Hi all! Jessica, Ed Specialist at ESC Region 12 in TX...have been using a program to help me get ready to run a 5K...need to increase my pace. #EDpiper
Barbara Page, teacher in Waco, TX but originally from Miami, FL. One thing I’ve been trying to master is my first purchased component for #NBCT! Long process but well worth it to see personalized learning paths for Ss! Happy Monday, everyone! #EDpiper
I’m Cindy Woody from Corsicana, and I am so happy it’s #edpiper time! One thing I’m trying to master is cooking healthy. All of our old favorites are so naughty!
A1: I intentionally sit down between classes for a minute and reflect. Even if it is just on a post-it note. Gives me time to think and work towards adjustments for the next time. #edpiper
I’m Cassie Nix & I teach middle school tech in Kansas City. Something I’m trying to master is a sleep schedule! I’m tired ALLLLL the time & can’t ever wake up on time 😫 #EDpiper
Shari @dawsonshari5 Instructional Coordinator here from @desotoisdengage. I’ve been trying to learn to master how to lift others up when they are feeling overwhelmed.#EDpiper
A1: Review for me- at the end of the day, when I'm looking over the Ss warm-up, that serves as a review for me. Did most understand concept? If not, I need to go back and re-teach in a way Ss understand. For Ss: conferencing while goal setting. #EdPiper
R1: I’m teaching a hybrid biology class this semester. We are “reviewing” material from first semester. The key is pre-assessment to identify what Ss know. I also believe that frequent formative assessments are key. #EDpiper
A1: I make review fun with @quizizz or @GetKahoot and offer rewards through @classcraftgame so that I can review every class period without kids getting irritated. That helps me keep it a priority instead of sliding past it, bc kids ask to review! #EDpiper
Q1: One way I find time to review a priority is write it down and allow myself to be accountable for making sure I can cross it off my list. This will allow me to review the priority and it has been said, if you write it down, the goal will be accomplished! #EDpiper#OSEstars
I’m Cindy Woody from Corsicana, and I am so happy it’s #edpiper time! One thing I’m trying to master is cooking healthy. All of our old favorites are so naughty!
A1: I'm a huge fan of reviewing notes - whether they be sketch notes, post-its that I scribbled during conversation or notes that I took on the laptop...reviewing them makes me think abt how I need to take action next or think abt what I learned. #EDpiper
A1: I review myself by reflecting on the day before I go to bed or on my drive home. It also helps me to decompress or talk through the day with teacher friends #EDpiper
That’s funny - struggle bus! I accomplished a series of a thousand small things. Great to get it all done, but hard to point and say - hey, look at this big thing I did today! #edpiper
I have been working with middle schools ladies on History Fair, and we meet once a week. We utilize @googledocs for collaboration and review. I love that I can provide feedback and ask questions, even when we only meet once a week. #EDpiper
Sorry I didn’t say what I am working on. Looking at incorporating coding into my curriculum, doing more with VR/AR, doing more flipped classroom, and doing more community partnerships. #EDPiper
Hi, Cassie! That’s the worst! I’ve been working really hard to figure that one out, too. Thankfully I’m not sleepy though. Just not enough time logged getting my zzzz’s #edpiper
A1: lots of teachers I know have created review games using @quizizz or homework version of @GetKahoot and students work on those when they finish assignments early. Therefore it is an ongoing review at all times. #EDpiper
That’s awesome! What a blessing you must be! My SIL and I have been encouraging each other daily. It’s been a great bond for us. She becomes dearer to me with each passing day. #edpiper
A2: We focus on ANY portion of the skill that they have been successful with. Once we find that success, their confidence level goes up and we can introduce the more rigorous part of the skill w/out them feeling frustrated beforehand. #EdPiper
A2: I think it's really important to bring in other Ts or staff when Ss who previously struggled with the content seem unmotivated...our way may not work for them...step aside and let someone else give it a go. #EDpiper
A2: so we start with “fun” coding and show all the different things that coding can be & that it’s more than just a random person in a room alone typing for hours. So basically...Addressing misconceptions! #edpiper
@TrueNorthCG To be successful Ts need to keep the spiral going all year long! They are great for morning work or turn and talks. Revving up review is just as important as introducing new material! #edpiper@desotoisdengage
I have been working with middle schools ladies on History Fair, and we meet once a week. We utilize @googledocs for collaboration and review. I love that I can provide feedback and ask questions, even when we only meet once a week. #EDpiper
R2: chunking content is a great strategy. Take the content Ss struggle with and break it into little “bytes”. I did a project about 16 year ago called BioBits. It worked pretty well. #EDpiper
A1: all of our tested subjects do assessment folders that show performance over time. Some times, Ss start with reflections on the best performing standard for that student and then write a brag post in their journal before approaching tougher content. #EDpiper
