The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Allison from near Madison, Wisconsin. 7-12 coach. Win this week? Gave a full day workshop at a local education agency for 20 people, and SURVIVED!
School Improvement, Instructional Coaching. We've been hard at work designing learning experiences for an IC Development program at my work this year #EduCoach
Hi! Lauren, K-5 Instructional Coach, Indiana. Looking forward to co-moderating with @KathyPerret for tonight's chat. My #eduwin has been seeing and using some powerful student evidence in coaching conversations to move forward with goals together. #educoach
Michael Shunneson | Leader of Leaders | signing in today from #NWEAFusion | Ts from 1 building visiting another to observe some best practice instruction. #blended#educoach
A1: My principal was masterful at asking questions until I figured it out myself. At times, I just wanted him to tell me what to do, but now I get it. #educoach
Q1A1 Oddly, I appreciated directness, but only when the timing was right. I didn't respond well to folks I didn't respect or who weren't authentic. #educoach
A2 I have found offering a menu of coaching opportunities helps clarify my role! But, I still get those occasional requests to make copies or fix a computer. #educoach
A2: Be explicit about their role within the system (big picture) and within the buildings and with the teachers they serve (small picture)-they are servant leaders. #educoach
A1 Articulating the role is an ongoing process - not a one time announcement. It helps if principals and coaches form agreements. Also including Ts on developing what coaching looks like in school. #educoach
Q1A1 Sometimes we forget just how much teacher's have to juggle, and the more to juggle, the more processing time they need to "buy in" to any feedback. #educoach
A2-Our team created a guiding document around coaching that houses our mission, beliefs and the roles of the coach. We also created a very specific roll-out plan that was shared systematically! #educoach
A4-Instructional coaching is new to our district so we created a plan that included coaching cycles. Makes so much sense to support Ts and Ss over a period of time! #educoach
A4. I am fortunate to work in a small school and am also responsible for building the master schedule so I build coaching sessions into that schedule. Build trust and individual agenda from there. #educoach
Q4: Set number of cycles to complete as my SMART goal, contacted Ts personally, met with them before they could say yes/no, and laid out the entire process. #educoach
A4- coaching cycles can be intimidating but once you experience they come more natural. Loving the simplicity of Impact Cycle. Using vid 2 is reality is a game changer #educoach
A5. I prefer co teaching to modeling. I find I can talk about moves on the spot instead of after the fact. Not all teachers choose this option though. #educoach
A5 You know I tried the "bug-in-ear" approach last year and it actually worked fairly well, as long as it was done carefully. I prefer that so much more to modeling! #educoach
A5 There are times that I model, then co-teach then observe with the same T. It's the gradual release model that some of my teachers are more comfortable with. #educoach
A6 If T is focusing on management type things I ask T what kind of data they'd like me to collect and then we couple that with the T collecting some content data. We compare the two. #educoach
A6. We use benchmark data and progress monitoring in reading also common formative assessments in math. I also track and share Ts self perception surveys.#educoach
A6-our teachers and coaches utilize a pre-assessment aligned to the student learning goal of the coaching cycle. They assess again at the end of the cycle. #educoach
A6 Another eye opening data source is student responses. When you ask students basic questions and then discuss those responses, it shifts focus to outcomes, rather than teacher behaviors #EduCoach
A7 Have then write. I believe writing creates a reflective space and putting a time limit puts some pressure to to do without editing. Then provide more time to re...reflect and discuss. #educoach
A10. Monthly coaching meetings, learning walks with administrators, and pd around district focus, and at least paid attendance to on conference. #educoach
A10: Consistent support through local, state, national conferences, an extensive professional library (reading time), intentional conversations with directors, and supportive colleagues. #educoach