#Edtechchat focuses on Education Technology. Co-founder Tom Murray says #edtechchat "connects us professionally with inspiring educators from all over the world, all of who encourage us to be better every day for the children and families we serve.”
Keith George, Alabama Department of Education. I believe learning spaces can make a huge difference. They don't have to be expensive or "fancy"
Hello #edtechchat. 4th & 5th grade school teacher and Dean of Professional Growth in Maine. Excited for tonight's chat as we are currently building a new elem school.
If you have been trolled by this topic today, congratulations you have passions #edtechchat and for those who are interested, passion gifs are not #digcit friendly
N from 🇨🇦. #edtech creator/cofounder/enthusiast. Ready to learn about learning spaces as I sit on my bed, which I guess makes it a learning space... #edtechchat
hey swivl - instead of spamming the start of #edtechchat every week - how about picking a participant at random and sending them a free device? #nosponsors#sharethelove
"The Illustrative Mathematics curriculum for grades 6-8 has been so well-received that one district switched to it midyear." https://t.co/DimmERLS7p#EdTechChat
Hi #edtechchat! I'm Matt, and I volunteer to partner teach computer science at the HS level. Excited to learn more about how others structure their learning spaces!
Would love to connect with some of the #edtechchat folks at one of the upcoming @minefaire events. Feb 10-11 San Fran, March 17-18 St. Paul, April 14-15 LA - join us :)
A1 Learning spaces are areas where one or more children have the opportunity to explore, play, and share ideas with others. It does not have to be a classroom. #edtechchat
A1: Learning spaces are kind of like carved out niches with different activities. They serve different purposes to enhance learning and allow users to experience material in new ways. #edtechchat
I am feeling conflicted - I believe that tech and flexible spaces are two of the key components of elevating learning but mean nothing without the right pedagogy. #edtechchat
A1: the simple answer - a place that should inspire and accommodate learning. Current shift is toward flexible seating, making a variety of resources available to our students to encourage / facilitate personalized learning #edtechchat
A1 Where learning takes place, where Ss can work together and decide where to work, personal space where you are comfortable and can focus, everyone has diff preferences for it #edtechchat
A1: My personal learning spaces are the entire internet, my home library, and the public library. At work I manage a middle school library media center and makerspace. They are both works in progress. #edtechchat
As a designer, I agree. You can't design a space that you don't need--meaning the design doesn't align with your lifestyle, needs, or pedagogy (in terms of teaching). It's frivolous to do so. #edtechchat
A1 Wherever Ss feel safe and comfortable so that they can achieve to the best of their ability. Learning spaces need to be thought about differently in 2018. No more rows! #edtechchat
A1) I'm torn between "any space is a learning space", since learning can happen anywhere, and feeling like we devalue dedicated educational spaces if "learning space" just means "space" #edtechchat
Setting the culture and environment allows students and teachers to engage. The engagement is driven by the pedagogy. The space is driven by the community using it. #edtechchat
Yes. And I'm weary of any confusion between the words "design" and "define." There is a fine line between designing a learning space and defining the learning activities that happen there. Learning spaces should inspire, not define, he learning experience. #edtechchat
As a designer, I agree. You can't design a space that you don't need--meaning the design doesn't align with your lifestyle, needs, or pedagogy (in terms of teaching). It's frivolous to do so. #edtechchat
I’m good. Staying busy. Playing lots of games, and creating some, too! Trying to set up a raspberry pi game Jam for my 5th graders. We will see how well it works. #edtechchat
A1b: at home, on their phones, streaming documentaries at home, working with family members outside of school hours; kids are always learning even when they don’t “intend” to #edtechchat
We love having out on our window benches made by my grandfather! Learning, family meetings... we also hang in the courtyard on the AstroTurf! #edtechchat
A2: I think a great idea would be to take my students outside. I think getting fresh air will make the students want to learn more as well by being in a better environment #edtechchat
A1b: at home, on their phones, on the school bus, in the hallway, at lunch, on the playground. Anywhere that provides students comfort to learn! #edtechchat
A2: I'm a fan of learning anywhere and everywhere - out in the world, in Starbucks, definitely in my school based learning space / man cave #edtechchat
A2: Take the class outdoors! No matter what you teach, students can learn outdoors. Take them on a walk of "discovery" and plant details about your content along the way for them to find. Try a scavenger hunt! #edtechchat
A2. We have to re-think learning spaces. If you flatten the walls of your school and classroom, there is no beginning/end. Learning spaces can be virtual, everything from @YouTube to a school @facebook & @Twitter feed. They are anywhere/way that info is transferred #edtechchat
