Hi everyone, Ted Willard coming to you from NSTA Galactic Headquarters where I keep tooling away on finishing mapping the NGSS. Happy to take a break for #NGSSchat
Q1 Please consider this definition of a storyline in the #NGSS. How would you define the difference between a storyline and a traditional sequence of lesson? #NGSSchathttps://t.co/SjhPJFM2sy
A1: They are spelled differently!!
But seriously, the key to a storyline is that there is "story" to follow for the students. That means that students know why they are doing something before they even do it. Because they have helped plan what they do. #NGSSchat
Q1 Please consider this definition of a storyline in the #NGSS. How would you define the difference between a storyline and a traditional sequence of lesson? #NGSSchathttps://t.co/SjhPJFM2sy
Def for Q1Q1 Please consider this definition of a storyline in the #NGSS. How would you define the difference between a storyline and a traditional sequence of lesson? #NGSSchathttps://t.co/Nrm68AGj5w
A1 it’s about coherence from the students’ perspective rather than the teacher’s. Not easy to do if you never learned or taught that way before. #ngsschat
A1: A storyline more authentically represents how science happens in the world. There are not a clear sequence of things scientists do to figure things out - just good questions and tools & strategies to help build towards answers #NGSSchat
A1 Storylines weave the students discovery of #phenomenon in the process of learning. Traditional sequences are over structured & put learning in a box which stifles student discovery #ngsschat
A storyline is a coherent set of lessons that tells science as a narrative. A traditional sequence of lessons may or may not have a plot which develops a concept. Another difference is storylines are often student driven. #ngsschat
A1: a storyline is coherent. Lessons follow a pattern that is easily followed by learners. A story line leads to sense making by applying big science ideas. #NGSSChat
A1 I like to think of storylines in sci as a Mystery Novel for Ss - a beginning, middle & end all connected by student discoveries along the way. Traditional sequences were more independent, learning activities. #ngsschat
Storyline is driven by questions co-constructed by Ts and Ss, which results in a sequence of lessons, with the purpose of finding out _____. A traditional sequence of lessons is constructed by the Ts, to get S to learn ______. #ngsschat
A1: For me the difference is in who drives the learning. If the T is driving the learning, it is a lesson sequence. If Ss are driving the learning, then it is a storyline. A storyline is also different because of the phenomenon to solve. Sequences don’t need that. #ngsschat
Q1 Please consider this definition of a storyline in the #NGSS. How would you define the difference between a storyline and a traditional sequence of lesson? #NGSSchathttps://t.co/SjhPJFM2sy
A1: This "students should be involved in co-constructing the question we are working on" using @RightQuestion is really helping me initiate this co-construction (even if a li bit contrived) as I shift to #NGSS#NYSSLS#NGSSchat
Love the focus on coherence for the learner here and the focus on USE of the science ideas learned to explain the world or solve problems in the world! #NGSSchat
A1: a storyline is coherent. Lessons follow a pattern that is easily followed by learners. A story line leads to sense making by applying big science ideas. #NGSSChat
A1 - Ownership. Traditional sequence: the T determines what comes next, Ss do what T says to do. Storyline: Ss' questions determine what comes next (and T may nudge them that way), they uncover knowledge they wanted. They own that knowledge - and it sticks. #ngsschat
Q1 Please consider this definition of a storyline in the #NGSS. How would you define the difference between a storyline and a traditional sequence of lesson? #NGSSchathttps://t.co/SjhPJFM2sy
A1: I see the connection between lessons being much more obvious with storylines. Students know why they're doing the lesson and building towards a model of understanding a phenomenon. #NGSSchat
A1: The "interactions with phenomena" is key. Where can we present discrepant events and let scholars grapple with them to move their thinking forward? Was fun today to do the iodine diffusion lab and ask scholars how it betters our understanding of the cell membrane! #NGSSchat
A1: Ss using a phenomenon to make observations and ask questions. Continual revisiting phenomena in storyline and seeing how new learning applies to those Ss Qs. Allows students to figure out. #ngsschat
A1: It is like an actor. If the actor sticks to a script, he/she is not original. If more active, more freedom and opportunities arise #ngsschat#flocoscience
A1 What's really cool, is they aren't much different from the "conceptual flows" @K12Alliance has always worked with - but now we are adding in phenomena and being explicit about 3D #NGSSChat#CANGSS
Latoya from Memphis. More following along tonight than chatting. Been a while since I’ve participated in #NGSSChat, but I love tonight’s topic. Hi All!
