#langchat Archive
#LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages.
Thursday February 4, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Good Evening Chatters! Welcome to the first ever collaborative chat. I am Amy from Tx. Who/Where are you all?
I'm Courtney from Arkansas. I teach HS Spanish, all lvls. Super excited about this
Hi ! Megan, French 2-AP, Detroit.
Anne () on behalf of Asia Society, tweeting from Seattle. Thrilled to be here!
- ¡hola a todos! : Spanish 1-3 in central Iowa. I love my job!
I am Daniel just down the road from you in Garland, Texas profe de espanol, y viajante mundial
Hola ! I'm Laura in NC! I teach Spanish!
ginger from Albuquerque. French 1-5 AP high school
I'm Naomi Harm, mobile literacy specialist from Brownsville, MN looking forward to our chat
Hello! Sharin, WL Coordinator from in WI joining. So excited for joint convo/sharing tonight!
Hola todos, Michelle from CT here!
John in Virginia ach fear Mhaigh Eo
Hey, ! Kim from N. Indiana...Spanish 1 & Heritage
Lydia! In on behalf on https://t.co/urJq4WrsjM
Good Evening Chatters! Welcome to the first ever collaborative chat. I am Amy from Tx. Who/Where are you all?
BTW, I teach Spanish 2/2H in Plano, Tx, blog and dabble in curation just a little.
Hi everyone! I'm Keli. Lead Spanish Teacher for Learn Safari. Talking to you from Fl.
Deb in Indiana, French 1-ACP here
Hannah - teach Spanish 1-2 for MS/HS in WI
Greetings Viviana from Louisiana. Spanish for the Middles.
Students need language immersion opportunities whether it be at home or abroad
Since this is a duo-chat, should we include both hashtags each time?
Hi I'm a Spanish teacher, blogger in KY. Excited for tonight's joint chat!
Kelly- Charlotte, NC. Elementary Spanish. Just said adios to group of Argentine xchange Ss and Ts, so happy to !
Carrie, NC--ms spanish 1-2
Okay folks! Diving in early tonight because we have a heavy lineup! Let's get to chatting! Q1 coming up soon!
Howdy to and folks from Dave in San Francisco
So you know, my weird 4yo is insisting on doing homework next to me while I
French 2-AP & Technology Integration for World Languages. This is indeed an exciting topic!
Remember, this is a Q/A format, so include A1, A2 in your responses to keep chat organized
Hi Nicola, college French, Ohio
Is anyone have any tips for organizing world language immersion opportunities in your local community?
Hi ! I am Allison in Iowa & I teach 7-12 Spanish. It is conference night, but I am very interested in tonight's topic!
Ken from Western Oregon Univ. . May have to leave early once the sitter drops off my daughter to my office
Hola a todos! Meriwynn from Chapel Hill and thrilled for !
Hola Alison from Cape Cod, MA here. I teach Spanish gr. 7-12.
Hola Abby in Louisville ky teaching MS Spanish!
A1 For world languages the trick is practicing higher order skills with baby language
A1 rural school with no tech, sometimes 21st C seems "a world away"
I'm Carol from Nor Cal. I teach middle school Spanish.
A1: Time! & the Ts being required to focus on standardized testing
Late to the party! Kelli, Iowa
I just had student in school office/bathrooms/gym to assess our sustainability. Ss loved showing off!
a1: lack of resources, school restrictions (not many iPads...but those we have can't download apps so used like cmptrs)
A1 A major issue: Many teachers are not aware of the resources that support 21st skills. Not "taught" at EdSchool/PD for WL.
A1 Not totally sure what makes 21st century skills diff from reg skills
A1: IMO, how to make culture accessible to Ss is a big challenge, especially when new to the game
A1: I second 's emotion on this one https://t.co/hcHIQb1ADN
A1 For world languages the trick is practicing higher order skills with baby language
A1: Challenges integrating 21cent skills into classrooms? Student interest, soft skills, motivvation and engagement
Jill teaching French in Northern Virginia. Interested in tonight's topic.
A1: Limits to schedules and interruptions, unrealistic timelines for grades, and unrealistic grading systems.
A1: Getting sts to acquire necessary target lang to apply to real world issues, text, convos, etc.
to build on that, getting inherently self-centered adolescents to focus on something global
A1 building those skills (and evaluating) while in the TL
A1 some challenges include equal access to tech, making it relevant, and not letting ss take advantage
A1 the amount of resources and technology at a school, but also Ss staying in TL and on task with any device
our school blocks youtube! Talk about frustrating.
