#edchat Archive
#Edchat is a hashtag, a movement—it is a weekly organized Twitter discussion of educators and people interested in education that meet virtually from all over the world. #Edchat serves as a conversation thread on Twitter and is also used for organized weekly discussions.
Tuesday May 10, 2016 7:00 PM EDT
Is there really a goal common to all schools?
The movement for school choice is still going strong 25 years after the first charter school… https://t.co/vll0LknTik
NOW Topic: What is it that our education system is preparing students for and is it the same goal for all?
Welcome to . Topic: What is it that our education system is preparing students for and is it the same goal for all?
A common goal for all schools? To create a community where all kids can thrive.
Hopefully schools are preparing Ss for a fulfilling life of the mind. Are they all doing that? Hard to say.
Is the goal of education the same for both the poor and rich?
Hi Everyone! Kathy from CT
Angie, elementary media specialist from NC
Welcome to -> Thanks Eric. Is hope a good strategy?
thank you. Wow your hashtag is quite popular. Might be hard to sift through for the chat! :)
That would be a worthy goal, but do you think it is the current goal everywhere?
. Promise of public edu in our democracy is that goal must be the same. I know we fall short.
Hooray M/C -> and how well are we doing with that? Welcome to ->
Welcome, Kathy. Topic: What is it that our education system is preparing students for & is it the same goal for all?
On paper, our educational system is trying to prepare students for career and college readiness, perhaps even for life
yes... is often (and over) used -->
Join now Topic: What is it that our education system is preparing students for and is it the same goal for all?
Adam, 5/6 social studies, Brooklyn, OH! Hope everyone is doing well!
I'm not sure all schools do a very good job of preparing kids for much. One school I worked in seemed to prepare them for jail
. No, it is not a good strategy. I work at an indep. school that I admire so that I'm 100% sure.
Might education has multiples purposes?
Other schools allow for entitlements and hand holding which doesn't promote independent thought or challenge
depends on the school, but I think most schools would state it as an aspirational goal. Of course not all there.
Hi all! I'm in transit but glad to be here. Chatting from NC. I work in elementary as tech teacher and coach.
As a whole, I hope that education is preparing kids to be productive, happy members of society who are looking to innovate
HOORAY FOR KATHY Welcome to ->
So how frequent is ? Weekly? Monthly?
"Good news Monday" (#5) has improved culture & my awareness of Ss needs. Happiness grows when you share it.
Education should prepare students for a fulfilling, creative, and healthy life pursuing their passion. Must be more than job-prep!
. IS preparing or SHOULD be preparing?
Schools should be preparing Ss to face real life challenges by guiding them to real life tools to overcome...in theory...
I do think we'd be hard pressed to find schools that wouldn't agree with this. Doesn't mean they are all doing yet
well... from the perspective of the educators or the students?
I think they are. Some vocational schools have very specific goals like nursing
Education is for the whole child. We must prepare them emotionally, socially, and academically to be successful in life.
Yes. We need to be doing this in practice. Offering them transparency and choice. Challenging them https://t.co/OA6v57iSTo
Schools should be preparing Ss to face real life challenges by guiding them to real life tools to overcome...in theory...
More evidence of the benefits of incorporating practices into elementary education.👌🏼 https://t.co/GLZHgKGGSX
"...Meditation can have its greatest impact on cognition when the brain is in its earliest stages of development." https://t.co/KvFEpd39bc
I'm not sure we know exactly what we are preparing Ss for. World changing fast. We aim for Ss ready for anything. I hope.
is every Tuesday at noon and 7:00 PM EDT Join the fun, learn lots
How many schools allow students help determine their own goal for their own Education? Would parents be involved?Is that practical?
Anyone that watches Ss sit for 2 hours and take the SBAC realizes that we are not all on the same page. https://t.co/WAxBcNYKy1
Welcome, Kathy. Topic: What is it that our education system is preparing students for & is it the same goal for all?
My AP class is set up to prepare students for college.Offer choice and ownership, transferable skills etc
Good question. While I trust that most schools' goal is to promote students' future success, what success looks like varies wildly
That unknown quality is why process skills have become so much more important than information.
I'd love to believe we're fostering a love of learning and perhaps even an impetus to make the world a better place?
Spirit of inquiry. Tools to FIND knowledge. Employable skills. Social awareness. Uses for your education. Content?
