An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
Welcome to tonight's #txeduchat. We're airing it out about school safety tonight. Time to think about how educators can make a difference. Please introduce yourselves and your role in education. #txeduchat
Hi everyone! I'm a pre-service early childhood education teacher at the University of Oklahoma. I am from Allen, TX so I am hoping to move back the DFW area to teach after graduation. This is my first twitter chat so I'm excited to be joining y'all tonight! #txeduchat
A1: Overhead a great convo by one of our 3rd gr Ts...asked what the Ss knew and what was worrying them...all guided by Ss, focus stayed on ensuring Ss comfort #txeduchat
A1: You have to talk and teach about assertive vs aggressive and how to handle conflict. If you teach not to have conflict it won’t work. Conflicts = part of life. It’s not about avoiding them it’s about how to handle appropriately. #txeduchat
A1: I think you just have to be honest and transparent with your students when it comes to safety. Just letting them know that you care about them and are doing everything possible to keep them safe matters. #txeduchat
I’ve never had the conversation. I hate that it’s even something kids need to think about! But I think if a child asked, I would reassure them that we have systems in place to keep everyone safe. And listen...always listen... #txeduchat
A1 Kids are going to wonder and ask questions. They are used to Ts having answers...but in situations like this, we don't. We can listen, reassure them we will take care of them the best we can, and love them. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A1 This depends on what type of relationships you have with your Ss. This is a VERY sensitive subject. Above all, don't let the conversation that develops lead to creating fear in your Ss. Reassure them that you will go above and beyond to protect them.
A2: We have a tremendous amount of drills that we are required to do monthly (I think Ss take them less seriously now)...campus safety checks are stringent #txeduchat
#txeduchat A2 Ss at my school now respond to lock down drills with seriousness. I tell my Ss to just have quite time during the drills and mediatate that we never have to go through this for real.
A2: Our emergency operation-plan is 21 pages. We have a plan and roles assigned or everything including staff with language skills and even HAM radio operations. #txeduchat
It's amazing how many different ones we have to schedule. It's tough to get the students to take them seriously. As educators we have to take them seriously ourselves. #txeduchat
A2: Honestly, I think we tend to over-react and then under-react. There needs to be a consistent balance of diligence and preparation...and the understanding that even with the best laid plans, we can still be caught off guard #txeduchat
I’ve had students aak if we can make cards ♥️ for the school. Ummm YES! Use it as a springboard to elevate #empathy and mobilize #compassion. #txeduchat
A2. Schools have started to put much more thought and prep into being ready for emergencies. Campuses have become much more secure and staff has become more vigilant in identifying things that don’t seem right. #txeduchat
A2 Our district conducts safety drills several times a year...both announced and unannounced. We have also made campuses more secure with perimeter fencing, gates, and secured entry procedures. #txeduchat
A2: The thing that so disturbed me about this one was that a fire drill procedure was used to increase the impact by the shooter. So vulnerable. #txeduchat
A2: As a pre-service teacher, I am often considered a "visitor" when I do my observations in public schools. This means I have to sign in and out with my ID. Typically, the doors into the school have to be unlocked by the receptionist #txeduchat
Very true...For me personally as the admin checking everything it is always surreal to think that if an emergency were to happen it would be nothing like we've practiced. #txeduchat
A2:) Lockdown drills used to run secondary to tornado and fire drills. They were ‘no big deal,” and “unlikely.” Now the lockdown drill feels like the most important drill of all. #txeduchat
You know how local police departments send delegations to funerals of officers killed in the line of duty? Maybe its time to start sending school reps to funerals of Ts and Ss #txeduchat
Very true...For me personally as the admin checking everything it is always surreal to think that if an emergency were to happen it would be nothing like we've practiced. #txeduchat
A2a: There are days when I visit 3-4 campuses, and I LOVE the fact that even though my colleagues know me, they STILL check my ID and sign me in and out. Safety applies equally to friends and strangers. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A3 PRAY There are times I envision myself in this situation. Be a source of calm and security for your Ss. The relationships between you and your Ss needs to be built BEFORE a situation like this happens.