SO TRUE!!! https://t.co/zsV7sJ9DP9
a1: lack of resources, school restrictions (not many iPads...but those we have can't download apps so used like cmptrs)
. definitely! This is what I mean about "accessible".
Julia from So Cal late to the party.
A1 cell phone policies & lack of funding/time for grant writing. Yearning for "Bring your own device" https://t.co/ODercSfH8P
A1 Hi Penny from Virginia ....TIME!!! I never have enough time!
YES! You can strip the language to the basics, but that takes a LOT of prep & brain power https://t.co/2u1ySGb1Vj
A1: Getting sts to acquire necessary target lang to apply to real world issues, text, convos, etc.
a1: for the life of me I can't get a few students to collaborate...even on low stakes in class assignments!!!
A1 students with a very limited knowledge of life beyond their immediate interests.
ick! Are there any extensions you could add to work around it?
right! just because they CAN access, doesn't mean it'll find it's way inn!
A1: To get sts to LEARN rather than grub for points, complete rather than consider assignments & tasks.
A1 Time is a concern, takes some serious planning
YES! THIS! https://t.co/SJcHqbt9Ee
to build on that, getting inherently self-centered adolescents to focus on something global
A1 So many barriers and blockades to useful collaboration sources and sites, and that's IF you have access to tech.
. relevance is huge & I think why a "local/global/WIIFM" connection is key.
A1: Just looking at ACTFL's 21st Century Skills Map intimidates me!
YES. You want to use their interests, but sometimes their passions are not so...global https://t.co/97jBbyPW7X
A1 students with a very limited knowledge of life beyond their immediate interests.
Heather from Asia Society joining a bit late from a plane!
A1: integrating them in an authentic way with an authentic audience.
. Boy that's the truth, right & ?
right! You can't just teach A skill anymore--CONSTANT integration of EVERYTHING!
A1 Also trying to convince teenagers that I'm not an idiot and I do know what's coming after HS & the expectations
I don't know, but my kids have them to get to Twitter... Gom it's called, maybe? on Chrome.
for us it's the tech being sucked into to standardized testing!
A1: Building lang proficiency higher and higher AND 21st cent skills at same time!
A1 Also, districts that promote/support mostly grammar-based language classes. We should consider integrating +Global Challenges
. but the cool thing about global is that once you crack that nut there are endless possibilities
A1: Also collaboration is tough when students don't have all of the vocab needed in L2 https://t.co/RzncCcnafj
a1: for the life of me I can't get a few students to collaborate...even on low stakes in class assignments!!!
YES! Whole new bag of tricks for some of us old dogs. ? https://t.co/i2I6zLDSoa
A1: Just looking at ACTFL's 21st Century Skills Map intimidates me!
YES! I don't even have it, but I see the frustration of T's around me. https://t.co/RCHSJ8qEd7
for us it's the tech being sucked into to standardized testing!
I'm Julie, K-4 Spanish in Maine :)
Joining late. Cathryn, Spanish, VA. A1- THIS https://t.co/5jwvyCibYt
A1 For world languages the trick is practicing higher order skills with baby language
A1 We talk about the global student and global learning. We need a clear vision of what that is? Not just cultural knowledge.
what do you mean by contrivedideas of success? Can you give examples?
Thanks to all of you chatters who are retweeting the questions! GREAT HELP!
A1 teachers who don't model being 21st century learners or global educators... everyone here being the exception
Is it totally rude to for an hour in the middle of your birthday dinner? Oh, then 'till Saturday langchat & after
A1 No matter the obstacles, we have to move forward and implement new tech skills to empower our Ss to create and share globally
No kidding. It is going to take us a year to get through .
But I'm SO thankful does this work for us! Other subjects aren't so lucky! https://t.co/sUAhRJXCo9
A1: Just looking at ACTFL's 21st Century Skills Map intimidates me!
agreed! Rigorous curricula + very little time; integration into existing curriculum --> sad, but true
A1: Biggest challenge integrating 21st c skills = learned helplessness
Get ready! Q2 coming up next!
Joining late Beth, French & Spanish, NY
A1 Had great conversation in TL today with student about education for girls as she was learning in history class about Pakistan.
