#langchat Archive
#LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages.
Thursday March 31, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
French in Southern Coastal Maine.
Bonsoir ! Megan, French 2-AP, Detroit. Off to Mexico this weekend for Spring Break! So excited.
Hi , I'm John teaching HS Japanese in South Texas, desperately trying to decide on tonight's takeout before intros finish
Hi! I'm Julie, I teach K-4 Spanish in our local elementary school here in midcoast Maine
It's time! Guess who made tonight? Viviana from Louisiana Span. for the Middles, that's who!
Lisa, HS French, in Ohio. Still trying to get over jetlag from last week's trip to France.
Salvete et bonsoir, Chris, Erie, PA; Latin 1-4, French 1; enjoying my Spring Break but ready to tonight!
Welcome, welcome, amigos! Who else is tweeting on their spring break?
Alana in OH, French 1-5, back and ready for action!
. Kim in rainy northern Indiana, MS Spanish 1 & Heritage...ready to open more tabs to study on Spring Break!
I am! Spring break is almost over though.
It's tragic, isn't it? It's like a week isn't a week when you don' t have to wake up beffore the sun
Bethany Easom, junior Spanish Education major at Grove City College. Just finished my spring break!
Amanda from WI- HS Spanish. Did it hail anywhere else today?
One more day until Break for me...counting the minutes!
So who's ready to lay the foundation for...laying the foundation?
A1 Can-Do's, , performance-based assessment
Hello ! Keli here. Lead Spanish teacher for from Jacksonville, Fl
surely you'll be rested up by the Saturday Sequel at 10AM, right??
A1: Confession. This year I haven't been super diligent about seamlessly blending culture. Got carried away w/communication HF voc
A1 Performance assessments and an infusion of culture!
Hi - Megan from Louisville, KY and ready to rock!
A1: the assessment or form it will take although I am horrible at this part
girl, music videos aside, culture has been kind of luck in my classes a while now
A1: 5 C's make an eh unit, more exiting.
A1 Not the "right" answer, but: a "spark". SOMETHING i'm really excited about. Other pieces will start to fall into place after
A1 There has to be a central reading to each chapter, usually based on a cultural topic
A1 End of theme goals/essential outcomes
From sunny, yes, sunny Pacific NW: A1 Essential questions that spark interest in age level, not always 'our' topics.
Cathryn in VA lurking tonight.
A1 The vocabulary needs presented first; this is usually done with pics or sentences, English meaning is established first
A1 variety of activities that tap into theme, allowing sts to experience lang in many ways
A1 Also, a good hook: video, song, infographic that provokes curiosity and interest. Good curation/organization.
YES! And if poss, tailormade. The 10th graders I'm getting next year are NOT like this year's 10th graders https://t.co/84758eueG9
From sunny, yes, sunny Pacific NW: A1 Essential questions that spark interest in age level, not always 'our' topics.
So many acronyms, so little time
A1 That the material is worth learning and finding novel ways to introduce. def. include culture & diff. modalities
A1: Objectives, interesting hook, authres and opportunity to stretch culturally or linguistically
Do you feel these have to be the FIRST thing in the unit a la PBL? Or can one build? https://t.co/k5lbN3qcvp
A1 Also, a good hook: video, song, infographic that provokes curiosity and interest. Good curation/organization.
A1: A unit that reaches cross-cultural boundaries and gives students opportunities to discuss race and ethnicity
Hi Rachael from Ohio, French 2-AP...first ever chat
A1 motivating, interesting, maybe inspiring, content with high frequency vocab
A1, hooks are througout the unit. One to start, one to sustain, one to contemplate as you finish/reflect.
YES! Something that's not JUST for funsies, that MATTERS to the kids in front of you! https://t.co/774PheBWP9
A1 That the material is worth learning and finding novel ways to introduce. def. include culture & diff. modalities
what kind of objectives do you like to focus on?
A1 Yes to ALL these ideas! Shows how important it is to have time to plan all this wonderfulness. ?
Jessica, checking in late to ! We're late in KY- getting ready to start Spring Break tomorrow! Off to Costa Rica w/sts on Sat!
