Welcome warriors to the #EduGladiators chat!
Today we complete our "Making an Impact" series & close out 2017 strong w/CORE Warrior @PaulONeill1972 leading the convo on The Gift of Learning!
But first, roll call!
Who's here?
Share your name & how/where you 'gladiate' 4 Ss!
New to Twitter Chats? Qs drop as Q1...Q2... & you answer A1...A2... Don't forget to include #EduGladiators hashtag & follow @EduGladiators where ALL of our Qs drop from!
Hey #EduGladiators! Happy to be joining you for the first time today! Thanks for the tag 🙌🏼 I'm Brandy, an elementary literacy Instru Specialist in Cypress, TX!
A1) One of the most important elements of learning in #education that is often overlooked, is learning to #love ourselves for who WE are and not who others want or perceive us to be. #EduGladiators#OprahWinfrey
A1: Reading the Curious Classroom by @smokeylit and I think if we want life long curious learners we need to make sure that we teach our students it is ok to kick different doors open to discover who they are as learners #EduGladiators
A1 We must provide engaging learning experiences for them when they are in school while providing choices to learn what interests them. If they are passionate about their learning it will happen all the time. #EduGladiators
A1 Learning and enthusiasm are infectious. Students seeing teachers really getting into lessons well more likely want to know what the excitement is about. #EduGladiators
A1 Model our own love of learning, find ways to engage Ss in authentic experiences, provide time to connect w/peers, and to lead in the CR #edugladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @PaulONeill1972, @mgrosstaylor, @RyanBJackson1, @D4Griffin3, @SaneeBell, @BrendanFetters, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80
A1 change our assessments, don't let the grade be the destination, instead create evolving experiences for Ss that cross content borders #EduGladiators
A1) Found with young adults learning to embrace frustration, understand failing is not permanent & releasing the idea of perfection has reengaged their love of learning. #EduGladiators
A1 We must provide engaging learning experiences for them when they are in school while providing choices to learn what interests them. If they are passionate about their learning it will happen all the time. #EduGladiators
A1. Model, model, model. Not only content and delivery but above all ongoing deep, genuine relationships. Without the later you have no foundation and Ss of all walks can spot a phony a mile away. #EduGladiators
A1: We must know our kids in such a way that we can assist them in finding their niche, and connect learning so they see the relevance. We also need to stop isolating content, because our world doesn't! #EduGladiators
A1 We regulate everything in a student's life: from when they eat to when they can go to the bathroom. Where can we give them opportunities for decision-making & productivity through process? Let those questions guide your lesson planning #edugladiators
A1 change our assessments, don't let the grade be the destination, instead create evolving experiences for Ss that cross content borders #EduGladiators
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A1 it’s the small things that inspire ss to keep learning. We need to encourage the process of learning not the products. We need to treat soc/emo aspects of learning with more priority than standards/content. #edugladiators
A1: We’ve seen exponential increase in engagement, inspired-learning & an overall sense of empowerment when Students identity problems (both global/community) and work towards solutions. #EduGladiatorshttps://t.co/yQxqyiuJk2
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @PaulONeill1972, @mgrosstaylor, @D4Griffin3, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @BrendanFetters, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80
A2: with a passion for new technology tools, we now use Quizlet Live to introduce new vocabulary in science, the whole middle school is now using it for new vocabulary...contagious! #EduGladiators
once the teacher mindset changes the work of differentiating becomes so much easier! Stop trying to fit Ss into your idea of what learning looks like #EduGladiators
A1 We must provide engaging learning experiences for them when they are in school while providing choices to learn what interests them. If they are passionate about their learning it will happen all the time. #EduGladiators
A2) #Reflection provides us with a unique opportunity to change our thinking and perspective in regards to problems we are confronted with in the quest for a solution. #EduGladiators#AlbertEinstein
A1 get the process out of the way of learning. S’s will engage the process in a power struggle more than they ever will the learning. If they know it let them move on. It’s not about getting a worksheet done. #EduGladiators
A2 Key word in your question is time. Often reflection is regulated to the last 5 minutes of class...almost like an after-thought. Incorporate mindfully into the day's lesson & Ss will come to expect the opportunity to reflect #edugladiators
A2 Encourage reflection my modeling it. I blog at least once a week and post for our staff, but I also enjoy reflecting with others, face to face. Reflection makes us better! #EduGladiators
What if all PD focused on soc/emo. development of ss. Nothing on academic content for an entire yr. or longer. PD on courage, failing forward, empathy, listening, etc. If we did, we would begin 2c the true reimagining of education we are in such desperate need of. #edugladiators
A2 Make it part of the class discussion, model it, have time to interact w/Ss and ask Qs, help them to start being more reflective, also . by sharing experiences and how reflection has helped us #edugladiators
A2) Make reflection a regular practice. Share the difference it makes in your classroom w/colleagues; share how you make time for it so others may envision how they too can make time for it. #EduGladiators
A2. This year I started having my kids Blog as their closing activity. It's been an awesome tool for feed back & reflection for the kids. Now is't just part of our day.
