Good evening, #formativechat friends! Lauren from NY - I teach 6th grade English and write about empowering students and teachers to make school meaningful.
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
A1 I focus mainly on choice in how to intake or process the content. I give Ss a choice of read or watch a video, draw or write your response when possible. The focus is on the content! #formativechat
A1 differentiation could be as simple as having that student answer the first 5 as opposed to the whole 10, giving students the option to show their understanding in a way they feel comfortable in #formativechat
A1 Giving Ss options as to how they communicate their work Especially on performance task giving open-ended, option based work helps Ss communicate #formativechat
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
A1 I assign writing projects that students can approach in lots of ways—e.g. for a story in verse about a personal experience with struggle, students can choose their topic, structure, poetic devices, etc. so that every student is right at their challenge level. #formativechat
A1 By making time to interact with each S, in small groups, creating activities which promote #stuchoice in learning, and using the time to have conversations, use direct instruction, offer extra resources #formativechat
A1: I try to differentiate learning in my classroom through varied tasks and project-based learning. Student choice is key in my teaching and Ss learning. #formativechat
A1: We use #hyperdocs as a framework to differentiate the learning experience. Student choice and leveled support are built into the process. #formativechat
I don't mean to seem too keen - but I love how we can support different learners when we use differentiation, universal and inclusive design in purposeful/intentional ways #formativechat
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
A1: We use #hyperdocs as a framework to differentiate the learning experience. Student choice and leveled support are built into the process. #formativechat
A1 I assign writing projects that students can approach in lots of ways—e.g. for a story in verse about a personal experience with struggle, students can choose their topic, structure, poetic devices, etc. so that every student is right at their challenge level. #formativechat
A1 I assign writing projects that students can approach in lots of ways—e.g. for a story in verse about a personal experience with struggle, students can choose their topic, structure, poetic devices, etc. so that every student is right at their challenge level. #formativechat
A1 #DPVILS - we differentiate content & PD delivery for coaches - ex year 1 coaches/ year 2-3 coaches... each have various needs as they launch school 1:1 ... some optional meet ups also as needed #formativechat
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
#formativechat A1: Some Ss need to hold the marker, some need to edit the person holding the marker, some need to tell the person holding the marker what to do, some need to just watch and take it in. And some Ss change their needs every day. Ss choose their role daily in class.
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
A1: Choice over how to demonstrate mastery -- involves topics, genres, audience, conventions, purpose, etc. Basically creates a multi-disciplinary approach to course objectives. #formativechat
A1: We can differentiate content, process, product & environment; differentiate at different stages of the learning process and involve students in the process #formativechat
A1: My class exists on student choice! For example I am letting them decide if we should do a final project in our novel. Due to time they will only have 2 days to complete it. I am very pleased how mature they have been with this decision. #formativechat
A1: I have every ss practice every skill but assess content in their strength. Oral, writing, demonstrating, test, etc. I provide a lesson for most mult intelligences for most concepts. Ss work on weaknesses, build on strengths, and show learning in their own way. #formativechat
A1 I also love mixing up students in the class, instead of the high kids working together, I make sure that when they enter my classroom they're sitting with someone new #formativechat
A1- Nearly every activity in our room has small group components. I keep the groups SUPER flexible so I can quickly change based on S needs and feedback. #formativechat
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
A1 Giving Ss options as to how they communicate their work Especially on performance task giving open-ended, option based work helps Ss communicate #formativechat
#hyperdocs are a great platform for differentiation! Plug in different ways for students to engage with the content, process, and product of learning! #formativechat
A1: We use #hyperdocs as a framework to differentiate the learning experience. Student choice and leveled support are built into the process. #formativechat
#formativechat A1 Flexible grouping is so important to meet learners where they are, and it promotes the idea that every kid in the grade is my kid, not just the ones in my class.
I love the idea of choice given to students. Not only will it help them engage more in the topic, but they will feel in control of their work! #formativechat@YehCathery@ChapmanCES
A1 I assign writing projects that students can approach in lots of ways—e.g. for a story in verse about a personal experience with struggle, students can choose their topic, structure, poetic devices, etc. so that every student is right at their challenge level. #formativechat
How many pathways from the course content to evidence of learning -- differentiation places the student at the center of the learning ecosystem. #formativechat
Hyperdocs and learning playlists are both great ways to accommodate for different paces of learning and provide students with different resources to engage in. #formativechat
#formativechat A1: Some Ss need to hold the marker, some need to edit the person holding the marker, some need to tell the person holding the marker what to do, some need to just watch and take it in. And some Ss change their needs every day. Ss choose their role daily in class.