I like this. PBL enthusiast in me wants to do a TLAP style "Entry Event" but can't always pull it off https://t.co/k7YYYu8pnL
A1, hooks are througout the unit. One to start, one to sustain, one to contemplate as you finish/reflect.
A1: An objective/goal, cultural theme, and activities that will inspire ss to keep moving forward
Q1- I've found it needs to be something kids want to learn - actual content... Not just language
Yes! If it's something the teacher is passionate about, it will catch a fire with the students. https://t.co/y53ezUZRoF
A1 Not the "right" answer, but: a "spark". SOMETHING i'm really excited about. Other pieces will start to fall into place after
A1- I've found it needs to be something kids want to learn - actual content... Not just language
Absolutely. Planning takes me a LONG time. sometimes I think I go overboard. https://t.co/iZStjPvx4o
A1 Yes to ALL these ideas! Shows how important it is to have time to plan all this wonderfulness. ?
phew, that's deep! Do you find you achieve that in every unit?
A1 Multiple ways of telling and retelling the central story, and repetitions of the story are necessary for comprehension
A1: I gotta know where I'm going. Try to focus on what Ss will be able to demo after acquisition
hey, Rachael! Welcome to !
Right now, I go with the book, but for future, I want to give Ss useful, meaningful knowledge across themes/levels
Jill from NOVA; busy reading comments for department. A1-goal of unit and what students can do to do throughout and end of unit.
High freequency vocab is KEY! https://t.co/xfd93Pqw4P
A1 motivating, interesting, maybe inspiring, content with high frequency vocab
Hola ! Allison in Iowa joining after bedtime. A1: I like every unit to have a cultural foundation & high interest
Welcome! is amazing!! Teaching Spanish for the 1st time and it has been a LIFELINE!!
A1 hard to get everything in right 1st time. I'm coming to a cyclical vision of backwards design- not every piece present 1st go
Remember it doesn't have to be a big "event" even for PBL
I like to choose few themes likes this/year, but not the whole year/each topic. Sts tire/overwhelmed
A1: A methods class suggested to start a unit with an experience, not end with it: speaker, field trip, etc.
Then you are in the right place, sister! https://t.co/rjUKRyx2H2
Absolutely. Planning takes me a LONG time. sometimes I think I go overboard. https://t.co/iZStjPvx4o
A1 Yes to ALL these ideas! Shows how important it is to have time to plan all this wonderfulness. ?
Or sometimes I don't let it rest...sometimes it IS ready!
it's important to scaffold your own learning too! But look for those angles and ins!
always in an evolving state....
WORD. https://t.co/NHW0lEj2st
A1 hard to get everything in right 1st time. I'm coming to a cyclical vision of backwards design- not every piece present 1st go
agreed! I have been teaching Spanish for several years and I wish I'd had from the beginning!
A1: A methods class suggested to start a unit with an experience, not end with it: speaker, field trip, etc.
Not everyone works on that mandate, but if you do, integrate/weave in often. Or be the rebel who works off the grid!
honest answer or useful answer? Useful answer might be to zero in on 10-15 MOST important in each set, mention rest
Accept you can't control vocab acquisition anyway, give the list, focus on most important structures/functions.
you teach in a district where you are a & make your own rules :)
A1 there has to be purpose. I think just said today tht if u don't know why u r doing something, then something is wrong
"La Carcacha" was my favooooorriiiite. Oh and "Toro" because I wanted to be a Mariachi Singer.
A1 a reason for doing it. I have to be able answer "why this unit"?
AND if THEY don't know why, then there is DEFINITELY something wrong
A1 trying to make one of my answers here to be the word "culture" in the EQ
This is how I've taught my French kids this year. So much vocab, just focus on most useful words! https://t.co/pVRQjt8U1Y
Accept you can't control vocab acquisition anyway, give the list, focus on most important structures/functions.
agreed! Sometimes less is more! I'd rather kids actually LEARN some words than NOT learn a ton!
I am DELIGHTED to be surrounded by such in-tune educators! Shall we to Q2 then?
Great idea! I like mysteries or questions that they want to answer as we explore the unit and language .
if rebel = doing what's best for kids then I vote for that!!
chunk the list, repeat as often as possible, make them use it
I remember that from Spanish in high school. Guess we're showing our age :P .