Inspiring social action and maybe even promoting careers in writing, engineering and computer science?
Wow, that's a lot... Might there be many purposes/reason for eduction?
Too often, the graduation requirements don't align with what we hope to provide students with - there isn't enough depth in learning
I HOPE THE EDUCATION SYSTEM is teaching students how to think, discern, and do… is that the case?
I wish more schools gave more attention than just lip-service to these beliefs. https://t.co/YubFjJUoFg
Education is for the whole child. We must prepare them emotionally, socially, and academically to be successful in life.
We need to realize that our goals differ from the vision of our Ss. We need their input to connect our teaching to meet their ideas.
TED_ED: Thanks to aeandrews7 for co-hosting! Check this TED_Ed Lesson using this week's talk: https://t.co/TJCkv2lMOc
RT : I wish more schools gave more attention than just lip-service to these beliefs. https://t.co/NOyk2qae8O
Education is for the whole child. We must prepare them emotionally, socially, and academically to be successful in life.
this is what I hope my class does. Makes students sensitive to the experience of others
I think we all have different ideas about how to reach that goal as well. Maybe that hinders success.
Tonight's moderator for can't make it. Anyone willing to do it? I'm at my niece's last volleyball game & can't do it.
Yes! Content is easy to come by - instead of teaching facts, teach how to effectively navigate internet https://t.co/VYAMB9SANZ
That unknown quality is why process skills have become so much more important than information.
absolutely, especially in technology. I teach thinking, design, problem solving, etc.
and how we define success is so different for different people and different culture and ... https://t.co/ZwAxuNr74Q
Good question. While I trust that most schools' goal is to promote students' future success, what success looks like varies wildly
Looking forward to Saturday and !
how do we determine if we are successful at our goals? https://t.co/ZwAxuNr74Q
Good question. While I trust that most schools' goal is to promote students' future success, what success looks like varies wildly
We often complain that non-teachers make teaching policies...but we need to dive deeper, past Ts, to the Ss as well. It's all of us.
none of it. It's all project/ inquiry based
12 year old perspective...I asked my son "what's a common goal all schools have?" He said, "pain and torture."
I don't believe lecture is a useful way of teaching the content and skills my students must develop
THE CURRENT education system educates some students well, not all. Is that good enough?
Honored to listen to speak at this evening. cc
agree! Teach how to find info, choose right resource- learn how to learn
I'm big by leading by example. Taking risks, making mistakes and reflecting publicly
yes, we must teach them how to learn - how to ask great questions and how to find answers https://t.co/6914DytOON
agree! Teach how to find info, choose right resource- learn how to learn
Love this question! In my experience very organization has different goals because of different Ss needs https://t.co/FA8IQsZwdI
Today's Topic for discussion: What is it that our education system is preparing students for and is it the same goal for all?
but what is it that they want to do v. What we want them to do? We need to connect both.
Individuals' goals for education are influenced by every shade and nuance of their social context
Not only does what success looks like vary, how to get there varies, too.
YES! Fail in front of kids! They need to know that is part of the process.
yes, so shouldn't we teach kids how to read and work in different contexts? https://t.co/jHF3r6ooKk
Individuals' goals for education are influenced by every shade and nuance of their social context
Exactly sensitivity to others, be it today, historically, literary narrative, STEM solutions
Unfortunately, we might be simply preparing students to fall in line and follow directions.
Librarian in my school teaches Plan Do Review as part of research process. We apply to everything.
this is what we hope for but do most institutions meet the needs of individual students well? how do we know?
We agree, . We agree! https://t.co/6I3rR5k6BC
Sometimes I think "research-based" is the education world's equivalent to "contains whole grain." Thoughts?
THE FACT that we’re even having this chat about the purpose of education indicates the system has no clear purpose. What to do?
How much do the goals of education for each school in the education system change with the change of administrations?
When schools use inquiry based projects or PBL we are teaching students to be problem solvers and to think critically.
How might we mate infatuated altruism where fun meets function?
boredom! The number 1 plague in schools, IMO. not universal - but chronic in many places 4 many kids.
Yes, and we need to first understand and disseminate those contexts ourselves as educators https://t.co/56dubm1p6I
yes, so shouldn't we teach kids how to read and work in different contexts? https://t.co/jHF3r6ooKk
Individuals' goals for education are influenced by every shade and nuance of their social context
. It's okay for education world to be a diverse ecosystem provided the baseline, free edu is high quality.