A2) #Reflection will often determine the path of your #learning. Will you move forward on your path or will you have to relearn the intended lesson? #EduGladiators
A2: Be brave and demo the power. Talk about your mistakes and missteps with colleagues and Students. Life long learning should stop at the first sign of trouble it show grow. #EduGladiators
A2: I think it requires reflecting out loud so others can see the process. Not everyone reflects naturally, so transparency of reflections can help this practice become part of the collaborative culture. #EduGladiators
A2: time has to be given for reflection as this is how learning is cemented! Let them talk/ write/ draw what they remember & model for Ss who struggle #EduGladiators
A1: I think we embed the LOVE of learning by memorable moments on campus. We must activate their memories and connect it with fun experiences. Book parades, fun activities, snowball fights the ONLY day it snowed in Houston! #EduGladiators
A2: Be brave and demo the power. Talk about your mistakes and missteps with colleagues and Students. Life long learning shouldn't stop at the first sign of trouble it show grow. #EduGladiators (edit)
A2: As @ToddWhitaker says, Telling isn’t teaching. Building capacity is a Leaders imperative — this includes modeling/scaffolding a therapeutic, growth mindset through reflection. #EduGladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @PaulONeill1972, @mgrosstaylor, @D4Griffin3, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @BrendanFetters, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @ToddWhitaker
A1: One way to inspire a love for learning is to support risk taking & failure. When we demonstrate a single correct answer, it doesn't translate to perseverance, grit, and a desire to work hard to succeed. #edugladiators@PaulONeill1972#grit#risk
A2 reflection is process of understanding “why” of learning. Approach learning from a design thinking perspective as reflection is the key to taking in the past self to better inform the future self. #edugladiators
A2: Again, we have to model. When using new structures w/ the staff I will reflect at the end in front of everyone. Talk about what I'll do differently next time. When talking to individual Ts I ask a lot of Qs. For Ss - we have to provide the structure. #edugladiators
A2. Time must be made available for meaningful reflection. Allowing stakeholders the method that best works for them - sketching, discussing in small group, writing, etc. #EduGladiators
A2: I think reflection must be modeled and guided by strong instructional leaders, assistant principals and other school leaders. We must model in staff mtgs, PLCs, data reviews, and planning times. For some, we'll have to walk through. #EduGladiators
A2) Once required now a habit. Other Ts can see the results. Last week we watched the result of a collaborative work then I heard “Hey, let’s reflect quick” Part of what we do & powerful. #EduGladiators
#edugladiators When you make your classroom about the learning and not the grade, students understand the importance of learning. I like mastery over scores!
A2: We can build time to reflect with others. As leaders, there's always power in modeling. Sometimes people behave their way into believing. #EduGladiators#reflection
You have to intentionally provide opportunities, otherwise we’re on to the next thing w/o even think about what we are doing or just did! #EduGladiators
A2 To make time for reflection, build questions into each unit that help students notice what’s happening and choose what will work. Here are some questions to help students navigate the writing process. #EduGladiators
The Twitter must be acting up. Didn’t see Q2 but based on other answers reflections vital. Why did it go like it did and what can we do to repeat and improve or not do again. #EduGladiators
A3) If you are not making any #mistakes that means you are not trying anything new. Apply what you have learned, you never know what may come of it. #EduGladiators#AlbertEinstein
A2 Buid it in and use it as a long term not a 1 and done. Looking over a history of reflections is powerful. Model, provide opportunity and TIME! #edugladiators
A3) It will not always be easy, and it will require #sacrifice but; if you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done. #EduGladiators
True! As leaders, We cannot expect Ts to reflect if we don’t first model reflection and make develop rhythms in PD/school schedule for Ts to reflect. #Edugladiators
#EduGladiators A2 - Reflection gives me time to reset my focus and set my course. I got into education 53 semesters ago to impact lives. So easy to go off course.
