#TEDEdChat Archive
Sparked by the enthusiasm of teachers in the TED-Ed community, TED-Ed hosts #TEDEdChat on Twitter every Tuesday from 6-7pm ET.
Tuesday October 18, 2016
6:00 PM EDT
Welcome . What's on your mind
Stephen in pickering, ONT. Can't wait!
throw out your takeaways from what you watched
A1. When I had Ss whose parents passed away, normally I got the team to rally around the player. We also went to funeral together
Also hello... mom, former teacher and athletic coach, current DMM at edtech nonprofit. Excited for my 1st
A1: Wow! Be open and honest. Don't "suger coat" it but use discretion.
maybe asking S about personal experience(eg. death of a pet) let them express their thoughts about death
more than you know. It's hard for kids to deal with and it's great to give them opps to support others.
A1: group discussions/exercises could be used to provide support and pool collective will power!
A1 I think Miller addresses this when he makes the distinction between "dying" and "death itself"
A1: Start with students' experiences or something familiar. Read alouds. Also, don't use euphemisms - they can be misunderstood!
A1: it's a topic that should be talked about open and honestly and not something that we should ignore
Great point expand on your take regarding discussions in the classroom
A1: Death is a sensitive topic, it should be talked openly and at the level of learners.
the idea that death actually brings more meaning and significance to life is so powerful - we take so much for granted
agreed on the levels of those in the room. Any examples
Love this... https://t.co/Vjvd9fO62x
the idea that death actually brings more meaning and significance to life is so powerful - we take so much for granted
Totally agree with the level of the learners comment, good point! https://t.co/segOyNmUNx
A1: Death is a sensitive topic, it should be talked openly and at the level of learners.
Q2 coming up in a moment!
A1. Death should be discussed in the context of life and life after death. It is not the end, but beginning.
A1: Death's part of life. Addressed, gives Ss insight into concepts: human nature, closure, time, dignity & experience
have you every had to have or engaged in such conversations in the classroom?
A1 it shouldnt be somthing swept under the rug but talked about openly like how Miller talked with frank about his losses
TED_ED: Q2 coming up in a moment!
A2 both are things you have to live with.
but maybe we should discuss ways to change our perspective or to make the most of the situations we are dealt
A2. Being mindful. Being thankful. Being patient. Teaching children that life is a process not a product.
just do what you wanna do,what your heart tells you to do!
A2: I try to be honest with others, more importantly with myself. Be open and don't hold back.
A2. Regret is inevitable. It's part of growth. So embracing regrets is healthier than attempting to never have any
A2: Living without regret is easy. We just need to realize that everything happens for a reason and learn from our mistakes.
A1. We read The Giver by and compared the "release ceremony" to celebrate the end of life to our own traditions
A2 another way of looking at is to view it is regrets are not failures, rather they are lessons learned
A2: To lessen a life of number of regrets, I would say is to accept that everything is a life experience.
A2: practice . Think how your actions will affect others before you act. Be open!
A2 another way to look at it is that regret doesn't mean failure. We should view them as lessons learned
A1: Begin with the beauty of the present moment. To live life knowing that you lived it fully makes it easier to talk about death
YES!!! https://t.co/CRl586v88R
A2. Regret is inevitable. It's part of growth. So embracing regrets is healthier than attempting to never have any
something to check out. Thank you for sharing
A2. Embrace failure as a way to grow. Look at the world from 10,000 feet in the air.
A2. Let yourself be vulnerable, be open to failure, celebrate failure, and embrace challenges
let S talk, share thoughts, experiences...sympathise, empathise but be open & honest. Allow them to be emotional & support
A2 live with and move on from
. talks a lot about how vulnerability improves QOL. https://t.co/W1YRKqYyXW
A2. Let yourself be vulnerable, be open to failure, celebrate failure, and embrace challenges
listening and showing compassion is key
A2: Live intentionally. Fewer opportunities for regret when you are doing more than floating through life.
A2: Regrets are the result of living our lives the way we wouldn't choose to do it. Lessen regrets by living YOUR life
A2 by not focusing on the regrets and instead looking for ways to experience life that will show you the beauty of the world
A2 Depends on how you define regret. Can you say you defended your principles to yourself and for your students each day?
loving your writing on the tonight
solid point. How do we define our regrets?
