#TOSAChat is a chat on Twitter every Monday night at 8pm PST for TOSAs (teachers on special assignment), including all edtech and instructional coaches.
Hello #TOSAChat! Thank you so much for joining us tonight! I’m Cynthia, Ed Tech Coach from San Diego, and my favorite current TV show is SWAT followed closely by the Big Bang Theory.
Hello! I'm Lisa Ceja from Los Angeles area. I am a math teacher and ed tech specialist. I am currently binge watching all seasons of #90dayfinance 😛#TOSAchat
Q1 More than sharing or cooperating, true collaboration requires a 2 way participation - all parties give AND take. How have you seen collaboration misunderstood in education? #TOSAChat
Kim from Fresno, a little late after Cub Scouts, don’t have cable anymore but favorite show I’m currently watching on Netflix is Madam Secretary #TOSAchat
A1 I find that many times things like sharing an idea or splitting up tasks tend to get labeled as collaboration. It is hard to make time for that true work jointly, multi way communication, everybody gives and takes type collaboration, but it is SO WORTH IT! #TOSAChat
A1: I have for sure seen it interpreted as we all follow one person blindly and copy. Instead, I hope we all have voices in the conversation that grow each of us and make us better. #TOSAchat
Q1 More than sharing or cooperating, true collaboration requires a 2 way participation - all parties give AND take. How have you seen collaboration misunderstood in education? #TOSAChat
#90dayfiance is a reality show where every season they show the stories of different couples that have a 90 day fiance visa that allows them to be in U.S. as long as they marry within 90 days. So much drama! #TOSAchat
A1: One issue I sometimes see as a coach is that some folks just want problems solved and stuff done for them instead of working as a team to create something cool. #TOSAchat
A1: Collaboration is a give and take-conversation with listening to understand rather than listening to respond. Being open to feedback and making adjustments. #tosachat
A1 sit and get PD could be a complete miscommunication. When we provide ways for Ts dig in, go hands on & play to learn we empower them to participate and move towards action. Collaboration requires action on both sides. #tosachat
Q1 More than sharing or cooperating, true collaboration requires a 2 way participation - all parties give AND take. How have you seen collaboration misunderstood in education? #TOSAChat
There has to be enough room for the conversation to flow freely. Guides are good and can be very helpful, but natural conversation is where some of the magic happens. #TOSAChat
It is hard to learn to take that feedback. I think this is where a lot of work needs to be done to help teachers feel comfortable with true collaboration. #TOSAChat
and unfortunately this leads to so many missed opportunities for folks to learn something new, own a new skill or concept, improve workflow or learn to integrate a tool that could shift everything... #tosachat
In reply to
@iluvteaching72, @AdamGeisen, @TosaChat
As coaches, I believe our job is to ask questions that make people stop and really think about how they would adjust. I'm working on something and my coach asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks. I'm now asking myself that q as I build. #TOSAChat
Q2 True collaboration is most successful when there is a foundation of trust between the individuals involved. What are ways that you try to build trust with and between educators at your site(s)? #TOSAChat
Howard. Teacher. Tech stuff person. Mentor at times. Favorite show - hmm... For now, anything I watch w/my wife or daughter: Survivor, Masked Singer, Good Place. In a few months I'll start West Wing again. Have to give it a rest for a few months. #tosachat
A1 True buy in requires true collaboration, not just a top down decision that was already made before the first "planning" meeting even occurs. #TOSAChat
A2 I feel like having people work together a few times to accomplish a shared goal, even if it is in a fun way, before you expect them to work together in any type of way during which they are offering one another constructive feedback is a good way to start. #TOSAChat
A2 I build trust by being transparent in what I think and do. I don’t pretend to know it all. I let my Ts know I am right there with them and we grow together. @TosaChat#TOSAChat
Q2 True collaboration is most successful when there is a foundation of trust between the individuals involved. What are ways that you try to build trust with and between educators at your site(s)? #TOSAChat
A1: I usually wind up with a lot of people who think “collaborating” on a lesson means me planning it for them or teaching the lesson for them. #TOSAchat
A2: Building trust takes a lot of listening. Learning about strengths of team members. Being humble to realize what your own weaknesses are. #KeepItReal#TOSAchat