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
A definite consistency in response, options, flexible, choices in how to demonstrate, small groups, "weaving" in choice, involve Ss in decisions #formativechat
A1: We use #hyperdocs as a framework to differentiate the learning experience. Student choice and leveled support are built into the process. #formativechat
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
It is time to get started, here is Question 1: Differentiation is a response to learner needs How are you differentiating in your classroom? #formativechat
A1 we can also differentiate the resources we use in class: instead of text heavy documents, use pictures accompanied by a video/audio. Podcasts are amazing and I would like to try it out in class #formativechat
A1: As an Instructional Coach I try to differentiate PD by giving teachers choice. In my weekly IC newsletter #formativechat I list several options for teachers. The goal is to personalize what they need!
A1 when assessing students, I sometimes do away with traditional paper and pen tests and have them come up with a poster, flowchart, video/Keynote presentation. Grading and feedback are a bit harder but at least my students know that tests don't have to be dull #formativechat
A teacher at one of my schools uses Source Sets - a large set of resources (books, online, etc.) that help students answer a driving question. #formativechat
When I saw this today by @alicekeeler I bookmarked it right away. Google forms are amazing to use when differentiating. This is a link to Video Guide to Google Forms - FIFTY - SEVEN of them!
#formativechat I agree w/ @kispypniko formative assm’t drives differentiation. Helps you find student readiness and then you can maximize your instruction to help students achieve not in an equal way but in an equitable way
yes! So true and the flexible grouping has been awesome this year, so many positives that I have seen, especially with confidence and relationship building #formativechat
A2 something I always take for granted/overlook:
PURPOSEFUL PLANNING. Doesn't matter if you're lesson is great but you don't know how to get students engaged or collaborating with one another #formativechat
A2: Looking at grades as more fluid and individualized and not so definitive helps make differentiation better to manage. If a S doesn’t get it the first time, there is a chance for a redo anytime, anywhere. #formativechat
A1: As an Instructional Coach I try to differentiate PD by giving teachers choice. In my weekly IC newsletter #formativechat I list several options for teachers. The goal is to personalize what they need!
Definitely, that power of choice helps with motivation, when they feel more connected to the content and how they are learning it, all benefit learning #formativechat
In reply to
@hayleyvchapman, @YehCathery, @ChapmanCES
A2 Like many things the best strategy is to give Ss a voice in the planning/process Ts need to hear what Ss think to make differentiation successful all the time #formativechat
A2 Decide on a method or specific #edtech tool, offer different choices within, I use stations and this helps a lot with Ss having choices and me being able to interact more #formativechat
A2 Some modes of differentiation work well with any s like graphic organizers or guided notes. These are not just the tools of an ICT, we should all be regularly using them. #formativechat
A1 provide choices! Allowed Ss to demonstrate knowledge in different ways. Allow them to learn in different ways. It might not be easy for the teacher, but it's best for kids. Meet them where they are. #formativechat
A2: We can include Ss in the planning process - engage them in co-constructing learning goals, success criteria, learning activities etc. We can automate tasks that can be automated to cut down on time-consuming administrative tasks; work with coll. to share tasks #formativechat
A2 conferences have really been helpful. Along the way, I can identify what support my students need, what resources would be helpful, and point them in the right direction as well #formativechat
This is intriguing? How do you keep the groups flexible? I could picture ensuring there's a different mix of strengths and weaknesses in each one. #formativechat
A2: When leaning process is designed to be student-centered he teacher becomes a facilitator and is able to connect with learners by conferencing with Ss and groups of Ss. #formativechat
A2: Continually monitoring student progess and taking anecdotal notes during large, small group, and individual time spent w students, kid-watching, running records during reading conferences- all of this form assessment data should be used to differentiate #formativechat
#formativechat Q2, differentiating can be time consuming, but one of my favorite differentiation strategies is using Words Their Way for student-centered spelling and phonics instruction. It allows me to differentiate my teacher-led and word work center
#formativechat A2 It's important to regularly assess your groups and move kids around as necessary. This way, you can efficiently plan for exactly what each student needs.
