CatholicEdChat is a twitter chat. Topics focus on discussions around educational issues for Catholic Educators and topics beneficial to Catholic Schools. We look forward to continuing to connect Catholic Educators online to discuss education and teaching with faith in our schools. The chat takes place on Saturday mornings. Time 9am EST.
Good morning! Kind of a bittersweet week-First my father-in-law passed away on Tuesday, then Wednesday found out I made the #LAX18 Google Innovator cohort. Also the last week of school! #catholicedchat
Also some bittersweet news, I will be teaching English next year instead of Film and Media. Not enough students to support my role but I still have a job #blessed#catholicedchat
so sorry to hear. We are beginning the buildup process to bring film and video production back online. building the skeleton of a digital production center this summer to house newspaper, dig video, yearbook and podcasting #catholicedchat
It isn’t organized well. And I only had so much power to help. But going to go big with my own YouTube Channel and possibly a Podcast for students. #CatholicEdChat#goingrogue
i have had a few podcast ideas percolating...i want to do one about education for a broader explain some of the political stuff to the "normals" -- and i want one featuring our new President. #catholicedchat
that is awesome. with @40ishoracle teaching newspaper it has been a lot of fun to bring stuff into the digital world. next up: on location video updates. #catholicedchat
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@edschultheis, @ChristineMonge, @40ishoracle
i will be there with @40ishoracle ...doing some stuff for the admin and learning spaces PLNs and have a presentation with @TeachersGuild and the digcit pln. #catholicedchat
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@ChristineMonge, @iste, @40ishoracle, @TeachersGuild
Good Morning #CatholicEdChat In Chicago this morning for the last day of the @NCCLonline Conference. Looking forward to hearing David Wells speak this morning! @JesuitsBritain
fun! i am finally going to flex that Google Trainer moniker full time and run a july boot camp for getting teachers certified google style. #catholicedchat
I’m doing a poster session on school broadcasting. Ironic since I won’t be teaching it next year. But I need as many people to stop by because I’m livestreaming and I want it to be big! #CatholicEdchat
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@jdferries, @iste, @40ishoracle, @TeachersGuild
That's a great idea, thanks! Would definitely like to take a look over the summer, thanks for the offer. We have a small edit studio right now, but need new ideas. #CatholicEdChat
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@polonerd, @jdferries, @ChristineMonge
for next year we have a newspaper moderator, @40ishoracle, and a yearbook teacher. I run a lot of the podcasting but have 2-3 people (students and teachers) who use our stuff for theirs. Video is on me for now without the class...but you build capacity. #catholicedchat
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@APannie7, @ChristineMonge, @40ishoracle
Good morning, #CatholicEdChat friends! Just dropping by for a bit before the annual parish golf tournament. Nick from Spokane, WA. Excited to share that I was appointed principal of St. John Vianney School!
ultimately, my current idea is to build the skeleton, spark the interest, and claim the space. then build out the capacity #makerEd style while setting up the pieces for curriuclar inclusion. Its like a real-live chess game. Keep the pieces moving. #catholicedchat
Did he called you to perform Summer Solstice Child Sacrifice in June 21, 2018 in Geneva?
Any of the 1,500 missing kids in USA being used for this ceremony?
Can I take pictures?
Como va el ojo de Osiris? Floreado?
Pica, pica y no hay remedio en la botica?
For news it is video for our webpage. We started podcasting tbis year & want to explore other media channels in addition to traditional print. We are all learning!! #CatholicEdchat
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@APannie7, @jdferries, @ChristineMonge
& you have to cultivate the capacity within culture of students you have...want robotics program? gotta introduce programmatic thinking early in the #digcit class. same goes w/ media production. build it, spark it, cultivate it...hey, its an #NCEA19 presentation! #catholicedchat
i am very much about the live "what goes on in the schools." I think there are mores skills to be gained on the production could be adv. class or one small part of a virtual studio design. Plus, i can have a club do live feeds :) #catholicedchat
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@APannie7, @ChristineMonge, @40ishoracle
Thank you, @BarbInNebraska! I am writing a piece on how meditating on the Sacred Heart of Jesus can inspire us to transmit the Church's teachings on human sexuality with clarity and charity. Here in the twenty-first century, students have NUMEROUS questions. #CatholicEdChat
Exactly! If you start it and spark the student interest, the sky is the limit. That's what I'm hoping for this next school year! #StudentMedia#CatholicEdChat
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@jdferries, @ChristineMonge, @APannie7
hey@40ishoracle -- would the immigrant book we read for one book, one school be good for middle school students? i know it generated amazing discussion in the freshamn class #catholicedchat
i like recap...very cool. we have done more with @Flipgrid this year and @WeVideo is also a great way to get students to think about ways to reach out with their own voice. very cool #catholicedchat -- what was your favorite project?
