#2ndaryELA Archive
#2ndaryELA is a group of middle and high school English Language Arts teachers looking to share ideas and best practices. We chat every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST using #2ndaryELA. We'd love for you to join us!
Tuesday September 13, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight’s chat! Please introduce yourself. Tell what & where you teach. Share your blog link if you have one.
Hi everyone, I'm Sara. I teach college composition and British Lit but I used to teach 7-12. https://t.co/eXt0FFdXB3
Evelyn Trevino. So California English teacher :)
Ugh! My internet is SOOOO SLOW right now and chat is about to start! Oh, what to do? Darn, you, internet god!
Welcome, Sara! How long have you been teaching at the college level?
Julie in KS, I've been teaching for 15yrs, I currently teach 9th grade ELA
7th grade ELA from Illinois. Piloting 1:1 this year. Also have some older computers in my classroom.
Jennifer from MO; teach future Ts; Excited for this topic!
Don't forget: use on responses & replies to others, label your responses w/A1, A2, & follow anyone chatting with us
I’m very excited to guest host ! I’ve been teaching Eng for 15 years at HS level & taught 3 yrs college level writing classes.
I'm Brynn Allison, chat co-host. 8 yrs teaching HS English & reading interventions in Philly. Blog: https://t.co/cyx1WlfdS8
Thanks for joining us, Julie!
Ooohh, 1:1! I wish I would have had the opp when I was teaching public school How are u liking it?
check out our FB group to continue the conversation all week long. 1,200+ members & growing! https://t.co/yK6MKOUmJ1
Welcome, Joyce! I’m jealous you are in a 1:1. Should make using tech easier. My school is super low-tech
Hey there! Sandy from the great state of Texas. I teach 8th grade ELA.
Jennifer from CA - 8th grade ELA, 8/9th AVID and Reading! I blog about teaching and mothering at https://t.co/gPzZEqwbyq
A)1 We use TWICE a week and the students love it! They are an outstanding company and I am happy to support them
Q1: Given the amount of digital reading students do, how do we get them reading actively online? Tips, strategies, tools?
A2. Trying to learn how to use Genius as an annotation tool. Many of my Ss print out stuff to read. It seems comp is better.
I LOVE this group! I can't believe all the sharing that goes on! Such great support!
Are you in a 1:1? I would think w/AVID u wud b, but just wondering
Devin Schoening from Council Bluffs, IA checking in for a bit tonight. I am our instructional technology program lead.
A1: When my students read online I try to have activities planned so they are reflecting on their reading
You need pro version of Newsela to use built in annotation tool. Wish my school paid for it
I'm Amy, 7th grade ELA from Berwyn, IL :)
A1: I used for the first time this week. I still want students to annotate so they are reading more deeply.
Do you have enough devices for all Ss to read at the same time? Are you 1:1?
A2: My 2nd year in 1:1 classroom. I post article of the week in a Google Doc so each S can highlight, annotate, share comments
A1: Active reading means they have to do something whilst reading - a graphic organizer perhaps?
Do they do that reflecting online or on paper? Do you mix it up?
A1 I love for personalized, challenging leveled text.
A1: Many teachers ask students to share relevant articles on Twitter and comment/respond on content. Great for nonfiction
Q1: Sometimes when reading online I find Ss do a lot of skimming.
I am a big fan of and love the option for students to share the link to the annotated piece of text.
Erin from Maine. I teach English 9 and Creative Writing.
Yes, it’s nice to have access to the articles at different Lexile levels even w/out annotation tool
What kinds of activities?
A1: I just started exploring the digital annotations possible on Newsela and MyOn last yr.
Do all Ss then get their own logins and it keeps their annotations?
how did it go? would you recommend?
I use Diigo w/my stud for all online articles. It’s awesome & compiles a growing library of resources for them
A1: I usually have something for them to do to interact with it... whether it be a google doc or a sheet of paper.
A1: I'd like to try online annotation tools. Ideas?
Not sure how it works cause I don’t have PRO version.
Do you have them share it with you? Other Ss?
A1: Annotating anything is a really important step. I just switched to a school that has 1:1 laptops, looking for new tools!!
A1: We annotate through Google docs comments. Kami is another great website/add-on for annotations. DocHub too
How did you use ? I've used it w/my college Ss, but how with younger?
not technically, but since I'm a tech manager I have a CB cart in my room. I use tech every day!
