Rik in MA fascinated by the engagement and dedication of our Standards-Based Learning Crew and honored to lead alongside @garnet_hillman each week. Join us NOW! #sblchat
Good evening and welcome to #sblchat! We are chatting about how Standards Based Learning works with Professional Learning Communities. Please start intros...(name, role, location)
Ken O’Connor finally home on a Wednesday night in Toronto. Looking forward to #sblchat while watching “The Roar for the Rings” - the Canadian Olympic curling trials.
A1 - Our PLC Teachers at the end of the year determine the Power Standards (Posts) and Supporting (Rails) to know our focus for Learning Targets for the next year. Thank you @AinsworthLarry. #sblchat
A1 Prioritizing standards is essential - there are just too many! Consider what students must master to be successful at the next level, which skills cross from one content area to another, and trust your professional judgement! #sblchat
#sblchat I love this, but some curriculum coordinators in some districts have said they are all equally important when teachers asked for clarity on prioritization. This isn't informed or helpful.
Identifying priority standards for each subject on the report card guides focus for learning, teaching and assessing. The priority standards allow for an excuse to not cover content that may have been previously taught.
A1 Prioritizing standards and "what is essential" is even more difficult in multi-school districts. Lots of cooks in kitchen. Must trust in the professional judgments of peers. #sblchat
#sblchat To help, many, many schools and districts have already prioritized and mapped out the relationships among standards for some of our subjects taught in their schools. Use them to build your own thinking instead of reinventing the wheel.
A1 sharpening the saw - getting to know which standards are already strengths (thanks to precious teachers) and identify (personalization ) what each student needs. Don’t all have to work to same standard at same time! #sblchat
A1 - all about prioritizing & creating great curriculum / UoS around the prioritized standards. Add to that 4 PLC corollary questions to guide collaboration around What we want kids to know & how we know they know it. #sblchat
A1: I suspect as many do, I consider endurance, next levels, external exams, etc., but I also trust my gut some and I also consider fit for me. If 2 standards are otherwise "equal," I go with the one that I feel I fit best. I know that's probably out of bounds, but... #sblchat
A1 Learners comprehend what they read, know academic vocab, apply concepts, think critically (analyze, interpret, & make connections), create original outcomes as evidence of learning, write, & speak/listen to communicate #sblchat
#sblchat To help, many, many schools and districts have already prioritized and mapped out the relationships among standards for some of our subjects taught in their schools. Use them to build your own thinking instead of reinventing the wheel.
A1. Great insight. I would add that the content of some standards have enduring importance beyond their significance in a sequence of learning. Some things are just important or special on their own merit. #sblchat
A1 Prioritizing standards is essential - there are just too many! Consider what students must master to be successful at the next level, which skills cross from one content area to another, and trust your professional judgement! #sblchat
#sblchat To help, many, many schools and districts have already prioritized and mapped out the relationships among standards for some of our subjects taught in their schools. Use them to build your own thinking instead of reinventing the wheel.
A1 I also like Ontario’s approach of organizing standards for all assessments into 4 categories -KTCA - Knowledge and understanding, Thinking and Inquiry, Communication and Application. #sblchat
Great way to get started with the process. Multi-district collaboration - how novel! If you have a prioritized concept for district 1, it most likely applies to district 2. #sblchat
#sblchat To help, many, many schools and districts have already prioritized and mapped out the relationships among standards for some of our subjects taught in their schools. Use them to build your own thinking instead of reinventing the wheel.
In ELA w/ Core I try to include Focus Standards for all 4 areas: reading, writing, language, and speaking and listening. Further, we distinguish must-meet standards in our Focus Standards. #sblchat
Prep for Q2... #sblchat
Inter-rater reliability - that’s consistency between teachers with understanding of the standards, assessment, and success criteria
Q2 How do you ensure that inter-rater reliability is developed among teachers regarding what you want students to know, understand, and be able to do? #sblchat
@RoweRikW I couple this with @AinsworthLarry Rigorous Curriculum Design to create our district curriculum template. I teach Curriculum Design for @LindenwoodSWMO & it has been a successful format for years. #sblchat
A1 I also like Ontario’s approach of organizing standards for all assessments into 4 categories -KTCA - Knowledge and understanding, Thinking and Inquiry, Communication and Application. #sblchat
A2 - The Teachers in our Professional Learning Community (PLC) exchange Standards, sequence, importance, and connections within and across courses for cohesive learning. #sblchat
A2 Inter-rater reliability with standards stems from collegial dialogue. Teachers need to deconstruct standards in teams where everyone takes part. Think about the difference between something you help create versus something that is handed to you... #sblchat
A2 In all honesty, that's a tough one! We can look at student writing for example, and the scores from various teachers are all over the place. Need time and practice to get on the same page. #sblchat Suggestions???
