#LearnLAP occurs on Mondays starting at 7pm Central Time. Guest moderators and participants discuss topics from author Paul Solarz's book Learn Like a PIRATE.
A1: I love filling in rubrics that don’t have points attached to categories. Focus on movement. Partially Proficient —> Proficient. Maybe even Proficient —> Advanced Proficient. Forces students to read feedback and improve #learnlap
A1: As an admin, during evaluations I focus more on the conversation than the rating. More important to give relevant feedback and concentrate on the coaching aspect than the APPR score #LearnLAP
A1: Begin with having students help create clear learning goals and teach them how to offer feedback to others and how to use the feedback they are given for growth. #LearnLAP
A1: I never grade homework right after it is turned in (unless it is perfect). Always give feedback and let students retry it until the unit is over. Also letting Ss redo their term papers within 1 week of getting their feedback. #learnlap
A1: I do a lot more talking to students about producing quality work and a lot less "Do this to get an A" kind of conversations. I put a lot less emphasis on grades and a lot more emphasis on giving me their absolute best! #learnlap
A1 Learning doesn't end with a due date. Learning means trying, reflecting, improving! Ss can revise work, reflect on their process, plan for next time, and earn the improved grade! Thanks @Catlin_Tucker! Grade conferences changed everything! #learnLAP
A1: review rubrics w/ Ss before activity so Ss know what the T is looking for. Also, in giving feedback, praise what was good & provide suggestions for improving. #learnlap
A1: As students work, or after a task is completed, I use as much face-to-face time to talk with students as possible! Doesn't take long, but a verbal check-in with specific "next steps" goes a long way! #learnLAP
A1 I use feedback with grades... rubrics are my friend. Also I have upped the amount of feedback given during the publishing process using comments on Docs.. currently giving feeback and chatting #LearnLAP
A1 Using formative assessments to gauge where Ss are throughout the lesson. Giving more oral feedback in conferences, through comments in @msonenote and through video feedback in @flipgrid#LearnLAP
I'm Paul Solarz, 5th grade teacher from Arlington Heights, Illinois and author of #LearnLAP.
Looking forward to a great chat while I grade math tests! Fun, fun!
Check out the fun #EDUgif I made this weekend thanks to @KimSnodgrass (directions) & @AChelchowski (sketchnote)!
A1: This is one area I am still growing in. I try to leave written feedback on labs and in journals, but I struggle with getting students to use the feedback. #learnlap
A1: I do many activities that I do quick checks on and go over with them one on one and small group instead of entering each activity for a grade. #IHmarchmadness#LearnLAP
A1: hi all! Alexia from NJ checking in. With Geometry I have the students complete error analysis questions with my favorite errors that I noticed in their work. Gives them a nice way of reflecting but also collaborating with other students! #learnlap
A1: We have to give grades. District-set expectation. But the grade doesn't have to define the student, and shouldn't be what drives their day-to-day work. Important to build a culture of risk-taking and feedback responsiveness! #learnLAP
A1: when we do writing and projects Ss leave feedback and are given the opp to fix things. Small groups. #padlet and #flipgrid are amazing resources for feedback. I do want to try just giving them feedback on returned assigns and working the grade in a different way. #learnlap
A1: I like to engage with students as their working or right after. Ss even provide feedback for each other before assignments are turned in using "Glow and Grow". #learnlap
A1 ongoing meaningful and specific feedback explains strengths and weaknesses. Provides opportunities to improve and to celebrate. A grade explains nothing. I use 1:1 conferencing with Ss both face to face and digitally to provide ongoing real feedback #learnlap
Hi everyone! Kirsten from MD. Teaching and always learning English 8 and Digital Communications 7. Trying to get my little pirates to bed, but hope to keep up with you. #learnlap
A1: I try to do formatives such as exit slips that give me an idea in regards to how the students are doing. I use feedback to guide my instruction and figure out what I may need to reteach. #learnlap
Ss are beginning to look at feedback on @Seesaw more often! They answer my questions and make new posts to fill in their gaps in showing understanding #LearnLAP
A1 I have been using plickers and Google Sheets to gamify quizlike activities. Students get Q correct and get to roll die to take away hit points from Boss. More fun, less grade risk #learnlap
A1: Making sure there are comments and suggestions on papers, not just "great job." Checking back later to see if students have made improvements, based on your feedback #LearnLAP
It is! Especially if that has been their previous experiences in learning. Also tricky are parents - they want a number grade and the "bottom line" on their child's progress! #learnLAP
In Kindergarten we access one on one and small group daily. As we observe a child's response, we can quickly reteach/correct them.
