#1to1techat Archive
We discuss all aspects of the effective implementation of 1:1 programs in schools. We are comprised of teachers, tech coordinators,administrators, and school board members. All are welcome to attend and participate. We also welcome topic suggestions.
Wednesday February 3, 2016 9:00 PM EST
Good evening! Welcome to for 2/3/16. For and me, this is our best hour of learning each week. Glad you're here!
Please take a moment to intro yourself. Tell us where you are & what you do. Add your thoughts on global warming.
We use the Q1/A1 format. Please make sure you tag your answers with a number. And add to each tweet. Lurk. Or jump in any time.
Jonathan. I co-organize w/ I'm a Library & Instructional Tech Spec at in Maine. And Prez Elect
Dana Woods MN media and tech coordinator checking in.
Nathan, on the iceberg that sank the titanic, and I love wearing shorts in the winter
With leading the convo, excited to be at tonight. I am an instructional tech consultant with in NW IA
Michael, HS Principal, Rhode Island
Q1 coming up in 1 min. We're discussing ways to rethink traditional PD models & how to design PD yourself that meets your needs
We're discussing ways to rethink traditional PD models & how to design PD yourself that meets your needs
kyle - network admin from philly
Happy Wednesday, Michael!
Q1: Describe a LARGE group PD opportunity that values your input and responds to your needs. https://t.co/36sSqulWWI
Evening Erin and Commodore
Shellie, HS Math Teacher from IL
A1 would the answer you ar looking for be
Lib/Info/Tech Integrator in ME. Hoping for gr. 5 1:1 sooner than later.
Jon, HS Spanish T & Tech Mentor in NJ. Its not Global Warming, it is Climate Change and it is a big problem.
A1 Can I get an EDCamp?!?
Passengers drive the bus
a1: i don't really get to participate in large group pd, so not much i can contribute to this question.
Rob from Dallas. 8th grade T in 1:1 iPad independent school.
a1 The best large group pd I've been a part of is the edcamp style unconference
A1: Hmm...has embedded support,challenges, designed to support my individual learning, freedom, conversation-so
A1 - Virtual Day. Ss in classes for day. Ts proctor classes 1/2 day and other 1/2 for collaboration, self directed PD, etc.
A1: self run edcamp. Ts offered topics and led discussions on our first day back after holidays.
that's impressive. i'd love to get an edcamp style day of learning at my school.
A1: Large group PD is only successful when it's willing to tear itself apart and differentiate.
I imagine that was a great way to come back to together...
Brandon - Geometry teacher, coach, etc. from Alabama.
It was for those who are on board with participating in such things. I led 2 sessions a/b grading.
differentiation is key...not always done, and not always easy to do as a designer of learning, but it is essential.
A1 can I also add the Edcamp after party are good sessions too
Jumping on sentiments, was a terrific event!
suppose that is true of any learning situation-it is what we make it.
Too funny I wrote woots as well- wasn't sure it was in anyone's wheelhouse. If anyone was going to understand :)
John from Saco, ME. Hist Dept Chair and Tech Integrator. Sorry I'm late.
Sorry I'm late! Kdg teacher from IL checking in to
Definitely. Have to keep on keeping on.
Can also try a simpler "playground" to explore new concept, while more experienced go to "show & tell"
To those of you just joining us, there is no LATE to . It's self-selected, personalized PD. We're thrilled you're able to be here
Hi I am probably not going to be chatting (lurking though) because my hubby (a math T) asked me to teach him twitter! :)
Q2 coming up in 1 min. We're discussing ways to rethink traditional PD models & how to design PD yourself that meets your needs
A1: Can I have an AMEN. And a SANDBOX (time to play with what you are learning about). Cements it for Ts https://t.co/H1N2GglKho
Can also try a simpler "playground" to explore new concept, while more experienced go to "show & tell"
A1: Is there such a thing?
A1: Is large group PD? That works for me. We've created a forum for lots of people where everyone's voice can be heard.
Q2: Describe a SMALL group PD opportunity that values your input and responds to your needs. https://t.co/EEbWQtAUCO
I love playgrounds and poster sessions at ISTE as it gives me opportunity to explore, converse, play.
Differentiation is a crucial concept for students to teachers to parents to community...
A1: A positive bunch, ready to discuss triumphs and trials, and ready to TRY. Time for application, discussion, new thinking
yes...one size fits no one.
We did it in KC at -Supts pitched issues; community formed teams! 1 workday; pitch solns!