#sblchat Sure hope subject-like teachers independently grade the same student products then compare and calibrate their assessment and evaluations thereof. Also, once criteria are determined, design the tests and rubrics together as well -- 'Will focus thinking on evidence!
We use clusters or what we and I believe @tguskey calls strands. It makes the card less daunting but can still create uncertainty w stakeholders all around. I think u have to do it & assess & adjust. Just like our instruction. #sblchat
A2: We hold monthly inter-rater reliability staff meetings in which our teachers work together in groups on grading assessment questions and come to an agreement on the grade assigned. #sblchat
RT Q2 How do you ensure that inter-rater reliability is developed among teachers regarding what you want students to know, understand, and be able to do? #sblchat
#sblchat Sure hope subject-like teachers independently grade the same student products then compare and calibrate their assessment and evaluations thereof. Also, once criteria are determined, design the tests and rubrics together as well -- 'Will focus thinking on evidence!
A2:Collaboration, collaboration, collaboration. My grade-level PLC and I meet for a 1/2 hour every morning minimum. One of our best tactics, I believe, is that we "do" the practice and "take" the performances that we ask the kids to do, so we can live it & learn from it. #sblchat
A2 Calibration. We put a lot of emphasis on collaboration (which is good), but too often we leave out the calibration piece. This is critical for sustainability and fairness. #sblchat
A2 Calibration. We put a lot of emphasis on collaboration (which is good), but too often we leave out the calibration piece. This is critical for sustainability and fairness. #sblchat
Q2 How do you ensure that inter-rater reliability is developed among teachers regarding what you want students to know, understand, and be able to do? #sblchat
Q2 How do you ensure that inter-rater reliability is developed among teachers regarding what you want students to know, understand, and be able to do? #sblchat
A2 PLC’s working on shared decision making about priority standards and performance standards and then doing shared marking of student assessment evidence. #sblchat
A2 for “big” common assessments, we have done group scoring with a focus on exemplars and performance standards. Not always perfect as I am swayed by ‘author voice’ while another prefers focus on punctuation....range of reliability is where we go back to... #sblchat
Thanks, Rik. Looks like I should re-familiarize myself with @AinsworthLarry's work. Is there a particular book or resource that you recommend? #sblchat
In reply to
@RoweRikW, @AinsworthLarry, @AinsworthLarry
A2 Inter-rater reliability with standards stems from collegial dialogue. Teachers need to deconstruct standards in teams where everyone takes part. Think about the difference between something you help create versus something that is handed to you... #sblchat
A2 PLC’s working on shared decision making about priority standards and performance standards and then doing shared marking of student assessment evidence. #sblchat
#sblchat Another way to ensure consistency is to discuss multiple ways to express the same evidence, which can be done as long as we're not actually teaching the test format itself. Example: Could sts demon proficiency with rotation/revolution via dance, writing, interview, etc?
Thanks, Rik. Looks like I should re-familiarize myself with @AinsworthLarry's work. Is there a particular book or resource that you recommend? #sblchat
In reply to
@RoweRikW, @AinsworthLarry, @AinsworthLarry
Consider both inter and intra rarer reliability. Bring 1 Ss work sample u r certain & another uncertain. Blind score first, discuss, agree during PLC #sblchat
A2 Our district held district-wide moderated marking in math (grade 10) and English (grade 12) courses for 15+ years. Release time provided. Great conversations! #sblchat
Q2 How do you ensure that inter-rater reliability is developed among teachers regarding what you want students to know, understand, and be able to do? #sblchat
A2: I just spent the day with teachers deeply exploring standards and reaching agreement on what they mean, the targets that lead to their development and the criteria for proficiency. Working together is so important and rewarding. #sblchat
A2: single point rubrics that really consider what we are asking the kids to do and how we will articulate our criteria in a way that is accessible and understandable to the kids. And that same criteria are used for practice as well. #sblchat
A2: single point rubrics that really consider what we are asking the kids to do and how we will articulate our criteria in a way that is accessible and understandable to the kids. And that same criteria are used for practice as well. #sblchat
#sblchat Sure hope subject-like teachers independently grade the same student products then compare and calibrate their assessment and evaluations thereof. Also, once criteria are determined, design the tests and rubrics together as well -- 'Will focus thinking on evidence!
