#21stedchat Archive
Our mission for our 21st century chat is to create a positive 21st century learning environment for our students by sharing resources and ideas that has worked in our classrooms. Join us every Sunday from 8:00-9:00 PM (EST) on Twitter using the hashtag #21stedchat. All are welcome!
Sunday October 23, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to Tonight: Helping new & veteran teachers integrate tech. PLS Intro yourselves.
I am Jill from NC, Director Personalized Learning and co-host.
Nathan and who are the cubs? Are they an expansion baseball team?
I'm Emily. Student at Elon University studying to become a high school math teacher
Hi all, 5th grade teacher from CA
Q1 coming up shortly. Where is everyone?
Hi, Rachelle from Pittsburgh, Span & teacher, popping in :)
I'm Megan from WV. Participating as part of a PLN assignment, but also a business teacher interested in integrating more tech.
Recovering from yesterday's W?
Q1: How to we help new teachers integrate tech without adding more to their plate.
Hi everyone! Judy from MI, upper elementary media specialist.
A1) Work with them to add tech to an existing lesson. Work along side them.
Resources that do not require extensive amounts of time making it work for their classroom.
Tweetdeck is acting slow tonight hmm
A1 Encourage them to try 1 new thing, something that has many uses, but can be an easy add in, then build
Hi! I'm Megan from South Dakota State Universtiy, studying to become an elementary teacher.
Yes, agreed, I just refreshed it
my rule is that the tech or app can be taught to a newbie in less than 1/2 hour.
A1. Baby steps. Slowly integrate tech into lesson plans and guide/oversee them
A1. Encouraging them to try one new tech tool and mastering it.
A1 Don't force . Be present, be supportive, and model success.
A1 look at it 2 ways augment their favorite activities with tech options or use tools that students like 2 make easier
I really like that. Once comfortable, it's time to try something new! https://t.co/jF4ghXj47m
A1. Encouraging them to try one new tech tool and mastering it.
A1 lend them some of your successful tech ideas or steal them from
A little late...Amie from southern IL - 6-8 academic intervention; currently developing PD for colleagues on tech integration
A1-Start small! Meet them where they're at and model how technology can help them transform a lesson. Follow up and collaborate
6th grade science, fully integrated NGSS
A1 use minecraft. Isn't that the answer to everything
Q2: How can we make in roads to tech resistant veteran teachers?
Susie 4th Grade Dublin Ca A1: lead by example. Model lessons that use tech and share. Create together.
A2) Offer to help them incorporate tech into an existing lesson. Lead by example.
But tech will help them cheat easier....
A2. Same way, have them try one new tool and have them master it
and remind them that all people make mistakes is important for Ts too. https://t.co/yX1QkpJaaK
Q2: The advice from works here too - encourage them to master one tool. All Ts get overwhelmed!
A2: start small. Buddy up. I have my Ss go into a class to help with a tech based lesson.
A2. Actually show the benefits- observe an exemplary class. It is important to see tech work in action
A2 Start with something they struggle with in traditional setting. Find a solution together even if it's not techie
A2. Have them attend a blended class to see the students' perspective. Focus on augmenting inquiry and critical thinking skills.
A2. Principals should MODEL and be the change agent during their PD/meetings to help other 'see' it in action
A2 Have conversations, share ideas, encourage to take 1 step, try somethng new, share our exper/hw it benefits
A2-Build relationship first! Honor their voice, take an area they're struggling with, help them find success with tech, repeat.
cheating is the new collaborating
A2 i think it needs to be an expectation rather than an option. Steps forward are good. Model/support the process
If they can cheat easier, it's likely that the project wasn't designed well.
yes! I'm developing a presentation for our next PD day. Going to use a for self-directed learning
Q3: Turning answer into a question. What if we have tech resistant or anti tech admins? How do we bring them along
it seems like the answer to Q2 should some how be 🌮
A2 We should listen to and honor a non-tech idea that veteran teachers have mastered. That way, they are more receptive
B prepared 2 do a lot of hand holding & when they try new things, show up 2 lend a hand.
A2 seems like we've had this discussion for years now...the tech resistent teachers shouldn't be surprised. Time to move along.
Hi! I'm Samantha Simonelli and I go to Albright College, I am studying to be a high school history teacher
A3) Bring admin along by working with the staff. It's the culture of the whole school
A3 Present the tech ideas to the admins the same way we would to the students. Let them see the benefits themselves.
A3 Have them come into your classroom to see tech in action or offer them to help with a PD/meeting and model the tech for them.
A3: Show benefits. Show data. Start small
Tech resistant teachers are afraid of having to take time to learn something new. Help them by giving clear, simple instructions
A3 Invite admin to classrooms as often as possible to see the tech in action. Be the change you want to see!
A3 Show enthusiasm for the tech WHILE it's being used. Get kids involved in helping.