Agreed! Grading emoji posters now- novices loved "translating" emojis they use everyday! https://t.co/oOCyDaJEqp
Using emojis to teach adjectives/personality traits is both fun and powerful! A smiley is worth a thousand words 😉
A teacher told me recently she sees every challenge as an opportunity to educate her community. Optimism is key!
Hola & Amanda from WI- Spanish and so late!
it's been said but I'm thankful for org like & who put a lot of this vision together for us
A1 Had great conversation in TL today with student about education for girls as she was learning in history class about Pakistan.
so true! A lot of times Ts model it unconsciously, students pick up on subtleties A1 https://t.co/Fvx69o0Z7D
A1 teachers who don't model being 21st century learners or global educators... everyone here being the exception
I want to do this! https://t.co/bKSFSaGiYn
Agreed! Grading emoji posters now- novices loved "translating" emojis they use everyday! https://t.co/oOCyDaJEqp
Using emojis to teach adjectives/personality traits is both fun and powerful! A smiley is worth a thousand words 😉
Yes! I would add fixed minset to that.
A2 has a ready answer for this - world languages were a top career skill for us!
A1: Making solid cross-curricular connections & being able 2 co-labor w/ those collegial peers we need to do it all
A2: the best place to begin is model what it looks like for Ss. They won't understand if not seen at home.
Oops, sorry for type-o it is "life, career and critical thinking" ! My bad!
A2: Critical thinking skills must include critique of global power dynamics, learning to challenge our assumptions
A2 Connecting my students with kids in need in Colombia was very humbling for them
A2: Create units with essential questions, not list of vocab. Give them a question to answer!
A2 Through providing authentic learning experiences that challenges perceptions & makes Ss analyze &reflect
A2: How to promote life, caring, critical thinking skills 2 prepare S's 4 global soc? Discover/relate 2 S's passions
A2 Inquiry-based service learning programs can be a real win for all things 21st cent.
Yes! I would add fixed mindset to that.
A2 don't just ask what's different, what's the same, but what does that MEAN in your life?
A2 I would love if we could take grades totally out of the equation. So much less pressure. The journey IS the destination.
A2: Sometimes I like to set aside time to teach them to understand their thoughts so they can form new ones.
Whew, tall order! But so valuable! https://t.co/8zqqDoBWFw
A2: Critical thinking skills must include critique of global power dynamics, learning to challenge our assumptions
That's okay, . Caring is an important part of global education too!
Q2- Exposing Ss to the world through your own travel experiences is one way.
A2: I wish all students could participate in apprenticeship or internships!
I am ready to talk to anyone who will listen about the effects I'm seeing of a world w/o grades!
A2 teach and model skills, practice skills often, show importance and esp. relevance to Ss
A2 Having kids consider their own level of privilege this year was eye opening. It's not just $$
A2 Exposure to different cultures & places with the inclusion of reflective questions
A2: I've been working hard lately to help students recognize others' ways of thinking, as well as their own
I absosmurfly LOVE THIS! https://t.co/R0jaiLmG3m
A2: Create units with essential questions, not list of vocab. Give them a question to answer!
YES! Service to a real, tangible community make their community global! https://t.co/9ondGaQFuw
A2 Inquiry-based service learning programs can be a real win for all things 21st cent.
We love to promote Ss = co-participants in solving global challenges https://t.co/pU4H036MD3
A2 Connecting my students with kids in need in Colombia was very humbling for them
oh absolutely! All the time! It just takes 10x the brain power it takes in my English classes!
A2 Use the target language to teach about global issues! are abundant on hot topics.
A2: We have to challenge not just how sts THINK but how they choose to ACT, too.
A2: we have to make lessons relevant to life. Give opportunities to use 21st century tools and some autonomy
A2: creative & critical thinking for TL application closer to home globaledchat
A2: giving students project/skills that look good on resumé. Ex: helping others, presenting, etc.
A2: I think that lies in the power of to complete authentic tasks through a PBL and an IBL approach
Wow! Just Wow! https://t.co/Dn7iqDlIRp
A2 Having kids consider their own level of privilege this year was eye opening. It's not just $$
Put kids in authentic global context in or out of class & urge to learn languages & develop skills comes naturally.
You go, girl! https://t.co/JZXR6ihbsd
A2: I've been working hard lately to help students recognize others' ways of thinking, as well as their own
I would LOVE to hear more about how you are doing this! https://t.co/nGoYqn5Taq
A2 Having kids consider their own level of privilege this year was eye opening. It's not just $$
A2Textbooks cannot provide the materials. Need to be willing to develop resources relating to global challenges.
