#txeduchat Archive
An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
Sunday July 10, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight! Let's start with YOU. Tell us who you are, where you work, what you are passionate about!
Rey Rodriguez, 7th grade Math teacher at Rising Scholars Academy , I'm passionate about empowering my students!
I'm from . I run a that teaches people as an outlet for .
Hi everyone, I'm Tom & work every day w/amazing educators & learners in ! Passion = best outcomes for learners
Good evening everyone, Steven a Middle school Assistant Principal from Missouri!
Kim from GA. I'm passionate about the growth and development of Ts to meet Ss needs.
Don't forget to use the hashtag () on each of your posts so that others see your contributions!
Hi ! Ro, elementary school librarian in Mesquite, TX. I am passionate about teaching holistically & turning Ss into readers!
Hi, Rey! Glad you are here with us this evening!
Woo Hoo! All aboard for !!!
Glad to see you in the chat Rey, empowerment of Ss for the win!
Hi all, 4th grade teacher from CA
Justin Jr Principal designing processes for growth
Helen from Houston, 4th gr math and science. Passionate about my kids!
Memories of in meeting and !!!
We're using Q1 A1 format. (That means questions will start with "Q1" and you should start your answer with "A1")
Welcome Danielle, glad to have you in the discussion this evening!
We use the
format for questions and answers on
Welcome, Justin! How was your weekend?
Monica, 4th grade bilingual teacher, Katy, TX; I'm passionate about advocating for my students.
urbie, learning experience designer (and grandparent of 2+2) in arizona.. looking to transition to academia some day.
Welcome Steven, great to have Missouri folks in the house!
Hi everyone. Stuart from Auckland, New Zealand.
William - CTE Program Manager . All kids need to be college and career ready, I help to get them there.
Pumped to be hosting ! My name is Jeremy Stewart, AP. 8 Q's on educator & parent relationships for the next hour.
Thanks for visiting us TX folks. :-)
Heads up - Tonight's is about Parent/Guardian Relationships. FYI - I will use parent to include all types of Guardians.
Monika from TX... I'm at the starting line with Kinders! Passionate about learning personally and professionally!
Me too Dr. Kessinger, great way to empower/impact everyone in education!
Good evening. Shana from metro Atlanta. I'm passionate about opportunities for all Ss to be successful
just off vacation ready to get back to work
Welcome, Urbie! How are you doing today?
Hello, Peg, Instructional Coach/Reading Specialist from WI
Bill - passionate about student achievement and the leadership that gets them there
Hi, I'm Kelly from Katy, TX and I am passionate about transforming my classroom
Stuart, good to have you here this evening!
Don't forget to include the hashtag on your tweets so that others can follow along.
Hi Ro, so great to see you as always! Always say that literacy is the door to all other learning:)
Q1 is coming up in 1 minute!
I am living the dream! Getting the opportunity to host ....!
Right on, William! You are absolutely correct!
Ho! Alana Stanton from Dacula Ga. I teach kinders at a pbl school. Excited to learn
doing okay in land of toasty (110 in ).. passion? Someone ask what I’m passionate about? Helping make learning better
Hi !! I am teach 2nd grade in Boerne, TX. My passion -making learning FUN!
So wonderful to finally meet you in person at sir!
Ha! That is right.... Glad you are here.
hi guys Brad from Spring Tx Instructional Technology Specialist
I hear the awesome is hosting tonight!!!
Welcome Jim, thnx for jumping in and adding to our learning!
Peg, eager to hear your thoughts this evening...!
Hi everyone, it's Paul from NJ. Great seeing so many familiar faces and strong leaders.
Jim, MS counselor from Texas. Passionate about reaching kids. There is no time to waste.
I often wonder HOW many that decry the impact of "helicopter parents" raise their OWN kids that SAME way...
Hi! Alana Stanton from Dacula Ga. I teach kinders at a pbl school. Excited to learn
Hi Vicki from outside of Austin. I teach Kinder
A1: Make 2 positive interactions before any negative! I send out wkly emails listing what we're doing throughout the week.
A1 Regular, evidenced-based conversations in F2F, digital contexts.
I am always up for some good ole Texas hospitality and learning
Hi all! a little late to the party - Jaymie from Katy - 3rd grade !
A1 constant communication is key. I call parents to check in periodically and let them know how students are doing in my class
A1: One on one conversations with lots of listening--hands down the best investment in families.
A1: Carefully! I think it's important to set boundaries that are comfortable and appropriate with parents as you grow older.
Welcome sir, thnx again for hosting the meet up! Was a great discussion to add to all going on there!
Scott from Texas along with Rocky and Bullwinkle lurking but back shortly
Nice Bethany conversations over lectures. A1
A1: Positive phone calls home, share school story, interact with them as much as possible.
A1: A lot of good family relationships are cultivated on similar interests. Find things you can learn together and all enjoy.
A1 believe in them and respect their time. Understand their job is to protect their child
I know it's going to be a great event when is in the building.
A1. Communicate, communicate, communicate; Get them on-board; parents really should be our partners in educating their kids!
WElcome, Brad. How are youi doing on this beautiful TX evening!
No worries, was great fun, turns out half my PLN was in Denver but not me. LOL
A1: Many times it is based on how you treat their child. Open and consistent communication (good and bad) is helpful as well
A1: Listen & acknowledge their concerns. Involve them in decision making. Smile and speak to them. A simple hello goes a long way
A1 Always call every parent first week of school. Make positive connection!
A1) Communication is key to building those relationships. We have a website, use , and
A1: Open communication, open door, newsletters, emails, positive phone calls. This year my goal is to use a class twitter.
A1: Make sure to mention students' to parents and open up the discussion.
I treat my parents as part of our cl family. I use Magisto app weekly to send vids of class, flipped authors shares, and texting
Sarah, Digital Learning Coach from Frisco. Joining a little late tonight!
Nice Shana, we can't filter the bad stuff out.
A1 As Instruc Coach/Rdg Spec, I don't interact w/ prnts much. But I make myself available to explain literacy program & resources
A1: celebrations with families are huge! Phone calls home, catching them in the carline, shout outs on social media.
We all want to be heard.
A1: One on one conversations with lots of listening--hands down the best investment in families.
A1 Build relationships with parents by initiating and maintaining communication -- not a first-day hello and then forget.
A1: Engage them, ask for their help, involve them...
A1: I make sure to "let them in" on what we're doing in class (twitter, newsletter, fb) and am easily accessible most ot the time.
A1Let them know how much I look fwd to working together with them as a team during School Supply Drop Off Night b4 school starts,
A1: Let them know about our teacher training & invite them 2 contribute &/or participate. Helps the staff/families & the Ss.
A1) (cont) We invite parents to come in with centers and communicate what we do most days.
A1. Approachability is important.
I dig your response. "Believe in them..."
An open door and specific discussions about how we can help them and their students engage in learning
Q2 is coming up in 1 minute!
A1-It has really helped to live in my community. Saw two kids yesterday at movies. Those little moments turn into the big ones.
A1 If you are a T that is also a Pit is always comforting to let them know that you are a p first & foremost
A1: Remembering that many families are not Mom and Dad playing the role of the guardians.
A1: Communicate, care, & oh...communicate! Let them know you care as much about their kids' success & outcomes as they do!
A1. (cont) I also try to send one positive email a day. It's important that the parents sees that you genuinely enjoy their kid
A1 At Supply Drop Off Night I communicate how excited I am to get to know them better during Meet the Teacher.
A1: Show DON'T tell. It works every time. Be authentic. Let your light shine and parents will sing your praises all day.
We all want to be welcomed.... :)
Love it!
A1:Interaction-Emails-phone calls-all school events. Ps need classroom expectations.We will be amazed at how much they don't know!
A1 They have to be welcome in all modes of communications. Can't be visitors in their own school.
A1: Appreciate their input & let them know it is a TEAM effort and their child's growth & success is your priority! You care!
A1: Calling every parent at beginning of year and then send weekly emails home. Phone call goes a LONG way
A1: Connect on a personal level!
A1: The more you know about their student, the more they appreciate you. it all comes down to getting to know your kids
aw, blushing. Thanks Paul!
A1: I call to intro myself to the family, invite to meet the teacher and send the students a postcard from me b4 school starts
A1: Communication. F2F, positive phone calls, social media accounts and blog for my classroom plus paper newsletters!
A1 As prnt of autistic daughter, I appreciated phone calls/emails w/ good news & if smthng was wrong,tell me we'll fix it2gether.
A1: also attending spirit nights, after school events, student games/recitals, etc.
before you can communicate with them you have make sure you are heard
Pro-active communication is always appreciated!
Love the shout outs in the car line...!
A1: Customer service at the campus level, making positive phone calls, and inviting them into your school/classrooms!
A1: Educate them on all things digital!
A1 K-12 Mrs & me were parents. Usually parent/teacher meetups began with "Des be the rulez". Don't go there. Please.
Little late. Sorry. Hi, this is Eric. Former Texan living in Brazil. Special Education teacher
Be there early everyday when parents walk in and outside interacting with parents during dismissal https://t.co/0YMMYyTrs7
A1: Positive phone calls home, share school story, interact with them as much as possible.
