#PEChat Archive
Every other Monday, thousands of physical educators from around the world take part in an online Twitter chat on topics relating to #physed. The community votes for the topic and community members moderate the chat. The result is an amazing professional development opportunity called #PEChat.
Monday February 22, 2016 7:00 PM EST
Hi everyone! It’s time for tonight’s on “Providing Meaningful Feedback in ”! Who’s with me? https://t.co/WOgEVkFKha
Bill from Charlotte, NC. I am in.
awesome! Thanks for joining in!
Hi Bill! Thanks for joining in!
If you’re new to , here’s how it works: I’ll ask questions (Qs) to help guide the convo. Feel free to share your answers (As).
Natalie from Saskatchewan, Canada!
To keep things organized, let’s use a number system (e.g. Q1 -> A1).
You don’t have to wait your turn and it doesn’t matter if a tweet was sent out a while ago. Just jump in whenever you can.
Most importantly, be sure to include the hashtag in all of your tweets. This will help others see your tweets.
Most importantly, be sure to include the hashtag in all of your tweets. This will help others see your tweets.
And if you are lurking, it is ok to join in. Have to join in the convo at some point = true learning
Alright, let’s get this show on the road!
Kailla from Saskatchewan, Canada!
Q1. In your opinion, what is meaningful feedback in ?
Thanks for joining in! Saskatchewan is in the house tonight!
I'll be tweeting about for the next 40 min ish
A1 Feedback is clear, concise and creates change
you better be! Haha good to have you here, bud!
A1 Meaningful feedback is specific to the learning goals for the st. Help st better define success and areas 4 improvement
A1: when Ss can take what you said and improve from it
feedback that will challenge the student to grow no matter what level they are on. It's individualized
A1: Meaningful feedback from me is constructive! Feedback needs to help students learn from their "mistakes"
A1. Feedback that is directly related to the lesson objectives; is specific and corrective (if applicable).
I agree with you, but also think students can learn from successes as well. What do you think?
Q2. What is the challenge in providing students with meaningful feedback in ?
A1. Only contains 1 feedback platform: evaluation, appreciation, or coaching. And is specific, clear, and measurable.
A1 anything that helps the student improve/reflect in a positive manner
whoa. Ok, lots in that tweet. First off, can you elaborate on feedback platforms? Also, is all feedback measurable?
A2: Time is always a challenge for me!
You can't see yourself. Hard to make adjustments you don't even know ur doing wrong
A2. providing it in a timely manner is sometimes difficult. Large classes take longer to get assessments back to them.
A2: Trying to give efficient feedback to as many students as possible but feeling rushed and therefore feedback may not be as good
A2 Challenges are usually self imposed, I like to call them excuses. Sorry for bluntness, but it our job as Trs to find ways.
A2. Giving feedback equally to all learners in the class w/o losing withitness (sight) of everyone else.
A2: Mixing platforms (confuses recipient) ie: "Great shot Jon, but next time do this instead." S never hears the +, just the -
A1. Specific. Meaningful. Understandable by Ss. Inspires growth.
A2 Politically correct answer this time. Making meaningful feedback for each individual that makes learning relevant for each st.
A2. Ignoring feedback that is not related to the skill or objective of the day
The program has their student teachers videotape themselves frequently! Helps a lot with our teaching practice!
A1: Feedback is only effective when it's timely and allows the student to make a change and put the feedback into action
No need to be politically correct in my book. We need it like it is so we get better.
Q3. How does the challenge of providing meaningful feedback in affect a physical educator’s teaching?
Agree, but find some use the excuses as crutches. Hear it all the time, 2 many st or not enough space.
It makes me slow down and teach less at a deeper level.
I think all feedback can be measured even if it is not recorded. What do you think my man?
A2. . Not content of FB bc it's based on coconstructed criteria. Possibly time for detail & meaning 4 all Ss. https://t.co/VRMKXoawd4
Q2. What is the challenge in providing students with meaningful feedback in ?
if I’m providing a S with fdbk on their basic jump in jump rope, looking at critical elements, how can I measure that?
different types of feedback https://t.co/z7JCvVLFBJ
3 kinds of feedback (platforms) appreciation, coaching and evaluation
Can you explain any specific examples and strategies you use to limit your potential "excuses"?
A3 time is always a constraint
A2: As with any feedback to a large number of students, it's difficult to make it individualized which is essential for growth
i advocate this with my students teachers all the time
A2. Setting up an authentic, ongoing culture where it's not just teacher-student, but also student-student.
