#educoach Archive
The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Wednesday March 9, 2016 9:53 PM EST
The chat starts in 5 minutes.
Looking forward to talking PD after attending all week!
I hear we're talking PD models on tonight...
My tweets for the next hour are for my favorite chat of the week. Hello friends!
Good evening Let’s start by introducing ourselves and sharing a success story from the week!
Good evening! I'm Amy, from CA. My is celebrating the great teaching & learning I've seen in 110 classrooms since 2/1.
Talking about PD for the next hour on the chat. Join me!
Instructional Coach in Northern Minnesota-- success from the week is learning how to edit video to use in our new teacher academy!
Hi all! Lauren, K-5 Instructional Coach, Indiana. My is data collection through video of instruction w/Ts working on goal.
Bill from IL. My was a successful 1:1 Chromebook launch with my students and learning alongside my colleagues
Lindsay, instructional coach from OH. My was facilitating a great lab site visit w/ Ts and enrolling a new set of goals
Rachelle Hill. Hays CISD. Ready to chat!
Good afternoon from Melbourne, Australia Just dropping in for a bit before my next class :)
Dan, Instructional Coach in Derby, CT. Success story is becoming a Google Certified Educator!
Sounds great! What tech tool are you using for video editing?
Good evening . Great to be here. I'm Kathy a co-moderator. Just had a great virtual coaching call! https://t.co/2e4FrEV2B6
holy cow! 110?! I can't imagine all the great ideas you have gathered!
Good evening . Great to be here. I'm Kathy a co-moderator. Just had a great virtual coaching call! https://t.co/iGgFwpfrqk
Hi from Chicago! Seeing Ts embrace new tech tool tied to learning goal was my this week.
Aija instructional coach in CA, looking forward to sharing with all of you. This is my 1st time here.
It's been fun! I started a new job in Nov. & a colleague & i are visiting all new teachers to prepare our induction.
Good evening everyone! Name is Noelle Leslie assistant principal in NC. Success story- was apart of ... https://t.co/Wlpb3ICTsp
Good evening, . Jay, principal from Merton, WI checking in. is having our coach demonstrating use of
Just wrapped up Level 1 myself - congrats https://t.co/vVVML4M5SX
Dan, Instructional Coach in Derby, CT. Success story is becoming a Google Certified Educator!
sounds amazing and very worthwhile!
Amy Instructional coach @ DCHS. We did a Twitter chat for our staff PD this morning!
congrats! That is very exciting new!
That is such a great feeling- congrats!
I am a secondary coach from Texas. It's been a great week! We started our own T video library of great strategies.
welcome! You will love . Such a great group of educators!
I would love it if my staff could do that = one of my goals! https://t.co/HFwDbKLkT9
Amy Instructional coach @ DCHS. We did a Twitter chat for our staff PD this morning!
- one of my favs, versatile, lots of privacy options, non-content specific
Reminder: Our next Better Conversations book study chat w/ will be on March 30. We will discuss chapters 4-5.
that's a good one! Glad it went well!
Yay, Jay! At least I found a chat! I want a !
Let’s get started. Tonight’s topic is Different models of PD for teachers
Q1: What are benefits to differentiated PD opportunities for teachers (vs traditional “sit and git”)?
You'll love this group. will give you a free trial, I think.
Toshila, Assistant Principal from Houston, TX.
Awesome! Twitter is a game changer! I'm coached, as well!
Jessica, public Montessori instructional coach from TX
they are amazing! I wish every T had one.
A1 meet them at their level, just like we differentiate for students in the classroom
A1: Adult learners appreciate & deserve a voice & a choice in their PD.Differentiation & allows that opportunity.
Kevin, IC in Minnesota, my win has been working with a cohort of Ts exploring culturally responsive teaching strategies
A1: Ts have different learning styles, too. More likely to stick if PD shared in different ways
A1 model for Ts what it means to truly engage your audience
A1: When we differentiate PD for Ts we are modeling what we need in the classroom and respecting our Ts as individuals
good point about learning styles!
Right now! Come on over! You know I'll be dropping some love.