A1: E-mail/text them helpful articles, book recs, community resources. We talk a lot about helpful resources for each other.
Yes, yes and yes - Nicely done as always! https://t.co/YeTh7tJD7S
A1: celebrations with families are huge! Phone calls home, catching them in the carline, shout outs on social media.
Jumping in a. It late... Jenny from Ohio 4th grade ELA
A1: Authentic interactions out in the community go a long way!
A1: Communicate! Remind, Twitter, Facebook Pages, email, etc. Keep them informed and give them opportunities to respond
A1 was a game changer for parent communication this past year. Ps involved in our daily learning in a positive way
A1 Just calling or emailing them to let them know how awesome their child is no matter what!
A1: Communicate through newsletters, social media. Be present at extra curricular activities, be seen in the community
We use an online portal so grades visible. Ts also expected to keep Ps up-to-date re good or bad news via phone. A2
doing good enjoyed a little PokemonGo today
Well said, from a district leader that walks that walk!
Here's why is a strong leader. Build that relationship and then nurture it.
A1 Treat parents like peers. That’s what you are. Be a leader: “This is where we want to be.” Then ask, “How can we get there?”
A1 I called ea family 2 days b4 Meet the Teacher 2 say how excited I was that we'd get 2 know ea other, I got 98% attendance.
A2: Tweet! Other social media!
Nice, it's gone ballistic down our way!
I am adding the social media accounts Twitter and Fb and I think it will be essential to my classroom. https://t.co/vkSND2TGjL
A1: Communication. F2F, positive phone calls, social media accounts and blog for my classroom plus paper newsletters!
A2: I use , YouTube video updates, website, FB/Twitter/IG, and paper flyers
A1: Make them feel included in the process. Show them respect. Offer assistance when needed. Be empathetic
Us too sir, I may end up getting in shape if I can keep up w/the 12 yr old!!
A2. Not working directly with kids anymore but I'd be communicating learning thru e-portfolios.
A2 Start conversation by asking for helps and tips to reach their child. The parents are the experts. Use their experience.
I love utilizing like , & ! There are no longer any excuses. It's quick & translated !
A1 Those who didn't get to go to Meet the Teacher, I visited at home that same week.
Do you find it easy to make time for this? https://t.co/po8sGQm9Gh
A1 Always call every parent first week of school. Make positive connection!
I appreciate you are asking for P input!
A1: I start the year off by emailing my parents. Use terms like "partners" and "teams." Send positive emails.
A2: Email, texting, phone calls. Many Ps like communicating through
A1 Hopefully most parents aren’t like I was (before ) and mostly going with the flow. Channel the love & energy..
Nice Scott. We can get too complicated with our comms to parents.
Late as well as a first timer, Sarah from Houston, Teacher Specialist
I need to do this more
A1 Always call every parent first week of school. Make positive connection!
A1-- Constant communication. ltrs calls emails texts. low-tech=responsive journal between you student & parent -content related.
We need to figure out a way to integrate Pokemon Go into our curriculums to engage our teens!
Fashionably late you mean to say! t
A1: F2F conferences and email. I think it is important to include the Ss in the F2F conference so we all get on the same page
A2: Phone calls & emails are my main forms of communication. I would like to have more positive conferences or even try GHO w/Ps.
moves quickly. Don't worry about reading or responding to every tweet. Find something that you want to comment on and JUMP IN!
Ps want to know how awesome their children are...
A2 I like to inform people using and my site. I have seen Ts use for voice communication
A1: does anyone use the summer to do outreach?
We meet every parent 1-on-1 by October-ish; in those mtgs I show them how I know their child, what I'm noticing, concerns, etc
A2: Communication- let them know the strengths & weaknesses. F2F conferences with data & work samples to support.
A2 Majority of Ss are Hispanic. We call (w/ translator) & meet face-to-face as much as pssbl. Prnts appreciate mtgs-not emails
A2: Communicate! Newsletter & Class Website w/topics. My fav app is Levelbook-email recording of Ss reading with praise & tips
Late to join . On BC Ferries... And voila!!! Christine from the Sunshine Coast, BC. Math educator, doctoral Ss, school trustee.
A2:I start off the year with open communication. Weekly newsletters, remind, twitter, seesaw, fb-all great ways to let parents in
That's IT!! https://t.co/Tl2GNkwJnz
A1 They have to be welcome in all modes of communications. Can't be visitors in their own school.
Our words have power... Calling Ps partners or teammates holds significant weight. https://t.co/SIvyQtpHPt
A1: I start the year off by emailing my parents. Use terms like "partners" and "teams." Send positive emails.
I email home after the first few asnmts to let them know what their child did well and what to work on! Little goes a long way
A2 - Talk with people and not at them. Let them know they are people and not just an issue or problem.
Nice point. Often good students get very little feedback to their parents.
A1: Love to engage them by phone to introduce myself if they don't come to open house.
I do it in the evening. Several families a night.
A2: Be as proactive as possible. Don't wait until Ss are failing. Inform them of how you are trying to help and how they can help
A2: after explaining what a S struggles with, give Ps tools to work w Ss at home. Show them examples of grade level expectations.
A2: family conference is the best! This way true concern can be shared and nothing insinuated. Home visit if needed.
A2 Weekly newsletter, Magistos are great to show class work, text pics, notes home, pos.phone calls, and get them in the room
A2: F2F Conference and email. I think including the Ss in the conference is important to get everyone on the same page
Don't get our list until a few days before school is out. I suppose we could reach out to previous class
A1: does anyone use the summer to do outreach?
A1: Start the year with a positive call and then continue.
Joining a little late Brandee Brandt from San Antonio, TX
A2: I teach struggling readers. Flip that convo to what the Ss is rocking and accomplishing. 😎
A2. (cont) We also communicate a lot through things like Remind and my teacher website. And of course good old phone calls.
Hey tweeples! Welcome as the new dean for
A2 Send weekly general reports on class learning. Contact parents individually at first hint of student problems. Also good news.
This summer we're hosting Freshmen Academy (open to all 9th graders); Link Crew & trad. summer school
Gotta CHASE 'em ALL would certainly get kids outside and running again!
The dialogue goes a long ways.... We need Ps in the trenches with us. https://t.co/H2ui1dKhGo
A2 - Talk with people and not at them. Let them know they are people and not just an issue or problem.
Nice our best Ts have a schedule they run through.
Share data, 6weeks progress, share work FB,T. Struggles need in person convo- add positives! https://t.co/O7Yd6rlHm2
A1. Have an open door policy with parents. Invite them in. Engage them. Let Ps be part of the learning process. Listen.
As a kid, I DREADED calls from my teacher to my folks- was NEVER a good thing....
Great question! I keep up the social media and try to engage! https://t.co/1qInhypOtm
A1: does anyone use the summer to do outreach?
A1: I like inviting parents in to have fun, volunteer, and have a parent night just for my classroom. Breaks down the walls!
A2: I also do s lead conferences and the st always are harder on themselves than I ever would be. I become a cheerleader.
I think once you get that initial hmrm list of ss it is gr8 to send an email, call or even an intro youtube video
A2 phone calls or emails is what I do, I want to actually get a response from the parent
A1: Making connections during conversations and ensuring that you follow up when needed
My favs too Bradford, also wrote old-school snail mail as well as soon as class list set
A2 , emails, phone calls, even virtual conferences using
LOL. That's why they're so effective when done fairly and respectfully.
A2: Multiple means of communication are important as well. PTC with the Ss present so WE can create a plan of action.
A2: Definitely face to face meetings. However, T's must come to the table with solutions not just problems.
A2: Remind and I try to put all materials on a website easily accessible (not login protected) with a short url.
A1 Connect early and often with positives to lay the foundation for parents so they know you are on their side.
Social Media, emails, phone calls. Ts can never over communicate. Place your "professional" expectations on yourself.
A2 We use our school FB page as our big outreach.
A2 We use our school FB page as our big outreach.
Q3 is coming up in 1 minute!
Q3 is coming up in 1 minute!
Being active in the community goes a long way! https://t.co/aXbrgXWR20
A1: also attending spirit nights, after school events, student games/recitals, etc.
A2 I Tweet like crazy! It makes Ps see the impact the library has on their kids. It gets me closer to having a seat at the table.
A1: invite parents to be a part of team building, sharing in authentic learning
A2: weekly email with what’s going on in class. Meet with parents of K strugglers in person in October. they need time to grow
I used to dedicate my TW and FB pages to Ps before using them 4 PLNs. Also, I love love love . Ps check phones B4 email.
A common response has been to LISTEN...
is now trending in USA, ranking 43
Awesome. Planning to use to improve this. https://t.co/KUzh34MDQ0
I email home after the first few asnmts to let them know what their child did well and what to work on! Little goes a long way
Not even emails in Spanish? https://t.co/cTfFPzBwc9
A2 Majority of Ss are Hispanic. We call (w/ translator) & meet face-to-face as much as pssbl. Prnts appreciate mtgs-not emails
So true, never heard of a P getting too much info from a school.