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@DeWit_teachn, @40ishoracle, @ChristineMonge, @iste, @TeachersGuild, @Flipgrid, @WeVideo
Ha! We did a One Book One School event with “Tattoos on the Heart” by Fr. Greg Boyle. His experiences and faith woven together. MS could read...
I'd love to read! Gonna be teaching Catholic Social Teaching for the first time next year, would love to have great resources to build off! #CatholicEdChat
I missed the last couple of weeks too. My son got his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Chemistry last week from the University of Delaware.#CatholicEdChat Beautiful weather and Proud mother and family! #CatholicEdChat
Kids created a list of 10 words that describe them. Then put together 10 images to go with those words. They create a video montage with original music. #CatholicEdChat
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@jdferries, @DeWit_teachn, @40ishoracle, @iste, @TeachersGuild, @Flipgrid, @WeVideo
I switch back and forth between #recap and #flipgrid. Like the self-guided paths you can create in recap, like the simplicity and authenticity of flipgrid. #CatholicEdChat
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@jdferries, @DeWit_teachn, @40ishoracle, @ChristineMonge, @iste, @TeachersGuild, @Flipgrid, @WeVideo
I will try! Have you look at my babysitting schedule. I’m part of the @alicekeeler team and would love to see her but I will see her at the Great Plains Summit in July. #CatholicEdChat#EdTech#GoogleSummit
How about something on the success of your staff intergrating tech seamlessly. Practical example are always so good to hear and take home. Loved your mirroring option you shared. #CatholicEdchat
Hey everyone!! Sorry it’s been awhile! Planning a wedding, wrapping up the school year, and now I’m moving today (first home!) has just been overwhelming! Keep me in your prayers as you are all in mine! #CatholicEdChat
Greetings! Development and HSA/PTG teams are planning 18’-19’ fundraisers. @schoolfundster will bring more $ Return than ever. Reach more donors, build community. We’re designed for Catholic an private schools. #CatholicEdChat schools. Take a look! Raise more! Keep more! Easy!
Tech integration is always a good topic - the more practical, the better. I think teachers like to see lots of options they can customize or students can choose #catholicedchat
I especially like finding new ways to integrate tech effectively in my Theology classroom. Juniors have been using @sway with good results. Always looking for useful and purposeful tools. #CatholicEdChat
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@ncara, @BarbInNebraska, @polonerd, @sway
Good morning, Barb! I’m excited to officially announce that I'll be returning to Catholic education. I'll be teaching middle school literature! And doing a lot of tech. #CatholicEdChat
Great conference! The acronym used to stand for something related to school and curriculum design, but like @cueinc, it has moved on. #EMPOWER18 was AMAZING this year. They are the publishers of Education Leadership too. It's all good stuff. Check them out #CatholicEdChat
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@ChristineMonge, @HollyClarkEdu, @rushtonh, @cueinc
Anyone from #CatholicEdChat from Montana? I will be leaving #ISTE18 to go directly to Missoula for the American Classical League Summer Institute. So going from Modern to Ancient for my conferences this summer!
A6. Humble brag? Me. My Twitter feed is a 24/7 documentary of all our class activity. And my #gamification course website is loaded w/ ideas. Photos, videos, side quests & 40+ different class games easily adapted for just about any content area.
sorry to miss everyone today. we're starting our summer with a leadership retreat this weekend! just finished morning prayer on divine providence. #CatholicEdchat
Doing another chat this AM but this caught my eye! This is my favorite TEACHER QUOTE and I have had many posters over the years with it displayed in my room! #CatholicEdChat
This is going to be such a huge year for me. With changing departments and #LAX18. Having to put together that project, etc. Excited but nervous. #catholicedchat
I do have to depart, #CatholicEdChat. Have a great weekend and conclusion to the 2017-2018 school year. I urge you to take the time this summer to reconnect with the Lord through the sacramental life, prayer, reading the Bible, and other reflective ways to revitalize your soul.
I especially like finding new ways to integrate tech effectively in my Theology classroom. Juniors have been using @sway with good results. Always looking for useful and purposeful tools. #CatholicEdChat
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@ncara, @BarbInNebraska, @polonerd, @sway
Yearbook day was Friday! If I could sign our #CatholicEdChat VIRTUAL YEARBOOK I would thank all of you for the great discussions and for sharing so many ideas over the year. Loved our #NCEA18 TweetUp and look forward to next year!
Ok, looks like I have a lot to do this weekend. I am off to run with @EllenBurrola who BTW is going to be a principal next year! She needs to go to #NCEA19! #catholicedchat