A10: Some "box & locks" games do have a small digital aspect. If you were without wifi, it would be easy to get around that by giving the info. in printed form. I took one of my digital games and made it entirely physical for a PD session w/o devices #breakoutedu#espechat
Looks like we have run out of time. I know we barely scratched the surface but I hope everyone got a lot out of the chat tonight. Please feel free to share your resources if you do #breakoutedu, we only get better by sharing. #espechat
#espechat#BreakoutEDU Outstanding job @MrWillPE this was fantastic thank you. Again, we were so excited and honored to meet you last week. You and the whole #Calicrew rock!
We have a technology night at our 3-5 building & the committee is planning to do a Breakout for that event next year. Participation has waned to only about 20 parents so they think the kids will want to do this with their parents & will beg them to attend. #espechat#breakoutedu
Ms. Job’s class did a digital breakout activity to practice measurement conversions. Students worked in groups to detect clues, solve problems, and decipher codes in an escape room. These are the groups that broke out! #breakoutedu#JR2Proud