A2 I suppose Ts could ask Ss how information should be exchanged. It's not enough to give a heads-up tho..
A2: since we went through training, when Ts identify essential skills I can share them across grades in our e-newsletter.
A2: Ps always knew what the content was from the blog but struggles need a personal touch and backup with resources for home.
How are your GHO going? I am hoping to do those this year with Ps.
: Schoology, emails, phone calls. I like to tell the parents what I have tried.
Q3: In what ways could you help your Ss' Ps feel more comfortable w/being in your classroom/school? https://t.co/DQ6VS5PNB4
A2. Would love to use e-portfolios like to stay connected w/ Ss and Ps. Ongoing. Reporting periods don't work.
Little late - Reading & Dyslexia Specialist at public middle school - Austin TX. 😇
A2 Mostly when Ts would let us know where our kids were & what they were doing it wouldn't come with a call to action +
A2 a classroom website and classroom calendar have been parent favorites for me!
FMS community is lucky to have - I admire your style. https://t.co/P5OcupMZbo
A1: Communicate through newsletters, social media. Be present at extra curricular activities, be seen in the community
Spanish would really be good 2
Love the positive feedback, too often parents dread calls/emails unless we share the good vibes often!
That's why I like to start with positive phone calls. I also make positive calls during the year.
Q2: Even in our district of low SES families, they all have phones. We send out texts and automated calls.
To be fair, there WASN'T much good news to report about me as a kid :-) https://t.co/IR5adygJcX
LOL. That's why they're so effective when done fairly and respectfully.
A2: , our website, twitter and next year we want to use
A2 This year my goal is to call during the day to let Ps know about how I noticed their child because
Perfect! https://t.co/5gJcWecV5f
A1. Have an open door policy with parents. Invite them in. Engage them. Let Ps be part of the learning process. Listen.
Jim from VA here, 6th Grade His&Sci: A2 Remind 101, Blog, student created Week in Review vine.
me too! One time a teacher called home, I was scared to death but she called to brag!
No worries... Glad you are with us this evening!
A2 Maybe the message should end with "..and then, " or something like that. Go where Ps are.
A2) Edmodo, Seesaw, and phone calls home are some ways we talk about students' struggles
A3: Give them creative outlets to do in breaks like or music and tell them that it's for when they feel stressed.
Taking the initial step to invite them...multiple times!
A2 Daughter rec'd daily updates. Helped me to have specific convos about her day & gave her confidence she was making progress
A3:I keep everything as positive as possible. Build relationships not just with students, but their parents too
A2: When I talk to parents I give suggestions for how to talk to their children about school. How to ask substantive questions.
A3: INVITE THEM IN! Ps have a right to be in the school. P connection w S learning is important - also lets Ps see what we do!
Ummm me too, that's probably why we're so awesome now! LOL
That NEVER happened to me :-) https://t.co/IojrNNS0q9
me too! One time a teacher called home, I was scared to death but she called to brag!
A3: Present yourself as an adult they can talk to about their feelings. Make them feel emotionally safe.
I like the creative outlet idea.... !
A3: first way to tear down walls is go to THEM! Home visits, community cookouts, whatever. Make the first move
A2: , Twitter, websites, blog
Q3 Ss have to be able to see there is a world beyond their little corner. Global connections strengthen compassion and humanity.
A2: The campus puts out a monthly calendar of events and Ts create weekly newsletters to share...
A3) Invite them in... make field trips memorable. Bring the fun back into your classroom.
A3: Make it "their" classroom as much as it is Ss & my own. We are all in this together to best serve all learners
Monica, SpEd teacher, Texas,
A2: I email /call, parents' preference. Simple, but effective. Will change next year
A3 Find out how they want to help...copies, centers, mentors? Play to their strengths and recognize small efforts.
A3: Many Ps want to help, but don't know how. Invite them to class, but make sure visits are purposeful. Involvement = success
We held a Family Day in PE so Ps could come work out with their in training. Everyone LOVED it!
YES! Not just one and done.... Gotta keep at it.
I love teaching to kids because they are so eager to learn that they're very receptive.
A3: Make that positive connected phone call at the beginning of the year!!!
A3 Communicate lots and provide opportunities for being involved in class.
A3: Give them responsibility! What are their skill sets? Instant authentic audience!
A3 Invite them to be mystery readers in person or virtual.
Know their names and know the person beyond the student. A3
Know their names and know the person beyond the student. A3
Q3: Needs to start on day1. Ss should get used to fams in school. Need 2 remove the idea that fams only come in for "bad things".
Ps in the trenches or watching the carousel instead? Carnival not WWI?
A3. Dispel myths of "school" and shift to a "culture of learning." We're all in this together. Redefine Ps role.
We have multiple events through the year where we invite parents in... Centers are bi-weekly
A3: INVITE THEM IN! Ps have a right to be in the school. P connection w S learning is important - also lets Ps see what we do!
A3: Tweet (at least) one activity every day. Highlight positive learning experiences. https://t.co/3QSCHAicm0
Q3: In what ways could you help your Ss' Ps feel more comfortable w/being in your classroom/school? https://t.co/DQ6VS5PNB4
Q3 We have the Watch DOGS program. There is a dad or grandpa in my room at least one a week. So cool!
Parent coaching... another job of an educator.
A3. Develop a genuine love for their kids; people can see your attitude; as the T you need to actually WANT the Ps there;
A3 Dunno comfort is what you want. On one hand Ts don’t want to scare Ps (kid’s experience is too different from parents).. +
A3: "Borrow" the idea of dinner w/a gentlman from or use Ps to help with or panel.
So true, can't imagine not making it fun for us all!
A3 talking to them like they belong in the school and not just a parent. Involve them in the decision making of their child
A3 This might sound trite, but a smile & a "may I help you" go a long way. Most of r prnts r Hispanic; they want 2 feel included
A3: Open invitations to come at lunch time and visit their child, considering all makeups of families, not everyone is a"parent".
A3: Invite them in. Have celebrations of success together. Listen to concerns.
A3: Have an open door policy. Ask them to volunteer, join the PTA, invite them in. People feel from comfortable if they invited.
A3: This may seem simple, but posting a pic of your class on school's website or whatever your school uses.
A3 LET THEM HELP! We're transparent so don't worry about Ps visiting,it's eye opening for them how we teach & classroom dynamics.
A3 Show genuine willingness to listen to and communicate with everyone. Don't play favorites. All contributions are valuable.
A3: Work with them from the beginning. Do not wait until discipline problems arises.
A3: Something as simple as calling it "our" classroom instead of "my" classroom
A3: Let Ps get to know you- family, lets, interests, etc. Go@t S baseball games, swim meets, choir concerts. Be present & open!
Q3: it's "our" classroom. It's "our" job to work 'together' and succeed... 4 our entire time 2gether. 🏅
Dinner with a gentleman...? :)
Aaron from Houston. A3: reaching out Vida phone call is best for me sure to income levels.
A3 Hold 1 to 1 conference during group work, give them your complete attention, listen to what they have to say
So effective and it costs so little but gains so much! A3
A3 give them a chance share and to make friends in the class period
A3: Invite them in for non-school reasons,let them get to know you as a person, ask to meet Ps/Ss at their homes
Ask Ss about interests & concerns. Don't use Interest Inventories-too broad. Have conversations!
A2: take advantage of soc. med. to let P see learning as occurs; develop methods of contacting parents about struggles privately
Q3: Just like we focus on personalizing lrng for S, need to personalize lrng/engagmnt for Ps -
A3- I have sat in ARD or 504 meetings and have had trouble following convo. Stop using education terms, explain in normal words.
. yeah you couldn't reach out to your individual students but what about meeting with parents as a group of teachers?
Q3 share my personal experiences building a rapport with your s's is vital if they don't like you you are in trouble
Rachelle Digital Learning Special Houston, Texas!
A3: It's a struggle in HS cuz some Ss don't want Ps there!! I need to present more opps for parents to engage
A3:Ps have coffee & interact with class.Ts should have an open door policy. Education must become more customer service centered.
A3: Offer many opportunities for families to come and be involved, celebrate along with us.
A3 Ask for their opinion, have a conversation over a lecture. A3
A3: invite inside room,share work, routines, mini open house/conference. Have Ss lead. Talk about day https://t.co/DmZKHyyNAD
Q3: In what ways could you help your Ss' Ps feel more comfortable w/being in your classroom/school? https://t.co/DQ6VS5PNB4
Q3: It comes down to authentic customer service in the district and campus level. If they feel welcomed, it breaks down barriers
A3: offer volunteer ops, have S led conferences, invite them to share their interests in the class
A3 On the other foot you want to keep it interesting (so they keep coming back). Ask Ps to bring their friends/coworkers. I did.
Q3. Also, since my students all come from Spanish speaking homes, I take the time to translate everything I send home;
A3 Family Math and Reading nights are awesome!
A3: be proactive and share tons of pics and videos ahead of time
Q3 (cont) find out what they Ps love, can do, and help them find ways to contribute to the learning in school community
A3: Let Ps get to know you- family, pets, interests, etc. Go to S baseball games, swim meets, choir concerts. Be present & open!
