Graag nodigen we jou en je collega-schoolleiders VO uit voor onze 2e #Edcamp op donderdag 24 mei op CSG De Goudse Waarden in Gouda. Je kunt je gratis aanmelden tot 18 mei via o.v.v. Edcamp, Vol = vol.
Imposible resumir todo lo que vas a poder aprender el 10 de abril en #Edcamp. Mejor entra en la página web, mira el programa y luego apúntante ➡️
We're proud to once again support #EdCampLdrDE. Thanks for all your hard work organizing a fun & informative day of #EdCamp'ing, which benefits attendees and, ultimately, students. Cheers! :)
You're very welcome! We're proud to support #EdCampNewarkNJ. Thanks for all your hard work organizing a fun & informative day of #EdCamp'ing, which benefits both attendees and their students. Cheers! :)
Everything’s FIIIIIIIINALLY in place for our day of teacher learning! @EdCampNEWARK registration link is now Live. Grab a friend, register and we see you in hip & historic Newark, NJ in Saturday, April 21, 2108!!! 🤓
@RiderSEAedcamp ❓for you- is your #edcamp open to all educators or more of a focus for college educators? Looks like you have good energy around your event, and I’d love to attend!