A1 We've moved to build huge amounts of continuity and choice into School Improvement Days and feedback has been glowing
A1: Sit and get doesn't stick. Actually doing it makes it become meaningful to you.
This is one of my favorite topics!
A1: Ts are more invested bc they're passionate & engaged about the topic. They're more likely to be risk takers. More enjoyment.
A1: time is used more effectively as it's directly customized to teacher's need
What do you mean by continuity?
RT : A1: Allows teachers to have input and the PD is customized based on the teachers needs
A1 You get to be in charge of your learning, voice and choice, passion and engagement. https://t.co/bBEXhfmV2h
Q1: What are benefits to differentiated PD opportunities for teachers (vs traditional “sit and git”)?
A1 Talking head, sit and get, spray and pray PD goes no where! Differentiated allows for voice, choice, meaning making, SUCCESS
A1 differentiating for Ts needs increases likelihood of buy in & taking a small step toward doing something new or different
When PD is differentiated for Ts there will more appreciation & ownership and more buy-in
Choice is key- Ts setting own goals, personalizing their own learning
A1. I believe that if we want Ts to differentiate instruction then we need to model that through PD.
A1: offering choice in PD allows for T autonomy and increases buy in for ongoing growth
Sorry - my dog is attempting Sit and Get ... I'm sitting and he wants me to Get him outside. BRB
A1- Tailored to needs of teachers means more engagement & motivation.
Teachers take 2 "courses" that stretch over the mornings of 4 School Improvement Days. One also https://t.co/nbdrINNJWv
What do you mean by continuity?
I think we also need to get out of the mindset that PD has to be large group delivery. As prof. we learn in a variety of settings.
A1: The more it is about them the more meaningful PD becomes.
A1 Differentiated PD is personal, relevant, motivating, empowering, respectful, professionalising AND more efficient!
A1 Differentiation makes for much more relevant offerings and can appeal to more learning styles
Boom. RT : A1. I believe that if we want Ts to differentiate instruction then we need to model that through PD.
Sounds interesting- thanks for sharing!
Q2: What different methods of PD have you or your teachers found to be beneficial for ongoing adult learning/growth?
A1 Collective autonomy is the number one thing teachers site they need to maintain motivation.
Aperil from Metro Atlanta. Elementary school Instructional coach. Glad to be back at
A2: On-going & job-embedded are critical, which is where coaches have been successful!
a1 get them engaged instead of just talking and getting tuned out https://t.co/urAiOjZJmO
Q1: What are benefits to differentiated PD opportunities for teachers (vs traditional “sit and git”)?
A1 Differentiating PD builds confidence in hesitant Ts who are not ready to release responsibility to Ss
A2 EdCamps, menu of pre-determined options, flipped instruction with more time for discussion. https://t.co/XiRNz6aynJ
Q2: What different methods of PD have you or your teachers found to be beneficial for ongoing adult learning/growth?
PD can no longer be a one size fits all. If we don't have those expectations for Ss, we shouldn't for Ts https://t.co/7oDZd6ytYA
I think we also need to get out of the mindset that PD has to be large group delivery. As prof. we learn in a variety of settings.
Q2 can't tell you it will work just yet, but I'm about to start monthly lunch and learns
A2: Teacher leader led PD. It increases buy-in and content is received better when it comes from colleagues.
AGREE! An ENT doesn't go to a training about podiatry. Let's honor Ts.
A1 I see coaching as a catalyst for more discerning choices of PD activity
I agree. But we still see staff "meetings" and even large conferences in the same style.
A2- PLCs & small groups, district twitter chats like & for regional perspective.
A2: We have tried flipped PD, teacher-led PD, chats, , and informal get togethers..flipped ranked lowest w/Ts
A2: Surveying Ts on their interests and creating breakout sessions to meet their needs on PD days.
Us, too! The Ts say what they want to learn, and we form sessions and opportunities to support what they want.
Question about flipped PD-- I have a hard time getting my Ts to actually do the rdg/watch the video before the discussion. Ideas?
We are looking to start a district chat & a local edcamp in the near future!
