Every third Tuesday of the month at 10am PT, Microsoft Innovative Educators and expert hosts discuss a monthly changing theme during two #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet sessions for educators. The topic for May 15 will be Inclusive Classrooms and Accessibility.
#MSFTEduChat TweetMeets are an initiative from the Microsoft in Education Marketing Team. Follow us on Twitter: @MicrosoftEDU.
Welcome to the chat! We're excited to hear your ideas, insights, and burning questions on computer science in the classroom 💻
اللقاء يبدلأ الان ! انظموا لخبراء من العالم من اجل مناقشة علم الحاسوب و ساعة برمجة لا تفوتوا هذا اللقاء الشيق اخبرونا قصصكم وافكاركم
Welcome to the #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet - over the next hour we will be discussing Computer Science, Coding and Computational Thinking in schools using #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat has begun! Join our global experts to discuss Computer Science. We'll start shortly.
What are you interested in?
#MSFTEduChat has begun!
Our global experts are so ready to discuss Computer Science and #HourOfCode with you!
Before we start our engines in a few minutes, will you let us know about yourself and what you're most interested in?
#MSFTEduChat mit deutschem Kanal #TweetMeetDE hat begonnen!
Diskutiere mit Experten aus der ganzen Welt über Computerwissenschaften.
Wir beginnen gleich!
Worauf freust du dich?
El #MSFTEduChat ha empezado! Únete a expertos globales para hablar de Pensamiento Computacional. Vamos a empezar en unos minutos.
¿Qué te interesa sobre este tema? ¡Pregúntanos!
#MSFTEduChat has begun!
Our global experts are so ready to discuss Computer Science and #HourOfCode with you!
Before we start our engines in a few minutes, will you let us know about yourself and what you're most interested in?
#MSFTEduChat has begun! Join our global experts to discuss Computer Science. We'll start shortly.
What are you interested in?
#MSFTEduChat has begun! Join our global experts to discuss Computer Science. We'll start shortly.
What are you interested in?
#MSFTEduChat has begun!
Our global experts are so ready to discuss Computer Science and #HourOfCode with you!
Before we start our engines in a few minutes, will you let us know about yourself and what you're most interested in?
E' iniziato! Discuti con noi di Scienza del Computer e Ora del Codice. Rispondi alle domande, fai il retweet e commenta. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetIT#CS#HourofCode
#MSFTEduChat has begun! Join our global experts to discuss Computer Science. We'll start shortly.
What are you interested in?
We are proud to have Mr. Dang as a host of the #MSFTEduChat. He knows the impact of learning how to make #PowerApps and will share more about its importance during the TweetMeet.
"You, too, can be a Champion."
I will say the same thing about anyone starting #PowerApps.
The citizen developer revolution welcomes everyone. #EmpowerEveryPerson
#MSFTEduChat بدأت!
خبراءنا العالميون مستعدون لمناقشة علوم الكمبيوتر و #HourOfCode معك!
قبل أن نبدأ تشغيل محركاتنا في بضع دقائق ، هل ستخبرنا عن نفسك وعن أكثر ما يهمك؟
TweetMeet tips:
1 🔁 💬 Tap the Retweet button to comment – to keep answers glued to the original questions
2 💡 Start your tweet with A1..A5
3 #️⃣ Include #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU hashtags
4 🔎 Set up your search queries in TweetDeck
Animated GIF: https://t.co/RvUIa1EKCY
اللقاء يبدلأ الان ! انظموا لخبراء من العالم من اجل مناقشة علم الحاسوب و ساعة برمجة لا تفوتوا هذا اللقاء الشيق اخبرونا قصصكم وافكاركم
#MSFTeduchat The project-based engaged CS classroom can reach students in amazing ways. This is crucial for bringing diversity and inclusion into your CS classroom
#MSFTEduChat has begun!
Our global experts are so ready to discuss Computer Science and #HourOfCode with you!
Before we start our engines in a few minutes, will you let us know about yourself and what you're most interested in?
A1: البرمجة هي لغة كاي لغة من اللغات و هي حق لكل طفل يتعلم في المدرسة و هي وسيلة ناجعة لشغف التلميذ و تعلمه التفكير المنطقي فهي تساعده في كل مجالاته الدراسية و بها يتمكن من صقل مواهبه و تطوره الذهني من ذهن متلقي الى ذهن مبدع و خلاق.
MS Music Teacher, Chief Disruption Officer of my classroom & pedagogy. Interested in students' application of CS concepts after they have been learned #MSFTEduChat
اللقاء يبدلأ الان ! انظموا لخبراء من العالم من اجل مناقشة علم الحاسوب و ساعة برمجة لا تفوتوا هذا اللقاء الشيق اخبرونا قصصكم وافكاركم
A1: Hour of Code is amazing because it introduces all the core concepts in a fun and game based environment that coding is not difficult and everyone can code and solve problems #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
F1. Wie kann die Hour of Code SchülerInnen und Lehrkräfte inspirieren mehr zu lernen?
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
P1. Kako "Sat programiranja" može da inspiriše učenike i nastavnike da uče još više?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
A1. Hour of Code is an excellent way to introduce coding to teachers & students. Blockly makes difficult tasks easy to understand and do. The Hour of Code tasks on https://t.co/ndonOxRZ7z makes learning to code easy and engaging. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
RT PowerApps: We are proud to have Mr. Dang as a host of the #MSFTEduChat. He knows the impact of learning how to make #PowerApps and will share more about its importance during the TweetMeet. https://t.co/Ofhv9jYkzN
"You, too, can be a Champion."
I will say the same thing about anyone starting #PowerApps.
The citizen developer revolution welcomes everyone. #EmpowerEveryPerson
A1 #HourOfCode can spark both students & teachers to realize a whole new world. For students, one coding activity or challenge can get them curious to learn more. For educators, they will discover talents in their students (and themselves) they didn’t know existed. #MSFTEduChat
البرمجة مجال ممتع ومشوق وكلما انتهى المتعلم طالب او معلم من مرحلة ونجح فيها يتحمس للبدءبتجربة ومرحلة جديدة. وهذا يرضي طموحه ويحفزه لتجربة شيء جديد اكثر تحدياً يحقق فيها تقدماً يرضيه.
#MSFTEduChat has begun!
Our global experts are so ready to discuss Computer Science and #HourOfCode with you!
Before we start our engines in a few minutes, will you let us know about yourself and what you're most interested in?
MS Music Teacher, Chief Disruption Officer of my classroom & pedagogy. Interested in students' application of CS concepts after they have been learned #MSFTEduChat
A1. Desde mi punto de vista es una forma de aproximar a la comunidad educativa al mundo de la programación, haciendo realidad en el Aula este campo #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES#MicrosoftEDU
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
A1: A Hora do Código além de fonte de inspiração, tem uma fonte quase inesgotável de recursos onde os professores poderão ficar com alguns conhecimentos sobre as CC e dessa forma, todos ficam a ganhar, incluíndo os alunos.#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetPT#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEDU
A1 The #HourOfCode can open up a new world of creativity for those who have never tried coding before - students and teachers alike with activities for all ages. #MSFTEduChat
Dobro došla, @milijanapet
Hvala što si se odazvala pozivu! Jedva čekamo da vidimo šta to zanimljivo imaš da podeliš sa nama večeras! 🙂 #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEDuChat
Hello #MSFTEduChat! Ann from Team @Flipgrid here! Stoked to talk about #HourOfCode! I love helping young scholars develop computational thinking skills through unplugged activities w @hellorubyworld, exploring beginning coding skills w @ScratchJr & starting w tools like BeeBot!
#MSFTEduChat has begun!
Our global experts are so ready to discuss Computer Science and #HourOfCode with you!
Before we start our engines in a few minutes, will you let us know about yourself and what you're most interested in?
A1. Hour of Code gives all the ability to see some of the basic CS building blocks that make up our world. Introducing them to CS and how they can affect/learn it. #cs#MSFTEduChat
A1: Another great feature of #HoC are the great puzzles that the kids can identify with , its also cool that at the end there is a participation certificate that makes the participants feel like they have accomplished something #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
O1: jedan mali korak, kao sto je jedan cas, moze mnogo da promeni. Ucenici mogu da vide da programiranje nije bauk, a nastvnici da kroz malo opustenije aktivnosti zainteresuju ucenike za ovu vestinu 21. veka.
A1 #HourOfCode can engage Ss & Ts to learn new things in a safe, friendly, fun environment & help them realize how coding and computation thinking can be integrated into any area of the curriculum. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C
A1. Aprender a programar puede parecer una idea demasiado grande o difícil para muchos profesores y alumnos. Al proponerles participar en la Hora del Código, les estás ofreciendo algo que parece más fácil de abordar.
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
A1. Das Verständnis für das Wie, Warum sollte sich durch alle Fächer ziehen. Aber gerade hier kann man durch Gamification das Lernen fördern.
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
F1. Wie kann die Hour of Code SchülerInnen und Lehrkräfte inspirieren mehr zu lernen?
A1: I had read some tweets that not every school has CS instruction.
The ideas shared during this TweetMeet remind us that learning CS and computational thinking can be done offline.
So your #HourOfCode is not blocked by not having devices.
A1: كل ساعة برمجة أقوم بها مع تلاميذي نتعلم منها الجديد, نتعلم التفكير المنطقي نتعلم أهمية العمل كفريق, نتعلم حل المسائل و نتعلم لغة برمجة جديدة,البرمجة لغة جديدة فلنساعد الاطفال على اتقانه
A1: A Hora do Código além de fonte de inspiração, tem uma fonte quase inesgotável de recursos onde os professores poderão ficar com alguns conhecimentos sobre as CC e dessa forma, todos ficam a ganhar, incluíndo os alunos.#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetPT#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEDU
A1. I think since its open to anyone and pretty much any subject matter could be taught and related so no one is left out. Something for everyone to enjoy. #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
A1. Desde mi punto de vista es una forma de aproximar a la comunidad educativa al mundo de la programación, haciendo realidad en el Aula este campo #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES#MicrosoftEDU
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
A1: My advice for the Hour of Code: "Start small. Think big."
After the initial commitment of an #HourOfCode, you'll see its impact on your students. Let their inspiration point you to what activities to try next.
A1 Great way to 'dip to into the water' and 'get a taste' of #CE get idea of where to start low risk high reward it's fun lots of resources #HourOfCode#msfteduchat#MicrosoftEdu
P1. Kako "Sat programiranja" može da inspiriše učenike i nastavnike da uče još više?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
MS Music Teacher, Chief Disruption Officer of my classroom & pedagogy. Interested in students' application of CS concepts after they have been learned #MSFTEduChat
ساعة البرمجة تجعل تفكبر الطالب يميل الى المنطقية، تجعله يحسن استعمال عقله و يعتبر أيضا ملتقى جميع المتعلمين في العالم و هنا يكمن مفهوما المشاركة و التعاون
Q1 Students can create their own virtual world and advance in it, they can learn , empathy, social skills and even improve their literacy
Coding is something that each Ss can do,is an engaging way for collaboration, critical thinking problem-solving skills. Ss will become more confident as they solve problems & experience success along the way& by helping peers as well.
#MSFTEduChat#Mieexpert#HourOFCode Ts Ss :)
A1. Hour of Code is an excellent way to introduce coding to teachers & students. Blockly makes difficult tasks easy to understand and do. The Hour of Code tasks on https://t.co/ndonOxRZ7z makes learning to code easy and engaging. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
A1. HOC can inspire Ss & Ts to learn more about CS by exposing them to programs, problems, & materials they may not be familiar with. Ss & Ts can tinker w/different platforms & potentially spark interests they never know they had! #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
A1:توجد العديد من الانشطة التي يمكن ان تدعم تعلم علوم الحاسب في ساعة البرمجة تساعد هذة الانشطة على ان يستخدم الطلاب و المعلمين العديد من التطبيقات التي تنمي مهاراتهم يمكن استخدام المايكروبت او حتى الانشطة التي لا تحتاج الى وجود حواسيب . #HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetAR
Karyn, tech trainer from California here and ready to learn! Will be hosting my first #HourofCode this year! Grateful for the Microsoft Educator Community course! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat has begun!
Our global experts are so ready to discuss Computer Science and #HourOfCode with you!
Before we start our engines in a few minutes, will you let us know about yourself and what you're most interested in?
لسوال الاول: إن طلابنا اليوم محاطون بالأجهزة المختلفة و البرمجيات، مما يستوجب علينا تعليمهم كيفية عملها حتى يفكروا و
يبتكروا أجهزة و برمجيات جديدة، وذلك من خلال تعزيز فهمهم للبرمجة و هذا يا يقومون به تلامذتنا من خلال ساعة برمج
A1: #hourofcode promotes coding, computational thinking & raises awareness. By allowing students & teachers to engage with and explore coding they can see how achievable it is to use coding and computational thinking concepts in other parts of their instruction #MSFTEduChat
A1: Hour of Code allows for a central and easily accessible hub where both teachers and students can participate and learn together. Step by step training wheels tutorials are simple and fun to follow. #MSFTEduChat
Coding is something that each Ss can do,is an engaging way for collaboration,critical thinking problem-solving skills. Ss will become more confident as they solve problems &experience success along the way& by helping peers as well.
