#Edtechchat focuses on Education Technology. Co-founder Tom Murray says #edtechchat "connects us professionally with inspiring educators from all over the world, all of who encourage us to be better every day for the children and families we serve.”
Ooohh! A @nathan_stevens led #edtechchat! The only thing that will keep me away is losing power on this stormy night. Hope it doesn't come to that. 4th & 5th grade school teacher and Dean of Professional Growth in Maine. #PLN
Hi everyone....Jenn here :) I just started a blog about student-centered learning....would love to have you all check it out and subscribe https://t.co/bHJeKQ6E8Z Looking forward to tonight's chat! #edtechchat
A1: 2002 was a great year for problem solving. I had dogpile search in the library. A makerspace that didn’t know how to brand itself. Most of all no clear direction as to how any of this was helpful because its all about the grade. #Edtechchat
A1 - My brain. :P
I remember my grade 6 math teacher trying to get us to try all different types. But the problems she gave I could solve in my head, so it all seemed like extra work for no gain.
When I started programming - pseudocode, planning & rubber duckies
A1: I guess it depends on the problem. But the most advanced technology I remember was encyclopedia on CD. I do remember collaborating a lot. We could work together to solve problems. We had to learn how to listen to each other’s ideas and piece them together. #edtechchat
A1 Solving problems then is the same as it is now - use your mind. Though with no internet we were forced to consult a book or, as a last resort, call my Aunt Di (the smartest person we knew that answered around dinnertime). #edtechchat
A1 for me, it all revolves around pen and paper. Sketches of ideas. Maybe a calculator and a ruler. And the most important item is a discussion with another person #EdTechchat
I miss the days in the library, pre handheld devices, where discussion and collaboration were hugely important to noodling out problems...and for creating a bucket brigade to move the books back and forth from the tables to the shelves. #edtechchat
A1: Always had to have a notebook and a pencil. I think another important tool was collaboration. I needed to talk things through with others to process verbally.
I also used a computer quite a bit, but I was limited to a wired connection at home #edtechchat
A1: #edtechchat I remember being taught to list what I know and what I don’t know at the top of my page (Math); riding my bike to the library for research (History); and experimenting by building and breaking things (Science).
A2. the internet (Google, YouTube), my peers, my brain, trial and error. I love figuring things out on my own with no help! #UMEdTech#EDL577UM#edtechchat
A2: Ironically, the same thing I used as a student - my peers and my mom! At work I consistently rely on my coworkers to help me solve problems, and as my PLN here grows Twitter has become a huge place of collaboration and support! #noislandshere#edtechchat
A2 I rely on my peers when in need of assistance... nothing quite like people to aide where #edtech stops! @RichHayzler and @MichaelPortas are huge supports. Of course, so is my PLN, so thanks everyone here! #edtechchat
A2: #edtechchat Now I choose to use a blank paper and a pencil to problem solve, or a large piece of chart paper. Google helps with research, but the real thinking and solving occurs when the pencil touches the page.
Coworkers can be the best. The guy I co-teach with is an AMAZING problem-solver. I think the whole staff goes to him when they can’t solve something. Phil, he’s the best! #edtechchat
The internet! Google! I love that I can get connected with so many educators in a heartbeat.
I also need my Passion Planner. Problem Solving is easier when I can schedule out my day and make it feel less overwhelming #EdTechChat
We need more conversations with the people at our school ... unfortunately we rarely have time to really talk amongst ourselves without being interrupted by mandates #edtechchat
Yeah, if I didn’t co-teach with him, I would have missed out on tapping into the brilliance that is Phil. He’s the one that got me to adopt blended learning. Heck, he helped me figure out had to make sense of my data for my masters project. God bless him. #edtechchat
A3 - Whiteboards! Or chalkboards. Or large pieces of paper. Or post it notes.
If not in person, then google hangouts and shared google docs. #edtechchat
A3 I value our daily team meeting to talk through issues related to Ss, pedagogy, and program. I need visuals so post its and chart paper work for me. Google stores our notes. #edtechchat
A3: #edtechchat Still have to stick with the cart paper and markers or a large whiteboard for group/team collaboration problem solving. OneNote also works well to collect all our thinking and ideas in one place.
A3: a huge whiteboard with lots of colors of dry erase markers. Or chart paper and Mr.Sketch! Then we take a picture and add it to our OneNote. But everything seems to start old school! Even with ways to collaborate online, nothing beats a face to face conversation. #edtechchat
A3 From the entrepreneur & developer side, HipChat and Google for conferences, Git and GitHub for source management and tracking, GitHub and Jira for issue tracking and submission. Face to face meeting and discussions!