A1: Any FB that IDs areas of strength and improvement and gives clear guidance for improvement/refinement.
breaking down movement into parts. ie: upper body, lower body, rhythm and control. that way my fdbk is specific thoughts?
A3 If done haphazardly it can takes away from learning opps. Need to give Ss a chance to practice skill w/o swarming them w/commands
Q4. How does the teacher’s challenge of providing meaningful feedback (FB) affect the student’s learning?
A3. definitely inspires organization & effective tools - for me certainly the use of tech 2 capture Ss demos https://t.co/HgoGISnkoz
Q3. How does the challenge of providing meaningful feedback in affect a physical educator’s teaching?
We all face challenges. I just don't want to short change St. I use video clips that I can review later is one
agree. I was worried you meant measurable as in numbers (e.g. you’ve done 3/5 shots)
If there is no meaningful feedback for students to learn from,,,a teacher can't meet the needs of the students!
A2: Ensuring it is timely, relevant & constructive. Easy to fall into "nice try" or "at a boy" trap of reaction based FB.
A4 without meaningful FB Ss may have false sense of what is correct. Difficult to know/feel what is incorrect.
lol, ain't nobody got time fo dat ;)
A3: Sometimes progression in FB is aimed too high, not developmentally appropriate.
I’m not arguing with you there. I hear tons of excuses/complaints… oftentimes coming from myself. Gotta keep growing
I have st give feedback to one another as well as themselves. Try to empower my st, I don't want to be the only "Tr"
A4 with it ss improve without it ss stay with status quo
A4. if the T is challenged there might be less opportunity for FB or the FB won't be as good.
Agreed. I've taught up to 400 Ss - strategies like that are vital - but final word is Ts - so important to know wuz up.
The teacher cannot adapt to the student's learning! Meaningful feedback helps the teacher adapt to the learners!
A3. Affects everything they do. Again, setting up authentic feedback culture needs to be embedded
A4 Ss learning will increase w/an effort by the T to give specific feedback tied to the skill cues (critical elements) for the skill
at first I may stress about it but it makes me tougher on myself and strive to do better for my students!
🙌🏻 What apps are you loving?
Q5. Who are some of the leading researchers when it comes to feedback in /?
I don't believe it's about final words must be delivered by teacher. Feedback is a process to be embraced by all.
Agreed that tcher feedback critical, but we would be devaluing student-student feedback if its seen that tcher 1/2
A4 St like the FB, shows that tr it is paying attention which = more engagement = more learning.
I was referring to report cards as final - Ont policy is only Ts evaluation can be used to determine report card grade.
word is final. Process of feedback is about learning from one another. Teacher cannot do this all on their own
Aha! got you Heather. Agreed on reporting thing.
Is it bad to say that I do not know!
I have no clue for q5 great q
I wish reports could be completely redesigned but this is entirely different discussion
feedback and discussion by Ss,teacher and peers is critical in
Q6. What are some relevant journal articles on the topic of meaningful feedback in ?
Wow, for $152!! that is steep. Is there a Twitter version? :)
A5: douglas stone yale university
just thinking the same thing!!
Yes! Also helps to build Ss understanding & self-monitoring skills. https://t.co/vbkc3zQrM8
feedback and discussion by Ss,teacher and peers is critical in
8th edition is perfect too!
Q4: direct affect on Ss experience, knowledge, ability, and environment in the classroom. Everything Ts do effect Ss
Hi - I'm running a PD this week for colleagues in my district. Please welcome to the community :)
A6 currently researching this and the effects of peer tutors in
I know my buddy will help show the ropes :)
A6: Would love some articles to read on meaningful feedback!
Q7. What are some interesting books to help us better understand what makes feedback meaningful in ?
A5 Geoff Masters + ACER in Aus have done great work. Grades vs feedback and impact on improvement https://t.co/qxdMxPWdFz
A7 The first part of Sparks: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain CC
is there evidence to support that?
are people in the chat seeing the tweets from ? She is using and tweets are not showing here.
A7 Grading Smarter not Harder is a good book. Has some on FB, but overall talks about helping st take ownership of own learning
won't regret. The opening paragraph always gives me chills! Keep me posted!
