#ChristianEducators Archive
#ChristianEducators chat occurs every Thursday evening at 9:00pm EST. Rik Rowe, @WHSRowe is the moderator and should be followed for reminders.
Thursday September 29, 2016
9:00 PM EDT
Rik in MA, humbled to serve our Fellowship tonight with our Topic: . Let's mingle!
Margie, pleased to have you join our Fellowship tonight!
Exceptional this time around! Thank you, Stephanie!
We have 6 Qns tonight as Q1, Q2, Q3. Kindly respond with A1, A2, A3 and include our hashtag of so all can follow.
Fred, may God bless you back to health soon and may you appreciate extra time in fellowship with Him.
Fred from BC, had to cancel bible study due to colds so am here to join you tonight.
Eric, thrilled to share fellowship with you!
Hi Eric. Hope all's well in NC. How is your school year going?
Eric, so many of us are blessed by your service. Thank you.
Going well, friend! Hope all is well with you!
Like this tweet if you're new to so we can welcome you to our Fellowship tonight!
Thank you so much, my friend!
Let's welcome Katelyn {} to our Fellowship tonight! Everyone waving?
Hi ! Michelle here...better late than never. :)
Kindly welcome Amanda {} to tonight's fellowship! HighFives please?
Michelle, pleased to have you back with us tonight!
Hi Michelle, great to have you join in on
Hi everyone! Melanie from MT. Blessed to be here!
Hi all, media specialist, music, and theatre!
Hi Melanie, welcome to Great to have you
Katelyn, may you be blessed by our fellowship tonight!
High Fives and a huge cyberhug to our newbies! Welcome to and to our AmAzInG calling!
Hi all! Greg-K, MD. Checking in to say hello. Hope all are well. At special choir rehearsal tonight.
Hi Greg - thanks for checking in - Sing away brother
Hi Everyone this is Tammy from Iowa
Hi Greg; that sounds magical! Hope all's well in your K classroom and character building this year!
Greg, always cherish time with you, Friend!
Hi Tammy, great to have you in
Q1 - Reflect how last week's conversation caused you to be more aware of how you wait.
Michelle! Where have you been?
Really? Tammy is with us?
Tammy, sweet to see you here!
A1 - Since last week's chat, I've listened more and waited longer to respect other's time and need to think. Whew!
Thanks for the welcome to , happy to join in tonight!
Hi Amanda, great to have you in
We'll be Blessed since you are with us, Amanda! https://t.co/5IQ9xx48hJ
Thanks for the welcome to , happy to join in tonight!
A1: I wait pretty terribly. I need to focus on it more.
I missed a lot of the greetings, but hi everyone! :)
A1 I need to be patient in waiting, trust God more
you & me both, sister! <3
Let's welcome Melanie {} to our Fellowship tonight!
A1: I have found thinking about how God sees something makes me wait a little longer than usual as I process this wonder
Wonder...what a great word... https://t.co/4bMBLINwpc
A1: I have found thinking about how God sees something makes me wait a little longer than usual as I process this wonder
A1 Waiting is about trust. I remind myself that God is who he says he is and can do what he says he can do.
that's beautiful, Barbara.
Thanks everyone! So glad to find this group!
Trusting God puts me at peace... https://t.co/nZeGOkKO42
A1 Waiting is about trust. I remind myself that God is who he says he is and can do what he says he can do.
I couldn't believe how pretty it was, even as it threatened to turn us around and land somewhere else.
Jumping in late! Trying to run my little people to bed with limited success!!
Michala! :) Happy to see you!
Jumping in late! Trying to run my little people to bed with limited success!!
Michala, your little people need you, but so do we.
Hi Michala, great to have you join us in
Please help me welcome Tara {} to our Fellowship tonight!
That makes me yearn for those days. Hey there, Michala!
Hi Tara, glad you joined tonight.
Jenise, this is two night's in a ROWE that we are chatting!
Hi Jenise, thanks for joining us
Abbe Ward coming late to the party
God has already gathered some Choice Servants in tonight's Fellowship!
A1: I've been more intentional in my waiting. It needs to serve a purpose but I dwell in a hurried frenzy too often!
Q2 - How does God reveal to you that ?
I'm having so much pun 😉 chatting with u and everyone else!
Let's welcome Abbe {} to our gathering tonight! Can everyone WAVE?
A2: Priesthood of all believers discussion on leadership led us to determine we are all qualified thru Christ & Spirit.
A1 Isaiah 26:8 Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait!
Our happy place is wherever God joins us in Fellowship!
