#TLchat Archive
#TLChat TL Chat will take place the 1st Monday of each month at 8 pm ET (unless there is a holiday or natural disaster). #TLChat LIVE! Twitter chat session will follow a Q1/A1 format. Leading questions will be asked using Q1, Q2, etc. Please provide input/answers/links/etc to each question using the corresponding A1, A2, etc. so that the conversation can be followed easier.
Monday March 14, 2016 7:58 PM EDT
Yay! Glad you're here :) Hope we see a lot of FAME peeps representing.
Welcome to LIVE! 2015-16! Pls introduce yourself, where u r from & what grades u teach.
I'm Sarah, a 5th/6th grade librarian in WI
Kate Neff, high school librarian in St. Augustine, FL
Our topic tonight is bringing makerspaces and creativity into the library.
Richard Snyder, LMS in Seattle WA
school library media specialist at Bay Shore Middle School on Long Island, NY grades 6,7,8
Melissa Ray, STL, K-6 Librarian, Makerspace obsessed
Barbara from CT, Grades 3-5
Glad you're here Krisitina :)
Hi from MD. Director of Educational Technology for the Archdiocese of Washington. Recent Tech Coach for Prek-8. Former 3rd gr T.
Is Nathan speaking about himself in third person tonight? ;)
Hi ! I'm Heather, a middle school librarian from Hershey, PA. Excited to learn from the experts tonight.
Matt King Saint Louis K-6 librarian
follows the Q1/A1 Format to make following the convo easier.
I'm Susan and I'm librarian and I teach PreK3-8th grade.
Heather from Alpharetta. Setting up a new Makerspace!
I'm Jennifer, a middle school librarian from VA
Joni Harris, teacher librarian for elementary school in Garland, TX
Just a quick question to pose? Are makerspaces stifling the creative spirit by limiting access?
Deb Cherry, K-4 librarian in Lansdale, PA
great to be here! Thanks for the evite!
Excited to see so many familiar faces (and new ones) tonight!
Andy from Athens GA. Grades prek-5.
Hi I'm Beth, middle school librarian from NJ
Stacy - Lower School librarian from NYC. Chatting on my commute between boroughs!
HI All! I'm Patty, elementary librarian from Chico, Ca. Ready to learn from you all!
Ideally, makerspaces should be accessible to all and thus promote creative spirit. But that isn't always the case.
Amy, HS librarian in Ohio!
I hope so. I just tweeted and FBed it.
Q1: What is your definition of a makerspace?
I'm at ! Excited to chat about my obsession the !
I was thinking because of size of spaces limit access
James Steeves on march break. TL for a middle school in Mississauga Canada
Hattie from VA. Grades 4-6.
A1 right now - a free range area where kids can tinker and play
we were talking about this a couple weeks ago on chat
with limited space, should making be more classroom directed instead of in a space
A1 hoping to combine more free range + projects/themes in the library
Flexible and movable furniture helps. https://t.co/E56FRE5Aoy
I was thinking because of size of spaces limit access
I think it only becomes limited when its in a lab & not a and Ss don't have access all day.
A1: A place where you can create; with the freedom to fail, and the time to make it work.
I think both are good. Makerspaces in libraries & classroom makerspaces can co-exist.
Heidi from NKY k-5 fanatic
A1: A makerspace allows users to dream, design, build, revise and collaborate
Hi Heidi! Glad you're here :)
A1: a space that isn't focused on stuff but rather the spirit of tinkering, creating, failing forward, and sharing
A1 A happy mess! Excited engaged Ss trying something new or following an interest
A1. Any space for students to create
The best makerspace is between your ears (quote by )
... So glad I can be part of convo tonight
A1: when creativity, imagination, & problem solving lead to inventing
Deb in Gillette, WY grades jk-6
I'm thinking of creating an option for a traveling Makerspace. https://t.co/U4dP7FoGD9
with limited space, should making be more classroom directed instead of in a space
A1: place to experiment & explore, place where it's OK to fail and try again
A1 to me a is physical or digital place where people can collaborate, make, learn and teach
A1: is a place where students can be free to create from their own imaginations.
Hi, I'm Julianne, a student studying school library.
I like that phrase "happy mess". I sometimes call it a learning mess at my school :)
Elizabeth, high school librarian in Palm Beach County, FL. Kids who use our makerspace <3 it; some r apprehensive.
A1. Makerspaces allow Ss to create, explore, touch, use their imagination.
A1 A place where students and teachers can PLAY, explore, learn, create, solve problems, and repeat!
A1 Makerspace allows creative thought to flow within the library or classroom. It gives students the chance to learn what they love.
A1: A makerspace is a place where people can create and explore with technology and other materials.
A1: I really need to track how I define makerspace because I think I use new words every time.
A1: a place for students to learn, create, fail and try again...
I think I'm going to make a word cloud of all these awesome responses tomorrow :)
A1 a place to blend literacy and creativity where learning and imagination have no disciplinary boundaries
A1: a place for creation. A flexible space. Making can be scissors and glue or tech.
I've been trying to be careful about the word "failure". It's important but it's not an end point.
