#connectedTL Archive
The hub for educational-coaches, TOSAs, administrators, department heads & all Teacher Leaders! | Join #connectedTL Tues 7:00 pm PST.
Tuesday February 2, 2016
10:00 PM EST
Let commence! This is for connected teacher leaders :)
Hey, Central Valley Pal! Glad to have you!!
A0: Matt Vaudrey, EdTech Coach and wrangler of pre-schoolers from Southern California.
A0: Susan Stewart, Instructional Technology Coach in Fresno, CA.
Hi all! Amanda, math/tech TOSA in Campbell, CA
Great to see you all at the Twitter water cooler! Lindsey, Math/Tech coach from Campbell, CA https://t.co/8u1Y0lzP1d
Evening everyone!
Chris Lee from Toronto!
Teaching and Learning coach, but currently personal diaper changer for my son.
My tweets for next hour are on come join conv on Sowing Seeds of Leadership
Hi I'll be rushing home so I can be in on the chat
Hi I am Ryan. Tech TOSA from Rocklin CA
Kirk from the Chicago Northshore. Teacher of 6-8th grade double accelerated math of a flipped classroom
No Tweeting and Driving, Mister!
Lol!! I don't trip-- email shmeemail! SUPER looking fwd to this topic-- way more important!
Holla , checking in from 's couch.
Jed math/tech geek
Steve from Hammond, IN. Algebra & tech team. Occasional play-by-play guy.
A1: My third year teaching, I was department head in a tiny charter school. I realized I kinda liked steering the boat.
A1: when asked to do a training by my principal. I LOVED facilitating the collaboration.
A1: I had an amazing practicum prof. at and wanted to do that! Hope to become teacher preservice instructor on day!
A1b: Once I left that school and found I had much more time to teach, I wanted to /teach/ adults, too.
A1: When I realized leadership was where you can effect the most change. Happened early in my working career- before teaching
A1: denied it for a while, 3rd/4th yr teaching I like leading small groups / small projects.
A1: My very first year teaching I realized that I could impact students beyond my own classroom by sharing with the other Ts
A1:Not sure I've ever had a realization-- just keeps happening. End up in leadership in all jobs https://t.co/SHWjCPso2k
A1 Sharing my gradebook I made in Excel with veteran teachers & then having them ask me to teach them
example? Shift manager in a store or something?
Now I'm picturing you both side-by-side tweeting and sending out brilliance to our Math/Tech Voxer group
I love spreadsheet ninjas. We need more of them.
A1) When I seen the influence I had was making a difference! Sometime after 2010 (My Masters degree) <---Big Aha in career!
A1 My biggest leadership influences tho come in football. watching & playing behind older leaders then taking when my turn came
Kim, MS Science/STEM jumping in late, bedtime duty called
Actually, this sounds pretty familiar...except I'm get not teaching anyone spreadsheets! Maybe GDrawings...
A1: It kind of fell in my lap, I didn't intend to be a teacher leader, it just kinda happened
awesome to have you here. Q1 was when did you know you wanted to be a leader.
I created online class to teach T's how to blend \ learning. Very reflective and innovation after was remarkable.
A1: I knew I wanted to be a teacher in 7th/8th grade.
A1 somewhere between helping my comment team and serving as a new teacher mentor I started realizing I had a passion for it
A1: Not sure I want/ed to be a "Leader". Do kind of like sharing cool stuff and bringing others along on the journey tho.
A1: Everytime I learn something new that works I feel a fire inside of me to share out.
hey dude,
what's a comment team?
yes.. the tools can change but Ts need help more than ever
That's exactly how I feel.
that is awesome. Thanks for sharing here too.
So late, so late, pardon my intrusion
Well that's true, but really I meant that I'm terrible at spreadsheets :)
Jeremiah, district math geek, Porterville, Ca
Hi friends! Cate from Santa Clara happy to have made it after late afternoon PD and dinner/bathtime of 2 babies
Hah! it's an autocorrect as I type on my phone racing to my desktop. oops should be content team
Hi, can I ask you guys, what's the going rate for leading an hour-long PD session for a dept with whom you have no affiliation?