A2 - God tells us that we were created in His Image and that He is proud of His Creation. We are His and we are enough!
I have 3 years before my first goes off to college. My time with them is fleeting!
A2 He reveals it to me through his Word, prayer, and others.
A2: He trusts me with His children everyday
Beautiful and humble... https://t.co/7J0HTzdatF
A1: I've been more intentional in my waiting. It needs to serve a purpose but I dwell in a hurried frenzy too often!
A2 - God forgives me and conveys to me . That makes me aim to be better for Him.
It is. My youngest is a senior now & was just accepted into college yesterday so I understand fleeting!
I'm learning to cherish time even more... https://t.co/GuHT72c4E3
I have 3 years before my first goes off to college. My time with them is fleeting!
So beautiful and an honor to serve His and His Children. https://t.co/ZDF70zCgEc
A2: He trusts me with His children everyday
A2: He reveals it in many ways. Especially with children and students. However, I don't always hear it until I listen.
A2 - need to remember this...
Dan, I am thrilled to fellowship with you, Brother.
I am enough because I am his daughter and he goes before me to prepare the way each day. He trains me through his word.
A2 he has blessed me so much and his abounding grace is amazing
A2-When I look into my students' eyes.
Great Mom right here! https://t.co/XjETGIgVI3
It is. My youngest is a senior now & was just accepted into college yesterday so I understand fleeting!
we are all a work in progress. Never enough of Him, but you are enough.
Listening FOR Him is humbling... https://t.co/Rg1TJb99JX
A2: He reveals it in many ways. Especially with children and students. However, I don't always hear it until I listen.
A2: Through placing encouraging people in my life who sometimes see me better than I see myself
Precious, Melanie! https://t.co/6t0xPFWIgi
I am enough because I am his daughter and he goes before me to prepare the way each day. He trains me through his word.
Thank you. I'm honored and humbled that God would bless us w/3. Our daughter just got her 1st real-world job!
A2: With a husband that always reminds me of that because I'm often too hard on myself.
So important!!
A2: Through placing encouraging people in my life who sometimes see me better than I see myself
Cherish them as they cherish you! https://t.co/CbKoebyXPn
Thank you. I'm honored and humbled that God would bless us w/3. Our daughter just got her 1st real-world job!
Awesome sauce chat . Popping over to long missed Many thanks and Be blessed!
Michael, so nice to fellowship with you again!
My pleasure. is my one little word this year and it has convicted me to embrace this truth!
Juli! <3 Hi sister!
Awesome sauce chat . Popping over to long missed Many thanks and Be blessed!
Thank God for a godly spouse!! https://t.co/nFjqcioY5x
A2: With a husband that always reminds me of that because I'm often too hard on myself.
Honesty... (almost in tears) https://t.co/o8hhXE0l0S
A2: Through placing encouraging people in my life who sometimes see me better than I see myself
Amen, my Godly wife is a true blessing
Q3 - Offer examples of how you encourage your Family and Friends with the message: .
Precious Fellowship... https://t.co/hneki6IL5s
A2: With a husband that always reminds me of that because I'm often too hard on myself.
Juli, you just brought a HUGE SMILE to my face!
Good night friends. Been too long & I set my alarm to stay awake for tonight's chat Hey all, it's Juli-Anne 🙏🏾
Amen to that! My husband is such a blessing to me!
Embrace the Truth... https://t.co/IPevi8U69k
My pleasure. is my one little word this year and it has convicted me to embrace this truth!
A3 - Last weekend I had the opportunity to share time with our extended family and offered them encouragement. Nice!
A3 - I paid my respects at a wake last weekend and was able to support and encourage grieving folks.
A2 On those days when I feel I don't have enough, I know I do have enough
A3: We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He has gifted us for the common good.
A3: telling my girls "I'm proud of you"
Greetings friend. Missed u like crazy! Had a rough go for a bit but GOD is a conqueror! 🙏🏾 https://t.co/HVxbthjH7L
Juli! <3 Hi sister!
Awesome sauce chat . Popping over to long missed Many thanks and Be blessed!
A3: Through showing them unconditional love and accepting their mistakes- like Christ has shown us
A3: inviting my Ss to be stakeholders in their education, classroom, and school
Beautiful statement https://t.co/PLnHUgjWQg
A3: We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He has gifted us for the common good.
Likewise kiddo. YOU are loved & zillions of TY's for reminders. Blessed to be with you. https://t.co/FRcPW0t66V
Juli, you just brought a HUGE SMILE to my face!
A3: Collectively, we are the body, different parts woven together, bound in love, with unity of purpose.