A2: Setting high expectations for Ss to employ results of formative assessments into their learning products. Encourage Ss to articulate their own personalization of the learning objectives. #formativechat
That's a great strategy. I can't tell you how much time I spent comparing a B to a B+ . What matters is giving students more opportunities to learn! #formativechat
#formativechat A2: Let Ss help Ss. Those who learn better by explaining need that opportunity. Some need to learn by doing...without instruction....leave them alone with the work. That leaves the T to wander the room bringing individualized instruction where it's needed.
Really??!?! Greatly appreciated. I am so thankful to have dedicated educators like yourself supporting #BookCampPD - much easier to get the word out when everyone is talking about it! #formativechat
A2 Focus on mastery of learning objectives, not just discrete tasks. I try to have a through line in my units, so that everything connects together, especially at the end #formativechat
Unlike many Kinder Ts I don't place myself as a roation in S stations. I do this so I can pull kids to my table or my Assist T table as needed. This lets me put Ss in more than one group or change their group w/out disturbing the class flow #formativechat
A2 I found that using technology tools to make my teaching more effective--not replace me. I used video lessons to present lessons--students could watch more than once if needed. I used a LMS to push out and collect assignments throughout the week--differentiating. #formativechat
A2-this is where technology can really come in handy-provide a variety of online resources for students, provide multiple ways for students to express themselves, use tools such as comments feature in google docs to provide live feedback #formativechat
A2 Asking students to reflect.
Use of quizzes.
Asking students to summarize.
Hand signals.
Response cards.
Four corners.
Exit card.
A2: Efficiency emerges from trial and error. The more agile the instructor becomes, the more "present" the differentiation becomes. More real-time than reactionary. #formativechat
Q2 - we semi-flip our monthly national coach & leadership calls.. We use @goformative each month as meeting prework to ask Qs & find needs beforehand & then we know how to group & where to differentiate/ focus #formativechat#dpvils#pdchat
A3 I was amazed when students could work from home, vacation, or the classroom. I loved the way that kids could move ahead if they were ready or revisit the lesson if they needed more time. I was free to move about the classroom and work 1:1 or small group all day! #formativechat
#formativechat A2: Google Forms, Google Classroom, Google Calendar! Love these tools to stay organized and paperless! File folders or binders for students to keep work organized and use for portfolios.
A2. I just love sharing this chart about personalization, differentiation and individualization. You might want to save it for later use? #formativechat
A2: #edtech resources like @PearDeck@Flipgrid and @padlet are efficient and fast ways to capture student reflections on the learning. This leads to adjustments on the fly. #formativechat
A2 have a bank of apps students can always go back to:
Google classroom has been a great resource. Linked all of my apps there and all my students have to do is visit that link and post stuff they're comfortable with
Yes - proficiency is easier with experience. Creative solutions come with proficiency and belief in our ability to be creative and responsive. #formativechat
this has been transformative in my classroom this year, harder work it seems because I am constantly moving, but love learning from the Ss and seeing them lead #formativechat
Awesome! We truly believe every station set up should have opp for teacher small group vs managing all the stations - good for all grade levels! #dpvils#blendedlearning#formativechat
Unlike many Kinder Ts I don't place myself as a roation in S stations. I do this so I can pull kids to my table or my Assist T table as needed. This lets me put Ss in more than one group or change their group w/out disturbing the class flow #formativechat
A3: Positive effects of differentiation is having Ss who show their understanding in a different way without being limited by one way. You see the learning and growth without fitting Ss in a small box of learning. #formativechat
A3. I began in education learning about differentiation from an amazing teacher. Surely this must have had such an incredible impact in all of the years that followed. When it is the norm all of the other pieces fall into place. #Formativechat
Yes - proficiency is easier with experience. Creative solutions come with proficiency and belief in our ability to be creative and responsive. #formativechat
A3-Students are more engaged in the learning process when they feel you have a personal investment in their well-being, students are more keen to take risks and experiment in the classroom #formativechat
A3 By giving more opportunities for learning with feedback, but not grades, Ss feel like they can make mistakes. I also feel like if Ss can intake the info in a way that works for their brain, they are increasing their retention #formativechat
A3: I don’t need to know everything all the time. Differentiation frequently leads to more student collaboration and student engagement through creative expression. #formativechat