They certainly can. They can also use that link to turn in on something like Google Classroom.
Q2: Which online tools are you using to support vocab, reading, & grammar development? How are you using them in class/at home?
A1: I also use Google forms for active reading guides
A2: I use for students to study vocab words and they love kahoot!!!!
Have you ever had a pair or small group collaboratively annotate on a GDoc? I love that approach!
I do love it because it keeps their research organized. They never lose it.
Love this idea! All thru GClassroom I presume!
Yes or they can use online annotation tools to strategically highlight & make notes
They are 7th graders so we are still learning the skill of annotating.
Oh my gosh, my kids get absolutely CUTTHROAT with Kahoot! It's amazing!
A1) Another vote for google docs comments! Never assign a digital article w/out it! Love the collaboration.
A2: Vocab, grammar, reading apps - open to suggestions!!
Do you have the PRO version of ? How does that work?
A2: We use review tools available in to study and learn weekly vocabulary terms & is great for quick quizzes
A1: I use Evernote Clearly to capture article in Chrome & then annotate in
I have had them collaborate when we do a .
A2 I prefer IXL for CC-focused and differentiated grammar practice more than NoRedInk
A2: My students love reviewing vocabulary with Kahoot. Sometimes I ask them to make the games for the class.
With a common hashtag? Or on a shared classroom acct? How is it done? Great idea!
Q2: I have dabbled in for conventions. Anyone have experience with this?
A2 I prefer IXL for CC-focused and differentiated grammar practice to NoRedInk
A1 is another fun tool to have kids respond/dialogue about text
What do you create for this?
A2: I've used in the past for studying vocab.
A1 Want to include what Ss already read like FB or Twitter. Follow a newspage or handle & read articles? Discuss them in class?
I love NoRedInk for grammar diagnostics, practice & quizzes!
Actually use force copy and put link on my LMS has directions on her blog
A2: Quizlet for vocab, Grammarly for grammar, and ReadWrite for reading/writing
A2: I use Kahoot, https://t.co/xjxsut49My , and . Having kids comment on their peers' writing in GDocs has been amazing!
Just did our first article of the week on Google Docs this week. Used some "thinking marks" to annotate--also a gist and thesis.
Students love NoRedInk because it personalizes practice w/topics they enjoy.
That is awesome! Good to have the CB as a resource!
That's what I thought! Do you "grade" it? (Sorry, hate that, but many will say they HAVE to grade)
aargh. I don't know about this! It sounds cool.
I use Padlet this way! Make predictions, identify themes, pull textual evidence, etc. share on Padlet https://t.co/A66frkb16j
A1 is another fun tool to have kids respond/dialogue about text
Oohh, new one to me! Gotta check it out later!
Q3: How can we use digital tools to focus more on the process of writing instead of the product?
A3: Digital docs with sentence frames help my students write and just get their thoughts flowing instead of rushing
A3: Tools like Google Docs are amazing because students can work on the writing process without the burden or rewriting each step
A2)Send out weekly newsletter w/Smore that has past & upcoming Greek/Latin roots, also the link to the Google slides w/examples.
A2: coming in late but for vocab my kids love https://t.co/RTL5lpGu6v has digital flash cards and a matching and spelling game
I also choose really weird articles a lot. I've done one about tardigrades and even one about the BereSTAIN Bears conspiracy.😘
If your kids are already using Twitter, KQED’s Do Now Twitter Topics https://t.co/TPPRr21nfx are great!
A1 Want to include what Ss already read like FB or Twitter. Follow a newspage or handle & read articles? Discuss them in class?
I totally agree! I do PD sometimes with tech focus, & Ts always want to know how to grade it UGH!!!
A3: Tools like are great for helping kids to map out their thought process before they leap in. Love this one!!
A1:I used to love news ELA and having students work through Google classroom, now at a sign up for lab school so tech is hard
A2 love quizlet. used canva today - could make visual cards to rep. word meanings
A3: I feel like the writing process is a very personal thing. Expose kids to opps to go through that process in numerous ways.
A2: I use Kahoot and Google classroom. I love that I can embed lessons, videos, etc into Google classroom.
Q1:anyone have a school that uses office 365 and have good resources for using onenote in the classroom?
A2: Google form minilessons to break the steps of writing down into smaller chunks (thesis statements, topic sentences, etc)
I use StudySync https://t.co/IDTCAWU20O w/my stud! Growing digital library, built in annotation took, dynamic ready-made lessons!