I try to remind my staff that they matter. I share inspirational quotes and verses with them on
A3: Handwritten thank-you cards to express and day-maker phone calls both let people know
A3 I share that they are beautiful and complete in God’s eyes.
A3 I do my best to encourage my students regardless of behavior. I ask God to give me his eyes to see and heart to love.
A3-Reminding my daughter that she is my gift from God
Victory IS mine. I told Satan, get thee behind. Victory ALL day is mine. And yours. Amen.
A3: Fellowship to include trials and tribulations occurring in our lives so we can support one another.
Jenise, we did this today and saw HUGE benefits! https://t.co/PJhBd3t1ns
A3: inviting my Ss to be stakeholders in their education, classroom, and school
It's been awhile & I'm exhausted.....its been a journey this yr already
Aww, you both are so cute#
A3-I need to do more handwritten notes of thanks to my staff https://t.co/Hb52SDpHnx
A3: Handwritten thank-you cards to express and day-maker phone calls both let people know
Just the thought of UNITY... https://t.co/x0bmDVP5dF
A3: Collectively, we are the body, different parts woven together, bound in love, with unity of purpose.
A3 I share that they are beautiful and complete in God’s eyes. .
We use https://t.co/9sThA6r3eS
A3: Handwritten thank-you cards to express and day-maker phone calls both let people know
A3 - so many thoughts,I can't put them into words
Please say this LOUDER! https://t.co/UXUoTpDujx
A3 I do my best to encourage my students regardless of behavior. I ask God to give me his eyes to see and heart to love.
A3: treating them with the same respect they give me. Not getting riled when it isn't reciprocated
A3: when colleagues seek me for advice, they let me know I am enough
Yes! She is lucky to have an encouraging father! https://t.co/gAbsCyfoDC
A3-Reminding my daughter that she is my gift from God
My journey also. Patience. Trusting God thru His revelations AND understanding it's in His time. https://t.co/l5tc5HSSfh
A1 I need to be patient in waiting, trust God more
Like this tweet if you're new to so we can welcome you to our Fellowship tonight! NOW!
Profound Truth! https://t.co/Lu1Z4uhafj
A3: Fellowship to include trials and tribulations occurring in our lives so we can support one another.
A3: I am a big hugger. Sometimes, words aren't enough.
A3: Through emphasizing strengths, forgiving falls, & reminding them how much they mean to me & others
A3: part 2, detention is a walk around our campus with a verbal reflection
Belonging and Understanding... https://t.co/Nccxr3gNJq
A3: when colleagues seek me for advice, they let me know I am enough
Q4 - Our Learners need to hear: . Share how you tell them, even when they’re growing.
A3 - have often struggled with 'enough' myself ... need to make sure I'm letting others know...
A4: 'You' has an emphasis on the plural. I build collective intelligence into our classroom thinking community.
It is a struggle to wait! It is always so easy to see His gifts in hindsight https://t.co/TfJJ2FeHlY
My journey also. Patience. Trusting God thru His revelations AND understanding it's in His time. https://t.co/l5tc5HSSfh
A1 I need to be patient in waiting, trust God more
I switched schools. I went from public to private. It was HARD. It still is. But I haven't cried in 2.5 wks!
Forgiveness for self & others, so important because refusing to forgive might say you aren't enough.
Love . Want to make it a goal this year.
This is huge! "Let them see You in me, let them see You when I speak..." https://t.co/J8TiVodgy6
A3 I do my best to encourage my students regardless of behavior. I ask God to give me his eyes to see and heart to love.
A4 - All week I've been building confidence in our Learners by supporting and encouraging them. So worth it!
A4: see my response on detention. https://t.co/qckDf8Hvjo
Q4 - Our Learners need to hear: . Share how you tell them, even when they’re growing.
I've made one of my SMART Goals this year to reach the home of EVERY Learner.
A4: I go out of way to compliment them when I can.
A4: We use temporary random groups to learn that they can solve problems with others by working as one.
A4 - I'm learning alongside some struggling Learners this year and trying to support them through relationships first!
A3 yes, hugs, high fives, smiles so many Ss and colleagues need these, also silent prayers
A4: when scoring thinking during the learning process I have 3 levels, "not there YET" is one of them
A4 - I have given all of my prep periods and lunch periods to help kids almost every single day this year...they matter!
to the Parents of 74 Learners!
Hopefully it will get better each day as you grow your roots in your new environment.
Def upped my ante w tweaked abit2 2Ps who can't take calls @ work
A4: telling them their best is good enough and trying is a triumph in itself
After 23 yrs, the transition was a huge challenge.