A1: I've always had a passion 4 sharing my knowledge & leading by example. When others follow, u know something is right!
ohh... gotcha... I hate math but loved when I saw that I could create simple formulas
A2: empathy, listening, patience
A2: Service. Your hands have to be in it to gain buy-in
A1: I never wanted to lead, moving forward means I need to take lead, so be it, provided, I can empower others to do the same
.A2: Put Ss needs before ur own. Have patience and urgency in balanced measure. Motivate the moribund. https://t.co/qUKbTEaFpZ
A2: In Ed leadership you need thick skin, big ideas, drive to stay current, ability to listen, perseverance in problem-solving
Wow I haven't gotten this much love since i told the girls I would stop giving them 100 kisses for evry time they didn't say hi
A2 empathy, willingness to serve, passion for learning and helping students
A2: Ed Ldrshp requires humility, ability to own the good and the bad, promise to make improvements in public
A2: Listen.
All leaders must listen, like, at least twice as much as they talk.
A2: To remember our roots! As Ts, we liked to be listened to, heard, made things applicable, timely, trusted, respected.
I was wondering! But who am I to question Dan... I was ready to sign up for a spot on your comment team
A2: think ahead, be flexible and adaptable, have a vision, be prepared to learn from others
A2: I live servant leadership. Be the example, go the extra mile. Leaders empower others. We are better together.
we may be onto something...
A2: Open mind, decision making skills, fairness, willingness to try new things and continuously improve https://t.co/Nc2r6yYYJS
A2) Ability to recognize leadership qualities -and amplify them OR be able to instill leadeship opportunities to others.
Ah yes, the classic "other duties as assigned". I feel like that could be a whole chat in itself!
With all these wonderful folks it is a party
Yes! & I think that happens when ldrs continue to be teachers, right?! All ldrs should = lifetime lrnrs & tchrs
Thanks for the very kind words (:
Yes, empathy allows your perspective to change. That's when growth happens. Leaders grow
Willingness to try is something that drives me everyday
A2: Ed leadership requires patience, empathy, passion, follow-through
A2: the ability to step back and let others forge their own path, w/just a little guidance/push from you
Wow, officially forgiven, I thought I would have to go to confession or something...
Thanks Ryan, how goes it?
Absolutely! And I love your "humility." Many Ts we coach have bad taste from prev. coaches and one day PDs
it's a great tool. I don't always remember it and can get bogged down in the bottom
Yes! Knowing when to push and when to hold back!!!
Not sure exactly when, but the point I realized I didn't have to share every stupid thought in my head was big.
A2: take risks, be patient, lead by example, listen
....aaaand comments like this are why we're so excited to see you
Yeah, it's Amanda (: Now the party can really start
In my new role the "let others forge" has been something I'm not used to but trying!
Tomorrow I will have opportunity regarding access to Admin, what Qs might you still want answers too?
. I'm not an employee, I'm consulting - usually I give presentations at conferences, getting paid is new.
Kinda sounds like back in the classroom when I find it scary to let things go!
Agreed servant leadership
A2. Ts have to be willing to learn from mistakes and take risks along with their Ss
Humbly stated, well done. Might this apply to all leadership...
A2: The ability to see greatness in people and to bring it out
Somebody hire this guy to be principal.
A2: I live servant leadership. Be the example, go the extra mile. Leaders empower others. We are better together.
, https://t.co/ChHmjrwIWk
A2: the ability to step back and let others forge their own path, w/just a little guidance/push from you
A2. Ts have to be willing to learn from mistakes and take risks along with their Ss
thats a great "being connecetd" gif
, me too https://t.co/g6gc6fJu3M
it's a great tool. I don't always remember it and can get bogged down in the bottom
the right time to start taking risks is now.