A3: Maybe by using things like nearpod?
Me, either! How does it work?
A3: strategy I learned from to comment in Google while Ss are writing. Best formative instruction I have tried
Can't believe I"m so far behind already! Can't we stay longer than 7:30? ;-)
A3: That being said, opportunities for real-time collaboration, editing, feedback and revision are integral to composing online.
A3 use Google translate for revising - kids paste in writing, listen to it being read, make changes on their doc.
Yes! Synchronous editing has been a GAME CHANGER for me! Glad you are using it too.
I love the idea of breaking writing into mini lessons.
We don't have enough tech so if it is a station then they reply online but otherwise it is paper.
How does that work? Does each S have own acct?
Love the idea of Google translate. Is this an extension?
Q3:In Google docs Ss can share their writing with another student. Ss can also highlight and write notes for each other.
Ts who I have shown it to love it!
That makes this so much easier!
A3: Most natural tool is Google Docs since it allows for comments andco-editing. Promotes
If you need another example, is happening right now, and it's ON POINT!!
Q4: What are the biggest challenges you face using tech to support reading & writing? Possible creative solutions?
A4: Minus wifi issues is the best solution for reading and writing because the articles are current and relevant
So true! When stud write in isolation & teachers grade in isolation, we miss an opportunity
A4: Writing assignments completed on iPads tend to have more errors than those typed on comps. Hard to get students to reread
These are awesome for reading responses! Love how it filters to spreadsheet for ease in rdg thru all responses!
So then do you have a tab open for each student at the same time?!
A4: Always seems to be that ONE KID who leaves their 1:1 device at home. Always make sure you have a hard-copy solution!
Moving writing back into the classroom has totally shifted my focus to the process (& away from product)
My college Ss even love ! I use it for reviews or pre-assessments
A4: I am looking for good Google Add Ons or Extensions that read to students and allow them to annotate PDFs.
A3: there's a site called the Hemingway app I think that looks for different things as you edit and revise
Totally agree! I have no idea how I’d teach w/out Google apps & easy collaboration w/them.
Q4: I find that I get behind at times because there is a wide range of technology skills in the classroom.
A4: The dreaded "technical difficulties," of course--wifi issues, errors, etc. There is no solution. You have to embrace it all.
A4 Not all students are equally "literate" on using all devices
A4: It's too easy for students to look up answers, lit. responses, analyses, etc. online, Also too easy to plagiarize
A4: Biggest challenges right now are ELL students - I am all about the visuals. Other tips besides Google translate?
is a great tool! Do you have Ss make their own or do you make them?
A4 parents 'editing' kids work at home. Drives me nuts - esp. when parent complains about 'their' grade!
A:4 Honestly, I feel like the hardest part for my Ss is getting logged in and creating meaningful work...in 50
A4: Balancing fiction and non fiction. Finding mentor texts that complement each other. Solution: connecting info text to novel
A4: limited access to computers and wifi. Let Ss use cell phones sometimes.
Me, too! I make them for EVERYTHING! They are just SO handy!
A4: Tech/wifi not working. Only have 7 Chromebooks with 29 Ss. Solutions=stations, group/partner work, or plain pencil & paper
I agree and I don't. Doesn't take long to get used to a S's writing style & plagiarism sticks out like a sore thumb!
We don’t have tech for every kid either, so I often use Station Rotation of that reason
A4: also, the challenge/question of "is the tech improving my instruction" vs just using tech for the sake of using it, you know?
A4: Some of my students live in rural areas and don't have Internet access or a reliable connection.
Also never been easier for Ss to research ideas, connect with human sources and share with an authentic audience.
Great tip. We have Google Classroom for the first time this yr. Agree great FA.
no extension - just Google it! great for ELL too!
A4: students don't understand not using internet during assessments and many don't have the stamina for reading/writing for long
I’ve got a 90 min block & can get through 27-30 kids if I really stay focused & don’t leave my chair ;)
Ss put essay in shared folder, I search title in Drive and navigate by S there
I’ve actually done that, but it can slow down your computer & cause it to overheat
Q5: I have tried, but not all Ss have internet. I do stations in class to make it work.
Keeping me on my TOES!! I don't reuse the same materials from year to year anymore, and I don't want to! https://t.co/UsGqg2cUWv
Also never been easier for Ss to research ideas, connect with human sources and share with an authentic audience.