A2: I think simulations help students w/thinking skills and the experience. My social stud Ts do them all the time
Global issues are present in r own communities; we need to see ourselves in others https://t.co/l9aN9FWo7E
YES! Service to a real, tangible community make their community global! https://t.co/9ondGaQFuw
A2 Inquiry-based service learning programs can be a real win for all things 21st cent.
A2 started Amnesty Intl chapter & we do Urgent Action letters to TL countries, learn geog & human rights/politics
A2: Emphasizing the success and happiness of other people in their own cultures.
it's on my blog! Will try to get link
yes! & I want to do more to help students see themselves! Use OTHERS' lens on THEM!
Protip for tonight's /: open two columns in tweetdeck or two browser windows, one w/each hashtag - just in case!
well it is the goal & I am working towards it. We still have a long ways to go!!
A2 always keep it real - expose Ss to the news in your TL countries in simple terms! Give scenarios! Role plays!
A2: YES hook 'em w/ a question! StickPicks app aligned Blooms Taxonomy open-ended questions https://t.co/pyvzimk1zV
in addition to giving Qs, encourage &challenge Ss to want to ask their own Qs every day
True but require finessing & scaffolding https://t.co/Zpy6hk0ZLY
A2 Use the target language to teach about global issues! are abundant on hot topics.
Definitely a good idea. https://t.co/YDTdTiRorb
Protip for tonight's /: open two columns in tweetdeck or two browser windows, one w/each hashtag - just in case!
Live connections are key--in or out of the classroom, both motivate growth!
A2: take the global & ask how this relates to the "local" & vice versa. Slows down assumptions, broadens/makes views relevant.
A2: Keep asking "why?", "how else?", from a place of wanting to learn, not judgment - never stop the inquiry.
A3:Communication & collaboration requires listening to develop perspective consciousness. Learn from, not just about.
A3: Modeling and give them authentic ways to practice those skills.
A3 Introduce them to people from target cultures! Give them a reason to care!
it's a rare that early novices can tackle with no outside strategy help
A3: Small, but training kids to use TL to talk to each other they way they do in L1. BE REAL PEOPLE just in Spanish!
SO IMPRESSED w my stus noticing/wondering abt this in a 2nd language/their lives! https://t.co/e2yVMsvCc6 a stu shared this w me
A2 this yr began penpals w France who will visit in 2017 & we go there 2018. Talk about motivation/relevancy!
A3 I like to assign small groups of collaborative tasks in which each person has a specific job
A3 Encourage diverse points of view with students.
A3: Joint projects with schools abroad are great for this.
A3: Modeling and giving students authentic ways to practice those skills.
A3: Using for insight into other cultures then comparing w/ our own
A3 We need to bring the world and challenges to our classroom. Compare and contrast our life with those elsewhere.
Linking Inquiry-based learning with GEAC https://t.co/zeU3lVIGyX
A2 Inquiry-based service learning programs can be a real win for all things 21st cent.
Linking Inquiry-based learning with GEAC https://t.co/oAAh9jpfJO via ^Sharin T
A2 Inquiry-based service learning programs can be a real win for all things 21st cent.
A3 make connections w/ classrooms in other cultures thru social media. Places such as
A3 classroom collaborations, table discussions, read the news, speeches & debates ... so much relevance
A3 empathy is very important
A3 I'll piggyback on the and advocate group work, even at novice levels
A3: How do we promote 4C's to prep S's 4 global society? Student Voice/Choice, student led activities/inquiry
& this approach helps us stop seeing ourselves as "saviors" but rather as "collaborators" -- https://t.co/pJZej3Fgoj
Great point, Laura. Nice to turn the lens back to ourselves. Can be shocking!
A3: We have to get them to be better communicators to each other, face to face FIRST.
A3 "speed question" activity to ignite spontaneous communication - project 1 Q at a time, pair kids up (1/2)
excellent strategy!!! global connections!! https://t.co/pJSdtAaOx1
A3 make connections w/ classrooms in other cultures thru social media. Places such as
Q3- Connect with overseas classrooms by skype.
love this - it's frustrating when the only focus feels like pity - celebrate success and happiness too!
A3 have real audience for sts' communication - in the TL community, at home, in school --> real communication
That's something we want to see too! Feedback fuelled growth/reflection is so important (hi , Shirley here lurking)
Empathy is such a key component
A3: Ss need to understand body language & facial expressions-the non-verbals of communication too!