We need to set a vision as a school community. Allows Ps and Ss to see what a school is set to do for the student. Provide choice.
absolutely. We need to understand our kids to give them what they need for the paths they choose
Are the goals of education for students in the 20th Century the same goals in the 21st Century?
I'm a big fan of Jacobs students reflect on learning. I learn about them and how to improve myself
Love that. I usually take my students to the college library to academic research
So depressing . . . yet so evident in way too many places. https://t.co/l8BmmkfyQn
12 year old perspective...I asked my son "what's a common goal all schools have?" He said, "pain and torture."
empathy is huge - and must be taught https://t.co/LbKIrZ2zVb
Exactly sensitivity to others, be it today, historically, literary narrative, STEM solutions
yes! and admit it wildly and then work through solutions together
Depends on the level of the leadership changes. Ppl always hold their breath to see what changes will happen.
Agreed. But the high quality component isn't our current baseline for so many https://t.co/wPjwnSoAlK
. It's okay for education world to be a diverse ecosystem provided the baseline, free edu is high quality.
there may be struggle, but the other classes touch upon it. Know that econ is lecture
I'm not sure just preparing them for lecture based college classes is my goal
I keep telling my Ss scientists don't have any answers. They have questions and a process for learning.
Two random variables follows a paradigm shift.
I teach all of my students to self-assess and reflect. It's a part of our process
is a model. However, more appropriate shift would be teaching standards through expressed interested content
Boredom is unfortunate. What is the biggest cause of this? It'd be great for authentic & engaging tasks to be the norm.
IS GET A JOB a good reason to get an education? Thoughts please…
Some admins focus only on test scores, while some focus on student growth. IMO the growth mindset is best.
Design Thinking has really helped me be purposeful with this. is important.
don't know full answer to cause of boredom, but for one, too much of school is still "sit and listen."
IF WE DON’T HAVE A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING ABOUT EDUCATION then what makes us think we can agree on the purpose of education?
It’s certainly the underlying motive of College AND Career Ready movements.
One of the toughest things to hear from students: "I don't want school to end." Kids got me today...
I'm still working to help my Ss with self assessment.
So long as we need to earn money to live, then yes, it is ONE reason. But shouldn't be the only one. https://t.co/0E3SiCwp8p
IS GET A JOB a good reason to get an education? Thoughts please…
I was introduced to to build systems to support Ts impact Ss learning https://t.co/StlVb88EP2
this is what we hope for but do most institutions meet the needs of individual students well? how do we know?
Let's focus on creating conditions for personal success for every student.
only if the job is something the kid's passionate about
Shouldn't our goal be to make students so excited for learning that they want to become a lifelong learner?
What is "success" in your view? Money? Self actualization?
Prepare students for today's world - technology, critical thinking, creativity https://t.co/VdAAw46Le9
Are the goals of education for students in the 20th Century the same goals in the 21st Century?
Join us at 8:30 for an chat on Developing Quality Assessments!
. pls keep eye out for tomorrow? Would <3 your clicks/support -Sara
'we' need to access school librarians more effectively. Thanks for reminding me.
We need to make it all about learning, let technology permeate, & engage the whole system https://t.co/xC5u3SA8gI
I teach all of my students to self-assess and reflect. It's a part of our process
not a big fan of those "movements"
If personal success is a goal for students in education, how much will that success be dependent upon standardized test scores?
No... Preparing for choices is what we should want. I didn't consider being a T until later after college. School didn't prepare me.
INTERESTING question! Very philosophical: What IS success?
Education should be to help students discover who they are, their passions, and how the world works.Lifelong learners
Me, neither, but it’s the buzz phrase of the moment.
Our library is a vital part of instruction and the culture of reading we aim to support.
Great use of a digital tool to capture learning.
we serve families of limited means - our school focuses on giving them an advanced advantage
I'd like to think we're teaching Ss to be participating citizens. To work w/others, see perspectives, set goals, be resourceful
Any great tips or resources for effective self assessment with students.
Far too many think that the goals are the same
Why doesn't education create desire rather than repetition? Develop a want in a student rather than memorization. Seek out answers.
Please join for in 30 minutes to discuss "New Learning You'd Like to Share" ALL GRADES WELCOME!
