Joy McCourt in Toronto flipping some HS math and sci/chem since 2013. Survival for me sometimes involves hiding somewhere I can mark in peace ha :) #flipclass
Hi There, I am participating this week as part of an assignment for a pre-service tech methods class at @umotnana with @mikegusto and @techsavvyteach. I'm excited to be here. #FlipClass
Folks are popping in. Yay! I'm Katie from Allen TX #flipclass physics HS to College and PD. Here's one I never followed - don't put things off until the end of the year. #flipclass
Welcome! Well be using Q1/A1 format to keep the conversation easier to follow please use #flipclass and #flipclasschat hashtags to make things easier to find.
A1:My flipped classroom moves direct instruction to the personal space (videos) so Ss can pace their own learning & I can be available to work with Ss as they practice. #flipclass#flipclasschat
#flipclass#flipclasschat A1: Ss watch video for hw. Vid is mostly info relay. In class Ss apply and create (including fun activities). As a T, I observe and formatively assess in that period of time. Make a plan for those who don't understand as well as others.
A1. Hey all! HS chem in NJ. I would describe my flip as student focused. I try to intersect with students more and give more time show them and let them show me. #flipclass
A1 I prefer assigning vids and then we do in-class some practice, some labs, some group consolidation. Currently doing more assigning of paper info packets rather than vids & trying to do some kind of mastery system #flipclass
#flipclass#flipclasschat Since I was the only one flipping in my school, the videos were a novelty. Ss like novelties. Occasionally, I would make a silly song video just to keep up the interest.
Most Ss preferred my videos to hw like Qs at end of chapter and math problems.
A2:I've moved primarily to in-class. Started with Pre-Alg b/c they are less likely to do HW. Then decided Alg1 would also work in-class. It allows for self-paced days. #flipclass#flipclasschat
#flipclass A2 To be honest, I have struggled how to apply this to my courses but it is on my priority list over summer while planning for the next semester.
#flipclass#flipclasschat A2: If many Ss had no internet, I might do the in-class flip. Also, just to change things up, I could see myself making a short vid to use in rotating groups along with the application. When Ss make their own vids, the in-class flip may also be an option
A2. Don’t want to get out of the HW videos. It teaches Ss to come prepared to class like many of their future college Ts will expect. That being said, they can inclass flip so as to keep making progress. #flipclasschat#FlipClass
#flipclass#flipclasschat I grew to really enjoy the controlled chaos that my classes turned into. A T told me once that she heard a scream coming from a room. She saw it was my room and said, "Oh, that's just Roy's class."
We were doing improv with vocab words from the vid.
A2 When I started flip it was an in-flip style but I didn’tknow the term at the time. Idea was just to start getting Ss used to vid instruction at first and then ease them into doing that part at home but tech issues happened and I only learned about #flipclass near semester end
#flipclass#flipclasschat Best part about flipping is not really the video. It's what you can do in class when the Ss have a base knowledge of the content.
A3: In-class obviously takes up more class time (but still less than a normal lecture). Also I need independent practice for in-class days since Ss finish vids at diff times (although SS often start working together as they finish) #flipclass#flipclasschat
Sure - would you change your content, length, etc if the video was to be used in class vs assigned as homework. #flipclass (Does it make a difference?)
#flipclass#flipclasschat A3: To me, in-class works well with rotating groups. I would think you might gear the vids to less total content if you used groups.
A1: Students have complete autonomy in my class...where to sit, what to work on, who to work with, when to test, etc. I get out of the way of their learning #flipclass
A 10-15 min vid would translate to a 30-40 min lecture. And some kids watch/listen at double-speed, saving them even more time! #flipclass#flipclasschat
#flipclass#flipclasschat Looks like most of us are traditional video-for-homework flippers. I see the value of an in-class flip, but the other way fit me best.
A4: I ensure the vids are watched. I get to see that Ss are taking good notes. I get to answer Ss Qs as they watch (or right after). #flipclass#flipclasschat
#flipclass#flipclasschat A4: The obvious issue solved is that all Ss in the classroom have access to an in-class flip while all may not have access at home. It also allows for quicker amount of time between knowledge acquisition and knowledge application.
Please help this pre service teacher out #miched She needs lots of great advice so she can start her student teaching off on a great foot in the fall! (It will be with me so I am super excited to get her!) 😉😉 #msmathchat#flipclass
A4 I have heard of Ts doing in-class becauseof externally mandated no-HW policies. Also is an option when you have a class that getting them to hw is a serious battle or an equity issue. #flipclass
When they watch in class, I get to watch them watch it. When it's out of class, I usually walk around and check notes while they are working on something. #flipclass#flipclasschat
#flipclass#flipclasschat I truly didn't get buy-in until I had some kind of accountability with the video. I've used questions to be answered at the end. I've used note pages with blanks in them. Edpuzzle is a pretty cool tool where one can embed Qs in the video.
#flipclass#flipclasschat@matharguello Strive to make learning fun. Ss yearn for something different. After instruction Ss need to show their knowledge and be able to apply. Have them act out vocab., write and illustrate a pamphlet, make a Twitter stream, play a game, etc...
A4. Technology access to watch videos/do activities (sometimes I use activities instead of videos) and forgetting to do the homework. #FlipClass#flipclasschat
A5: Your #flipclass will change over time and become uniquely you. I started with one prep & vids for HW. Now both preps experience flip and are primarily in-class. Go with the #flipclasschat flow!
The quieter Sa also don’t get (usually-unintentionally) bullied out of time with your focus on them by Ss more eager to grab your attn - if you make the time to check in with every S every day like flip lets you do. Quiet doesn’t mean “benefits from T ignoring them” #flipclass
In reply to
@SchaffJackie, @MickieGibbs2, @lanier_katiesue
A5: When I first started flipping, the focus was on the videos but now it's about the pedagogy and what happens in class. I now have students 4 to 5 months ahead of the rest of the class. I no longer collect or grade anything other than tests. #flipclass
#flipclass#flipclasschat A5: Flipping kind of evolves to fit the needs of each T's Ss. During my time I changed the way Ss were accountable, shortened videos, allowed more autonomy w assignments, and put them on Google Classroom with the note page.