A3. Give them book Innovator's Mindsets for a holiday gift as a hint. ;-)
A3 share ideas, new exper, show benefits, invite into CR, also have Ss share work,
We try to provide elbow to elbow training. Not just sit & get but sit and guide.
A3. The climate of a school begins with admins. Remind them of that & their openness
Remember to use the hashtag share your ideas with all members.
A3 have students talk to the admin. Student voice is sooooo important
Q3 weave it subtly into everything (communication, surveys, etc) and then apply to classroom.
A3 offer to demo tech tools at staff meetings for everyone
A3 have them come into a classroom and see what is happening. If they will not, time to bail
Q3b. Do any of you invite district office admins into your room?
A3b maybe that can be tricky sometimes. Too many cooks in a pot might get messy
A3. When I was in the classroom I did and I get invited now.
A3b all the time. Loved to have the supt spend time in classroom to experience hands on lessons from students using tech!
Just did, in a round a bout way. Need to do more of this. Slightly nervous A3b.
Q4 coming up next. Don't forget the tag.
Q4: How do you share your tech expertise or new tech?
A4. Create a blog! This allows you to share and illustrate the tech you use- to admins, teachers, students, etc.
Doesn't mean they have to teach. Every admin should be in a classroom teaching at least 1x / qtr
A4: I'll speak w/ ind. Ts that I think are receptive and willing to try something new.
I was thinking they are there to taste the food not cook it. You could have them try it themselves tho.
Great idea to share via a blog https://t.co/M5asy1JoEk
A4. Create a blog! This allows you to share and illustrate the tech you use- to admins, teachers, students, etc.
I wasn't saying teach, but sometimes when outside of school comes too many want their input on what is shown
Q4b. Do any of you have "tech minutes" in your staff meetings?
A4) I share through twitter
A4: google drive with my team. Google Classroom with my Ss
A4 with the phrase,"Have you checked this out?"
A4 I share w/ colleagues Tweets community
Is your staff that connected?
But this requires time ... :)
A4b: yes! Get involved. Be seen. Share. Invite others.
A4) We don't have tech minutes at our staff meetings
Where staff can show something techie they have found and or use in class and share w/ whole staff.
Q4: Tech Luncheons, send screencasts via email, blog, web site, twitter, staff meetings/PD, anytime I can get someone's ear.
A4: By being a coach & cheerleader for those willing to try.
Have you used swift with your K-3 students? If so, how'd it go?
Ab4: No. but sounds like a great idea!
A4b: Each Tues we have PD from 2-3. Many times it will be dedicated to tech. Although downside = can get overwhelming
A4: I have tried to flip & use tech. Not going well right now, but not giving up.
Q5 We need to take it down one brick at a time.
Q5 We need to help them find purpose and "hold their hand" as they work through it. Don't give up on them!
A5 with those folks it takes time for talking and relationship building to get them rolling
A5: How about taking them to lunch or bringing something in for them. Food goes a little ways to breaking barriers.
A5: I walk hand & hand w them. We try one Jong at a time and I am sure to admit my failings.
A5. Patience. Step by step process but worth it
That would definitely work for me https://t.co/sGOw1sYg2H
A5: How about taking them to lunch or bringing something in for them. Food goes a little ways to breaking barriers.
Q6 Let's look at the opposite end. How do we slow down the T that wants to try everything constantly.
you can leave them. You have to keep having conversations. Maybe bring something they like to do into class
A6 let them open their class where each group of uses a differ by tool
Agreed. But I don't have time to work with everyone. Though I am willing.
it is talking 5 mins to talk. That is all we are saying
A6: I haven't found a good answer for myself yet! Focus on outcomes and learning, not the tech tool is best I have so far
A6: Not sure that's my job. I'm not an admin or dept chair. I might offer advice & suggestions.
A6: You don't. You let them keep moving ahead and be there when they and if they need you.
A6 Focus on Ss. Is constant tech change working for Ss?
A6) Encourage them to focus on a few tools to help the students. Be there if needed.
Q7: What one tech tool would you offer a new or veteran teacher that is easy to use & good for Ss?
Oh, 5 minutes I can spare, periodically. Missed that.
A7) I'd offer up Twitter. Can connect and learn with others.
A7: Powtoon or Screencast!
Q7 Twitter as Ts productivity tool and Google Docs for Ss.
A7 paper. I know all of saw this coming. We need to get back to paper.
Thank you for joining tonight. Join us next week as we discuss engaging Instructional strategies!
A7: Depends for what. Organization? Content? Ex: I ❤️ but not all Ts find it useful
I have doings a lot of getting back to paper talks lately
Great chat everyone. & I can't do this without you. Make sure you root for the Cubs this week.
A7 I would say Twitter if they aren't on it, or join a Voxer group for ideas, or try some tool for engaging Ss more
My Ss love creating with & and others
Google maps work well for this. Students can pin various landmarks, etc.