Our classrooms are as much as apart of the global society as other organizations. My class is your class.
This is teaching at its core. Love your students. https://t.co/LvlRhQ1jSi
A3. Develop a genuine love for their kids; people can see your attitude; as the T you need to actually WANT the Ps there;
Wow! Thats great. https://t.co/kes39jdsLe
A3 On the other foot you want to keep it interesting (so they keep coming back). Ask Ps to bring their friends/coworkers. I did.
My school has an amazing mentor program going on! They make a huge difference!
A3: School was a bad experience for many Ps, so going to them or meeting in a neutral location can help ease tension for 1st mtgs
A3: Treat S's & P's as partners. We have the best job in the world. Smile, be authentic & show genuine care.
Authenticity is so important.
Love that!! If wasn't outside, met at door or end of the hallway to let them know we welcomed them to "our" room!
Q4 is coming up in 1 minute!
Changing that mindset goes a long way!
A3 let them know how important their presence is and how much they can positively affect the classroom!
A3: It's also great to have a parent university. Patent resource room, and if funds are available a parent liaison.
R AP grills 4 all staff at least a couple of times a year. I know this is about prnts, but it really helps morale!
A3: Develop an environment of acceptance, safety and development. When you truly care for them they learn!
Thank you! Just popping in for a bit on today's .
A3: Talk to and get to know all the embers of your school community. Get to know the kids and parents well.
REALLY? Awesome! Mentoring is the best!
A3: So many families have a bad taste in their mouths about school because of their own experiences. We need to show them better.
q3 Also of course find out what they like. Also be open!
this is a great chat happening right now, you might want to check it out! just search the ! https://t.co/0i7SFIQy8D
. yeah maybe offer a free day of summer activities and parents can meet Ts during drop off & pick up?
Yep. In kindergarten me and my crew (posse?) gave a lesson on Arizona's state bird (cactus wren). Learned me something.
A3: Welcome them to visit anytime. Let them see the classroom environment in action. Schedule family nights school wide
A3 The library welcomes Ps! They come 4 story time, Reading Night, they volunteer. I know its helped them feel comfortable.
A3: try meeting them in an online setting first like Zoom or WebEx
Q3: Ensuring that language and past experiences do not hinder the building of future relationships
A3 Make sure the community sees school as it is now not as it was "in their day".
A3 Make sure the community sees school as it is now not as it was "in their day".
Truly love them.They are our class family. Smile. Text them their kids working hard. Always welcome them. They once were students
Q3: Interactions with Ps must be intentional and genuine. Staff must take time out of their day/week for positive feedback!
I am such a fan of the program...!
Teach them about oranges🍊👍😎
Had to come and support and tonight! Sorry I am late!
Is anyone's Google Chrome browser freezing up or is it just me, ?
A3: At my school, we have celebration afternoon or evening to showcase Ss work. Ts have done this and even grade level teams
So true Velia, learning is fun & parents need to know we care enough to help make it that way!
A3: Watch DOGS program helped bring more dads to school this past year
Mix of informal, formal regular interactions where they feel valued, welcome. A4
A3: create opportunities for parents to participate in the classroom
We all want to receive a smile and a greeting.
Have to run but will def. be catching up on later tonight .. great convo going on! https://t.co/C6RgD85sLa
A3: It's difficult to ask Ts to step out of comfort zone if we're still printing out a weekly bulletin & using faculty mtgs 4 info.
Offering library hours during summer has gotten parents that don't normally come to spend hours just chilling with their kids!
Google classroom posts automatically to Google Calendar. 👍 https://t.co/Cz1oY9vv3e
A2 a classroom website and classroom calendar have been parent favorites for me!
A3: Eat lunch with the kids, greet them every morning. Simple things make a big difference.
Due to daughter's issues & her treatment, it took me a long time to feel welcome in her school & I'm an educator!
Clearly, I need a job at your school. :-)
Bro-chacho, no worries! Glad you are joining...!
A3 We don't have a lot of dads available, so we had men from a nearby company come every Friday for a positive impact.
A4 previous district offered GED and ESL classes for parents, made them feel accomplished and students saw their hard work
A4: You can't erase Ps experiences but you can change their perception of school NOW. For Ss to succeed, we need Ps on our side.
Thanks, often school conduct is strongly linked to what's happening outside the school IMO.
but you get an idea early on of which parents you might struggle to reach. Helps streamline communication.
A4 I encourage parents to learn alongside their child! If they show interest, then their child will show interest! Game changer
Checking in a little late but excited to be here!
A3 make Ss & parents feel comfortable by asking what they would want in a classroom. Then follow through & invite them to see it!
A4: I think showing Ps love and compassion is the first step. Involve them in the learning and classroom as much as possible
Absolutely! Parents know when we're faking it!
don't put on a dog and pony show for Ps. Be authentic.
Yes and in the school physically and emotionally as much as possible. . A4
Tell the story..! Ps want to know what their child is learning/doing.
A4: We have be so transparent that they don't have to question our intentions being the absolute best for our kids.
A4: It's hard to reframe kids' attitudes towards school but allowing them to indulge their at school could help.
This is a mission we should be purposeful about! Thanks for exposing me to this idea! https://t.co/R8csr12niL
A3 Make sure the community sees school as it is now not as it was "in their day".
A4: I think the relationships with our Ss is the first step. They can help spread the love and positivity.
A4: Like students, build rapport with the parents/guardians. Get to know them.
And be happy when they show up. Nothing is worse than feeling rushed or not welcome.
We'd love to have you, Todd! Come to Wisconsin!
A4 positive phone calls home and so do parents
I have had Ps watch my flipped lessons before their child did, just so they could help!
A4. Make school safe place for all. Make it fun/interesting & worthwhile to stay engaged with child's classroom.
A4 Be the change. Be the kind of edu that we would want our children to have.
A3: Have parent classes at the school to help them learn technology, math strategies, or even reading. Meet them where they are!
That's true. Shared interests could open up unexpected channels for and discussion. https://t.co/r24CejJLY9
A4 I encourage parents to learn alongside their child! If they show interest, then their child will show interest! Game changer
A3 I like the Dads with donuts concept for a morning meeting.
A4. We need to get that out in the open; address it directly early in the year and explain how it is different in your school.
A3: Extend individual invites to parents to visit your room. Have a place for them to sit.
A4 Our night school does an amazing re-acclimatising Ps to what our school is now.
Well said! We are all on the same team & Ps need to know why/what we are doing in plain terms
Mastering a skill doesn't happen during an exam; it happens when life demands the utilization of that skill.
A4 Bad experience is tough to overcome. Invite parents to join in activities that will show how things have changed for better.
A4: We are in new territory with education - learning together! Run in as fast as you out of school!
A4: I believe if we give their children a positive experience, it may help change parent perspective on education.
It's about helping them to trust again, to know that they matter as their child matters, that we're partners.
That makes me sad... But it is good to hear the truth.
A4 It starts with building relationships- once Ps see you have Ss best interest - you will have a building block.
A4 Connect Ps&their opinions to assignments. Invite discussion between Ss and Ps at home. Offer subjectinfo to help Ps help kids
A4: listening, offer meetings not at school or home visit if they are more comfortable at home. sit next to them not across
Awesome post and sentiment! Love it. A4
. yes! Rebrand it and transform their thinking.
A4: Bring them in for family outreach activities that focus on fun, learning, and food.
A4:We need Ts and admins to make positive calls home, gives the school a different perspective
Hey that's actually really cool to give parents hands on experiences with what their kids are learning. https://t.co/LfFvWaSkWM
A3: Have parent classes at the school to help them learn technology, math strategies, or even reading. Meet them where they are!
Ss wtchng. Evrythng we do is model to them. If we treat eo w/out respect & w/out concern, Ss will emulate
A3 - Our 504 coordinator is great at speaking with kids, parents in plain English. No intimidation. Joy to watch.
A4: Ts have to have the mentality they are building generations, past and present. Ts are the backbone of every community!
In our multi-cultural school, translators are massive!
this reminds me of Kitty High Five 😂
You need to be real/genuine with fams from the beg. Be proactive - not reactive. Show them you've on their side.
A4 Who said "You gotta put your behind in your past?" It's something to reflect on & laugh at. It should make Ps want fix..
Relationships with Ss, Ps, and community must be the foundation of our schools....
Bring them in!
A4: We need to show each one that we care about their child and then. Lots of people have had poor school experiences. Not now!
A4: Establish trust and make sure they know that their "baby" is your "baby" and you are all in when it comes to their success
A4. (cont) This is important when you are trying to get the S special services; many Ps have a negative view based on their exp.
A4 Ts will be creating short instructional videos to post on our school website so PS can watch any time and help their Ss.
A4. Have Ps experience how Ss learn. Go beyond telling or observing. Engage & immerse. Repeat many times. Becomes norm.
A4: Be warm and have an open door policy in your clsrm. Extend the family atmosphere beyond the 4 walls to include Ps.
No worries! Welcome, Andi!