A1. Always teach Ss to read through rubric before doing any assignments so they understand what the requirements are for the grading criteria. Also, providing Ss written feedback in a timely fashion on assignments, helps for improvement in future assign. and grades. #learnlap
A1b) feedback not only has to come from teacher. Oeer to oeer feedback (when done correctly) can help students really see their learning and engage them more when they get that feedback from their peers #learnlap
Agreed. I gave one on Friday that told me most of them got the lesson, so I could move on. Reteach with a few, and but saved me a day for something else! #LearnLAP
A2: I struggle with this. In my experience, students aren't sure HOW to reflect on their work, other than to say vague things like "I did well," or "I put in effort." Suggestions for teaching self-reflection without prompting? #learnLAP
A2: I will have conversations with student and ask them what they think of their work. Areas they did great on, and areas they could do better. I don’t do this as often as I should though. #IHmarchmadness#LearnLAP
A2: They do a written post-mortem on major projects and at the beginning of Q2, Q3 and Q4. Also, on test corrections they write out why they think they got the grade they earned the first time and something specific they can do better on the next test. #learnlap
A2: Ss are given checklists that have the final expectations on them (i.e. a writing checklist) and they are to reflect as they work. We focus on certain standards each day until the work is completed. #learnlap
A2: I love to have them make @Screencastify videos to show how their thinking has changed over the corse of a project / assignment.
We also annotate our own work! #learnlap
A2. I use google forms and create reflections that serve as the basis for my feedback. Ss don’t get feedback until they complete self-reflection. #LearnLAP
Yes I agree! We use Genesis and can grade right on Genesis using their rubrics feature. This is almost a healthy balance of feedback and number grades #LearnLAP
A1. Just so happens I tweeted about this a few days ago. Ss were confused at first when I was just giving feedback and no grades by commenting and asking ?s on their google docs. And then they got excited to have "extra time" to fix their writing. #learnLAP
Yes!!! This is why I love @googledocs so much... I can easily give Ss feedback while they work. Today I was inspired by @alicekeeler & @Catlin_Tucker to just give feedback and not grades. They were confused/frustrated at first, but then realized the gift and power of revision.
A2) I alway ask students to tell me “what was it you are missing” or “how did you improve this” to help them show their process thinking further #learnlap
A2: Through informal conversations and I use google classroom as well as google forms to craft reflections after projects as well. I ask students a lot of questions throughout the product creating process. #learnlap
A2 we take the time to look back at our published writing and say "glows and grows". Also Seesaw again.. daily/weekly reflection on books and reading goals #LearnLAP
A2 #LearnLAP Terri from UK. We just reflected today. We went over assessment and they wrote why they missed ? & how which strategy they felt would help them improve.
A2: I need to be a lot more intentional abt this, but I ask them how they think they did some. I like them to share and discuss their work with others. Also, want to start portfolios soon and have a large part of their grade based on how they feel they did. #learnlap
Q2: we reflect in a variety of ways throughout the year - assessment reflections abt how/what Ss reviewed & how they think they performed, what could they do to improve; google forms is VERY helpful! #LearnLAP
A1: I conduct writing workshops in which the student and I discuss their writing. I ask them questions about their writing and what they are shooting for. We then discuss ways that they could improve. The student is an active participant in the conversation. #LearnLap
A2: Google Form reflections and hard copy portfolio reflections that live in the classroom and “vacation” at students homes during projects, writings, or studying to help inform their habits/completion of work #learnlap
In my class, they reflect daily either on @Schoology as a discussion, @flipgrid, or trying @Seesaw. I sometimes give a rating form on Google Forms, as well. I try to hit different ways for students to reflect on their learning/process and my feedback. #LearnLAP
A2 Ss reflect in weekly dialogue journals, in one on one conferences, and in @Flipgrid video reflections based on news articles they have read in @Newsela#LearnLAP
A2 I introduced a learning journal this year for Ss to reflect and create goals. I have gotten away from it a little in recent weeks, but have to get them back into a routine and make the time. #LearnLAP
A2: it’s all about #growthmindset and hosting discussions about common mistakes and how they can be better! I adapted a T’s survey & had my students complete it where they were forced to reflect on their grade and progress. This helped drive my parent conferences too! #learnlap
A2: Excellent question and certainly one that more teachers should consider. Time should be provided for Ss to reflect on the feedback they are given, even through 1:1 conversation with the teacher. #learnlap
In Kindergarten we have the opportunity to see each child's work each lesson. I always ask them if it is their best work? If they could add more details?
