#edtechchat Archive
#Edtechchat focuses on Education Technology. Co-founder Tom Murray says #edtechchat "connects us professionally with inspiring educators from all over the world, all of who encourage us to be better every day for the children and families we serve.”
Monday October 17, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to go ahead and introduce yourself. You know the drill.
Good evening ! Jessica Gake, instructional designer from KY and former MS teacher.
Hi! My name is Johnny and I am from NY. I am a grad student to become an Ed tech specialist
Hello Sharon co-founder and here to help the awesome spread
Anyone else out there want to spam out chat with your future chat? Please spam us and disrupt our learning
glad to have you with us Johnny
Good night ! My first time here, excited to learn more from you all
Welcome to the chat Johnny
Hi my name is Kelly and I am a PST
Hello ! I am Mikayla, a PST at UNE. I'm on the Secondary Education track at :)
Darla from Indiana, Assistive Technology Coordinator
Hi! I'm Katie from IL and I teach 3rd with 1:1 iPads and access to chromebooks.
Hey Christie here, CT, Tech Coach, Emerging Leader
Good night ! Siobhan Wilmot, Ed Tech student at , tutor. Excited to learn from you all!
so glad to have you with us
Good evening . 4th & 5th grade teacher and adjunct from Maine stopping in for a bit. Hope you are all doing well.
Maryanne Roos. My first chat with you. Nathan my Ss loved my name tag from edcamp, you are their hero
Hi my name is Kelly and I am a PST at UNE
Hey all! I'm Kristin. I'm a 2nd grade teacher and tech coach.
welcome Darla! You going to ?
Good evening, ! Erin here from Educasic, an EdTech startup passionate about .
Welcome to the chat Mikayla
Eric from PA joining . I'm a dean at a boarding school and an English teacher.
love having a educator here for
What is a tech coach? Do you work in a resource room?
Welcome to the chat Darla
not this year:( I will be at State Conference in November though!
Welcome to the chat Katie
Hi I'm maggie I'm a sophomore at UNE I'm an elementary ed major
Hi everyone, I'm Joe Aiken, an education major at the University of New England in Biddeford Maine
Hi, I'm Morgan and I'm an Elementary Education Major at University of New England.
Hi, I'm Mary. I am a sophomore elementary education major at Grove City College.
Howdy from NC! Michelle- Museum educator. Wanna be techie.
Henry Burroughs, consultant from Brandon, FL checking in!
Hello Joan - EdTech Director from FL
Hey all! We are from KCMO. Excited for the chat.
Welcome to everyone joining in tonight! We are glad to have your voices here
Hello , how are things down the coast?
love having you back JoAn
I help teachers with their instructional technology needs, but I also teach 2nd grade full time. https://t.co/g7Zz1uHgnd
What is a tech coach? Do you work in a resource room?
Tom Loud, 1st grade Teacher from TN!
loving the return to warmth!lol
Q1 tell us about the current learning space that you work with students?
If you had to pick your favorite technological resource, what would it be?
Hi! My name is Caitlyn and I'm from NY. Currently an MSEd student for Ed Tech specialist!
Dayson, STEM educator in NC
Hello! Adam teacher/techie from Tulsa Public Schools
A1: small spaces for small class size
I work mostly in our online space with our students. We leverage and love it. We are also redoing our libraries
great to have you with us
A1: I have my own clsrm space, with desks, sm grp tables, floor space; we have 1:1 iPads&access to 1:1 chromebooks
Hello! Teacher/techie from Tulsa Public Schools
A1: My office, but also the dorm, the sidelines of the game, the dining hall, the Meetinghouse, etc.
A1. Online LMS. Blackboard but possibly transitioning to Canvas. My job is to help teachers create engaging online courses.
A1 Current space is made to be as comfy as possible. Many types of seats, lamps, couch, stools. Multiple settings for sm grps.
I just began flexible seating & absolutely love it!! Two chairs, couch, 2 standing tables, 5 tables, white board table in love
A1 "Regular" science classroom for 13-14 year olds, lab tables, a few sinks, etc. getting tech Mon will have to change things
A1: I have a makerspace area, my office, and a large lab area. https://t.co/UI4bQTnxrp
Q1 tell us about the current learning space that you work with students?
Rt of Q1 tell us about the current learning space that you work with students?
My space just got gutted. We have 5 rows of Macs on 1 side of the lab w/ a video studio & engineering lab on the other side
this is an excellent answer!
