#K12Talent chat is for K-12 HR professionals or any school leader interested in learning more about human capital leadership. Topics include: rewards/recognition, recruiting, hiring, interviewing, difficult employees.
As #K12Talent leaders we all know the effects of positive school culture on student achievement and staff retention. How are you guiding school culture in the recruitment and training of your building leaders?
A1: Kelly Coash-Johnson joining you tonight – Just finishing a book on “Leading a Culture of Service Excellence” and excited to make some connections with tonight’s topic. #K12Talent
A2: Culture is so important! If you do not have a strong culture for staff and students, learning cannot/will not happen. More than knowledge about culture is an ability to bring people together to shape it.
A2 - It's funny because I just answered this for another chat. My formula is Relationships + Relationships + Relationships + Time Invested = #Culturize. Hiring for your systems culture ensures that you have both a talented individual who is the RIGHT FIT for the job.
A2 #schoolculture is very important when considering new leaders. We are either trying to maintain a positive culture or improve the existing culture. Leadership transitions are always an opportunity. #K12Talent#ILHRLeaders@_IASPA_
Q3: When hiring building leadership, what questions do you ask in the interview process with regards to knowledge and philosophy of school culture? #K12Talent#principals
A3 “Give me an example of how you have improved the culture of a team, group, or department that you have led.” “Tell me about a time when you started an initiative that was met with opposition from staff or students. What did you do?” #K12Talent#ILHRleaders@_IASPA_
A3 - "What do you need to know about the school you'll be leading 100 days before, 10 days before, 10 days after, and 100 days after you start your role." Response needs to heavily focus on understanding the culture and the effect the leader has on that culture. #K12Talent
A3: Stick with the organizational core values - you can't go wrong. If your candidate's answers thematically align, you may have your leader. #K12Talent
A3 - "What do you need to know about the school you'll be leading 100 days before, 10 days before, 10 days after, and 100 days after you start your role." Response needs to heavily focus on understanding the culture and the effect the leader has on that culture. #K12Talent
A2. I would echo @DaleFisherEdD re: relationships and underscore the importance of trust and candor in a healthy culture. Fostering a culture of educators and leaders to engage in honest conversations equals #strongculture
A3 “Give me an example of how you have improved the culture of a team, group, or department that you have led.” “Tell me about a time when you started an initiative that was met with opposition from staff or students. What did you do?” #K12Talent#ILHRleaders@_IASPA_
A4 - We employ an awesome system through @HUMANeX that uses a multitude of domains to measure culture over time. On a quest for the perfect dreambox of highly engaged and highly satisfied staff. All schools use the same tool and create improvement goals with the data. #K12Talent
A4 Student, Parent, and Staff focus groups. Climate surveys. Spend time on the front end building trust so individuals will tell you the truth and not what they think you want to hear. #K12Talent#schoolclimate#ILHRleaders@_IASPA_@_AASPA_
A2: philosophy of school culture is one of the most important factors when filling building level leader positions. Culture leads to engagement. Enagagement among the staff leads to student achievement. #k12talent
A4: We are using INSIGHTeX from our friends at @HUMANeX to give us feedback we can use for ongoing growth as an organization. I think the principals like it... #K12Talent
A4: Listen, listen, listen, and then listen some more. What are people saying, what are they not saying, and how are you encouraging them to open up to real dialogue? #K12Talent
A4: In Illinois we have the 5 Essentials Survey (developed by University of Chicago) to help school leaders assess school culture and climate https://t.co/Dy4LBShzfS. We set aside time for staff to complete and use the data. #K12Talent
A5 - If you come from a system where culture is bad, you learn to place a profound emphasis on the power of good culture. A focus on your climate everyday is the best approach to long-term cultural health for any new admin hire. #K12Talent
A4: We’re leading an initiative right now by informally assessing culture among new hires to the campuses. Although it’s not all encompassing, it is allowing us to gather data, look for trends and share with campus and district leaders. #k12Talent
It is amazing how your past experiences can change your outlook on things like #climate and #culture - Sometimes you didn't know how bad it was until you saw how great it could be #K12Talent
A5 - If you come from a system where culture is bad, you learn to place a profound emphasis on the power of good culture. A focus on your climate everyday is the best approach to long-term cultural health for any new admin hire. #K12Talent
A4: We’re leading an initiative right now by informally assessing culture among new hires to the campuses. Although it’s not all encompassing, it is allowing us to gather data, look for trends and share with campus and district leaders. #k12Talent
A6 We are on the lookout for behaviors that signal a negative culture. Gossip, a lack of empathy, assuming negative intent, poor communication. And then we work to confront those behaviors. #K12Talent#ILHRleaders@_IASPA_@_AASPA_
Absolutely! Bad culture can drag down to performance of everyone and distract attention from students and the real work that needs to get done. #K12Talent
A5 - If you come from a system where culture is bad, you learn to place a profound emphasis on the power of good culture. A focus on your climate everyday is the best approach to long-term cultural health for any new admin hire. #K12Talent
A5 - If you come from a system where culture is bad, you learn to place a profound emphasis on the power of good culture. A focus on your climate everyday is the best approach to long-term cultural health for any new admin hire. #K12Talent
A7 - The Illinois Performance Standards for School Leaders has culture embedded throughout. https://t.co/xBxqPZBbZF Our eval tools take into account both student growth and performance against those standards. #K12Talent
A6: Behavior can send a lot of signals about culture. Are people dragging their feet to work each morning and rushing out at the end of each day or are they finding ways to support and help each other even if it means extending the day? #K12Talent
A7: I'm still having an argument with myself over whether I think including culture measures in a formal evaluation is a good idea. I'll keep you posted on who wins. #K12Talent
A9: One of my biggest realizations in the first year ish in my role is the impact Central Office has on the district’s overall culture. Important to set a standard of positive climate/culture in our schools and set the expectation/tone as leaders. #k12talent
A9: One of my biggest realizations in the first year ish in my role is the impact Central Office has on the district’s overall culture. Important to set a standard of positive climate/culture in our schools and set the expectation/tone as leaders. #k12talent