#MSFTEduChat#Mieexpert#HourOFCode Ts Ss r :)
A1: Even if you already teach some CS you can use #HourOfCode to introduce something new to your students. A teaser to get them thinking outside the curriculum #MSFTEduChat
البرمجة مجال ممتع ومشوق وكلما انتهى المتعلم طالب او معلم من مرحلة ونجح فيها يتحمس للبدءبتجربة ومرحلة جديدة. وهذا يرضي طموحه ويحفزه لتجربة شيء جديد اكثر تحدياً يحقق فيها تقدماً يرضيه.
A1 Through learning to code, pupils are engaged in problem solving and creativity. This helps to develop their resilience to challenges and apply logical thinking to problems. #MSFTeduchat#HourofCode
A1: The meaningful application it provides for students. They love games. For me it's watching them struggle/try again/and persevere to grasp the concepts. Love seeing it in action. #MSFTEduChat
A1. Creo que la Hora del Código puede ser de ayuda para que profesores y alumnos rompan sus propias barreras mentales sobre lo que significa Aprender a Programar y descubran una actividad que puede ser divertida y llena de beneficios.
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
Coding is something that each Ss can do,is an engaging way for collaboration, critical thinking problem-solving skills. Ss will become more confident as they solve problems&experience success along the way& by helping peers as well.
#MSFTEduChat#Mieexpert#HourOFCode Ts Ss :r )
A1: The meaningful application it provides for students. They love games. For me it's watching them struggle/try again/and persevere to grasp the concepts. Love seeing it in action. #MSFTEduChat
مرحبا جميعا
كنت سعيدة باستعمال موقع ساعة برمجة لانه يحتوي العديد من التمارين الذهنية التي تساعد التلميذ على التفكير للوصول الى هدف معين و الارتقاء من مرحلة الى اخرى
#MSFTEduChat I think I want to discover coding in some form. Moving around a multi-site #SEMH setting makes for a challenging role. Winning staff over a s one thing and a larger project is probably a goal.
A1: The students will realize that they got the power to create their own games. Teachers can start using simple, but interesting coding games to engage students in learning problem solving steps. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A1: Ss and Ts don't have to be experts to code! SO many possibilities exist for playing to learn + develop skills. Love making the connections w algorithms & loops to sequencing + maths! @codesparkapp or @codeorg code are great places to start! #MSFTEduChat
A1: Hour of Code is amazing because it introduces all the core concepts in a fun and game based environment that coding is not difficult and everyone can code and solve problems #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
السوال الاول: إن طلابنا اليوم محاطون بالأجهزة المختلفة و البرمجيات، مما يستوجب علينا تعليمهم كيفية عملها حتى يفكروا و يبتكروا أجهزة و برمجيات جديدة، وذلك من خلال تعزيز فهمهم للبرمجة و هذا يا يقومون به تلامذتنا من خلال ساعة برمجة
Coding is something that each Ss can do,is an engaging way for collaboration, critical thinking problem-solving skills. Ss will become more confident as they solve problems&experience success along the way& by helping peers as well.
#MSFTEduChat#Mieexpert#HourOFCode Ts Ss r :)
#MSFTEduChat: A3 Computational thinking connecting to curricular Activities: One cannot isolate technology when teaching. It's goes well if inter grated in curricular work.
01: Primetila sam da učenici pokažu veliko interesovanje za rad na platformi https://t.co/E1e0wlCzse rešavaju razne vrste kvizova., porede različite programske strukture i kodove. Istražujemo i druge platforme za učenje programranja.
i teach computer science teacher from tunisia pionner prep school #BBCmicrobit#MSFTEduChat@MicrosoftEduSA #
A1: it allows students to open the door of creativity and critical thinking
P1. Kako "Sat programiranja" može da inspiriše učenike i nastavnike da uče još više?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
Nobody is left out. This is one of the mantras of #PowerApps.
@KeithWhatling can say more about it. Digital transformation is not just about using technology, it's about including people!
A1. I think since its open to anyone and pretty much any subject matter could be taught and related so no one is left out. Something for everyone to enjoy. #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
A1.2 It would be great for teachers to have an Hour of Code that is practical and meaningful for their pedagogy, like something simple related to classroom management. #MSFTEduChat
A1: A mi personalmente encantan los proyectos que proponen - y la forma que tienen de acercarlo a los profes y alumnos.
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
البرمجة مجال شاسع بحث المعلم على المزيد من البحث والتطوير والإعلام لتنمية قدراته التعليمية وساعة البرمجة تعتبر ساعة ترفيه و متعة وفتح آفاق لطالب لمزيد التعمق والتعلق لاكتشاف عالم البرمجة
A1. Los profesores que prueben alguna actividad de la #HourOfCode antes de proponerla a sus alumnos, podrán comprobar que puede ser divertido y que tiene más aplicaciones en sus clases de las que ellos pensaban en un principio.
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
R1. l'ora del codice è stimolante per gli insegnanti per trovare nuove opportunità di apprendimento per gli studenti, amplificare la loro mente e introdurli a metodi di risoluzione alternativi in cui il ragionamento logico intuitivo prevalga #TwwetMettIT#MSFTEduChat
A1: The meaningful application it provides for students. They love games. For me it's watching them struggle/try again/and persevere to grasp the concepts. Love seeing it in action. #MSFTEduChat
A2. https://t.co/ndonOxRZ7z and Code for Life are amazing online resources to learn coding. The activities are structured to enable students to work independently without help. You can track progress on both of these sites. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
ساعة البرمجة تجعل تفكبر الطالب يميل الى المنطقية، تجعله يحسن استعمال عقله و يعتبر أيضا ملتقى جميع المتعلمين في العالم و هنا يكمن مفهوما المشاركة و التعاون
A1. Hour of Code is an excellent way to introduce coding to teachers & students. Blockly makes difficult tasks easy to understand and do. The Hour of Code tasks on https://t.co/ndonOxRZ7z makes learning to code easy and engaging. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
Coding is something that each Ss can do,is an engaging way for collaboration, critical thinking problem-solving skills. Ss will become more confident as they solve problems & experience success along the way& by helping peers as well. #MSFTEduChat#Mieexpert#HourOFCode
Agree! When they see possibilities for this, engagement and interest are sparked and students invest in their learning in new ways! Love the possibilities for how #HourOfCode can transfer into so many academic areas, extend with writing, maths, arts, etc. #MSFTEduChat
A1: The students will realize that they got the power to create their own games. Teachers can start using simple, but interesting coding games to engage students in learning problem solving steps. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A1. #HourOfCode permite a estudiantes explorar como las cosas funcionan y les permite crear nuevas cosas. Les permite ser creativos, crear soluciones, resolver problemas y pensar criticicamente #MSFTeduchat#TweetMeetES#MIEExpert#CS
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
#MSFTEduChat A4 :Impact by Hour of code beyond classroom. It unearth learners hidden talents, it's inspire communication & collaboration amongdt lesrners Creativity&critical thinkiñg are the keys in this activity which makes learners marketable when they go to the field of work.
Q1) #HourOfCode is such an amazing event to inspire students and teachers to start their adventures in the amazing world of computer science. Providing innumerous types of activities. #MSFTEduChat#edtech#MicrosoftEDU
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
F2. Was ist deine bevorzugte online / offline Programmieraktivität?
Teile deine Geschichte oder Bilder!
Q2:ماهو نشاطك المفضل في ساعۃ البرمجۃ سواء باستعمال الحاسب او بدونه؟ شاركنا قصصك وافكارك
شاركنا صور من تفعال طلابك في الانشطة الخاصة #ساعة _البرمجة
A1: اعتقد الالعاب مثل لعبة الماينكرافت تعطي الطلاب القدرة على حل المشكلات وفهم الواجهة الرسومية عند مشاهدة الاكواد بعد تجاوز كل مرحلة يلعبها
Q2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad de programación favorita online u offline? Comparte experiencias o imágenes
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
P2. Koja je vaša omiljena onlajn/oflajn aktivnost vezana za kodiranje? Podelite slike ili opis
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
A1: My advice for the Hour of Code: "Start small. Think big."
After the initial commitment of an #HourOfCode, you'll see its impact on your students. Let their inspiration point you to what activities to try next.
@p_gartland I agree. I'll save my thoughts on computational thinking until we get to the subsequent question about it. I will say now that whilst you don't need a PC to develop computational thinking, using the activities from #hourofcode helps a lot.
A1: #hourofcode promotes coding, computational thinking & raises awareness. By allowing students & teachers to engage with and explore coding they can see how achievable it is to use coding and computational thinking concepts in other parts of their instruction #MSFTEduChat
Coding is something that each Ss can do,is an engaging way for collaboration, critical thinking problem-solving skills. Ss will become more confident as they solve problems&experience success along the way& by helping peers as well. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
Definitely! As a first dip into coding, it's easy for both sets of learners: the students AND the teachers! And for those who catch the spark, a whole new world opens up. So much win! #MSFTEduChat
A1: اعتقد الالعاب مثل لعبة الماينكرافت تعطي الطلاب القدرة على حل المشكلات وفهم الواجهة الرسومية عند مشاهدة الاكواد بعد تجاوز كل مرحلة يلعبها
إن تدريس البرمجة يهدف إلى إكساب الطالب مهارات عدة، منها التعود على مواجهة المشكلات والبحث عن حلها و التفكير الناقد والإبداعي و التقويم الذي يعد أعلى الهرم في تصنيف بلوم للأهداف المعرفية.
#TweetMeetAR, #MSFTEduChat
A2 Some of my favorite coding activity takes place in #MinecraftEdu. Nothing quite matches the joy in students when they learn how to make it rain chickens from the sky! Code Connection in @PlayCraftLearn makes this easy! Check it out here: https://t.co/S4nLK8auIy#MSFTEduChat
A1. #HourofCode allows students to start explore how thing works and to create new things. It helps students to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills and to be creative #MSFTeduchat#CS#MIEExpert#MicrosoftEDU
Q1. ¿Cómo puede inspirar la Hora del Código a profesores y estudiantes a aprender más?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
A2: Another lesson that is a huge hit , is the build a tower lesson that teaches perseverance and coming up with more than one solution using limited resources #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A1: Another great feature of #HoC are the great puzzles that the kids can identify with , its also cool that at the end there is a participation certificate that makes the participants feel like they have accomplished something #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A2a My favourite online coding activity is the Maze game in Scratch that formed part of my PhD research – as it’s a very simple way of introducing game construction to students as young as 8 #MSFTEduChat
A1: Every programming hour I do with my students learn the new ones, learn logical thinking Learn the importance of working as a team, learn to solve problems and learn a new programming language, programming a new language Let's help children to master it
A2. HourofCode: Wenn plötzlich der Versuch dem Verstehen des Prozesses weicht!!
A2. When they suddendly turn from trying to understanding.
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
F2. Was ist deine bevorzugte online / offline Programmieraktivität?
Teile deine Geschichte oder Bilder!
A1: البرمجة تلهم الطلاب و المعلمين في البحث عن أكثر من حل ممكن المشكلة، تعزز فيهم روح التحدي و الاكتشاف، تسهم بشكل كبير في تنمية مهارات التفكير العليا للطلاب و تلهم المعلمين في ابتكار مشكلات جديدة يتحدون بها الطلاب المبدعين في البرمجة.
A2: There are a lot of good offline exercises at https://t.co/R3yj7tQVCY My students like the card flip magic for learning about Binary and parity checking #MSFTEduChat
P1. Kako "Sat programiranja" može da inspiriše učenike i nastavnike da uče još više?
Q1. How can Hour of Code inspire students and teachers to learn more?
A2: We really enjoyed programming our robot friends to stack cups in a particular pattern , it gets really funny when the robot follows instruction and the students have made some assumptions that the robot does not know #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
#MSFTEduChat A5 Next step is learn the new hour code by inviting a guest speaker for more skills.Mert codè creators for computer science education week
Q2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad de programación favorita online u offline? Comparte experiencias o imágenes
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
A2: Learning starts with a good problem.
When I'm not making apps for the classroom, I make games on #PowerApps. I know all the rules of a game like Solitaire, so it becomes a mental exercise of "How would I actually create that in an app?"
A1. For teachers that have reluctance or fear, an #HourOfCode activity has a definite end point. "I can do anything for one hour"
And once success has been reached, they will come back. :) #MSFTEduChat
A2: The most valuable learning you could do is to take a problem the school or community wants to improve and solve it.