A1: I'm observing in a first-grade classroom with around 20 students. It can get crazy!
A1: college tutoring center with tables, white boards, and computers
A1: classrooms, therapy rooms, and any nook or cranny you can find in a school
I am working with 3rd graders independently with their reading and literacy skills at Biddeford Primary
A1: I am currently doing an internship and working with teachers more than students. But, I work with students in a makerspace
A1: Usually in a regular public school setting, but I love going to the library to work with students!
Hello , middle school technology (broadcast media and yearbook teacher) from Texas!
A1. I spend time shadowing in a classroom and it is average but warm and inviting
Due to needs we use many spaces such as hallways, common place couches, corner of rooms to allow for dictation
I like classrooms that are small in size and allow for a classroom community. A space where children feel invited
Is this at the HS or college level?
Kimiko Shibata, ESL/ELD itinerant teacher for checking in for
wow! Definitely is a current trend, but I don't know if I'm bold enough to try. How do Ss like it?
A1 I am so fortunate. I have 2 connected rooms - a Mac lab and a STEM lab with a door in between.
A1: I am working with 3rd graders independently with their reading and literacy skills at Biddeford Primary
that sounds awesome! I am sure you can do a lot of cool and fun stuff with students
I ❤️ all the Masters/College Ss here tonight
A1: I'm a PST in Maine. I've been observing in a first grade classroom with around 20 students. It can get crazy!
We're a Google school, so a lot is focused on using Google Apps. First year in role, so still learning https://t.co/hXBbMGINq6
If you had to pick your favorite technological resource, what would it be?
A1:PST I like classrooms that are small in size and allow for a classroom community. A space where children feel invited
A1 Currently observing a classroom that has tables for collaboration and a reading center
neat! What kind of things do you have in your bldg maker space?
A1: I work with a small 1st grade class. There's lots of comfy seating and inviting posters all around the room.
A1: I'm observing in a 1st grd classrm with desks, tables with computers, meeting rug and a small group table in back
A1: GAFE/Chromebook classroom with rolling chairs/tables for lots of collaboration
I do fieldwork at a Scarborough school with a 1st & 2nd grade looping teacher. When I'm there we usually work on math.
A1: PST I love classrooms that offer a variety of ways for students to learn and many cozy spaces for them to enjoy.
. we tasked our fab lab Ss with building mini sound booths to help in this area
I agree! We love new voices and engaged educator learners https://t.co/xzbXDToaIW
I ❤️ all the Masters/College Ss here tonight
A1work in CRM in Biddeford primary with regular class along with a back table for group work along with reading mat
I learn so much from this, & I have taken over Tech Tuesdays, need to be sharp excited to join the team
My first time hearing about how is it for your students? https://t.co/MipoyFvlhW
I work mostly in our online space with our students. We leverage and love it. We are also redoing our libraries
A/V area, electronics and robotics, 3D design/printing, textiles, paper making and lots of cardboard
A2: Art Museum as a learning space= studios + field trips in galleries + online courses.
Working to show how great edus are connected edus! We learn from each other.
A1- just had a counter removed to fit in more desks for more students. Good-bye Lego station !
Q2 tell us about your favorite space where you like to learn?
A1 Sights teachers work in prek-3rd grade classrooms in private, public, and charter schools as well as centers
A1: I work with Ss in a classroom full of Node chairs, plenty of white board space and it can get messy https://t.co/rZMZzxvX3T
A1: I have a small classroom for 24 kiddos. I got rid of desks this year, and have tables instead. Kids move around as needed.
Love Google! Great spot not just to develop projects, but also just to store those already completed!
did you not want the Lego station anymore?
Sounds like a great challenge.
I would love booths! We have no space sadly, so we get creative! But also helps Ss learn to dictate in a crowd
awesome! I am just learning about all of these awesome technologies! I bet your Ss love!
A2: That can be about anywhere, but it is nice to be somewhere quiet to get my think on. https://t.co/PmCQ8HKvqc
Q2 tell us about your favorite space where you like to learn?
I agree! students love different environments to learn in that vary from a traditional classroom
A1- no matter how many desks they squeeze in, I requested that my sand table stay and they agreed https://t.co/YCr7LNoNtb
A2. I’m in a fully online grad program so most of the time on my laptop at my kitchen table or in our basement office area.
that Rob is great act to follow and I know you will rock it! So glad to have you here &
Q2: I like learning in an environment that is "homey" yet still focused on learning. Also, I prefer if there is "white noise."
going to the library is a great way to take advantage of outside learning spaces to take your students to
Rt of Q2 tell about your favorite space that you like to learn?
