#21stedchat Archive
Our mission for our 21st century chat is to create a positive 21st century learning environment for our students by sharing resources and ideas that has worked in our classrooms. Join us every Sunday from 8:00-9:00 PM (EST) on Twitter using the hashtag #21stedchat. All are welcome!
Sunday March 13, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to - Our topic tonight is discussing w/ & I. We will do a Q&A. Please introduce yourself.
Bill from Charlotte,NC HS PE/Health
I’m Jill a Personalized Learning Director from NC and co-creator of
Hi all, 4th grade teacher from CA
Pre-service secondary English education major at Elon University! Looking forward to my first
Hello, Abigail Peel, pre-service teacher at Elon University. Looking forward to participating in
Hello . Mike from NJ. Hoping that tonight's goes beyond the school walls.
Good evening ! Julie here, VP & Co-Founder of consulting co based in FL
welcome - make sure to add the hashtag
Julie from St Louis - I teach univ media courses 📺🎞🎙💻
Dave from MI and Jill's co-host.
Welcome all Elon Pre-service teachers to
Hi, I'm Patrick a pre -service teacher in NJ
Hi everyone, Rachelle, Spanish teacher in Pittsburgh,
I'm Abe. Administrator in Greensboro, NC.
Let's get started - Q1 coming up......
Don, middle school teacher from St Louis.
Hi! My name is Kelly and I am a pre service teacher at Elon university. So excited to learn and ask questions!!!
Q1. you could change one thing in education, what would it be?
Bayly, high school English teacher from southern NJ
Super excited to take place in my first for Grad Program!
Welcome we hope you enjoy it and learn!
Q1: the lack of educational opportunities for low income families, including parent resources!
A1) If I could change one thing in education, it would be to eliminate State testing.
A1. I would get rid of high stakes testing
A1 one thing? grading system
A1: I'd like to place more importance on arts ed. Students who enjoy access to the arts flourish in other areas as well.
A1 it would be access to supplies for those in our schools
Truth. Good one
Q1: the lack of educational opportunities for low income families, including parent resources!
A1 I would eliminate the entire traditional educational model. Start from scratch with no limitations
Hi! I'm Tracy and this is my first ed chat. I'm a 7th grade science teacher in South Jersey
what about the grading system...what would you do?
Welcome! You are up late tonight! Long time no convo. How are you?
Since you are all my friends, is it wrong to sign my sign my sister in law up for retirement home materials?
I agree, if we spent more money toward parent resources instead of testing, the world would be a better place!
Just imagine if we could redesign the educational system.
A1 I would eliminate the entire traditional educational model. Start from scratch with no limitations
A1: I would change tracking and the negative attitudes towards students in "lower" tracks
A1 (part 1) I would stop talking about how testing, standards, etc. are “for the kids”.
A1 Change how we do business, because we are not a business we work with kids and they need a voice of reason.
A1 eliminate learning objectives, learning styles, Maslow, Paiget & social constructivism etc.
wow!!! What's the first thing you would implement that would be different?
I'd suggest responsible digital use to all including Nathan
Since you are all my friends, is it wrong to sign my sign my sister in law up for retirement home materials?
A1 Two things come to mind, amount of standrd tests & also making sure all have access to resources needed
Would be incredible to redo the entire system. Look at individuals instead of grade levels and grades. https://t.co/AXYVSCUKT3
Just imagine if we could redesign the educational system.
A1 I would eliminate the entire traditional educational model. Start from scratch with no limitations
A1: I'd change society's outlook on educators from "glorified babysitters" to what we really are: Nation Builders.
A1 (part 2) I would bring the world into schools - things going on outside school walls matter and we need to say that.
I like it! What do you think you'd start with when rebuilding? https://t.co/8n3hoyGmuu
A1 I would eliminate the entire traditional educational model. Start from scratch with no limitations
A1. I would change the way the subjects are taught in isolation, and make co-teaching more common
I am thinking about signing her up for pre-retirement homes magazines
qualification of Board of Education members
A1. redesign state course requirements to have more openness for student interest. Academies are good but still too traditional
On site learning around town with an eye on social goodness.
A1 the equipment needed to easily rearrange the classroom
if the world would fit in you school, would that make your school a tardis?
Agreed. Dissolving stigma related to "lower" tracked students would help a lot. https://t.co/0Pb6y4bjei
A1: I would change tracking and the negative attitudes towards students in "lower" tracks
totally agree! Any recommendations for awesome ways to communicate resources to parents?