A3: Teach students to enjoy the frustration that comes with grappling with new content & complex concepts. Stop and recognize the pain as real learning. #EduGladiators
A3: I think sometimes we need to be the bandaid and other times we just need to let them figure it out. I think as the teacher we need to measure is this failure potentially catastrophic? If not let them struggle. Strength comes from work #EduGladiators
A2: #EduGladiators We must set TIME for reflection too with our planning and PLC schedules. TIME for reflection doesn't come out of thin air when working with new/non-believers.
A3 Be empathetic with students. Remember your experience and thoughts when you were their age. Times change but basic human traits are fundamental. #EduGladiators
A3: Motivating kids to reach and exceed their potential requires letting go of the reigns and facilitating the process of discovering heir own genius. #Edugladiators#JoyfulLeaders
A3) We must validate the learning process. It can be bumpy, confusing, and challenging. However, it is this very process that effects learning.We have to have these kinds of discussions with our Ss so though can embrace the process. #EduGladiators
Its all about building capacity. Integrate into class, show how to use the reflection data, and allow frequent times to stop and process. #EduGladiators
A3 We must model this in our own learning. If it always looks like it's easy for you, then you aren't learning anything new. I started a @Sphero club last year to start to learn coding. Need to start that up again. #EduGladiators
A3) By learning with your Ss. Nothing empowered young adults more than when they could see my process & struggle. They knew they were not alone, this was part of process & they could learn. #EduGladiators
Always need time for reflection, and also using tools to help like @voxer and then using the notes to write blogs, to think through again/process #edugladiators
Thank you @mgrosstaylor. I teach graduate school admin courses. Reflections abound but more often than not S’s do not buy in right away. They are usually very hooked in the process & reflections seem like a waste to them😒 #Edugladiators
A3: I can’t see any questions...but I firmly believe that the students can give us most of the reflection and feedback we need if we will take the time and actually listen to them. #EduGladiators
All students ALREADY want to learn. They have a natural curiosity about the world. They want to understand how things work & why. As educators, we MUST be able to articulate the why behind what we're doing in class. And because it's on the test should never be it. #EduGladiators
I think as adults..we all know how to reflect..question is whether I value the practice..I need to identify what's going well and what needs to improve #EduGladiators
A3 We need to dignify the struggle of learning by helping students understand their own values and connect their assignments and interactions at school to their values. #EduGladiators
A4) I want all students to know that they are…
good enough
smart enough
beautiful enough
strong enough.
I #Believe in #ALL of my #Students and their #Dreams.
A3: #EduGladiators When I arrived on my new campus I saw "100 Boards" where Ss signed a poster if they got a 100 on an assessment. I'm helping Ts change to a "Growth/Target Board" where they sign the poster if they made GROWTH even if its 20%-27%. Shift that mindset!
A3. When you live in the risk taking, embracing the uncomfortable and you are leading by example daily the students we all serve take note. Set expectations high and students will rise to the occasion. https://t.co/5uj58ZtVHL#EduGladiators
A3 Be there with them! Share your story and help them find a way to tell theirs. Be honest about the reality and prep for the future. A Ss behavior/academic now is not their future and we should help them see that. #Grace#edugladiators
A3 Talk to Ss, and share our own experiences, I often tell about my struggles and how I worked through them, listen to Ss as they share fears/worries and be there to support #edugladiators
Interesting perspective. I also adjunct and coach student teachers. I find about half of my STs struggle to reflect. We use a framework for them to reflect (personal glows, missed opps) as well as how their actions directly impacted Ss (focus on locus of control). #Edugladiators
A3 We must model and take risks ourselves as leaders. Step outside our own comfort zone and make it real world for our students on their level. #EduGladiators
A3 Trying to get ss to talk to each other & not me. I want 2B a moderator not lecturer. It moves from exclusive dialogue to inclusive discussion. It’s been a challenge to break old habits of mine & ss. Result is ss feel more connected & safe 2 take risks together #edugladiators
Many thanks #EduGladiators for an E.P.I.C. chat this am & this school year! We are on hiatus for Winter Break returning January 6, 2018! We will continue to share resources, articles, videos, etc. over the holidays, so be sure to follow us on FB, YouTube & IG!