A makerspace is a place where students can gather 2 create, invent, tinker, explore & discover using a variety of tools & materials.
A1 a space where students can combine streams of knowledge to come up with a representation
It teaches that failures are just learning experiences. All are able to create, problem solve, and become life long learners
Kids learn more when they aren't afraid to fail. https://t.co/0MSrwNY4FN
A1: place to experiment & explore, place where it's OK to fail and try again
Hi I'm Christine an elementary K-5 librarian from Long Island, NY
Hi Sherry! Glad you could make it :)
A1 A place where students can be creative, explore and learn.
A1 a safe place where students can explore, tinker, experiment etc. without the fear of failure
I like perseverance , ! https://t.co/MwlxMUEgz2
I've been trying to be careful about the word "failure". It's important but it's not an end point.
A1: I like how in Making Makers Jan Thomas used the word drafts instead of failures for kids learning in makerspaces
Love both and definitions. Each school is unique so makerspaces will look different.
So true! Our kindest work with upper grade students in our Makerspace and it is so great!
We also talk a lot about growth mindset, but I also love innovator mindset.
Exactly! You have to go with what works for you.
I like "drafts" better, also prototypes. Focuses on the progress and less on the failure.
a makerspace is a learning playground blind to gender, age, academic ability, religion, culture, and socioeconomics
Having a space and tools is a start. But being able to create from thoughts is key
Having a space and tools is a start. But being able to create from thoughts is key
Hey y'all. Ashley from Arkansas joining a bit late to the party!
Ss need to understand that's part of the process. Some r so afraid 2 fail that it stops them from trying.
What an interesting definition! It is making me really think
So true! Our kinders work with older students in Makerspace! So wonderful!
So much awesome in this chat tonight :)
That's a good one, and one we don't hear very often! https://t.co/hdZrrjL7Fu
a makerspace is a learning playground blind to gender, age, academic ability, religion, culture, and socioeconomics
A1 organized creative chaos.
A1: a place to freely explore, create, & learn w/o the constraints of grades & stifling tests https://t.co/h2gBUzSlq8
A1 a space that engages the ideas of developed models that take physical form
I saw someone at use the word STREAM for that - science, reading, engineering, art and math https://t.co/VvjveIHqo3
A1 a place to blend literacy and creativity where learning and imagination have no disciplinary boundaries
I am loving the answers for Q1. Thanks for making me think!
Yes, it's okay to fail and keep going.
A1 One of my students described it as a place to build what you have dreamed about.
i call our library the "libratory."
Fantastic! . Students need that time to just tinker and think it out.
Fantastic! . Students need that time to just tinker and think it out.
Q2: What are some things you do to promote creativity in your library?
The chaos is definitely part of it!
I like this idea but worry that makersspaces are oft synonymous w/ upper socioeconomic classes. Materials aren't cheap.
hi...glad to see you on here! So happy I was able to log on
Because I'm always talking about Edison's 1000 failures before inventing the lightbulb!
we should make a graphic with all these great definitions!
I get so much through Donors Choose! It is my life saver.
A2 I am new to makerspace but I started with design challenges. It is an easy way to jump in with limited funds!
This can be an issue sometimes. We're going to talk about budget-friendly solutions in a few min.
A2: Intentionally build in time for students to tinker with tools before asking them to create a final product graded by a rubric.
A2: To promote creativity we hold bookmark design contests, let students decorate doors, have photo slideshows of 3D printed objects
Cindi from CT new to the live chat and mkspaces lurking mostly
I plan on doing that tomorrow :)
A2 - Maker Mondays. Passive programs with materials out with instructions kids take or leave.
A2 1st graders in art made "random acts of art" and hid them in library books for students to find!
My is in a low SES school.
A2. Displaying Ss' art, Lego Wall, bright colors and open spaces, funny and inspirational signage
A2 We have contests and a lot of think, pair, share with other classmates .
Hi Cindi! Lurkers are always welcome, but feel free to jump in too :)
That's interesting. What do our students call it? https://t.co/A41YqMRfhD
A1 One of my students described it as a place to build what you have dreamed about.
even though we have pricey shiny things, our kids flock to the cardboard and duct tape
but also allows for realization of content that allows for students to excel on tests wait did say something about tests
Love this--we can't forget about the literacy piece!!!! We are librarians, after all!! ;-) https://t.co/gw2w84Ogvv
A1 a place to blend literacy and creativity where learning and imagination have no disciplinary boundaries
A2: Origami, Duct Tape Station, 3D Printer, Multimedia station, Osmo, dry erase table, makeymakey starting soon!
I might borrow that idea. How cute!
We offer design challenges as well. https://t.co/Uf1yydx5uX
A2 I am new to makerspace but I started with design challenges. It is an easy way to jump in with limited funds!
A2: to encourage creativity, I had MakerMondays and at first I started with a challenge. It got the Ss thinking.
A2: We partner with to have open makerspace facilitated by UGA students. Great time to discover curric. connections
Yes, those are great! https://t.co/ctu1AfVAWc
A2 I am new to makerspace but I started with design challenges. It is an easy way to jump in with limited funds!