A2 a combo of time 4 reflection, goal setting, learning, putting learning into action, debriefing, connecting to student learning
a2 for me, anytime i have a chance to discuss and get ideas about either after or during https://t.co/4aZEbNf0EC
Q2: What different methods of PD have you or your teachers found to be beneficial for ongoing adult learning/growth?
Q2 I love opportunities to engage in inquiry and to connect across grade levels
Yes! RT : A1 I see coaching as a catalyst for more discerning choices of PD activity
That's interesting since there's so much hype about flipped for students.
A1 PD can be a catalyst for coaching too - - Coach me in the implementation of this PD
A1: Just like Ss, Ts appreciate choice in prof. learning. If Ts are interested in topic, they'll naturally want to learn more
A2: combo of workshop series & 1:1 coaching
I want to start a district-wide chat also. I already have the hashtag!
Can you say more about this and/or share example when coaching led to more thoughtful PD?
Yes, but we had/have a lot of Ts still overwhelmed w/the tech...trying to encourage more risk taking
Give them choices- content they WANT to explore further! Or have them recommend resources!
I would assume the same thing for some s
I completely agree. I'd love a Teacher Genius Hour. Or life, but I'd take an hour...
A2: Flipped PD, voice in choice in several learning strands/inquiry teams, integrating meaningful tech.
We have to get more of our district staff on twitter before we start ours... but I know it can be successful!
We also get topics, then we shoulder tap teacher leaders to lead. 70+ teachers have faciliated over 2 yrs https://t.co/jYnTcnx1cY
Us, too! The Ts say what they want to learn, and we form sessions and opportunities to support what they want.
do you feel we are settling for convenience rather than focusing on need?
A2: self directed learning stations with real info. Treat them like grown ups. Value their time.
Our district chat has helped some Ts to connect with others in district they normally wouldn't.
I'm definitely in the same boat!
Q3: What are barriers to trying new/different methods of PD?
Yes, sadly, that is sometimes the case. There is also some content that is mandatory/ relevant for all to hear....
I also created a slack for my school
A2 Efforts to avoid "drive by" PD have included courses and follow-up networks afterward
A2. We recently experimented with flipping our PD. videotaped our content & gave teachers PLC to discuss classroom applications
A2 - We've also had some success with book clubs outside of school hours as another form of PD.
A2:Stations with technology, art,and writing. Anything we want to see the students doing.
a2 also have used t do PD showing how they are using whatever they are presenting on in class
A3 TTWWADI (Need to change mindsets of admin and teachers) https://t.co/2Cqy1kKWIR
Q3: What are barriers to trying new/different methods of PD?
We're a fan of those, too https://t.co/vReANtf7wM
A2 - We've also had some success with book clubs outside of school hours as another form of PD.
How is that going? I have a slack group that someone recommended I start.
a3 maybe scared of failure before actaully doing it? https://t.co/ompK4B5uwE
Q3: What are barriers to trying new/different methods of PD?
Q3 Believe it or not, admin can be a barrier
I agree. I wish we could get away from that mindset and find different avenues of communicating need to knows.
We started "Teaming on Tuesday" series of PD with class visits. Positive response! Here is an example: https://t.co/21Plxxrjw1
again, trying to get more people to join, but I think it could work out pretty well for us
A3:Time, resources, mandatory content for staff (compliance issues, etc.), the feeling we need permission to step oustide the box
A3 - PD calendar set months to year in advance sometimes makes scheduling a challenge, esp. when you want particular groups of Ts
A3: Teachers that are stuck in the sit and get mind frame.
A3: Sometimes people get used to routines...they are uneasy when you try "new" things...takes lots of trust/time
A2 We also just started "Learning Exchanges" across schools. Here is our blog post with info: https://t.co/DadUAknsrQ
Exactly! I also tried to avoid using staff meeting time for things I could share in an email/ memo.
I'm learning that wkg with adults, that's a theme. Ts all need something diff. Benefits of having an
A3: Time, convenience,keeping goal focus; voice& choice=time to methodically meet needs which many don't want to take time to do
Hold PD without the admin. That would really be personalized.
