#LearnLAP Archive
#LearnLAP occurs on Mondays starting at 7pm Central Time. Guest moderators and participants discuss topics from author Paul Solarz's book Learn Like a PIRATE.
Monday March 21, 2016 7:56 PM EDT
1 minute until talks EMPOWERMENT!! Jump in at 7 CST. Then hop over to at 8CST to talk graphic novels & comics
Hey everyone, Anthony here! Chatting from Denver, CO. I'm pumped to moderate tn's chat :)
Hey, Anthony, Kim Schuelke here from MARS!! :)
Haha, I heard that they're known for their potato farms out there!
Hi ! Great to see you all, and interested in what you have to share tonight. Denis, K-12 Math Supervisor from NJ
I'm Paul Solarz, a 5th grade teacher from Arlington Heights, Illinois. Excited to talk about "Empowerment" tonight!
Q1: What adjective best describes the mindset of an empowered Teacher and why?
Mary from suburban Chicago - happy to talk with tonight!
Check-In: Lori Minka from New Castle Delaware HPE
Jessie Erickson, 5th grade teacher from Grand Forks, ND. Always enjoy this group!
Hi! I'm Kim from IL. HS Sped teacher and I co-teach biology. Looking forward to this chat tonight.
Q1 is up! Focusing on teacher empowerment first.
Hey I'm Angela a kindergarten T in MN and empowering students is a passion of mine! 5 year olds have a lot to share!
Glenn HS science teacher from Michigan
Yes! What about being empowered gives Ts the courage to take risks?
A1: Free, Unrestricted, Unchained. The empowered T needs to be comfortable trying anything, success or failure
Hi, Nedra from central NY, reading teacher for grades 3-5
agreed - so many things go into the idea of
A1: Flexible. When you empower students you need to let go and be able to respond when needed
Kristin from Lansing, MI 6th grade ELA and SS teacher.
, I agree with you! Go big or go home!
Flexible is it! you have to be flexible
Very true. Empowered Ts are often comfortable with giving up control.
A1 - FREE: When I'm given the autonomy to teach the way I believe, I feel free to create & experiment & think outside the box!
spring break here, so I'm taking a week off from and - have a great evening everyone!
Tisha from Medford, OR ! Jumping in for a bit before heading to dinner!
A1: Feeling trusted and safe to try, revise and improve. Empowering Ss also frees the Ts to have more time for new things.
A1) Risk-taker; willing to try new ideas and approaches if T feels Ss will benefit.
I love being a lab teacher, because I'm not forced to follow a (often unhelpful) routine.
A1 flexible is the first word that came to mind- go with the flow, adjust on the fly
A1: Empowered teachers feel comfortable relinquishing their "power" to students!
evening all, I'm the ESE Lead teacher at a title I public all boys middle school in tampa florida
And we want the student to feel power, because that's ownership
A1: fearless and passionate are two words that come to mind.
because teachers are comfortable giving power to the kids
I like it! Kinda like you can only possess power after you give it up.
Nili Bartley tech int MA sorry just jumping on! When I'm empowered I feel ENERGIZED like a hard to contain amount of energy:)
Question 2 coming up in one minute!
A1: Extremely enthusiastic is the mindset of empowered teacher. If you are not excited the students probably won't be either.
Katie, 7/8 grade Title 1 teacher in IN, checking out for the first time. Might lurk a bit while getting kids to bed!
Yes! And eager to stretch and reach for the "newest" challenge! https://t.co/l7P3bKFeW6
A1 - FREE: When I'm given the autonomy to teach the way I believe, I feel free to create & experiment & think outside the box!
A1: Wow - tough question to begin with! How about "tenacious" in keeping that mindset of empowering others!
Q2: How can empowerment affect a student's mindset towards learning?
once heard that the level of enthusiasm in the room will never exceed the teacher's - seems true!
A1 This is where experience in subject mater alows you to be flexible in your presentation
Hey all, Thomas Mision, MN College Elem. Edu. Stu. what's up?
empowerment = ownership = engagement = learning
Good evening, Sandy, middle school ELA teacher from MN. On spring break, but not taking a break from learning with my PLN.
A1: When I feel empowered I feel like I can do anything! It is so freeing to try new things and follow my passions!
A2: Empowerment is code for ownership; Ss who "own" their learning and have a say in its direction are positively impacted.