Learn along the way, but also achieve real-world impact.
ساعة البرمجة رائعة للمعلمين والطلاب. .من حيث انها وسيلة جاذبة للتعاون ومعرفة مهارات التفكير الناقد وكذلك تنمى لديهم مهارة حل المشكلات ...وتجعلهم قادرين على استخدام الاوامر البرمجية.
Real life usage of my ‘Bin Tracker’ #PowerApp to add next years bin collection dates ready for push notifications 👍🏻 the paper collection calendar will then be thrown out (recycled of course!) #PowerApps#Geek@PowerApps
A2: we also put a spin on a number of normal games and play them to introduce coding concepts like conditionals, loops and sequencing #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A2: I do not have a key activity. The focus is on articulating online, offline, and educational robotics activities. I take this opportunity to share the CS projection video at Madeira: https://t.co/bEbXzYElfj#CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
Q2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad de programación favorita online u offline? Comparte experiencias o imágenes
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
A2:كل نشاطات البرمجة مفيدة للتلميذ بدءا من النشاطات الفكرية التي تكون من غير حاسوب الى النشاطات التي نستخدمها باستعمال الحاسوب فهناك عديد من البرامج المتاحة سواء تسجل في الحاسوب او موجودة على مواقع الكترونية
#MSFTeduchat Red Ball Challenge. After students complete several autonomous car challenges, they can try their skills at balancing a bot on a ball as it rolls
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
A2. Right now my favorite activity is with Micro:Bits. I have students start with using block coding and the simulator in https://t.co/26HuvTCKys. Once their app is successful I have them recreate the app using Python and upload it to their Microbit. #cs#MSFTEduChat
O2: Kreiram sekcije za učenike na https://t.co/nvXw8yql07 platformi. Tada pristupaju preko koda grupe i rešavaju kvizove po izboru. Na kraju dobiju sertifikate za učešće u dogadjaju, dele ih na mrežama i motiviu se za nastavak rada od kuće.
A1: البرمجة تلهم الطلاب و المعلمين في البحث عن أكثر من حل ممكن للمشكلة، تعزز فيهم روح التحدي و الاكتشاف، تسهم بشكل كبير في تنمية مهارات التفكير العليا للطلاب و تلهم المعلمين في ابتكار مشكلات جديدة يتحدون بها الطلاب المبدعين في البرمجة.
A1. For teachers that have reluctance or fear, an #HourOfCode activity has a definite end point. "I can do anything for one hour"
And once success has been reached, they will come back. :) #MSFTEduChat
Q2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad de programación favorita online u offline? Comparte experiencias o imágenes
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
ففي الشهر الماضي احتفالا بالاسبوع الاوربي و الافريقي للبرمجة انجز تلاميذي العديد من النشاطات منها بدون حاسوب كلعبة الشهيرة و بالحاسوب كبرنامج و هناك عديد المواقع الشيقة مثل تعلم التلميذ التفكير المنطقي#TweetMeetAR #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
A2:كل نشاطات البرمجة مفيدة للتلميذ بدءا من النشاطات الفكرية التي تكون من غير حاسوب الى النشاطات التي نستخدمها باستعمال الحاسوب فهناك عديد من البرامج المتاحة سواء تسجل في الحاسوب او موجودة على مواقع الكترونية
عادة و مع وجود الانترنت يقوم المتعلمون بتجربة بعض الألعاب التربوية على الخط و في غياب الانترنت يمكن أو الحاسوب يمكن مثلا القيام بألعاب تثقيفية ترفيهية أساسها الإعلامية مثلا تكوين قلادات بها أسماء المتعلمين باستعمال اللغة الثنائية 0-1
A2 1/2: My fav offline coding activity is providing students with a deck of cards & pattern to make by flipping every 2nd card over. Students need to “program the deck” to produce the expected sequence #MSFTEduChat
A1: Another great feature of #HoC are the great puzzles that the kids can identify with , its also cool that at the end there is a participation certificate that makes the participants feel like they have accomplished something #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
Q2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad de programación favorita online u offline? Comparte experiencias o imágenes
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
A3: student can organize his ideas easely like making code or to have an open mind with design thinking like creating his ouwn sollution to any real problem
to make link between programming robots and real life
Totalmente de acuerdo! Y el pensamiento computacional puede ser usado en todos los ambitos, no solamente en clase de informatica. Ayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar su pensamiento critico y a resolver problemas desde otras perspectivas #TweetMeetES#MSFTeduchat#HourofCode#CS
A2 Recently, I got a #HarryPotter coding wand from @TeamKano that I'm enjoying. Can't wait for more features! Used it as a prop to introduce "The Magic of Sway!" for our #techortreat event. #msfteduchat alt text gif: Hermione using her wand
A2. Right now my favorite activity is with Micro:Bits. I have students start with using block coding and the simulator in https://t.co/26HuvTCKys. Once their app is successful I have them recreate the app using Python and upload it to their Microbit. #cs#MSFTEduChat
P2. Koja je vaša omiljena onlajn/oflajn aktivnost vezana za kodiranje? Podelite slike ili opis
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
A1:في الشهر الماضي احتفالا بالاسبوع الاوربي و الافريقي للبرمجة انجز تلاميذي العديد من النشاطات منها بدون حاسوب كلعبةCodyRoby الشهيرة و بالحاسوب كبرنامجscratch و هناك عديد المواقع الشيقة تعلم التلميذ التفكير المنطقي#TweetMeetAR #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
A2:كل نشاطات البرمجة مفيدة للتلميذ بدءا من النشاطات الفكرية التي تكون من غير حاسوب الى النشاطات التي نستخدمها باستعمال الحاسوب فهناك عديد من البرامج المتاحة سواء تسجل في الحاسوب او موجودة على مواقع الكترونية
A2 Recently, I got a #HarryPotter coding wand from @TeamKano that I'm enjoying. Can't wait for more features! Used it as a prop to introduce "The Magic of Sway!" for our #techortreat event. #msfteduchat alt text gif: Hermione using her wand
Q2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad de programación favorita online u offline? Comparte experiencias o imágenes
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
O1: jedan mali korak, kao sto je jedan cas, moze mnogo da promeni. Ucenici mogu da vide da programiranje nije bauk, a nastvnici da kroz malo opustenije aktivnosti zainteresuju ucenike za ovu vestinu 21. veka.
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
A2. Right now my favorite activity is with Micro:Bits. I have students start with using block coding and the simulator in https://t.co/26HuvTCKys. Once their app is successful I have them recreate the app using Python and upload it to their Microbit. #cs#MSFTEduChat
A2. One of my favourite online activities is "Speed Gaming" where students take a backseat to someone else playing and working on THEIR game. Key takeaways are collaboration, inspiration, problem-solving & critical thinking. #MSFTEduChat
نشاطي المفضل في ساعۃ البرمجۃ هو باستعمال الحاسب.
لقد قمة مع تلاميذي بالمشاركة في les activité de Hour of code
Lightbot, Apprends à coder avec Emna et Elsa et Minecraft
و كانت تجربة ناجحة و ممتعة مع تلاميذي.
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
A2 2/2: My fav online activity is using micro:bit to automate any real world process. This activity engages kids to think about things that are around them & how they work & then to use the micro:bit & coding to create their own solution to that real world problem. #MSFTEduChat
A2 1/2: My fav offline coding activity is providing students with a deck of cards & pattern to make by flipping every 2nd card over. Students need to “program the deck” to produce the expected sequence #MSFTEduChat
Sigo teniéndole miedo a #MinecraftEdu quizás porque yo me vea muy torpe manejándolo y no porque considere que los alumnos no podrían hacerlo. Alguien se siente igual?
Q2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad de programación favorita online u offline? Comparte experiencias o imágenes
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
A2:أستمتع بشكل كبير مع نشاط ماين كرافت#HourOfCodr وخاصة عند عمل الفصول الالكترونية ومتابعة تقدم المتعلمين وأكثر ما يحفزني طلب المتعلمين لمزيد من الألعاب وحماسهم للتعلم
Q2:ماهو نشاطك المفضل في ساعۃ البرمجۃ سواء باستعمال الحاسب او بدونه؟ شاركنا قصصك وافكارك
شاركنا صور من تفعال طلابك في الانشطة الخاصة #ساعة _البرمجة
A4: i will complete using makecode https://t.co/zE25SazTBh to program BBcmicrobit with my students
making codes with minecrafts and make a link between coding and real life
A1. Hace que usemos nuevas alternativas para resolver problemas cotidianos, utilizando el lenguaje de la programación. Hay que enseñar el lenguaje computacional igual que como se enseña a leer o calcular. #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES#MicrosoftEDU
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
A2. One of my favourite online activities is "Speed Gaming" where students take a backseat to someone else playing and working on THEIR game. Key takeaways are collaboration, inspiration, problem-solving & critical thinking. #MSFTEduChat
ساعة البرمجة رائعة للمعلمين والطلاب. .من حيث انها وسيلة جاذبة للتعاون ومعرفة مهارات التفكير الناقد وكذلك تنمى لديهم مهارة حل المشكلات ...وتجعلهم قادرين على استخدام الاوامر البرمجية.
A2a: Last year students used #microbits and accessories to design a prototype for a smart home device, and their ideas blew my mind! To see their projects, check out the link - https://t.co/piAC1AMswi. #coding#MSFTEduChat
A2: In #sd43 we promote offline or unplugged Coding activities by providing each elementary and middle school with a "coding crate" filled with board games, puzzles and paper based activities that encourage Computational Thinking #MSFTEduChat#HourofCode
A3: computational ideas like functions make talking about functions in math class a bit more fun.
S: "Wait, you mean math is just one big group of functions??!?"
Me: "pretty much!"
ساعة البرمجة هي مقدمة في علوم الحاسب مدتها ساعة واحدة، تم إعدادها بهدف تسهيل تَعلُّم البرمجة وإثبات أن أي شخص يمكنه تَعلُّم أساسيات البرمجة. تفقَّد هذه الدروس.
احب كثير عمل مشروع binaire Barclets مع تلامذتي لفهم لغة الحاسوب كما يحب تلاميذي كثيرا العمل على Minecraft هذا يساعدهم على الفهم الكثير من اليات البرمجة بطريقة سهلة و في كل مرة نكون سعداء و تخلق المشاركة الكثير من الحيوية في القسم
# TweetMeetAR
# CS # HourOfCode
Celebrate #HourOfCode#CSEdWeek & the ONE YEAR anniversary of #CodeBreaker's release date with a contest!
Retweet this, tag 3 friends and follow @codebreakeredu to be entered in the draw for a copy of the book as well as a BRAND NEW @brainpadboard!
Winner announced Dec 7!
We just launched the Code Builder Update for #MinecraftEdu, allowing you and your students to continue coding with Minecraft after #HourofCode. Have you tried Code Builder yet? Learn about the new features and watch this demo video: https://t.co/u78R4tx4pA#MSFTEduChat
R2- La mia attività di codifica preferita è la programmazione visuale a blocchi. Ecco alcuni dei miei studenti durante #EUCodeWeek intenti a programmare con #MinecraftEDU
التفكير المنطقي ...هو ايجاد حل للمشكلة عن طريق تجزئة المشكلة ثم اعادة التسلسل بطريقة منطقية للوصول الى حل...هذا هي الطريقة قادرة على تنمية مهارات الابداع للمتعلم
How does this #MIEExpert spend their #July4th2018 ? Using @MSMakeCode to create some pixel art in Minecraft:Education Edition. The code is a bit much. How many of you out there can condense it and make it more elegant? https://t.co/uBQvuI2XTs
A3; Our coding is closely tied into our curriculum . Our intermediate and senior students have built Isizulu and afrikaans games and apps . They also use their coding skills to solve real life problems #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
Q3. ¿Cómo ves el Pensamiento Computacional conectado a otras áreas del currículo?
Q3. How do you see Computational Thinking connecting to other curricular areas?
A3. The cornerstones of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction & algorithmic design) can be applied across the curriculum. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
P3. Na koji način vidite da se algoritamski način mišljenja može medjupredmetno primeniti?
Q3. How do you see Computational Thinking connecting to other curricular areas?
Q3. How do you see Computational Thinking connecting to other curricular areas?
F3. Wie verbindest du Computational Thinking mit anderen Lehrplaninhalten?
A1. Hace que usemos nuevas alternativas para resolver problemas cotidianos, utilizando el lenguaje de la programación. Hay que enseñar el lenguaje computacional igual que como se enseña a leer o calcular. #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES#MicrosoftEDU
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
Thanks for all your examples! Before we move onto Q3, see this fun example where grade 3 students use micro:bit in a hockey setting https://t.co/ydtc5Btpcf#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat: A3 Computational thinking connecting to curricular Activities: One cannot isolate technology when teaching. It's goes well if inter grated in curricular work.
