#4thchat is a hashtag for teachers or anyone to talk about educational issues relating to 4th grade. Using #4thchat will create a network of 4th grade teachers or teachers working with 9-10 year olds across the world. We welcome anyone who 1. teaches 4th grade 2 .Works with 4th grade students and or 4th grade teachers 3. Likes 4th grade teachers (Groupies are encouraged).
Hi Nancy. Glad you had the day off for Veteran's Day. My students asked me why we weren't off. I had to remind them that we get a week off for Mardi Gras that most others don't have. #4thchat
We are wet right now. It's been raining all day and it will continue tomorrow as well, We are getting our coldest weather yet starting tomorrow. Burrr! #4thchat
Must be a busy night for everyone...should we just do open mic tonight and save these awesome questions about feedback? It is an important topic! #4thchat
A1 Giving Ss feedback helps them get perspective on their work. What they’re doing well. What they need to improve. What might be next steps or goals for learning. #4thchat
Hi all, looking forward to tonight's chat! I'm a middle school pre-service teacher from Ohio State, but I'm aspiring to teach in 4th and 5th grade! #4thchat
Weather was kind of chilly. We are about 100 mi south of paradise,ca but we know of people who have lost homes through friends. We are getting a lot of the smoke which isn’t fun. #4thchat
Great, Jennifer. Today was a great day w/my Ss. I feel like I got a handle on timing lessons and activities in a way that often eludes me. And you? #4thchat
A1: The purpose varies between students and the type of assignment. Sometimes it's for motivation, sometimes to help students build their skills #4thchat#osussmce
Isn't that one of the best feelings!? Like, today I did it! It was a busy day-and a one hour meeting about the new state test. Our instructional coach led a GREAT meeting to help us! #4thchat@BLongmeier
A1: I believe the purpose of giving your S’s feedback is to let them know how they are doing. Do they get what you are teaching? Does something need refinement? How can they improve or did they just do amazingly well #4thchat
A1: The purpose of feedback is to help students have an understanding of how they are doing....helping them finding their strengths & improve in other areas. #4thchat
#4thchat A1 I show my Ss this video about feedback and why it is important Austin’s Butterfly: Building Excellence in Student Work on Vimeo https://t.co/DZSTv2Axwy
A2: Most of the feedback I give is targeted to the students because it is given daily. The parents are the target as well as the students regarding summative assessments. #4thchat
A1 Giving Ss feedback helps them get perspective on their work. What they’re doing well. What they need to improve. What might be next steps or goals for learning. #4thchat
They are scary... this is the 4th fire and we feel like we are reliving last’s years weather with the two really bad fires we had then. California needs a break from fires. #4thchat
#4thchat A1 Also show Ss this chart, feedback is what makes mistakes turn into learning. Why Understanding These Four Types of Mistakes Can Help Us Learn | MindShift | KQED News https://t.co/a3PE3MUjTd
Isn't that one of the best feelings!? Like, today I did it! It was a busy day-and a one hour meeting about the new state test. Our instructional coach led a GREAT meeting to help us! #4thchat@BLongmeier
Excellent! It's true that feedback varies for assignments...not everything has to be assessment (but feedback can be given to motivate). Thanks for sharing. #4thchat
A1: The purpose varies between students and the type of assignment. Sometimes it's for motivation, sometimes to help students build their skills #4thchat#osussmce
A2 I think the target audience has to be each individual student. Of course, this feedback can be shared w/families of Ss, but it’s intended for Ss so that they can improve and learn better. #4thchat
A3: In math, I given feedback each day on so the students know if the are getting the skill we are working on. In science, feedback is done a couple of times a week through exit tickets. #4thchat
I try to give feedback to every student, whether it's verbal or written. The hard part is reaching every single student with longer more motivating feedback. #osussmce#4thchat
A2/3: Students are my target for feedback and it is hard to do every assignment...I do small groups for ELA and Math and give a lot of feedback while we work and discuss. #4thchat
#4thchat A1 I show my Ss this video about feedback and why it is important Austin’s Butterfly: Building Excellence in Student Work on Vimeo https://t.co/DZSTv2Axwy
We are using Eureka math this year. Each day we are tasked with a new lesson to teach and there is an exit ticket for each lesson. We have been asked to track the results of our exit tickets. #4thchat
#4thchat A1 Also show Ss this chart, feedback is what makes mistakes turn into learning. Why Understanding These Four Types of Mistakes Can Help Us Learn | MindShift | KQED News https://t.co/a3PE3MUjTd
I agree that most of the feedback goes to the students; I guess Ps receive feedback by way of progress reports. There are occasions where the class receives feedback esp if it's a cooperative experience. #4thchat
A2: Most of the feedback I give is targeted to the students because it is given daily. The parents are the target as well as the students regarding summative assessments. #4thchat
Also my students have to complete 2 problems at the beginning of the class based on the prior day's lesson. If they are successful, they do more Zearn on the computers. If they need help I can work with them individually. #4thchat
A3 I try to give Ss feedback on the go, but sometimes I think I am doing more commenting than providing feedback Ss can use to grow themselves. Make sense? #4thchat
A3: I try to give feedback on everymath assignment and on most writing assignments. It also depends on what I want them to focus on in writing. #4thchat
#4thchat While Ss appreciate the many tries in the video, it's more challenging to have Ss do this on their own work. Sometimes the issue is the scope/sequence of the year makes it a challenge to pause and dig deeper. A LOT of stds in a year to fit in well.