There was an article that talked abt that...the new schools that are being designed for Ss functionality and learning are less safe than before #txeduchat
A3: I pay attn to who I see...I role play in my head scenarios that we don't necessarily practice for...I pray that I have the strength to do what I need to do for Ss #txeduchat
A3: The same way you would anything else. We’re educators helping kids write their success stories. If we let fear of the unknown takeover we’ll be ineffective because kids will sense the fear and that’s never good for learning. #txeduchat
A3 As a Digital Learning Specialist, I travel between many campuses. I have to be aware of the staff I serve and what looks out of place when on a campus. I am not afraid of asking questions or reporting things to my administrators. #txeduchat
A3: It's both helpful and comforting sometimes to put yourself in that position and try to think about specifics of how you might need to respond. #txeduchat
A3. I do not dwell on the possible dangers as that could be paralyzing. I just try to make sure that I am aware of what is going on on campus and am ready to respond however I can. The safety of our students depends on the reaction of the adults, especially admin. #txeduchat
A3:) I can’t help but make secondary plans ...and tertiary plans in my head. How far will I go to protect my kids? How will I do this? What’s the back up plan? What if it doesn’t work? And what’s the back up plan to the back up plan? Etc etc etc #txeduchat
A3a: One thing to keep in mind: Our Ss feed off of our emotions. I try to be cognizant of that fact and maintain calmness and some sense of positivity. Yes, they may still recognize when "Ms. McGee is having a day," but I do my best. #txeduchat
A3: To me, I feel like there is only so much we can do. I think something teachers can do, and should be doing, is forming relationships with their students and what their role is in the classroom community. #txeduchat
I totally understand. I catch myself looking for hiding spaces in classrooms sometimes, and I wonder things like "how long would it take me to push that teacher desk against the door?" #txeduchat
A1: We regularly use “circles” (restorative justice) for classroom conversations so difficult topics often come up. Ss & Ts get familiar with opening up which is helpful in times like this. #txeduchat
A4: School culture should promote kindness and revolve around trust...Ss should feel safe telling adults when they are uncomfortable/confiding when they hear something wrong #txeduchat
Today my sister told me to retire and get out of harms way; I don’t think like that. We can’t let fear paralyze us. Kids deserve better! So we move forward for them. We’ve got a big job ahead of us! #txeduchat
#txeduchat A4 Ss need to be trained to report anything that is not normal. Importance of school ID lanyards should be viewed as part of their security.
A4: Open, authentic conversations are a necessity. I like to keep a backchannel open for kids who are scared to respond in front of everyone. #txeduchat
A4 Ts & Ss knowing the safety procedures and following them. Locked classroom doors are now the norm, but doorstops are still prevalent. Shutting external doors during recess time and end of day makes a difference. #txeduchat
A4: We also have to advocate for mental health services for our Ss...when something is bigger than what we can handle we need to have avail help #txeduchat
A4. Need to have everyone at the campus on board with reporting when something doesn’t seem right. It is also important to work on character ed and inclusiveness as much as possible. Try to eliminate the disenfranchised student and provide support to those who are #txeduchat
A3: When or if this happens, I am sure that my own children will be on a different campus SO I have to trust the staff on their campus and take care of the students in front of me as if they were my own. #txeduchat
A2: I agree. I'm starting to think that like some of the students are saying, as educators we have to find a way to make a real difference. It's not for the politicians to solve alone. #txeduchat
A4: Going to answer a question with a question. What are you doing to go out of your way for people? In the lunch room do you offer to throw trash away for kids? Ever offered a kid candy after they got in trouble? Create culture. #txeduchat
A4: Conversations and Kindness have to be a way of life at schools. They have to be so pervasive that shadows of discontent are more easily recognizable and dealt with accordingly. #txeduchat
I have a ton of lifesavers...they calm a kid who's frustrated so we can talk out the problem...offering a candy is complete opposite reaction they expect. #txeduchat
There have been a lot more students killed and injured than teachers and principals, but somehow we adults have to try to get out front on this along with the students #txeduchat
A5: This is much like Q3. We don’t discipline out of fear. The point of discipline is to change behavior. Policies should reflect what’s best for kids. That can include what’s best for all the students not in a discipline situation. #txeduchat
Validate the anger is huge...It is okay to be angry...I cringe when I hear adults say, "Quit being mad...or You don't need to be mad." We all get's the reaction that's the difference. #txeduchat
Q5: I think we have to plan for and provide circles of protection and support around Ss who have issues with discipline. Often times, there is something going on beneath the surface, and we have to root it out. #txeduchat
A5: Discipline policies need to include AUTHENTIC reflection. Our school has an army of people ready to support "discipline" problems. Kids know we care. #txeduchat
Q5 Discipline must be consistent, which comes from the top. Always yes to building relationships but children need parameters. Follow through. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A5 Ss need to know that ANY BEHAVIOR that stops learning will NOT be tolerated. Trs should BUILD the relationships with the Ss to "captivate" them into their learning process. Ss (all of them) should feel LOVED by their Tr even if they misbehave. ROLE MODEL LOVE
It just has to be about the bigger picture of what is going on in the lives of our students. Restorative justice, when used properly is huge. #txeduchat