A2 Be honest. If I'm still learning something, I'm open about it. If I don't know something, I say it, but also that I'll find out and get back to them. Admit that you don't know it all! 😀 #tosachat
A2 I have to know my teachers as more than just the people I need to meet with. There needs to be some background. Some other connection besides work. That helps make collaboration easier. #TOSAChat
A2: So much of trust is being present in conversations and being a listener. Supporting and being honest. I'm always willing to admit I don't know something, yet. And I'm willing to search out answers. #TOSAChat
Q2 As the new person, it has been my goal to visit all my school sites, introducing myself in person, following through, and getting those small wins. Staying servant-minded. #TOSAChat
A2 Trust is built when you really stop and listen, and not just pretend like you've heard what they had to say. Also some educators are not as tech savvy and we need to understand how they feel from their point of view. And be VERY PATIENT. #TOSAChat
A2: To build trust between educators and other staff members at our site, I've launched a podcast. I interview everyone with five simple questions. I launched it last week and people are super excited and signing up for interviews. #TOSAChat
A2: I try and be there for teachers, at their school sites and help them with things that have nothing to do with what I am trying to accomplish. But mainly I try to give them time. #tosachat
A2 in every PD I say something like:
I believe play is our brain’s favorite way to learn. I want this to feel like living room PD, I want you to feel safe to take risks. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I had to ask ???s when it was new to me too! I’m here to help!” #TOSAchat
Q2 True collaboration is most successful when there is a foundation of trust between the individuals involved. What are ways that you try to build trust with and between educators at your site(s)? #TOSAChat
A2: This ? is at the ❤️ of everything we need and I am working on right now. 1. DO #lgsuhsd staff visits classes regularly & leaves personal notes 2. Provide opportunities to get to know one another in a fun, relaxed setting: wellness events, trivia nights. #TOSAchat
Q2 True collaboration is most successful when there is a foundation of trust between the individuals involved. What are ways that you try to build trust with and between educators at your site(s)? #TOSAChat
if there's any way your district will pay for it, I highly recommend the Art of Coaching workshop. It is amazing and so helpful with the questioning process. #TOSAChat
Yes! Being able to listen thoughtfully and give thoughtful constructive feedback (not critical). Being able to give that feedback and get it in return. #TOSAChat
A2: I show that I am learning too, start with small steps and build up that trust. Make sure they know they are bringing something to the table too so it is a real collaboration #TOSAchat
Absolutely! Team building is a real thing. It isn’t just fun and games. So important to have a little more context for our colleagues than what we do all day. #TOSAChat
Yes! I feel like by saying “I don’t know...” it helps Ts feel like they can say it too. Modeling problem solving and life long learning mindsets... #tosachat
As coaches, I think it is very important to model that it is ok not to know all the things. Just be willing to seek out the answers you need. #TOSAChat
Feedback, feedback & feedback then adjustments = legit cycle, too! As long as we enact change based on Ss feedback, we are moving in the right direction. It’s just not always a linear process, as we grow & learn along the way. #tosachat
Q3 There is value in allowing classroom teachers to observe one another. Does your district/site provide opportunities for this? How can we help ensure teachers get this opportunity? #TOSAChat
A1: I have a blog post that’s in draft form about this. I think many misunderstand collaboration. To me, there are 3 levels of working w others: coordination, cooperation, & collaboration. Many are at first 2 and call it the 3rd #tosachat
Patience is KEY! Not everyone is on the same level and we need to encourage others not tear them down or make them feel like we are tapping our foot while they are catching up. #TOSAChat
A3 I think we are happy to arrange it if asked, but there aren’t any built in opportunites, except for the teachers going during prep if they want. I’m hoping to change that. My #GoogleEI project is focused on improving collaboration at sites. https://t.co/wbrkPAK5EL#TOSAChat
A3: This happens occasionally with our CGI/ECM math cohorts. If teachers observe on their prep time, it is voluntary at this point. It would be great to have something like this available at the site or district level. #TOSAchat
A3: My district does encourage this, but there isn't really a floating sub or anything to make it easier. So it doesn't happen much. Our pineapple chart is usually pretty bare. I'd love ideas to help that happen!