It's true - you want the feedback to be helpful and specific so it's hard to get to everyone. Fortunately, I think with technology there are many solutions to this. #4thchat
#4thchat A4 S whiteboard quick checks are helpful--low tech and easy to connect with every S. Feedback on @Seesaw posts, one on one times in guided reading or math work time to connect and give feedback are some ways.
3rd-5th Grade Teachers! Communicating with families is quick and easy with Seesaw! Join us this week for a live demo. We’ll share ideas and examples that are perfect for your grade level. https://t.co/zLiKppxCjj#3rdchat#4thchat#5thchat
A5: this is something that I need to work on for my S’s. I let them redo an assignment when it’s math but I have no real way for them to respond when it’s their writing. How do you guys let your S’s respond? #4thchat
Yes, I am. The students who don't know their basic facts and we don't have a well-established number sense are struggling on a daily basis. I am able to provide more work on those areas for them in small group settings. #4thchat
A3 I try to give Ss feedback on the go, but sometimes I think I am doing more commenting than providing feedback Ss can use to grow themselves. Make sense? #4thchat
The feedback I get back from students is somewhat limited, since I'm only in the classroom 2 days a week. But some students have responded to my feedback by writing replies in journals or talking to me one-on-one #osussmce#4thchat
A1: Giving specific feedback to students guides them towards success. Here is a helpful article about providing this feedback https://t.co/2vl4zsp4Nd#4thchat
This is very interesting. I’ve often thought of keeping exit tickets over time, but I’m thinking that would only make sense if I ask the same or similar question each time. What do you think? #4thchat
I think I spent more time giving feedback on writing. With math - it seemed pretty straightforward (until we had to start proving our reasoning!). #4thchat
A3: I try to give feedback on everymath assignment and on most writing assignments. It also depends on what I want them to focus on in writing. #4thchat
Also I assign a math problem for each group of four students to solve, and using the Kagan structure Numbered Heads Together, they must come to consensus about their answer. It is giving support to my stuggling students through peer help. #4thchat
#4thchat For STEM, math in particular I think the feedback the T gives is greatly impacted by the math mindset of the T. If Ss hear the T say they aren't a "math person" then I don't think the feedback is as helpful. https://t.co/f5srhCxUSX
I totally agree Mark - I think I would pick & choose the pieces that I thought were the ones we should spend time revising...looking back I should have asked the Ss which pieces they thought we should spend the time on. #4thchat
#4thchat Part of feedback is addressing greater perceptions not just the skill at hand: Jo Boaler on Fear of Mathematics - Social Science Space https://t.co/v38bxKayjd
Tracking exit tickets can be helpful to you and your students. Our students file their exit tickets in a data binder and track their results on a graph. #4thchat
I think commenting is about having a convos w/ Ss about their work. It is meant so that kids take comments & figure out where 2 go next. I’m not sure all Ss can do this all the time or esp if they’ve never experienced this before. I need to be more intentional I think. #4thchat
A6: Since my students know they will be completing an exit ticket at the end of each lesson, I have seen more of them seek help (either from me or a peer) when they are struggling with a concept. They seem more investd in their daily learning. #4thchat
I know feedback should be specific but I think if the students know they are headed in the right direction (with a pat on the back or a thumbs up) they are likely to put forth extra effort. @JennRegruth#4thchat
#4thchat Interesting take on feedback--help Ss know where their mistakes are coming from: Teaching With a Mountain View: Analyzing Math Errors: Conceptual vs. Computation Errors https://t.co/j0ZLnFg4W1
#4thchat It's the balance of feedback as progress towards a goal and the feedback needed to get there. Definately part art and helpful to have solid classroom culture and repoire.