A4: Listen + provide the same safe "environment" we want 4 Ss. Ps need to know that their voices are valid.
And,hopefully, diploma shows that at one time one was able to show mastery of skills.
A4: Due to curriculum changes in math, we held Sat. math session for Ps & walked them through the curriculum & sample problems.
A4: I find you can't change Ps experiences, but you can prove that the school environ has changed. Show them how much you care. .
A4: Listen to the parent. Listen to understand not to reply or defend yourself or your school. Their experience is theirs.
A4: There is lots to be proud of in our classes every day. Tweet! Facebook! blog! Most Ps are excited about shift in ed practices
A4 Also making sure Ps realise how important they are in the learning process makes a big difference.
A4 After I've worked 2 dev a relationship day 1, I can sincerely ask Ps for a chance to prove I'm different, and they take it.
absolutely! We ALL are a part of a learning community.
A4 Some time ago I bounced an observation off about many schools "getting it".. he said it's not many that do..
A3: The best thing we can do to make school a safe space is engage all students' . Change their views on school.
Nice Kelly, the best comms are immediate and about the little things. A4
I believe there is loads of value in getting Ps in our schools.
A4 Important to remember Ps can still learn and need to be engaged. Changing that experience isn't just about their kids.
this is esp important at the MS and HS level.
A4: I like to connect with families outside of school, in the community and let them see who I am via social media; builds trust.
A4) Have them share in the design of the learning experience will taking into account student interests.
A3: Find out their interests and invite them to share regularly! They are a part of "our" class.
Joining late tonight . Had unexpected company. Catching up!
A4: Encourage and constantly remind students that they're part of a community and responsible for it.
parents are the biggest influences in their children's lives
A4: Connect with community organizations that provide services that the families need. Make the school a community hub.
A4: Don't judge them! Compassion can overcome those boundaries. Share your enthusiasm for learning. It's contagious!
Great advice Christine, also a believer in having Ss conduct own student-led conferences & speak for themselves!
Dear P, "School looks and feels different theses days..."
A4 Maybe first meetup use (or brainstorming) to come up with past (parent) edu-experiences to avoid/improve on?
Always remember that the parent is an expert on their child... respect and honor that. build on that perspective first.
Be the change! https://t.co/kB1VsGicza
A4 Be the change. Be the kind of edu that we would want our children to have.
A4: make sure Ps understand that they are part of the learning process; help Ps understand changes in education
Y'all are welcome in our classroom at any & all times. ☂ https://t.co/nYSs9bbFPZ
Due to daughter's issues & her treatment, it took me a long time to feel welcome in her school & I'm an educator!
can't change their minds if we don't win their hearts. Just like it is with the S's.
A4: Had a parent once tell me that if I had been her teacher, she may have not quit school. We made sues her daughter didn't.
A4 Ps need 2b listened to, without us rushing to explain how ed has changed. Listening is the 1st opp we get 2 change their view.
And parents want to feel welcome. https://t.co/NFTIma45FA
I believe there is loads of value in getting Ps in our schools.
LOL So true, may take many exposures!
A4 invite them as class volunteers weekly have community events with Ps w/o a hidden school agenda. Build relationships w/ them
Q4: Definitely! Ps want what's best 4 their kids. Once they know we're partners w them, we can join the journey 2gether.
A4 Host fun, free movie nights to make all families feel welcome. Have popcorn & drinks. So fun!
A4: In order to turn prior experiences into new ones, we as a school must start by gaining their TRUST. Build the relationship.
That's beautiful https://t.co/6YpdobA0Dd
A4 Be the change. Be the kind of edu that we would want our children to have.
A4 Absolutely. We must listen; give prnts opportunity to share. Don't condescend; don't placate. Offer suggestions; not 'shoulds'
역삼풀싸롱 미러초이스 👯 선릉풀싸롱 견적문의〰
. Wouldn't this be cool if the Ss taught these classes?
Absolutely and what their influence outside the school carries into learning big time.
A4: Sharing videos of Ss learning is powerful to help Ps support their kids & see the fun & value of learning.
That's great, but what about the parent? https://t.co/q5i6Nc0Gaz
A4: Had a parent once tell me that if I had been her teacher, she may have not quit school. We made sues her daughter didn't.
Absolutely. Ts and Ps might bring diff perspectives on a S but BOTH matter. https://t.co/LK6iiW20a7
Always remember that the parent is an expert on their child... respect and honor that. build on that perspective first.
So true. The grocery store can become a PT conference - in a good way!
A4: By building relationships and seeing every student and their families as people...not labels, not scores...people.
A4 Show the ps your passion for learning. Show them their child is special to you in specific ways. The class is worth coming too
Paul, I hear you and echo with the phrase, "Listen, don't reload..."
Wish I could favorite this more than once!! Great way to connect w/parents!
You're welcome, John. We are truly all in this together.
So true, can Art events, sports fixtures, anywhere, anytime.
A4: Relationships arent just built during the year. Its year round. We do ice cream socials during the summer in neighborhoods
Yes! Recultivating trust is hard, but possible and worth it. Creative outlets like helps. :) https://t.co/Jnv0OWVcBK
It's about helping them to trust again, to know that they matter as their child matters, that we're partners.
Good to hear... I want to use it for positive contacts.
Yum and a great relaxed comms context. A4
Aren't there also times that teachers need to be off-duty- when they are NOT expected to have unexpected conference at a wedding?
Love it....is it available for rent?
Also second round of conferences I always discuss with ps what their child's talents might be. If they run in halls...running!!!
A5 trust, freedom, agency and fun! A5
This is a must! Help the whole family.
A4 I oft tell Ps that starting out I was naive 2 think I was enough. I know now that Im not& tell them I NEED them, we r a team!
The absolute most important ingredient in my opinion sir! Relationship first, all else will follow!
So true. Sone forget that we need to treat all S as individuals. https://t.co/URdN35F3BF
A4: By building relationships and seeing every student and their families as people...not labels, not scores...people.
Yea. Parents are always sensitive at first and scared but they can also be flexible once we prove. https://t.co/FjwwTOKowb
A4: I believe if we give their children a positive experience, it may help change parent perspective on education.
100% yes. It takes a village.
A5: care, concern, & value.
A5 they we are there for them no matter what
Q5: Caring, fun, challenge, comfort, safety
A5: Love, comfort, safety, a sense of belonging. Ss must feel these things before they can truly learn.
A4 Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! I got one: teacher makes a mistake during parent-teacher first contact then admits it & asks Ps how to fix..
A5:Every Ss IS my own! :) I want them to be engaged, feel important, cultivate their sense of wonder...LOVE learning!
A5. Acceptance and love; a feeling of belonging and empowerment;
That's cool that you share your as a way of being accountable with them! Most people hide. https://t.co/NPVRmbNTZs
A4: I like to connect with families outside of school, in the community and let them see who I am via social media; builds trust.
100% necessary. As much time as we spend w/ Ss, they spend more with their parents.
A5:I want Ss to be running into our school and not out, because they are excited to learn and don't want to miss out on learning
begins w/ suggestions to move forward.Don't tell me what SPED daughter can't do-I know what she can't do
A4 Back in my day (60s) most Ts were in-fall-i-bal.
A5 The ability to hone talents that aren't necessarily curriculum-driven. Ts who love and comfort them and instill confidence
Can't remember not making mistakes lol! That's an easy one for me!
Love the events we host where parents come to campus & become part of campus culture.
A5 passion, excitement, and ownership of their education.
A5 I want my students to experience laughter, complexity, collaboration, innovation, and life-changing moments!
Nice Steven, we love when the end bell sounds and students want to stay! A5
Some parents don't trust the school. This is something we have to address. Great point!
A5: I wish that they had meaningful conversations about their emotions early on & engaged in outlets at school.
I know...and we need to stop. We want families to trust us with their greatest treasures and spend more time w them.
A5: An excitment for learning and the ability to find and pursue a passion.
A5 that we are there for and support them no matter what
A5 Respect. Please don't humiliate my child in public.
A5 the love of learning-being challenged in a positive environment
A5. Compassion, empathy, problem solving, and authentic self reflection
A5: I want school to be a place that Ss WANT to be. Should be a place where they explore and make dreams a reality.
A5: I want every S to feel loved, inspired and prepared to be exactly what they dream of becoming. You literally can do anything
Is it possible that we are related? I feel the...exact....same...way! Excellent!
Alana, this is great! I hope my son's T shares with me why my child is special.
I hope they feel valued, appreciated, and understood, & see their culture/history represented daily.
A5 My guiding principle , my child was introverted & wasn't "seen" it broke my heart. I want all Ss 2 know I SEE YOU & ur VALUE!
A5: play in class...HAVE FUN!! Ask questions! Think, make mistakes...LEARN, not just regurgitate info!! https://t.co/WWsSfDET05
definitely! "Let's schedule a conference. Are you available next week? We can talk more" 😁
Welcome Stephan, great to have you add to the learning tonight!
A4 We must unify school beliefs & make our expectations clear, consistent throughout the learning community
A5 That feeling of worth, that their opinion counts, the confidence that even when they fail they are on the path to success.