A2: makes them feel capable, so accept growth mindset more & more I can do it attitude
Hey Sandy! Hope your break/non-break is going well ;)
A2 When a S is empowered, they feel energized because they realize they have choices and can guide their learning
A2: Empowerment changes the conversation from "if" to "how."
A1. Comfortable. An empowered T is comfortable w/ allowing/relinquishing control to Ss responsibly/respectfully
A2: Ss take ownership of their learning. Learning comes alive for them.
Yes! Empowering students with a gives them the courage to take on new challenges.
A2: An empowered teacher helps students feel like participants in education instead of education being done to them.
A2 - When students are empowered to make decisions & act freely, they take school (& life) much more seriously! Effort increases!
Even toddlers appreciate choices. Seems so counterproductive to take away choices in classroom
And this is how our students feel too! So true!
A2: Ss feel ownership and freedom to choose. Increases engagement, motivation and interest because they have voice and power.
So important to sell students on being active participants in their own education.
A1 When a T feels empowered the world unfolds before them Ronald Fisher jumping in 3rd turning to 4th G T from Utah.
empowering Ss w/ a has been our focus this yr. It's amazing how it changes how they approach challenges
A2: modeling freedom as a teacher empowers Ss to try things in and out of class that they may have feared before
A2: to borrow a line from , when empowered Ss approach learning with "gleeful anticipation"
A2. An empowered S grabs agency, willing to advocate for themselves & to learn from mistakes
I also believed that empowered students will ask, "Why do we have to?" a whole lot less!
Hello folks - Meg Ferguson from Dartmouth, NS, Canada High School music
I love it when I hear my Ss coming in to lab chattering about what we're doing that day!
When students learn to embrace mistakes instead of fearing them, the whole world becomes their classroom.
This is SOOOOO true! There is purpose in what they are doing and they know it
A2: It enables them to take the lead which can be an amazing feeling & a bit scary too!
Thanks. Spent time today finishing and started to incorporate with I'm energized by all those laps. 😉
...coming in late...Amie 8th grade ELA from southern IL
so it's not power it's a community
A2 When Ss r empowered they TRUST themselves & the people around them so much they go at learning confidently, take risks, & smile
For sure! After all, education is a team effort.
Q3: What can teachers do to nurture student empowerment in the classroom?
When things go astray in my class I realize I allowed language to disappear; bring it back
An empowered S also knows they have their T's support & willing to engage in convos abt. issues
A2 Empowering students leads to increased confidence, collegiality, smart risk-taking, buy-in, creativity, fun and learning
Thanks for joining, Michael :)
Oh course you are a MN T! Love it!
A3: Trust and step back. Let Ss become owners of their learning.
A2: Empowerment will enable the students to direct their ship and fill their sails with what they need to keep their ship moving.
A2) One of my 4th gr helpers showed up on a day my Ss were in specials because he loves helping my Ss so much.
Instead of "I don't know," it becomes I can do this
I just finished on Sunday and is next, too! :)
A3. Ts must foster a good relationship w/ Ss, to make the classroom a "brave space,"
So when Ss are free of the fear of making a mistake, they are more trusting and eager to participate!
A3: Give them space to succeed, fail and learn on their own. We don't have to be there every single step of the way.
A3: lots of choice, S centered
A3: Voice, choice, class meetings, Status of the class, ask questions and listen to them, project based learning, and empower Ss.
Purposefully create a safe classroom culture, not just between T & S, but also between S & S
A2: Empowerment for Ss can mean connecting their passions to their goals.
yes, they also become more resilient as a result
Yes! Let student interest direct learning.
A3) Gamify seating or provide seating choice or allow Ss to move if uncomfortable where they are; choice in work options
A3 - Stop making all the decisions for our students! Allow them the opportunity to make mistakes & support them with feedback.
SO true for teachers too - much more willing to have fun and go for it when the fear is taken out
Gamify seating! That sounds fun :)
A3:Provide autonomy for Ss to foster an understanding and figure out how they learn best and nurture that mindset
A3: I have been trying to give them more voice & choice. I even added if you don't like my assignment...create your own! None yet
A3 In K, it's about routines, modeling, tools that fit the learner, and choice
A3. Also vary discussions/subj. matter, expose Ss to a variety of cultures,demographics
A3: Give them choice and a safe place for Ss to explore, create, collaborate without fear of failure.