A2: Groups of Ts, working in concert, have proven to be more reliable than computerized grades. The #ProfessionalJudgement of Ts is a powerful tool! @tguskey#sblchat
#sblchat Another way to ensure consistency is to discuss multiple ways to express the same evidence, which can be done as long as we're not actually teaching the test format itself. Example: Could sts demon proficiency with rotation/revolution via dance, writing, interview, etc?
Consider both inter and intra rarer reliability. Bring 1 Ss work sample u r certain & another uncertain. Blind score first, discuss, agree during PLC #sblchat
#sblchat For consideration: The "common" in common assessments can refer to common evidence, NOT just common vehicle, format, or conveyance of the evidence actually being assessed. Sometimes we get too bogged down in a uniform delivery mechanism, instead of the intended content.
Thanks, Rik. Looks like I should re-familiarize myself with @AinsworthLarry's work. Is there a particular book or resource that you recommend? #sblchat
In reply to
@RoweRikW, @AinsworthLarry, @AinsworthLarry
#sblchat For consideration: The "common" in common assessments can refer to common evidence, NOT just common vehicle, format, or conveyance of the evidence actually being assessed. Sometimes we get too bogged down in a uniform delivery mechanism, instead of the intended content.
A2: We have collaborative scoring in department PLCs for our student growth assessments that are part of teacher evaluation. This practice has created the opportunity for spillover into other assessment scoring. Great PD for Ts. #sblchat
A3 My favorite way to gauge where students are each day is via conversation. You get a lot of information in a short amount of time all the while building relationships. IMHO biggest bang for your buck! #sblchat
A3 - For regular Formative Assessments (FAs) we gather data to guide the next days' instruction, we use Google Forms, Exit Tickets, and collaborative questioning. #sblchat
#sblchat For consideration: The "common" in common assessments can refer to common evidence, NOT just common vehicle, format, or conveyance of the evidence actually being assessed. Sometimes we get too bogged down in a uniform delivery mechanism, instead of the intended content.
#sblchat For consideration: The "common" in common assessments can refer to common evidence, NOT just common vehicle, format, or conveyance of the evidence actually being assessed. Sometimes we get too bogged down in a uniform delivery mechanism, instead of the intended content.
I appreciated it when common assessments helped uncover unexpected results - had some colleagues who insisted that grammar was #1 issue. Turns out we needed to focus on Form (writing) #sblchat#themoreyouknow
#sblchat I think some are limited by a push to protect standardization protocols, and they forget that they are actually trying to get accurate reports of students' learning. They develop a universal format that actually doesn't allow all students to express what they know.
A3 Conversations with kids. Actually have been writing a lot about it recently. Here's the newest, if anybody is interested. Move to the Middle https://t.co/SOQF4O5MrT#sblchat
A3: We reflect each day in our Journey Journals. I am a big believer in reflection. And, too, I am a proponent of simply having check in conversations with kids. If I don't have the convo the indicator--numbers, thumbs, etc. don't work as well for me in isolation. #sblchat
A3: increase student talk time and then listen to their conversations. It's a quick and powerful way of making thinking and understanding visible. #sblchat
A3: Conferring, observation...any way to make thinking visible. Documentation, video...all ways of getting inside the heads of our learners so we respond, cheer, celebrate . #sblchat
A3: We reflect each day in our Journey Journals. I am a big believer in reflection. And, too, I am a proponent of simply having check in conversations with kids. If I don't have the convo the indicator--numbers, thumbs, etc. don't work as well for me in isolation. #sblchat
A3 - Personal conversations are extremely powerful and additionally in a digital world, "Flipgrid" allows S's to provide insight from a personal self-reflection perspective. It's a 2-minute max tool... Quick, easy and engaging for most S's. Thinking becomes visible! #sblchat
When we practice we often produce writing samples created in pods of 4 - lessens the anxiety of being wrong and allows for collaboration. Next step is to try it individually with more confidence. #sblchat
A3 - Personal conversations are extremely powerful and additionally in a digital world, "Flipgrid" allows S's to provide insight from a personal self-reflection perspective. It's a 2-minute max tool... Quick, easy and engaging for most S's. Thinking becomes visible! #sblchat
I so agree. A common assessment is good but scored inconsistently doesn't yield an accurate view of S understanding. Ts defending their opinions with passion and evidence is how the system gets better and kids benefit. #sblchat
A3 Informal conversations during check-ins throughout class. Move around the room. Be present. Or use a quick sweep through Gdocs with one comment specific to progress toward a standard while Ss work #sblchat
Asking questions that vary in complexity at appropriate times can guide discussions and lead to pertinent responses, perspectives and evidence.