Q5: Have you explored blended learning models like Flipped Classroom or Station Rotation? Challenges, successes, outcomes?
A5: I use station rotation 3x a week. The students love it and they rotate through by the end of the week with all the stations
A5: My students love blended learning and so do I. We have used it for stations (often) and the flipped classroom a few times.
Side note when using google docs if you have tabs of diff Ss they will all show your name so Ss think you are watching#motivation
A4) Resolving the mentality that just because I can doesn't mean I should. Not doing tech for tech's sake. Shouldn't be a fad.
Yep! There always needs to be a plan B. https://t.co/n0jFNTNxKD
A4: Always seems to be that ONE KID who leaves their 1:1 device at home. Always make sure you have a hard-copy solution!
A4: also had issues just watching all the students use tech appropriately. Many Chromebooks were damaged throughout the school
A5: I'd like to try a flipped classroom - just have to ensure everyone has access.
A5: I've found it difficult to integrate a flipped classroom because my HS English courses don't include much direct instruction
That’s the attitude you have to have to use tech because tech hiccups are a given. I try to roll w/it!
A5: I have implemented blended learning through and station rotation I flipped back to school night
Easy to get caught up in tools available to us. Writing is still about coming up w/ideas, articulating ideas and sharing ideas.
LOVE this idea! I'm going to try it very soon. great blog post!
A5: I LOVE stations! If it's well organized, it works great! I use checklists for each station.
That’s cool! I did some college level writing courses online, but have stayed put at HS. Love that age.
A5: LOVE blended learning. I have a must do may do list so students work at own pace and I can check in person or online
suggested Genius web annotator as Chrome extension for pdf annot
I believe for Ts allows you to view student screens as they work
Thanks for chatting with us tonight & to for hosting. Next week's chat: grading. See you on 9/20 at 8pm EST
A5: Stations all the way, flipped classroom, not so much. Not sure about wifi access at home or what my flipped videos would be
What do you do? Do you spend time tchng those skills or ask others to assist?
Nearpod is a great way to make sure everyone is on pace and can give input during your presentations
exactly! Technology, even with its hiccups, is still so much better than the "old school" paper/pencil methods
OMGoodness! That is so ridiculous!
I totally agree! I try to model for stud what it looks like to hit those bumps & NOT freak out ;)
Thanks for the chat! I will have to check out all of the tools recommended!
It was my pleasure to host ! Thank you for having me. https://t.co/ahQAUcLxHB
Thanks for chatting with us tonight & to for hosting. Next week's chat: grading. See you on 9/20 at 8pm EST
A3: app leaves recorded audio feedback on doc so Ss can see writing while hearing feedback
A5. I used both. I'm using stations in a developmental English course to get them moving.
Oohhh! I'll have to check it out! We just switched from your classes...so hard!! Even if it's just 10 minutes!
At least if it can't be done in 50min, then it autosaves if , right?
A5. I use a flipped model in my blended classes. I see students 50% of the time. Videos with integrated ?s via etc
Thanks for all the great ideas! I've got about a dozen tabs open right now! You guys are awesome!
Wonderful! My own kids' Ts make them keep phones out of sight. Irritates me 2 death--it's a computer in pocket!
In middle of activity or lesson I will make quick fixes on the fly. Larger challenges I bring in reinforcement.
Me, too! But I teach AT the university! ;-)
A5: flipped classrooms don't work from me. Ss have to watch siblings or have responsibilities at home. HW isn't encouraged.
Almost forgot! Edpuzzle is a site where you can add a video and break it up with Q's even used audiobook vids on YouTube
This is a challenge for anything that's new & different, right? New book, new strategy, etc. It's just a tool
Uhhh...totally just realized I read your blog last week! Ha! Loved it! 👍👍
I put in-class writing assessments into my course so if u don't know the material u can't get an A.
Does your school stay open so kids can use labs? Or library?
Yep! That's actually what we did today! Saved it for tomorrow!
I wholeheartedly agree! It's not plagiarism if you build on someone's ideas...connect w/expert is even better!
Does anyone use seesaw as a digital portfolio? Trying it out but don't know what I'm doing.
A5: stations seem to = tons of prep & planning. I just don't have time now. High energy preK S with me now!
Do you have one you can share? Would love to show this to future Ts in my classes!
Ss need to see Ts problem solve too! A part of the
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