Learned this from good friends and won't forget it.
When you say that term, in what ways does it mirror the great things you said in your answer
That's why a blog is so vital; get all those thoughts out /somewhere/.
Not sure exactly when, but the point I realized I didn't have to share every stupid thought in my head was big.
A2: Modeling new ideas, knowing that you aren't the expert in everything, that there is power in letting your Ts lead, too!
Trust me, no school would ever want that. I'd have Ss driving buses and Lunch ladies leading PE
Ha! great minds and all that...
A3 multiple leadership teams offer a variety of ways for teachers to have voice and to lead
A3) At my former HS we implemented a prep period coaching model where teachers led small group PD
A3: DO just started a Leadership Academy for Ts, Admins, Classified, etc. to build common culture https://t.co/TxWgUguJ4t
Not sure I follow response (:
Hakuma Mathada?! We need to see if domain name is available!
A3: Besides lots of conferences, not much at the district level. My individual school sites may have stuff I don't know about.
Ohh, I love that 'continuously improving' piece. Nice
A3: There is a site at my district using Department Instructional Coaches(DICs)and they are monthly being trained on coaching
A3: not enough
I'm a BIG fan of 's Instructional Networking
want 2 bring the awesome back 2
Made that my personal goal for the school year. And yeah, it helps.to have a place to have all that stuff spill out.
A3:Attended leadership academy last yr...
Leading is about helping others reach a vision you work hard to empower others if you find glory it's for the Ts/Ss
A3: We are starting ILT/PLC work. Also have systems in place for leaders to attend PD and use trainer of trainer models.
can you share any of the details of this model?
well… yes! And… all Ts, all coaches, parents, role models… all partners, spouses, besties… u name it!
A3) I designed facilitate a new program with a local university called Innovative Instructional Leadership. 15 grad credits.
. tell more about this https://t.co/3kzd3Bx7Hj
A3: not enough
I'm a BIG fan of 's Instructional Networking
want 2 bring the awesome back 2
A3: As a Digital Learning Coach, I work with fellows to become the experts to lead at their site
Ahh, I was just wondering if other "industries" might require a different leadership style, which is why I asked (:
A3: trial by 🔥! I have a buddy to lean on, we started together & are teacher leaders together, we now try to be that for others
. I appreciate that you quote the Q in your response. It makes the Qs easier to find in a long chain of responses.
A3: Self-directed PD to meet imdivid. wants; tons of PLCs; speakers/masters brought in; lots of co-planning. Awesome sauce.
A3: Coaches need coaching, too! We have had a number of trainings as a coaching team - The Heart of Coaching, and Jim Knight
A3 an instruction networking program to share the stuff Ts are doing, & opportunities for Ts to take risks leading
A3: PLC presentations, opportunities to attend conferences, constant sharing
it's like model teaching says my wife, but we need more on it.
Dan should blog about it
A3) Uronic thing is the class we are in now is called Connected Educator Connected Classroom. This chat = great twitter find!
A3: great question! Role models 4sure but we need more. Proud to say some schools have been using my book Along Came a Leader
Glory through the success you bring out in others. I wonder if that's a better way to say, we're bttr 2gthr
Cheers to not having to know everything.
Love to go deep into my passions & appreciate others can too.
A2: Modeling new ideas, knowing that you aren't the expert in everything, that there is power in letting your Ts lead, too!
great way to build capacity
HA! I should blog about it... We rotate through highlighting Practices, Innovation, EdTech, etc.
Ahh man, I hope it wasn't cause I just got here (:
A3) I'm sharing the original email / plan I did at my district when we pitched our Coaching Model https://t.co/X1owXH8M5n
A3: speakers. Some edu podcasts offer some insight. Mentoring should be more prevalent.