A1 - Ownership. Traditional sequence: the T determines what comes next, Ss do what T says to do. Storyline: Ss' questions determine what comes next (and T may nudge them that way), they uncover knowledge they wanted. They own that knowledge - and it sticks. #ngsschat
Q1 Please consider this definition of a storyline in the #NGSS. How would you define the difference between a storyline and a traditional sequence of lesson? #NGSSchathttps://t.co/SjhPJFM2sy
A1: A storyline is student-centered around their inquiry into a phenomena. The lessons that follow help students make sense of their inquiries to ultimately construct an a an explanation or evidence-based claim to their initial inquiry. #NGSSchat
An important point in this message from @fastplants is to keep the intended learning goals in mind.
Having students learn the goals is the whole point.
Otherwise, we are just fooling around and having fun with no real purpose. #NGSSchat
A1 Building on @Ted_NSTA 's response--it's also an intentionally designed learning journey that makes sense to the teacher-facilitator, too, helping to keep in the foreground intended learning goals. @NGSSchat
Q2: There are differences in some of the common frameworks for writing #NGSS instructional sequences. One model is the @BSCSorg 5 E Model. Describe something you appreciate about units written in the 5E model. #NGSSchat
A1 What's really cool, is they aren't much different from the "conceptual flows" @K12Alliance has always worked with - but now we are adding in phenomena and being explicit about 3D #NGSSChat#CANGSS
Great idea! borrowed from @ArgumentDriven & asked why scientists use models & why understanding diffusion across membrane is important-- getting some students to make connection to other chemicals, drugs etc, how we would develop medicine/ tools to control that. #NGSSchat
A2: We want students to engage with phenomena, explore their questions & new ideas, and explain their thoughts about things that happen in the world and problems that exist. The 5 E model sets up the kind of learning we are aiming for #NGSSchat
As I teach I need connect all my units w/each other so students can see how science relates and is connected. That is the coherence, showing the connections #ngsschat
A2 for a super traditional change-resistant teacher, 5E model to develop units can provide a concrete way to help them shift to a more student-centered classroom in a way that’s not as scary. #ngsschat
I think the 5E model is a great introduction and a way to transition into the NGSS when you are not familiar with the shifts. It allows students to experience things on their own and figure things out. #ngsschat
A2: I appreciate that the 5Es plans for Ss to evaluate and reflect on their learning. So often Ts just assess, and move on. Taking Dewey by his words, "we learn by reflecting on experience." #ngsschat
Q2: There are differences in some of the common frameworks for writing #NGSS instructional sequences. One model is the @BSCSorg 5 E Model. Describe something you appreciate about units written in the 5E model. #NGSSchat
A2: I love how the 5E model makes the explain part so explicitly important. Otherwise it's easy for teachers to "do the activity" but never make time for students to engage in the sensemaking. #NGSSchat
I learned about CORI-concept-oriented reading instruction and I call it the modified 5es for reading. I use it to introduce teachers to the 5es. https://t.co/H54ArcGbJs#ngsschat
A2: One thing I appreciate about 5E is that it follows a pattern. Patterns enhance implementation and learning... they are a cross cutting concept! #NGSSChat
I am a huge fan of students constructing knowledge. Using the phenomenon introduction routine - I have (engage). Students set up (explore) by generating questions. We spend time (explore and explain) - ready to extend with a final project (sometimes engineering) #ngsschat
A2: We write all units using 5E lesson cycles because the components follow cognitive science of how people learn. I also find it conducive to introducing lesson phenomena in Engage when tgey typically might have been introduced after the explanation as an example. #ngsschat
Q2: There are differences in some of the common frameworks for writing #NGSS instructional sequences. One model is the @BSCSorg 5 E Model. Describe something you appreciate about units written in the 5E model. #NGSSchat
A2: 5E embraces the idea of ss making observations and asking questions of a phenomena. Ss experiencing some activities, asking questions (engage and explore) before introducing any formal text (explain or elaborate). #ngsschat