A3 & they need to establish a convo about the given question. Can be adapted for all levels and they LOVE it! (2/2)
follow along with the hashtag and we are also using the hashtag tonight too!
A3: guest speakers. A young man their age spoken I then in Spanish, motivation 2 learn more from him & about him!
A3: This question is making me think again about "linguistically simple, cognitively complex" by
Yes, but it's worth every second it takes! https://t.co/bG5L0sEKwG
Absolutely but need to be scaffolded & this is the hard & time-consuming part! https://t.co/XhVyIIZ7Vy
A2: I think that lies in the power of to complete authentic tasks through a PBL and an IBL approach
HAVE 2 stop calling collaboration cheating. It is THE 21st C skill- WITH conscientious crediting where credit's due
A3 if you are able to travel with students, visit a school & create exchange with English teachers on Skype to continue sharing
A3: is a great org to utilize for Iowan!
Q3: How 2promote 4C's 2prep S's 4global society? Student Google Scholar clubs, Makerspaces, S's coach T's w/ tech PD
A1: Authentic use of language in context; interact w them using TL so they see lang as communication
A3: By bringing the community in to provide authentic learning experiences through service
A3 Require interpersonal comm to get info needed to solve a problem that is essential to the unit of learning
Valuable language skill! https://t.co/4LW4FkzTYz
A3: Provide opportunities to practice disagreeing with others and separating people from problems.
A3- Connect with overseas classrooms by skype.
Yes! In addition to gaining skills,I find it has the added importance of humanizing the "other" 4 Ss
A3 communication skills? in classes- leading with culture teaches successful communication is more than language
projects that promote collaboration & communication, hand over the teaching to them go outdoors for real life obs
GREAT question! So profound. Don't know the answer! LOL
A3: Celebrate when students tell us they spoke in Spanish on their own, looked up a holiday on their own, etc.
. Yes! bc expose Ss 2 TL culture in crucial ways
She just always puts it so eloquently... https://t.co/2nm1Q5e6UY
A3 communication skills? in classes- leading with culture teaches successful communication is more than language
A3: TEAMBUILDING at beginning of yr can help build empathy in local environment, too!
Any good resources on addressing Islamophobia?
nothing creates empathy like struggling to express yourself in a new language
Getting Q4 ready! 3 questions to go!
Time differences can be a big barrier, but there are some new asynchronous platforms coming out now.
love this! Communication is most effective when we listen and truly understand & acknowledge contributions of others
YES! Goal is success and learning for all. https://t.co/RC20Qx1Iis
HAVE 2 stop calling collaboration cheating. It is THE 21st C skill- WITH conscientious crediting where credit's due
Hola Sorry I'm late. Jason, I teach Spanish 2-4 in Iowa.
. Nice list in under 140 characters!
might have some good resources for you.
my Ss would have missed many incredible opportunties had I not been encouraged/taught to collaborate
A3: Remember Ss need INPUT. So get them out in the community, but read articles with them, watch news together first
A3 teaching Ss to work through personal problems and miscommunications toward a best end goal
How many of these can we tap into in the target language? https://t.co/x7SzeDSCPT
A3 , Challenge, video chats, Class accounts, Read Aloud,
This is great inspiration for lesson planning! https://t.co/CSRmZCxBwF
A3 Require interpersonal comm to get info needed to solve a problem that is essential to the unit of learning
A3 I'll soon be handing the blogging to them, I hope to improve on their reading, writing and speaking skills
A3 in some of our best "make you think" sources came from travel & TL culture blogs
it's all about intentions/outcomes-collaboration is NOT cheating because both Ss have done work/learning
. exactly! Talk about a lesson in perspective taking.
A4 Not a resource specifically but exposing them to ideas/things that make them question their own beliefs & values.
A4 Pinterest. So many global perspectives right there for the taking!
A4: I have been toying with program this year, excited to pilot the new MetoWe AP program next year.
A4: I love to help find new material for my classes. GREAT inspiration!
A4 Immigrant Archive Project videos are excellent resources to give insight into the immigrant experience
A4: Comparing different news media while keeping the audience in mind.
Pinterest is awesome! But I get totally lost in it and next thing I know, dinner is on fire!
Would love to learn more about this!
A4. I use blogger to collaborate with other classes like 's a couple years back
The best resource for learning languages is real people and an urge to connect!