Nice, much better than if I created one. That's empowrig and I feel good now too
PODCASTS!!!!! My fav way to learn and be inspired!
once a month a T opens their door for others to come watch a lesson with a focus, lunch debrief
Looks like is lurking , but not answering any Qs.
What's the deal, Hedge?
Blog! Blog! Blog! (the crowd goes wild)
I learn so much when I watch others in action!
once a month a T opens their door for others to come watch a lesson with a focus, lunch debrief
I do! Its at - Twitter chat is tomorrow at 8:30CST. Lead by participants!
A3: We are implementing a trial the 1st two weeks of Feb in this regard
START BLOGGING! (oh... but its hard.. I have like 10 drafts that I just can't find time to finish)
A3: We conduct PLC and observe at least two other teachers in their craft. Not sure this method has 100% buy-in from staff.
That’s amazing support! Go you guys!!
A4: All who seek influence must earn and give respect because relationships and making people feel valued are everything
A4: All who seek influence must ADAPT because you are about to UNLEARN and then RELEARN.
A4: All who seek influence must 1ST STRUGGLE & STRETCH bc TRUE EMPATHY CANNOT BE TAUGHT; It comes from experiences -good & bad.
A4: all who seek influence must listen because listening shows you which doors are open or can be opened & which need some WD40
A4: all who seek influence must be a learner because we need to stay in touch with reality / humanity
This is Connected Teacher Leaders. As leaders we can have any role TOSA, Coach, Principal, Sup, etc
Thanks for the late night laugh
A4...this sounds better https://t.co/1zigJFqUJO
A4: All who seek influence must earn and give respect because relationships and making people feel valued are everything
Give respect - being a model at all times — even when it’s a stretch.
All who seek influence must wear dirty shoes, to show they aren't behind a desk all day.
h/t for that one.
A4: All who seek influence must listen deeply because humans are motivated differently based on personal experience/knowledge
I bet this is the motivation to complete it now!
These are all great responses. Loving these thougths
Nice, so how does a learner connect with these two word choices?
A4: All who seek influence must be open minded because influence & inspiration can come from anywhere and from anyone.
Wow- I finally showed up for Kathy reporting from beautiful So Cal. I teach 9th graders (biology)
A4: All who seek influence must be chill because you can't force anyone to do anything.
Ahh so it is not Connect Education Teacher Leaders
Well it's cute now, but if, in 5 years, this problem still persists, seek alternative methods
A4) All who seek influence must model what is wanted to help others see opportuniies and have applied understanding of request
Reminds me of a Ted talk, forgetting all details of talk, but it'll come back
A4: all who seek influence must also be a learner
I wanna see a collection of all these “all who seek influence” statements in some graphic! I’m in edulove!
Wow, glad I'm not the only one who was late, welcome kiddo
Hhahahahahhaha.... so that's the age cutoff for cuteness to questionable behaviour!
A4: All who seek influence must be willing to model because others need to know you're willing to take risks, too!
I honestly am asking, I wasn't really sure which one it may be
not sure that was a compliment. Mine may be dirty but they are RED! Glad you never got too comfy in the office.
You speak the truth! https://t.co/q2B5SfSONf
A4: All who seek influence must be chill because you can't force anyone to do anything.
For this particular one, I think it's about right...would you agree
Note to our selves- MAKE THIS GRAPHIC HAPPEN! (and buy web domain for hakuna mathada). https://t.co/vuAWYYoyFu
I wanna see a collection of all these “all who seek influence” statements in some graphic! I’m in edulove!
A5: unlocked doors,
better yet - take the door off,
make the walls windows.
I would! I'd even say ONE YEAR from now. My house plumbing can't take it!
A5: an empty office chair
BC they have been out kickin' cow pies just like the rest of us!
All who seek influence must wear dirty shoes, to show they aren't behind a desk all day.
h/t for that one.