A2 I appreciate the depth that the 5E model presents for the Ss It is not surface, but allows the Ss to push as deep as their experiences allow #ngsschat
A2 at the heart is it is having kids explore BEFORE explain. Not the other way around. This is the MOST difficult thing I see teachers struggle with. 5E helps them with that. #ngsschat
A2: I really appreciate that the 5E really focuses on the students’ interests, ability to be hands on, understanding of the material, and looking back at their own learning. These parts of a lesson are so important #ctepscience#ngsschat
A2: I appreciate the 5E emphasis on exploration! It reminds me to leave space to observe phenomena and gather data, so that students' schema can adjust through meaningful experiences - not disconnected vocabulary and content. #NGSSchat
A2 This year while working with K2 Ts that were new to science, they love the 5E setup as the E terms are easier to understand. It makes science feel more approachable for them. #NGSSchat
Q2: There are differences in some of the common frameworks for writing #NGSS instructional sequences. One model is the @BSCSorg 5 E Model. Describe something you appreciate about units written in the 5E model. #NGSSchat
I agree-- the intentionality of providing opportunities for Ss to engage in the science and engineering practices and explore ideas before explanations are provided is HUGE! #NGSSchat
A2: I love that Explore is at the beginning (before Explain). I think that is a big part of NGSS. It forces this old teacher to remember not to "teach" everything and let the student discover instead. #ngsschat
A2: @BSCSorg’s 5E Model has completely shifted how I teach! Curriculum is what you teach & the pedagogy is how you teach it. Love that the Engage allowing Ss to tap into their prior knowledge & allows Ts to see misconceptions.The Evaluate is so metacognitively valuable! #NGSSchat
I agree with this so much! I've had some great discussions with PSTs about moving phenomena earlier, instead of after explain. It's a big change from how they're used to teaching! #NGSSchat
Both engage students, then provide Ss opportunity to research, learn more, and communicate their findings. Both build on Ss interested connected to instructional content goals. #ngsschat
I learned about CORI-concept-oriented reading instruction and I call it the modified 5es for reading. I use it to introduce teachers to the 5es. https://t.co/H54ArcGbJs#ngsschat
Love the connection between the Elaborate of the 5E's (4th E) and the power of related phenomena (the WOW from a kid when what they understand connects to something in their world AND they can use their new learning to explain it! #NGSSchat
They attend to the coherence people are mentioning - and when they've been done well (which takes some experience with building them and teachers getting into the "heads" of kids), students do ask about the "next aspect" of what a teacher identified in the CF :) #ngsschat
A2: More importantly, how can we merge existing frameworks like talk moves in math, SS, & ELA to support elementary teachers in bringing science into instructional time in meaningful ways? #NGSSchat
I like to have students explain (initial model, maybe?), then explore, then explain some more (revised model)... what's important that the students are the ones explaining! Can be tough for teachers to resist explaining themselves. #ngsschat
A1 Great topic. For decades, I've been studying instructional models ... from Madeline Hunter to the 5 practices for orchestrating task-based discussions in science. Traditional lesson plans are like a ladder. Storylines are a road trip. @TdiShelton@Ted_NSTA#ngsschat#NGSS
Def for Q1Q1 Please consider this definition of a storyline in the #NGSS. How would you define the difference between a storyline and a traditional sequence of lesson? #NGSSchathttps://t.co/Nrm68AGj5w
A2: As I do homeostasis storyline from NGSS Bio teachers on FB, I see @Dora_Kastel's Idea that students explore b4 engage & explain @ various steps in process- b4 content, after some exploration & then final explain, each time evaluating their learning process! #NGSSchat
A2 5Es attend to what research understands about how people learn. My favorite part is the emphasis on student doing, thinking, and explaining BEFORE input #NGSSChat
A2: I love the idea of the 5E model; I'm searching for a group that has put together resources that seamlessly revisit the anchoring phenomena though #ngsschat
Most 5E lessons are set up in a way that allows students to engage with and explore (figure out)phenomena (usually). Although it is not set up like a storyline, I it a way for teachers new to NGSS a way to get their feet wet. #ngsschat