Yes! From my experience @OctoraraJHub 8th grade students went back to old carpet squares that were donated/dumped into the space. Surprised by how many students loved the floor. #edtechchat
A5: #UDL is a great way to implement voice and choice. Students can use multiple forms of media to provide evidence of mastery. #digcit applies to all kinds of media, not just social. #isteTEN
I don't think the first means devaluing the second. Just because every space *can* be a learning space, it doesn't mean careful design, thought and work can't make *better* spaces. #edtechchat
The design may outline what the space is used for. The teacher may have in mind to have a cozy niche for reading, but it may also turn into a cozy niche for 1:1 or coding. The design may also set the atmosphere and mood as well. #edtechchat
A2 Outdoor time is essential. Honor recesses, add outdoor explorations, create site visits for science and history. Many Ss enjoy our Marsh Study bc we ae in the marsh a few times a week. #edtechchat
Thesaurus: It is the product of design processes that rely on assumptions of relationships between forms of space & practices of learning. 'Space' is intended to refer to physical space, although its meaning has been extended to include virtual/conceptual space #edtechchat
My school just started, so I was the designer for the classrooms and the play yard. It's a large classroom computer tables lining both walls. In the center are two couches, and in the corner are two swivel stools and a palm tree! #edtechchat
Q2b: I am currently still in college, so I do not have my own school that I am teaching at, but my high school inserted study rooms throughout the school with computers for those who did not have internet at home to use #edtechchat
A2: My Classroom was upgraded three years ago. Used to be a computer lab with rows of desks. Now is this! Definitely the coolest space in the building! :) #EdTechChat
Yes all the more reason to emphasize inspiration over definition. Flexible use is so important in allowing us to view #learningspaces through the eyes of our students #edtechchat
A2 We created an “IT Lab” for prof dev but it hardly gets used because it wasn’t done with teacher input and it’s something the Ts see as a waste of money 😕 #edtechchat
A2: It’s in progress. Media center is going to get a makerspace, some Ts are rearranging and DIYing flexible seating. I’m trying to help the cause. But we have more Ts that are looking at their rooms AS learning spaces, and that’s important #edtechchat
A2 Currently having a whole building addition and redesign. Passive house, natural light, windows of various heights, and designs suited for specific age groups. #edtechchat
A2: most of the changes have occurred in the library - moving towards a Learning Commons with collaboration stations, comfort seating, technology, - need spaces for campfire, water coolers, and caves. #edtechchat
Whiteboard markers + windows! Or glass sliding doors. Did a lot of biology learning in university that way - drawing out various systems. :) #edtechchat
A2: We just upgraded our Media Center and it is amazing! I would live in there all day https://t.co/B0yHyyc0fU has been repainted, and there are stools, lounge areas, large couches, and many reading nooks! Our Media Specialist is also in this chat. @elaynesilver#edtechchat
A2b BUT we are getting a completely renovated media center in the next few yrs and I’m determined to get T and S input. Meeting with the architects next week! #edtechchat
A2: We opened a new school this year. Knocked out walls b/n classes to create large studios. Various types and levels of seating. Classes extend into hallways. It's a fun building. Love @MOSAIC_STL#edtechchat
A2: Our media lab was converted to a Makerspace this past summer. Two summers ago, I got rid of traditional classroom furniture in my classroom. #edtechchat
A good article from my Diigo archives: "as a result of changing the learning environment, classroom instruction changed to fit students’ needs"
Reimagine Classroom Design https://t.co/H1XekaHgwa#edtechchat
A2. We have recently opened a credit recovery room. Bunge chairs, flexible seating, 100% wireless, coffee maker, Very open, Very collaborative, Very good for the kids who had trouble "doing school" the traditional way. #edtechchat
A2 massive new building Glibal Wellness Center-filled with all sorts of flexible spaces and comfy corners but my fav new space is our MS gardens-what a wealth of learning about food, sustainability, the pleasure of getting your hands dirty #EdTechChat
A3: me and a co teacher began flexible seating 3 years ago- we called it “The Jump” we were so scared haha..now most all our teacher have it! #edtechchat
I don’t know?? It looks a little different now. All my post its fell, and I rearranged to make space for all our Dashes, but it’s still a cool learning space. #edtechchat
A2: If by upgrade you mean, adapted the use of the room. Yes. Without buying anything. One of our ELA teachers @AHSAP3 gave an existing writable surface to the Ss to use to show thinking about The Great Gatsby. #edtechchat
A2B. My previous district remade the space after I left, and my current district is going to remake the space in summer 2019. At this point it is but a dream. #edtechchat