Would need to dig deeper into each specific situation. Why is that person or that team a barrier?
Time can be a barrier so finding ways for embedding within school day is best for us!
A3: Fear of change; sometimes we are our own barriers in being nervous to try new things
A3: Teachers feeling that PD is infringing upon their time.
convincing that school/student improvement is more important than relationship building with Ts
A2 We also just started "Learning Exchanges" across schools. Here is our blog post with info: https://t.co/18Qpde4sbl …
Lots of barriers. We need to be the shining examples of quality professional learning!
totally agree, although sometimes the emails can become impersonal
A3 Barriers often perceived more than real
A2: We have used Twitter chats, teacher-led choice PL,
Instructional walks, video, reflection, etc...
This makes me ;( I hope staff can empower themselves to show their leader a new way.
A2 We started "Teaming on Tuesday" series of PD with class visits. Positive response! Here is an example: https://t.co/LVm0zB2nUi …
We do this. My principal often steps out so that Ts can feel more comfortable asking questions/being open.
Tough convincing Ts that constant improvement/growth doesn't mean you're a bad Ts...just means we can do better for Ss
We started a district chat this year. It's so cool talking to Ts from diff levels.
A3. I believe one of the biggest road blocks faced in PD is the teachers mindset. vs.
Agree. Important to get to the root cause of the barrier and then work on solutions.
My admin did the same for Ts to come up with a problem of practice for instructional rounds https://t.co/FzTVtsD7L8
We do this. My principal often steps out so that Ts can feel more comfortable asking questions/being open.
Q4: Is there a difference between professional development and professional learning?
but at the same time, impersonal on need to knows= more time for personal focus on professional growth
A4 I think it's just semantics. https://t.co/SRAZcZmwLi
Q4: Is there a difference between professional development and professional learning?
Have you seen this?!? https://t.co/ZiFTO4RNyZ Possibly the most deprofessionalising PD I've ever seen! Feel for the teachers :(
I get frustrated with "problem admiring" when we don't stop talking about barriers https://t.co/p7VWW1nCwo
Agree. Important to get to the root cause of the barrier and then work on solutions.
Time to log off and go to sleep. So glad I got to chat tonight!
A4: In my dist. we consider PD the content-based district-wide work, & prof. growth the optional, personalized learning.
I wonder if Ts don't want to do something on their, "own time?" We haven't flipped, just curious.
Q4. Professional Development happens "to" you. Professional learning happens "with" and "by" you.
A4 Professional learning is something I do. Professional development is something someone else provides me
I have worked in places where that would be true. In fact, Ts were advised not to.
That's a good point. Maybe if there is scheduled time for the flipped part of it, it would help.
I wish there had been a coach for me to help me implement ideas from PD. I need lots of help!
No, they didn't mind that...it was the tech that bothered them...being uncomfortable makes Ts unhappy
A4:Is there really a difference? At the end of the day, it's about approach & methods to reach goals no matter what it's called
Before I go, I wanted to plug the Voxer group for this chat. I've been using it to make such valuable connections. See you there?
I am so bad at keeping up on voxer groups, but will try!
A4: Well, the definition of learning includes a change in behavior. With PD you get a CEU regardless of if you've changed behavior
Interesting point. How can we provide support to those that may be uncomfortable?
I thought there was a group, but I'm not in it. - help?
I agree. Coaching is a safe way to take risks in prof. learning! Building trust is so important. https://t.co/wayhBaaQuX
isn't that what coaching can be? Safe way 2 take risks in prof learning that may or may not be initiated by admin
Q5: What might be ways of personalizing PD for teachers?
ok, I agree with that. It's continued professional learning that's optional even if you get the PD.Good point!
I have really been loving using Voxer lately. I can help!
Do it! I've loved connecting with other Ts in my district that I hadn't met!
It's an evolving definition- my job is Director of Prof Growth!
A5 Ask them what they need. They will tell you and then you can find ways to support their learning. https://t.co/SNkbkon69h
Q5: What might be ways of personalizing PD for teachers?