It is a big shift. We have to resist the urge to explain the phenomenon during Engage. The 5E model is great for having kids develop and refine a model of a phenomenon as they figure out more in the cycle. #ngsschat
I'm running PD on Interdisciplinary Talk Moves next month. It is important for our #ElemNGSS teachers to know the skills and pedagogy is transferrable! #NGSSchat
When I think about ensuring equity the engage and explore is so essential because it provides students to participate in a shared experience(s). So when we get to the explain, all students should be able to participate. #NGSSChat
A2 at the heart is it is having kids explore BEFORE explain. Not the other way around. This is the MOST difficult thing I see teachers struggle with. 5E helps them with that. #ngsschat
Most 5E lessons are set up in a way that allows students to engage with and explore (figure out)phenomena (usually). Although it is not set up like a storyline, it is a way for teachers new to NGSS a way to get their feet wet. #ngsschat
A2 Follow up: I use a 5 E storyline for reason for the seasons. Students try to figure out where a picture was taken. As they think about where, they start to wonder what temperature is in certain areas - which opens things to some data analysis... #ngsschat
A2B A 5E mindblowing moment I’ve had was shifting away from making it a linear sequence like we did with “the” scientific method. Allowing time to float around the E’s during an instructional sequence. Stepping outside that box was a “duh” moment for me 😂 #ngsschat
Q2: question, is the 5E model meant to be a station rotation set of activities or are they supposed to be single class activities that builds on previous “E”? #NGSSChat
I'm not sure when this happened but somehow some have concluded that engage=phenomena. I guess I understand the misconception when both phenomena-based instruction and using 5E model lessons are both new to the teacher. #thinkingoutloud#ngsschat
A3 I love the way the storylines build from row to row. I also love how at the end of each row it lists what the Ss should have figured out. Make it easy to develop assessment tasks based on student need #ngsschat
A3 Coherency!!! Going back to DQB along the way to determine where we go next. Ss start to make connections and build that puzzle one piece at a time. #NGSSchat
A3: If we are referring to the phenomenon introduction routine, I am a huge fan. I find the question, "Where else have you seen something similar?" to be a powerful question for students. All of my students can contribute an answer to this question. #ngsschat
I totally agree -- the guidance around what students are figuring out is really helpful. In my experience, knowing the key ideas to support the class in figuring out is so hard to do. #NGSSchat
A3 I love the way the storylines build from row to row. I also love how at the end of each row it lists what the Ss should have figured out. Make it easy to develop assessment tasks based on student need #ngsschat
So true, storyline units really are a road trips, and if you have ever taken a road trip with kids you know there will be frequent unexpected stops and detours. These detours in learning are linked to student questioning, engagement and connections #NGSSchat
A3: The storyline focus is on coherence between lessons... leading Ss to deeper understanding; digging deeper, developing ideas, applying ideas, recognizing more implications of those ideas... I think a storyline can be an orchestrated sequence of 5E lessons. #NGSSChat
A3: I love the way this approach is firmly rooted in student sense-making. I wish the PD for this approach was more attainable and accessible for our teachers. They want to make the shift.... but... but... but... #ngsschat
We often use Engage to introduce the phenomenon bc Engage is partly about sparking interest. However, it’s also a time to gather prior knowledge. It’s also at the beginning of the cycle, making it a key point for introducing phenomena. #ngsschat
A3 I love that the storylines use phenomena to drive instruction and allow so many opportunities for student driven questions and academic discourse! Student do the science and build an understanding! #ngsschat
A3: It is a perpetual process. Always room for improvement. Teachers can reflect and tweak as needed. Independent from outdated textbooks #ngsschat#flocoscience
A3: story line makes real world connections and gives purpose to the learning by making connections to the phenomena. Ss are taking more ownership for their learning on the journey. #ngsschat