That’s a tough agenda since those concepts are foreign to way too many tchrs.
I'm learning about the PDSA Cycle. Improving the systems and the foundation of what we do.
If a student's acceptance to college is an education goal what about those who can't afford college? are they unsuccessful?
For too many, "lifelong learning” is a phrase, not a lifestyle.
In the world of education, there are no universal goals, however improving one's ability is a common one
One (not only) purpose of education is to become job ready. You don't go to med-school to become a train conductor (and vice versus)
testing is an easy way to solve a complex problem (learning) that has no easy answer - or one answer.
IMO? Success is finding what Ken Robinson calls your "Element".
or those who seek vocational schools. Is a 4-year degree more valuable than technical education? I don't think so.
. pls keep eye out for tomorrow? would <3 your clicks/support! <3
Trade schools, military, entrepreneurship... College shouldn't be the only education goal.
we believe in the dignity of work many well-paying family sustaining jobs - goal 2 bridge EDU to employment gap
Districts want to prepare Ss for a global economy. What does that mean? What does it look like in your class? vs
I would hope a job isn't the only reason for an education, but it is a nice side effect of learning and developing skills
As Maine moves toward SBG, we are struggling with where the Ss reflective voice is in the process. The power of Self reflection.
Days of traditional schools are numbered
Our district keeps talking in terms of “world class” & still grapples w/describing what that means.
What is the most random question a student has asked you? I was asked today why I wear long socks.
Should businesses be asked to help determine the goals of education?
Is it wrong to prime K-12 students for higher ed without addressing the absurd exponential increase in tuition?
I would agree. I visit many schools and some do it really well. It's imbedded in the culture. But they are few.
👍🏼 Agree. Passion for their learning and future career. https://t.co/ngJTnI4GUy
or those who seek vocational schools. Is a 4-year degree more valuable than technical education? I don't think so.
Watertank Math believes it means being able to add and subtract integers! Can't talk economy w/o #'s!
Absolutely. And communities too.
begins in ten minutes – tonight’s topic, "SUMMER PD for PBIS".
"Good news Monday"(#5) has improved culture & awareness of Ss needs. Happiness grows when you share it. https://t.co/Elf8W77Kmo
It depends on the type of job! Ss need to feel good about choices. Ts continue to encourage school, no pressure.
Absolutely not! We are preparing Ss for life, not for business. Amazingly we have artists, musicians & other creatives.
I want to see more community/business involvement in schools. We have so many resources going untouched! They want in!
this is one reason why it's so important for Ts to participate in dialogue & research inside & outside the classroom -Voice
I think business folks have, and unfortunately often times, it isn't helping https://t.co/Rdhp1G8frm
Should businesses be asked to help determine the goals of education?
or does education have to fit either model? I can learn anything at anytime w/ learning resource that I prefer
I have to really think...so many that I probably can't think of one!
And now, the question back to you. What is "success"?
I am for it! My students are finally getting things and in a couple weeks we say bye for 3 MONTHS! Not ideal!
Determine the goals not really, help promote the need for yes.
I feel that connecting/sharing thoughts with others is important. Hands on engagement in any field is critical.
Too many to list, but last week when visiting school in NC-Are u rich? YES I am bcI am here w/U https://t.co/c7FvvYKRP3
What is the most random question a student has asked you? I was asked today why I wear long socks.
Success: Being able to support self/family & be happy.
Finding self fulfillment and inner peace w/o too many compromises.
success is when I know I did it well.
they do! The community of learning should be reciprocal and occurring outside the 4 walls of a classroom.
When we consider all of the variables can we have a common goal in education for all schools? Education Goal Standardization?
For one they're debt-free. Does everyone really need college? Since when does it guarantee success?
Good God, NO! The motive of business is profit! Our motive is the development of young people to become prod citizen
I have been reading The Principal by 3 keys to max impact:
Growth is success. Ss see themselves as successful in what they are doing. Always striving to continue to grow. Setting new goals.
businesses may benefit higher grades, but they have resources for all grades...and a major role in funding/grants!
Common goal? It would be a reeaallllllly broad goal.
. how do you define a "productive citizen?"
Each individual defines success their own way. Let's make schools about supporting that. https://t.co/yNSOB27Pl4
And now, the question back to you. What is "success"?
I like it! Is there a criteria or metric for that?