Oh, I love voxer too, I just got in too many groups. I find a do well in smaller groups there too.
A4: It doesn't matter to me what you call it. What matters: mindset, choice, support, and a goal of impacting students.
A3: A growth mindset in Ts: change is difficult & Ts want different as long as it looks the same & doesn't take up extra time.
A4: prof dev external, what you take in; prof learning more the internal change in thinking & application of prof dev
have seen sites that offer pd sessions for ind ts, let them pick from a list on a paid site https://t.co/VkWB1zhFKD
Q5: What might be ways of personalizing PD for teachers?
This is true...I do worry abt my Ts who say they don't need anything...we all need to grow somehow
A4:I'm not a coach,but I work with a gr8 one .I think PD is taking existing ideas&advancing them. https://t.co/fCGT4trOkg
Q4: Is there a difference between professional development and professional learning?
love it! Depends on the mindset too. For the lifelong learners, it's terminology bc they seek to grow in any way.
A4: shouldn't be-professional development (either as an event or process) is an opportunity to seize for professional learning
A5: Ask Ts what they want to focus on; start w/ their strengths; use Social Media to bring new life!
A5 To the previous question, by building culture around PL rather than PD
It they don't need anything, have them be the ones leading the PD.
A5 - is full of personal choice & voice. Connecting PD with individual teacher goals is another way.
A4: I think PL is bringing new ideas, independently learned and learned from others & incorporating them into the classroom
I went to the makerspace at Library Literacy Summit. Loved the stations! Learned and made a book!
A5: We support teachers to create their own book studies of their choice in books.
A5: Give opportunities for Ts to explore their passions. Like an adult genius hour. Let Ts do inquiry and share findings with all
Thanks ! I must step out early. Have a great night planning your next !
Q6: What are ways of interweaving PD within teachers’ work day?
A5: Personalize PD by allowing Ts to determine goals for growth that the IC can support them to achieve through reflective convos
We are trying a book study for our Ts as an asynchronous option. Hoping it will gain momentum!
A5 Personal growth plans, school or district Twitter chats, making sure Ts have a role in PD/PL, not just receiver.
And I agree. Everyone needs to be learning and growing. Even Michael Jordan needed a coach.
A4: Depending on the mindset of the learner, PD is where you go to increase your PL. However, PL can and should occur any where.
A6: Classroom walkthroughs are awesome PD...cover for a T so they can see what their peers are doing https://t.co/Ce6qxMh0pB
Q6: What are ways of interweaving PD within teachers’ work day?
A5 This graphic has helped some - learning comes from many "nodes" instead of from one source https://t.co/sBx88IVSMb
Saw a tweet the other day - What if each T tweeted on success in their classroom a day w/school hashtag.
Who adds the members? I'm not in the group, but I'd love to be! Username in profile!
A6 Tech Tuesdays (before school) and Lunch and Learns and book chats (before or after school) https://t.co/emdD54b0Wm
Q6: What are ways of interweaving PD within teachers’ work day?
A5 sometimes personalizing pd also means sharing what options are out there for growth. Too open ended can leave some stuck.
So often we don't even know the great things happening in our own schools! https://t.co/2ZDPrxpWuw
Saw a tweet the other day - What if each T tweeted on success in their classroom a day w/school hashtag.
That has been on my list of practices to set up, but just haven't done it yet.
Our Ts do also when counselors come to do their monthly lessons
This is a great connection back to overcoming isolation! https://t.co/1MTNGjCLCj
Saw a tweet the other day - What if each T tweeted on success in their classroom a day w/school hashtag.
A6:Lunch and learns or utilizing tools like blogs, Twitter, , flipped PD. Ways Ts can connect at any part of their day.
A6 Building a community of coaching! Ts can coach each other!
Q7: What roles might collaboration play in PD?
There aren't enough of us - we have to build this capacity https://t.co/kd7aE4ijke
A6 Building a community of coaching! Ts can coach each other!
A6 a lot can be done with a half day release to go in to another's classroom and reflect on what Ts will take back to their own
Do learners of all ages need these things for effective learning? What would you add for children? https://t.co/0xxuxHT3uq
Yes! Learning from our peers is essential!