I do agree with you! However, I’ve always learned that Engage should be phenomenon driven. Whether it is an anchoring or an investigative phenomenon. The support come with assisting Ts in identifying phenomenon. It doesn’t have to be grand. #NGSSChat
I'm not sure when this happened but somehow some have concluded that engage=phenomena. I guess I understand the misconception when both phenomena-based instruction and using 5E model lessons are both new to the teacher. #thinkingoutloud#ngsschat
A3 student agency is front and center using this approach. Ss questions on DQB regarding anchor and investigative phenomena +looking forward and looking back routines insure Ss input. Ss put pieces together through productive talk. #NGSSChat
A3: Firstly, the phenomena hooks the Ss in. Then it allows S to construct their understandings a step at a time, letting their Qs set the pace. #ngsschat
Q3 Follow-up: If you have used an approach like the one here in this template storyline, share some of your experiences or a link to the unit and some comments. #NGSSchat
Yes-can see that happening because it may often be one-in-the-same. Most problematic is when the Engage is simply an attention-getter without direct connection to the Explore (which may also lack opps to generate evidence relevant to the learning goals/Explain). #ngsschat
...And when they can make sense of the anchoring phenomenon, they can (feel empowered to!) take an educated stab at making sense of their own related phenomenon... Love it! #ngsschat
The way we do this is with a summary section that states key takeaways at the beginning of each lesson. It’s like @Ted_NSTA and @fastplants said- learning goals matter, and should be clear for teachers. #NGSSchat
I totally agree -- the guidance around what students are figuring out is really helpful. In my experience, knowing the key ideas to support the class in figuring out is so hard to do. #NGSSchat
A3 I love the way the storylines build from row to row. I also love how at the end of each row it lists what the Ss should have figured out. Make it easy to develop assessment tasks based on student need #ngsschat
A3: The storyline approach builds strongly off of the research on how effective summary tables are - they help teachers and students organize their ideas in academically productive ways #NGSSchat
A3 I've had the opportunity to pilot 2 storylines - the moment I knew this was making an impact was when a S said she feels like a scientist and gets it. Was teaching at alternative HS at the time #NGSSchat
At first the many Ss struggled, they also had to relearn how to learn. As we progressed they really stepped up and this gave ALL my Ss opportunities to share and participate. Total classroom game changer. #ngsschat
Q3 Follow-up: If you have used an approach like the one here in this template storyline, share some of your experiences or a link to the unit and some comments. #NGSSchat
Most definitely! That is the sole reason why Ts need support. Because if the lessons beyond the phenomenon doesn’t help students to figure out the phenomenon then it becomes a hook. The phenomenon must drive Ss to continue to ask questions. It should drive the learning #NGSSChat
still working on getting to this place-- but have been starting to rewrite unit plans to emulate first few columns. "Parking lot" poster paper and post its of Ss questions are getting used more frequently in class to uncover Ss thinking. #ngsschat
Q3 Follow-up: If you have used an approach like the one here in this template storyline, share some of your experiences or a link to the unit and some comments. #NGSSchat
A3 I've had the opportunity to pilot 2 storylines - the moment I knew this was making an impact was when a S said she feels like a scientist and gets it. Was teaching at alternative HS at the time #NGSSchat
Q4 What are some of the criteria or variables you consider or have considered when choosing a template or framework to write an #NGSS or 3D instructional sequence? #NGSSchat
Another thing is 5E is not a linear framework. We may end back up at the engage before the phenomenon is figured out. I think that is a misconception that some Ts have about 5E. #NGSSChat
I would love if there was a step by step, year by year plan for NGSS implementation. - This year change this aspect of your lessons, next year change that aspect of your lesson - 4-5 years (give or take 4-5 years) you are an NGSS. #ngsschat
A4 Does the phenomenon speak to the Ss? Will they care about it? Have they experienced it? Picking the right phenomenon is key & can help jumpstart the process #NGSSchat
One thing about all these tools for unit design. (5E, Storyline, etc.)