A2: For Read Across America, we had a Storybird center in the library. Rory's Story Cubes were out as a choice during check out
my kids do the same. Favorite is the bookmark station where they make their own
A2: For my younger ones I set out "stations" that include building materials, drawing and robots.
A2: When kids ask if they can(permission) I tell them "You're in charge, what's the worst that could happen?"
A2: I've created an atmosphere of creativity in my by displaying student projects & making materials readily available
hi! Thank you for the welcome!
I love this but never seem to have the time. Wish Ss could "play" with various software before it's related to a project
Thanks for the incredible ideas!!
A2: At the library I work at, we have a monthly lego day and art day. There are also lots of hands on toys like blocks and gears.
My students love their robots. I love the Dash robot bc it works K-6.
there's a great book called Sneaky Art that can foster that!
I must hear more about whack-a-doodle activities :)f
A2 we use the makerspace as part of and maker recess is a weekly hit
A2: I tend to set things out & encourage Ss to figure it out & then share with me & others. Too many are used to being spoon fed
A2 I have a Creation Station" and try to plan activities for our Wed. Activity Periods. Crafts, improv, etc.
A2: We've done a design challenge where they designed a toy for my 2 year old. He came in and "tested" them out.
A2 give ss opportunities to build or write free of course requirements; short, simple tasks that can be developed further
Sad. hijacked ! Give him back! :)
How adorable! I bet they had fun with that :)
I was able to talk to faculty at beginning of year so it became a part of planning even if it's just a few minutes
incredible to see s who spend their day unable to share and get along collaborating and problem solving with no adult intervention
Would love to hear more about design challenges
Yes, they do...but I like spoiling my kids! :) https://t.co/S6VTpXXp1f
even though we have pricey shiny things, our kids flock to the cardboard and duct tape
Such a cool idea! https://t.co/223E83gHyg
A2 1st graders in art made "random acts of art" and hid them in library books for students to find!
A2:...OH...and Minecraft club! They do some really cool things in Minecraft!
Do you have a minecraft school license?
I also bring in Makerspace during our Genius Hour! It works out perfectly!
Use stories to build or environments Robots to tell stories teaches literacy but also teaches code and more
Hey I'm in both! Multitask!!!
Oh my goodness! THAT SOUNDS SO AWESOME! https://t.co/9bmthvOasu
A2: We've done a design challenge where they designed a toy for my 2 year old. He came in and "tested" them out.
A2 I want to try We've made jewelry, Origami, Tie-Dye, Legos and Book Art.
I have done ones with Cinderella and the Three Little Pigs. It really helps get them started.
One design challenge was the three little pigs. Use a hair dryer and see who can build a house that can survive a blow dryer.
some take right to it & others want more guidance. offer a quick overview but tell them to think & try & try again!
I've limited $ AND limited space & not allowed to bring in anything new to the library. I'm envious of all chatting
A2 just have materials available for them to use as they wish - too many restrictions/directives tends to hamper creativity
We have mostly used it on iPads... just now getting education server and programs installed in lab thanks to a grant
A2: after school Makers group, , time to play w maker materials during library lessons
i think the helps kids to think outside the box and gives them permission to explore different things:)
Don't worry - and I are writing a book about that :)
Oh my goodness! I did not know there was a school license. On my to do list for tomorrow.
Now that's an application of design in the real world! https://t.co/UU0NLoBA5S
Oh my goodness! THAT SOUNDS SO AWESOME! https://t.co/9bmthvOasu
A2: We've done a design challenge where they designed a toy for my 2 year old. He came in and "tested" them out.
We're going to talk in a bit about how to advocate when your admin is resistant to change.
I bought a Looking for some ideas for HS challenges!
They need that opportunity to just play and find out what happens. Seen some awesome items come out of it.
How are you creating the conditions to inspire your learners to take risks and innovate in your makerspace? https://t.co/7dMe9iZu1r
Mary -second grade teacher in PA
That's how our is too - it spreads out organically to the rest of the library
I do maker recess 2x a week for grades 3-5 - anyone can come- they just have to clean up after themselves
A2: In recent weeks, a puzzle I put out has been a huge hit. Kids are bragging about the parts they put together.
A2 Have done some curricular connections - very fun and engaging. In 6th grade social studies next week.
I love having the older SS teach the younger ones. Great way to see their passion shine!
The new library includes items like , robots, are the new reality for libraries , telling stories through making
we are part of the foundation after school.
Yes! Makes a great opportunity for collaborations between schools too.
That is a fantastic idea. I will show one student and have that student show others. They feel so proud to explain.
A2: I think another piece of inspiring creativity is when students know their work will be shared beyond walls.
Q3: How can you convince stakeholders stuck on the traditional concept of libraries?
Love the idea of an after-school makers group!
you have got to try or . I did my 1st last year and it was so easy!
this is always a winning combo!
We hold an annual Digital Learning Fair in the library. The last two years we have been including more making
Making and learning cannot be contained! https://t.co/QtdeD1ByH0
That's how our is too - it spreads out organically to the rest of the library
Can't wait! I'll take copious notes!!!! ;-)
Me too but once I got parents and Ss on board admin had to follow...
