Getting people to understand that writing and reading are not separate can be a challenge. Here is an article that demonstrates why writing helps early reading that we look at in our B.C. Reading and Literacy in the Primary Grades
#bcedchat A5: Picking on a couple of ideas: Do family structures today allow for creativity to develop? Does 'Free Play' exist or has it been increasingly supplanted by 'kits', programmed play, specialized programs. 1 or 2
#bcedchat A5: 2of2: At a jazz concert of young people, only 2 of them seemed to be enjoying themselves. I asked music Ss (writing music theory exams) how often they played for fun. "Music isn't fun."Me: Don't you play at writing your own music? "We aren't trained in that!"
#bcedchat A4: When my math classes are focused on discovery, problem solving & inquiry, the core competencies can be explored meta-cognitively in light of their published processes, discussions & wonderings. The elements of creativity & communication can be visually discussed.
A4. #bcedchat#corecompetencies#summerslowchat I see the all 3 Core Competencies in Mathematics especially when the learning activity is based on problem solving or projects that are interdisciplinary. Love it when it’s collaborative, dialogical, and personalized. #ideal
A4. #bcedchat#corecompetencies#summerslowchat I see the all 3 Core Competencies in Mathematics especially when the learning activity is based on problem solving or projects that are interdisciplinary. Love it when it’s collaborative and dialogical.
A5. #bcedchat#corecompetencies#summerslowchat I wonder about student led learning and how much space and freedom teachers and school leaders would give to students to exercise, develop, and nourish their creative thinking core competency in classrooms and schools.