A3: Change titles of "Lesson Plan" to "Student Experience" and your mindset will focus on nurturing growth & empowering learning
, not much different in MS
A3: and listen more than you talk
A3 - Ask your students for help running the classroom. When they know you're open to their help, they will make life easy on you!
A3 - We have to be intentional about providing open ended, problem solving activities/experiences. And it can be messy!
it's their choice! A friend had a T who did the art for them, it has to be the S who creates no parameters to restrain
allow them to struggle, hard for us
A3: creating community + safe space, where mistakes can happen, leading to attainable goal-setting, success celebrated +built upon
Moving seats has really helped my 1st graders focus lately. They especially love to do this during creativity time.
Hi , sorry I'm late! I'm Angela, a 6th grade teacher from Alberta. Looking forward to catching up! Great topic!
Messy can be very good! Learn from our successes and failures!
Like Babe Ruth once said, "I swing big"
In PE we gamify everything ... except for seating! We try not to sit, but like the idea for health cls!
A3: Teachers model that mistakes are not the end of the story.
That's so awesome! Those students get a lot out of helping, and we end up with less work to do. Win-win! :)
Love that! Lesson planning with immense empathy for the student.
Yes! Let them figure it out on their own through failure & do-overs! https://t.co/rqMfnjWoc6
allow them to struggle, hard for us
Yes! Allowing them the opportunity for them to do it differently from the way we would have done it too! https://t.co/7Vzc40D5gI
A3 - Stop making all the decisions for our students! Allow them the opportunity to make mistakes & support them with feedback.
And give them responsibilities as well, we learn what Ss are capable of, Ss find it themselves too
I really like that...from this day forward I'm doing student experiences...not lesson plans.
A3 T can foster S empowerment with open-ended assignments, with criteria that allow for S to capitalize and create
I'm just joining in! 5th grade Math & Science teacher from Raleigh, NC. Excited to learn about student empowerment!
I do a bang up job of that almost every day! Model how to learn from mistakes and make it better!
Kerri from GA- late but here. Art teacher 6-8
also I'm pretty glad to see fellow MNsotans here
It's like says:Would your Ss come to class if they didn't have to? Give them an experience that says YES
Q4: What are some ways that we can measure or assess empowerment?
I do my drawings worse than I really am. Gives Ss something to laugh about and relaxes them
Born and raised in MN - moved across the boarder to ND for college and stayed.
A4. Give Ss an opportunity to showcase what they can do
Can you hear me singing Amen? The more I read of your book, I know we're kindred spirits. Students lead students soar
A4: I incorporate art into math assessments. Best artwork gets displayed
A4. If possible, allow hw or projects done in variety of ways, drawings, singing, vids, etc.
you're right, I just realized my day gets longer when I start to demand order. Thanks!
A3:Trust kids, be willing to give up control, allow them to FAIL, model and support them, offer great feedback, help them reflect
So want to do this. Trying to.
authentic audience is so important!
A4: Taking note of when Ss start to manage their own learning teams. Observing their language as their attempts at leading!
A4 For me, it comes out in the words they say and how they approach a problem. I hear lots of insight in recordings
Yes! Trust is the foundation for any healthy learning environment.
My sticker helper calls what she does helping me grade. It's a hoot. :)
Me too!! My dad taught me that even a great hitter's batting average shows he still strikes out from time to time.
also gives Ts a chance to be adaptable in grading?
A4: We can measure empowerment when it grows into leadership. Empowered T leaders rise naturally, not falsely.
A4: how much students take responsibility for the running of the class
Yes! They need a place to safely fail and regroup.
A3 Hi! screeching in late-Jane 6th SS fr NJ. We are nurturers- our responsibility is to guide not control student learning
One class is more successful with the other so I created levels a self-select, reserved, priority seating to help Ss
It also allows for discussion on what's good criticism & how to take it
A3 SO important to give Ss opportunities to empower each other -once my Ss recognized strengths in each other it changed all of us
A4: I need to soak up all your answers to this as I don't know how to measure from 1 S to the next. Might it be very different?
A4: Classroom can run without me - literally! Ss have been empowered, know where to find resources to learn, and self drive.