Encouraging experimentation and exploring with the students too
A3 Have an open house for teachers/admin and one for parents. Let them see what is going on and why. Let your students explain it.
it was so fun/funny. They did their "market research" by learning what he likes. Owen totally loved it
A3 ask forgiveness rather than permission! :-)
A3: Document students creations and students teaching each other
A3: invite them to stop by and see the high levels of student engagement, showcase what students are making
A3. Tell 'em to drop in on a maker event or time. Once they see the student buy-in, they get it & support it. Happy & busy library
A3: Hmm.... Just wrote a post about how the is an extension of traditional library services! https://t.co/vAf1OJNeJx
A3: bring them to an already existing Makerspace and let them see it in action. The buzz from students can't be denied!
A3: more students can benefit from supplies & activities than just a single class or subject. Library serves all Ss!
We're hosting our 2nd annual Student open to everyone during lunches and parents/community invited
Yes! Our first Maker Fair was a huge advocacy tool for sharing what we were starting.
A3: Show them examples of libraries that showcase creativity or even visit them in person.
As librarians share the great things that happen within our schools and makerspace. Ask you principal to come and watch.
Exactly. You can see all the students at your school.
Adding these to my "things-to-try" list https://t.co/dQNwwmHO40
my kids do the same. Favorite is the bookmark station where they make their own
A3: I tag them in my TWEETS to show them what is going on, and what my PLN shares with me! Invite them to come play with you!
Maker Monday was the first thing where I asked forgiveness instead of permission. Once the kids were in it was on!
A3 show connections between making and literacy
A3. I invite people unsure about in...my door is always open and I let the kids do the convincing
I actually had this queued up to share in case you weren't here tonight :)
Yes! This is why the really got my MS Ss creative! We shared with Ss! https://t.co/LPf7rrEjXi
A2: I think another piece of inspiring creativity is when students know their work will be shared beyond walls.
That is a thing of beauty.
Be sure to add that to the ! Awesome! https://t.co/FT6sP7Pskl
Encouraging experimentation and exploring with the students too
Karen PreK-8 in KS, first time to live chat
A3:U just DO it and let them see it in action-Don't ask permission! They see the Ss creating cool things and then what can they say?
Once the principal saw the engagement, creativity, collaboration, and the problem solving...he was hooked.
A3: Know your "why". Why are you trying to make a change from tradition? How is it supporting vision, mission, goals?
I have created a corner in my room where Ss can create and explore.The art teacher has provided materials.
Hi and welcome! So happy you are here.
Don't give up! I started with nothing - no stuff, no money, but I get a real room next year!
A3: Promote as building job skills. Students who can collaborate and problem solve are likely to be successful.
A3 have student record their journey of learning
A3 Promote your activities on social media insta, Twitter whatever you're allowed
I have students return each week (along with others) and they always tell me how much they love Makerspace!
I've found having a variety of tools entices EVERY student to use the ! https://t.co/sIcQS2NE75
A3: more students can benefit from supplies & activities than just a single class or subject. Library serves all Ss!
Always good! I think they need to SEE things happening before they jump on board. They have too much to think about.
A3: I've been fortunate enough to have an administrator that is very supportive of the makerspace idea.
The media center is the digital hub for school why not include etc
good timing! 😉 (& an excellent post!)
A3: Let the students do the talking! We had a group of students present to our School Board about the .
A3 have students speak of the benefits of makerspace
A3: We held a makerspace for teachers to explore and tinker. Need to do this more and with more of the community.
You can document that student enthusiasm to show an admin.
A place where they don't even know they're learning https://t.co/PLcSazQ3ho
I have students return each week (along with others) and they always tell me how much they love Makerspace!
Joining late, but wish I could been part of the whole convo. Just starting out makerspace.
I've been meaning to do something like this with my teachers. A lot of them still don't "get it" yet.
I think a community/family audience is so powerful for students.
A3: target teachers one at a time, trying to slowly get them out of their comfort zone
A3 Invited an administrator to make jewelry...she loved it!
A3 take them to alternatives, answer every q.
If you build it S will come and Ts will learn
Welcome Heather! Better late than never ;) There should be an archive of the chat up later (I think)
Going to do this! https://t.co/LRmBi4zlLD
A3: We held a makerspace for teachers to explore and tinker. Need to do this more and with more of the community.
Jotting this idea down for next year... :) https://t.co/nTyJxF2jgl
A3: We held a makerspace for teachers to explore and tinker. Need to do this more and with more of the community.
Thank you for a fantastic resource!
We're using to try to encourage teachers in Kentucky to play and tinker to learn https://t.co/MsMmL33Ern
A3: We held a makerspace for teachers to explore and tinker. Need to do this more and with more of the community.
I so want one of these. Or a lego wall - Mike from MD 2 ES - Librarian
My giant whiteboard wall and a 6th grade English class making a web of info about Peter Pan. https://t.co/mErkAuaz90
great idea! Parent night could be a great idea.
How long from starting with nothing to a real room? Just wondering....