A2 School organized inquiry groups based on T interests. Sm group settings mtg 5x to explore topic. Positive results
A1.2 So, basically, and Twitter :)
Oh, he's an expert on unicorns and glitter. LOL. I will share out his twitter handle once he gets one.
A2: That the small group is "driving the bus." The small group creates the PD and moves forward from there.
Welcome, Laura! Great to see you here!
A2 Protocols- hate them until you actually commit. Fantastic list- some duds, but many, many gems
Well, I don't lurk very well.
ERIN OLSON!! I'm smiling so big. Love seeing you. Your energy is contaaaagious, and in a good way.
A2: these chats and attending workshops/conferences w/ colleagues
A2 ANY TIME PD is created using basic good teaching norms, I'm a fan. WOULD WE LECTURE NONSTOP TO KIDS?! https://t.co/MUfUj12Rdk
Yep. Having the will to jump into the fray and give anything a try is probably the most important thing.
So sweet! Right back at you, my dear!
A2 When teaching teams are supported w/ time that is well used collaboration can occur. Grassroots PD!
In a lecture hall PD I play on twitter. I play. I don't listen very well. I don't sit and get very well either.
Why didn't somebody tell me it was Wednesday. Got caught up in Madoff on TV. I want my millions back!
Hello Nathan Stevens! Lovin the pics on your profile. Keepin it real.
A2: Too often PD is done to learners instead of WITH...imperative culture supports learning and all that process involves.
A2: We've done a theme with multiple options. "Telling Your Classroom's Story" then breakout sessions: Blogs. Twitter. QR codes.
A2: Small groups are many... groups, chats, edcamps, coffeEdu, "sure shots"
I am actually a living paper Lego minifig my students made me on the app
Walking that fine line of getting Ts the info they need & making it engaging. Deliver info via video ahead of PD
Q3 coming up in 1 min. We're discussing ways to rethink traditional PD models & how to design PD yourself that meets your needs
Hey Forgot to mention it's Wednesday. My bad. BTW It's February. And 2016. https://t.co/NWuFyXypUF
Why didn't somebody tell me it was Wednesday. Got caught up in Madoff on TV. I want my millions back!
A2 chats are my small groups
I have learned a lot from in his design of professional learning, honoring each learner with support and challenge.
a2: led a small group PD on social media two years ago. it was well received and attended. too bad none of those Ts are tweeting
Q3: In large AND small group PD settings, how can 1:1 tech enhance the offerings for faculty & staff? https://t.co/SV3w3T5QeA
A2: Grade level or similar, positive, reflective. Share examples, research questions together.
And listening to their input is what we need to give them ownership.
A3: 1:1 can improve communication between large groups of people. It can increase collaboration.
A3: Easily can connect a learner to the supports, challenges, inspiring minds...anytime PD, anywhere.
Some kind of Twitter bug - I can only see a handful of tweets no matter what I do, can't even see Qs!
A2: Perhaps my best PD convos happen w/ groups that have common interests/needs. Dept?Grade leve?. Range of skills but has focus
Just as I did not OWN the learning as a teacher, I surely do not OWN it as a designer of learning for edu.
a3: Ts get to actively participate instead of writing down notes to try out the lesson later. assuming they took good notes
A3: I do stations w/ QR code linked flipped PD. Walk up w/ iPad & only scan/interact w/ the ones you need. 10 options choose 3.
A3: In large groups we can utilize backchannels for Ts to share what they're learning.
A3: 1:1 tech allows participants to play. Not just sit and stare. Opens the doors to the world for PD as well.
like the idea of stations, time to explore, interact, choice...always appreciate.
FWIW, note-taking has been a concentration killer for me since I was a kid.
I like stations more than separate presentations, otherwise just moving from 1 bad PD to another
A3: PD-as staff we're used to 1:1 ratios. But when we come to PD w/quick cloud access to all our "stuff", everyone benefits.
A3: It also allows participants to connect with like minded people all over the world. Makes the box much smaller to get out of.
A3b: we need to make sure support staff has equal access as well.
Q4 coming up in 1 min. We're discussing ways to rethink traditional PD models & how to design PD yourself that meets your needs
When showing/sharing tech-I follow a Show, Play, Plan format, so there is creative play time-time to consider implementation.
a3: 1:1 PD also leads to distracted Ts. they are no different than Ss.