If the student experience in the first principal component.
agreed! Pointless "lessons" add nothing. Y have an entire lesson on def. articles, when u can expl. w/ pop-up grammar?
Q2 Q2 Q2 How do you help students interact with the new vocabulary they'll need to succeed? https://t.co/vlCLVyTlGf
Dept of 8- 5 Spanish teachers over here
Well you can help pave the way for focusing on LESS. Use the communicable chunks & don't worry about the rest
A2: When I plan a novel I break vocab into categories: PQA, TPR, TPRS, passwords, daily words to hit and songs and go from there
I find a lot of value in a lexical approach
A2 Repetitions! Use new words as much as possible in a meaningful context!
We did a CSI type unit w/past tenses, etc over lost ring in class. Used forensic science, investigation. Engagement!
A2 Create learning experiences that require they use the new words to communicate in all 3 modes.
A2: PQA, try to find reading/listening that uses new words.
A2: I think I got the idea from - illustrated lists! No english...
A2 provide opportunities to see new vocab, hear it, speak it, interact w it in variety of ways
A2) Personalize it, contextualize it, give them interesting activities to use it in.
A2: Repetition verbally and visually. Introduce the vocab and incorporate into every day's lesson in a different way
She read my mind...have you been in my classroom? https://t.co/NEeRuPxZ89
A2: Novice: Story. Intermediate: stations day. Interacting moving from old to new in 3-6 different ways#langchat
A2 Have to say I love love LOVE 's vocabulary processing activities. Trying to ditch the list!
A1 An essential question/topic that is relevant, appealing and helps students know themselves and their world better.
. I'm still laughing over potro feo
With units, we do storytelling and push a lot of input. My 4s, we use a lot of that use same vocabulary
A2: Use your focus target language chunks in PQA and stories to make kids REMEMBER them in context
do you perhaps have a post on PQA? I get the general idea, but haven't done it
A Span. clssrm favorite! Today was the anniv. of her death. They were playing her songs on the radio.
I remember entire lessons for "advanced Ss" with 33 rules for def. article use in English. What nonsense!
A2 have to make it personal
A2 Students love the 'picture' flashcards to reinforce..and the "words we want to know" to go beyond the list
A2 Just finished 'healthy life choices' unit. I provided some words/expressions, sts contributed needs & built their own toolbox.
there may be no greater moment in my career than when the smart girl couldn't stop laughing when she got it
I think has PQA examples at the beginning of each of her story scripts. No post myself (yet!)
also be flexible w/colleagues. Ok to be different as long as we're heading the same way!
A2 graphs, charts, tallies w personal info, likes/dislikes, etc related to new vocab
Same here, keep trying to do PQA but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right!
oo yes! The visual! I tell my kids to connect vocab w/ 1) visuals 2) context 3) actions
A2 Students need lots of repetitive, comprehensible, engaging input using REAL high-frequency language regardless of the theme.
you're a step ahead of me, brother!
A2 with listening, speaking, and writing activities. Use vocal. with all skill areas. Need to see and use vocal. in action.
if you are personalizing and repeating vocab in context you can't do it wrong!!
A2 find videos/articles with the vocab so that they see/hear it as much as possible, journal entries, and partner Q&A
Hi! Jumping in late from family vacation in dc:) Valerie-elementary/ms Spanish
I agree! Sometimes this is hard though, bc they may be so rigid
I want to do this NOW https://t.co/454SiQmLH3
A2: Novice: Story. Intermediate: stations day. Interacting moving from old to new in 3-6 different ways#langchat
a2 chunk vocab into 6-8 words at a time, plan sets of PQA & activities around those.
You probably already do it, just don't realize :)
I feel like I, at least, need more hep structuring PQA effectively
A2 It is more important for students to hear/read the language than produce it. Focus on input and production will happen.
A2: Introduce w/ stories & different fun activities, repetition & scaffolding!
I appreciate all of the helpful hints. I can't keep up with them and the main thread!
A2 Q/A/Reason vocab flashcards, activity picture cards, pre-fab composition w/ Google form that included key words/expressions
I've been trying to do stations for the longest time, but haven't yet. Really want to very soon!