A5 - School should be a safe place with caring adults and classmates. A place where ALL drive their own learning!
A5: To be inspired, build their passion, discover their genius, and be insanely curious.
A5:I want my kids to know that I will ALWAYS be in their corner, I will ALWAYS believe in them, & they will ALWAYS be in my heart
Q 5 I want them to feel safe!! Safe to create.to have opinions and to wonder out loud!
A5: A fun, innovative learning environment - time to explore & take risks! Encouraging words & to know they are believed in.
Q5: Every S should be exposed to something daily that ignites the love of learning for THEM...it should be individualized.
you have some awesome questions tonight. Thanks for hosting
You do a killer job of breaking down barriers and connecting with your Ss fam.
A5: That they are loved and cared for & their learning will be amazing in a positive, supportive and challenging environment.
A5 love, compassion, safety, respect, and freedom to make and learn from mistakes without judgement
Q5: Learn the conventions, and then learn how to challenge conventions in unique ways. I say, show me the world isn't flat.
A5: I want them to experience of ❤ of learning that does not get taken away due to poor relationships or upside down priorities
. would invite parents to come in on Friday's to read to their child's class. https://t.co/mPVyHaArZk
A4 invite them as class volunteers weekly have community events with Ps w/o a hidden school agenda. Build relationships w/ them
A5: Every child is someone's whole world. They deserve
Thank you, William. I appreciate your kind words.
A5: Wish they experience love, growth, that I CAN do it feeling and see how far they have come.
A5: I want my Ss to know they're loved, valued, and each have their own genius. Each student to feel worthy.
I believe she had their class first thing in the morning when they brought their Ss to school.
A5: Opportunities to be creative and critically think. Focus on APPLYING what they know/learned.
A5: As a mom with 2 school-age children, I want them to experience accomplishment, hard work, struggle, and friendship.
It took time, but we helped her to get her GED.
Absolutely "love and comfort them and instill confidence" our #1 job
A5 show that you love and care about the S - the rest will take care of itself.
A4 I need to know all the things daughter can do. When Ts tell me what she can't do, I am overwhelmed. Tell me what she can do!
A5: Ownership. Flexibility. Challenge. Relationships. Hands-On. Doing. . I don't HAVE to, I WANT to! https://t.co/yh8mtcH9pK
A5: Acceptance. I want each of my S's to feel safe enough to take that risk they never imagined possible.
A5: I hope that they learn creative and practical skills in addition to traditional curriculum so they stay engaged & supported.
A5: A safe place where dreaming, creating, and learning are continually pursued.
A5 Mom used to hate when I’d rip the knees off my pants during recess. I can’t recall a time wearing something out during class..
A5: Wish that all Ss experience that we care for them & truly believe in them & their success! Relationship is the key
A5: Ss should experience an environment where they feel safe, both physically and emotionally, and loved - with time to create
Love this! We want them to love learning! Love the experience at school! https://t.co/btTWZfmvzd
A5:I want Ss to be running into our school and not out, because they are excited to learn and don't want to miss out on learning
Change the narrative from "have to" to "Want To".... Wow... love it!
They always do! That's true! It's like - it's fine if you don't micromanage everything. https://t.co/8pknhV9hgv
confession: I hate when parents say "I'm bad at Math"... I'm like, that has nothing to do with your child's ability to learn.
A5:Schools shld spew of trust. Our Ss must know nothing is artificial.
A5 Every child must feel welcome, care & belonging in school. All school staff must engage & connect, regardless of role
RT Change the narrative from "have to" to "Want To".... Wow... love it! TRUE!
RT Change the narrative from "have to" to "Want To".... Wow... love it! TRUE!
A5 How to experience failure in a positive way and as means to greater success.
Treat them as equals. Let them feel valued intellectually as well as emotionally.
Sooo crucial! https://t.co/CQYYoEJ0JT
A4 I need to know all the things daughter can do. When Ts tell me what she can't do, I am overwhelmed. Tell me what she can do!
A5) Fun, supportive, safe environment filled with laughter and sound of students connecting.
Stoked to start following some awesome educators from Great conversations tonight!
A5: safety, security, acceptance, and success.
It's a hard balance bc then has to be a professional place & less of a personal outlet. https://t.co/NjPfGDJnGb
I know...and we need to stop. We want families to trust us with their greatest treasures and spend more time w them.
A5 She never asked and I don’t remember sharing but it was FUN playing. I get the “oh no, repair/replace pants” thing.. +
I want to be your student....
A5 Taught dvlpng rdrs; I referred 2 them as 'academic family' because they were.4 some Ss, I was family. They deserved all of me
A5: I wish they felt like they had a voice. A truly supportive environment where they matter as people.
A5 But why can’t learning mostly (always?) be fun in that inviting let’s have fun on the playground way?
A5 Authentic learning from caring, inspiring educators!
A5 Every student should experience an inquisitive spark that stirs imagination. Teachers can then guide, not push.
love the insanely curious part especially.
A5: To be inspired, build their passion, discover their genius, and be insanely curious.
And grow & love life https://t.co/skSFLDfFCo
A5: As a mom with 2 school-age children, I want them to experience accomplishment, hard work, struggle, and friendship.
What are we bringing to the learning space that ignites our kids creativity/desire/inquiry?
Q5: Every S should be exposed to something daily that ignites the love of learning for THEM...it should be individualized.
A5: I hope they learn what means early on. I hope they learn how to be leaders in their own ways and contribute.
A5: A school family that cares for them not only academically but also emotionally
A5 school should be FUN supportive FUN taught in real context FUN and the best days of their life
we very well could be, great minds think alike
A5 I hope every students feels valued for their individuality.
A5 I hope every students feels valued for their individuality.
BINGO! I'm picking up what you are putting down.
I am with you, Stephen. I would also add to be a risk taker.
Kids tend to lose their sense of wonder mid way through elementary or early middle school. We can't allow that.
A5: unconditional love...regardless of the mistakes they make & experiences/opportunities that didnt exist when I was in school.
A5: To be inspired, build their passion, discover their genius, and be insanely curious. MORE >> https://t.co/YhfI0K4bqX
Q6: What are the most important things teachers should consider when preparing for a parent conference? https://t.co/MbtW79it1R
A5: I want all Ss to experience the love of learning while knowing they are valued!
Sometimes all that takes is brief conversation or hand on the shoulder; a 'please' & a 'thank you' go a long way!
You know what would be amazing? A school with all of us as teachers & leaders! :)
A5: Teachers that care. People that notice you when you are upset or hurting.
I'll be on your squad anytime.
Students don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care!
Honest transparency and the student welfare must be the priority. A6
Honest transparency and the student welfare must be the priority. A6
The power of knowing you are worthy... just ponder for a second. Do you feel worthy? This is GR8! https://t.co/K73iFUTosY
A5: I want my Ss to know they're loved, valued, and each have their own genius. Each student to feel worthy.
YES! We need to make our schools a place where children learn to love and love to learn!
I think it's a good time when things are slower to grow the and do more conceptual things. https://t.co/9ott8H5ySi
A1: does anyone use the summer to do outreach?
Awesome! How did that effort come about? Is it scalable? https://t.co/2HFEA0RNeo
It took time, but we helped her to get her GED.
A5: ❤ for my kids 2 go to school for ❤ of learning, prob solving, critical thinking, how 2 get along..even those u don't like.
It would be open 24/7 because nobody would ever want to go home.
To be loved and supported and to be challenged with engaging learning experiences that ignite curiosity. https://t.co/BgxEyhnZyS
A6 just don't talk about the negatives, praise the student as well
A5. The love of learning. Identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Constructive use of formative feedback. Perseverance. Grit.
How’d you handle goof? You’re learning too. Mistakes will be made. Dunno about winning over It shows you’re trying
Exactly. Teachers actually have a big impact on students' and should be perceptive. https://t.co/OC1nPPp19f
A5: Teachers that care. People that notice you when you are upset or hurting.
A6: Before meeting w/ families, Ts need to consider each child as a person FIRST, student after. Honor who they are first.
We must build up the whole child.
A6: That WE are a team with the same goal: their child's success.
Great point Rey. T seems to struggle with accentuating the good clearly. #
A6 As SPED prnt, show me progress. I know my daughter's limitations, show me she's making progress & I'll feel successful
A6 Lead and end with positives. Even the toughest student has something to brag about.
A5 I share this with Ps at Meet the Teacher Night, I print it out & give it to them, I refer back to it. https://t.co/q7mDWWeNch
You summed it up perfectly.
Making connections that will forever be in your heart! https://t.co/rZneWGgW7c
A5:I want my kids to know that I will ALWAYS be in their corner, I will ALWAYS believe in them, & they will ALWAYS be in my heart
A6:Positivity-be positive and compassionate about improvements needed too. Ts and Ps are a team doing what's best 4 kids
A6: Parents want what's best for their child and so do you. Start with the positives to make the areas for growth easier to hear!
A6: Be prepared, really know their kid. Don't focus on finishing quickly, but delve into their S progress & get to know Ps too.
A6: Tone during a the conference.