A3: If you're new to the words 'computational thinking,' here's a quick primer:
It's a way of problem solving—and you're already teaching it! O_O
O3: Algoritamski način mišljenja integriše se u sve nastavne predmete. Moji učenici, ekonmski tehničari, nemaju programiranje, ali im algoritamske structure pomažu da razumeju složene logičke funkcije.
A3. Creo que aprender Pensamiento Computacional te brinda muchas herramientas no sólo útiles para el aprendizaje, sino también para la vida diaria.
Q3. ¿Cómo ves el Pensamiento Computacional conectado a otras áreas del currículo?
Q3. How do you see Computational Thinking connecting to other curricular areas?
A3 I can see those that #TeachSDGs use decomposition & pattern recognition to help examine #GlobalGoals Students can analyze a problem, break it down into smaller parts, and analyze trends in data to work on a solution. More examples are here: https://t.co/foh9dXIhcQ#MSFTEduChat
احب كثير عمل مشروع binaire Barclets مع تلامذتي لفهم لغة الحاسوب كما يحب تلاميذي كثيرا العمل على Minecraft هذا يساعدهم على الفهم الكثير من اليات البرمجة بطريقة سهلة و في كل مرة نكون سعداء و تخلق المشاركة الكثير من الحيوية في القسم
التفكير المنطقي وحل المشكلات بالمواد التعليمية الأخرى معقد بعض الشيء و يتطلب جهد ومن ثم تستخدم لغة البرمجة بسهوله لتنفيذ الحل.
#TweetMeetAR, #MSFTEduChat
Q2. ¿Cuál es tu actividad de programación favorita online u offline? Comparte experiencias o imágenes
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
A3: At the end of my last year, I started a project where students took content they liked most and wanted to teach the next year's group.
The project got them thinking about how they would teach something they learned. It's application—and we literally built apps!
A3: If you're new to the words 'computational thinking,' here's a quick primer:
It's a way of problem solving—and you're already teaching it! O_O
P2. Koja je vaša omiljena onlajn/oflajn aktivnost vezana za kodiranje? Podelite slike ili opis
Q2. What's your favorite online or offline coding activity?
Share stories or pictures.
A2 Some of my favorite coding activity takes place in #MinecraftEdu. Nothing quite matches the joy in students when they learn how to make it rain chickens from the sky! Code Connection in @PlayCraftLearn makes this easy! Check it out here: https://t.co/S4nLK8auIy#MSFTEduChat
A2 I’m not a computing teacher but love doing a biology related hour of code activity to help children understand how coding is important for so many jobs. I also share examples of science coders and the jobs they do #MSFTEduChat
A3 In English class, computational thinking occurs all the time through writing process - break down & analyze writing structures, look for the patterns between structures & algorithmic thinking is the writing process itself. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C
A2. Minecraft, Kodu game programming, creating world in Alice, Scratch are cool programming &animation tools which I and my SS are always eager to work with.
That's amazing! We're betting students started to look around them and think about where coding and technology are in action around them. Great idea for a lesson! #MSFTEduChat
الاجابة1: تلهم ساعة من البرمجة الطلاب خلال الرؤية إلى المشكلة بمنظور ممتع يحقق التعلم من غير ان يضع الطالب في إطار الضغط الذي يحدثه التعلم التقليدي ، كما انه يعزز من قدرة الطالب على تحمل مسؤولية تعلمه
3)الموادالدراسية بهامعلومات تحتاج لوجودعمليات عقلية مرتبة وتفكير منطقي لحل مشكلة وايجادحل ،كماان الدروس بهامجموعة من المعطيات تحتاج لربطها معاً لاستنتاج فكرة جديدة وهذا يجعل العقل في حالة نشاط مستمر.والبرمجة تدعم ذلك.
A1: تعزز البرمجة ثقه الطالب والمعلم في قدراته على تحويل أفكارهم لواقع ملموس وتطبيقها بشكل فعال ،كما تنمى فيهم مهارات التفكير العلياء ومهارات حل المشكلات والتفكير الابتكاري
A2 - My son is attempting to learn Roblox in Roblox Studio and is making strides. As someone who works with #PowerApps and @MicrosoftFlow I can understand the small achievements he makes. #MSFTEduChat
A3. Cuando comprendes que programar es una pequeña parte del Pensamiento Computacional y que éste se centra en descomposición de problemas, reconocimiento de patrones, algoritmos… etc, te das cuenta de que es fácil conectarlo con el currículo. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
Q3. ¿Cómo ves el Pensamiento Computacional conectado a otras áreas del currículo?
Q3. How do you see Computational Thinking connecting to other curricular areas?
A3. The cornerstones of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction & algorithmic design) can be applied across the curriculum. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
A1: ساعة برمجة هي فرصة للتعرف على لغة العصر وتمكن الطلاب من تنمية مهارات التفكير المنطقي و حل الصعوبات.
فالطالب يصبح الفاعل في عملية التعلم.
A3:هناك ارتباط وثيق،تساعد ساعة البرمجة على تعلم التفكير المنطقي وحل المشكلات من خلال تقسيم وتجزئة مراحل الحل والسير في الحل بشكل متدرج خطوة بخطوة.. وبمجرد تنمية هذه المهارات عند المتعلمين يتمكن المتعلم من استخدامها في جميع المواد الدراسية
A2. https://t.co/ndonOxRZ7z and Code for Life are amazing online resources to learn coding. The activities are structured to enable students to work independently without help. You can track progress on both of these sites. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
A3: I have had students write programs to translate from one language to another. It helps them
understand parts of speech better. #MSFTEduChat#HourOfCode
A3 In English class, computational thinking occurs all the time through writing process - break down & analyze writing structures, look for the patterns between structures & algorithmic thinking is the writing process itself. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C
A2 I love using @hellorubyworld to introduce young scholars to beginning coding concepts! We appsmash w @PicCollage Kids to create If/Then statements and then take the skills to BeeBot to practice w custom mats or let Ss create and act out their own loop! #MSFTEduChat
A2. I've recently discovered a number of fun ways to teach kids as young as 4-years old to code - My 4-year old mastered it in 10min;-). @scottiego is very cool!! https://t.co/E2nuUeOn7z
A1 #ComputerScience kan aansluiten bij verschillende vakken. Vooral met de #microbit kun je zoveel maken en toepassing binnen het gewone curriculum. #MSFTEduChat Ik heb zoveel verschillende taal en reken spellen gemaakt.
A3:مهارات التفكير الحاسوبي و مهارات حل المشكلات من المهارات العقلية الفطرية في العقل البشري هي فقط بحاجة لتطوير بابتكار مشاريع و مهمات تعليمية تبني المعرفة و تطور المهارة و هذا يمكن تطبيقه في جميع التخصصات و ليس مقتصراً على علوم الحاسب فقط
Q2: My favourite unplugged activity is the jam sandwich algorithm by @Baggiepr - students have to program the teacher to make a jam sandwich. Amazing deconstruction/abstraction ex. I have been left covered in jam!
A3: يضمن لتفكير الحسابي العديد من المهارات التي يمكن دمجها في العديد من المناهج الدراسية بطريقة تساعد الطلاب على التفكير والإبداع وفهم المفاهيم المجردة. لهذا أعتقد انه بنسبه للطلاب يعتبر امر ضروري ومهم . #HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetAR#السعودية_تبرمج
A3: I equate the process of designing logical sequential steps in code with writing a piece of music in my class. Gotta take care of your basic structure(s) first before you let the creative juices take over. #MSFTEduChat
A3. The great thing about CT is that the possibilities are endless. Certain aspects of storybuilding, for example, follow an algorithm. Breaking large chunks into smaller points is helpful with any subject area, and for study skills specifically. #MSFTEduChat
I feel like I got better at coding while teaching @ScratchJr to K-2 students in Fullerton, CA! I'm interested in learning more about @Raspberry_Pi this year! Have some projects I want to try... plus leveling up with @scratch! #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@ms_deljuidice, @codeorg, @handsoncoding, @ScratchJr, @Raspberry_Pi, @scratch
#MSFTEduChat A4 :Impact by Hour of code beyond classroom. It unearth learners hidden talents, it's inspire communication & collaboration amongdt lesrners Creativity&critical thinkiñg are the keys in this activity which makes learners marketable when they go to the field of work.
A3: The 4 components of computational thinking can be applied to many different curricular areas e.g. notions of deconstructing problems can be used in almost any different domain whether it’s understanding a problem in science or deconstructing a piece of writing #MSFTEduChat
A3: CT connects directly to every day experiences & shouldn’t be viewed as separate. When teaching CS we should be instilling that CS/CT apart of our daily lives. We can no longer silo education. #MSFTEduChat
A3; Our coding is closely tied into our curriculum . Our intermediate and senior students have built Isizulu and afrikaans games and apps . They also use their coding skills to solve real life problems #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A3: I have had students write programs to translate from one language to another. It helps them
understand parts of speech better. #MSFTEduChat#HourOfCode
Fantastic example of how to use computational thinking to real life issues and letting know students that their voices and opinions matter 👏👏 #MSFTEduChat#HourofCode#CS
A2b: Boardgames are great way to practice #computationalthinking skills! We have a Boardgames Drop In every Thursday after school for students to come play in the Library Learning Commons. #MSFTEduChat
من خلاله يتعلّم المتعلمون كيفيّة التعرّف إلى الأنماط وتجزئة المشاكل، والانخراط في ترتيب المشاكل بالتسلسل والتكرار والبرمجة الشرطيّة.
#TweetMeetAR, #MSFTEduChat
A3 learning computational thinking connects to all areas as it helps to solve problems in every subject. For example creating algorithms to help to link points in a story in English. #MSFTEDuChat
P3. Na koji način vidite da se algoritamski način mišljenja može medjupredmetno primeniti?
Q3. How do you see Computational Thinking connecting to other curricular areas?
Ni ja ne predajem programiranje, ali definitivno taj način razmišljanja može pomoći u razumevanju problema i njegovom razlaganju na jednostavnije, koje umemo da rešimo #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetSR
O3: Algoritamski način mišljenja integriše se u sve nastavne predmete. Moji učenici, ekonmski tehničari, nemaju programiranje, ali im algoritamske structure pomažu da razumeju složene logičke funkcije.
A3. The cornerstones of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction & algorithmic design) can be applied across the curriculum. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
It’s a fantastic book with intro to Comp Sci and coding concepts with tons of awesome unplugged activities in the book! Check out https://t.co/YvkO6XyP0H for tons of ideas and resources! #MSFTEduChat
A2: أحب ان اشارك مع الطالبات العصف الذهني في البحث عن المشكلات اليومية التي نواجهها ومن ثم نفكر بطريقة إبداعية ومنطقيه وحاسوبية لحلها ومن المشكلات أحدى الطالبات سرقة ماشية والدها وتم حلها ببرمجة المايكروبت #ساعة_البرمجة#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetAr#hour_of_code#CS
من خلاله يكون الفرد قادراً على التعامل مع المشكلات المصاحبة للتطور ، وعلى اتخاذ قرارات صعبة في قضايا معقدة ، وهكذا أصبح تعليم التفكير ضرورة تربوية ملحة لا تقبل التأجيل لأن الأمر يتعلق ببناء الجيل الذي تعده المدرسة لبناء المجتمع.
A3. The cornerstones of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction & algorithmic design) can be applied across the curriculum. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
I think CS in general can be cross curricular. I have a student in right now doing VR in Unity with Mixed Reality windows headsets. She has created a virtual solar system which she can fly around. She applied Math and Physics in code to make the planets move #msfteduchat
Yes and when they think about how they would describe the process to someone else, in metaphor or by making an app, they're applying their knowledge.
A3: تشجيع التلاميذ الى التعلم الذاتي، فيقومون بدور ايجابي يتمثل في تحديد المشكلة ، ثم جمع المعلومات المتعلقة بها ، و وضع خطة عملية لحلها ، واختيار أفضل الحلول ،ويكتسبون مهارة في المناهج الدراسية الاخرى
A3: Computational thinking is something that is part of every subject. It's the skill students need when they step in to the "real world". #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
I think there are a few of us who would be happy to be beta testers for any new features/wands/etc.! hint hint @TeamKano - #MIEExperts are a great resource! #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@8bitclassroom, @spsguru, @TeamKano, @TeamKano
التفكير المنطقي ...هو ايجاد حل للمشكلة عن طريق تجزئة المشكلة ثم اعادة التسلسل بطريقة منطقية للوصول الى حل...هذا هي الطريقة قادرة على تنمية مهارات الابداع للطلاب و للمتعلم
Il pensiero computazionale si collega a tutte le aree curricolari ed è utilizzabile per la realizzazione di progetti multidisciplinari! #TweetMeetIT#MSFTEduChat
A3: ارى ان التفكير المنطقي هو منطلق كل تفكير و في اي مادة من المواد لذلك اثمن و اشجع كل المتعلمين للخوض في مثل هذه النشاطات و اشجع كل زملائي في المواد الاخرى ان يبدؤو دائما بنشاط منطقي في دروسهم.