A4: Be a partner in your students learning and give them a voice that is truly valued
A4: When Ss love "adopting" peers to help them, when they track + celebrate each others' successes, willing to take risks
I'll take an I don't know as long as it moves to I can do this, I'll try, I'll figure it out or help me figure out
A4 - We can survey our students. They will gladly tell us how they are feeling when given the chance!
don't give up, they have to keep hearing it as an option
Pirating is growing throughout Minnesota. Glad you're here at the start of your tchng journey. It's a great crew!
A4: In a room with empowered Ts and Ss, you really hear the word "YES" a lot: to ideas, comments, questions. Count the yesses
We did a graphing activity with Dr. Seuss and pets today and 1 of my boys chose Dr. Seuss character.
A4: We can also measure through willingness to collaborate. Working with others can be scary for kids....empowerment changes that!
A3: give choices. Ask questions. Give responsibility.
A3: Ts need to build relationships w/Ss and get to know their passions. Ts can help Ss find their power to own their learning.
It takes time and trust and knowing that the long-term results are worth any short-term inconveniences!
So many great ideas bubbling up throughout this chat! This is fun ;)
It's hard to let a sub come in. Ss know what to do, sub won't listen even when I tell them to
Gotta run I'll need to check back later!
I loved that he came up with his own idea. We were imagining what pet the main characters got,
So cool because it leads to a more genuine and wholesome classroom community.
And she'll remember THAT more than anything else from these years! Great personal connection!
A4) Great question. Assignments turned in on time, quality work, engagement, noise level may be higher
A4cont: Had a meeting this morning, Ss had msg from me in Google classroom and choice. They ran class for an hour. Sub amazed!
Also makes sub plans easier to write, haha! https://t.co/QWZpmDVyIz
A4: Classroom can run without me - literally! Ss have been empowered, know where to find resources to learn, and self drive.
A4: I have "affective" goals right alongside my academic. Look for growth just like I do academic. & survey ss to get their take.
A4 Self assessments, student checklists - Asking students about their strategies in tackling learning.
"curating" that in my lesson this week I want to see Student Experience not a checkoff list.
A4: Goal setting & reflecting with the Ss. Class Meetings & REARJMCL times help! If the Ss can run things w/o me we are good!
Another latecomer! Teach 7th and 8th math! Happy to be here! :)
I was most curious about the responses to this one since empowerment can be so tricky to measure.
Love Love Love the change from plan to experience!
Hey neighbor! Hope you're following my friends and .
Yes...they need both the opportunity and the structure to make mistakes.
Q4: Sometimes it means we have to refuse to answer a question--kick the birdie out of the nest
Believe it or not, structure is critical for .
A4 Easiest way to measure empowerment: Are they smiling on the way out the door to go home?
A4 - The ultimate assessment of whether or not my students were empowered to lead in the classroom is measured on our SILENT DAY!
Relationship, expectations, routines and procedures. They set the tone for a successful classroom.
Q5: How does empowerment relate to life-long learning?
Love this answer! I wish ... will keep working to try and make this happen! I think you nailed this question!!
A4 The kids should be the ones that assess it. How has their school experience changed this year compared to others.
Absolutely, so hard to watch Ss struggle, but such deeper learning occurs through that disequilibrium https://t.co/bnpQwXr4wN
Q4: Sometimes it means we have to refuse to answer a question--kick the birdie out of the nest
They don't call it the Land of Many Lakes for nothing.
A5: When Ss feel empowered, they immerse themselves into the center of their learning, and this has the potential to GROW!
A4 For me when I saw my most shy Ss jump up to lead in their own way & my most vocal encourage others, I knew empowerment happened
A5: Empowerment takes you beyond the "minimum pieces of flair." You want more, so you search for more. https://t.co/MMNLO3aFUO
Agreed! Collaboration is key to empowerment! Imp. for 21st century learners.
Allowing them to assess themselves makes them much more vested in what they are learning.
A5: it's a real life lesson. By empowering our students in the classroom we build their confidence to try new things and grow.
Some days I feel like I need to be Skyping you during my breaks. Thanks for all you do:)
A5: Self directed, passionate, motivated, meaningful, engaged, and valued - Ss in my class show me this daily, choice was the key.
So we're not in Kansas anymore? ;)
A5: means Ss will keep learning long past the years of grades and report cards.
my Ss almost did it last Friday, without a sub, they went 30 minutes before the School realized the Sub hadn't showed up
Have to check out. Thank you all!
Yep, sad when their time is "up" and we need to pack it up!
