#sunchat Glowing, @1988project and I continue to grow our primary source speakers list at North White. This year able to have Mr Philo Barnhart and Mr Charles Moisant visit. Mr Barnhart former Disney animator, creator of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
#sunchat Glowing, @1988project and I continue to grow our primary source speakers list at North White. This year able to have Mr Philo Barnhart and Mr Charles Moisant visit. Mr Barnhart former Disney animator, creator of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
#sunchat Also, our 8th Grade Ss took a trip to Sweden to visit with a class and 2nd Grade to Texas. Russia, Mexico and Israel are happening in the next few months.
One way we are glowing is through voluntary staff twitter chats. We are wrapping up our first book study of the year and had an average of 30+ for each week’s chat. Have nearly 30 who’ve signed up for our next study too! #sunchat
#sunchat Growing for me is working to get better at bringing @Google based lessons into our classrooms. Continue everyday to look at others great work: @jmattmiller, @ericcurts and @rmbyrne to help our Ts succeed!
We started by mini-chats during school PD time - safe way to learn the chat format. The 2 who were twitter resistent (only 2) "tweeted" on notecards. Thos who really participated in the even. chats get to keep the book to continue using as a resource. #NMSchat#sunchat
We baby stepped our way in on staff PD days. It has been absolutely incredible -- love "seeing and hearing" the interactions between staff members who don't normally cross paths in a day #sunchat
We started by mini-chats during school PD time - safe way to learn the chat format. The 2 who were twitter resistent (only 2) "tweeted" on notecards. Thos who really participated in the even. chats get to keep the book to continue using as a resource. #NMSchat#sunchat
We baby stepped our way in on staff PD days. It has been absolutely incredible -- love "seeing and hearing" the interactions between staff members who don't normally cross paths in a day #sunchat
Seems to me that we shy away frm teaching Ss to have difficult conversations that could become somewhat controversial because we are afraid. I want my MS to learn how to disagree with another's beliefs in a respectful way. And to solidify their own beliefs based on fact #sunchat
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@mrclinefhs, @susankotch, @heather_macd, @RaquelRiosPhD
Blame media for America's inability to move past the election. We are a crippled nation, hopelessly divided on policy, personality and direction. Media stir the pot of divisiveness as a badge of honor and a healing balm for wounds they created.
Agreed. But, we also need to be teaching our S to be socialy competent in the world. And if we can't disagree with civility I'm not sure we're helping our S with this very real life skill. #sunchat
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@heather_macd, @mrclinefhs, @susankotch, @RaquelRiosPhD
So very, very true. And we don't always have the best models to look at that are shown through public outlets for appropriate discourse. Makes it all so tricky! #sunchat
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@RaquelRiosPhD, @mrclinefhs, @susankotch, @heather_macd
Yes! Definitely a skill set involved in this - which also makes it tricky. Also have to be able to pull it back if it starts to move beyond productive conversation. Those who can do this well have an important gift #sunchat
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@mrclinefhs, @heather_macd, @susankotch, @RaquelRiosPhD
And to think I was going to say that following our hallway expectations were a concern right now (actively working with team on a plan). . . Feel like this was a much richer, and unintended for me, conversation! Thanks #sunchat
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@RaquelRiosPhD, @heather_macd, @mrclinefhs, @susankotch