Ahh! I hate being late! Recently I had a maker PD say, and teachers are always welcome to make alongside of students
A3 Ts and Ss check items out to use in the classroom!
Great point, focus and the students then the teachers, build momentum!
Thanks for your encouragement! I'm filled with self-effacacy & always seem to find a way.This chat helps!
It took about six months for us, but it's more about building a mindset of creativity than a physical space
I plan mine as a literacy night with book fair, makerspace, and summer reading resources.
Just did a book fair/makerspace night. Made a circuit board and a origami bookmark. Parents loved it and created great interest!
Great idea! https://t.co/1QCHDRayJJ
A3: We held a makerspace for teachers to explore and tinker. Need to do this more and with more of the community.
4th gr book club SS select their next read & book on deck! SS think hard about what to pick! https://t.co/8Y8nVidoJ8
Love this! https://t.co/zyFGrpQ7EI
Just did a book fair/makerspace night. Made a circuit board and a origami bookmark. Parents loved it and created great interest!
Also think about a popup activity in the teacher lounge, by the copier or in the cafeteria https://t.co/WndMAeoZSU
Jotting this idea down for next year... :) https://t.co/nTyJxF2jgl
A3: We held a makerspace for teachers to explore and tinker. Need to do this more and with more of the community.
Totally agree. Building a culture of is key! https://t.co/SZaOQMy960
It took about six months for us, but it's more about building a mindset of creativity than a physical space
Been seeing lots of talk about LEGO walls, so I thought I'd mention my tutorial on how to build one :) https://t.co/wGoIClPKUc
Or a brain break during a meeting
Just need to figure out funding. I know, Donor's choose. Working on that. Difficult w/2 libraries
as long as it takes to open the supply closet?
Q4: How can you incorporate maker activities into lessons/curriculum/standards?
A3: Keep making and keep sharing. We just shared our augmented reality sandbox at a community event. https://t.co/h1n38VpY34
Like other librarians, I use a Mobile Makerspace! It works perfectly for us!
Holding tinker nights for parents has garnered a lot of support! Also lunch workshops for T's has helped to lessen fear of change
Your AR sandbox is super awesome by the way :)
Started Jan '15 and will have a space this fall. I am not a librarian, just a tchr that "grew" a MakerSpace in our school!
My students are knitting. Plan to raffle it off at the next parent teacher event.
I call mine the Imaginarium.
love this! Making BUILDS a community in a school!
Excited to read this, feel like always having to deal w/ teachers' traditional ideas of what a library is https://t.co/wp3pnxI4OV
A3: Hmm.... Just wrote a post about how the is an extension of traditional library services! https://t.co/vAf1OJNeJx
I love this idea too! Just leave something out on the table it would be fun to see what happens to it!
I'm taking part of my makerspace to another school and some districts have items you can check out
agreed! I received a small grant for this semester to purchase the supplies I have but I need twice as much!
OOhhh.... Tell me more about the sandbox! :-)
We just had people color and make buttons At our state tech conference it was quick and easy! https://t.co/kIlfJu4c0r
Or a brain break during a meeting
I want these lesson plans. :)
A4 I tried to create my design challenges to fit standards and share what I can with teachers. Circuits for 4th grade for example.
My students LOVE our button maker! It was a surprise hit at our Maker Fair last year :)
A4: One example is having seniors doing a dystopian society proj create currency in Tinkered that we will print on our 3DPrinter
Good night friends. I'll watch the replay tmrw.
Lego wall was one of best things we did- Ss love it, always changing and being added to https://t.co/66FrMG4d3R
Been seeing lots of talk about LEGO walls, so I thought I'd mention my tutorial on how to build one :) https://t.co/wGoIClPKUc
A4 continued: They just read Brave New World
A4: are great for science class. Students can design and test their experiments or explore the laws of motion.
A4 OMG i just did a webinar about building maker mind sets and activities into the curriculum. https://t.co/iZbpU5og9z
My Ss do one before everyone. Need to look at this closer. iMovie too difficult (not hard - just no time.)
Be sure to watch next week!
A4: Doing a whole fairytale unit with 1st grade where they build and make to go along with the literacy piece.
Our instruc. partners used Legos during our last inservice to have teachers construct "ideal" school.
We didn't have room for an epic wall so we put magnets on baseplates & stuck them to a metal cabinet. Awesome, not epic
A4: Excited to hear answers.
A4: I did a collab lesson with our marine sci class last year where we built artificial coral reef models https://t.co/4Nxsu97EMm
Absolutely, my principal was completely on board when I showed the relationship.
A4: Ss studying geology used their knowledge and to design & 3d print climbing wall prototypes https://t.co/3uog0QXdF6
Q4 Have Ss create a "project" about what they learned in a specific unit and tell why.
Was very lucky to get an unexpected grant to build a makerspace this year, admin were 100% supportive!
A4 Also hoping to teach and to all incoming freshmen next year!
A4: Teaching Ts and Ss the work isn't sone when the writing is. something to share what you learned! https://t.co/wQlsU1sNIY
A4: Ss used Tinkercad to design parts of a cell then printed on 3D printer.