A2: Student Questionnaires! I find out what they like and work it into my content. They love when they are learning or talking about something they love. I try to mix it all into one! This helps them remember content better and they tend to be interested. #EDpiper#OSEstars
I think we have gotten so good at hammering that Ss need more and more review. I'm working on teaching my Ss to "reach" for info to try to reverse that dependency. #edpiper
I love your phrasing - operationalize your values. I’ve been working on that, too. It’s a key to great leadership. I also believe in writing down your basic tenets of your work ethic. Helps clarify what you stand for and believe in? #edpiper
#EDpiper Brandy Corona, East Texan transplanted to DFW, 4th grade ELAR teacher from @desotoisdengage. I've been trying to learn/master how to get scheduling down better
@TrueNorthCG A2: I find that Ts have the most success when they meet Ss where they are. Review with things that keep their interest! Remember when bottle flipping drove us nuts? It sure helped get results in my classroom! @desotoisdengage#edpiper
I think we have gotten so good at hammering that Ss need more and more review. I'm working on teaching my Ss to "reach" for info to try to reverse that dependency. #edpiper
A2: Student Questionnaires! I find out what they like and work it into my content. They love when they are learning or talking about something they love. I try to mix it all into one! This helps them remember content better and they tend to be interested. #EDpiper#OSEstars
A2: AND some of my teachers are about to try @cultofpedagogy compliments project. Not content, but I did something similar in the class called “circle day” and it had profound impacts on students’ beliefs about their own abilities, which is just as important #Edpiper
Oh I didn’t mean you - thing about myself! I’m actually learning a lot about architecture lately and the relationship between architecture, pedagogy, and student success. It’s been fascinating. I go to monthly lunch and learns to tour facilities with architects. #edpiper
R3: I would rather differentiate using @CanvasLMS. I can share reviews that are specific to the students needs. We also can use @GetKahoot or you can do activities utilizing @googledocs. #EDpiper
I have my students physically move their hand as if brushing off, then move their hand in a grasping motion toward themselves to feel the difference in their approach to homework or classwork that is challenging. #edpiper
A3: Schoology has worked wonders for Ss to truly individualize their learning: I have extra skill practice, review videos, games, etc; where they are able to review the skills THEY are struggling with. Numbers on iPads has allowed us to track our data & measure growth! #EdPiper
I love this, Lane! I am a huge believer in helping kids see themselves as capable. I want them to feel like contributors, producers, able to craft and create and share new knowledge. It’s important to make review feel empowering. #edpiper
A3: Several faves including @peardeck Flashcard Factory for vocab review (exports to Quizlet); @Quizalizeapp for their differentiation; @canva for creating visual notes...key 2 remember- no tech tool makes a difference if the Ss doesn't feel relevance to what they learn. #EDpiper
Goal setting is huge. I argue that students who set their sites on STEM opportunities have academic & socioeconomic advantages because of the motivational effect. #EDpiper
A1: edpuzzle is amazing.... and using google forms to assess and then kick kids towards the appropriate review material to fill in gaps based on their performance. FlipGrid is sweet, and I use OBS studio like crazy #EDpiper
That can be tough. Sometimes it takes being extremely intentional but gets complicated because Ts have to be flexible. Don’t be hard on yourself. It will happen eventually. Keep your chin up, don’t get frustrated. #edpiper Celebrate the days that your scheduling IS IN sync!
#EDpiper Brandy Corona, East Texan transplanted to DFW, 4th grade ELAR teacher from @desotoisdengage. I've been trying to learn/master how to get scheduling down better
A1: edpuzzle is amazing.... and using google forms to assess and then kick kids towards the appropriate review material to fill in gaps based on their performance. FlipGrid is sweet, and I use OBS studio like crazy #EDpiper
You know what else was awesome about OBS? I had a teacher than could barely speak from being out with the flu. We recorded him once on OBS, he played the presentation all day, and saved his voice for the guided practice portion #EDpiper
R4: we can use Mirror 360 to take control of my Chromebooks in my room. I can also use @DYKNOW in the same way to assess kids and do quick exit tickets at the end of class. #EDpiper
Teachers, are you fighting back from the cold/flu/allergies but losing your voice? Here’s an idea to help you get through a whole day of school without a hitch! #EDPiper
You know what else was awesome about OBS? I had a teacher than could barely speak from being out with the flu. We recorded him once on OBS, he played the presentation all day, and saved his voice for the guided practice portion #EDpiper
A4: OK, I may be the unpopular vote tonight, but I think it's less about naming tools to use and more abt what we want to achieve...are students understanding the purpose of the review...are we monitoring for understanding or shallow knowledge. #EDpiper
#Edpiper We celebrate any mileston no matter how small! Hugs and smiles and a positive text/note/email home makes their day and makes them PROUD! When they are proud of themselves, they strive harder to reach the next goal.