Probably not, unless you were empowered to be there, then it's ok. Just make sure you learn how to get back.
A5: if S R empowered they feel more able to continue to learn& if learning were less painful, they might want to continue to do it
A3 empowerment comes from ownership. Allowing them to go to the board or be in charge of a task helps them to be empowered.
Haha, fair enough. I assumed that was an Office Space reference.
A5 - Ss that know how to problem solve, find solutions, think critically...have a real life skill. They can Google the rest!
One of my favorite ways to have Ss self-reflect is through group discussion at the end of an activity
A5: Stronger & more confident to branch out & try new things. Twitter, voxer gave me that feeling of empowerment! Now can't stop!
Yes! Ownership is key when it comes to feeling empowered.
Empowerment provides authenticity in application of skills, behaviors, and dispositions to be
Yes! Happened to me this year too - sub was late and the admin ran down to check on my class. Found Ss learning!
A5. Enthusiasm, empowerment & engagement are the fuel for lifelong learning.
A5: Path of progress celebrated, striving for excellence (not perfection) becomes positive habit, more confidence throughout life
A5) Empowerment is the path for Ss to see the stepping stones of learning are for them to purposefully walk, their path & future
Love how you described it as a path!
Touché yes, give me 5 more minutes, please, I don't want to go to recess
A5: It builds confidence! Ss can try & succeed or fail but either way grow Ss don't have to let the unknown paralyze them.
Question #6 is coming up...
A5: Biggest complement Ss can give a Teacher is not needing him/her anymore!
We're always looking for guest moderators for ! If you are interested, sign up here: https://t.co/ND1yt8VMG0 (or let me know!).
A5: Student empowerment/confidence/creativity does not end when they leave the classroom - it carries them through life.
A5: Empower your students to become leaders. They will teach others because they will always be learning and leading.
Great description. It's worth creating an image of for the classroom
A5 Empowered Ss seem to carry their confidence to new situations. They've built experiences giving them reason to believe they CAN
Q6: Why is it also important for Ss and Ts to feel empowered physically and/or spiritually?
When I see Ss bored & inattentive, I always think: what choices do they have? what can I change? Make notes 4 next time
When you have found your passion - you should follow your dreams - empowerment is directly correlated with , and
A6: That's what we fall back on to pop us back up when we fall back and fail big. Something beyond ourself.
A6: Both Ss & Ts need to feel empowered to be creative...to collaborate and push beyond obvious thinking. Taking risks is scary!
A6: there is absence of confusion and stress in the feeling of empowerment. It allows you to pave the way for other life goals.
A6: And passion can be exhausting. Need refueled physically/spiritually to keep it going.
A6 It is the energy to do & be MORE. Without it, ppl just go through the motions, meeting (or not) the min. We want to SHINE!
A6:Physically gives U the energy to tackle the world; Spiritually gives U the heart & drive to do so (passion/soul)
Q6; Connections. Ss connecting with one another and globally; Ts connecting w/Ss and beyond. Ownership, interest, growth
it is about the journey. Well said!
A6: Empowerment overcomes the status quo. Empowers us to follow our passions, make connections, and pass it on.
A6 Resilience- strengthening the whole child helps them to develop a variety of qualities to lean on.
A5: If we can change how students feel about a subject then we can change how they feel about that subject forever!
Totally agree! Without that feeling of empowerment, why bother going "above & beyond"?
A6) I have grown more in the past 2 years because of PLN than previous 16 years worth of PD. Empowered doesn't even describe it
Well said. Empowerment serves the whole child and can have a lifelong affect.
It's like the spark that drives you to keep taking the next step.
A6 Have you ever received a standing ovation, how about your Ss? it is empowering to know that you have skills to contribute
LOVE it! I have had a couple...it is VERY cool :)
"Learn Like a PIRATE" turned one this month! Therefore, Bulk Orders have been discounted through March: https://t.co/J2Ku7c71Ep
Does anyone use mindfulness practices with their students to develop empowerment?
We do! It has not been as successful this year as last year, but it REALLY does help many Ss!
We have infused mindfulness into a wellness initiative in our district for multiple reasons. empowerment is one
A6: It is good physically and emotionally to feel valued, cared for and heard - empowered = soul. Better than chocolate any day!