A1: It is hard to teach Latin w/o discussing death... war, disease, catastrophe. All long ago, so maybe feels safer.
A2 Keep busy and do what you love. Research says, at the end, we regret the things we didn't do much more than the things we did.
could categorise as the doing and the not doing
A3 pain of discipline is always less than the pain of regret.
Any time you are faced with adversity and you whisper to yourself, "I should have...but didn't."
A2: Know yourself. Better yourself. Share of yourself. Let go of self-pity.
A3: Discipline can come by repeatedly asking ourselves what we really need/want in life. Then refocus work for it.
A3 think of the efforts you put into each.
A1 know where your Ss are; express empathy; be open & honest; use words appropriate for their age level https://t.co/MlReM5h75M
take pride in what we do; live life in a celebration and work hard to always better ourselves;self-discipline/meditate
A3: The only way to practice disapine is think about it, and look at pros and cons.
A3 A) When pain of regret is a function of shame, acceptance helps. B) Trying to change past is futile. Redirect energy.
A3: Discipline is hard to teach, desire and focus can lead you there though.
A3 I think that discipline allows us to cope with pain & persevere rather than avoid it...
what is the strength we use to redirect?
A3. Developing strong self-control and executive functioning skills is essential. Mindfulness and yoga all the way
A3. And investing in early education of course!
A3. Think of the results of discipline
A3: Living an ordered life but allowing room for life to happen.
Different for diff people. Not a huge fan of the term "strength." Tenacity works for me. Source of mine is purpose.
A3 on discipline: a sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.
A3 Regret is the result of the lack of discipline. When we allow our passions to enslave us, we open the floodgates for regret.
cope with pain- yes. but to learn from it as well.
put that regret on a shelf and move away
The necessity for improvements in healthcare are apparent, at times individuals abandon their virtuous beliefs .
A3. Life will always deal us experiences that cause pain... it's inevitable. But it we have discipline & resolve we will survive
Expressing my own gratitude ... dude I'm back... glad to connect!
for some that is difficult
When I was "strong," I was really just wearing an I Am OK Mask to protect others & hide my reality, even from myself.
A3 discipline first must come from within; decide what do you hope to gain; how better can you utilize your energy
Not talking about death doesn't mean it's not there.Not embracing regrets doesn't help us avoid pain. Discipline yourself to live
We all need to experience some productive struggle to grow. The discipline is the grueling part of everyday life. But we need it
yes we can't disguise ourselves and be true to our Self. Must be authentic
A4: To teach students to focus on well-being, students need to know the other side of not focusing on ones well-being.
look at how to help others and and focus on their well-being; this brings great rewards
Regret is too heavy to put in a bag and carry everywhere
though because a lot of kids lack foresight. Need to tie well being in to something they care about at that moment.
A3 Discipline: a state where your mindset move others to be disciplined. It's not teachable; rather contagious
A3 Discipline: a state where your mindset move others to be disciplined. It's not teachable; rather contagious
"When one door closes...another will open". Build resilience and talk to mentors with experience
A3 set goals for yourself of what you want to do/who you want to be but discipline yourself so you're able to strive through real
A4. When I was a coach it was easy... as a parent I focus on healthy habits... gratitude. Patience with personal growth
TED_ED: Wrapping up Q3, on to Q4
A4 teaching our Ss about well-being comes from modeling it; show how to prioritize things & to include/make yourself a priority
A4 Model your own wellness for your students. Do they see you as a guide?
A4: Talking openly about our personal experiences and leading by example. Ss should trust and value educators.
A4 form the whole person. Body. Mind. Spirit.
A4: from a students perspective: Show us moderation, balanced lifestyle, & incorporate multiple areas of learning.
A4: as leaders/adults we have to teach by example. Our own life balance will be modeled by the youth we serve
A4: talking about and as proactive instead of just solutions to a problem.
Exactly! We need to be formed in all areas.
A4 to teach we first need to understand our own then we can distribute our knowledge to our Ss
A4: well-being is being well. Know how to be, and do it well. Focus on that & life happens in a wonderful way.
A4: Lead by example. When educators take care of themselves, they are able to give more to their students, who then follow suit.
A4 modeling its importance on a daily basis - Especially at the HS level. Also ensuring S's know mental well-being is critical 2
how do you model that practically?
Hi. I'm Will from rainy Canada. I teach grade 6 and am part of the TED Ed Club family.