We do! Our SLTs (school leadership team) observe one another as they try strategies related to the school's focus. Coaches look for opportunities to bring teachers into others' classrooms. At one point, Ts were required (at one school, at least) to observe colleagues. #TOSAchat
Q3 There is value in allowing classroom teachers to observe one another. Does your district/site provide opportunities for this? How can we help ensure teachers get this opportunity? #TOSAChat
A3 At our site we've done Instructional Rounds where teachers briefly observe other teachers looking for a specific item, like Engagement, then reflect & discuss. The protocol lasts exactly one hour, definitely doable in a conference period for secondary teachers. #TOSAChat
My previous school was the same. We were highly encouraged to collaborate and observe one another, but ... how? one of the Administrators was happy to cover a class, but she was usually booked solid with other things. #TOSAChat
In reply to
@Jyoung1219, @iluvteaching72, @TosaChat
A3. I wish we did. I really think there is power in 👀 what you are trying to get to. It hasn’t been done in my district for quite some time. @TosaChat#TOSAChat
Q3 There is value in allowing classroom teachers to observe one another. Does your district/site provide opportunities for this? How can we help ensure teachers get this opportunity? #TOSAChat
A3: Every department writes their own PD plan and can include this. As much as we want to use preps, the reality is, that doesn't happen. We have to schedule. Our DO staff is good about supporting and offering to cover classes. We also like visiting in teams. #TOSAchat
Q3 There is value in allowing classroom teachers to observe one another. Does your district/site provide opportunities for this? How can we help ensure teachers get this opportunity? #TOSAChat
A3: I'd love to see this start happening in my district. I may approach one of the principals about giving it a shot. It would be so powerful. #TOSAChat
A3: I am an Induction coach for my 2 new Science teachers and I cover their classes on my prep so they can observe others, I also get our Academic Coach to cover if I can’t, our culture right now needs some work so any other observations aren’t happening right now #TOSAchat
A3: There are some small pockets of teachers observing each other but it is pretty rare. I think video can be helpful in this situation but that is another small hurdle to overcome. #tosachat
A3b after seeing some of your answers, it reminded me of our Induction Ts observing veteran Ts. Also, we have done some reflective learning walks at some sites. #TOSAchat
I wish we were still able to do that. I think there is a certain amount of accountability for your community when others are able to give you feedback on what you are doing. @TosaChat#TOSAChat
A3: I also find that typically, unless it's highly supported, a few select individuals frequently observe each other, but nobody else. I wonder how to help this expand without micromanaging it. #TOSAChat
Yes! They can always do it on their own - but when you have a structure for it, it says that leaders value it and can encourage teachers to take the time to do it. #TOSAChat
I agree. From what I remember in the past, feedback wasn't really a part of the observation. I believe that's the most valuable part, but we were trying to make it non-threatening. We're still working on that culture... #TOSAchat
I’ve got some ideas on how admins can help encourage this practice as a part of my #GoogleEI project. The page with those resources is https://t.co/WyA6nmF0r7#TOSAChat
I am in the same boat. I wonder if we encouraged some brave Ts to video themselves for feedback, if that would work? A hangout for feedback with a group. 🤔 @TosaChat#TOSAChat
Q4 Some teachers think it isn't valuable to collaborate with/observe/be observed by/plan with others who don't teach the same subject. What value do you find in cross curricular collaboration? #TOSAChat
A2: In a recent PD from @jenniferabrams, she shared foundational piece of trusting relationships in adults that lead to student achievement. She shared the study from Bryk & Schneider. https://t.co/NI5L0oIMAO#tosachat
The academic coach and I recorded a “demo” lesson of a new strategy and sent it out, 2 views.... and we have had 0 luck getting anyone else to let us record them teach, but we will keep trying #TOSAChat
A4 The goal of collaboration is ultimately to make the learning experience or outcomes better for our students - not to improve our content knowledge. Good pedogogy isn’t content specific. Some things are specific, but there is MUCH to be learned from other educators. #TOSAChat
A3 I feel like sometimes it’s so hard to slow down and observe then reflect... yet it can be such a powerful & growthful thing. We have to be intentional about this & MAKE IT HAPPEN! Can we as TOSAs help foster an envoy where folks are open to this kind of observation? #tosachat