A6: Better not be the first time I'm giving fams bad news! Need to comm before -nothing should be a surprise. Be proactive!
A6: We must first consider what makes the S a good learner and then collaborate with the P on how to make the S great!
Strongly believe that's when fun is removed from learning. T's stress about content; lose focus on children.
Great Q! We cannot lose focus on the fact that Ts need to feel validation and love in a safe atmosphere as well.
A6 Simply put- The Golden Rule!
A6 - The purpose of the parent meeting ... they are not always about grades or behavior ... sometimes Parent calls to share info.
Focus on what their child can do and what can be done to get them to where they want to go!
Good q. Give them legitimate freedom in terms of how and where they learn by asking them.
A6 Whatever will be presented/discussed shouldn’t be a surprise to either party.
A6: Be transparent and honest with parents and be sure to evaluate how students are feeling in class in addition to academics.
A6: Strengths Strengths Strengths and help their S explain their passion. One area of growth connected to the passion. S lead
A6:We all want to see that S/child succeed, if you have to bring negatives, remember to use the sandwich method
A6 Parents are students, too. Don't presume knowledge. Their child might be the educational leader of the family.
A6 As Instruc Coach/Rdg Spec,I role-play PT conf espclly w/ new tchrs. We work clarifying/paraphrasing lang.Be clear;omit jargon
Totally agree with this statement.
A6:I always open asking parents what their thoughts/concerns are first. We have a discussion, not a "performance review."
A6. The same as my A5. What are my kid's strengths, weaknesses, and passion? What does he/she need to work on and how to support?
A5: A pos relationship w/ their Ts, a love for learning bc it's relatable & fun, a feeling of security! https://t.co/hqVsPeR1r7
A6: Communication. By way of language and cultural norms. Will you understand one another?
1 of the many things I admire about is how he treasures his Ts. He's a gnarly and creative leader!
A6. Realize that the conf. is for the Ps, not you. I have my data, etc ready, but I always give the P the floor 1st. Listen 1st.
Nice, the conversations are more personal and far more effective IMO. A6
A6: Be prepared to listen, not reload. Ps sometimes bring yrs of anxiety & uncomfortable memories from their school experiences.
A6 Be positive and share Ss successes.
A6: keep convo positive! Even if there are negs, share ways goal can be obtained. Engage Ps too! https://t.co/S5NFCbPYzP
Q6: What are the most important things teachers should consider when preparing for a parent conference? https://t.co/MbtW79it1R
A5 Its imp to be prepared in writing. I always had an anecdote, progress, & where 2 go from here, I gave Ps a copy.
A6: ALWAYS start with something positive!
A5: Kids over content always. Honor the child and how he contributes--academics shared after. https://t.co/0pkpAenPik
A6: Ts should remember that simply being at the conference shows willingness to be involved & part of his/her child's education.
A6 Parents probably aren’t all that fond of (I know I wasn’t) hauling butt to school after work to meet with teacher.. That.
I was taught to think of it like an Oreo. :)
Q6: Ss is light of Ps life. Respect.kindness.positivity.advocacy. Thank P 4 their awesome job of wonderful Ss.
A6 I put Ss in charge of PT conf. They lead conf w/ what they considered to be greatest learning/greatest challenge.I facilitated
A6: Talk to parents' about how kids are excelling in their in addition to academics. Find out what they do at home.
A6 I can’t imagine parent-teacher night is all that enjoyable (how it’s done now) for teachers (very long day, no overtime)..
A6: Patterns. What changed? Good and bad. Go in with a plan and be ready to adjust it. Above all LISTEN! Seek to understand...
what does that freedom look like? Have you seen conflicts in what students want and what you could provide?
Yes. Sometimes in truly is a P conference. https://t.co/x0AWj6OBCe
A6: Be prepared to listen, not reload. Ps sometimes bring yrs of anxiety & uncomfortable memories from their school experiences.
Nice Peg, that's our aim for our midyears coming up. A6
A6: Believe conferences should belong to Ss to proudly show/share w/parents what we are doing. I should help them decide/prepare
A6: Start out with the positives. Ss strengths. Then, depending on the conference, mention certain weaknesses and plan of action
Yes! Anecdotes are often more valuable to parents than a table full of numbers. Stories show we know the child.
also how do you help them to articulate their real needs as learners? I don't think most student are prepared.
A6 So I guess teachers should remember “We’re in it for the kids.”, grin & bear it.
Another great q! Not with awesome Wi-Fi and now being a GAFE school. Ss do need to be realistic! LOL
My rule is a conference is a build up session.The child is present to hear me be one if their champions.Only one thing for a grow
That's why I have Ss lead them. https://t.co/ZOCo3o99VR
A6 Parents probably aren’t all that fond of (I know I wasn’t) hauling butt to school after work to meet with teacher.. That.
A6: What is AMAZING about the Ss?
Yes. That's definitely a challenge but I think parents that show up care enough to make a connection. https://t.co/T55vltQEwh
A6: Communication. By way of language and cultural norms. Will you understand one another?
where does cultural competence come into play with the Golden Rule?
A6: Remember that every parent sends you their best. They're doing the best the know how.
A6: I send a questionnaire to ask P about S strengths, concerns. Have work samples. make sure to have + things.
A6 Talk about the positive of their child always first & lk at the ps in the eyes. Don't talk Ts language make them feel @ ease
A6: MUST separate S's from the behavior. Can't go in frustrated, talking about S's. Just the facts and leave labels out of it.
A6: Ps want clsrm success, but are more concerned about their whole child. Approach with that in mind!
Chat is all they can do! Kids can't have in depth conv.I sent mine in private school. TX education gets a 2.0 average!
No you're right. Slowly reduce the scaffolding. Give them time for real reflections and feedback.
A6: Offer solutions, strategies, support for any areas of struggle. Have a plan to help Ss succeed!
Q7: If you could voice to a pre-service teacher about connecting with parents, what would you share? https://t.co/jWuRr8YcDL
I agree completely...it is easy for it to happen to a school culture. https://t.co/Am74bDyEHC
Strongly believe that's when fun is removed from learning. T's stress about content; lose focus on children.
That is crucial. We need to be mindful of what and how we say things.
How can I appeal to our common commitment to looking out for the best interest of their child? https://t.co/KjPUbwi3RV
Q6: What are the most important things teachers should consider when preparing for a parent conference? https://t.co/MbtW79it1R
My written mission stment 1st starts with fun. Bc not only should they run to class but I should too. https://t.co/V0KRRRvvRE
Strongly believe that's when fun is removed from learning. T's stress about content; lose focus on children.
Great point! Ts need to speak the least in these conferences IMO.
A6 Ts should consider the Ps perspective/paradigms of school & learning. Like Ss, "meet them where they are" - Foresee their view
A6: Wear their 👞, understand their situation, don't be judgmental, share facts & ways they can help at 🏠 https://t.co/ml0WHbIbPE
Q6: What are the most important things teachers should consider when preparing for a parent conference? https://t.co/MbtW79it1R
Q6. We are on the same team.. I will be a champion for your student!
Reflection from day 1. https://t.co/3fCty9hHjP
also how do you help them to articulate their real needs as learners? I don't think most student are prepared.
What do you mean by cultural competence?
A6: Prepping for a parent conference? Be ready to listen, hear. Pray for kiddo, parents, and family.
tone is important ... having a previous positive relationship with parent can help control the tone.
Love this idea!! They lead their learning - makes sense that Ss lead the sharing of their progress!! https://t.co/UMDEkpNQ10
A6 I put Ss in charge of PT conf. They lead conf w/ what they considered to be greatest learning/greatest challenge.I facilitated
A6 As a P I want to feel respected when an interpreter is needed. Ps read non-verbals of Ts & admin while translator speaks.
A6 Let parents voice concerns first, give positives, then my concerns. Ask for their input/help & end with positive.
That's nice. I feel like more kids are being encouraged to be a part of the conferences nowadays. https://t.co/kELLQaY4nk
A6 I put Ss in charge of PT conf. They lead conf w/ what they considered to be greatest learning/greatest challenge.I facilitated
A6: U R discussing their child, not a data point. Remove the jargon & speak from the heart. U can be honest & caring at same time
A6: I wish all students experienced a real examination of how they learn best and learned how to communicate those needs.
yes they don't know IEP RTI or ARD or things like that
So true sir, we can easily fall into teacher "jargon" since we use so often w/peers!
Always! And love the Lord God! (But that's more my job and not the teacher's!😊)
A6: Find a constructive way to share negatives and internally believe that you can empower the students to improve.
Awesome! Often Ts get so caught up in the data the message is lost! A6
A7: Ps are not scary! They can be your biggest supporter...be open to them & remember to LISTEN. Ts and Ps are partners.
A6. Often Ps need to unload. They need to be heard. Remember the S is the product of P's best work/effort.
A6: Ts must hv the + & areas of growth in visual form. Come prepared to listen & learn as the parents will do. Respect is vital
A6: Always start with the positive. Use negatives as opportunities to grow. Find ways to communicate in Ps languages.