You should learn why they are designed the way they are, so you know when to use them, and when to do something else.
Great Q! What is so crazy & magical is that you can predict their Qs & plan as usual- key= getting Ss to ask the right kinds of Qs (about the WHY or HOW a phenomena happens in the world) The anchoring phenomena routine here is key to these Qs https://t.co/jiDGKZU0zk#NGSSchat
A4 - I think it's critical 4 the framework to push me out of older mindsets. The 5E model works so well for my colleagues and the teachers we work with, I think, because it pushes designers to look at the whole flow of learning differently. NOT just fill in the blank. #ngsschat
let me just say- thank you- for asking the Q-- so many of us at various points here and need to support each other and make available resources and be transparent about just how long this takes to make shift. #NGSSchat
One thing about all these tools for unit design. (5E, Storyline, etc.)
You should learn why they are designed the way they are, so you know when to use them, and when to do something else.
I miss all my CT people as well - I am currently working on an interdisciplinary elementary-specific PD pathway for pre & inservice teachers. It has been needed for a long time #NGSSchat
One thing about all these tools for unit design. (5E, Storyline, etc.)
You should learn why they are designed the way they are, so you know when to use them, and when to do something else.
Or sometimes students think they are elaborating by extending learning on one concept, only to find they were REALLY unearthing and exploring a new concept to investigate moving forward! *mind blown* #NGSSchat
We do a great disservice to teachers when we don't help them understand why certain things are good to use.
Many Ts are using things like exit cards and bellringers blindly because no one has explained their purpose. #NGSSchat
One thing about all these tools for unit design. (5E, Storyline, etc.)
You should learn why they are designed the way they are, so you know when to use them, and when to do something else.
A4: Is it understandable to the Ts? Does it give enough guidance and freedom so classes can meet the objectives in their unique ways? Does it promote constructivist learning about a natural phenomena that means something to these Ss? #NGSSchat
Q4 What are some of the criteria or variables you consider or have considered when choosing a template or framework to write an #NGSS or 3D instructional sequence? #NGSSchat
A4 When planning with Ts I want them to always be asking: what are Ss doing and how are Ss thinking about the science concept. Whether it’s 5E, Storylines, or Gather-Reason-Communicate, it’s important we’re intentional with the dimensions. #ngsschat
A4: I find it imperative to consider the science I want my students to wrestle with and connect that science with a phenomenon that will illicit grappling. I then attempt to construct a coherent sequence of lessons (each with a LL phenomenon if I can connect one #NGSSChat
I am with you! It is a lot-- but I find it really exciting too because it is a great journey and because even the small shifts really matter a lot and change the energy of the classroom-- Please keep asking Qs-- it helps everyone! #NGSSchat
A3: Biggest challenge for my ss has been accepting it's ok to not know the answer when you leave class.Understanding learning is a process and it's ok to be wrong. ss know I won't answer a question and add to dqb. Ss do adapt and like approach. #ngsschat
Q3 Follow-up: If you have used an approach like the one here in this template storyline, share some of your experiences or a link to the unit and some comments. #NGSSchat
Q5 part 2 For example, do you start with the performance expectations? The Science ideas or disciplinary core ideas? An engaging phenomenon? Something else? Please explain WHY you start there. #NGSSchat
#NGSSchat A4 I love the storyline tools from @nextgenstoryli1 the 5 routines focus on S interest, equity, and coherence while ensuring the Ss are doing the figuring out. Ss use practices to uncover pieces of the science ideas, to dig deeper and finally to put it all together
One thing about all these tools for unit design. (5E, Storyline, etc.)