A4: Vivien Stewart examined international strategies for teaching 21st cent skills recently: https://t.co/exPYkWN6I5
True! Thank you. Empathy arduous rigor, frustration: deepen that human connection
A4 Unicef for pictures and stories; voix des jeunes; 1jour1actu for French. Current events class for follow up.
A4 also love infographics for this reason - so much global info and allow for great comparisons and discussion
loved that collaboration! - give me a few years to get my current kids past NM lol
A4: Instagram! Ss follow my travels and they answer Qs in the comment section for souvenirs from abroad. Fun times
A3 twitter (search holidays, celebs) google maps for streetview, tours.
A4: I love for helping me make my classroom more globally minded! Thank YOU!
A4 If can't collab w/other cultures Albatross simulation great for learning div perspectives https://t.co/vK9WrmkTAT
A4 in more practical terms, I love TV5Monde. "World" is right in title
YES! Anything that can connect to their online habitats! https://t.co/bNWB5qWHFv
A4: Instagram! Ss follow my travels and they answer Qs in the comment section for souvenirs from abroad. Fun times
I will hopefully have more schools on board too. :)
. and an abundance of images = scaffolding for novice Ss
A4 lately we've been into making iMovies and e-books with our photography, Communication through story telling
A4: AWESOME resource for Iowa teachers is Global Ed Institute at Univ of Iowa in Dec!
Aw man, I lost track of time! forgot about in wheel house w/ what we do with Operation LAPIS https://t.co/ScukPOQBqu
A4- and provide me with lots of inspiration.
A4 goal-setting and reflection on work and skills
& opening discussion on collabration w/o cheating produces adults who care about helping, not takng credit
The sitter just brought my daughter to my office. My child wants to go home so I must sign off. Thanks !!
would love to see actual lesson based on this concept.
A4: 21st C Resources 4 S's- dig storytelling: MoveNote, PresentME, BookCreator app, WriteAboutThis/TellAboutThis app
Good stuff here! https://t.co/zZ9k6l7BFg
A4: 21st C Resources 4 S's- dig storytelling: MoveNote, PresentME, BookCreator app, WriteAboutThis/TellAboutThis app
Love the new connections with tonight, but I think I need a ! I look forward to the summary!
I think it would be great for more than just assessments. Powerful PBLL tool!
a good time to mention that Saturday Sequel is solo
As far as 21C skills - collaboration platforms (ie, ), especially asynchronous ones, are so important
Iowa rocks https://t.co/bNpw8P3Vak
A4: AWESOME resource for Iowa teachers is Global Ed Institute at Univ of Iowa in Dec!
thanks for sharing this!!
Students need so much practice working on collaboration skills; takes many years of consistent work to hone
A5: Always, always, always offer choice in the end product
Saturday Sequel on tonight's topic, but will be solo, so if this is moving fast come back to see us then!
A4 lastly - I play Spanish music everyday, Ss love it. Many have downloaded the songs. The power of culture!
A5: For those utilizing LAPIS, students work collaboratively telling the story (in TL) of their young Romans
A5: No lie... this is where I need the most work!
A5 Reflective writing prompts and student driven visual media projects
A5: 22 Creativity activities from Edutopia https://t.co/ahRValGLLi …, have S's do a classroom redesign, choice/voice
A5: Connect with kids' fav forms of creativity and expression. My classroom is covered with MEMES!
A5: I think our assignments / tasks should be written to inspire creativity even if only in how sts respond.
A5 open-ended Qs to push perceived boundaries, what if... how could... why not...
A5: allow personalization & choice in what they create/produce/say
A5: In order to teach Ss new creativity, must understand what they think is creative 1st.
A5-Encourage them to pursue their own interests and talents. Reward creativity.
A5 personalize the tasks so Ss can show their creativity and uniqueness
A5: baby steps to encourage them to accept, even embrace uncertainty - there's no standards-based rubric for life!
A5: Teach them that creativity is a process.
A5 we can start by reading, so many great books last few years on what 21st C creativity looks like
A5 in other words, collaborative story-telling/roleplaying = think, read, write, speak, act like Romans
Yes! When I taught HS the best days were when I taught them Salsa. They would download the songs too! https://t.co/pxvKbdHPQb
A4 lastly - I play Spanish music everyday, Ss love it. Many have downloaded the songs. The power of culture!
a5 PBL model + enough time for juicy Lang production. Mini-lessons to support along the way https://t.co/iAqhPak4qk
A5: And that creativity REQUIRES the willingness to try, fail and try again!