A3 needs to involve play. Time to learn
Q4: When have you created (or have you seen) self-designed PD that was effective? What made it work? https://t.co/lZ2GbcjGRF
Shocked at how few Ts and Ss realize they have Doc Scan apps to capture docs as PDF's
Stations are great - especially if they are place where Ts can explore and play - not just listen more. https://t.co/TLamc9V5ba
like the idea of stations, time to explore, interact, choice...always appreciate.
That is so true. So, PD needs to be engaging so that we don't stray! (Hubby is still working on calculus so, I chat!)
A4: & I emphasize (Teachers Teaching Teachers Tech). Form a cadre of peer leaders to run groups & Ts choose.
When I do the proctor training for the state test, it is done using . Ts fight to win.
a4: i created a whole "summer camp" self-paced site last year. put a lot of work into it & it was poorly "attended".
Need to make them accountable through writing reflections. This helps model what Ts should see in classrooms from Ss
having a hard time to get them to blog. i only know of two Ts that actively reflect on their pedagogy.
Our Ts aren't blogging either. Have them write reflection into GForm. Make it part of PD requirement from admin
I blog. Not too often, but I do blog.
HA! HA! you're funny! if administration doesn't do reflections, why should they?
Q5 coming up in 1 min. We're discussing ways to rethink traditional PD models & how to design PD yourself that meets your needs
Everything we try with PD always comes back to Admin backing & required vs. optional. Then they just want 1 to 1 help
Q5: So you went rogue. You sat and got no more. You needed X and you made X happen. Tell us the story. https://t.co/kU1Pqukf9f
A4: Any gamified gets my attention with self paced PD. Was a gamer growing up, starting with Pong, and still am. Love quests.
A4: Only self designed PD I have been a part of has been Twitter.
A4: Honestly, the best PD I design...I design for myself.
actually, 1 principal made all lower school Ts blog. but it's just substitution(good substitution) for paper and email
A5: I joined twitter when other
Ts were afraid of twitter. I learned and and one of few Ts that teach that way.
A4: Tweeting, blogging, simple observation of other teachers in my subject or other subjects.
I entered Twitter in 2010. Amazed by people I have learned w/ and from...grateful I have access to enthusiastic, passionate edu.
My hubby uses Legos to teach multi-variable calculus.
A5: I left a PD session when it was still considered rude.
We can't just tell Ts they "need" to do it. We need to sell them on the why. Why it helps our Ss .Then they buy in.
and keep telling them and keep telling them and eventually they ask. It's the only way that works.
Not rude to let your feet do the talking. If you're not being fed, then no reason to stay. I'm going where I'll grow
Now that is the case. 20 years ago, it was considered rude.
Q6 coming up in 1 min. We're discussing ways to rethink traditional PD models & how to design PD yourself that meets your needs
3 years of for me. I've met some great members of my PLN here, and grown a ridiculous amount.
3 years of for me. I've met some great members of my PLN here, and grown a ridiculous amount.
Q6: So now I want to design my own PD. But please don’t make me reinvent the wheel. Resources? People? https://t.co/ADCaGLYtA2
i've been telling them for at least the last 5 years.
Hey peeps. My hubby, is now on twitter. Show him some <3.
A6: Follow the Edcamp model, but make sure Ts voice opinion early about what they want - not just 6 sessions nobody asked for.
Yep, and tonight he finally decides to join. Need to show them the value too!
it's easier if you're married to them. ;-)
Not rude to let your feet do the talking. If you're not being fed, then no reason to stay. I'm going where I'll grow
A6: Take time to listen to the Ts let them help build what they want/need. Make it a grassroots movement.
Pulling them in 1 by 1 works too. Hopefully he can pull 1 in, and its a domino effect.
is coming up in 1 min. Time to reflect on what you learned this evening from this discussion. https://t.co/SLPcKxEf4w
: What did you discover during this evening's chat that will improve your practice TOMORROW? https://t.co/Fsw9nIcDOP
A6: Twitter - Blogs - do a Google search! People:
Watching domino effect last couple weeks w/ Ts that were resistant to tech. Thanks Discussion boards
i have an open door for any questions but Ts seem to learn better from each other. but they don't come & learn.
Appreciate all of you! Thank you so much for joining. AND special thanks to for leading tonight.
A6 All of the twitter chats, edublogs, groups that I participate in.
I discovered all kinds of new connections for planning thanks for connecting
Persevere. If you want it to work, you'll make it work, even if it takes time.