Love this too...we need to bring them on board and continue the trend
A2: A really great higher ed library (like , where I spent many hours as an undergrad) is my fav learning space.
A2: I like to learn by doing. I am a hands-on kind of learner and thrive in those situations.
A2. Outside, in the grass. It can't be quiet.
A2: Somewhere where I am cozy, it all depends on the surroundings.
A1: a shared classroom with moveable table and chair groupings at site 1, a storage room with table and chairs at sites 2/3
Two extremes -either super quiet, good coffee, comfy chair or collaborative noisy group around table https://t.co/qzBQZHnu0F
Q2 tell us about your favorite space where you like to learn?
I always need "white noise" or what I like to call Pandora in the background!
A2: never thought i would be this girl but my current fav learning space is in my car- podcasts and starbucks
A2 I love to learn anywhere outside. Ss are starting a pollinator garden- so excited! Ss and I will spend a lot of time there.
A2 I like to learn and teach in an envrioment that promotes collaboration, but also provides space to work independently
A2: I prefer to learn from the comfort of my bed...but I guess an engaging, discussion based classroom works as well
A2: Love finding a comfy chair in a cafe or library! Allows me to fully focus on whats in front of me.
A2: I love learning outside. Already moving toward depression knowing I can't sit on my deck as much anymore
A2: My favorite place to learn is in the environment that fits the subject of study.
A2 A favorite space to learn has nooks, noise, & natural light. First floor of Shain at is a great example.
How can you learn art without art? Sounds excellent!
A2. I love learning through conversation & diving into a new program or app. More about the content & ppl for me than the space
It's great. Very linear easy 2 follow which is probably the most important factor for Ss new to online learning.
A2: I've always preferred to go outside or learn in the comfort of my own home.
A2: any place where I'm open to learning and have the proper mindset. Can even be my sofa, the car or in a classroom
A2: I like to learn in welcoming environments, where people are engaged and interactive. I prefer presentation to be efficient
A2: My favorite place to learn is outside with places to sit on the ground and enjoy nature while learning new things
Hi, Susan form VA joining late
Oh yes, I'm down with coffee shop hum, and try to create it most days in class. https://t.co/omI8Gui5GY
Q2: I like learning in an environment that is "homey" yet still focused on learning. Also, I prefer if there is "white noise."
shouldn't your answer be next to nathan
yep-our Ss were ducking their heads inside lockers does though a portable sound box might work better 😀
A2 My favorite learning space is in a comfy chair with a good writing surface, dim lighting, and some background noise
A2 I drag a loose fullsize white board onto a picnic table and we write poetry outside
Depends what we're doing right? I love the quiet space for reading, but I need an active learning space to create
A2: I like to be somewhere quiet but not too quiet, in my room or outside usually works best for me
Agreed! Like a good coffee shop or library.
being outside in the fresh air is definitely nice!
When I was in high school my favorite place to learn & study was in a quiet space like a library.
wait what...a reference on I ❤️️
A2: somewhere quite but still have some noise in the background
A2: our team likes learning in coffee shops, outside while walking, and sometimes over videochat.
Sometimes I sit in my car at lunch to get work done without interruptions. :)
A2: I like natural light, and if that's not available, table lamps to read and study
a2 I like anywhere near a body of water without mosquito
That's the best place to learn for all of us.
A2: I like to stand in my classroom, sit a table, on sit up in bed planning Wboards, sticky notes, community materials
wow, look at the vast difference in our answers for Q2! says a lot, huh?
A2 Favorite space has to be a place with a view of the outside. Can't stand staring at 4 walls. Flexible furniture is up there
Good luck if that is in Florida! Or the SE!
A2: I definitely love learning in a space where I can think out loud, a classroom alone, outside, in a cubicle..etc
So Minnesota in February?
Makes me wonder how I can set up my future classroom to meet all the diversity!
I like looking outside. It allows me to take a quick break from reality and collect my thoughts
lol wow we have that in common!
we work on directing voice to mic in low volume
A2: The diversity of answers is as varied as learners and their preferences!
exactly! We should ask our Ss and try to incorporate their preferences as much as possible
A2: love learning by being hands on for sure. Also where I can think out loud
Dan, business teacher from St. Louis jumping in late after cleaning up from dinner.
