Ja som una bona colla d'edcampers inscrits a l'#Edcampsummit 2018! I tu, ja t'has inscrit? Vine a experimentar un nou format edcamp basat en la cocreació de solucions per a reptes educatius!
🗓️ Serà el 6 d'octubre a la @Lleialtat
👉 Inscriu-te aquí: https://t.co/I1w6n7RCzc
We have a group of students at @SouthDavisK5 who have their own comic book club. BFF Comics. And guess what? Their comics are so good!!! This was from an #edcamp this past school year. Although I am asked to present, I always invite students and they take over the show 😁
Planning for #EdCampSTL has officially begun! We hope to see you at @Mehlville_HS on February 9 for a day of learning and connecting with educators from around the region!
Registration opens in October...stay tuned!
Come join us for Edcamp Back to School at Somerville High School on Aug 28th! Lots of really good resources for teachers old & new! #njed#istelibhttps://t.co/T2siB6xmBt
🎉 ¡Este 31 de agosto y 1 de setiembre llega el #EDcamp a Lima!
Presentamos a nuestros speakers que estarán con ustedes durante dos días llenos de tecnología y conocimiento.