Prepare what the child is struggling with concisely. Prepare suggestions but don't tell parents what they could do unless asked.
A7 start communication with parents from day 1, lets them know you truly care about their child and continue throughout the year
A6 Before the event take off your shoes and put on a pair one size too small (to represent how parents feel). Then go over talk..
A6 be prepared to share something positive about your Ss that show your concern & love. Be prepared w notes about ways to help
A7: Families are our greatest resource. They are the experts. Listen, trust, & value them. Be a team and work together.
I started typing that and then deleted! My thoughts exactly!
A6: Share positives and praise, strengths n weakness, listen to Ps, and talk about importance of Ss Progress
Self-awareness is key and it can be taught if enough role-models make effort to be aware. https://t.co/sC7OvUMqdm
A6: I wish all students experienced a real examination of how they learn best and learned how to communicate those needs.
A6 This is some1s treasure, don't tarnish it! Show how valuable S is 2u &how 2gether we can add value to S! Complaining is a no!
How do you develop that plan?
Nice, just takes time and patience and trial and error.
Were tlking about their baby. Parent's will protect that baby. pos relationship will keep Momma Bear tame https://t.co/pznTGYq5kW
A6: Remember that every parent sends you their best. They're doing the best the know how.
A7 Do it early and often and via a range of methods and locations.
A7: Be positive, proactive, and patient. Parents don't want to only hear from you when things are going wrong.
A7: Love your Ps and your Ss. Genuinely listen to P concerns. Be transparent.
A7 Don't judge, be honest & open, no acronyms, communicate often. I love Remind for constant communication
This is a good one! 🙌🏼 https://t.co/ghp2xKibVS
A7: Ps are not scary! They can be your biggest supporter...be open to them & remember to LISTEN. Ts and Ps are partners.
Indeed.... Separate behavior from person.
A7. Leave your ego at the door. You can't do it alone. Ps will be your strongest resource if you let them.
A7 Be proactive, be confident, be positive, be yourself
A6: Don't blame parents for not doing this or not doing that-we are on the same team! Show your support! https://t.co/unlJ4a32T0
Q6: What are the most important things teachers should consider when preparing for a parent conference? https://t.co/MbtW79it1R
A7: Always treat them the way that you would want to be treated & treat their child as you would want your own child treated.
Hate it when Ts throw a lot of jargon out. https://t.co/2zc2dKQWXj
yes they don't know IEP RTI or ARD or things like that
. I mean we often have students from different cultures in our classes. How to accommodate them properly?
Started following (https://t.co/usTSqHFW2r ).. she talks about engaging/accessible learning experiences. how can you?
T jargon gets confusing... Especially for our Ss with IEPs.
A6Preconference with Ss. I want them to know what will be discussed, I expect them to b part of that conference & goal setting.
A7) Put connecting with parents at the forefront. Make sure to have open communication and speak from the heart.
A7: Every P wants to know what their children is enjoying at school. Use the power of social media to share the awesomeness.
Yes, many Ts find this very hard and make mountains out of molehills as a result.
A7 Put yourself in the parents' shoes. How would you feel meeting the teacher? What would make you feel comfortable?
A6 Show parents who you are by listening!
A6: We should be so in-line with Ps on a daily/weekly basis, that formal conferences should be rare. It should be natural!
How true. Many Ps don't come bc of the edu jargon. Meet our parents in the middle. https://t.co/jihHhDUaJ7
A6: U R discussing their child, not a data point. Remove the jargon & speak from the heart. U can be honest & caring at same time
No P wakes up and says, "I want to suck as a parent and have a poor behaved child."
A7: Would share how it worked best thru building relationships/communicating. Relate when it didn't as well & talk about mistakes
A6: When Ss attitude changes, we are quick to ask "Whats changed at home?" Insulting? What if P asked "What's changed at school?"
A7 Remember your passion for why you wanted to Ts all Ss in the beginning. let that shine through when you are with your PS.
The students love seeing themselves on SM.
Q7: connecting w P is 2nd most important part of ur job. First is connecting w Ss. 🌻
A7: Be available, be real, and be willing to admit failure and ask for help when it comes to their child.
A7:Build that relationship early. You are a team doing what's best for their child. (also, they're not scary!)
I gave Xmas break goals & summer goals as well 😋 weekly challenges on class FB! Im still there for them 😉
A7 We've heard it b4: we're in this together. These r our Ss. Don't pull a power play.While u may be the T; call urself a learner
A7: start early & don't wait 4 a negative reason 2 initiate contact. I need 2b better at this myself!! https://t.co/kcUsrdcJcd
Q7: If you could voice to a pre-service teacher about connecting with parents, what would you share? https://t.co/jWuRr8YcDL
A7 Get them to focus on learning and the individual over the teaching and student.
A7 Get them to focus on learning and the individual over the teaching and student.
Yes they can provide valuable info about the kids' creative pursuits which can be used in the classroom. https://t.co/Now2fhHV0u
A7: Families are our greatest resource. They are the experts. Listen, trust, & value them. Be a team and work together.
A7 We are all on the same team (Ss, teachers and parents) and we can work together!
A7 I would share that they're part of our class family and use social media to open the window of your classroom.Smile & welcome
A7 That you don’t know all the answers and would appreciate hearing her ideas.
A7: I would tell the person not tone afraid. See parents as your ally and not the enemy. Love their child unconditionally.
A7 Make sure they a part of your classroom be open and honest, so sincere appreciation and how much you care for their children.
Yes! The p/t conference should not be the first time you are speaking. https://t.co/heFDhcnjMC
A7 start communication with parents from day 1, lets them know you truly care about their child and continue throughout the year
Got it https://t.co/coOwXZKXfe
At the time, I worked as a Student Advocate and had a team as well as several community partnerships.
Q7: It's ALL about forming relationships, being approachable, and meeting them where they are!
Gotta go! Daughter just came home from a trip. Love you guys!
A7: Remember Ps can either be your biggest Help or biggest opponent
Yes Yes Yes. I talked to 3 parents with my T wife at the grocery store today. https://t.co/35D8CNJ7OE
A6: We should be so in-line with Ps on a daily/weekly basis, that formal conferences should be rare. It should be natural!
Be proactive. Make contact with every child's parents early in the year. Be real, transparent. https://t.co/HOHckYrRbt
Q7: If you could voice to a pre-service teacher about connecting with parents, what would you share? https://t.co/jWuRr8YcDL
A7: Pre-service Ts: Always make deposits w positive calls, notes about kids to their families. Be proactive and honor each child.
As strong leaders, we must change the game. Culture is indicative of what leaders tolerate.
Right on, Kellie! Doing those individualized assessments helps a bunch when developing plans.
Nice work, I hoped you remember the groceries!
A7 I'll say it: don't allow a prnt to walk all over u, either. Keep convo prof & focused. Lang must be focused & thoughtful
A7: To DO IT! Communicate ad nauseam. Building those relationships and becoming a team are keys to Ss success.
A7 - To reach the whole child, you need his parent too! Education is changing (finally); it is imperative that u bring P's along.
A6 This is the goal, notice every stakeholder has a heart & a smile. Be concrete & have an action plan. https://t.co/8Et9TrCZ57
A8:Ss led conferences are becoming more appealing to me. Gives kids ownership of their learning, proud of what they're doing!
Wow! This was a fast moving tonight. Thank you for sharing your great ideas with the community - We will post the archive soon.
So true and the comms between school and community must keep coming back to the student and future.
A7: Understand that they may have about their children's ed & that they may make them mean but it's not personal.
A8: My library teacher and I plan to go out on our district book mobile in late July to chat w/ families before school starts!
A7: this is true of HS Ps too. I did a newsletter for each unit in a Jr/Sr AP class and got many thnx https://t.co/N2xdiNm6gb
A7: Every P wants to know what their children is enjoying at school. Use the power of social media to share the awesomeness.
A7. Don't be afraid. Make Ps your ally. There is no judgment, only Ss advocacy. Ps care and want to help/understand.
A7: I would tell the person not to be afraid. Parents are our ally and not the enemy. Love their child unconditionally.
A7: Parents feel like you do now. Never forget how u felt before your 1st day. Trust,nonjudgmental,love works best.
A6 Listen & be prepared to respond to their needs. Put your agenda to the side!
A7: Ps know so much about the Ss. A phone call is a great way to start the year. It pays dividends!
A8: Recruit 6 students to be social media interns to capture our story to share the greatness at .
A7: Ps r a great resource! Just talk to them! Involve them!
A7: Have a plan before you communicate with a parent. Taste your words before you spit them into a conversation.
A7: We are their child's #1 advocate...everything you say, think, and do revolves around this.
A7: Realize that part of your role as a teacher is to reassure parents and validate their care for their kids.
A8: Texting work samples and pics to one parent everday.
parents have to be on our side to ensure success of children
Until next time.. Happy Trails
A7: Ps are the reason we do what we do! Love them like you do the Ss. Communicate and invite them to be a part of the journey
A7: Over-Communicate. Be positive. It's not about you. You're on a 3-person team of S-P-T, all for the S. https://t.co/zNL3FZ7Pp0