Relationship makes the struggle easier. https://t.co/aMkMXRs9px
A4 - I'm learning alongside some struggling Learners this year and trying to support them through relationships first!
I'm super late but glad to join tonight!
A4: "Good job!" "Keep it up!" "You're doing great!" "You'll get there!" "Keep trying!" "I'm proud of you!" "
A4: when scoring thinking during the learning process I have 3 levels, "not there YET" is one of them
A4: I show them their learning and growth by using data. For SEL, we converse/build relationships in class
This is caring... https://t.co/OK9dO8cKWQ
A4 - I have given all of my prep periods and lunch periods to help kids almost every single day this year...they matter!
A4 Attending their football game and encouraging/complimenting them even after the tough loss.
A4 Asking students what I can do to help? What do you need? I am here if you need to talk.
Hi, Michelle! It's been too long.
I live by SEL. https://t.co/Ddjb8cyFHi
A4: I show them their learning and growth by using data. For SEL, we converse/build relationships in class
If we knew what God knows, we wouldn't change a thing.
Triumph has a beautiful connotation! https://t.co/99RrZHu2PN
A4: telling them their best is good enough and trying is a triumph in itself
Love . Going to add that.
Sonya, so pleased to see you!
A4: Remind them we're ALL still growing & we can always choose to get up from a fall & work to improve
A4 I focus on Hope, there’s still hope
A4: Remind them we're ALL still growing & we can always choose to get up from a fall & work to improve
A4: I've been giving them a break out of the room (3-5 grades) when they seem frazzled. Everyday can't be great
Prayers to you for peace as you face this challenge.
I'm glad to be here with you, too!
Do This! https://t.co/W8xfAZbUPv
A4: "Good job!" "Keep it up!" "You're doing great!" "You'll get there!" "Keep trying!" "I'm proud of you!" "
A4: In Africa my S African Ss taught me Zulu. Yebo means Yes, I see you. I've said this 2Ss for a decade + 👊🏾
Q5 - When you’re feeling vulnerable, what do you need to hear to believe that ?
This really means the world to them when they see us in the stands. https://t.co/6mWucSEx9I
A4 Attending their football game and encouraging/complimenting them even after the tough loss.
So beneficial for ALL Learners! https://t.co/kpI84TCR6y
A4 Asking students what I can do to help? What do you need? I am here if you need to talk.
A5 - I'm vulnerable when I spread myself too thin. When my efforts are appreciated, I'm lifted and encouraged.
A5: Awesome ~ I need to hear that I matter, that who I am makes positively influences and inspires.
BAM!! https://t.co/7k45n3vbT0
A4: Remind them we're ALL still growing & we can always choose to get up from a fall & work to improve
I need meditation. I can be my own best coach when given the chance. https://t.co/IrIcchHqJd
Q5 - When you’re feeling vulnerable, what do you need to hear to believe that ?
A5: well done from my Father gets me every time
A5 That's when I need to be noticed and loved through it all.
Absolutely. Teach them coping strategies. Love. https://t.co/YKvkx5sqJG
A4: I've been giving them a break out of the room (3-5 grades) when they seem frazzled. Everyday can't be great
But with YOU, most days are great! https://t.co/TxXq0AAjsf
A4: I've been giving them a break out of the room (3-5 grades) when they seem frazzled. Everyday can't be great
Thank you. The tears are drying up...and I'm starting to see the beauty again.
A5: Vulnerability leads us in humility to pray, to hear God tell us that He is sufficient, that we are not alone.
A5: I need to hear how Ss and my kids believe in me. If God uses them to show belief in me, there is no reason I can't!
Listen to God. He tells you this every day! https://t.co/Gtj6LbXiad
A5: Awesome ~ I need to hear that I matter, that who I am makes positively influences and inspires.
A5 - need to feel valued & know that I matter and that I am enough, no matter what.
Anyone have some guided meditations to share for 4-6 grades?
so true. Vulnerability makes me want to look to ppl for validation when I really need 2go to God
YOU are Beautiful! Believe me!
A4 I make a point of talking to each student everyday, hopefully they know that and
A5: Really helped me to clearly know I was called by Him to teach. Really kept the doubts away!
So humble and transparent... https://t.co/nwRbWSf2Z9
A5: I need to hear how Ss and my kids believe in me. If God uses them to show belief in me, there is no reason I can't!
A5 When I feel vulnerable I need to be reminded that God is bigger than all of it!
He called me too! https://t.co/WvCmThOMsu
A5: Really helped me to clearly know I was called by Him to teach. Really kept the doubts away!