I think so. We can all have a fundamental collective goal which we all work from. https://t.co/kEUa2yB7G9
When we consider all of the variables can we have a common goal in education for all schools? Education Goal Standardization?
common goal: help all kids become independent learners
I do think schools should prepare Ss to be goal setters. Provide them skills to set attainable/timely goals. We need to model this.
Absolutely. Just different means of getting students to that goal. https://t.co/RvDmu1Grmp
Is the goal of education the same for both the poor and rich?
Educational success = ability of Ss to learn how to learn & to transfer critical thinking skills to multiple settings/situations.
Totally agree! I learn best when I can process, verbalized, and experience. Still doesn't have to be in a "school"
I agree. And students need to understand the institutional barriers to them accomplishing those goals
Hmmm. Feedback from Ss? Looking at S growth & learning process over term/yr? Easier to gauge over time?
...But at the same time have the ability to work together in a team environment?? Wouldn't you say?? https://t.co/2yP9VgeNSI
common goal: help all kids become independent learners
Success shone in faces of who are risktakers & encourage up 2
Preparing students to become independent learners is making them more easily replaceable I think.
businesses benefit from the relationships with and contribution to young learners and societal members.
I think when kids ask the right Qs and find the answers with little help from Ts, they are independent learners.
what defines a "school"? A building with rooms? Or is the community the school as well? Show learning is everywhere!
Success in education will never be a reality until equity of access & opportunity is applied to EVERY student. All must have a seat.
We need a collective society goal for success. To run from that for "individual goals" is simply unambitious.
Absolutely agree! Teach them to aim high and plot the course to get their.
We should collaborate and bring businesses into our schools. Like https://t.co/7FShsbqnlJ
Should businesses be asked to help determine the goals of education?
We can and should have common goals. Do we not teach students to have goals for themselves,community, family,etc
Really important factor. https://t.co/HYbPCDW1r5
Success in education will never be a reality until equity of access & opportunity is applied to EVERY student. All must have a seat.
Honestly this sounds like rhetoric that isn't very useful for many in practical applications. https://t.co/6ShKXVQTsz
Growth is success. Ss see themselves as successful in what they are doing. Always striving to continue to grow. Setting new goals.
If success is determined by a school's performance from standardized testing, we have lost the fight for the academic souls of Ss.
the building is almost irrelevant. It's the people. The culture. The relationships. The expectations...
I disagree. We will have common skills necessary for all types of success, but we don't all define success the same way.
can't there be more than one motive? I see a lot of businesses who also want to contribute to their community
I've been in innovative schools that R 150 years old, & traditional schools built this century. A school is what adults make of it.
exactly! I feel I could teach anywhere! Engage! Interact! React! Involve! Reach! It's us, not the room!
For students to retain your content, continue to review&teach this: 10 Highly Effective Study Habits https://t.co/kSi1Id3k4P
I understand, however this yr w/our student data notebooks I see it happening in our school. The Ss feel successful.
Right. So we focus on those common skills and go from there.
True, but not seeing exactly how you're meaning to tie it in here. Please say more.
I feel the opposite. We must be well informed to make choices. It is actually way more work.
. that's wonderful! I do agree that students need to monitor their own understanding and growth. But growth =/= success
Success is when Ss achieve deep conceptual learning, not simply earning high GPA or letter grades.
Thanks out to our moderators today & all who participated.
Yes! Making informed choices requires opportunity and skills.
Please join for in 5 minutes to discuss "New Learning You'd Like to Share" ALL GRADES WELCOME!
. ah perhaps it seemed that I was saying we should be limited by these collective goals? Not my intent.
We will be reaching out & inviting a lucky member of the chat tonight onto The Radio Show on BAM Radio Network.
Ah. But the goal isn't for students to be resilient. They can be resiliently terrible. Not success imo.
I think we get caught up in these proxies for success because we're not used to having these discussions
My head is spinning with ways that ambient social networking will change education.
thanks Nicole. It takes effort and vision to build education outside the walls, but it works well when done well!
Resilience is good and important but it's one skill of many req'd for success. Not the end goal.
How might we conjoin altruistic innovation at full strength?
I like how you question! We need this in schools! Always asking questions makes us better.
Every learner has their own set of goals and their own learning journey ahead of them that need to be equally valued
Enjoy this article Laughter goes a long way!Trend this positive and enhance learning and joy https://t.co/uPklHLxIQT