Already on it… I get impatient…
Thanks Chris, I feel like I may have learned a little too much tonight (:
A5 Remembering of how it is for those still in the classroom (time, planning, stress, grades, learning, etc) & empathy
Love the simplicity and well spokeness of this response
A4 all who seek influence must be willing to get their hands dirty in the thick of it because actions are louder than words
A5: Around here at the board? The leaders themselves! There out coaching and co-teaching with others!
Ohh, I like the actions louder than words piece, how often do we find ourselves the victim of this...
A5 hopefully the leader because they are out there being part of the vision
for awhile my lock screen was "facta non verba" to remind me
A5 b And staying friends with those of us left behind. <sigh>
Man. nailed it.
The knowledge that somebody else might be the best at a thing I need.
Or a thing I love to do.
they must be willing to listen and encourage growth as well as be ready to be the role model for their peers😊
's eloquence shows he knows this very well.
A5c Respect & appreciation for those of us who are INFORMAL (aka unpaid & still in the classroom) leaders.
Nicely said Matt, and so very true
Nice Dan, that's a classy thing to do. Live the example. Awesome
A6: Given an end, I like to ask Qs that bring to light a path from which the empowered may wonder down
Hah! TY, it confused a lot of people, now I have a pic of my 2 girls! Another reminder of why I work hard with Ts
A6) Empowering comes from Inspiring
Who is that classy looking dude demanding so much respect
A6: Build knowledge and capacity. Acknowledge starting points/strengths and support within ZPD. Remember kids are the focus
giving not demanding. Kathleen rocks the classroom.
Empower those /above/ by thanking them for their feedback on growth.
Even better when they ask for feedback, too.
hi Susan how did you like that training?
A6: Give them opportunities to lead (start small) and reflect on the leading
Interesting, so your evolving from words to images, how those words manifest to reality
A6: be their first follower, give them the confidence to lead
A6- I help w/ problems & walk my colleagues through the solutions. I model risk taking & new skills. Ss talk about what we do
A5: A plant! Every office or room needs a live plant.
A6b: Empower those /below/ by thanking them for feedback and listening a lot before speaking.
A6: When they do lead, show them off, tweet them, instagram them!
A6: tell them they're going to lead, shock and awe,
then support them wholly in taking that risk
A6c: Empower those /around/ by offering to work together on stuff, attend stuff together, and collaborate all the time.
A5: By modeling a humility and never ending reflection
Maybe my favorite response tonight!
A6: Be humble, praise risk-taking in public, correct (support) in priv, let it go, get your hands dirty https://t.co/xCrpOE37VT
Kathy definitely does that
A6 Ask the questions I would want them to ask me, Give support where I can, followup to see how it is going
Agree 100%. You read my mind!
I don't know how you managed to say so much in 144, that's talent
A6: To create teacher leaders, build them up, gentle nudges! Give them a platform or a voice to share with those around them!
A6: By taking leaps and bounds together! Share the risks! Lots of follow up and encouragement.
*late to the chat* A6: I ask what inspires them, & use that to inspire.
Q6b: And sometimes be willing to have difficult conversations with those you lead AND those who lead you!
is the key.
challenging and supporting each other seems to work best.
A6c: Empower those /around/ by offering to work together on stuff, attend stuff together, and collaborate all the time.
Great we sure need some of that awesome at our site😉
A6) provide opportunities for them to shine. Recognize and share their stories
Great leadrs inspire it in others
tackling a difficult conversation leads to mutual respect.
A6 Empower others by valuing people, sharing your vision, trusting in people, delegating and staying positive
Love connecting from across the big state of CA with a common leader! That is what this month is all about!
He knows that I think good of him but I doubt he knows I continue to use his work as a leader as a measure for other leaders
so how could I get more info
We can help others lead by:
Pushing others' thinking...
Ready to be pushed by them...
Learning together
Seeing the positives
Yeaaaaaaaaaa us!
Love connecting from across the big state of CA with a common leader! That is what this month is all about!