A6: in past years I’ve seen a lot of progress with certain S’s in regards to feedback.. this year my group is struggling with it and they don’t strive to fix their work. #4thchat
I think you the commenting style feedback is terrific - more authentic. I'm sure you ARE being intentional (more so than you give yourself credit for). I'm sure you providing them with tips or strategies to help them. #4thchat
#4thchat One thing I want to try to do (I usually type) is to give audio feedback in @Seesaw I am usually giving feedback during busy hometimes and need to find time/space.
A6: Students are more willing to participate and complete journaling notebooks. And, for behavioral feedback on ClassDojo behavior has significantly improved since the 1st quarter. #osussmce#4thchat
#4thchat I have been trying to have Ss set short term goals (the lesson, the day or even the week) and also a long term goal (not a career but what kind of "problems" do they want to solve as an adult). I think for #growthmindset you need both short/long term goals.
A5: When I left comments on a Google Doc/Slide etc. I would make sure Ss respond back (so I know they read the comment). This made me think I needed to do the same with other types of feedback as well. It became part of the routine to have Ss respond back. #4thchat
#4thchat That's a good idea, I hadn't thought about that. Is there a way in Google Forms that the responder can get feedback on the correct answer? I always work with the output spreadsheet later.
Perhaps show them the Butterfly vimeo that Mark shared. Perhaps it might resonate with some of the students. Hard sometimes to get buy in to fix work. #4thchat
#4thchat I love to share this video, I wish I could find a higher quality of it. This pairs well with the Austin's butterfly video. https://t.co/7VQK1VA1FU
The voice comments are really becoming popular. I know I always typed comments because it was quicker than writing. With Voice Comments-Ss will be able to HEAR your inflection & will not have to guess at your meaning. #4thchat You know how we sometimes misread typed messages.
#4thchat This is 2 years old, but I like the reminders in here--helpful since Ts are such positive people. Recognizing and Overcoming False Growth Mindset | Edutopia https://t.co/LDLxN3e0LE
Have to sign off a bit early everybody. Great chat, as usual. Lots to think about. New links to pursue and some thinking to do about exit tickets. Have a great week everybody! #4thchat
My students also use @quizizz and @quizlet Live to do formative assessments using our computers. They love the cooperative nature of @Quizlet Live and watching the leaderboard displayed on our Promethean board. #4thchat
A7: For more in-depth feedback, students have asked for feedback occassionally. I think, it might be because it's low-stakes or meant to build them up as writers. Have any teachers noticed if students ask for more feedback when it's low-stakes? #osussmce#4thchat
A7: Sometimes students ask for TOO much feedback (it's more like reassurance....Is this right? Am I doing this right?) Need to get them to think beyond this type...more How can I improve? #4thchat
Both @GetKahoot and @quizizz give your data that you can download into Google Drive based on the games. When I create a game for our Units in Science I can also assign as homework so students can review in game form which they love. They get instant feedback too. #4thchat
#4thchat I have used @quizziz and @GetKahoot with 2 or 3 Ss per device where they have to work together before answering. Less assessment and more peer to peer learning.
In reply to
@plnaugle, @quizizz, @quizlet, @quizziz, @GetKahoot
That's interesting that you mention this....I think lots of students ask for more feedback when it's something they are going to share with others...so maybe low stakes, not necessarily high stakes. #4thchat
#4thchat Prob my all time favorite @alicekeeler tool for feedback. Have ENTIRE class working on something (e.g. writing) one file easy to quietly confer or share progress with whole class. Make the names larger fonts so Ss can find their places easier. https://t.co/wpFo8wvrEk