Spent last year reimagining our professional learning model. The entire system to support all our PreK-12 edus started by a doodle on the whiteboard. Still have the image on the camera roll. #edtechchat#dtk12chat
Back when I was in grad school, I was involved in a Canada wide research network. Some of the researchers were researching the network and found that those of us in CS liked face to face the most. We spend too much time *not* looking at others, we value it :) #edtechchat
A3: As a team we are ALL about the whiteboard and colored markers. I love that process but trying to get the team to work on archiving those discoveries in the clouds - so we never lose it. Any suggestions? #EdTechChat
A3 Gotta love some group chatting tools to get through problems without causing a ruckus. I like @AlloGoogle for team chat, and it has nice Gifs! #edtechchat
A3 Its helpful to have a point of reference when collaborating- a podcast, book/ quote/ image/ video clip that gets people on the same page and helps us visualize the idea #EdTechchat
Yes, we are fortunate to have a common meeting time each day. We could do a better job of moving away from agenda minutiae but the time is valuable on the whole. #edtechchat
A4 Our Ss problem solve with lots of encouragement. :) Hardest part is overcoming the first answer, first Google result, etc. Our media specialists do a great job helping students cultivate and problem solve! @debschi@njcybrarian#edtechchat
A4. They work in groups. When doing hands on, they try something out and are encouraged to keep trying, tweaking things as they go. We use questioning strategies to get them to dig deeper. #UMEdTech#EDL577UM#edtechchat
A4: in my opinion, they don’t work on them enough! Unfortunately, when trying to “fit it all in” and “prepare for the test”, good ol problem solving is pushed to the back burner so students can work on skill and lower application. The challenge is teaching both! #edtechchat
A4: My Ss sit in groups and they work as a team in my math class. There is one girl that is so good at explaining concepts that whoever sits in her group automatically experience a grade increase (10-15 points on any assignment). Never seen anything like it. #Edtechchat
A4. i Teach PLC so my student need laptop and research materials in performing the experiments.. they need also the module for the activity. ofcourse the PLC.
A4: #edtechchat Students work on problem solving with chart paper and markers! Document their learning along the way with photographs, but the thinking and learning is in the conversations and the messiness is on the page.
A4: My Ss sit in groups and they work as a team in my math class. There is one girl that is so good at explaining concepts that whoever sits in her group automatically experience a grade increase (10-15 points on any assignment). Never seen anything like it. #Edtechchat
A4: my favorite project I have done recently was letting students create a technology based review game for their semester final. Students analyzed old test questions, found patterns to write distracting answers, and had to figure out how to work with new technology #edtechchat
A4) I like the Choose Your Own Adventure... Choose your Own Method for my students. Making sure they have access to all the tools you can provide. #EdTechChat
A4 the challenge for students is not always academic problem solving, but problem solving with peer groups, daily issues... how do we work with sts on these problemsolving skills? #EdTechchat
A4 ... honestly ... I don’t think we really give the kids any real problem solving activities ... make a roller coaster using two empty toilet paper rolls 3 pieces of paper and 10 straws isn’t a real problem. #EdTechChat
I made sure to tell her. I want the Ss to feel comfortable at working together and asking for help from each other. A few times the kids will say, “Mr. Hayes, she is better at you in explaining things.” Ouch! Good thing I’m not sensitive. 😢 #Edtechchat
Students do group work & whole class discussion. Every conversation can open a door to solve a problem or to engage critically with the reading. As an #englishteacher I also try to get them creatively writing as much as possible - creative problem solving as writers #EdTechChat
A4 ... honestly ... I don’t think we really give the kids any real problem solving activities ... make a roller coaster using two empty toilet paper rolls 3 pieces of paper and 10 straws isn’t a real problem. #EdTechChat
Yes! Thank you. This is one of my big issues with a lot of the "coding robots". They don't solve *real* problems. They can solve small tracking type tasks. Which can be fun (the first couple of times), but lose interest quickly. Programming is so much more! #edtechchat
A5: GoogleDrive and Skype. They will send each other a doc and start adding to it. Then, if they are not sitting next to each other, they will use Skype to communicate. #Edtechchat
A5 I like to have Ss develop problems/questions based on their interests. Then the problem becomes what tools do we use to assist in answering that question/solving the problem. Not everything is answered via Google. #edtechchat
Yes- problem solving is about perception. Sometimes we don't need to "think outside of the box" to solve a problem sometimes we have to get in the box, on top of the box, etc. #EdtechChat
I will note you left out the word “real” ... when you provide everything for the learner you remove any real problem solving and severely limit real variables #edtechchat
A5: #edtechchat Google, Twitter, Drive, OneNote, etc. are tools to capture and share thinking, but do they actually solve the problem? Collaboration, discourse, and having a worthwhile problem are at the heart of problem solving - the others are tools for collaboration.
A5: I love @educreations for problem solving. It’s basically a whiteboard that students can record the screen and their voice. So it forces them to talk out their problem as they are writing it. It really gives the T an opportunity to see and hear their thinking! #edtechchat
A6 - something that sucks those thoughts out of your head just before you fall asleep or when you first wake up, before your brain kicks in and you forget them all. #edtechchat
A6 @debschi turned me on to Google's TalktoBooks today, though Watson has had similar skills for years. Natural language searching with AI is the next truly useful tool for problem solving. #edtechchat
A6: That's tough! Maybe some type of app that where answers are put it by the teacher and uses questioning to get Ss to think deeper. Like a problem solving practice app. #UMEdTech#EDL577UM#edtechchat
Excellent chat everyone! Thanks @nathan_stevens for moderating. I'm off to solve some problems with #edtech! Don't forget to follow those with ideas that interest or challenge you! #edtechchat
Kids need more time using their brain, really using it to do stuff ... it needs physical exercise. I think that with the influx of tech and our total reliance on tech it has actually made our brains weaker ... is tech making us better or worse thinkers #edtechchat