#UrbanEd chat is a twitter chat for educators. Topics relevant to the subject of urban education will be discussed, but all educators are encouraged to join the conversation. The chats will be moderated by Ben and Neil, founders of Engaging Educators and elementary school teachers in Detroit, MI.
Q1: Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices are becoming part of the educational discussion across the country. What is your understanding of Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices? #UrbanEdChat
My name is Ken Johnson and I am a #RestorativeJustice trainer and award-winning author from Northwest Florida near America's first city Pensacola, FL. #UrbanEdChat
Q1: Restorative Justice/Restorative practices are becoming very popular terms in education. What is your understand of Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices? #UrbanEdChat
A1: i wouldn't get caught up on terms. Technically, RJ is transformative meeting with victim, offender, & communuty to address an offense. Restorative Practices are when you proactively use practices in a prophylactic capacity to thwart future offenses. #UrbanEdChat
Q1: Restorative Justice/Restorative practices are becoming very popular terms in education. What is your understand of Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices? #UrbanEdChat
#UrbanEdChat A1
A chance at working together where one has the opportunity to explain how it felt to be violated and the other complete actions to make amends
Exactly. When some type of harm happens in your community (classroom/school) you bring the parties involved together to help repair the harm. #UrbanEdChat
Q1: Restorative Justice/Restorative practices are becoming very popular terms in education. What is your understand of Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices? #UrbanEdChat
A1- Relationship heavy, restortation of an individuals place in the community through shared accountability rather than punitive reaction. #UrbanEdChat
Q1: Restorative Justice/Restorative practices are becoming very popular terms in education. What is your understand of Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices? #UrbanEdChat
Q1: Restorative Justice/Restorative practices are becoming very popular terms in education. What is your understand of Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices? #UrbanEdChat
@Demetrius_Ball Restorative Justice works best when used proactively. When training and lecturing, I urge teachers to teach in RJ circles. #UrbanEdChat
Q2: One of the foundations of RJ is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
A1: RJ is a systemic approach to discipline that focuses on the harmed individual's needs and provides ways to right those wrongs. It heavily relies on the power of personal relationships. #UrbanEdChat
Q2: One of the foundations of RJ is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
#UrbanEdChat I think I do it by modeling the behavior I expect to see, confront unacceptable stuff “what you said to her was mean, you need to apologize”
A2: The key to this for me, is finding the resoures available to support the non academic needs that students have, and making sure you use the right one when appropriate. #UrbanEdChat
Q2: One of the foundations of RJ is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Q2: One of the foundations of RJ is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Care time in our middle school. Cultural dialoguers and exhibitions at high school side.
Loudly. Build a culture of achievement and pride.
Our use of social media to celebrate and define our students :
A2: I try to establish a community care by setting a clear example of how to care for others through my relationship with each one of my students. #UrbanEdChat
A2: I am a for-hire RJ trainer and author...not a teacher. So, I teach teachers how to build a whole school community-of-care using daily circles, multiple levels of RPs, etc. #UrbanEdChat
Q2: One of the foundations of RJ is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Relationships are key. Get to know your ss. Example, on Mondays we chat about our weekend before we start class. It’s a great warm up, leads to questions and a laugh or two. #UrbanEdChat
Q2: One of the foundations of RJ is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
#UrbanEdChat A2
Calling out behavior not in a mean way... “why would you say/do something like that? I know that you are better than that” because sometimes kids just don’t know
Q4: Implementing Restorative Practices in your classroom/school requires educators to relinquish control to the school community. What does/will that look like in your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Q3: One of the foundations of Restorative Practices is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
#UrbanEdChat Q4 ugh... giving up control? Hard when there are so many academic items needing to be addressed. But I intervene and lead discussion on an issue that happens immediately, if possible and not done in crisis
Q3: One of the foundations of Restorative Practices is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Q3: One of the foundations of Restorative Practices is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
A4: It looks like: kids having voice on rules, dress code, and campus events... It also looks like students and teachers utilyzing mediation when things go wrong... #UrbanEdChat
Q4: Implementing Restorative Practices in your classroom/school requires educators to relinquish control to the school community. What does/will that look like in your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
A3-Teachers must be the first to model what care looks like, to ALL students in the room. Kids learn so much from us and they are always watching our actions! #urbanEdchat
Q3: One of the foundations of Restorative Practices is establishing a community of care. How are you building a community of care within your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Q4: Implementing Restorative Practices in your classroom/school requires educators to relinquish control to the school community. What does/will that look like in your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
A3: Step 1: Actually Care about your kids
Step 2: learn what they need academically and otherwise
Step 3: search for resources that can support students in those areas
Step 4: Use the friggin resources!!! #UrbanEdChat
Q4: Implementing Restorative Practices in your classroom/school requires educators to relinquish control to the school community. What does/will that look like in your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Q4: Implementing Restorative Practices in your classroom/school requires educators to relinquish control to the school community. What does/will that look like in your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Q4: Implementing Restorative Practices in your classroom/school requires educators to relinquish control to the school community. What does/will that look like in your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
@jenndh2o The beauty is how schools and Ts get more time and resources when they give themselves over to the process...once properly & professionally trained and implemented, of course. #UrbanEdChat
#UrbanEdChat Q4 ugh... giving up control? Hard when there are so many academic items needing to be addressed. But I intervene and lead discussion on an issue that happens immediately, if possible and not done in crisis
A3: Step 1: Actually Care about your kids
Step 2: learn what they need academically and otherwise
Step 3: search for resources that can support students in those areas
Step 4: Use the friggin resources!!! #UrbanEdChat
Yeah... If you don't care for kids don't sign up for a job that involves being around them constantly... if you've already signed up... I heard Accountants do pretty well... So do engineers... #UrbanEdChat
Q5: The school-to-prison pipeline is a harsh reality that is perpetuated by our traditional punitive discipline model. How can RJ help us disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? #UrbanEdChat
@jenndh2o This is why you do daily circles, teach in circles, offer multiple tiers of RJ practices, and spend the money/time on professional training/guidance so a community-of-care is established. #UrbanEdChat
Q4: Implementing Restorative Practices in your classroom/school requires educators to relinquish control to the school community. What does/will that look like in your classroom/school? #UrbanEdChat
Q5: The school-to-prison pipeline is a harsh reality that is perpetuated by our traditional punitive discipline model. How can RJ help us disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? #UrbanEdChat
Q5: The school-to-prison pipeline is a harsh reality that is perpetuated by our traditional punitive discipline model. How can RJ help us disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? #UrbanEdChat
A5: When you stop doing referrals like a made person, you stop using a penal system mentality in the educational system, and you start seeing offenses as teachable moments...the pipeline breaks down and the Ss change for the better. #UrbanEdChat
Q5: The school-to-prison pipeline is a harsh reality that is perpetuated by our traditional punitive discipline model. How can RJ help us disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? #UrbanEdChat
Q5: The school-to-prison pipeline is a harsh reality that is perpetuated by our traditional punitive discipline model. How can RJ help us disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? #UrbanEdChat
A5: What I’ve learned this week—RJ is a proactive, preventative model. It is built on a base of relationships, community and student voice. TRULY put these elements in place and believe in what RJ can do....change is going to happen & our kids deserve this! #urbanEdchat
Q5: The school-to-prison pipeline is a harsh reality that is perpetuated by our traditional punitive discipline model. How can RJ help us disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? #UrbanEdChat