A4:in additionto aligning with state standards, I <3 UTEC maker model. It shows different layers of critical thinking
A4 check out to tie English texts to problem solving and making
Very nice! I'm in the process of getting P approval. Need ideas, Brain hurts - I switch Schools daily.
A4 I co-teach in a few classes. Bring in new ideas
A4 we seek out teachers who will be open to the integration & we are going to have a "open house" on science expo nite
A2: We did light up "maker" Valentine's at HS. Tend to do maker activities right now as entry way.
A4: is the boss at this! ;) He's one great !
would love to hear more about that -we're in the middle of a 1st grade fairy tale unit https://t.co/MWe4639mIR
A4: Doing a whole fairytale unit with 1st grade where they build and make to go along with the literacy piece.
As a former science teacher, I think that is fantastic! You have lucky students.
A4: I helped teach the Design Process through making this year with a Project Lead the Way class https://t.co/IDiCA82574
LED Throwies, buttons, found art- were all big hits last week
A4: always opp. for Ss to share what they learned Ss are retelling Greek myths w/ robots & obstacles they created
A3: Libraries continue to be a place of learning, thinking, imagining and collaborating...just a little messier
A4 part 2 - Novel engineering all the way!
A4: My school has been doing project-based learning for 2yrs, my teachers are pros at using maker activities to support curriculum.
Start w/cdbrd challenge, RubeGoldberg w/stuff, ask staff for donations. Ss gravitate toward "cheap" projects
Students get to pick what is important to them. https://t.co/KYG7gTZLW7
Q4 Have Ss create a "project" about what they learned in a specific unit and tell why.
yes! I commandeered old overhead projector carts and covered them w/ cheap contact paper
Any LEGO wall is epic in my book, including ones w magnets. Would love to see pics :)
Lego is a huge hit but love even more. My students can't wait to get to building with those..they make huge structures
A4: Super stoked about a research project that will be in the book with !
(3/2 - I lied) rain will cause runoff. U can also overlay maps from specific locations. Kids built everything.
A4: For the 2nd grade Native American unit they researched the homes they lives in and then built them!
A4: coding is my go to because so many cool things can springboard from learning the basics
A4: Kindergarten used animal research and our green screen to record animal interviews in their habitat https://t.co/h7Ro5wnOqq
As of now the teacher will read 3 pigs, I will read a fractured version and then they will make puppets and build houses.
Love that idea! We have a magnetic front desk, so that would work well for us.
That would absolutely help them remember.
Students created 60 second video advertisement on a book.
A4: have to think outside the box. So many science connections, of course, but plenty of other opps. Coding=good for sequencing
A4: We also have been designing 3D prints w/Tinkercad to enhance research projects
Ha! Thanks so much. I wish I had even more curric tie-ins but it's a start.
This idea/pic is really helpful to me! I have very limited space. Thanks so much!
My PK Ss insist they code. They are bummed when we do other things
It's going to take us awhile to get where we wanna be.... and that's okay!
Check out the book "Hello Ruby" it is for little kids, but has some great coding, sequencing activities.
Just learned how to use our new Sprout loaner for time lapse and animation. Excited!
. is joining tonight 9pm EST to chat about Circus Mirandus!
I'm hoping to do the same with already teach coding. in Es.
Seen great projects where Ss have recreated places in history or designed something totally original inspired by lit
A4: Students could write a script and record themselves acting it out. They could add in sound tracks and special affects.
A4: Read Great Fuzz Frenzy then used play dough to create fuzz on a praise dog! The whole time they discussed the book!
I am so intrigued by this. I have to find the funds for next year.
They're there. We just need to tease them out. Write a Gdoc for all of us to show.
Saw one on old whiteboard w/wheels - I'm going to try it. Easy to move out of the way& don't need wall space https://t.co/6h7rkm2mKA
Love that idea! We have a magnetic front desk, so that would work well for us.
Thanks that would be helpful for me who needs to research more about this
I have a LA bckgrnd; don't think of it as STEM. It's decoding (or coding) texts/sharing info in new ways. Writing.
I wrote a grant for one of those! Fingers crossed! https://t.co/K7lrXxq2lh
Just learned how to use our new Sprout loaner for time lapse and animation. Excited!
Q5: How can you bring creativity & makerspaces into your library on a budget?
Could also record each other and their process.
I just have an epic Lego table
Yes My students recreated famous buildings from different time periods!
A4: be sure to check out the series. They have a book called "Make Writing" which is all about in writing
Nice! I need to read this! https://t.co/ISU8N4AhmK
A4: be sure to check out the series. They have a book called "Make Writing" which is all about in writing
I have kids building the setting for an author visit this week using it:) they love it
It always takes time but have to start somewhere https://t.co/hg1HXa47g1
It's going to take us awhile to get where we wanna be.... and that's okay!
But it IS much! I see a lot of possible answers to my challenges from your idea!!!
A5 easy ? Start with paper and grow from there.
A4: Read Great Fuzz Frenzy then used play dough to create fuzz on a prairie dog! The whole time they discussed the book!