I think it’s important to present the content in a way that’s different and innovative (especially if it wasn’t mastered the first time)...do not just teach the same way again if not successful #EDpiper
John Hattie’s research showed that teacher feedback had the greatest effect size on improving student achievement. I do think that fun, fresh strategies & tools keep it more engaging, tho. #EDPiper
@TrueNorthCG A1: Once we determine growth areas, we set dates to review & practice during the 1st 15 min of the block, and we set a date for an informal assessment. Setting the dates holds our team accountable. #edpiper#leadupchat#leadership#PrincipalsInAction
A5: I want to try and incorporate a student reflection piece. Looking at adding it next semester on various assignments that students submit to me. #edpiper
R5: what is the purpose of review? Sometimes reviewing is creating something. I have a project that I have Ss do that demonstrates knowledge of content that Ss can use for a review. It can also be a summative assessment for them also. #EDpiper
Completely agree with the engaging, to me though it's more purposeful if we're giving that quality feedback throughout the learning cycle...if tech usage happens naturally great, but not forcing it. #EDpiper
I read that book recently and can't recall if it was the immediate personal feedback from the teacher or...? 1-1 help is likely the most effective for short term, but what about the effect of effort on retention? Just wondering... #EDpiper
💃🏻 I’m a little late to the party! I’m Allie, from Waco, and i am currently earning how to build better relationships with my most trying students. #EdPiper
@TrueNorthCG A1: Once we determine growth areas, we set dates to review & practice during the 1st 15 min of the block, and we set a date for an informal assessment. Setting the dates holds our team accountable. #edpiper#leadupchat#leadership#PrincipalsInAction
#Edpiper@TrueNorthCG My 4th graders still love games. Last year we had we had a STAAR Sundae party, but we played grammar games (Parts of Speech Bingo, Adverb Charades etc) before hand. You have to make review FUN!
A1: My teaching partner and I purposefully plan for a full day review for every unit of study. We dedicate time for students to tell us what they know, what they aren’t sure about, and what they want to know more about. #EdPiper
@TrueNorthCG A2: I host a MASTERS Party at the end of every grading period. My Ss with learning deficits only need to show 5% growth to attend. However, if they show any growth, they earn Gator bucks, to save for our Gator store. #edpiper#leadership#leadupchat
Haven't quite decided. But I know I'd like them to at least reflect on the work that they did. "are you satisfied with it? what grade would you give yourself?" kind of questions. #edpiper
At end of reviews I ask “take out a blank sheet of paper and write down everything else you know that I didn’t ask.” Kids start brain dumping & we hang it up & do a gallery walk & students are challenged to add something to each sheet. Student gets original back 2 them. #EDpiper
Suoer review ideas. It doesn’t have to feel like review. So much more fun to embed it in something new that requires application of something old. #EDPiper
R5: what is the purpose of review? Sometimes reviewing is creating something. I have a project that I have Ss do that demonstrates knowledge of content that Ss can use for a review. It can also be a summative assessment for them also. #EDpiper
I used to have students choose a concept they become an expert at...when we reviewed, we sat at tables with place cards in front and you could “ask an expert” (to review) #EDpiper
Yes! The more simple you keep it, the more likely you can sustain it and keep student buy-in over time. When it gets to be a lot of work, it tends to fade out for lack of time or interest. #EDPiper
R6: I have had my Ss create a review for a final a couple of times. It was ok, but the higher level ?s I wanted weren’t there. If I did it more often and had more time for Ss to work and reflect, it might go better. #EDPiper
@TrueNorthCG A5: Roll out the red carpet!Showcase Ss!One of my students contacted me years later to tell me how much the day he shared his essay meant to him & how much confidence he gained from that one review activity! #edpiper
I think would be greatly beneficial if Ss had data to show areas of weakness and could attend or select "sessions" that matched their needs. Great way to get Ss to be the coaches for their own peers. #EDpiper
In reply to
@vicschoonover, @teachosaurus, @mrscampbell123
When peer reviewing, Focus the feedback on the task, not the learner
Provide elaborate and specific feedback
Reduce uncertainty between performance and goals
Give unbiased, objective feedback
Provide feedback whole class after learners have attempted a solution #EDpiper
A4: as for large group/whole class, I love and have had a lot of success with @quizletlive . Randomized groupings gets kiddos to work with others they may normally not interact with. #EdPiper