A3 I can better understand Ss needs and provide feedback and support faster, using diff tools helps me to provide personal, authentic and timely feedback and guide my instruction #formativechat
A2.2 One way to make differentiation more efficient is to teach a variety of strategies and then use projects as opportunities for students to learn which strategies work best for them. Here’s how:
Yes! I always tell them there's only one of me, but I'm not the expert in the room! They know they should ask their friends because sometimes they know more than I do! #formativechat
A3 Differentiation is my life, but the one piece that I'm most proud of was a modified leveled reader of the hobbit that I wrote based on my severely dd ss abilities. Everyone read a page in their own way whether they read a word, pointed, or eyegazed. #formativechat
A3: I see differentiation taking on a whole new dimension with the introduction of personalized learning and 1:1 tech integration, every student getting their needs met! #formativechat
Q3 Differentiating PD options has given more voice & productivity (and evidence of after-meeting application) to workshops & meetings - so much more can come from that than a prescribed delivery. #formativechat
A3- Differentiating instruction and assignments allows a more personalized tailoring to each kid and therefore increases the chance for success, success, and more success! #formativechat
Unlike many Kinder Ts I don't place myself as a roation in S stations. I do this so I can pull kids to my table or my Assist T table as needed. This lets me put Ss in more than one group or change their group w/out disturbing the class flow #formativechat
Absolutely!! We can never undervalue the importance of relationships with our Ss. Sometimes it is hard to remember to prioritize that first when faced with some many different tasks! #formativechat
As a parent I sometimes wonder about the line between differentiation and accommodation. One child (the currently sick one) has a 504 plan yet some of what she gets I'd consider differentiation. Doesn't matter much to me as long as she gets it! #formativechat
A3: The goal is for Ss to approach learning with intention. When Ss perceive the instructor as a connector to learning/mastery, they are more apt to buy into the process. #formativechat
A3:know what ss know and don’t know. When ss take tests, we assess whether they can take a test or read. When given a writing assignment about concepts, we assess ability to write. When you have multiple ways to show learning, you know for sure that ss know it! #formativechat
A2 stations have really been effective in differentiating. Different skill levels and skills tapped in one class. Plus, I saw my students really helping one another out along the way #formativechat
Each teacher needs to find what works best for them, so I share a variety of anecdotal note templates with staff and support them in making it their own
A3: Students feel valued in that I am teaching them where they are at! I accept and welcome their ideas in order to advance their learning in my classroom! #formativechat
I don't want them waiting around with their hand in the air. I would rather they try to solve their problem on their own first, then ask their friends, then me. #formativechat
Great share. We always try to model these essentials in my classroom.
“The smartest person in the room is the room”
“The more you share the more you learn”
Yes! I always tell them there's only one of me, but I'm not the expert in the room! They know they should ask their friends because sometimes they know more than I do! #formativechat
A3 in my workshops and pd sessions I am following #edcamp model to advocate and amplify learner voice and choice, to share hands-on experience of best practices #formativechat
Absolutely!! We can never undervalue the importance of relationships with our Ss. Sometimes it is hard to remember to prioritize that first when faced with some many different tasks! #formativechat
Well, that would certainly never work for me. Not that organized and I prefer to be "inspired" by the Ss in my class, not by a lesson plan! :-) #Formativechat
Each teacher needs to find what works best for them, so I share a variety of anecdotal note templates with staff and support them in making it their own
so true, I love the divergent conversations that bring up new questions in class, more learning opps that we didn't "Plan" for but that lead to more authentic experiences #formativechat
A3: a S created a video game to show gender inequities in his novel - his game showed the challenges that women - including trans women and women with multiple intersectional identities face in society - blew my mind #formativechat
I don't want them waiting around with their hand in the air. I would rather they try to solve their problem on their own first, then ask their friends, then me. #formativechat
They are definitely similar in some ways. I see the difference in the intended "recipients". While only certain students receive accommodations, all students should receive differentiated instruction #formativechat
Amen!! All Children have different learning styles, therefore, you must have a heart toolbox to be able to support all different learners! #formativechat@katyisd#geinspires. #bethechange