Get ready for Q3. Followed by Q4 and Q5
same! https://t.co/ixSzbLXr9T
A2 Favorite space has to be a place with a view of the outside. Can't stand staring at 4 walls. Flexible furniture is up there
Outside + mobile tech = good fun learning opps: video creation? Self reflection ? Collaboration ?
Can we request them in a different order?
what if I have dyscalculia?
A2 I like to learn somewhere where I can spread out everything I am doing with a little background noise
😂 have to skedaddle - have a good night everyone - will check archive 😀
the best place to teach is where there is collaboration. helps encourage higher-level thinking
P7378 cp76873 and finally Iuj8367383
Love tonight's feisty crowd!
yes, if I'm at home, there's always music or a movie or something playing in the background
Joining in late from up in the air...A2: I personally love a good couch and lap desk
A1: We have a blended classroom. LOTS of space, devices, small groups with tables and some flexible seating.
Q3 what do you look for in a space to get your learning on?
Learning spaces and learners ago old problem with new considerations
Would be fun to do a different location every day for a week: gym. Library. Outside. Office. Bowling alley
I am a learner who needs things like music, how do we help those learners and those that need silence
A3. Quiet, comfortable but not too comfortable. Can’t be falling asleep while reading! :)
My fav place to learn is next to my 7 yr old sons. It is my most fulfilling context for learning https://t.co/OUUtdHRAjk
Q2 tell us about your favorite space where you like to learn?
A3: Serenity and lots of available reference works.
I agree that is how my brain operates...I used to set up my classroom so Ss had spaces like this too
Q3 I look for a place that is comfortable, but not too comfortable, and welcoming.
Today it seems like that place where collaboration happens is becoming online. Do you agree?
We need room to dictate and listen for multimodal experiences
A3: one of our elementary schools has an alternative seating library so Ss can test out different options. Very cool.
A3: materials to use, areas to collaborate, and arrangement of furniture, and of course relaxing music
A3: I always look for ways to work independently or incorporate art.
A3: Quiet, but not too quite..I can easily daydream. Comfy with windows and lots of space for tech https://t.co/qlEj4T0Ndz
Q3 what do you look for in a space to get your learning on?
A3: Windows, music, tables, and manipulatives for a hands-on aspect
thats really cool! what types of seating are there?
A3: often overlooked, but comfy seating! And food, snacks, treats are always a plus
A3. Comfort, open to visitors, access to interwebs, food that's not to far away
A3 View of nature, good lighting, quiet but not too quiet, outlets!
A3 Functionality. Depends on the learning, but the space should reflect the intended learning outcomes
Outlets are a must for sure!
A2: I learn in small group situations. Whether that be outside, at a table, kicked back on a couch or sitting on a carpet
A3: windows, music, comfy chairs, white boards, and plenty of room to spread out
I am very productive on my couch on at home on the weekends, why do we have stiff desks for students?
The best place for learning is one that is flexible, meets learners needs and encourages collaboration - with or without tech.
Good lighting. By good I mean - like a living room or den. Not an office
A3: A place where I have options but feel comfortable. Agree with about the resources!
A3 I look for a space that includes people with both similar and different ideas
A2: I learn best when I am getting to actively participate and do hands on activities.
Ah outlets are key! Especially for our technology!
A3. If I’m working on something mindless, I like music. If it requires focus, quiet. Former music T so any music distracts me.
Rt of Q3 what do you look for in a when you are looking for a space to get your learning on?
A3: comfort, power, and scenery.
with social media collaboration does happen a lot more online than in person
A spacious, secluded area where there is light noise
I like to able to stand. And move.
Effective learning spaces provides a place, space and forum to capture ideas, creativity and innovation! https://t.co/x2jcM69Xe7
A3: Quiet, but not too quite..I can easily daydream. Comfy with windows and lots of space for tech https://t.co/qlEj4T0Ndz
Q3 what do you look for in a space to get your learning on?
A3: Comfort and minimal distractions.
A3 Nat light, food to nosh, outside access for inspiration.
A3: Flexibility, & if the environment isn't flexible, I try to be so. When I'm on a roll, it's make my own personal space.
I need to actively participate too, if not I may lose focus! This is why I love hands on activities
A3: must have table. swivel chair preferred. don't mind noise but please don't approach me. don't forget the starbucks.