A2: If by upgrade you mean, adapted the use of the room. Yes. Without buying anything. One of our ELA teachers @AHSAP3 gave an existing writable surface to the Ss to use to show thinking about The Great Gatsby. #edtechchat
We also acquired a smartboard,& I am planning on having that next to our whiteboard. They will be mounted on our back wall. We have a round table & another table for various activities. There's plans for each section, but I know there's more they could be used for. #edtechchat
A2: My learning space has evolved over the years thanks to our PTO, @donorschoose grants, @foundry10VR etc. Around the building we have a number of rooms with Node chairs to facilitate movement & collaboration - and our media center has some cool presentation stations #edtechchat
A2: Once space is for elementary students, the other is for faculty/staff learning - #techdirs server both constituencies - and both need space to learn #edtechchat
Yes! A wall that may have once been use for (insert anchor chart, essential questions, standards, etc.) is now owned by the Ss. Upgrade. Cost: Pack of Expo. #edtechchat
A2: Last year I had the chance of creating the @OctoraraJHub The cool part was is that basically all of the work was done by students. Ss helped design, demolish, build, paint, clean, own the space #edtechchat I had the privilege of presenting about it https://t.co/ICOoCkhGlY
lol, well the game chairs have Bluetooth on them, and they pick up the Police radio and talk radio so we can never use it (we are on a mountain between a fire station and tv station), so sometimes I feel radioactive when my speakers randomly start talking. #edtechchat
it means that a someone has purposely used a particular space to learn, and the environment allowed it to happen. For example - imaging trying to read War and Peace at a Justin Beiber concert - not gonna happen #edtechchat
I see your point, I just worry that stretching the meaning can muddle the definition. I worry it makes it hard to set a baseline for investment in edu spaces, since a "bad" space is subjective (and budget dependent). #edtechchat
I don't know if it can be or not. It's an older model, and I remember reading that it need to be mounted to a wall, but I'll have to find the manual again and make sure. Also, we don't have a lot of space at the moment! #edtechchat
What I have been most impressed with in regards to the redesign/addition process has been that many voices have been heard, Ps, Ss, Ts, and community. #edtechchat#dtk12chat
Whenever I see the cool seating in lots of these new learning spaces, I keep thinking how I need to use school suppliers to help me furnish my place. #edtechchat
Sooo many. Think of all the space that is used/covered up by teacher stuff - bulletin boards, inspirational posters (that no one reads), book cases, unused tables, plants, more posters. Just removing these can open up a space & potential. #edtechchat
A2: Part 2 of my classroom. These are older pictures, but still pretty much the same. I need to take new pictures if my room is clean tomorrow. 😂😂😂 #EdTechChat
I don't think a learn space has to be somewhere necessarily quiet, but I do believe it should be a place that the students feel comfortable in and are happy to learn in #edtechchat
A2: This is something that many schools are getting into. I'm in the process of helping some schools renovate learning spaces through @CCIU_24. Pumped to see teachers passionate about providing opportunities for students - pedagogical changes allowed by new spaces #edtechchat
Love this! Foxcroft school had a class last year where the end project was redesigning their space and they did something similar with student hands-on work. #edtechchat
The counter being that "good" space is also subjective. The one thing I don't like about some of these movements, is that they seem to dismiss everything old as "bad." Many of us learned very successfully that way. It's a balance - no one solution for everyone. #edtechchat
Q3: I don't think a learning space has to be somewhere necessarily quiet, but I do believe it should be a place that the students feel comfortable in and are happy to learn in #edtechchat
It was awesome! So many opportunities for #PBL, students felt a sense of community, the best part is that more and more teachers are using it! #edtechchat
A3: I believe that an inviting environment helps. Providing a rich selection of available resources to inspire is a biggee for me - and to embrace, honor, and leverage informal learning is key #edtechchat
A3. Flexible, comfortable, approachable, having the ability to create subspaces for quiet reflection/reading and boisterous collaboration, a wide collection of learning resources (books, maker materials, computers, etc.) #edtechchat
A3. What makes a "good" learning space. I'm not thrilled w how all this #learningspaces talk has turned into its own beast. We know the research. We know what's best for kids. Why do we complicate it and jump on this "NEW" bandwagon every time something new comes out #edtechchat
We have a bit of tight squeeze with space and definitely storage. I had seen another school simply mount the two next to each other, so that's why I found that a more efficient idea. We'll cover the smartboard when not in use. #edtechchat
Ohhh Visually Quiet. I love this.