Q3: الارتباط عالي كون الطالب او الطالبة راح يعتمد على مهارات تفكير عليا كالتفكير الناقد لتجاوز حل الاشكالية التي يواجهها
How did you make the image look like that?
I’m guessing a photoshop type of app?
It looks loads better than a smiley face sticker #safeguarding#MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@teacher_in_tech, @NickEvans11, @WestParkPrimary, @microbit_edu
A2: Another lesson that is a huge hit , is the build a tower lesson that teaches perseverance and coming up with more than one solution using limited resources #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
@elaan of course! It teaches them that a program will follow the algorithm regardless. I bring in a washable suit for this activity!
A3: التفكير المنطقي وحل المشكلات من الضروري الاهتمام بها فهي تساعد في ربط المواد التعليمية وحل لبعض الفجوات في المناهج الدراسية
We live moments that are completely changing and transforming our daily lives due to the #DigitalTransformation.
Students have to be creative and be able to face complex problems. That´s why CT is necessary not only in #CS but also in other areas of knowledge.
The food chain pyramid activity was so relevant to my s3 class last year. Coding we could do that related to the topic we were covering the knowledge of. Even my PT found it relevant to his classes. We did it across the department #MSFTEduChat
A2: We really enjoyed programming our robot friends to stack cups in a particular pattern , it gets really funny when the robot follows instruction and the students have made some assumptions that the robot does not know #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A3. Many topics in subjects are interrelated and linked, CT in varied subjects go hand in hand. It helps in understanding of its application.
A3. Creo que aprender Pensamiento Computacional te brinda muchas herramientas no sólo útiles para el aprendizaje, sino también para la vida diaria.
#MSFTEduChat A5 Next step is learn the new hour code by inviting a guest speaker for more skills.Mert codè creators for computer science education week
A3 - In many ways we do this in all subjects already. Can use to create amazing projects or view as a language with structure. Natural fit and something Ss struggle less with and are more engaged using #ce#hourofcode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
Great to see all the enthusiasm around #HourofCode#CSEdWeek in today's #MSFTEduChat! Explore 12 fun levels in the Voyage Aquatic, using coding loops and conditionals to solve puzzles. Download a facilitator guide (many languages available): https://t.co/Ldcl5aHutR#MinecraftEdu
A3 learning computational thinking connects to all areas as it helps to solve problems in every subject. For example creating algorithms to help to link points in a story in English. #MSFTEDuChat
A2: we also put a spin on a number of normal games and play them to introduce coding concepts like conditionals, loops and sequencing #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
Ask other teachers what section of their class do students struggled with the most--or perhaps seem less engaged--perhaps there is a CS program that could help bring it to life
A3. Many topics in subjects are interrelated and linked, CT in varied subjects go hand in hand. It helps in understanding of its application.
We live moments that are completely changing and transforming our daily lives due to the #DigitalTransformation.
Students have to be creative and be able to face complex problems. That´s why CT is necessary not only in #CS but also in other areas of knowledge.
حب كثير عمل مشروعA2
binaire Barclets مع تلامذتي لفهم لغة الحاسوب كما يحب تلاميذي كثيرا العمل على Minecraft هذا يساعدهم على الفهم الكثير من اليات البرمجة بطريقة سهلة و في كل مرة نكون سعداء و تخلق المشاركة الكثير من الحيوية في القسم
A4 : Computational thinking is a basic literacy in this era that we live and every kid should have an opportunity to learn it so that they can be contributors to society #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
Q4. How can learning coding skills have impact beyond the classroom?
F4. Wie kann sich der Erwerb von Programmierfähigkeiten außerhalb der Schule auswirken?
انا معجبة جدا بالانشطة التي لا نستعمل بها الحاسوب (unplugged activities)تكرس العديد من المهارات لدى المتعلم كحل المشكلات و التشارك في العمل و الوصول لنتائج ملموسة ...و هذا كله و المتعلم يلعب
A4. Coding skills have a huge impact outside the classroom. It develops skills such as resilience, patience, creativity, communication, perseverance & collaboration to name just a few. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
A4: Let me put the power of learning to code into perspective: having learned to build apps on #PowerApps, I have gone beyond the classroom to work at Microsoft.
With the world as my students, I now teach people how to solve problems by building apps.
A3. Many topics in subjects are interrelated and linked, CT in varied subjects go hand in hand. It helps in understanding of its application.
For sure! One way of breaking through cognitive blockage is reframing, and taking topics from written language to process to coding and back again is one really productive avenue. #MSFTEduChat
A3. Many topics in subjects are interrelated and linked, CT in varied subjects go hand in hand. It helps in understanding of its application.
A4: @SamitSaini01 is someone whose life was transformed by learning to code.
As a security officer at @HeathrowAirport, he learned to create apps. But rather than keeping it to himself, he went on to teach other super users.
A4: Let me put the power of learning to code into perspective: having learned to build apps on #PowerApps, I have gone beyond the classroom to work at Microsoft.
With the world as my students, I now teach people how to solve problems by building apps.
A4 Coding involves literacy, critical thinking, computational thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration. These are critical life skills that can be applied across careers. Students with these skills are the future problem finders & solvers of the world. #MSFTEduChat
A4: Coding skills often improve student confidence in their problem solving abilities. This makes them
less afraid to tackle other challenges. #MSFTEduChat#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEdu
A4. Esta es una de mis preguntas favoritas: Al aprender a programar estás adquiriendo habilidades que te hacen comprender, entre otras cosas, cómo funciona la tecnología, y el mundo que nos rodea está lleno de ella.
A1 it's a lovely starting point where students can get an idea of what the subject is about whilst also feeling that they have achieved something #MSFTEduChat
Not really. They often understand what is happening but not all the steps in the correct order. We do activities so they can show what the steps are and can identify any errors in the process. Basically de-bugging! #MSFTEduChat
A3. Many topics in subjects are interrelated and linked, CT in varied subjects go hand in hand. It helps in understanding of its application.
A4: Coding skills often improve student confidence in their problem solving abilities. This makes them
less afraid to tackle other challenges. #MSFTEduChat#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEdu
A4: Samit is not just someone who learned to make apps--he is a lifelong learner. I am proud of him for continuing his education.
He is a role-model to his daughters, to me, and everyone who has heard his story.
تجعلهم قادرين على أن يبنوا مجتمعاتهم و يطوروها، إذ تعتبر البرمجة إحدى الطرق المهمة إن لم تكن هي أساس هذا التطور في العصر الحالي.
A3 Computational Thinking helps students develop step by stop logic, patterning skills and problem solving strategies! All of these skills can be transferred into ANY curricular area! #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat
A4. They have to use it everyday, everywhere....did you ever have to use a new washingmachine???
A4. Ohne Programmierkenntnisse könnte ich meine Kaffeemaschine nicht bedienen.....
Q4. How can learning coding skills have impact beyond the classroom?
F4. Wie kann sich der Erwerb von Programmierfähigkeiten außerhalb der Schule auswirken?
A4 Often coding involves solving real-world problems thus, learning coding can give sense of purpose & equip Ss with necessary skills to ensure competitiveness & inspire social responsibility. https://t.co/cbvbUKY1Pg#MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C
A4. Al aprender a programar estás aprendiendo a pensar de forma crítica, a analizar las causas de un problema y a buscar formas creativas de resolverlo.
تنمية المهارات والقدرات و المعلومات. فإذا اتقن المتعلمون البرمجة و التفكير المنطقي ، و تدربوا على استخدامه في المدرسة ، فانهم سيستفيدون منه في حياتهم العملية للتغلب على المشكلات التي تواجههم
A4: البرمجة و القدرة على حل المشكلات امر يحتاجه الطلاب اليوم ليس فقط من اجل البرمجة ولكن من اجل ان يكونوا مبدعين و مبتكرين في حياتهم اليومية. من خلال استخدام مهارات التفكير الحاسوبي المخلتفة #السعودية_تبرمج#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetAR
A4: Learning coding skills will impact Ss ability to think outside the box, show grit, and problem solve different situations both in school and out. #MSFTEduChat
A4. Al aprender a programar los alumnos están descubriendo una nueva herramienta que puede servir para solucionar problemas del mundo real. Muchas aplicaciones son precisamente eso, formas de mejorar una situación utilizando la tecnología. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
يعتبر التفكير المنطقي و النقدي من أهم ركائز التعلم الحالي بما أنهم يعتبرون من أهم مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين ولابد من توضيفهم في جميع المناهج الدراسية الجديدة وذلك باستخدام #STEM
A4 Often coding involves solving real-world problems thus, learning coding can give sense of purpose & equip Ss with necessary skills to ensure competitiveness & inspire social responsibility. https://t.co/cbvbUKY1Pg#MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C
Q4: I encourage Ss to take #computing skills across the skills. I have a 12 yo building a drone for school vids. Another is researching #bigdata by analysing daily waste in the dining hall. Ss must try out what they learn with us in real situations.
A4: قد ينتهج موضوع تعلم التطبيقات او عمل موقع يفيد به المجتمع ناهيك عن تفكيره المنطقي الذي سوف ينمي لديه الادراك وحب العمليات الرياضية (موهبة)
A4: In our day-to-day lives of everyday problem solving and tackling issues that arise too often. Figuring out a logical sequence of the fewest steps possible, because time is so important these days. #MSFTEduChat
A4: نمية المهارات والقدرات و المعلومات. فإذا اتقن المتعلمون البرمجة و التفكير المنطقي ، و تدربوا على استخدامه في المدرسة ، فانهم سيستفيدون منه في حياتهم العملية للتغلب على المشكلات التي تواجههم
A4 Coding involves literacy, critical thinking, computational thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration. These are critical life skills that can be applied across careers. Students with these skills are the future problem finders & solvers of the world. #MSFTEduChat
During DigiGirlz event we plan 3 sessions: Ice breaking where we search talent from the girls- poetry, Music, Short play and dance; Motivation where we talk about careers and positive personal brands then Coding using #HourofCode and Scratch @MicrosoftEduSA#MSFTEduChat
Yes I have about 20 Vr experiences my current seniors have just finished creating. We have Virtual painting, Virtual climbing to Virtual librarian #MSFTEDUCHAT I’m planning to put out a video of their creations later today.
O4: Učenje programiranja zahteva veliko angažovanja učenika i kod kuće. Podsticanjem, promovisanjem IT sektora i najviše programiranja, navodjenjem primera uspešnih firmi i programera iz okruženja, učenici požele da im to bude budući poziv.
A4: Beyond the classroom, the world is full of difficult problems. #Technology presents possibilities for solutions. By learning to code students are developing skills to apply technology in ways that may solve real global issues and improve lives #MSFTEduChat
We do something similar when doing route of blood through the heart. Again is a process of events in the right order. We draw a big heart on the floor and walk round and then try and write directions for each other #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@Filibuster3, @teaandtoast, @ProwiseUSA
A4:يؤثر تعلم مهارات البرمجة على المتعلمين تاثيرا ايجابيا بالطبع فهو يوسع في تفكير التلميذ المنطقي في كل المجالات خارج الفصل كذلك و يعلمه ان يحل المسائل الصعبة و المعقدة و يجد حلولا منطقي
A4. Coding skills have a huge impact outside the classroom. It develops skills such as resilience, patience, creativity, communication, perseverance & collaboration to name just a few. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
A4. Learning to use logic and identify skills we already use (decomposition, abstraction, etc.) make it easier to tackle challenges. Students develop perseverance, resilience, and problem-solving skills. All of which are highly desirable for present and future tasks! #MSFTEduChat
A2.شاركت مع التلاميذ في الاسبوع الافريقي للبرمجة بالعاب مختلفة بعضها على الحاسوب و اخرى بدون حاسوب كلعبة كودي روبي التي تمكن التلميذ من توجيه الروبوت
A2: We really enjoyed programming our robot friends to stack cups in a particular pattern , it gets really funny when the robot follows instruction and the students have made some assumptions that the robot does not know #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A4. Children who engage with learning to code will continue at home. Lots of pupils use scratch at home once they have learnt about it in the classroom. As they get older they will want to learn more and more. #MSFTEduChat
The event that Nomusa and others put on for #DigiGirlz can help others in creating their own programs.
I like the way they are building the community.