A5: Most of our makerspace was funded through grants, and wish lists shared with community.
A5: I found local grants to be helpful. Last year got one from my state library association. Also asking staff for old toys
I saw this on a feed today, and marked it to read later! I guess I should read it now. :)
A5: Community donations. Local retailers will help. Staff are now all in with donations. Fabric, tools, nails, LEGO, cardboard.
Does anyone worry about Ss accessing external servers? Or am I paranoid?
LOVE it! This is the first magnetic one I've seen. Awesome idea :)
A5 Upcycled art, used book crafts, you can get a lot of mileage out of a single Makey Makey!
A5: Donors Choose, Cardboard from parents, sharing with other librarians are my big three
Trying to keep up! Getting so many great ideas tonight. Thank you all
the potato heads are awesome!
Yep! I was gonna say cardboard, donations of old electronics, and Donors Choose! https://t.co/LeeMayBi2G
A5: Donors Choose, Cardboard from parents, sharing with other librarians are my big three
iPad and iPhone can do time lapse with camera FYI https://t.co/yp2k1vmT9k
Just learned how to use our new Sprout loaner for time lapse and animation. Excited!
A5 we focus on using the to help schools purchase tools for spaces.
I also got some money from my principal due to the STEM based activities
We had the awesome do a MaKeyMaKey workshop w/GT students, get him if you can! Students were hooked on circuits!
It's even easier by high school to get Legos donated. Parents are ready to let them go by then ;)
A5: a makerspace is more about opportunity than stuff anyway. Just let them take apart old laptops aka. "craptops" per ms'ers
You are the queen of crowdsourced funding!
Final Question coming soon!
Grants. PTA. Donations. I like grants. I wrote two this year - one for coding "toys" and one for Legos.
A5: paper, upcycling, boxes from the cafeteria, free resources from ... Starting small is ok. Just START!
A5 we ask families to donate $10 toward a certain cause, usually get money in 1 night
A5 look for stuff around house, ask co-workers, garage sales, grants - just ask the worst that can happen is you're told no
A5: , grants (my local ed foundation has been supportive), donations from parents & tchrs
A5: Search yard sales and goodwill for legos.
I also get stuff from my Career and Technology teachers! https://t.co/gHMvfJmOCj
It's even easier by high school to get Legos donated. Parents are ready to let them go by then ;)
Start with recycle materials and build. Let students donate old items to build. https://t.co/qsYo4CBx1N
Q5: How can you bring creativity & makerspaces into your library on a budget?
A5: cardboard! We save all the boxes from book shipments- so many possibilities for Ss to create with
Idea--get your hs librarian to gather extra Legos for you :)
This is one of the many reasons Librarians are still important
I'm a hoarder, and I collect recyclables. Gave away a bag of props at a workshop last week. https://t.co/KLbS259Sh1
! Cardboard and recycled materials are often some of my students fav supplies :)
I skipped the Lego wall but put a dry erase board at the entrance.Kids come to the library just to read other's responses. Who knew?
great idea! That book cracks me up too! https://t.co/ges2e0VMRK
A4: Read Great Fuzz Frenzy then used play dough to create fuzz on a prairie dog! The whole time they discussed the book!
A5: Dollar Tree! Order in bulk online for cheap! We restock the makerspace from there all the time.
sometime starting small is better! Let it grow with the students and school
Never ever ask families to DONATE a kid's Legos. That is a mortal sin. Legos are a lifetimes learning https://t.co/c6ZNCFYBPG
Thank you & ALL TLs for the important servant leadership work you do for our learning communities daily.
I agree with starting small! It is amazing how quickly it builds!
A5: I love how so many people are talking about donations, grants, and reusing things. Makers are resourceful.
A5: keep lots of recyclables. Toilet paper/paper towel rolls are super handy. We all have useful "junk" lying around
- Boys too. Let them play. Err create.
A5: It's amazing what you can do with popsicle sticks and straws! Duck calls out of straws, popsicle stick harmonica, etc.
I hope you're all using Participate Chats for this so you can save all the awesome resources https://t.co/shT9Cltyha
A5. Our kickoff was Cardboard Challenge, we kept all extra supplies to start makerspace.
This is so cool! I feel like you could use these in so many ways!
What do you do with the yarn? Am a little scared of the crafty stuff-mosty because of the mess my own craft table is.
we painted tables w/ dry erase paint $20 at Home Depot for 6 tables & couple walls
A5: I wrote a grant for and my 3D Printer. Used teacher lead money for maker supplies.
A5 I've been writing grants like crazy, use 30% of my book fair funds & ask Facebook friends for help
.. Thanks to all sharing - I am lucky to have administrative and financial support.. Your guidance is helping solidify my plans
I have a cabinet in my kitchen that I collect stuff like this too! I am glad I am not the only one!
I hit up my facebook friends all the time.
A5: Garage sales and thrift stores can be great resources as well
A5 Ts willing 2 share from classrooms. Legos, Tinkertoys, K'Nex, etc. I "store" and use them until the teacher needs them bk.
How do you story the cardboard/recyclables during down time? I have bins/shelves for legos, but larger stuff...