Prof Susan joining from IL. Committed to great 21st educ for every student. Currently writing a S success ebook for MS/HS Ss.
A1 part 2 Get rid of grade levels and allow kids to grow/learn at their pace.
Preach!! https://t.co/cFDd3Bp2ye
A1: I'd change society's outlook on educators from "glorified babysitters" to what we really are: Nation Builders.
Agreed. https://t.co/q2xDiNjvT7
A1 (part 2) I would bring the world into schools - things going on outside school walls matter and we need to say that.
A1 I would make sure all students had a handle on ESP during election years!!
If it was only that simple! =]
Hi Sorry I am late. Was working on our State Test upload (for tomorrow). Shai, HS Math T from PA.
Maybe, but honestly I’d settle for anything that would help students develop their sense of empathy.
that's such a cool idea! How would you deal with social pressures to be a certain age in a certain class?
A1 Get rid of grades & grading. Ts/Profs/Ss all dislike it. Asked colleague how would your teaching change w no grading?
How do you think that would help/hinder students socially?
Q2. you could improve professional development? What would you do?
If only :) it starts one person at a time!
A1: My in education would be to get completely rid of grades! Only give feedback for further learning.
Agree! In real life, subjects aren't segregated https://t.co/eZ0D8nntGg
A1. I would change the way the subjects are taught in isolation, and make co-teaching more common
I think kids would be more motivated to stay with peer groups. , maybe even work harder.
A1 The answer to how teaching would change w no grading: "It'd be so much more fun! I could do so much more w the students."
A2) I'd have teachers leading the conversations and for their needs to be considered when developing PD
A2 Change PD to 75% edcamp style and 25% district-driven. When Ts r given a chance to share, they grow.
A2 Anything that helps improve teacher empathy, social justice understanding, equity issues - that’s what I’d focus PD on.
It would be great to offer parents some guidance in school's technology..ie: how to check their child's grades
A2. Micro-credential based on skill and mastery.
Really exciting to see all of the preservice teachers in the . Make sure you follow mentors that you converse with here.
Q2: more active and engaged sessions with hands on activities. I don't lecture, so I wouldn't want to be lectured at.
Keith here from nj HS educator
Continuity & frequency of PD. Not only understanding the PD, but How to introduce it and follow up on incorporating it....
A2: Make PD more meaningful and engaging. Let Ts CHOOSE which PD they'd like to go to instead of force-feeding initiatives.
makes it part of his course. Such a great idea!
A2 Definitely more choices, opps to decide what I need, more like, Ts lead
So true. Need to revisit... not the one and done approach
Continuity & frequency of PD. Not only understanding the PD, but How to introduce it and follow up on incorporating it....
A2: We would make it personalized, self-directed, competency-based, peer-supported, and job-embedded https://t.co/qxbrSzWXfo
does as well at Grove City College in PA.
A2. more out of district PD seminars visitations to charters/demo schools w/ exceptional tech use/nontrad. settings as model
I hope that means you don't plan to lecture!
all students should do a book talk on a well-written book
Knew we'd be on the same page! So glad to see everyone here. For those who are new, there are great edus online at
A1. there were equity in schools I might get rid of school buses. Learning (schools) should be a community thing.
A2) Allowing for teachers to do different sessions. Hosting multiple sessions to choose from
sorry I was being serious for a moment
It is really important for those students to follow people as "digital" mentors.
A2. More teachers observing other teachers on a regular basis. Teachers are doing amazing things in every school.
Definitely would require a different perspective by society on how kids learn.
A1 I would eliminate all the tedious paperwork (ex: sgos) so I could have more time to plan meaningful labs for the students
meaningful PD means better equipped teachers https://t.co/zzyyRSkOrX
A2: Make PD more meaningful and engaging. Let Ts CHOOSE which PD they'd like to go to instead of force-feeding initiatives.
A2: focus on teachers doing meaningful work, every teacher should leave PD with a product they have made and can us in the class
A1 Treat education and socio-economic equality as 2 sides of the same coin.
A2: Train teachers to be more involved in the facilitating of their own PDs.
A2: Based on my limited experience, I'd love to see PD related to parent involvement. That's a scary thing for me
A2: Personalized PD for sure! What I need is not the same as what every single other teacher in my district needs.
exactly! https://t.co/SmaEQsFCtp
A2. More teachers observing other teachers on a regular basis. Teachers are doing amazing things in every school.