During DigiGirlz event we plan 3 sessions: Ice breaking where we search talent from the girls- poetry, Music, Short play and dance; Motivation where we talk about careers and positive personal brands then Coding using #HourofCode and Scratch @MicrosoftEduSA#MSFTEduChat
A4:البرمجة ستجعل الطالب مفكر ناقد باحث عن الحلول لكل مشكلة في واقعه، سيكتسب مهارة تحليل البرمجيات،كيف صُممت؟كيف يمكن تطويرها؟ سيتعلم أنه لكل مشكلة حل ينتظر مبرمج مبتكر و أن المغامرة بتجربة الأفكار الجديدة أساس النجاح👍🏻
@AmandaCalitz this is an often overlooked element. I have boys who don't quite fit into the school vibe, but they come to my lab and find their voice, their value, their purpose. People may think #computing is dry but we unlock doors.
A4: تعلم البرمجة تؤثر في النضج العقلي للمتعلمين ورؤية الأمور من عدة زوايا مما يساهم في قدرتهم على التفكير الإيجابي والتروي وإبداع حلول ابتكارية في الحياة بشكل عام
A4- Gli studenti che apprendono il pensiero computazionale saranno poi in grado di applicarlo anche in situazioni reali, sia semplici che complesse. #TweetMeetIT#MSFTEduChat
Coding builds students' learning resilience. Failure becomes simply part of the design process and agile development for creating solutions to real world problems. #MSFTEduChat#HourOfCode
A3 In English class, computational thinking occurs all the time through writing process - break down & analyze writing structures, look for the patterns between structures & algorithmic thinking is the writing process itself. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C
A4:يؤثر تعلم مهارات البرمجة على المتعلمين تاثيرا ايجابيا بالطبع فهو يوسع في تفكير التلميذ المنطقي في كل المجالات خارج الفصل كذلك و يعلمه ان يحل المسائل الصعبة و المعقدة و يجد حلولا منطقي
A4: The feeling of tolerance and understanding of the other person, cooperation, creativity, social competences in civil society is developing. #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetSR
#MSFTEduChat A5 Next step is learn the new hour code by inviting a guest speaker for more skills.Mert codè creators for computer science education week
A4:يؤثر تعلم مهارات البرمجة على المتعلمين تاثيرا ايجابيا بالطبع فهو يوسع في تفكير التلميذ المنطقي في كل المجالات خارج الفصل كذلك و يعلمه ان يحل المسائل الصعبة و المعقدة و يجد حلولا منطقي
A4. Coding skills have a huge impact outside the classroom. It develops skills such as resilience, patience, creativity, communication, perseverance & collaboration to name just a few. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
A4: It teaches us to think and solve our own problems by just trying and failing or doing research and reaching out to others for help. I've done all of these myself and have learn so much just from the failing part. #MSFTEduChat
A4 De vaardigheden van #ComputationalThinking zullen altijd van pas komen. Het leert je oa problemen oplossen. (algoritme, decompostie, abstraction, patern recognition). #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetNL
Totalmente de acuerdo!! Y ayuda a estudiantes a ver que a veces hay que intentar diferentes soluciones antes de llegar a la correcta. Lo importante no es caer pero como nos levantamos y lo que aprendemos de ello #TweetMeetES#MSFTeduChat#CS#HourofCode
A4. Esta es una de mis preguntas favoritas: Al aprender a programar estás adquiriendo habilidades que te hacen comprender, entre otras cosas, cómo funciona la tecnología, y el mundo que nos rodea está lleno de ella.
#MSFTEduChat Just like writing or reading...programming is an additional form of communication. It can reach people in different ways than other media. Computer Science can give people a different set of skills to express their ideas.
True a free sandwich is a fringe benefit!
Although if you want messy you can always do instructions to paint a creature! There's a great @BarefootComp resource about instructions for drawing aliens. #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@svanstraten, @MicrosoftEDU, @BarefootComp
من خلاله يتعلّم المتعلمون كيفيّة التعرّف إلى الأنماط وتجزئة المشاكل، والانخراط في ترتيب المشاكل بالتسلسل والتكرار والبرمجة الشرطيّة.
#TweetMeetAR, #MSFTEduChat
A4. تعلم مهارات البرمجة هو تعلم للتفكير بمنطقية و تعلم كيفية ايجاد الحلول لمشكلات معينة و بالتالي فهو تدريب لاكتساب مهارة القيادة خارج حدود الفصول الدراسية و هي من أبرز
مهارات القرن 21
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
Our science/stem club always has a block in coding. We use the @LEGOeducationUK mindstorms. Pupils work together, develop their communication skills as well as coding and CS #MSFTEduChat
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
A3. The cornerstones of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction & algorithmic design) can be applied across the curriculum. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
A4. Children who engage with learning to code will continue at home. Lots of pupils use scratch at home once they have learnt about it in the classroom. As they get older they will want to learn more and more. #MSFTEduChat
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
#MSFTEduChat This is Sofunda DigiGirlz, highly talented girls. The school is introducing CAT and IT next year @MicrosoftEduSA Thanks to vodacom foundation for renovating their lab.@Vodacom
A4: I am teaching a coding class for the 1st time & my students & I talk about this a lot. They quickly realize that the collaboration, problem-solving, communication, & reflection they are utilizing will benefit them always #msfteduchat
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
A4 Even if you don't become a coder for a career important to have a producer not consumer mindset. Also promotes #growthmindset Ss dont seem to give up as much when a problem happens in #CS they want to figure out #hourofcode#MSFTEduChat
Q4. How can learning coding skills have impact beyond the classroom?
F4. Wie kann sich der Erwerb von Programmierfähigkeiten außerhalb der Schule auswirken?
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
#MSFTEduChat Those who command technology are leaders of their generation. Computer Science gives people the tools and skills they need to build their own tools
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
A4 - when Ss work through the hard fun and productive struggle of something like learning to write code, they build up life skills like grit, perseverance, and develop strategies for solving problems. This transfers to so many "IRL" areas beyond 4 walls... #MSFTEduChat
Totalmente de acuerdo!! Y ayuda a estudiantes a ver que a veces hay que intentar diferentes soluciones antes de llegar a la correcta. Lo importante no es caer pero como nos levantamos y lo que aprendemos de ello #TweetMeetES#MSFTeduChat#CS#HourofCode
A4. Esta es una de mis preguntas favoritas: Al aprender a programar estás adquiriendo habilidades que te hacen comprender, entre otras cosas, cómo funciona la tecnología, y el mundo que nos rodea está lleno de ella.
A2: We really enjoyed programming our robot friends to stack cups in a particular pattern , it gets really funny when the robot follows instruction and the students have made some assumptions that the robot does not know #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A4: It teaches us to think and solve our own problems by just trying and failing or doing research and reaching out to others for help. I've done all of these myself and have learn so much just from the failing part. #MSFTEduChat
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
Nicholas Gill from the American Red Cross described his learning of #PowerApps as the "Gateway to advanced learning."
From PowerApps, he started learning SQL and more :)
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
A4 Even if you don't become a coder for a career important to have a producer not consumer mindset. Also promotes #growthmindset Ss dont seem to give up as much when a problem happens in #CS they want to figure out #hourofcode#MSFTEduChat
Q4. How can learning coding skills have impact beyond the classroom?
F4. Wie kann sich der Erwerb von Programmierfähigkeiten außerhalb der Schule auswirken?
A3: At the end of my last year, I started a project where students took content they liked most and wanted to teach the next year's group.
The project got them thinking about how they would teach something they learned. It's application—and we literally built apps!
A3: If you're new to the words 'computational thinking,' here's a quick primer:
It's a way of problem solving—and you're already teaching it! O_O
Coding skills can have huge impact well beyond the classroom
The world is getting digitalized digitalization process is supported, including other issues, in coding. So code now a days is considered a new literacy along with writing, reading, arithmetic
A4. Programar no es más que usar la lógica y aplicarla a la resolución de problemas. Es exactamente lo mismo que hace la filosofía.
Programar es enseñar a pensar.
Failure as part of the process is such an important idea. Incorporating that expectation into any project is something that every student should learn. #MSFTEduChat
A4: Coding skills gain students problem solving skills and analyzing skills and these are upper mental skills students need in their life in general to deal with any issue they faced, so coding is learning for life not for coding itself
A3. The cornerstones of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction & algorithmic design) can be applied across the curriculum. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
True a free sandwich is a fringe benefit!
Although if you want messy you can always do instructions to paint a creature! There's a great @BarefootComp resource about instructions for drawing aliens. #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@svanstraten, @MicrosoftEDU, @BarefootComp
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
A4: Just like we would like students to be literate in the traditional sense, they also need to be digitally literate as they are digital natives. Learning coding skills is one facet of #digitalliteracy. #MSFTEduChat
A4. Programar no es más que usar la lógica y aplicarla a la resolución de problemas. Es exactamente lo mismo que hace la filosofía.
Programar es enseñar a pensar.
I have written about ways to integrate CS and computational thinking into everyday classrooms. Check out @codebreakeredu - 15+ Ways to Get Started With Coding as well as my new courses. #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/j6bIZvU740
A4: For me coding has been eye opening. Now I just don't play, I try to think what's behind that game. How is it working. How they have done it. 😀#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
A5: After this tweet meet , I want to experiment more and allow my students to experience technology at its best . I want allow my kids to dream in code and build their own future #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
Q5:ماهي خطوتك التالية بعد متابعة النقاش على TweetMeet?🌟🌟
نرجو ان تطلعو على جميع الافكار التي طرحت من قبل المعلمين حتى تستطيعو تطبيقها مع طلابكم حتى بعد الحدث
A5. As part of my role as an education consultant, I work with teachers to create awareness of the benefits of coding. I introduce teachers to coding & robotics using the wonderful resources available - https://t.co/zKcPr8yh99 etc. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
I’m a bit blown away by #MSFTEduChat in one way. In another way I think it’s just raised the fact that there are some simple options and the angle into #hourofcode is what makes it matter. Not the tool.
Not to mention a growth in awareness about the processes at work around us in everyday life. It's an extension of the value of natural science and knowing how the world works! #MSFTEduChat
And many of the challenges are left unchallenged when someone is not equipped with problem-solving skills.
That's why it's so important for students to learn problem-solving.
#MSFTEduChat My presentation says a lot on how we make #HourOfCode interesting with the DigiGirlz and I will be presenting it during the Saastec Conference in Venda on the 28th Nov @MicrosoftEduSA
A5 I plan to help our teachers discover the power of coding and empower them to turn Hour of Code into HOURS of Code. I also plan to continue to learn and grow professionally by continuing to connect with the amazing educators who joined this #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet today.
#MSFTEduChat Just like writing or reading...programming is an additional form of communication. It can reach people in different ways than other media. Computer Science can give people a different set of skills to express their ideas.
A5. Después de este TweetMeet voy a seguir impulsando el desarrollo del Pensamiento Computacional en mi colegio y entre mis compañeros.
A4: Just like we would like students to be literate in the traditional sense, they also need to be digitally literate as they are digital natives. Learning coding skills is one facet of #digitalliteracy. #MSFTEduChat
A5: I will follow up with everyone about ways you could encourage problem-solving.
And if you're a teacher who is afraid of not having a CS background, never fear—I can show you #PowerApps which will let you use your existing Excel and Sheets skills to make apps.
A5. Inspired by some offline coding activities, I will give them a try.
A5. Ich werde die neue offline Ideen bald ausprobieren!
A4. Coding skills involves 21st C Skills. Once kids are hooked on programming, it becomes a gateway for science, math and entrepreneurship. It builds confidence &awareness to solve real world problems with collaboration too.
A5. As part of my role as an education consultant, I work with teachers to create awareness of the benefits of coding. I introduce teachers to coding & robotics using the wonderful resources available - https://t.co/zKcPr8yh99 etc. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode
A5: My next steps will be to reflect on the great ideas everyone tweeted about CS tools for #HourOfCode and see where I could tinker w/ them a little more so my Ss could have as much exposure as possible! #MSFTEduChat
أولا يجب التطوير الذاتي والمتابعة لكافة لغات البرمجة #C وثانيا تطوير قابليات ومهارات الطلبة وتشجيعهم على حب البرمجة والبرامج.
#TweetMeetAR, #MSFTEduChat
A5 next steps are to get into microbit mode and use it in the science/biology classes I teach. I just need to find the time to play. I do find CS and coding hard at times #MSFTEduChat
Coding is essential to help students thrive in a future driven by technology. When you teach coding, you also teach skills like critical thinking and problem solving. #MicrosoftEDU#hour_of_code#TweetMeetAR
A5. Para la celebración de la Hora del Código voy a involucrar activamente a alumnos para que actúen como voluntarios y pondré en práctica muchas de las ideas que se han compartido en este TweetMeet.
استفدت كثير من النقاشات المطروحة
والآن علينا أن ننطلق ونفكر في عالمنا الذي حولنا من حيث :
كيفية تزود أبنائنا الطلاب بمهارات القرن 21 وكيف نجعلهم قادرين على بناء ذاتهم ومجتمعهم والنهوض في الامه.