Yay for help from FB friends :) My mom & mother-in-law have donated to pretty much every one of my DonorsChoose projects
A5: Bottle caps, buttons, pieces of wire. Kids know how to create with anything!
A5: Scholastic Book Fairs have recently added STEM options for fair profit - Little Bits, Makey Makey etc
You do not need to have a ton of money to start a makerspace. Start small and build it up as you go.
A5: you gotta start somewhere, so start small.. Books about origami and some colored paper, legos, board games, etc
laundry bins and hampers. I love bags!
That's sounds like a cool idea. Maybe a way to kick off the new makerspace? Build support and stock supplies. Thanks.
Yep! My facilities person keeps telling me the fire marshall would not be happy to see my room.
somebody always has something to get rid of :) especially spring cleaning time!
I need to look into this!
A5: Scholastic Book Fairs have recently added STEM options for fair profit - Little Bits, Makey Makey etc
A5 Share with the community- a parent who helped many times at our school talked with her employer and they donated.
That is when you need a heads up when they are coming. :)
I'm always amazed at the things my students can create from cardboard!
what have you done with them so far? I just got a few too
My own kids steal all my good crafting recyclables. :)
FA. TBH, Pinterest usually!
. I should look into that.
FQ: use your imagination. Don't copy other people's ideas all the time
FQ: What are some of your fav recommended resources for makerspaces & creativity?
A5: The Art of Tinkering is a great resource for promoting creativity - awesome project ideas https://t.co/sNQO8SxXte
Thank you sooo much, Cynthia! I appreciate your support and encouragement!
IKEA BAGS! YES! Now I have an excuse to return to Ikea. :)
A5: used weeded books for "up cycling" maker events- tons of ideas on Pinterest for projects
I join FB groups and search Craigslist for items for our . I have 300 unmatched picture frame corners! Why?
A5 Contact tour local they donate old stock to nonprofits too!
For sure don't forget about the books! Most libraries already have some that could me displayed w/materials https://t.co/NdZerp29na
A5: you gotta start somewhere, so start small.. Books about origami and some colored paper, legos, board games, etc
Yes! This weeks fair came with some & they look pretty cool
FA: Don't let it overwhelm you. Just keep at it and Ss will love it.
I put my reference section on a cart to make room:)
Our best garage sale finds were an Easy Bake Oven and a crayon melter! Ss have loved both.
They are the best! So big and strong! there are clear ones with zippers too! https://t.co/48PRwp5bxv
IKEA BAGS! YES! Now I have an excuse to return to Ikea. :)
You can do a lot with them. Symmetry, for starters. Let Ss create :)
A7 always inspire me! "How can I get my kids engaged in what the speaker is doing/ thinking about"
FA: Pinterest is my favorite place.
Awesome! I used to love my Easy Bake Oven when I was a kid :)
I just DCR'd a bunch of biographies. Saved the bigger ones for some sort of craft. DCR's a ton of VHS tapes, too. Hmmm...
Students could make blackout poetry or origami! https://t.co/CHRFBU2Gaa
A5: used weeded books for "up cycling" maker events- tons of ideas on Pinterest for projects
My name is Barbara and I am a Makerspace hoarder 😏
My Ss tried using the with their zippers.
My family is afraid to throw away so much as a toilet paper roll - they're well trained! https://t.co/57EWRBcMRF
My name is Barbara and I am a Makerspace hoarder 😏
Thank you ! We appreciate your heartfelt love. https://t.co/mkaaMxDepU
"The real heroes are the extraordinary educators...who pour their hearts into their students & make learning come alive" —
I'm not a hoarder. I just spend too much on non-consumable tech items ..
Agreed! I have a cart of maker books in the makers pace https://t.co/CnMDKWXDft
For sure don't forget about the books! Most libraries already have some that could me displayed w/materials https://t.co/NdZerp29na
A5: you gotta start somewhere, so start small.. Books about origami and some colored paper, legos, board games, etc
just don't look in my closet - Too much cardboard.
Thank you for joining in the convo tonight!
God, I love Pinterest. :)
FA Twitter! Following ppl like have given us such great ideas. Conf. wkshps & webinars
Asked my college age child if I could take his Legos to school. His answer - "What!? You are kidding, aren't you?!"
Feel like I've hit the jackpot with this chat tonight! Fabulous ideas for starting Thx everyone!
I don't know how I use to survive without
I have gotten so many ideas for our from Pinterest it's ridiculous
FA: Honestly, Pinterest! I get amazing ideas from other TLs there, so many creative educators on Pinterest!
Enjoyed following your Q&A! You're doing great things!
Thanks for the AMAZING chats tonight! Ice cream is calling my name.
Thanks! Look forward to catching up with my Tampa Hackerspace peeps sometime soon :)
I bet he'd lay a lego minefield if you did. GL with that.
Thanks for the great discussion and resources
Battery....at ...5...percent....must leave you...until next time!
Great book! Checked it out of the public library, but may have to buy it. Just more my own kids, at least.
My colleagues too! I never know what I will find hanging on my door when I get to school.