A2 Teach PD the way you want classroom Ts to teach
A2 - change the name from Professional Development to Personalized Development!
Great idea! Seeing a different way of teaching/learning in action is so helpful.
My school has tried it's best to do just that. Still very difficult when you have Ss at HS level that can't read.
Evil film.Writer explicitly called for wholesale genocide of all Native Ameicans. Puts Oz in diff lens. https://t.co/7xlFpcXGpp
A2: hand the keys to PD to teachers
A2 PD should be modeled like a classroom. Bad modeling leads to awful execution
We do this for schools and everyone always says its the best PD bc they can see it in action!
PD can't be like studying for a test then forgetting a % of the information... Introduction! Application! Follow-Thru!.....
Yes!! Is there a decent book out there for Ts & Ps!? 😉 https://t.co/1BjPmqDlOF
all students should do a book talk on a well-written book
I sarcastically love lecture PD about active, engaged, hands-on teaching and learning
A2 I need choices and I need a challenge.
I love that! My school divided our PD into dpts & has been much more meaningful now that its personal https://t.co/wHJkK9LZcf
A2 - change the name from Professional Development to Personalized Development!
A2: PD was completely a choice for everyone involved. Ts required to find the PD that excites them.
The best addition we've made is Instructional Rounds and Learning Walks, teachers learn so much from each other
Seems so intuitive it makes me wonder why we've got to suggest it as an improvement :) https://t.co/uizuabO9vh
A2 Teach PD the way you want classroom Ts to teach
Was that just this year? Need more of this within school and district
Tina from TN joining late
Next step: PD was available that excited you? https://t.co/lXphza0di7
A2: PD was completely a choice for everyone involved. Ts required to find the PD that excites them.
Our school has allowed teachers to choose one area of PD to work on throughout the entire year. For the most part very effective
Q3. students help run the school, what would they do?
PD that's innovative & takes risks will encourage Ts to be innovative & take risks! https://t.co/ID0tXSZ6a9
Teachers who are innovative and take risks have students who are innovative and take risks.
A3 that is a great question. I would pick either Jill or lead the PD of the future
A2 PD concepts should not be treated as if we are in a vacuum. Good ideas are often over-simplified and lacking nuance
A2: if you haven't led an EdCamp at your school for PD, promise you'll do it for your next PD!
A3) I'd think they'd want more choices in what and how they learned.
Haha handle fail fail
A3 that is a great question. I would pick either Jill or lead the PD of the future
Mike, just reading Faith writings:explicit that teaching empathy&civics most important 4 all Ss. https://t.co/2RokikXMyc
Maybe, but honestly I’d settle for anything that would help students develop their sense of empathy.
A2: (2) I love twitter and chats. I learn SO much conversing with Ts from all over the world.
A2: no sit&get, use hands on exploration to learn & lets Ts have a choice & voice
Too many teachers focus too much on grades.
A2 Make PD rewarding ... similar answer for A3 - increased gamification!
Hey ... Those interested in teacher-led PD may want to follow on Wed. Conference w. from CT & beyond.
A3: My students would probably start with 1. Allow cell pones in class. 2. Allow leggings as pants. 8th grade priorities
A3: student council, when run completely by students whose ideas are tried (even if they fail) can and will lead
they would give insight on how they want to learn....
A3 eliminate tests & hw =) they would most likely want more hands on activities.if they ran my room, I know theyd want more labs
A3: They attempt to make things more interesting/relevant for themselves. Who wants to be bored?
There definitely is. I LOVE twitter chats. These excite me. Voxer chats do the same. PD doesn't have to be f2f.
Good idea but where did the expense come? Sub? We did a tour for a few hrs so they only needed to find coverage
A3 I think kids would ask for more choices/control
A3 Learning would be much more democratic if kids ran school.
A3 - They'd run the school with the climate/culture that the current Ts taught them. High expectations=high reward!
The drive this past week was a good step to understand school from a S perspective
A3 Awesome ?! Ss would show us how they want to learn & develop classes with need to know info for adulthood taxes banking etc
YES my Principals loved it
A3 I think they'd want more hands-on or PBL in their classes, and potentially more freedom to choose their req'd classes
just not getting "credit" for this :) I'd do it anyway, but valuing and crediting it is nice
Travel costs too - when you're checking out schools all over the country.
A3: I teach at a vocational high school; students play a huge role in many of our facilities. It's great to see.