You should learn why they are designed the way they are, so you know when to use them, and when to do something else.
At this point @wandabryant I agree-- finding storylines that work and tweaking or changing as needed! It's a timeconsuming process to write your own! #NGSSchat
A5 The resource I use has an #anchoringphenomenon for each unit This gives the students a question they can both work toward & build upon Starting there allows the SEPs & CCCs to be more impacting on student growth #ngsschat
You have to consider the DCI progressions and really dig into what they say. This will help you build a coherent sequence and be useful when considering an anchor phenomena . #ngsschat
Q4 What are some of the criteria or variables you consider or have considered when choosing a template or framework to write an #NGSS or 3D instructional sequence? #NGSSchat
Plug for #NSTA19 conference: if your want to learn about resources to help w/ using 5E to develop NGSS units, @JBintzBSCS has a #fivetools session during the NGSS@NSTA forum Friday and @CindyGay & @DaveRandle_AMNH will be leading sessions all day on Sat in Rm 224 ! #ngsschat
this is exactly why for every lab/experiment, Ss must explain the possible exp errors AND limitations of the model! Getting them to resalize models are great for understanding phenomena or concepts but always see improvement! #NGSSchat
A5 - I don't think we've worked on a single unit where we figured out the phenomenon then the PE cluster then the learning sequence.
Instead, it's like we think we've figured it out, then we ask some kids and they're like "nope that's not interesting." #ngsschat
A5: I have been inconsistent here. I have always started with DCI. Probably too dependent here. I start with DCI because I know what is expected for students. From there, I try to find engaging phenomenon. Still a work in progres but I am determined to get there. #ngsschat
A5: I tend to start with DCIs, figuring out what is really being targeted - and then identify relevant phenomenon. But I can see it working other ways. #NGSSchat
A5: We unpack the standards to identify all Ss need to know. Sticky note process write ?s. Sort ?s into themes. Activities to support theme.Look at criteria checklist for good anchor phenomena and equip rubric for phenomena. #ngsschat
Q5 Part 1 - One of the key innovations of the Framework is the focus on phenomena to drive instructional sequences. How do you begin the storyline process that incorporates as phenomena as a driver of instruction?
I tend to start with the phenomenon then spend time writing my own performance expectations - I think of DCI, SEP, and CCC in three cups. I pull what I need to make my own. Thinking of the phenomenon first allows me to find things interesting to students. #ngsschat
#NGSSchat Question 5: One of the key innovations of the Framework is the focus on phenomena to drive instructional sequences. How do you begin the storyline process that incorporates as phenomena as a driver of instruction?
See the Picture below:
Agree with this. Also, what is current for Ss? Earthquake nearby? Soil erosion on the playground? Lego craze affecting the 2nd grade? I try to wrap this into the decision of which phenomena to choose. #NGSSchat
A5 And on top of all the complexity of the design process iterations, there's the issue that many students (esp now) come in with a vast range of experience, so we grapple with how much to (re)teach MS and K-5 PEs too! #ngsschat
A5 It's an iterative process; definitely not linear, and with many different entry points, depending on the context in which the design process is happening. #NGSSchat
Q5 part 2 For example, do you start with the performance expectations? The Science ideas or disciplinary core ideas? An engaging phenomenon? Something else? Please explain WHY you start there. #NGSSchat
A6: I have been working on a MASSIVE rework on https://t.co/Im0kHEnirC (@NGSSphenomena ) to share more curricular resources & supports for phenomena-based instruction, hope this is ready soon! #NGSSchat
Plug for #NSTA19 conference: if your want to learn about resources to help w/ using 5E to develop NGSS units, @JBintzBSCS has a #fivetools session during the NGSS@NSTA forum Friday and @CindyGay & @DaveRandle_AMNH will be leading sessions all day on Sat in Rm 224 ! #ngsschat