A3: Such a tough question. Can I say everything? I seem to always be always taking the temperature of my students through talking with them, observing them, questioning them, having them prove concepts to me, teaching me, etc. #sblchat
Dean, I have kids journal too. At the start of every class. Pus the brain in the right mindset. Reflection comes from conversation at the end. #sblchat
A3: I am so excited by the work of two teacher groups in my district who are exploring formative assessment-using targets to engage students, families, to self-assess, invite goal setting, confer, and reduce anxiety. Such exciting action research. #sblchat
A4 - Our PLC is using weekly Common Formative Assessments (CFAs) to plan for stumbling blocks, to share ideas, to leverage department expertise, and have common data to analyze for heightened Student growth. #sblchat
A4 Common formative assessments provide data that teachers can use to inform instruction and practice. They can analyze data and plan intervention/enrichment together. #sblchat
Nice! I love having Ss do writing practice in groups, too! It forces them to slow down the process and make their thinking visible, as well as lets them learn so much from each other! There is so much embedded modelling that happens in that! #sblchat
A4 when part of a descriptive feedback loop, formative assessment can be valuable information to set learning targets for “next steps” (or interventions) #sblchat
#sblchat Take that metaphor just a bit farther, Kirk. As a thermostat taking the temperature, you're also then adjusting things in response to what you observe. Observation, data collection, and taking the temp is fine but useless if not accompanied by responsive action.
We've been asking our Learners to summarize our learning in the last 5 minutes. Maybe a writing reflection could be an alternative to the collaborative exchange... #sblchat
#Reflection is a critical skill to guide thinking, learning and growth.
Monte Syrie @MonteSyrie
A3: We reflect each day in our Journey Journals. I am a big believer in reflection.
A4 Common formative assessments support the idea of a common understanding of the standards and what it takes to prove proficiency. This plays a key role in students receiving a guaranteed and viable curriculum. #sblchat
A4 Common formative assessments help the students and teachers know exactly what are strengths and what hasn't been mastered...YET. Great for motivation to keep doing the hard work! #sblchat
Is common fa worth the time and effort or is it better for teachers to focus on the formative assessment process minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour in their own classrooms? #sblchat
We're liking their writing in a shared Google doc so we can look back to see the challenges and growth. We sometimes after the Learner for permission to share their learning with their Parent. #GoodCallsHome#sblchat
#sblchat Okay, fair warning: Self-promotion moment. The new version of my book, Summarization in any Subject (ASCD) is coming out in May 2018. 'Lots of new, tech-infused, pedagogically substantive summarization and assessments techniques included!
#sblchat Okay, fair warning: Self-promotion moment. The new version of my book, Summarization in any Subject (ASCD) is coming out in May 2018. 'Lots of new, tech-infused, pedagogically substantive summarization and assessments techniques included!
CFA's are great ways to help students see where they measure in relationship to the success criteria. Goal setting by both students and teachers are the next step figure out what is next. #sblchat
A4: By analyzing student work in teams, we can figure out how to attend to specific student needs, how to flexibly group, which resources support our work. CFAs are all about professional dialogue. #sblchat
#sblchat Okay, fair warning: Self-promotion moment. The new version of my book, Summarization in any Subject (ASCD) is coming out in May 2018. 'Lots of new, tech-infused, pedagogically substantive summarization and assessments techniques included!