For sure...Twitter chats like have expanded my access to great educators
A3: A spacious, secluded area where there is light noise
A2:i learn best when I get to actively participate and do hands on activities. My favorite space is anywhere but a lecture hall.
Hi all! Joining late..3rd grade teacher
Effective learning spaces should deliberately facilitate conversation and collaboration among learners.
A3: a comfortable space with light background noise, or a space where I can work with others
My fave T in elementary often took us to our school's outdoor classroom. We learned math, LA all out there
A3: I look for comfy spaces w/ a bit of creative clutter but not too messy to sort my thoughts. Libraries, studios, cafes, etc.
yoga ball chairs, swivel chairs, balancing disks to stand on, peddle seats, etc. lots of diversity in seating.
it is amazing how much one can learn just from conversation, even when it isn't intended
A3 comfy, a little background noise, outlets!!
we have a couch in our classroom this that was donated by a parent. The kids love it!
Me too! It depends what I'm learning and trying to accomplish. Different settings for different purposes
Those unplanned conversations can create unintended connections between ideas and people: finding the genius!
My previous MS Ss ONLY wanted to connect with each other - need to cater to that! Which is cool! 😎
Get ready for Q4 but for all you all know it could be q6 on my list
A3 I've always created relaxing space s with soft lighting & comfortable seating - spaces for reflection
Someone in went diskless. Students use clipboards and chrome books
Q4 what types of furniture do you see in successful spaces?
A3: My favorite learning space is filled with people I can learn from and with. https://t.co/keH8mZXBAu
Q3 what do you look for in a space to get your learning on?
A4. Place LARGE monitor on a circular table for educators to learn together.
Some if my best learning experiences I remember were outside of the confines of the classroom! https://t.co/TH2qWav8Ny
I would bring my students out into the world to learn...breaking out of the four walls of a classroom can be inspir… https://t.co/lbb43Na5xf
My fave T in elementary often took us to our school's outdoor classroom. We learned math, LA all out there
A3: The more choice in learning spaces the more learning happens. Kids are natural collaborators, give them choice & move over
A3: Comfortable seating, solitude, good lighting for me. For Ss an area that's flexible and comfortable and fosters learning
its not, I'm looking at your list right now. Q4 is not Q6.
A3 I look for a place with nice lighting and if I can find willing collaborators I am even happier! https://t.co/2lFuBYhlrn
Q3 what do you look for in a space to get your learning on?
Q4 Furniture that is not normal for a typical classroom. Large spaces for collaboration and small spaces for individual work.
A4: In creative environments, LARGE tables, cabinets for student work, tools, etc. and portable resources for students
Learning how to play Hanger World right now with my favorite collaborators in a pretty casual space :) https://t.co/xQS6ZmatGL
man I missed you on Saturday
A4: Flexible. Comfortable. It allows for different learning styles, sometimes simultaneously! https://t.co/xrmEXlK15I
Q4 what types of furniture do you see in successful spaces?
A4 couches beanbags desks
A4: tables for small group teaching, lots of shelving/organization for classroom libraries, comfy seating, tech spaces
That's great - love how you incorporate vocabulary instruction with movement!
A4: the power of the roundtable...more and more with 1:1 devices...
A4: Stools, beanbag chairs, floor space, good carpet. More collaborative tables than single desk. Arrangement changes regularly
A4 Mobile, comfortable, varied options, durable
A4 Variety s important. Desks, tables, cubicles, open spaces, standing desks, and of course taco stands
A4: large comfy chair, large desk to spread out, and a large monitor to see everything.
A4: lol swivel chairs! multiple monitors. devices for all.
A2. No idea where I learn best. Love outdoors but I haven't really reflected Mike - MD - EL LMS Late.
A4. Think spaces are more about the people in them, but furniture that moves/flexes makes it better. Also power sources are nice
Rt of Q4 what types of furniture do you see in successful spaces?
I would love to see my small space and idealize it for learning
A4: large tables and chairs/stools for students to move around, several boards to write on, storage spaces
A4: Several areas to collaborate w/ & to share learning on, wish white boards all over my room, access 2 ipad or chromebooks
it's amazing how the shape of a table can change the interaction of a group!
A4 it's all about giving Ss choice. Accommodate for all learners. Spaces for collaboration or independent work
A4: Cozy chairs, pillows and rugs, soft spaces. Tables and chairs with wheels, standing stations, collaborative spaces
Rolling chairs definitely encourage collaboration!