My Ss give each other ovations for being brave & taking a risk. Ss learn that even if wrong we applaud effort
Q7: What can happen when students do NOT feel empowered?
yes, in fact our psychologist did it with the whole school during morning study hall https://t.co/ohxyLlolKv
Does anyone use mindfulness practices with their students to develop empowerment?
believe they CAN and they WILL!
No 1 has yet, but I'm expecting it soon. I've said it a few Xs now ... I would ask them to apply the same rubric
That totally flips the script on being fearful to ask a question or to attempt solving a problem!
A7: Not willing to find out! I can't imagine it would be a very fruitful learning experience and environment.
Even better in band is when a S finishes their piece + the class is silent for the beauty of what they heard
A5: Empowerment and life-long learning is like teaching someone to fish for survival. Learning to adapt and change with the world
A7: Quiet classrooms. Shallow, surface level learning. Complaints of "boredom," and likely misbehavior. Not something I want!
A7:They shut down and give up, lost potential
Great topic tonight. I gotta go through and read all the goodness!
Before a quiz/test. Kids high five each other and say "You don't need luck b/c you got skills!" Positive reinforcement - they ❤️it
A7: lack of effort in all aspects.
A7) Behavior challenges arise when Ss don't feel empowered. The more student led I become, the more engaged Ss are in their day.
A7) Resentment; apathy; disconnected; disillusionment; loss of relevance; "School is boring."
Free- encouragement to jump allows your wings to grow https://t.co/jd0VFcN682
Q1: What adjective best describes the mindset of an empowered Teacher and why?
A7: students who are not empowered are unmotivated and more likely to not be successful.
A7: Ss view learning as an obstacle. They put in just enough effort to get a grade so they can move on with their life.
A7 The Cipher in the Snow, we don't want that to happen! We need to help the Ss continue to build their future bridge
They are willing to take more risks, fail often and celebrate the wins. Empower Ss to love their journey https://t.co/FJncKsAsn0
Q2: How can empowerment affect a student's mindset towards learning?
Very cool! Will add it to my list :)
Final question coming up...
Ownership leads to empowerment. Kids need to feel like the school is theirs and that your classroom is theirs.
A7: Lots of misbehaviors & fires to extinguish. So many different personalities ... I must keep moving toward student led!!
A7: Ss become disengaged in school and stop trying.
Create opportunities and expectations. Ss don't step up unless they see the need or are given the nudge https://t.co/SxGtx8vB3R
Q3: What can teachers do to nurture student empowerment in the classroom?
A7: The T works too hard! Ss aren't as engaged, the rm is not as fun, and the BOSS is the T. I'm so glad there's a better way!
Yes! A classroom community is the best learning environment.
Q8: Share how you will promote empowerment in your classroom this week & tag a friend to hold yourself accountable.
If your class runs without you being there. Ss are empowered in their learning https://t.co/0su976NhnL
Q4: What are some ways that we can measure or assess empowerment?
that is bizzare enough to try tomorrow with the quiz I'm giving the Ss - I want to see if it changes
A7 lacking risk taking, less confidence- not much meaningful learning 😟
A8: I will allow students to create their own rubric for assessing their geometry projects.
A7 Ss AND Ts question themselves & their decisions, some feel alone & don't reach out r job to try & make sure this doesn't happen
One of the saddest stories ever! We ALL need to be connected!
Join in 5 mins! author, leads discussion on using graphic novels & comics in class!
If you don't experience and practice it now, will you suddenly do it later? Create the habit! https://t.co/2LFmaaQEgX
Q5: How does empowerment relate to life-long learning?
You're right & I'm still working too hard behind the scenes ... just in case they don't take da lead. I need to let go!
A8:Give S choice over assignments/demonstration of mastery
A8: I will share tools required, show the significance of their contribution to the whole + get out of the way
Those are the areas that need growth and guidance that currently aren't being served daily in our schools https://t.co/qoTgi5epWF
Q6: Why is it also important for Ss and Ts to feel empowered physically and/or spiritually?
I am ABSOLUTELY starting this! What a great idea!
Q8 RT: Share how you will promote empowerment in your classroom this week & TAG A FRIEND to hold yourself accountable.
me too! One of my main goals for next year. It's so hard for me to figure out!
A8: Ss decide how they will show me what they know about Unit 8 Social Studies - an "untest". Show me your learning - your choice
Yes! I still have to force myself to get out of the way, but I'm slowly getting better at it ;)