A7 (see my A6) Otherwise, "Google" it and read as many reviews as possible :-)))
A7 (see my A6) Otherwise, "Google" it and read as many reviews as possible :-)))
A7 Visible learning by John Hattie, The feedback friendly classroom by Deb McCallum
Q8. What other helpful links do you know of that could help us learn more about what makes for meaningful feedback in ?
Important to ensure consistency b/t S's and T's FB? S's understanding of "correct" may lead confusion.
I did an action research project on grading that involved participation. St that participated more increased learning
A7 I've heard people rave about "Teach like a Pirate" by Dave Burgess
Buy an older version, lots cheaper and content is just as good!
Correct is certainly key. Knowledge and skill application practiced "incorrectly" is certainly not ideal.
I did an action research project on teacher verse peer feedback. Was no diff in results
Thanks for the suggestion, I do like to read a lot.
A8 (Here is an indirect answer). Check out Boston University's free online research database here: https://t.co/BLtXpoV3qO
Q9. What are some strategies (successful or not) that you have implemented in your teaching to help ⬆️ meaningful feedback?
A7. not direct related to FB. But Howard Gardner and his multiple intelligences theory helped me find empathy when giving FB
A9. I've incorporated the use of video. Students assess themselves and I assess as well.
Side note: you’re all killing me with your amazing tweets. Trying to keep up with the workbook! https://t.co/42RJPPDasU
A9. Short, concise, "student friendly" feedback equally dispersed based off of skill targeted that day. The less words the better
See if this works! Thanks for the welcome!
You're correct...I didn't know, thank you!
We had that happen with another person on .
A2@JoeyFeith The T:S ratio is crazy!
A9 Use of video and Google forms. St analyze own performance in class, upload to GC and I evaluate using same form. Compare results
A9: Agreed! Can't go wrong with video feeback. Ss see it for themselves and you see light bulb moments! https://t.co/FHnk01MSRw
A9. I've incorporated the use of video. Students assess themselves and I assess as well.
Yep :) Just wait til her tweets are not private. is gonna totally rock https://t.co/WJfT0I8xJQ
I don't see anything from . Tweets might be set to private.
A1 Meaningful feedback is constructive and precise. It's more than: Wow! Good job!
Welcome to ! Lots of great people here. We also have on Tuesday ngihts, if interested.
Yes, but don't think of 'measurable' necessarily as recording & grading. Think of observable measurables
A9. Video. For Ss assessmt of peer& self& mine. Being able2give them ownership &dvlp self monitoring skills. https://t.co/ywulYZ84Lc
Q9. What are some strategies (successful or not) that you have implemented in your teaching to help ⬆️ meaningful feedback?
A9: video! especially with dance and gymnastics!
Yes I was considering that also thank you!
A9 "I liked the way you stepped with your opposite foot on that throw" - Specific. Skill cue mentioned. Positive. Kids dig it
Q9, partner feedback using a simple skill related checklist.
Interesting. Importnt learng must happen prior so Ss know what is ✅ in learning for peer & self
A9: unsuccessful Sepak Takraw peer assessment during play where Ss were not getting enough touches to accurately assess
Resources used by S's have to be v. clear to ensure FB is as consistent as possible.
Thanks for pointing this out. RTing here from PL and just tested an earlier tweet. Assume you can see this? https://t.co/WXSh5ePd2i
are people in the chat seeing the tweets from ? She is using and tweets are not showing here.
A9: video for sure! We just recorded students performing square dance moves to modern music ! Then they can eval themself
100% agree. https://t.co/JvLk3OgHoJ
Resources used by S's have to be v. clear to ensure FB is as consistent as possible.
do you find partner feedback to be honest?
Thanks for the great tonight!! thx for moderating.
A few things that have worked: starting w/ end in mind, creating roadmap to success (rubric), knowing success criteria inside 7 out
I believe so. Harshly honest sometimes. As long as the observer is looking for specifics and understand them
Ok, video is great. But how does the kid know what they are looking at?
A4: Sometimes FB can be rushed, or worse late. If it is not at the right time FB is not relevant to learning.
I give them a check list.
Ours dance had specific requirements, 8 different moves, so they could easily count as they watched and use a rubric
do you monitor the student feedback...just in case they miss something?
I think video feedback is a great idea to show what the students can improve
Also believe have to give Ss benefit of the doubt until they prove incapable of peer assessing
I love "think aloud" strategy. Ts says thinking out loud while viewing whatever it is. Helps give Ss knowledge& language.