A4: A variety. Tables, camping chairs, couches, standing tables, carpets, bean bags, wobble stools, recliners
really wanted to be there!
A4. Students being able to work as a group and access Internet resources at the same time/collaboration. https://t.co/lEaGqw3iUB
Furniture should facilitate conversation and connections that otherwise would not occur.
Always been a big fan of the floor - of comfy. In Morocco they have rooms with depths of amazing rugs
I like the camping chairs!
A4 In the processes of redesigning our elem school. Flexible use of space & choice for students is central to plans.
It's Chicago. Bundle up you'll be fine .... :)
i HATE working from a couch...even in a team meeting. give me the swivel chair! https://t.co/RFiENtk4mZ
A4 couches beanbags desks
it's great to provide choice in learning spaces rather than force fit the teacher's preference
A4. I couldn't locate a circular table w/ same concept :-(
When it's 55 here, that means we have to put on a long sleeve shirt so I'll be good through November.
A4 Whatever makes the Ss the most comfortable.i have a couch, rocking chairs, lap desks, and drafting tables
A5. In online its more about content, navigation, and engagement
A4 In good learning places, large round tables or desks can have people get in circle discussing or doing collaborating works.
Using low-tech or high-tech, effective space should provide a forum for learners to explore, express and make connections.
A4: want rolling chairs & yogi chairs
yes! It encourages students to move around. I love it
Ducking out early from this time. Thanks for the great ideas as always! If you're a techie and teach si… https://t.co/JfgNO6xI6o
A4(2): even writable walls..think out loud, the wall is your space to collab, draw, anything!
I'm kind of jealous. I'm on the E. coast. I wear short sleeves all year. I prefer the cold.
exactly why we need classrooms with choices
Maybe kids could build / assemble their furniture - maker ish. My kids love that kind of thing
A5. Online navigation is like furniture in person. Should facilitate engagement but not be distracting or get in the way.
A3 windows, strong wifi 💪🏻, comfortable furniture
A4 I have also heard of desks that have moving parts. These allows students to move without disrupting class.
so do my students! 😂 We have 2 in our classroom this year that I stole from home.
my kids this year love the wobble stools!
Swings in the classroom? Think I'm getting carried away!
A4(2): even writable walls. More than enough space to collab, draw....use all parts of the room!
ha, had student ask for tent last week. well, i offered it after he crawled into window and tried to shut curtains.
I love this idea! Encourages creativity for sure. I observed a classroom where students made table organizers
A4. In online its more about content, navigation, and engagement
A4 A variety of furniture to account for the variety in tasks we give to students
A4. Online navigation is like furniture in person. Should facilitate engagement but not be distracting or get in the way.
Q5 how do we change the ways teachers teach as we change their classroom’s setup?
A4 Also working to incorporate small areas for collaboration. White boards in different places to capture impromptu ideas.
What everyone else says :) seating, which can even mean some kids walk n work, while some love pillows
I'm moving to tables (no more chairs attached to desks) to encourage collaboration, but I need chairs! https://t.co/X6y02kBiQF
Is feedback part of navigation or content? It’s an interesting idea you bring up. Is furniture the device?
A4 our most popular areas at school have bench or couch seating the high seats are also popular! https://t.co/OvdU7TdaQ3
Have students help create the space. As a teacher, can you accept their choices for learning spaces?
good to know! They are next on my list to try to incorporate!
Q4b1: As we talk about a variety of learning spaces, how many HS teachers in your buildings are still in rows w/ podium?
more of those would be so useful!
This year my Ss have LOVED the low table! They sit under it and on top of it! https://t.co/Jxd1QYFezB
Q4 what types of furniture do you see in successful spaces?
The entire structure of classrooms will be different within the next 20 years. Tech is changing what works best.
A5: burn teacher podiums. pretty simple.
I totally agree. I often find it hard to sit through some of my college classes without moving!
Different furniture styles to suit different types of classes https://t.co/aTb5hdIhhu
Maybe kids could build / assemble their furniture - maker ish. My kids love that kind of thing
A5: Love this Q...We need to support Ts in this redesign...Model classrooms?
Me too and so many ways to add them in to Bloomz, gather info keep Ps connected value input
A5: I think the way a teacher sets up a classroom reflects their style of teaching
A4 At one time I had a loft and lots of bean bag chairs / before the influence of the fire marshall
Feedback is a continuous loop riding through all the learning chanels.