Q3 There is value in allowing classroom teachers to observe one another. Does your district/site provide opportunities for this? How can we help ensure teachers get this opportunity? #TOSAChat
Interesting! Set up a camera or something in the back and live broadcast to a closed Hangout. Then the teachers watching could chat comments for the teacher to read later. What a cool idea! #TOSAChat
we have Hulu Live and we seriously have more channels than we did with charter. We love it and you can check which local channels you'll get before trying. #TOSAChat
So hard! That is why the trust is so valuable. And if you know that you will be observing that person as well, it makes it easier to understand it is a tool and not some sort of evaluation. #TOSAChat
In reply to
@iluvteaching72, @peerlessgreen, @TosaChat
A4 I think I've "borrowed/stolen" some of my best teaching strategies after observing teachers from OTHER subject areas. I also found it helpful to watch the same students in my classes and see how they act/behave in a different classroom. #TOSAChat
A4: Subject matter can't be taught in a silo. All subjects are interwoven in the real world. Literacy is the spine that holds all content together. Teaching methods work across content and grade levels. #TOSAchat
So true! I will do most anytime if I feel the love. If you know you aren’t going to be persecuted for making a mistake, it’s all good. @TosaChat#TOSAChat
In reply to
@EdTechEddie, @CrazySciTeach, @TosaChat
A4: good strategies are good strategies I don’t care what subject you teach. I use writing scaffolds from ELA, attention signals from PE, vocabulary builders from Math; the list keeps going. If you have good stuff I’m going to borrow it!! #TOSAchat
A4: We don't do this but I have enjoyed watching Elementary teachers work. Coming from high school I feel like they work so hard to create great lessons and I have learned a lot about station rotations. #tosachat
It shouldn't be pain-free. There's always room to grow, and we should all be be open to the feedback! Last year when I was an interim admin, I put an "Observe Me" sign on my door and welcomed feedback. I didn't get any on the form but Ts talked to me all the time. #TOSAchat
In reply to
@MrCarrOnTheWeb, @iluvteaching72, @TosaChat
A4: This is our @LEADLG1 pathway that I'm lucky enough to Co-chair. We connect Eng, Hist, & Sci for collab projects. I find modeling collab in xcurricular leadership (co-chairing) helps set the tone. I learn the most outside my Dept. It lets you see the teaching. #TOSAchat
Q4 Some teachers think it isn't valuable to collaborate with/observe/be observed by/plan with others who don't teach the same subject. What value do you find in cross curricular collaboration? #TOSAChat
A4 somerhing I've been thinking about lately. Teaching versus desceminating information. If you're going to watch pedagogy it's worth your time. If you're going to see what information the teacher is giving, that could be useful too. #TOSAChat
Yes. Even I get nervous when I know someone is observing what I’m doing in a way that I know they are specifically watching me. It is a human nature thing, I think. We need to build school cultures where this is the norm and it isn’t feared. #TOSAChat
A4 I have SO much to learn from other Ts, my PLN and beyond! Awareness, empathy, insight, compassion... so many possibilities from a cross-curric collab! Would help us understand our Ss better too. #tosachat
Q4 Some teachers think it isn't valuable to collaborate with/observe/be observed by/plan with others who don't teach the same subject. What value do you find in cross curricular collaboration? #TOSAChat
For sure culture plays a large role. I think it was Couros that was having all of his teachers Blog. I think that could be a really cool culture shift where everyone is constantly reflecting and looking to improve. #tosachat
A4 part 2: We have to walk the walk. In addition to cochairing with @lghspeters, I co-TOSA with @MrOrreBiology, and co-teach. Yearbook I co-teach with a photography teacher, @mlechristie. So lucky to learn from her artistic eye. #TOSAchat
In reply to
@lghspeters, @MrOrreBiology, @mlechristie
A4 All subjects teach literacy. By cross curricular planning, Ts can see overlap and Ss benefit. There’s also the opportunity to align content/skills/ language. It’s a win win. #TOSAChat
Q5 We have some PLN groups and give teachers some time almost weekly to work on their own professional growth and this time can be used for PLN time. We also have grade level/department meetings. #TOSAChat
Swivl is an app that connects to an iPad. It has a stand and can follow a teacher as they move around the classroom and records audio pretty well. #tosachat
In reply to
@MrCarrOnTheWeb, @AdamGeisen, @iluvteaching72, @TosaChat
A5 We do have 3 collaboration days built into the calendar but it seems like there is a lot of lesson planning and resource gathering. Not a lot of collaboration off site or with vertical teams but just grade level. @TosaChat#TOSAChat
I think having a lot of smaller opportunities can be valuable instead of all at once. Unfortunately, it is easier to do a few long days rather than short periods throughout the year. #TOSAChat
