RT @ice_il: Join @ice_hoi for an #edcamp to discuss topics of your choice w/other educators & try some board games that will work in the classroom. Lunch & PDHs provided. Feb 2nd 8:30am-3pm. @DHS_Eagle 5220 Legion Hall Rd. Register … https://t.co/BsQ8jO2kmp
We can't hardly wait to welcome over 350 educators and community members to @westcaryimps tomorrow for #EdcampEquity!
What questions do you have for the planning team?! Drop them here 👇👇👇
There are two bottom line questions that matter every day as educators: 1) Are we teaching the right content? and 2) Are students learning what we are teaching? Equity lives in getting to "yes" for all students, every day.
#GuildChat A1a Yes. In 2013 I worked with an executive branch agency of the federal government somewhere in far south eastern New Mexico. Going to #EdCampWestTexas has changed everything about what I do. Yes. Changed. My. Life. #EdCamp
There ain't no #edcamp like a Scranton Edcamp!
Join us for an incredible day of fun, free giveaways, professional learning, and collaboration on April 13th at @univofscranton.
Get your free ticket at https://t.co/AY49H5CAzr
Just because it's 40 degrees outside doesn't mean @nnpscte is not warming up for an awesome professional development day. Here is a sneak peak of Monday's Edcamp!....#EdcampNNPSCTE#edcamp#NNPSCTE@EdcampUSA
Just because it's 40 degrees outside doesn't mean @nnpscte is not warming up for an awesome professional development day. Here is a sneak peek of Monday's Edcamp!....#EdcampNNPSCTE#edcamp#NNPSCTE@EdcampUSA
What the hell is wrong with these people. Oklahoma bill would revoke teachers' certification if they walk out and protest - CNN https://t.co/c4V7B2jpVD