A comfy blanket, power outlets, and my dogs! https://t.co/vhVQ87b26E
Q3 what do you look for in a space to get your learning on?
that would be an interesting experiment to conduct to see students' opinions of their learning space
Change the way Ts are trained and taught. Use more -based assessments and for Ts to accept change.
A5. Get rid of your desk. Do you really need it? Also, make room not have front helps transition teacher led 2 student centered
A3 usually nothing. Often too distracted thinking and walk into tree.
A5 Less need for a desk and it also allows time for more individual teaching.
A4 Just got a grant to fund 4 pedal desks. Used every day! Just made 2 tables standing tables. Waiting on wobble chairs!
A5: I think we need a mindset shift class to help Ts understand that rows of desk aren't the only way k… https://t.co/thlILO4k0a
Q5 how do we change the ways teachers teach as we change their classroom’s setup?
A5: encourage more collaborative interactions, scaffold to collaboration, model, video tape lessons, share, tune
I like the idea of no front of the room. Without it, it becomes more student centered
I am sure it was mentioned already but no discussion of desks can go without a h/t to Michel Foucault
I agree. We need more Esp here, our rooms are still traditional.
A5 I wish I had rollerskates on my shoes. I move where the learning is so I'm everywhere!
A5: Its inevitable that our teaching will evolve as classroom setup/design evolves.
A5: Best thing ever was getting rid of my teacher's desk and moving to tables and chairs rather than desks.
Some days I need a place to call my own...where my head can lie down without worry of germs (I teach K)
A5: encourage teachers to accept change and break out of their "comfort zones" of their teaching styles
Did this year one. It gives you so much more learning space and makes the room more about the kids. https://t.co/mWGa65DI46
A5. Get rid of your desk. Do you really need it? Also, make room not have front helps transition teacher led 2 student centered
A5 The space facilitates the instruction / collaboration - communication / or it can reinforce teacher-directed instruction
yes! as itinerant staff i can walk into a room and know exactly what type of teaching style i am walking into
I am surprised by how many our limiting their definition of space to the physical
A5 Ts need to be flexible too..work next to Ss not in front of
A3 something comfy to sit on!
A5: student centered learning: Projects, research, group work and teaching the students how to learn not how to be taught.
All this talk of furniture shows that school is a 2nd home to us & our students- that's why comfort is so important
Awesome point. Are you thinking along the lines of blended & use of LMS?
Classroom setting decides it's whether teacher-center or student-center. In China, over 50 desks in rows face one stage.
maybe begin the day by having students design the learning space / great STEM lesson
Had to duck out to make dinner but now I'm catching up on all the goodness!
Bet it could be built using MakeyMakey or other tool
Not really distinctions. Just trying to stay open to an "all of the above" option when it comes to learning space
Field trip to ikea with kids for ideas! They'd also learn about design, commerce, org structure, and a foreign culture
and they preach to us to be student-centered, when they are not. 🤔
Q7 what are your takeaways from tonight?
A5: Ts use their imaginations to build to their strengths & create an environment conducive to successful teaching & learning
Sounds like we are in a time of great transition with learning spaces
No matter the route students take I dig on spaces that create senses of communities offline-online no difference
you're right! As teachers, our classrooms are our away from home comfort zones!
"create senses of communities" Exactly what I'm trying to do with our PLC space & time.
A7: make the space student centered with variety of ways to show learning
not sure. feedback and content should both help Ss meet objectives so I guess its part of content.
Thanks for joining us tonight. Make sure to keep the conversation going.
Might want to keep? Paint with whiteboard paint. Great idea for a collaboration area if tight on space. https://t.co/UarTcPI23K
I can't wait to read about what everyone learns.
A7: Take away-- Make classrooms more like the learning spaces we all enjoy as adults :) goodnight all and thank you!
A7: Student centered learning is key! It makes students more involved and is a better learning experience
FinalA: Positive physical classroom culture is key to added Ss success!
That GIF is from Goldfinger.
These chats always fire up my imagination in exciting ways. Thanks!
A7: teaching styles should adapt to learning styles and be more student centered. Classroom setup is key.
I love this. The instructional leader in the school should lead!
Thanks Nathan for moderating!
If higher ed doesn't model best practice, who will?
If I need a chainsaw & you give me one, I'll cut my hand off. We need to work w/ Ts to make tools effective for Ss
Thank you! great ideas and thoughts! Goodnight!
A5: keep the Ss our priority; teach the way they learn, be open to change and flexible to needs, keep growing and improving