. https://t.co/IpCwFdhhCg
I've heard of districts putting on their own edcamp type conferences using Twitter and their own resources to drive district PD
A5 Free proj, free wifi, shorter sessions, reflection built in.
Agreed-- get the people who MADE history there!!!
A5 Telescoping/recording as many sessions as possible.
Digitize broadcast live sessions,
A5: $ from sponsors to subsidize attendees from underfunded districts. REAL historical figures presenting. More history, less crap.
Don't we all make history?
We have the last two years. Some of the trad Ts still getting feel, but overall successful https://t.co/HAP6xhDCpN
We've tried some of that the last few years, trying to figure out the best way to handle it. https://t.co/IpCwFdhhCg
I've heard of districts putting on their own edcamp type conferences using Twitter and their own resources to drive district PD
I think you summed that up beautifully!
Collaboration can also be about S cognition. Does not have to revolve around content-this thinking can open lots of possibility
A5 Multiple workshop formats, time to network/collaborate, informative content sessions
A5 all sessions should leave a mark in hearts & heads, but be action-focused. Don't say the world is crummy, show me how to fix it.
A5: WiFi, Access to materials, live collaboration, time for collaboration/reflection built-in pre/post session
Great to see reppin' on tonight! Just catching the end of the fun at the end of our family's mealtime.
NPR is doing a series this week on history, how it's changing/being taught (kind of on topic?)
A5 This Ed-fest thing is my favorite idea ever. Could something as big as NCSS handle that? https://t.co/qouhAKmEAC
A5 an unconference & Ed-Fest, where short, fast-paced sessions are done & participants get to go to all those sessions instead of 1
Sounded like they would be talking about tomorrow morning.
A5 Add Twitter handles to Name Badges and Programs so it is easier to get in touch w presenters after conf.
A5: Identify 10-20 solid classroom teachers doing something unique and replicable and recruit them to give 10 min talks
A5 more to the point, are teachers capable of presenting something in a short, fast-paced manner? https://t.co/qouhAKmEAC
A5 an unconference & Ed-Fest, where short, fast-paced sessions are done & participants get to go to all those sessions instead of 1
Wonder if that could work for poster sessions?
would be great if we had a conf to collab on an idea like this so we could all tailor to the needs of our area!
A5 As a teacher educator, I would like time just to talk to teachers and ask them exactly what they want/need that I can help with.
It would be like stand up! https://t.co/5gJzkuA304
A5: Identify 10-20 solid classroom teachers doing something unique and replicable and recruit them to give 10 min talks
trying to get SparkTalks going at USM - 7-12 minute presos on something (anything) outstanding - we will see
Though I love the personal interaction and discussion you get with poster pressentations.
New Jersey, Oklahoma & Utah...Sounds like NCSS would be the place to meet! https://t.co/dpD2Tu6e5N
would be great if we had a conf to collab on an idea like this so we could all tailor to the needs of our area!
Yeah Nick - like Ted Talks, but SocStudTalks
I think if given the definition of "fast" Ts can adapt to it. What would be considered fast paced?
We've definitely had more collaborative luck with post presentations in some years at NCSS!
True. Minus the awkward extrication after you realize it's not what you wanted.
Probably because only about of 1/3rd of presenters are on Twitter. NCSS needs to force it.
Our state organization, , has plans for HistoryFest this August in St. Paul - teacher-focused PD!
Imagine if each state had a reception to build those connections at NCSS!
For me? 20 minutes. Everyone attending is a professional. They get it.
I like getting the content, then tinkering with the tech on my own. Lots of tutorials on YouTube.
Would love to come home with 10-20 new ideas!
Kansas want in! That would be great, a session/meet up for those planning conferences and what's working.
Have you liked our Facebook page yet? It's great! https://t.co/rP5QHP93QA Tell your friends!
Also tell us, it makes us feel good.
Kudos to and the folk. We always have chats that matter. No fluff here.
Folks, it's been a fantastic, fast hour. Thanks for all of your great ideas!
we do this on a smaller scale at our NJEA conference in Nj. Countywide meet ups at the conf. Love that idea for this