A6: Encouraging Ts to use their prep period occasionally to visit colleagues' classrooms with their coach
I would have to agree! It has become my lifeline at times!
A5: Focusing on T weakness can lead to the feeling of "all they see is what I'm not doing". Building on T strength is important
Perfect! Great things always happening in
is also a great follow for a multitude of fresh PD options
A7: Teams working towards same goal together; building off Ts strengths to share PD with other Ts. Collaboration plays many roles.
Clearly I do...since I did a GHO on an iphone. :)
A7: collaboration is the foundation for true community of learners; we learn From & With each other to be our best selves
A7 We have had a lot of success facilitating collaboration among our area coaches. Learning comes from the room, not us.
A7 It's often more fun to learn together than to learn alone. https://t.co/r2cxJSudFt
Q7: What roles might collaboration play in PD?
It's insane how my PLN and my learning has grown since I started my twitter journey.
A7 I collaborate with other Ts and coaches who have expertise and I can learn from. When possible bring these Ts to your school
Coaches if you need fresh ideas join on Mondays at 12pm CST for great discussions abt a variety of topics.
A7 We have included an ""/Open Space in each of our coaching network meetings. Participant driven topics/choice.
That's the beauty of collaboration - learning from each other (insert social constructivist theorists).
Keep posting it, friend. I need the reminders continually!
Q8: What are ways of infusing playfulness and enjoyment within PD?
A7 collaboration makes coaching more facilitate economic and less directive. Less scary. More safe https://t.co/4jQi527qQf
A7: "we are stronger & more effective when we work together & push one another to grow"
We've sent some simple forms to get T input.
A8 Add videos, add funny survey questions, have a theme, take a risk and try something new. https://t.co/EomibEvbRm
Q8: What are ways of infusing playfulness and enjoyment within PD?
A6: Love this idea. Coaches can connect Ts with similar ideas or areas of interest.
Have to duck out. Thanks for being thought-provoking , as always
A8: I always try to start with a funny video clip that I can somehow tie in to our topic (even if it's a big stretch!)
always has great stuff! !
A8: I've played w/Ts before; using different collaborative protocols switches things up; snacks are always good!!
Please just keep making these for me and send them each hour.
A8 we've used kahoot for fun and Ts can pick their own name--usually a great way to find laughter
videos are always great! Laughter is good for the soul!
A8: I like to use play language during PD: play, experiment, tap, swipe, explore, test, try, laugh, smile, etc.
Q9: What are some take-aways for you from tonight’s chat?
A9 When planning PD ask "What would engage me as a participant."
A9 Jessica's spelling is getting better now that she's the secretary for the week. https://t.co/8WVnTWdItt
Q9: What are some take-aways for you from tonight’s chat?
A9 continuing to find ways to make pd personal while still aligning with building and district goals
A9: We must be willing to give Ts the freedom to have voice and choice in their learning if we expect them to continue to grow.
Very funny! My auto-correctidis only kicks in when I'm on a phone/tablet!
It usually turns into many, many minutes. I don't want to miss anything!
Q10: What are topics you would be interested in for future chats?
I see what you did there...
No...Jay just knows that I'm literally subbing as the school secretary this week!
Thanks for another great chat everyone. You always motivate/inspire me to be better!
It's been pretty neat, but some Ts hate hearing their voice on .
A9: integrating and modeling choice, personalized learning in PD continues to be a goal
But, the autocorrect didn't work in your tweet. I thought it was on purpose! :)
You'll love it! The authors are great and are actually Ts.
Q10: Is the future of education headed in the direction of disintermediation? https://t.co/hlZzYGtdYd
Q10: What are topics you would be interested in for future chats?
A10: What disintermediation means
Hi ! Yes! We have! We have done an exchange across districts on an institute day, so we're are interested!
I was trying to be funny. Hope it didn't sound rude! Already deleted.
Good night ! Thanks to co-moderator . will return next week. Great chat everyone!
We did this for our inservice. It's amazing how strong a foundation can be when we put our heads together.