A3: think they'd make recess req even in upper grades,want pbl&use Ss centered learning & tech would be integrated seamlessly
A3: ,you know I'm biased,paces/playlists/pathways for student-owned learning.Principals,create environment 4 risk
Yes that is true when we do our national tours in the fall and spring
A3 Ss would want to further explore the social issues that affect them at their level. Bullying, belonging, etc
LOVE THIS https://t.co/p26ZJD8TnR
A3: I teach at a vocational high school; students play a huge role in many of our facilities. It's great to see.
I don't mind grades, just think we need to rethink the whole system. The mindset is bad
they would like more social and emotional learning.
Culture is important.Developing positive attitudes & a culture of encouragement should be a part of PD! https://t.co/jNx1MdVkAN
A3 - They'd run the school with the climate/culture that the current Ts taught them. High expectations=high reward!
Sounds like meditation and yoga. :)
A3 Ss would say no more HW, at least that's the most frequently heard, more , grp work, , independ
A3: There still needs to be someone to help guide. Ss brains are still maturing. Ss want choices. They want engaged
yes! "Thanks for teaching what not to do! Unfortunately I'm still not sure what you think is good pedagogy ;)"
grades create a mindset that the journey is not important.
How wold they know what they "need to know"?
A3: They'd put the focus on student learning instead of teacher talking, make learning interactive like it should be
A3. Freedom to organize their time and learning, and the ability to create their own productive workspace in the school
I don't care about credit, since it's my students that will benefit. It's what's best for the Ss that matter.
A3: Students want a sense of purpose. No purpose, no effort. It has to mean something to them.
A3: I can see them making contributions in areas of classroom management. Not sure what else.
To improve profssional development, just need great Twitter chats for networking like ☺
What all need is support collaboration.
Exactly! They often "think" they want to do nothing, but that's not the case. They can't be left completely on their own
A3: they'd also ask for more recess time, morning meetings, and more books. And ya know what? I'd give it to them!
A3 now that I thought about it, there would be more play experiences in the classroom
A3 Ss would also want cultural relevant curriculum that represents them. i.e. . Whose history?
I would LOVE for my students to have recess in ms. They need a break, too! https://t.co/nl1TK5jDkV
A3: think they'd make recess req even in upper grades,want pbl&use Ss centered learning & tech would be integrated seamlessly
Who doesn't love play?!
A3 now that I thought about it, there would be more play experiences in the classroom
Love this! https://t.co/NzSW8UwWYh
A3: Students want a sense of purpose. No purpose, no effort. It has to mean something to them.
A3: Just had a convo with my Ss on Friday. Some Ts want cell phones eliminated. Ss response, "Keep us engaged! Make it relevant"
A3 the obvious answer is that there would be more textbook learning if student s were in control of their learning
ditto, but for some people and situations it is important to get good outside of Twitter
Agreed. They'd figure out how to be productive in a way that works for them. https://t.co/HZw9GbYsHs
A3. Freedom to organize their time and learning, and the ability to create their own productive workspace in the school
A3: Great question! Let's ask them! Are any students on ? Can any teachers on ask their students tomorrow?
A3: Great question! Let's ask them! Are any students on ? Can any teachers on ask their students tomorrow?
Q4. the purpose of education was mastery learning - how would things change?
A4: then FAIL would stand for First Attempt In Learning
A3: They'd also be more willing to get rid teachers who aren't teaching, my students hate busy work and teachers who rely on it
A4 more hands on learning. Maybe even like a technical school. Tech school are actual project based
A4 first we'd have to define "mastering"
A4) We'd have to make sure that the "Mastery" level was properly set. We'd have to consider the needs of all learners.
Forgot the on this one. https://t.co/ltUS2JlfnG
Agreed. Edcamp style PDs are awesome as well. My HS is doing sure shots. Ts get to choose what they want to learn from a menu.
A4 as Ss raise through the grades into Ms and Hs It would change into more focused classes instead of college
Q4. Could someone clarify "mastery learning"?
A3 My teen son thinks kid decision making would be terrible. He looks at some classes w Ts doing little & Ss less. Need great Ts
A4: Depends on what it is you want them to master.
A4: We'd stop teaching to the test! When there's no test, mastery becomes crucial and our primary goal.
mastery learning = is a method of instruction where the focus is on the role of feedback in learning.
A4: Ss would take more risks, teachers would take more risks, learning would be iterative in school - just like the real world
A4 IMO things wouldn’t change much except kids would be better _trained_. I’d like to think education is for far more than that.