Still not sure about how to "personalize" vocab w/ some of the words they learn in Latin
you people are geniuses! I love this differentiation!
A2 I'm learning German right now & I want to pick important words to me. I found myself categorizing my new words in my notes.
A2 identify key words in theme so kids know what to focus most on
Do you use tweetdeck? It's a lifesaver.
I think is your woman then. I know she's got some awesome posts...
That's an awesome idea. I'm sure they loved it.
ad long as the colleagues are flexible too. Not always the case
BRB, flying to Washington to shadow for the rest of the year.
A2 lots and lots of comprehensible input and opportunities to use it interpersonally.
I once read "fill their language buckets so they overflow."
Awesome! I will read this weekend!
I should do this. This would make the little "scholars" feel safer https://t.co/HWT2CL9R54
A2 Students love the 'picture' flashcards to reinforce..and the "words we want to know" to go beyond the list
YES! The more ways and contexts, the better! https://t.co/h3MkW8wwyt
A2 find videos/articles with the vocab so that they see/hear it as much as possible, journal entries, and partner Q&A
We have a lot of military and death words. That's how the Romans rolled.
good point! I also want them to be more responsible for their learning
A2: give them some "alone time" with authres before task.Let 'em see what they can figure out before we tell 'em what to look for.
A2: I've had the BEST time using passwords for class entry. is my hero for sharing/passing the idea
That could make the BEST PQA! Make it funny!
I want to know more about what kind of stations you do in intermediate https://t.co/Cj9274vALI
A2: Novice: Story. Intermediate: stations day. Interacting moving from old to new in 3-6 different ways#langchat
I love this idea! https://t.co/Fzplwg76Xi
A2: give them some "alone time" with authres before task.Let 'em see what they can figure out before we tell 'em what to look for.
Not all vocab lends itself to personalization. Don’t force it or it will feel fake.
Oo, I LIKE this! ? https://t.co/SiwvdlrTNi
A2: give them some "alone time" with authres before task.Let 'em see what they can figure out before we tell 'em what to look for.
It is funny for sure, when I do! Just keeping it up on a daily basis is hard.
Now that we have a solid chat foundation...Q3?
Q3 I LOVE vlogger authres for culture
a3: easy in Latin, it’s embedded in every narrative, every story, everything that we do, esp in LAPIS.
A3. Short answer? I don't. I let them absorb the but don't have them reflect on 3 Ps...
A2 "micro-trottoir" street interviews to ask questions and get opinions. Teach vocal for opinions and fillers to enhance speaking.
A3 By choose that are both rich in the target vocabulary as well as cultural details
A3 I have a hard time w/ this w/ Novices (Sp2), but do so much with Intermediates (Sp4) w/ novels, topics, etc.
This is true. Latin does have the advantage of basing our units mainly on culture!
oo! do tell! Have any juicy examples?
A3: To intro culture I really love embedded readings broken up with authentic videos done movietalk style.
U could intertwine interesting & outrages (but true) news/history story
Taking this farther, silence to give time to process and think is also a huge help.
A3 Shouldn't we lead with culture? Interculturality at the heart of the essential question?
do you have them actively respond to cultural products/practices/perspectives?
A3: a hook, something unique and exciting from the culture. A native dance, food, song or personal experiences
A3 Culture is best if embedded into the unit. are a great intro and starting point for comprehensible input.
A3 & realia, integrate culture on a daily basis in our everyday activities, routines, procedures, etc
Norman fait des vidéos, Gui home, Parole de Chat... so many! But French...
So hard to balance this. Trying to honor that w/ smart warm-ups to prime their brains w/out spoiling all https://t.co/AGqHuoKEKV
A2: give them some "alone time" with authres before task.Let 'em see what they can figure out before we tell 'em what to look for.
see, I totally get the exploration with novels...les so with novice PBL
A3 when I give vocab I give them more culture info, articles that give a little info, research projects, bell ringer videos
I like cutting off the end of content and then coming up with 3 endings. Ss guess which one is right. https://t.co/MglCNLbQId
U could intertwine interesting & outrages (but true) news/history story
A3 If I can find video/song/cool story I use that and begin to make comparisons in all sorts of ways
I get most out of narcissistic essential questions with my mini egotists. How can I culturize them?