A6 Build relationships with Ss and parents from day 1. Ts need to know their Ss both in and out of school and partner with parents to grow Ss both academically and as a person. #txeduchat
A6: Start looking for isolated students, and reach out. I have six kids that would sit alone in the cafeteria; we now have "morning study time" so they have somewhere to go, and someone to talk to. #txeduchat
A6: We start by learning Ss' names, finding out their interests, + engaging in conversations about what they find important. It extends by acknowledging Ss in the hallways, eating lunch with them, + attending their events. It thrives with the consistency of caring. #txeduchat
A6:) In truth, the greatest contribution I is to understand that this is a sickness. When I am willing to get that, I understand empathy. When I understand empathy, I can teach it to my kids. When my kids get empathy, they give it to the world #txeduchat
A6: Eliminate access, advocate for mental health services funding, model & teach compassion. I blogged abt this b4 I knew the focus of tonight's chat #txeduchat
A6 I think we start by loving our kids...listening to them...letting them know we care...providing a place where they feel safe and valued. Build relationships...we must know our kids well enough to recognize when there is a problem. #txeduchat
A6. We start by developing and building relationships with ALL students. Making connections and helping them to feel loved, wanted, supported and important. We don’t give up on the “troubled” Ss. They need twice as much love. #txeduchat
A6: as a pre-service teacher it's encouraging to see so many of you saying "relationships"! Know your students and know what they need to feel safe #txeduchat
Connecting those "misfits" to each other also gives them their own sense of belonging. Watch for their interests, and give them a purpose; then watch them flourish together. #txeduchat
A6: Help each other carry those burdens that we carry to school in our invisible backpacks. Capture their hearts; let them ALL know that you see them, that they matter, that they belong here. Even those with challenging behaviors, especially those! Love unconditionally #txeduchat
A6: We hear so much these days about finding your "why" and living our lives based on that. We all got into this business to make a difference in the lives of students. Our "why" demands relationships. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A6 IMO Our primary goal as educators is to be a source of guidance for our Ss to find their "purpose" and talents. NOT EVERY St IS GOING TO COLLEGE! Robust Vocational programs need to be developed to assure Ss not succeeding academically can in a skill.
A6: Let kids and adults alike see you being vulnerable. Talk about times you were in a rut and how you got out. People need to know there’s hope and you never know who is where you once were. We’ve all overcome adversity. #txeduchat
Q6 I believe we all build relationships & look for the at risk kids. Now we have to go beyond. Advocate for more counseling, more mental health support, sensible gun laws, and admin. & govt that will do so. #txeduchat
The most important thing you should learn going into the classroom is that relationships come first. Kids will do anything for a T they like and who they believe cares about them. Teaching is grounded in the relationships you develop. #txeduchat
Q6 I believe we all build relationships & look for the at risk kids. Now we have to go beyond. Advocate for more counseling, more mental health support, sensible gun laws, and admin. & govt that will do so. #txeduchat
A7:) Lets not be okay with discrimination, whether it’s LGBT, race, age or disability... whatever it looks like. I stand against discrimination and I bring it to my admins. I am not popular, but I am protecting the kids. #txeduchat
It takes a village; we could start by hiring people to do some of the paperwork so that #schoolcounselors could spend our time working with students to unpack their burdens and help them with feelings management and healthy choices. It's a HUGE job; we need help. #txeduchat
Q7 Speak up. Get involved in decision making on campus & in your district. Join a union or organization. March. Vote. Be an advocate for change. #txeduchat
A7: After each tragedy we become hyper-focused on these issues, but then the next thing comes and we seem to forget. Until the next time. And the next time. And the next time. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the next time. So my response is Don't Forget. #txeduchat
A3: I prepare by keeping doors locked and being aware of my surroundings. I do not let fear take over my days because fear will not teach my students #txeduchat
Many teachers are far too passive in issues that have political ramifications. This has gone far beyond politics. We HAVE to advocate for change at every level. #txeduchat
It is a sad statement that by standing against discrimination you are not popular. I guess I am not either then. As educators we all should be standing against discrimination of any form as we are here to support all of our Ss not just the ones who fit societal norms #txeduchat
A7:) Lets not be okay with discrimination, whether it’s LGBT, race, age or disability... whatever it looks like. I stand against discrimination and I bring it to my admins. I am not popular, but I am protecting the kids. #txeduchat
Important conversation on school safety at #txeduchat
I remember when my big concern was keeping kids calm in fire & earthquake drills in Los Angeles. And then came lock down drills and helping kids learn to huddle in a closet or bathroom to stay safe.
As much as I admire the students in Florida who are taking advantage of the media to speak up, it would be a shame if we don't take a lead as adults. #txeduchat
#txeduchat A7 Trs need to walk the talk and role model what is right. In our society that glamorizes immorality EVIL will prevail. You can not legislate moral actions, you can only role model it.
A2: we have seen an increase in Active Shooter training and monthly safety moments at our staff meetings. Our school also has a SRO on campus daily. #txeduchat
Thank you all for taking some time for a serious issue tonight. Let's get out there and really find a way to personally make a difference in this situation. #txeduchat