A4 They are my "academic family." Remember, for some of our Ss, we are their kitchen table and the only family structure they may know. That is a great gift! #edugladiators
A4) That your voice matters & you can make a difference. Do your best to make the world a better place-even small acts can make a BIG difference. That's my message. #EduGladiators
A2: Regardless of method and pathway, one thing’s for sure: We must plan for reflection as a sustained and sustainable goal... not just a flash in the pan. #EduGladiators
A3 highlight that creativity takes courage. It takes courage to stand alone. It takes courage to take a first step. Focus on courage to create brave space to fail forward. #edugladiators
A3. I think we have to hook them on the learning by getting the process out of the way. We also have to teach the value of doing something, receiving feedback & improving. Not just doing it getting the grade & moving on. #Edugladiators
A3. I have this quote in my room and the kids and I experience failures often and fail enthusiastically together - whether we are #coding#stem@breakoutEDU and more we fail together and have fun every step of the way;)
Your voice from is important in conversations about education, our country, and the world. Don’t be afraid to speak up and advocate for what’s right. #EduGladiators
A4: I think @TonyDungy said it best... The 1st step toward creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it. VISION will ignite the fire of passion that fuels our commitment to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve excellence... #edugladiators
A3 So many times when my 14 yr old struggles it’s more about self confidence a frustration than academics. Don’t forget that aspect of learning. #EduGladiators
A3) Pace themselves. Take their time. Tests may feel like a race but learning is a process - and the creative frustration is part of the process #edugladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @PaulONeill1972, @mgrosstaylor, @RyanBJackson1, @D4Griffin3, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @BrendanFetters, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80
Yes! @voxer has to be my most favorite tool I've adopted this semester! Being new on a campus, I love being able to send my feedback w/ tone so staff can hear my message w/ better understanding too of my intentions/purpose. #EduGladiators
A4 I want all of my students to believe that their work matters, their actions matter, and they matter. But I can’t just tell them that; I have to show them. #EduGladiators
A3: the idea of “Productive Struggle” is another teaching imperative Leadership must own. I model this through a #FitLeaders lifestyle, extending the analogy to academic & personal growth. #EduGladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @PaulONeill1972, @mgrosstaylor, @D4Griffin3, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @BrendanFetters, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80
A4: Progress equals happiness! Set measurable goals, identify an emotional purpose, then create a massive action plan, grounded in flexibility. #EduGladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @PaulONeill1972, @mgrosstaylor, @D4Griffin3, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @BrendanFetters, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80
A3- I do a #pantherlaunch where I explain a quote to the kids. I always do self esteem, risk taking, or something relevant. Did this yesterday! #EduGladiators
Thank you so much to everyone for a great chat. It seems like Twitter was acting up today. We may have broken it. All q's have been retweeted. Please swing back through and include your responses. I'll be reading the scroll until I've read every last response. #EduGladiators
Yes, but I'm afraid some of our Ss have had that natural curiosity beat out of them by "doing school" & lack of success on standardized assessments. We need to help them rebuild their own curiosity & love of learning. #edugladiators
So often kids hate school, hate reading, hate hate hate and it all comes back to it is difficult, I don't like it. Teach kids to identify what is difficult and work to solve rather than I can't do it so I hate it. #Mindset#adultsneedthistoo#EduGladiators
A3. First step is to model the expectation for them. I remember teaching environmental science course. Told Ss it was something different for me. So I told them when I was taking a risk trying something different to make content interesting. #EduGladiators
✔️. Yes. Teacher-student relationship gets a lot of attention, but building teacher-teacher and teacher-admin relationships are important as well. #Edugladiators
Ss are often afraid to take risks bc they fear making a mistake in front of the T and/or their peers. However, by establishing a culture of error & respect for the thinking process, they CAN overcome that. #EduGladiators