A5: I'm planing to organize HoC for my students and help other teachers to hold this acitvity for their students. I'm going to start free class for teach CS with Microsoft MakeCode for BBC micro:bit in next month.
بعد متابعة النقاش علىA5 TweetMeet سأقوم بحث مزيد من المتعلمين و المعلمين على تخصيص وقت لتعلم البرمجة و المشاركة في الاحتفالات العالمية للبرمجة و علم الحاسوب وخاصة في المناسبة
العالمية "ساعة برمجة
A5: ساواصل العمل على تعليم البرمجة بطريقة سهلة و سلسة لتلاميذي عن طريق ساعة البرمجة لتزويدهم بمهارات القرن 21 وبذلك نجعلهم قادرين على أن يبنوا مجتمعاتهم و يطوروها، إذ تعتبر البرمجة أساس هذا التطور في العصر الحالي
A3عملية التعلم تبنى بالأساس على طرح الإشكاليات ثم التعلم من إيجاد الحلول
اذا التفكير المنطقي يمكنه تطوير مهارات المتعلم في ايجاد الحلول مهما كانت المادة العلمية و مهما كان المنهج
We have spent a great deal of time shifting how we instruct lessons (coding, Minecraft, etc.) but we have done nothing to change how we evaluate students. That is a problem.
A5: Research and Instructional Design for my school/students. I'm running a #GirlsWhoCode club, but we need to offer more for our student body. #MSFTEduChat#proudtobelbusd
First, self-development and follow-up of all programming languages must be developed. Second, developing the skills and skills of students and encouraging them to love programming and programs.
#TweetMeetAR, #MSFTEduChat
Don't be afraid to NOT be the expert in the CS classroom. I have been doing this for 20+ years, and I am often NOT the expert in the classroom. Just try an Hour (or a week, or a month) of CS. Your kids will help you figure it out. I will help if needed #MSFTEduChat
A5. Después de este TweetMeet voy a seguir impulsando el desarrollo del Pensamiento Computacional en mi colegio y entre mis compañeros.
A5: شرح و تطبيق جميع الافكار الرائعة و الملهمة التي قدمت من المعلمين و
العمل على تطبيق افكار جديدة تنمي مهارات التفكير الحاسوبي لدى المتعلمين
ونشرها باذن الله للميدان مل تطبيق برمجة الروبوت 👩💻
A5: Tomorrow one of my classes will build #SDGs in #minecraftedu and rest three classes will do it later. One class will work with #microbit and#HourOfCode will be there later! #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU Busy last weeks before Christmas 😅
A5: After this tweet meet , I want to experiment more and allow my students to experience technology at its best . I want allow my kids to dream in code and build their own future #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A5:العمل على إجراء البحوث العلمية في تنمية مهارات التفكير المنطقي الحسابي عند المتعلمين من خلال ساعة البرمجة ودعمهم لنقل خبراتهم التعليمية لجميع المواد الدراسية بالإضافة إلى وضع تصور لإمكانية تضمين هذه المهارات في المناهج الدراسية عامة.
Q5:ماهي خطوتك التالية بعد متابعة النقاش على TweetMeet?🌟🌟
نرجو ان تطلعو على جميع الافكار التي طرحت من قبل المعلمين حتى تستطيعو تطبيقها مع طلابكم حتى بعد الحدث
A5: Tomorrow one of my classes will build #SDGs in #minecraftedu and rest three classes will do it later. One class will work with #microbit and#HourOfCode will be there later! #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU Busy last weeks before Christmas 😅
A5. Después de este TweetMeet voy a seguir impulsando el desarrollo del Pensamiento Computacional en mi colegio y entre mis compañeros.
A5:خطواتي التالية بعد هذا النقاش على TweetMeet ان احرص على متابعة هذا اللقاء الشيق مع الزملاء من جميع انحاء العالم في كل شهر و انا فرحة جدا لاني تعلمت الكثير و كان لقاء شيقا و جميلا شكرا للجميع
A3; Our coding is closely tied into our curriculum . Our intermediate and senior students have built Isizulu and afrikaans games and apps . They also use their coding skills to solve real life problems #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
The nice things about the Micro:bit curriculum & many others is that no prior experience is required - https://t.co/deERn4cBzA - this is my 1st year and I'm learning so much along with my students #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
استفدت كثير من النقاشات المطروحة
والآن علينا أن ننطلق ونفكر في عالمنا الذي حولنا من حيث :
كيفية تزود أبنائنا الطلاب بمهارات القرن 21 وكيف نجعلهم قادرين على بناء ذاتهم ومجتمعهم والنهوض في الامه.
So, other than a bunch of #MSFTEduChat tools, I probably need to figure out a tick list for pupils to achieve for their computational thinking. This could then trigger a more detailed link to actual lessons. Bearing in mind #semh is different to mainstream.
بدءا أريد أن أشكر السيدة منية على الفرصة التي اتاحتها لي لمواكبة اللقاء الرائع و سأحاول ان شاء الله محادثة أصدقائي على التجربة التي خضتها معاكم و تشجيعهم على مواكبة مثل هاته اللقاءات لاحقا
A5: I will follow up with everyone about ways you could encourage problem-solving.
And if you're a teacher who is afraid of not having a CS background, never fear—I can show you #PowerApps which will let you use your existing Excel and Sheets skills to make apps.
A3.التفكير المنطقي يساعد التلميذ في حل المشاكل و بالتالي لن يجد صعوبة في فهم و استيعاب البرامج و المناهج الاخرى عندما يقوم باي مشروع سيبدا بالتحليل و ترتيب الافكار و الاستنتاج و كل هذه المراحل قد تعلمها من خلال ساعة برمجة
R5- Continuerò a praticare coding in tutte le mie classi e cercherò di coinvolgere un maggior numero di insegnanti per diffondere maggiormente la scienza del computer e l'uso del codice. #TweetmeetIT#MSFTEduChat
A5: Research and Instructional Design for my school/students. I'm running a #GirlsWhoCode club, but we need to offer more for our student body. #MSFTEduChat#proudtobelbusd
Don't be afraid to NOT be the expert in the CS classroom. I have been doing this for 20+ years, and I am often NOT the expert in the classroom. Just try an Hour (or a week, or a month) of CS. Your kids will help you figure it out. I will help if needed #MSFTEduChat
A5. Inspired by some offline coding activities, I will give them a try.
A5. Ich werde die neue offline Ideen bald ausprobieren!
During DigiGirlz event we plan 3 sessions: Ice breaking where we search talent from the girls- poetry, Music, Short play and dance; Motivation where we talk about careers and positive personal brands then Coding using #HourofCode and Scratch @MicrosoftEduSA#MSFTEduChat
للبرمجة أهمية كبيرة في الفصول الدراسية وكذلك في حياتنا اليومية. فمثلا جل أطفالنا يستعملون الألعاب الإلكترونية ولكن الآن بفضل تعلم مهارات البرمجة يعلمون جيداً ما وراء اللعبة من أسطر برمجة وبالتالي تنمي بداخلهم القدرة على التحليل و التفكير المنطقي.
سوف اقوم باستدعاء كل اصدقائي و كل تلاميذي بالتسجيل للاحتفال بساعة البرمجة و الاسبوع العالمي لعلم الجاسوب و خاصة البنات لان اوا كائن بشري كتب برنامج حاسوب كانت امراة
Q5:ماهي خطوتك التالية بعد متابعة النقاش على TweetMeet?🌟🌟
نرجو ان تطلعو على جميع الافكار التي طرحت من قبل المعلمين حتى تستطيعو تطبيقها مع طلابكم حتى بعد الحدث
السؤال الرابع التلميذ في حياته اليومية يتعرض الى العديد من المواقف التي تعتمد على التحليل المنطقي و اتخاذ الراي الصواب و هذا ما يتعلمه من ساعة البرمجة
@kojk30 - do try to find people in your area. It helps build your confidence. Don't be afraid to fail. Everything we do is a meaningful learning experience. Persevere with it and you'll reap rewards to share with your Ss.
#MSFTEduChat This is Sofunda DigiGirlz, highly talented girls. The school is introducing CAT and IT next year @MicrosoftEduSA Thanks to vodacom foundation for renovating their lab.@Vodacom
A5: We intend to leverage the awareness & energy created by the #hourofcode tweet meet participation and provide entryways for our #SD43 teachers to more actively engage in our broader computational thinking curriculum #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat My presentation says a lot on how we make #HourOfCode interesting with the DigiGirlz and I will be presenting it during the Saastec Conference in Venda on the 28th Nov @MicrosoftEduSA
A5:خطواتي التالية بعد هذا النقاش على TweetMeet ان احرص على متابعة هذا اللقاء الشيق مع الزملاء من جميع انحاء العالم في كل شهر و انا فرحة جدا لاني تعلمت الكثير و كان لقاء شيقا و جميلا شكرا للجميع
#MSFTEduChat@MicrosoftEDU . Computer Science is a blend of art, science, technology,and people. No one type of person is particularly or especially skilled for it, but in fact we all are...if we will allow ourselves to explore
A4. Understanding why things work helps you better understand the world that we live in or at least change your view of it. Recognizing what a loop is (I have to get up for school every morning), an if/then statement (If I step on the gas, then the car moves) #MSFTEduChat#CS
Thank you for joining me and participating in #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet on #CS#HourofCoding and Computational Thinking. Looking forward to celebrating the upcoming #CSEdWeek Dec 3-9.
Q5) Keep spreading the word after this event.
Pick up on all the synergy raised by this @TweetMeet and help teachers develop the adequate contexts to apply #CS and Computational Thinking no matter the subjects they teach.
A5. As part of my role as an education consultant, I work with teachers to create awareness of the benefits of coding. I introduce teachers to coding & robotics using the wonderful resources available - https://t.co/zKcPr8yh99 etc. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode
Thanks for a thought-provoking discussion. We couldn't be more excited for CS Ed Week! Join us for next month's global TweetMeet on December 18th. #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat ما هذالابداع! ما هذه الروعة مع
#TweetMeetAR شكرا للجميع على التفاعل والحضور معنا في
تلهمنا #CS, #HourOfCode أفكاركم و تجاربكم في
لا تنسوا المشاركة في لاستمارة الاتية بعد لحضات
لا تفوتوا موعدنا الشهر القادم 18 دسمبر سيكون موضوعنا افضل المواضيع لسنة 2018
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetSR O5 gledacu da ovi moji prvenci vise ucestvuju u aktivnostima #codeweek , jer dolaze iz raznih skola, a povezacu se sa ostalim nastavnicima iz skole!
5)نقاش مثري من كافة انحاء العالم،
بعده سوف نحاول ان نشجع طالباتنا لاكتساب اهم مهارات القرن٢١ ، ليكونوا قادرين على بناء وطننا ورفع اسمه عالياً بكافة المجالات ، لانهم هم المستقبل.
¡Gracias a todos! Ha sido un gran #MSFTEduChat
Vamos a publicar la encuesta en un minuto.
El tema del próximo mes será: Lo mejor del 2018 (18 de Diciembre).
Sjajno, @teacherka Jedva čekam da vidim kako će to izgledati i šta će učenici naučiti. Sigurno će dobiti inspiraciju da budu programeri #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEDuChat
What an #MSFTEduChat this was. Thank you all who made this happen: our global hosts, participants, @MicrosoftEDU, @PlayCraftLearn and so many others!
Our survey is coming up in a minute.
Next month's TweetMeet topic will be Best of 2018 (Tuesday Dec 18) https://t.co/GS7ftoOFjZ
A5: After following this tweetmeet, the next steps to follow are learning in all areas of programming and training students and inspiring them to programming
Celebrate #HourOfCode#CSEdWeek & the ONE YEAR anniversary of #CodeBreaker's release date with a contest!
Retweet this, tag 3 friends and follow @codebreakeredu to be entered in the draw for a copy of the book as well as a BRAND NEW @brainpadboard!
Winner announced Dec 7!
With DigiGirlz we can sustain the #HourofCode activities and keep the our kids smiling with basic coding skills all year round. I am also doing Motovational talk to schools during Career Days-a grade 7 LO lesson activity #MSFTEduChat
Tema #MSFTEduChat TweetMeeta sledećeg meseca će biti: Najbolje iz 2018.
Obećavamo da će biti zaista nešto specijalno! Da li ste već radoznali?
A5: Stay connected with my new colleagues & co-hosts, plus the new connections I've made taking part in the #MSFTEduChat - it's been an amazing learning experience. And I have new resources to try!
Fomenta el pensamiento crítico, aprenden a tomar decisiones eligiendo la más adecuada teniendo en cuenta la situación, incrementa la creatividad, aprenden que los errores son necesarios para avanzar y superarse, se dan cuenta de que todos aprenden de todos...
Gracias a todos los organizadores de este fantastico #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES. Otro completo exito!! Ahora solo esperar dos semanas hasta #HourofCode para poner todas estas ideas en practica!!
