#BadgeChat was founded in December, 2014 by a group of educators who are passionate about credentialing learning and achieving. While there are thousands of us around the globe issuing badges to learners, there was not yet a regular twitter chat for those of us in the K-12 space to gather for learning and sharing about badging. After reaching out to leaders in the field (like the good folks at Mozilla and The Badge Alliance) for their thoughts, #BadgeChat was born.
Hello everyone! Lesley Voigt - Digital Credentials Institute. Excited to be discussing SAMR tonight! Perfect alignment with digital credentials!
Don in Canada, waiting for the smoke to clear - from wildfires and trade talks. Host of @CanCredCA, Canada's Open Badges solution. Northern badge nerd. #BadgeChat is my guilty pleasure.
Don in Canada, waiting for the smoke to clear - from wildfires and trade talks. Host of @CanCredCA, Canada's Open Badges solution. Northern badge nerd. #BadgeChat is my guilty pleasure.
Thank you Noah! Yes, definitely here to help. Please reach out of you're new or old to the badging game and want to know what's happening, or just want to chat about ideas. #badgechat
Love that we already have several folks here to kick things off. Others are welcome to jump in anytime! First question coming up in one minute... #badgechat
A1: Certificates of completion/attendance being made avail as Digital Badges are examples of Substitution. I think this gets at access/ownership issues as earners have credential and can easily get to them anytime/anywhere #badgechat
I think of someone w a Red Cross CPR/First Aid card in their wallet. Good SUBSTITUTION could be that it's also issued as a digital badge credential. Earner doesn't have to worry about losing it:) #badgechat
Great example with the course stickers! Also the paper certs...Teachers thinking about re-licensure could find this form of substitution extremely valuable (as opposed to having to keep track of all that paper in binders) #badgechat
A1: it’s a gold star. A new way of signifying that one’s doing “A work” while still working within the confines of more traditional grading frameworks. Visually it’s just cooler and more engaging in terms of how it looks but assessment frameworks haven’t changed #badgechat
YESSSS. Bud Hunt in the house everybody. Bud was actually a drop-in on the 2nd ever #BadgeChat, offering some much-needed pushback. Great to have you here Bud!
A2: Continuing Education/Workforce Devl course completion vs. just a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Badge allows employers, etc... to see what was actually learned/assessed within the course. #badgechat
And to answer your question, when I got hired to be a tour guide for a student travel company, I was required to not only be certified but also provide proof that my cert was current. #badgechat
A2: The “Badge Backpack” style tools offer augmentation in that earners can easily store credentials, and curate and share them for different audiences. This has implications for learners owning their learning.
A2: from a classroom teacher standpoint, badges allow me atomize what I’m assessing and make it more about a specific skill that needs work as opposed to an assessment marker that is accounting for a cluster of skills where Ss receives an abstract summary/average #badgechat
Lovelovelove everything about this. Can you give an example for anyone who might be nodding their head but also scratching it at the same time? #badgechat
#BadgeChat Just caught this in my feed via @senorG I'm Cali live in Montana, Work in West Virginia for @AmericanMilU@AmericanPublicU I was just going to lurk but then had to open my virtual voice and thought I'd intro myself!
#BadgeChat Just caught this in my feed via @senorG I'm Cali live in Montana, Work in West Virginia for @AmericanMilU@AmericanPublicU I was just going to lurk but then had to open my virtual voice and thought I'd intro myself!
Knowledge Skill or Ability #badgechat I'm a huge believe there should be evidence of knowledge skills or abilities tied to badges or digital credentials.
A3: For me, baking Evidence into Badges is key to Modification....a credential is transformed into a portfolio of sorts. One big consideration this addresses is TRUST. Others can validate that the earner has met the Badge’s criteria
A3 Badges as authentic stories of learning and achievement. Badges as signposts & gates to new development paths. Badges as learning contracts. #BadgeChat
Agree! Evidence can address the TRUST issue with current tools like transcripts/certificates...how do we know you *actually* know or can do what the transcript says? #badgechat
Knowledge Skill or Ability #badgechat I'm a huge believe there should be evidence of knowledge skills or abilities tied to badges or digital credentials.
Badges help me track more specifically that a S is doing well with crafting a Thesis statement per se but they haven’t earned a badge of mastering research or providing evidence. Instead of an average grade on a paper that clusters all of this; I can be specific #badgechat
#BadgeChat Exactly and pairing badges/digicred with something like @PortfoliumHQ to house the actual artifacts, in addition to the metadata is even more powerful.
