#admin2b A1
Formative assessments benefit teachers and students. Students get specific feedback while teachers not only get to see whether a student needs extra support or enrichment, they also can use it to examine their own effectiveness in the classroom.
#admin2b A2: when teams work collectively together the are able to determine how students are doing by standard/teacher/student. It helps teams determine what is being effective and leads to discussion of good instruction
A2: common formative assessments provide Ts/PLCs with real time data about whole groups of students progression towards mastery. Gives Ts opportunities to focus best practices #admin2b
a2: Common formative assessments provide data to provide team-level interventions for students who need it and extension/acceleration for students who demonstrate mastery. #admin2b
#admin2b A3: I heard of one thing that I thought was good in using a google form to ask students what questions did they have on what was taught today. Gives voice to students who may not answer in class. Also provides t with immediate feedback
Thank you for joining #admin2b tonight and a special thank you to @JPassItOn for facilitating a wonderful discussion on common formative assessments tonight. #admin2b Join us again next Monday at 8 pm EST.