A3 culture is all the little things, too- gestures, how you greet your sts, the little words/idioms you use throughout conversatio
A3 Ditch the textbook and only use
Defending their choice is helpful and it's motivating cuz they want to see if they were right. https://t.co/MglCNLbQId
U could intertwine interesting & outrages (but true) news/history story
A3: Novels do some/lots of the work for you. Food is always a winner too
AWESOME! I will def. check them out!
A3 Give students the historical background of the reading first so they have some sort of context
how do you tie these together?
A3 Themes & essential questions intrinsically contain cultural aspects/perspectives/inputs. & input support comparisons.
check out 's Dia de los Muertos or Tomatina Culture Units. They have teh readings & videos included!
yes; almost every “episode” in LAPIS (174 of them) is performative demonstration of cultural Ps.
. LOL. So. True. Frame them. How is my school better or worse than that of a typical French student? etc.
A3) I'm a sucker for drama at lower levels if Ss don't have enough language to discuss outright.
A3 I intro mainly using ...best if it's a product/practice very foreign, triggers lots of discussion
i.e., one of the first missions is “dine like a roman”, students have to narrate their dinner at a Roman cena
I found that the can identify/describe them better than I can explain in TL.
ok, judgment..this can work...Self-improvement unit was successful, but not cultural. Ideas there?
I'm lurking while I put the little one down. I'm . DLI teacher & owner of . Keep being brilliant
What's the same, what's different can work for even the lowest levels.
A3 especially w/ Novices, pictures (photos) excellent gateway for culture - and pics can be open to interp for nec. vocab
using readings in TL, additional research, guided activities, ultimately they produce the story of their dinner
definitely! giving a presentation on culture on a daily basis using CI tomorrow :)
A3 I love to incorporate controversy. Not all the time, but I think challenging why we believe/do things is so important
A3 Use materials to make Comparisons and Connections by showing relevance of unit to students' lives. Enlighten and instruct.
A3:I f the unit topic is cultural you don't have to embed anything. Everything is soaked in TL and culture.
Yes, background knowledge is crucial. E.D. Hirsch's Cultural Literacy
agree! True at any level:)
I feel like I want to draw attention to it, though, like popup grammar, but culture
As an aside to A3 Afro-latino culture has been a very interesting topic
This works in Latin well - a constant question of "how different (or similar) was the Romans' view on this"
Incidental learning through the small things really works!
OO yes! Pictures! https://t.co/U9YXe72SPl
A3 especially w/ Novices, pictures (photos) excellent gateway for culture - and pics can be open to interp for nec. vocab
Yes! I love controversy in the class.
or give them clues and let them research and make connections!
Absolutely! Get them to start to think about other cultures other than their own (what they know & r comfortable w/)
A3 Also have to bring up learning experiences again...put them as much in shoes of target culture as possible
and that can be non-TL homework
notes to introduce, articles and videos to reinforce/go more in-depth, research (presentational IPA)
I feel like I'm going to dedicate my career to getting her validation.
I call it the big ticket and the little ticket items :) big ticket take more time & focused attn on that topic
little ticket items are those you incorporate all the time as a course of action
A3 does an amazing presentation on how to integrate cultural images for every level.
Her session on visual literacy at was my jam.
love tip--not think what THEY think of other culture, but what other culture thinks of THEM
pictures may not teach language but they absolutely inspire sts to WANT to talk. HUGE!
Off topic but ugh that moment when your iPod syncs all the AP French audio practice files
love tip--not think what THEY think of other culture, but what other culture thinks of THEM
One last question tweeps and tweechers! Ready?
One last question tweeps and tweechers! Ready?
A3 Unit on education for girls with more advanced students. Students enter into culture with pictures, videos and articles.
Q4 Q4 Q4 How do you decide what comprehensible input will anchor the new content inn a new unit? https://t.co/XQ03NIsyhl
this gets kids less "judgy" about target culture and more curious about why others are a certain way!
True! Images convey culture which leads to conversations&language ladders > communication/comparisons.
Oh NO! I got them inter. by talking about telenovela culture and afro-latino rep. Then we comp and contr w/ US.