A4: Shouldn't that be edu is? I teach a mastery and LOVE it. Ss are all asynchronous learning at own pace.
forget the past. Reinvent the schools. Don't think outside the box, think like there is no box....
Agreed, Ss don't hate teachers with high expectations, they hate lazy teachers.
Accessing internet 24/7/365 by Ss anywhere? Information literacy? Digital Literacy? Close the ?
LOVE this! The entire mindset would change- and I would imagine Ss to be less stressed! https://t.co/XC2LQnGFTr
A4: then FAIL would stand for First Attempt In Learning
We said, mastery learning is a method of instruction where the focus is on the role of feedback in learning
A4 if learning is continuous, can they really master it?
Agreed, I think most students want to impress us with their work
Depends on the Ss actually. I know some of the most favorite Ts are not necessarily high expectation Ts.
If we push kids to follow their passions in learning, they will respond and excel.
A4: Learning would be more engaging and less stressful, causing more students get excited about learning
Does learning stop if they hit mastery? Shouldn't... https://t.co/zCh5AjnCO9
A4 if learning is continuous, can they really master it?
A4: Speaking as an English teacher, students need to know (or master) the rules before they can successfully break them.
It already does in my classes!
A4: differentiated instruction for all Ss w/personalized learning goals, ev Ss wld be encouraged to grow & learn at their level
I agree the system needs to change, but I do like accountability. It is a part of life.
Every S with a smartphone has a computer in his / her pocket. Not the best but it's a start. Use it. Better cl design.
I always the when the term master is applied , it means you don't really know anything
Then in that case, I shall follow you! :)
A4 Mastery learning is more like real world or work. Evaluated in terms of accomplishments.
How learning used to always be.
A4 New opps for Ss, less fear of grades, greater personalztion, less frustratn, still nd measured
I've learned that the most brain activity Ss see in a day happens on the playground Bring back outdoor play.
to me...no grades per se, Ss working on goals to improve knowledge
there is some sort of mark at the end sort of like a badge of skills
Great point but I believe I have mastered reading but I don't stop reading because I have mastered it
I am Suppose to be in but don't know how to get there. 😝
and I shall follow back. :)
and need to be able to GIF-up quote tweets ahem...Twitter...
I suck at reading anything more than a paragraph, doesn't mean I stop
is amazing! I miss working with him often!
Good point. Learning is how, not what. We *can* attain a level of mastery of content, skills, strategies, no?
agreed! My ms son would benefit from it! never understood why it's taken in upper@grades
A4 Education ought to widen people’s circles of empathy and help one find their passion. “Mastery” isn’t the overarching goal.
I would too if I weren't allergic to the sun.
A4 Education as we know it is a recent phenomenon--now an outdated relic, a terrible legacy of the industrial model of edu.
But what about Jedi Master ??? https://t.co/WXspnV4pcm
I always the when the term master is applied , it means you don't really know anything
interesting. I'm a good reader, but I wouldn't say I'm a master or couldn't be faster or better
Things are getting philosophical! https://t.co/uXVm1lkfOn
Great point but I believe I have mastered reading but I don't stop reading because I have mastered it
using the term "master" implies an ending
Nathan, you would find one! LOL!
A5) What if educators' became reality?
ummm don't all but one get killed off. If we had just found Ben. They sure mastered dying
Which we need to stop using the phase "that's the way it has always been done" and start making a new phrase.
A5 What if we were able to realize even 75% of the potential of all of our kids? The world would be a MUCH better place
A5 What if music was a constant in class
If they master something, dig deeper, move on, or look at it from a different angle.
Eh, I don't know if it's that finite. To me it means moving on to a new chapter, a new challenge.
Re busy work, my teenage son here completely agrees!
A5 all teachers accepted tech willingly instead of considering it a nuisance?
We need to define levels of mastery at multiple stages. Critical for .
A5: What if, rather than reform being done to teachers, it was done by teachers?
whatif educators were allowed to focus exclusively on teaching their content area?
Oh the places we would go :) https://t.co/kIf5USu5Zs
A5 all teachers accepted tech willingly instead of considering it a nuisance?
Recently in my class it has been! Ss seem to be much more focused and calm when the music is on https://t.co/VWCnW2ZoOh
A5 What if music was a constant in class
we moved from debate to dialogue, from negative criticism to collaboration?
A5: grades were eliminated, Ts were respected and trusted by community, All Ps were engaged, and all admin had Ts backs?
We agree. It's a stage -- don't move on until you really understand what you are learning.