A4 We made common rubrics to use as a teacher tool. Shows us where students need to go. The ones for the students are similar but don't have to be exactly the same. Let's each teacher add their own flair. #sblchat
A4: By analyzing student work in teams, we can figure out how to attend to specific student needs, how to flexibly group, which resources support our work. CFAs are all about professional dialogue. #sblchat
Right on. Gathering the data is good but using it to inform and change instruction is where the money is. Teaching is hard. It's never really done. #sblchat
A4 - Not sure it's even possible, but... one thing I like about trying to develop common formative assessments is the "discourse" that WILL occur with T's that will push professional thinking, positively affecting classrooms... #sblchat
A4: The other positive offshoot of CFAs and collaboration is the building of a climate and culture of shared purpose and commitment to each and every learner. #sblchat
#sblchat Just wanted to remind folks that negotiating criteria and rubrics can be very threatening to teachers, making us feel vulnerable. We need to be sensitive to that and establish trust, relationships, culture where it's okay to disagree with one another.
In the past I used them to check progress, but not "grade". Now I am using them in a way that kids can do activities in class and see their growth/gaps..it is mostly for them, not me. #sblchat
We encourage our Learners to always add their entry at the top of the Google doc. It becomes a great reflective piece. Imagine if Teachers did this weekly? #sblchat#JustSaying
In the past I used them to check progress, but not "grade". Now I am using them in a way that kids can do activities in class and see their growth/gaps..it is mostly for them, not me. #sblchat
Common formatives allows for more PLC collaboration which will impact student learning indirectly. I learn so much from my partners and would hate to go back to living on my own merits. #sblchat
A5 Within the classroom, teachers can give additional support to students via individual and small group instruction. Practice targeted to student’s needs is critical - find out where they are now and chart a path forward! #sblchat
A5 - We aim to use the prior day's Exit Ticket data to influence how to transition into challenging concepts or to personalize the learning for our diverse Learners. #sblchat#MakeLearningPersonal
#sblchat A5: Enter the world of differentiated instruction and responsive teaching! 'So many possibilities with scaffolding and tiering, adjusting pacing, supports, and avenues of learning. 'A real need here to keep our teaching repertoire ever-growing!
A5: This is an example of why it's important to keep in mind that proficiency can be demonstrated in multiple forms. Talk to the student to determine if they are struggling with the actual concept or with the assignment. #sblchat
A5: This is an example of why it's important to keep in mind that proficiency can be demonstrated in multiple forms. Talk to the student to determine if they are struggling with the actual concept or with the assignment. #sblchat
A5 A teacher has to believe that all students CAN, keep high expectations, and then provide extra time, help, flipped lesson, etc. to help the kids be successful. Do what ever it takes! #sblchat
A5: F2F 1 on1 work - they need personalized feedback and support with specially-designed practice. Use and anchor activity for the bulk of the class and tend to the needy for a while. #sblchat
A4: Common FA is a whole other layer of collaboration by Ts. It lends itself to more common curriculum design that we sometimes say we do but in reality not so much. Things need to be aligned beyond benchmarks. It begs the wisdom of the crowd. #sblchat
We use "teacher tables" to allow very small group, intense instruction for those who need while others are engaged in productive struggles they can handle. #sblchat
Isn't that the million dollar question! Flexible grouping, differentiating approach, personalizing the instruction... I think most of us struggle to find the just right answer for individual students. #sblchat
A5 Continuous improvement can be fostered by modeling from teachers and then students. Teachers should also encourage #reflection, a #GrowthMindset, #self-assessment and learning from mistakes.
A5: it's also important to scaffold the student's understanding. Break the learning down into appropriate steps so that the student is not expected to work outside of his/her zone of proximal development. #sblchat
#sblchat One other thing: Read those standards and learner outcomes carefully. For example, it may not say, "When reading on-grade level text silently, the student can..." If this is the case, then you can read it aloud, and he can demonstrate quite sophisticated proficiency.
We use "teacher tables" to allow very small group, intense instruction for those who need while others are engaged in productive struggles they can handle. #sblchat
A5: Through #blended learning, we’ve been able to rotate in small groups, and develop #FocusSessions to support reteaching, relearning, and extension. #sblchat
A5:1st things 1st, teach Ss what flexible learning looks like & the indicators of independent practice. Then build in time to work w/small grps (while other Ss work independently) for short periods on targeted needs identified by analyzing assessment artifacts. #sblchat
#sblchat One other thing: Read those standards and learner outcomes carefully. For example, it may not say, "When reading on-grade level text silently, the student can..." If this is the case, then you can read it aloud, and he can demonstrate quite sophisticated proficiency.