A3. (cont.) As a result, they began to take risks with activities and projects given. There were more risks taken in my first year of teaching that course. #EduGladiators
Great point! Reflection has to be a habit of practice not a single assignment. Either is helpful but greater connections are made with routine reflection #EduGladiators
A2 Buid it in and use it as a long term not a 1 and done. Looking over a history of reflections is powerful. Model, provide opportunity and TIME! #edugladiators
I so agree. It starts w/creating that culture. If the community around you embraces failures & mistakes & realizes its importance to learning, more ppl would feel comfortable taking on challenges. #EduGladiators
So important! Ts follow excellent leaders into the fire. This is a BIG reason I offer one free admin reg for my workshops with pd teacher reg. Learning together helps develop relationships, too #edugladiators
In reply to
@MrDougCampbell, @biologygoddess, @bethhill2829
A3: We as Ts can motivate Ss by being open and transparent of our ongoing educational journey through life. Too often we build an unintentional barrier that conveys the message we have stopped learning and only teach. #edugladiators
A3 Create a culture in your classroom that leads to students helping each other instead of competing. It’s frustrating enough being the last one to get it or finish a test. #EduGladiators
I have been talking to my Ss about this lately, and trying to get them to keep on pushing through those hurdles, so often they want to give up b/c they think they "can't" #edugladiators
In reply to
@RyanBJackson1, @EduGladiators, @PaulONeill1972, @mgrosstaylor, @D4Griffin3, @SaneeBell, @BrendanFetters, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80
I want children to know they are amazing, talented, and resilient individuals who have much to offer their community! The challenges they face are very real but they can/will overcome! #EduGladiators
I feel we make teaching and education in general way harder than it needs to be...kids will be honest and let us know what they need if we just ask. Most incredible lightbulb moments at our fingertips #EduGladiators
#EduGladiators know that it's important for a student to have a backpack and a jacket for school. Will you all tell me what you think of this two in one backpack?
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 now comes important work: keeping this flame lit; keeping interest and curiosity all throughout the pathways of school and education. #EduGladiators#edchat
All students ALREADY want to learn. They have a natural curiosity about the world. They want to understand how things work & why. As educators, we MUST be able to articulate the why behind what we're doing in class. And because it's on the test should never be it. #EduGladiators
I make mistakes a lot in class and always make it a point to share, and help Ss to not be afraid to make mistakes, there is always something to learn #edugladiators
A4) “You can” with the power of “yet” Young adults need to take the power of yet with them to know that they can be more independent & active citizens #EduGladiators
Agree, often hear about things Ss hate and when you take time to ask why, it is because they think they can't do it, or they aren't that good at it...yet! we have to work with them #edugladiators
#EduGladiators A2: Students remember the last five minutes of class more than any other piece. Do you want them to remember teacher talk or what they think about what they learned today? #reflection
A4 I want all of my students to believe that their work matters, their actions matter, and they matter. But I can’t just tell them that; I have to show them. #EduGladiators
Anyone and every #EduGladiators in and near the NJ area on January 27, 2018, you are formally invited to #TMCCCHack. There will be activities for kids of all ages.
Very important to set the correct metrics for motivation or students will be uninspired trying to reach goals that aren’t appropriate. Everyone can grow and metrics should always reflect that. #EduGladiators
more we “talk” about such things the more we lose them. We will never force them to learn or be interested in “what” we are selling. We have to show them the “why”. The what is just a vehicle. Hate to hear people tell S’s how important an assignment is. #edugladiators
A4 I want all of my students to believe that their work matters, their actions matter, and they matter. But I can’t just tell them that; I have to show them. #EduGladiators
Failure is only not trying at all. Pushing through tough times & learning from your mistakes makes you stronger to succeed. We didn’t learn to fly on our first try! Q4: #EduGladiators