Would they? Don't we all fear taking risks? Wish/hope that you're right though.
Connected to other content area teachers, why not?
A5 What if as Ts we always cam back to our Ss later on in their ed career. like have them for 2nd and 7th grade
A5: what if every classroom, every day, began with a morning meeting?
I'm a huge believer in music in my HS math class! Ss love it too!
Yes! That is why I don't want cellphones to be banned. Some Ss need music interventions. My son surely did!
A5 What if we decided that school was about helping kids become better people, and not about building the best resumé?
A5 This is such a great question, I actually could answer it! Grades, HW, stand tests, all were optional?
A4 legislators worked with educators
multiple content areas are better - interdisciplinary learning
We all fear taking risks when the environment that exists says so. Otherwise, no.
A5 What if we decided that education and learning can only be supplied in small part by what we call “school”?
I think it's great keeps me focused, doesn't always need words.
You can't go a day without music... Try watching Star Wars without the sound on... Where do they learn this?.....
Learned that more engaged modalities, more learning & better memory. Can't be distracting though.
So true
A5 What if we decided that education and learning can only be supplied in small part by what we call “school”?
Both students and teachers had voices that were heard?
children were given control over what and how they learn?
A5 What if we were able to show kids the grand sweep of human history, good and bad, in the hopes that they’d be wiser than we?
A5: what if all schools were student centered & treated learning like a playground where we always apply knowledge to projects
What would a morning meeting entail? What about my class that starts at 1:46? I greet each Ss by name every day!
Being a master means you realize there is a lot you don't know. Yoda excepted.
A5 What if we asked questions that had no easy answers? :)
A5 We need to instill leadership, creative problem-solving skills & entrepreneurial thinking in all ... Ts, Ss, Profs, Admins.
A5: what if the only legislators that could write Ed policy were former educators themselves?
Q6. What is a take-away that you had from tonight’s ?
What if we connected our Ss globally!
Takeaway from tonight.... What if we danced everyday in school. And Fresh Prince GIFS are fun.
or educators who used terms that would get legislators to buy in instead of complaining
A5: What if we cared just as much about mentorships as we did internships for at-risk students?
Gotta be in the morning, the day's 1st impression. Which in your case, you'd have to alter your entire school's schedule
A6: ALWAYS stay asking the "what if" question. ALWAYS.
Thurs. March 24th 7:30 pm EST
"Is Everyone Using Classroom Technology As Well As They should?"
A6: I can start small & make changes that make an impact
A6: Discovering the professional perks of Twitter!
There's learning outside of school? :) I think of Schools as a learning hub. Let Ss free.
I have seen MS & HS do this and then have a few minutes during each block to recalibrate as well.
Agree. And always fight like hell to try to make them happen.
Next week's topic is: Are K-12 preparing students for the next level? College or Career. Join & I @ 8PM ET US Sun
There are many great ideas out there! We need to keep brainstorming. How do we make reality? https://t.co/nrXybHYfpj
Q6. What is a take-away that you had from tonight’s ?
We'd be living in a MUCH different world=) https://t.co/3qtyQnRRfk
A5: what if the only legislators that could write Ed policy were former educators themselves?
fresh prince memes only for ?
I don’t disagree, but unfortunately your (our) view of what school is isn’t society-at-large's.
A6. Everyone loves fresh prince & We need to keep pushing education to be a better, more positive place for Ss, and Ts.
Currently doctoral candidate in Ed leadership. Formerly PK-8 principal and 5th/6th teacher in Charlotte, NC
A6 we should create a what if chat and try to get them to become a reality -
Moving away from separate content areas in real world. Need interdisciplinary problem solving grounded in communities
Agreed! WE need to be the change!
What an amazing - I loved learning with you all! Thank you for joining us!
all children had school mentors, not just for one year, but for preK-12 and beyond
A6: Takeaway: is full of amazing educators doing great work. Thanks for sharing, gifs & great thinking!
A6: My take away is to not stop believing my can happen. If you aren't in it for the Ss, get out! My Ss are what matters
Absolutely ..... Was emphasizing the need to focus on the game rather than the additional effluvia
and recently not 50 years ago
Thanks for the chat this evening.
My mastery class has NO homework at all!
so I could write paradise found since I made the meme
is a monthly chat focusing on innovative use of Appropriate available technologies in the classroom
Goodnight folks. May you continue to fight for your kids, and may you let the bigger world intrude on what you do. It matters.
Thank you & for asking tough questions, sharing possibilities & getting our brains thinking!