#sblchat A5: Enter the world of differentiated instruction and responsive teaching! 'So many possibilities with scaffolding and tiering, adjusting pacing, supports, and avenues of learning. 'A real need here to keep our teaching repertoire ever-growing!
A5: If a student is struggling I usually sit with them and work with them 1 on 1. In addition, I often will make them their own video covering the concepts they struggle with. I then share it with them so they can watch it anytime they want. #sblchat
A5 - Bringing additional attention to the learning process utilizing reflection (and if necessary reflecting on the reflection) to show and support growth, no matter how big or small. Inspire to leave `em wanting more! #sblchat
It's also so important to break down tasks whenever possible so that we understand WHY struggling Ss are struggling and give them support in that/those areas. Differentiate the process and the content may not have to be modified. #sblchat
It's also so important to break down tasks whenever possible so that we understand WHY struggling Ss are struggling and give them support in that/those areas. Differentiate the process and the content may not have to be modified. #sblchat
A6 - We ask our Learners that have already demonstrated proficiency to share their learning and LEAD our Learning Opportunities. They've learned to really enjoy it and see the benefits! #sblchat
A6 Give kids the opportunity to delve more deeply with the standards by offering more complex application of their skills or having them pursue a passion project. #sblchat
A6 I incorporated a mastery flipped model - students had access to all of the digital lessons I created as well as any resources and practice from the outset of the unit. They could self-pace and develop proficiency on their own timeline - not one prescribed by me. #sblchat
Just like admin need to change how they interact and support Ts each year, Ts need to make the changes based on the smiling faces in front of them based on needs. #sblchat
#sblchat A5: Enter the world of differentiated instruction and responsive teaching! 'So many possibilities with scaffolding and tiering, adjusting pacing, supports, and avenues of learning. 'A real need here to keep our teaching repertoire ever-growing!
#sblchat Let's not mire them in what they already know on the pretense of giving them a review experience, or simply give them more of the same thing to do. Instead, let's become skilled at complexifying and extending the standards we're teaching.
#sblchat Let's not mire them in what they already know on the pretense of giving them a review experience, or simply give them more of the same thing to do. Instead, let's become skilled at complexifying and extending the standards we're teaching.
A6: First step is to NOTICE students who need enrichment. Then we can negotiate enrichment w/them. We can be ready for the likelihood of early proficiency and respond right away with meaningful challenge (complex texts, creating things, etc) #sblchat
Yes, this is a great way to really show proficiency! Understanding a concept is one thing, but being able to effectively teach it to a peer often takes their understanding to the next level! #sblchat
A6: First step is to NOTICE students who need enrichment. Then we can negotiate enrichment w/them. We can be ready for the likelihood of early proficiency and respond right away with meaningful challenge (complex texts, creating things, etc) #sblchat
#sblchat This should be an automatic construct every time we design a lesson: What will I do with the students who get this right away or who surpass me and my own expertise or skill with this content? Suddenly teaching gets very exciting.......!
Yes, this is a great way to really show proficiency! Understanding a concept is one thing, but being able to effectively teach it to a peer often takes their understanding to the next level! #sblchat
A5 My husband and educator-extraordinaire, @Jeremy_Budrow, talks about attacking the fort. Try it from all angles with all different strategies. Something is bound to break through. #sblchat
A6 There are lots of enrichment activities! Please don't make these kids always tutor the kids that don't understand or give them more worksheets! (soapbox) #sblchat
A6: Chang their audience. Challenge them to use understanding to inform and/or connect with others who aren’t you. They’ve proven it to me. Now impress others. #sblchat
A6 #sblchat: we have a culture of "never done". Ss choose their driving inquiry, and we all must become better readers, writers, thinkers. We give Ss endless resources, and they fly their own path.
A6 When learners reach proficiency, they should be creating meaningful outcomes with their understanding. Extend learning & application beyond school walls #sblchat
A6: I provide students with not only all of the standards they should know during that school year but also the next school year. This way students who have shown proficiency can move on to another concept or concepts. They self-pace themselves. #sblchat