We don't need loud paint colors. Or matchy-matchy nonsense. Or cute inspirational posters.
Turn down the visual volume.
A3: organized chaos, Ss asking Qs, Ss doing most of the talking, materials that Ss need, Ss using diff materials and interacting with diff ppl, using FTF and tech strategies.. #edtechchat
A3: Depends. What's the space (indoor / outdoor / digital) being used for? If the environment supports the behaviors needed/wanted/expected, then it would create conditions for learning/exploring/discovering/building/curious-ing. #edtechchat
When I look at a lot of the cool learning spaces, I do wonder about distraction. I would find it hard to focus in many of them. Is that ever a problem? #edtechchat
A3: Ss created materials - I tell pre-service Ts not to buy those pretty poster sets from the teacher's store - Ss need to own their space and change it as they see fit depending on the learning. #edtechchat
Absolutely. There's definitely some "change for change's sake" around edtech, and "modernizing" schools (and let's not even try to define that word for this context!) #edtechchat
A3: There's actual learning going on! Also, learning spaces that are flexible--Ss have the freedom to learn and explore in whatever way they choose. There may be an objective but no rules on how to get there. #edtechchat
I 💖💜💜💖❤️💛💜💙💙 you so much #edtechchat So many phony people out there who thing that they know design layout. I have seen a bunch of spaces that do not conform to student needs #nathanheartskatrina
A3. What makes a "good" learning space. I'm not thrilled w how all this #learningspaces talk has turned into its own beast. We know the research. We know what's best for kids. Why do we complicate it and jump on this "NEW" bandwagon every time something new comes out #edtechchat
In my experience, it is only distracting until it becomes comfortable, just like how rearranging the furniture at home seems "strange" but only for a little while.
Yup. I was fortunate to be given a cool Learning space that I made my own, but I want my kids to be more excited about what they get to make and learn when they’re with me than the colors of the wall. If they’re more excited to see yellow walls, I’ve failed. #EdTechChat
When we did a library remodel we had a "loud" side (pink and brown) and a "quiet" side (green and blue). I described the difference as being do you want to work at the kitchen table while mom's fixing dinner or in a bedroom with the door shut? #edtechchat
I will say. You have to do what is best for your student population. Don't just read a book from people that aren't in schools telling you what should be done. You know your kids best and can put them in an environment to succeed #edtechchat
I'm one of those people who can't work with music on. Or people talking. I need silence. So many of these places look like fun to hang out in, but not a place I'd ever go to if I needed to focus. Not a fan of open plan offices for this reason. #edtechchat
You get used to it the longer you use it. Just like how technology should transition from "mystical item of distraction and wonder" to invisible entity. #edtechchat
I will say. You have to do what is best for your student population. Don't just read a book from people that aren't in schools telling you what should be done. You know your kids best and can put them in an environment to succeed #edtechchat
A4: For group work, I think that students could go anywhere in the classroom (including beanbags), but during lessons I would like them to still sit at their desks #edtechchat
A4. With all changes in our schools/classrooms. We need to teach the kids the skills necessary to be successful with a flexible seating envirionment...Yes, We need to teach kids how to sit in a bean-bag chair and learn/read/type/etc. #edtechchat
A3: I think it’s important to note that Ss can learn without a huge physical environment change. If they feel comfortable and trust you, they can still help make your space #teachersmaketheenvirontmentalso#edtechchat
Or how many think #adminvoice is the only voice. Our spaces must be near and pretty. Screw the kids. If they don’t like we can get some other kids that do #edtechchat
A4. Anti bean bag??? Those are my most popular seats! I don’t think anything is “too far” if Ss ask for it and it helps them learn @nathan_stevens#edtechchat
A4. With all changes in our schools/classrooms. We need to teach the kids the skills necessary to be successful with a flexible seating envirionment...Yes, We need to teach kids how to sit in a bean-bag chair and learn/read/type/etc. #edtechchat
....and let’s not leave our my new baby-which they ♥️ bc it’s Blue Tooth. I play Kidz Bop on it so they have all the music they love with the neons going at the diner booth.
