Welcome everyone to the first #inTLchat. Please introduce yourselves for the next 5 minutes while we wait for participants to join. Tell us where you're located. How much coffee you've had already, etc =) FYI I'm a #giffan
Hello #inTLchat friends! I’m Stony, a TL in Hot Springs, Arkansas at Lakeside High School. I’m drinking tea ☕️ for my caffeine this evening- and I’m super excited for this global opportunity to learn together 🌎!!
While we are waiting to kick off our #inTLchat, here is another great # to follow: #edtech4good
Love the questions, the positive assumptions and the ACTION.
Hi everyone! I’m a primary teacher librarian in Hong Kong. Participating in professional development on inclusion today. Looking forward to the chat today! #inTLchat
A1: So many sessions left me hurting in a good way! The pre-con with @joycevalenza allowed amazing networking, validation of current practice, inspiration for going forward. #inTLchat
A1: @KristinZiemke extended session on the many ways we read gave my co-TL and me the push we needed to explicitly focus on how to read etexts. #inTLchat
A1: @kbonanno session on finding your genius allowed me to understand how my Blaze can make his Dynamo come alive to push our library offerings sky high (rather than be intimidated by his plethora of ideas!) #inTLchat
1: @kbonanno session on finding your genius allowed me to understand how my Blaze can make my co-TL's Dynamo come alive to push our library offerings sky high (rather than be intimidated by his plethora of ideas!) #inTLchat
I wish I could have attended the conf in Hong Kong- but connecting with numerous TLs via Twitter during the conf opened up global possibilities for me and the Ss & Ts I serve! #inTLchat
A!: @joycevalenza led the way with her usual open sharing of massive amounts of material (wish all the #21CLHK10 session materials were freely avail) #inTLchat
A1: connecting with @laurachese, @ctaylorweber and other #ECE librarians helped me gain perspective and fresh ideas about how best to serve our youngest learners. #inTLchat
A1: At #ecislib18, a session on high level research skills for IB (and up!) challenged me to expect more of students. They're ready for more. #inTLchat
Hello! I am Kaitlyn Price. I’m a teacher librarian at Lakeside High School in Hot Springs, AR. Learning all the good stuff working with @stony12270! #inTLchat
A1: every single session made me #grateful for the phenomenal resources, staff and TIME I have at my school to the absolute best job I can. Still so far to go but I seriously know how blessed I am! #inTLchat
A1: @ewanmcintosh at #21CLHK10 showed us the benefit of slow process and focused absorption - as he stressed leadership (for everyone) is about finding problems not solutions #inTLchat
A1: every single session made me #grateful for the phenomenal resources, staff and TIME I have at my school to do the absolute best job I can. Still so far to go but I seriously know how blessed I am! #inTLchat
I am @shannonmmiller and a TL speaker, consultant, champion in Iowa and Colorado, USA. I was a K-12 TL in Iowa. I am excited to see so many connecting tonight for our first #inTLchat#futurereadylibs#tlchat
I would love to know the best low-or-no-cost scheduling site/app for Ts to book library space(s) and/or tech resources and/or librarian? My Excel spreadsheet isn't cutting it these days. Would love to try something new, user-friendly for Ts. TYIA! #tlchat#istelib#inTLchat
A1: I would love to know the best low-or-no-cost scheduling site/app for Ts to book library space(s) and/or tech resources and/or librarian? My Excel spreadsheet isn't cutting it these days. Would love to try something new, user-friendly for Ts. TYIA! #tlchat#istelib#inTLchat
I've always loved food metaphors for info lit ( eg https://t.co/llBdehn2MK) so his extended session on the "curriculum kitchen" and planning lessons like a master chef really 10resonated - and fact that it takes time to get an algorithmic recipe #intlchat
One of my whys is connecting students with windows and mirrors to the world so they develop empathy and social understanding. #intlchat#futurereadylibs
A2: I want to help connect Ss & Ts to people, information, and tech in a variety of ways... to make a difference in the school library and to always be relevant. #inTLchat
Making kids diverse reading addicts, while inculcating a heavy dose of skepticism to all they see and read! Empowering and supporting children to become the leaders of tomorrow! #especiallygirls#wlead#inTLchat#diversity
A2: Once we settled on our why, we could move forward with our library redesign process AND shape our program for the remainder of the year and onwards. Never ending process; messy but exciting! #inTLchat
A2: Once we settled on our why, we could move forward with our library redesign process AND shape our program for the remainder of the year and onwards. Never ending process; messy but exciting! #inTLchat
A2 I have lots of whys. :) I love empowering others to be the best #futurereadylibs and educators they can be. I am passionate about making connections for TL, students and teachers to others around the world. And one of my biggest... amplifying #stuvoice ❤️#inTLchat
A2: I love the layers that our whys have. A good quality why is like an onion - peel back and discover even more delicious learning and teaching! Outstanding librarianship is complex and isn't easy to capture. #inTLchat
A3: Hope to connect with more inTLs like @kbillings491 to empower Ss to teach one another about geography, culture, and more. The library is the perfect place to knock down the walls and learn together ! #inTLchat
A3: one of my major passions is reading aloud: doing it, pushing teachers and parents to do it, proving the value of it. I started a global project where I offered to read aloud to other schools via video but lost steam. Interested? #inTLchat
A3: Also, if we model global connections and projects in our building and in the school library... imagine how the learning community can transform. #inTLchat
A3: @julielindsay was a key inspiration for me in making global connections when I took her #learning2 session in Shanghai. She is an amazing resource for finding #globalconnections partners. #inTLchat