Retweet a thousand times!! https://t.co/0IZMX3q9NR
A5 When I feel vulnerable I need to be reminded that God is bigger than all of it!
Melanie, this is precious! https://t.co/HAbDnkIMlD
A5 When I feel vulnerable I need to be reminded that God is bigger than all of it!
A5: When I feel vulnerable, I need to be reminded that we already have victory in Jesis.
indeed! Thank God for His grace.
God is Leading... https://t.co/BnaIhG0KT4
this chat is what we need in our hectic lives, God puts us here thank you
A5: When I feel vulnerable, I need to be reminded that we already have victory in Jesus. We have overcome & so will I!
Q6 - Share how you might convey the message: to your Learners tomorrow.
He has a Purpose... https://t.co/5NUJoUXcOA
A5: When I feel vulnerable, I need to be reminded that we already have victory in Jesus. We have overcome & so will I!
Jehovah Nissi!! https://t.co/QGgE0aQEtl
A5: When I feel vulnerable, I need to be reminded that we already have victory in Jesus. We have overcome & so will I!
A6 - Our Learners have a cumulative assessment Friday and I need to convey the message: to them!
I agree, I always appreciated teachers supporting students like that in high school! https://t.co/BWRFlsafdv
This really means the world to them when they see us in the stands. https://t.co/6mWucSEx9I
A4 Attending their football game and encouraging/complimenting them even after the tough loss.
A6: giving grace for those struggling to complete their projects due tomorrow
A6 Validating students' (and teachers') ideas, opinions, and attempts through respect and open-mindedness.
scoring what they show me, not what is missing.
Q6 Take the time to "see" each student. Ask Christ to flow through me. Pray, pray, pray.
Wow, Sonya... https://t.co/TAZx1YjWpT
A6 Validating students' (and teachers') ideas, opinions, and attempts through respect and open-mindedness.
A6 - I need to make a few and to extend grace to a few people too
Amen, God is Good all the Time, All the time, God is Good
Wonderful, Sonya!
A6 Validating students' (and teachers') ideas, opinions, and attempts through respect and open-mindedness.
A6: Easy! Start by telling your Ss how much you ❤️️them! https://t.co/aYadMRNorG
Q6 - Share how you might convey the message: to your Learners tomorrow.
It is often in what you sensitize your Ss to notice, draw their attention to how success was arrived at & celebrate
Jenise, I need to fellowship with you more often! https://t.co/fkPV9raCZv
scoring what they show me, not what is missing.
You are such a great encourager; thank you for using your gifts to lift us up!
Love this. I confess I need to be better at this sometimes!
A5: I need to hear and be convinced that "This too shall pass."
A6 starting the day with my Ss @ FCA, joining them in prayer & encouraging the Ss leaders as they share out their faith
We all fail at times, but that doesn't keep us from succeeding next time.
Barbara, YOU have been His Blessing to me tonight! Thank you since https://t.co/W2Ejov3ZI1
You are such a great encourager; thank you for using your gifts to lift us up!
A6: Give positive praise. Be sure Ss know that you are invested in each of them. Doesn't always need to be academic.
Yes, this is huge!
A6: Give positive praise. Be sure Ss know that you are invested in each of them. Doesn't always need to be academic.
its,always,a place of centering & calmness. Thanks.
Reflect more often, it helps. https://t.co/IR3cT5j3ok
A5: I need to hear and be convinced that "This too shall pass."
God has richly blessed our Fellowship tonight as He has empowered us to serve one another.
HUGE!! https://t.co/Uwz7nvgXKM
A6: Give positive praise. Be sure Ss know that you are invested in each of them. Doesn't always need to be academic.
Hi Micahala! How are you?
4am comes early, thank you for the convo. Peace to you all.
I'm happy to see you! :)
Hope things are going well with you & your family!
Josh, YOU are alwasy on time!
Peace brother! How are you? Blessed I see!
Thanks for the chat! Peace, love, and joy to all! May Christ richly bless you.
Melanie, thank YOU so much for the Fellowship! https://t.co/K8OtNUInk1
Thanks for the chat! Peace, love, and joy to all! May Christ richly bless you.
Two chats simultaneously --> but got me through
Thank you all for the enriching time.
A6 Love your students. Share God's joy with them daily.
Tonight has been a real Blessing from God sharing with each of you! Thank you all!
Goodnight, guys. See you next week!
Wonderful chat tonight...happy to be back with the crew.
Wishing blessing for all my thank you for filling my bucket tonight!