Thanks for a thought-provoking discussion. We couldn't be more excited for CS Ed Week! Join us for next month's global TweetMeet on December 18th. #MSFTEduChat
Cuenta con la ayuda de tu comunidad en twitter y no te olvides de tus alumnos, verás como se convierten en tus mejores aliados @flor_irod#TweetMeetES#MSFTEduChat
In fact, @sfm36 we are all tinkerers and coders, inventors and world changers. We just need the support and opportunity to take the leap.
Thanks for a thought-provoking discussion. We couldn't be more excited for CS Ed Week! Join us for next month's global TweetMeet on December 18th. #MSFTEduChat
Thanks to all the hosts and everybody that joined. I’m away to organise coding activities for the rest of the year within our curriculum. #gotmehyped#ComputationalThinking#MSFTEduChat
What an #MSFTEduChat this was. Thank you all who made this happen: our global hosts, participants, @MicrosoftEDU, @PlayCraftLearn and so many others!
Our survey is coming up in a minute.
Next month's TweetMeet topic will be Best of 2018 (Tuesday Dec 18) https://t.co/GS7ftoOFjZ
Gracias a todos los organizadores de este fantastico #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES. Otro completo exito!! Ahora solo esperar dos semanas hasta #HourofCode para poner todas estas ideas en practica!!
A3. I plan to do an activity with my class called infection. One #microbit infects the others. An amount of time passes and students find out whether they survived or not. They then write out what they think happened in the activity(ELA, History, Science..plagues) #MSFTEduChat
سعيدة جدا بالتواجد معكم في هذا اللقاء الرائع على #tweetmeetAr مع #MSFTEduChat و العالم الرائع للبرمجة مع ساعة برمجة #hourofcode
شكرا للجميع و خاصة مدام منية و زملائي #CS
Honored, thank you for the mention! We are loving seeing children, teachers and families get up, get moving and get coding, by programming themselves, or each other! #handsoncoding#cs#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat
@MicrosoftEDU Thanking you kindly! It's been the best CPD I've ever had. What a wonderful team you have behind the scenes. I've been honoured to help.
#TweetMeetAr#MSFTEduChat#hourofcode#computerscience a4:
تعلم مهارات البرمجة فيه تعلم المهارات الأساسية التي يجب أن يكتسبها الإنسان
كالتحليل المنطقي و تجزئة المشاكل و ترتيبها.استثمار المعارف في إنجاز المشاريع مما يساعده على النجاح في المستقبل ليس فقط المهني بل الاجتماعي
I know! Some of the students thought the same but I was really impresed by their resiliance. They didn't mind about the time, they wanted to work out the solutions #proud 😍 #MSFTeduchat#HourofCode#CS#GirlsinSTEM
A3. My students coded a song for the #microbit to play. This brought discussion about beats, notes, and many other music terms which are not my strength. Students though were able to share their musical knowledge to fill in my gaps. Students becomes teacher. #MSFTEduChat#CS
Don't be afraid to NOT be the expert in the CS classroom. I have been doing this for 20+ years, and I am often NOT the expert in the classroom. Just try an Hour (or a week, or a month) of CS. Your kids will help you figure it out. I will help if needed #MSFTEduChat
Lovely people, we would appreciate your feedback. Thank you so much for taking part and sharing your powerful insights. It's been a blast!
افكر ملهمة ورائعة من معلمين مبدعين شكراً لكل معلم اجتهد وبحث و طبق وتعلم مع طلابه.الهدف الحقيقي ب #لساعة_البرمجة تنمية مهارات التفكير و مهارات القرن 21
فخورة بكل معلم عربي تفاعل مع الحدث لنثبت ان المعلمين العرب قادرين على الابداع والمشاركة
A5.بعد متابعة النقاش على TweetMeet سأقوم بحث مزيد من المتعلمين و المعلمين على تخصيص وقت لتعلم البرمجة و المشاركة في الاحتفالات العالمية للبرمجة و علم الحاسوب وخاصة في المناسبة العالمية "ساعة برمجة"
TweetMeetAR #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
I am continuing to launch up the DigiGirlz event in schools and Science Centres as I will be presenting in the SAASTEC conference on the 28 Nov,
thank you for the fantastic guides om https://t.co/4QCNZiBasw@hourofcode#MSFTEduChat@ICTclub_MP
Thank you very much to all the hosts and everyone involved in organising this fantastic #MSFTEduChat!! Really interesting as always! Can't wait for #HourofCode in two weeks time to put all these amazing ideas into practice!! #CS#MIEExpert#MicrosoftEDU
A2: In #sd43 we promote offline or unplugged Coding activities by providing each elementary and middle school with a "coding crate" filled with board games, puzzles and paper based activities that encourage Computational Thinking #MSFTEduChat#HourofCode
A3. The cornerstones of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction & algorithmic design) can be applied across the curriculum. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
استعدوا للقاءنا القادم في يوم 18 كانون الأول/ديسمبر في الساعة 10:00 توقيت الباسيفيكي // 6 مساء GMT. وسوف نكون الدردشة حول أفضل من 2018! #MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat
السؤال الخامس: انا جد سعيدة بالانضمام الى هذا النقاش ساحاول الاستفادة من اراء الزملاء و متابعة العمل مع تلاميذي و تطوير مهاراتهم الذهنية من خلال برنامج سكارتش و تمكينهم من المشاركة في المسابقات
A4 : Computational thinking is a basic literacy in this era that we live and every kid should have an opportunity to learn it so that they can be contributors to society #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
@anusharma81 thank you so much. It's what we're here for and it's why these events run by @MicrosoftEDU are so powerful. It connects a global community of like minded educators. That's priceless.
Let us not forget that like telescopes to astronomy, coding is only a snippet of what computer science is all about. Dec 3 is #CSEdWeek.
السؤال الخامس: هذا النقاش الشيق يدفعني الى نصح زملائي من مادة الاعلامية و المواد الاخرى لاعتماد البرمجة في دروسهم لانها تمكن التلميذ من التطور و الابداع و المشاركة في انجاز الدرس
A4. Coding skills have a huge impact outside the classroom. It develops skills such as resilience, patience, creativity, communication, perseverance & collaboration to name just a few. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode#microsoftedusa
A2: نشاطي المفضل في ساعۃ البرمجۃ هو باستعمال الحاسب.
لقد قمة مع تلاميذي بالمشاركة في les activité de Hour of code
Lightbot, Apprends à coder avec Emna et Elsa et Minecraft
و كانت تجربة ناجحة و ممتعة مع تلاميذي.
نشاطي المفضل في ساعۃ البرمجۃ هو باستعمال الحاسب.
لقد قمة مع تلاميذي بالمشاركة في les activité de Hour of code
Lightbot, Apprends à coder avec Emna et Elsa et Minecraft
و كانت تجربة ناجحة و ممتعة مع تلاميذي.
A5: صحيح انا ادرس علم الحاسوب و أنشطة البرمجة ننجزها دائما بعلاقة بالحاسوب لكن سنستثمر دائما هذه الأنشطة لتعلم مهارات الحياة
@mraspinall I concur. #computerscience is and should be a rich & varied diet, with options to suit every palate. Making Ss and parents understand it's not all apps and code, but far more of interest and challenge, is vital.
Let us not forget that like telescopes to astronomy, coding is only a snippet of what computer science is all about. Dec 3 is #CSEdWeek.
During DigiGirlz event we plan 3 sessions: Ice breaking where we search talent from the girls- poetry, Music, Short play and dance; Motivation where we talk about careers and positive personal brands then Coding using #HourofCode and Scratch @MicrosoftEduSA#MSFTEduChat
And thank you @elaan for all your contributions. It's been a fantastic session, with a vast amount of ideas and resources to share around the world.
#MSFTEduChat This is Sofunda DigiGirlz, highly talented girls. The school is introducing CAT and IT next year @MicrosoftEduSA Thanks to vodacom foundation for renovating their lab.@Vodacom
#MSFTEduChat Those who command technology are leaders of their generation. Computer Science gives people the tools and skills they need to build their own tools
A2: We really enjoyed programming our robot friends to stack cups in a particular pattern , it gets really funny when the robot follows instruction and the students have made some assumptions that the robot does not know #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A5: After this tweet meet , I want to experiment more and allow my students to experience technology at its best . I want allow my kids to dream in code and build their own future #MSFTEduChat#CS#HourOfCode#MicrosoftEduSA
A5. As part of my role as an education consultant, I work with teachers to create awareness of the benefits of coding. I introduce teachers to coding & robotics using the wonderful resources available - https://t.co/zKcPr8yh99 etc. #CS#msfteduchat#hourofcode
#MSFTEduChat My presentation says a lot on how we make #HourOfCode interesting with the DigiGirlz and I will be presenting it during the Saastec Conference in Venda on the 28th Nov @MicrosoftEduSA
If you are doing some coding in school these cards would be a great place to start. Pint off, laminate and let the kids run with it. They will love it #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert@DigiLearnScot@FifeDLT
#MSFTEduChat ما هذالابداع! ما هذه الروعة مع
#TweetMeetAR شكرا للجميع على التفاعل والحضور معنا في
تلهمنا #CS, #HourOfCode أفكاركم و تجاربكم في
لا تنسوا المشاركة في لاستمارة الاتية بعد لحضات
لا تفوتوا موعدنا الشهر القادم 18 دسمبر سيكون موضوعنا افضل المواضيع لسنة 2018
Agreed @viva_nella I've seen kids that fail in school code like superstars. Coding builds self esteem. Kids realize that they are good at something, every child should have the opportunity to code no matter who they are. #HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat@sdelafosse
A2.TweetMeetAR #CS#HourOfCode#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
هي لعبة غالبا ما يحبذها
التلاميذ لانها تضم العديد من المراحل ذات صعوبة تدريجية مما يقوي حماستهم للتفكير بمنطق و ايجاد حلول مناسبة في وقت قصير .
@AmandaCalitz this is an often overlooked element. I have boys who don't quite fit into the school vibe, but they come to my lab and find their voice, their value, their purpose. People may think #computing is dry but we unlock doors.
#MSFTEduChat ما هذالابداع! ما هذه الروعة مع
#TweetMeetAR شكرا للجميع على التفاعل والحضور معنا في
تلهمنا #CS, #HourOfCode أفكاركم و تجاربكم في
لا تنسوا المشاركة في لاستمارة الاتية بعد لحضات
لا تفوتوا موعدنا الشهر القادم 18 دسمبر سيكون موضوعنا افضل المواضيع لسنة 2018
¡Genial el #MSFTEduChat de hoy! Leyendo aportaciones veo mucha inspiración y ganas. ¡Qué pena no haber podido asistir!
¡Gracias por esta estupenda iniciativa y enhorabuena @ftejeirab, crack!
¡Gracias a todos! Ha sido un gran #MSFTEduChat
Vamos a publicar la encuesta en un minuto.
El tema del próximo mes será: Lo mejor del 2018 (18 de Diciembre).
A1: ساعة برمجة هي فرصة للتعرف على لغة العصر وتمكن الطلاب من تنمية مهارات التفكير المنطقي و حل الصعوبات.
فالطالب يصبح الفاعل في عملية التعلم.
A3: يمكن الطالب من الربط بين الواقع و المواد الدراسية و بين المواد الدراسية فيما بينها و ايجاد الحلول المناسبة باستخدام ذلك الربط #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetAr#hour_of_code#CS
#MSFTEduChat ما هذالابداع! ما هذه الروعة مع
#TweetMeetAR شكرا للجميع على التفاعل والحضور معنا في
تلهمنا #CS, #HourOfCode أفكاركم و تجاربكم في
لا تنسوا المشاركة في لاستمارة الاتية بعد لحضات
لا تفوتوا موعدنا الشهر القادم 18 دسمبر سيكون موضوعنا افضل المواضيع لسنة 2018
الف شكر لك اختي العزيزة فاطمة اعمالك جد مميزة! دمت مبدعة شكرا لمشاركتنا افكارك وانشطتك مع #MSFTEduChat بالعربية #TweetMeetAr حول علم الحاسوب #cs وساعة برمجة #HourOfCode
A1. ساعة البرمجة هي مرحلة هامة للمتعلمين المبتدئين يعتمدها المربي كمدخل لعالم الحاسوب البرمجة فهي تحث الطلاب على القبول على البرمجة بطريقة مسلية و ممتعة حيت يتعلم الطلاب البرمجة و هم يلعبون العاب يحبونها مثل لعبة ماينكرافت
شكرا لحضورك سماح ومشاركتنا اعمالك مع #MSFTEduChat بالعربية #TweetMeetAr شكرا على مجهوداتك من اجل تدريس #cs علم الحاسوب و #HourOfCode و ساعة برمجة للمتعلمين