I believe you're referring to my Continuing Education comment. We aligned assessments with our digital badges. Those earning the digital badge must pass the assessment(s) at a specific level. We are developing a taxonomy around KSA badges! #badgechat
A4: Redefinition appears w credentials that fit into expanded ecosystems w various value propositions. For ex, Badges expressly inteded to be shared with employers offering opportunities. Or degreed learning pathways..
Great example here! Love how badge communicates what student *can do* at granular level AND provides lever for goal setting and progress monitoring #badgechat
Badges help me track more specifically that a S is doing well with crafting a Thesis statement per se but they haven’t earned a badge of mastering research or providing evidence. Instead of an average grade on a paper that clusters all of this; I can be specific #badgechat
A3: Badges can help me free up Ss to take truly more personalized paths in terms of pace, sequencing, and ultimately focus. Divergent and differentiated inquiry become possible #BadgeChat
I guess you have to trust who has given the badge. That would take us to talk about reputation... and I ask: could reputation be also measured with badges? 😉 #badgechat
#Badgechat I have to disagree here -- assessment frameworks have changed to be more inclusive and provide deeper metadata in the badges and credentials awarded -- or at least they should have. It's not just about achievement it's about transparency.
A4 Badges as multilateral instruments of recognition and trust: issuer<->earner. Badges as *ongoing* stories of learning and achievement, building authenticity over time, with enhancement and endorsement. (Life of the badge AFTER issuing) #BadgeChat
A4: grades go out the window. A true digital, mastery transcript becomes possible to envision. Unfortunately I still have to translate my Ss’ accomplishments to a traditional grade signifier, but I’d love to be there #nogrades#BadgeChat
This is a huge question, not just in badging circles but for education everywhere: What is reputation of the validator of learning and how do we know if we trust them? #badgechat
I guess you have to trust who has given the badge. That would take us to talk about reputation... and I ask: could reputation be also measured with badges? 😉 #badgechat
A4 Badges as multilateral instruments of recognition and trust: issuer<->earner. Badges as *ongoing* stories of learning and achievement, building authenticity over time, with enhancement and endorsement. (Life of the badge AFTER issuing) #BadgeChat
#Badgechat Yes! It's one of the key principles of digital badging - portability. The learner owns their credentials rather than them living behind a walled garden of some institution.
Totally! This is one thing we're after in @aurorak12 with digital badge credentials: empowering students with storytelling devices that communicate a deeper, richer narrative of who they are as learners and achievers https://t.co/6ZwuFdH2Be#badgechat
A5 Noah does good #BadgeChat, which is a great mental workout. Multiple frameworks can be a fun and, gosh, useful way to road test and integrate your thinking. #FeeltheSTEAM
Takeaway: While many an edu approach SAMR as aspirational hierarchy, there are positive instances of all four (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) in the world of digital badge credentials #badgechat
Thanks Don! And everyone playing in this sandbox is of course welcome to play with the Open Recognition Alliance on Wednesday. Check @donpresant's timeline for details #badgechat
A5 Noah does good #BadgeChat, which is a great mental workout. Multiple frameworks can be a fun and, gosh, useful way to road test and integrate your thinking. #FeeltheSTEAM
Thank you to all of our new and returning chatters, the regulars and to the lurkers, we love ya and value your own form of active engagement! Have a badge-worthy week everybody! #badgechat
A4 #Badgechat For me the Redefinition is baked into the portability -- I own my credentials, they're digital so unless the entire internet goes down, they're out there somewhere retrievable. If my school where I have a paper diploma does, it's just gone.
Part2 A4 #badgechat This is amazing implications for refugees. For victims of all kinds of violence. It allows freedom in starting over but still being able to demonstrate those KSAs.
A4 #Badgechat For me the Redefinition is baked into the portability -- I own my credentials, they're digital so unless the entire internet goes down, they're out there somewhere retrievable. If my school where I have a paper diploma does, it's just gone.
#Badgechat leading to the next redefinition - credentials on the blockchain. Big issue is there's no way to store evidence/artifacts on any of the current blockchain implementations right now... Anyone wanna solve that problem?!?!?!?
A4 Badges as multilateral instruments of recognition and trust: issuer<->earner. Badges as *ongoing* stories of learning and achievement, building authenticity over time, with enhancement and endorsement. (Life of the badge AFTER issuing) #BadgeChat
#BadgeChat#Outro I found a new community to interact with! I love building new networks around emerging topics. If you're also interested in Digital and information literacy join us tomorrow at 4ET for #DLNChathttps://t.co/PfmKyOx6b0
Evidence does help w/the trust issue for sure. For the student’s benefit, evidence also helps learners articulate the value of attainment and tell a story, which is something employers need as well.