A5 it seems the hardest with lower levels. Any advice?
A5: Show ss how other communities solve their own problems with the resources available to them.
absolutely true; collaboration skills are vital now
Great resource for my AP and Pre-AP students, whose first units revolve around Identity
A5 embracing their creativity first and then teaching them to use it as a learning tool
A5: I LOVE Ss creativity!! It is important to leave a lot of space in our tasks for Ss voice to come through
And, most importantly, the safe space and ability to try, fail, and iterate https://t.co/QfZb9O9pvn
A5: And that creativity REQUIRES the willingness to try, fail and try again!
Inspire HOW sts use language w/ change n tone, sts role, their relationship to audience, lots of ways!
. and how many times do we fail every time we open our mouths when learning a language? Many, right?
a5 ALWAYS ask sts "why" in TL. They'll start asking each other= depth in collab in TL
Q6 coming up soon! Last one of the night!
A5 I'm liking all the reference to choice - won't forget my S who wanted to do traditional poster, only one
Gotta go bedtime rituals with the Offspring! :)
Images R great for keeping Ss in L2! Describe what they see, describe major events, match image 2 reading
A5 showing Ss the creativity in global cultures often inspires their own e.g. "clothing as art" lesson
A6: I used low-tech paper versions until I got actual thing! I still like the paper version now sometimes.
A5Stories of individuals who acted to do something small that made a difference. Work with what you have and can do.
A6: Putting their smart devices to good, appropriate use in classroom. Finding ways to use them for LEARNING.
When learning a language AND when using a language a language we "know" ;-)
A6: Give students a real reason to use them, and use them well-- research, argue, solve problems
A6 I think NOT banning cell phones is a great place to start but out of our control
many of us have commented how we prefer paper for planning- info organizing is a 21st C skill too! A5
A6: do a great job with building these competencies
A6- Teach them, give them tasks to be creators not just consumers!
yes! Fail quickly and fail forward! So much learning happens through failure
A6: How to effectively research info in either language L1 or L2.
A6: Joining way late, but model how YOU use these skills to stay connected. Maybe a future job research project!
YES. Integrating global social entrepreneurship into any subject = magic https://t.co/4vGYVTpb9j
A5Stories of individuals who acted to do something small that made a difference. Work with what you have and can do.
A6: How 2promote ITL skills? Through ideas from this tech literacy S profile aligned 2 ISTE https://t.co/6SbBS9Zhls
A6: provide consistent opportunities for digital collaboration, work, and exploration. model as well
A6 show them how they can use social media for lang/culture learning, apps, sites that are reliable and/or authentic
A6: And for SS to understand their digital footprint. https://t.co/RLypFywJir
A6: Putting their smart devices to good, appropriate use in classroom. Finding ways to use them for LEARNING.
RT : yes! Fail quickly and fail forward! So much learning happens through failure
yep- fail until you succeed!!
YESS! 1 Stu always wants 2 put 1stnameFREAKINGlastname for acct names. https://t.co/GmxWFJw4Uy
A6: Putting their smart devices to good, appropriate use in classroom. Finding ways to use them for LEARNING.
A6: for example, I often share with my students the various things that I’m collaborating on with others
A6 internet / online safety; how to find information & evaluate it
A6 Critical thinking with why question should come before anything.
A6: they get to see the work in progress for Latin texts, VERBA expansions, other game-y stuff - they love it
A6: Tasks requiring creative research - so they're comfortable tapping/swiping, but what if it's not on wikipedia?
A6 first of all, they have to use it! We have to give opportunities for them to use it
A6: Help them foster interests in cultures not their own... Show them a GOOD movie, I think Twitter is huge... It is their lang.
A6 Be a good role model; use information technology; allow Ss to use technology
A6: Promote ITL skills w/ S driven center activities.Mix of tangibles, audo, video, picture driven/social share exp.
. this is a key responsibility!
A6 teach many formats, not just powerpoint, etc. Voicethread, Canva, Powtoon, Piktochart etc. new=adaptability
A5: Start with Essential Question(s) & have Ss go through Inquiry process: Immerse, Investigate, Coalesce, Go Public
I like all the ideas for cross-collaborations/classroom connections. great connection points &opportunities
- take-away - need to explore options for 21century skills!
TA Never stop being creative with tech, it gives SO many opportunities &a greate perspective to Ss.