A5: We have collaboration time built into our schedule. It is usually used by departments, following PD plans. If we want to grow this outside departments, some systems and expectations may need to change. We have started these conversations as a leadership team. #TOSAchat
A5: I appreciate structure of 7 site based collaboration PD mtgs. As admin, I’ve intentionally made them engaging, collaborative, and focused on PD. We’ve played @breakoutEDU, examined S data to identify how to meet S needs, explored robotics w TOSAs like @edtechchamp#TOSAchat
I LOVE a good station rotation! I've worked with a handful of MS Ts to use stations. I'm working on getting 6 MS Ts to come to CUE BOLD with me and hopefully we can explore this more! #tosachat
A5 In my district teachers are encouraged to meet in subject alike teams at the district to collaborate. This happens during the school year and (PAID) during the summer. They even provide lunch each time, and babysitting during summer. How cool is that? #TOSAChat
A5: we have PLC Time, but not all our Departments collaborate during that time. 2/4 of us are brand new in Science so we collaborate constantly, which I’m loving because it’s making me really look at why I do certain things #TOSAchat
A5: We are revitalizing the PLC process. I am trying to get buy in for some cross-district collaboration and sharing. Crickets at the moment. Working on ideas to get some action in the grade level team drives. #TOSAchat
A4 I also like the opportunity to collaborate across different grade levels. That really helped me better prepare my Ss for where they were going. @TosaChat#TOSAChat
A5 beyond a PLC, we had planning days + used to do grade level meetings as a district, which were EPIC!!! I think time and $ (and lack of subs) sometimes interfered w making this happen F2F—- 1 reason why digital PLNs are so rich for sharing/learning?!? #bettertogether#TOSAchat
I do love my PLNs. Not only have I learned to collaborate across time zones, having another perspective outside my district was rich for me. @TosaChat#TOSAChat
Please feel free. It took me a while to get here but my goal is to have it be student run. So building/growing leadership and skills is the key. You got this! The next few months work cranks up, but once you get through, it's like finishing year 1 of teaching. Growth! #TOSAchat
In reply to
@LisaGCeja, @lghspeters, @MrOrreBiology, @mlechristie
Q6 I’m a department of 1, but I have an amazing online PLN that I am so very thankful for. #TOSAChat, #GoogleEI, #WeAreCUE & of course my #UDB and #biscuitconfessions peeps. There are so many more, too. I am better at what I do because of all of those individuals and communities.
We have PLC time every Wed (early release). K-5 also has PE Planning time that they can use for collaboration. We are working on vertical articulation now that we have TK-6 schools, and that happens during the Weds time. We do big trainings w/ specific grades at a time #tosachat
I have colleagues I go to for support and trust. They have been valuable resources, but are there tools available to help us really collaborate on our own? #TOSAchat
A5b: I found this Future Ready PLC/Lesson Planner. I was kicking around some ideas. No clue if would help anyone, but here you go. #TOSAchat . https://t.co/9wsrERZrBg
A6 I have a standing meeting with a teacher. We are currently working on a writing continuum but many times we bounce ideas off one another. It’s synergistic and one of my favorite things I get to do. #TOSAChat@teachwithbonk
A6: This has helped me grow tremendously. I feel lucky to have them. It pushes me, inspires me, and helps me strive for more. Thought partners make us all better. #TOSAchat
A6: Our TOSA team comes together for special projects. We have quite a few initiatives right now that have taken precedence. Hoping we can get back to a routine that is symbiotic soon! #TOSAchat
Great thought! Years ago, we did that as a school and it was helpful to hear from the grade above what they needed and the grade below what they were doing. We also made a chart of progressive skills for computer lab. #TOSAchat
In reply to
@annkozma723, @iluvteaching72, @TosaChat
A6 YES! I am so thankful to work w a visionary team, have insanely innovative friends, and get to connect w the most dynamic PLN on the planet! Beyond lucky to feel like I get to collaborate when/where/how I want to. 🙌🏼💚 #TOSAchat#bettertogether
When I started the station rotation in my reading intervention classes, it transformed my groups. I was able to get to all the Ss quicker. @TosaChat#TOSAChat
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@kmartintahoe, @annkozma723, @peerlessgreen, @KVoge71, @EdTechEddie, @TosaChat, @jcorippo, @CateTolnai, @TosaChat
Thank you for joining us tonight in #TOSAChat! If you are interested in being a beta tester for a tool kit that helps site leaders improve collaboration at school sites, visit https://t.co/c1Ni6ecqWx for more information.