A4 In novice classes I can do this easily with TPRS but less well with my intermediates... :/ Bonus they understand a lot already?
A4: there’s almost no CI available for Latin; I write almost everything my students need, myself.
A4 Is it comprehensible? Is it culturally relevant? Is it fascinating?
see, I'm totally going to work the telenovela angle soon...this could work...
Yes, flipping it is key. Even useful at times to do the culture discussions in L1.
A4 high frequency, key words, tied to theme, sometimes cognates
A4 Limit vocabulary to high-frequency, make story engaging for students, find out what they're interested in
A4: Most units are centered around TPRS book which combined with teacher's guides makes for ready to go CI!
They LOVE it! I'll send u a sample of a PPT that I created to get them thinking (if u want) :)
so much rich info here! and it's often under-explored.
A4 I look for something familiar plus something attractive plus something useful
Yes! and is it age appropriate?
A4 my curriculum is a spiral so bring back old vocab when I introduce new
A4) I find good content first and then pull out pieces to focus on.
This is a growing, very new trend for Latin teachers. And a number are in the works!
A4: priorities. I keep the "important words" and chunk them for stories. The stuff Ss need for the assessments and communication
A4) I always feel that searching for content to fit language goals ends up coming across as forced.
A4 does it relate to Ss lives? Will Ss be able to get what you want out of it? Can Ss be creative/have fun with it?
A4 activating prior knowledge. Content-based instruction using authentic materials with graphics or movie clips.
YES! Graphics are key! Hints AND hooks!
keeps old vocab active, provides new contexts for old vocab, love the spiral! :)
A4 My dictatio story at the beginning of each chapter always hooks Ss on learning new vocab. Same characters, continuing narrative
A4: I pick authres that ISN'T 100% comprehensible. They need a challenge to figure out new lang in context & infer meaning
agree-focusing on the essential q when seeking resources is key to fueling the function
I feel ya! And forced = disinterest and lack of motivation
Culture and lead the lessons and units. Then nothings feels forced.
Such great ideas for Q4, feeling much more inspired!
Boom. https://t.co/jspydTgHv1
A4 activating prior knowledge. Content-based instruction using authentic materials with graphics or movie clips.
the stories I write are the same- 6 characters who show up through out my set of minibooks- creates a larger story
The Latin 1 kids created the characters this year. I use them every time. My Latin novella's about them too!
Seen meaning and story completely cut to "grade" texts, so they highlight a grammar structure in too many textbooks.
Also, don't forget there will be more great ideas on Saturday, 10am ET w/ the Saturday Sequel! https://t.co/WTEcU9c6hM
It gives me 3 columns of tweets 1)home 2) 3)notifcations.
I love this! In one of my classes I have "Bernardo the bad baby" who loves to steal people's $ just pop up randomly!
TA: I am all the more excited to read the Keys to Planning this summer!
I can imagine they are very invested b/c they made up the characters!
Research says they need about 85-90% comprehension to really enjoy learning from the content.
PS did you know you guys have a chance to plan FACE-TO-FACE with me AND AND this summer?
my kids will NEVER forget the character they named Escobita. Or the one whose costume was just a hat
Absolutely, as long as the theme or situation is chosen to meet Ss needs & interests, not a grammar structure.
TA: Going to work on making my culture side dishes a better fit and larger portion.
I so want to go, but I don't think it will be possible this summer. Hopefully next!
I like short, story-related games for the accuracy focus of lessons.
Takeaway: make culture units appropriate for language level and what interests your specific students
Motivation is always the key
Thank you for the FLOOD of ideas everyone! My takeaway is I need to come through and find everything I wanted to steal!
Takeaway: I need to do this more often 😁 thanks everyone!
TA It is exciting & inspiring to see teachers try new ideas (stations, flipped lessons, ,etc) to best meet student needs.
Happy spring break/recuperation/countdown to summer to everyone, and thanks for sharing with us!
TA: Continue to curate lessons and keep it CI all day long
TA: community continues to give best advice and I have a lot of re-reading to do! Thanks, all!
takeaway: we always need more time, resources and collab time to make some awesome units that engage stdts. Good times as always!