I like working from one sometimes, but I have no idea how I'd do over the shoulder observations with students in them. Maybe as part of a space dedicated to less formal learning time? Free/work periods? After school clubs? #edtechchat
Look at this way. Designers get input from all users of the space because they are the primary users. That helps them design. Teachers, if redesigning their classroom, need to include the primary users in their design plans as well. #edtechchat
A4: When you are doing it just for the sake of it. It's like most things in education. When we use tech just for the sake of using tech, it is no longer effective. #edtechchat
I absolutely agree with doing what’s right for your students. Many of my students don’t have the “best” at home so I try to make them feel as comfortable and comforted by their environment. Changing things up too frequently causes students a lot of stress! #edtechchat
But why is "you'll get used to it" considered an okay response? Most of us got use to learning by sitting at desks in rows/groups, but we no longer consider that okay... Serious question... Are there Ss who don't? How do they function? #edtechchat
I still 💖💘💜🧡💖💙 you. But people get bullied into items that don’t work for you. Know your students and stand your ground. Ask to see the whole catalog of items #edtechchat
In reply to
@DrKatrinaKeene, @RyanAdkins82, @CDWCorp, @MooreCoInc
Whatever you do, Ss need to be at the center of it all - you can have fancy flexible seating but if the teaching practices don't change, what's the point? #edtechchat
I'm thinking on this..... I think the key word here is SUPPORT. It's a team effort. I do think vendors r getting smarter on hiring extremely talented educators to help guide schools in the process. #edtechchat
I will say that we can't forget those students who do need the more "traditional" setting. "Institutionalized" still works for some students. Their flexible seating means moving from the top pic to the bottom. #edtechchat
A4: Flexible searing is a must! Too far would be anything that would distract the space. It needs to be inviting and like @nathan_stevens says without bean bags! #edtechchat
Oh wait I am the one who is suppose to be asking questions? Q5 are collaborative tech tools reducing the need for deticated learning spaces? You know the stuff from expensive companies #edtechchat
We need to stop asking vendors will this work and start remembering the pedagogy and mission of what we are trying to do - then we can ask the vendors to match our needs #edtechchat
In reply to
@DrKatrinaKeene, @RyanAdkins82, @nathan_stevens
I will say that we can't forget those students who do need the more "traditional" setting. "Institutionalized" still works for some students. Their flexible seating means moving from the top pic to the bottom. #edtechchat
Whatever you do, Ss need to be at the center of it all - you can have fancy flexible seating but if the teaching practices don't change, what's the point? #edtechchat
I have had good designers and some really crappy ones from vendors. It is about having a good relationship to be able to communicate. Know that it is ok to say “that doesn’t work for our students” #edtechchat
I completely agree on the comfortable aspect. I guess I'm just pushing back, b/c it feels like so much stuff now is very "loud". Lots of visual stimuli. And often lots of noise too. You can be comfortable in those situations, while also not able to focus/learn... #edtechchat
Before we consider investing in anything, you have to know what you need. Only then can you determine whether or not a certain thing will meet that need. #edtechchat
In reply to
@ajpodchaski, @manuelherrera33, @DrKatrinaKeene, @RyanAdkins82, @nathan_stevens
A5 Physical spaces still hold importance. An area to give & receiving praise, get cues from non verbal messages, iterate, hands-on collaboration, foster deep conversations, and come together as a community of learners. #edtechchat
The right vendor will look out for your interests and not sell you something. They value your relationship. They often know designs from other cutting edge schools, etc. #edtechchat
In reply to
@DrKatrinaKeene, @nathan_stevens, @RyanAdkins82, @CDWCorp, @MooreCoInc
Q? Online tools are changing the way we think about #learningspaces. Our students need to be able to learn in a variety of environments - not just on school grounds #edtechchat