An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
A1: Found it! Mid-Year? I've been known to make them mid-day, mid-week, mid-term. This thing we call school is about Ss needs. Our job is to meet those needs. #txeduchat
A2: When the T is passionate about the plan, Ss are actively engaged in the learning experience, discipline goes out the window because it's important to the Ss to be in the moment. #txeduchat
A2: The best lesson plans are the ones that account for student behavior. They may not be typed in eduphoria, but mgmt cannot be skipped in planning #txeduchat
A2: I've found that planning, with the inclusion of engaging activities (meaning no entire class period of direct instruction), minimizes disruptions. #txeduchat
A3: Plus, any time you can email parents about a good deed from the student, it makes a huge impact. And cc the student on it! Adds a bunch of street cred! #txeduchat
A3: Education is personal. No matter how impersonal we're told to be in the classroom, we must meet our Ss needs. We have to know their needs in order to meet them. #txeduchat
As an admin, I celebrate high-five Friday on the bus lot each Friday morning. Ss come to me for high fives throughout the week. Even MS Ss crave connection. #txeduchat
A3 (1) Learn their names (don't assign nicknames because "you" cannot pronounce them), (2) Learn at least one of their interests, (3) Ask them how they are doing (no silent hallway crossings), (4) Be willing to listen from time to time. #txeduchat
As an admin, I celebrate high-five Friday on the bus lot each Friday morning. Ss come to me for high fives throughout the week. Even MS Ss crave connection. #txeduchat
A4: Don’t make your lessons boring! I’ve NEVER had an discipline issues when the class is fully engaged. Empowering and engaging them in the learning is essential. #txeduchat
A4: overplanning is essential. You can’t get mad at students for misbehaving when it’s you who gave them time to mess around. I’m always amazed at how much havoc an 8th grader can cause in 30 seconds 😄 #txeduchat
There's nothing quite like planning the most awesome digital lesson ever and then arriving at school to discover the "system" is down. #backtobasics#txeduchat
In reply to
@Isham_Literacy, @DrHarrisonMcCoy, @CarrieAnnTripp
A5: Depends on motivation/reason/cause of student behaviour. Simple attention seeking can be handled/dismissed easily. Avoidance of failure can be handled carefully. Behaviours that are motivated by power or 'revenge' can disrupt learning. #txeduchat
A5: You gotta let them move! So many problems are the result of students having to sit still for hours on end. Find ways to let them move and the issues seem to walk away. #seewhatididthere#txeduchat
Q5: I don't think talkative students are disruptive as long as the work gets done. Even adults need "brain breaks" as we complete tasks. Disrespect in the classroom is not tolerated. Ever. #txeduchat
Experience and a willingness to adapt to the needs of your students. Too many teachers are afraid to change “what they’ve always done”, and it’s usually the students who pay for this. #txeduchat
A6: Motivation based on treats isn't motivation. It's training compliance. Counterintuitive to authentic learning. But treats can produce results. #TXeduchat
A6: Not as a behavioral thing, but as a surprise. They get a treat every now and then as a reward for their behavior, not to influence their behavior. I used to be against this idea, but I must be getting soft in my old age 😄#txeduchat
I don't think rigid Ts are bad Ts as some have proven time and again that their methods work; that being said, Ts should be willing to adapt to face new and evolving educational realities. #alwayslearning#txeduchat
A6: When I used extrinsic reward systems, I developed an incentive plan during the summer, and I changed it up every grading period to keep it exciting. Kids get bored, and those stars that worked at the beginning of the year didn't shine after holiday break. #txeduchat
A7: I set very clear parameters in my class. There is never a surprise when a kid messes up. I’m very proactive about the whole “if you do A, then B is the consequence” conversation. I think students like knowing the rules before they play the game. #txeduchat
Knowledge is power. And when we consistently do what the procedures say, Ss become comfortable in our classroom community. Safety is in the consistency. #txeduchat
A7: (1) Articulate expectations. (2) Apply them fairly. If Lil' Jonnie does something Monday, and Lil' Susie does the same thing Tuesday, failure to apply the same consequence is noticed by other Ss and can lead to management breakdowns. #txeduchat
A8: I handle 99% of the issues myself. I try to keep it between me and the student. I only invite parents and admin in after all else (including multiple chances) fails with the student. #txeduchat
Thanks for letting me tag along tonight! If you like the ideas you heard, check out my book for even more ideas!
And if you can get your school to buy 20+ copies, I’ll throw in an hour Skype session. Free Pd! #txeduchat