Stoked for our FOURTH year of #EdcampGS coming in early April!! Promises to be our best yet!! Register today, we can't wait for all the great conversations!! #collsedu#bettertogether#edcamp
Another inspiring #Edcamp style Faculty Meeting. In September, teachers set instructional goals. In January, we revisit them, progress-monitoring our success. "One to go-on, grow-on, and glow-on." (Charlotte Danielson meets Peter DeWitt.)
We successfully held our first @PlaquemineHigh Ed Camp today for our teachers. They bought into the concept, came up with great topics, and held meaningful and real conversations with one another. Every session ended with possible solutions for improvement! #TeacherLed#EdCamp
A4: #EdCamp is a great way to join other educators and share topics of interest such as this. Also, conferences and social media groups are great tools. #edleaderschat
We have a great #EdCamp at our university every year. It's really growing thanks to @drsheramac and her continued efforts. Great learnings! #EdLeadersChat
Hey #CUEchat.. I’m urbie from Chandler, Arizona. I design learning experiences supporting clinician (occasionally law enforcement) professional developing. A lot of my activities center around stuff learned via #WeAreCUE#DevLearn & #EdCamp