A2: Ask them tons of question: what are you most proud of? What do you wish you could change? What will you do next? Who helped you learn best? What made you struggle the most and how did you over come it? #LearnLAP
A2: I give my students exit slips, and I had them do a task analysis about a month ago that had the students reflect on how they did on their quiz. I enjoyed seeing the students reflect and take ownership. #learnlap
A1 #LearnLAP. We have targets SS are working on. These align to standards and are personalised to each child (some have same). Then I feed back on growth towards their target, any other strengths, and might set a new one. Helps Ss build and focus.
A2: Students reflect in personal journals. They ask themselves what went well (and why), what was so, so (and how could it be better) and what went not so well (and how to modify their approach). #learnLAP
I actually have a way of smashing @Screencastify and @Flipgrid together for this! Inferencing at the beginning of the unit, come back and make another flipgrid for how thinking has changed. #learnlap
In reply to
@kylelaurie, @Screencastify, @Flipgrid, @Screencastify, @Flipgrid
A2: With my kindergarten students, when they did something on a work project in class, I would ask them how that made them feel. They would think about their reply before saying it. #learnlap
A2a: We've started discussing collaboration, perseverance, ownership, and integrity as a class- what it means, looks like, sounds like. This seems to help when they go reflect on certain tasks #LearnLAP
I was just thinking today--I did a lot of thinking, that's the 3rd time I said that--how else can my students receive my feedback other than side coaching and written? I'm wondering if recording, so they can hear again, would be beneficial. . . . #LearnLAP
A2: Ask them tons of question: what are you most proud of? What do you wish you could change? What will you do next? Who helped you learn best? What made you struggle the most and how did you over come it? #LearnLAP
A2. Allowing time for Ss to think and reflect about learning and ask questions as needed is important. Ss can also share time in discussion with a partner or write ideas down on paper. #learnlap
A2: My absolute favorites for student voice and reflection is @Flipgrid and @Seesaw. Great tools to look back at student progress and create a portfolio #LearnLAP
A2: I have has students complete sheets that ask students what they were successful in, what they still need work in or questions they still have. #learnlap
For my major projects, I use @screencastify to go over my directions and rubrics and then I am still in the room to answer clarifying questions. #learnlap
In reply to
@DramaLitandTech, @L_Roadcap, @Screencastify
I use @quizlet and #quizziz on a regular basis. I also really like the formative piece of @PearDeck, especially the student- paced. I give them a slide with the question and then a slide with the answer. Love keeping track of their learning with this!! #learnlap
A2. A variety of reflection opportunities has been key for me so Ss don't view it as a burden, but a valuable process. They reply to my feedback or ?s in Google docs, complete reflection questions, take surveys, have class discussions, record @flipgrid videos, etc. #LearnLAP
A3: Not very well. I use time near the end of an assignment to create reflection, but would love to see the answers of the other fine educators of the Twitterverse! #learnlap
A2: Started trying to implement learning scales on Canvas; need to improve on using them everyday in class. But they give students an opportunity to give me feedback on what they need to work on in class and/or review. It's awesome! #learnlap
A3: I have to get better about stopping to do this more regularly, but I build a few minutes into the class period to write in their journals. #learnlap
A2 Reflection-Growth Websites and Reflection-required grade conferences. We just started "Comfort Challenges" based on the TEDtalk "This One Word Can Change Your Life." Excited to hear the stories! #learnlap
A3 I think the reflection piece is the first thing to go if time is an issue, so this is a great question. Design down, deliver up...make time by planning for it. #LearnLAP
And this seems like a great way to consistently have students reflect - build it into their routines and they’ll do it in the future when the move on to new grades and new teachers! #LearnLAP
A3: Set up S to S conferences or T to S small group conferences. I allow my S to talk as long as it’s about the content and I think this gets them reflecting on their work and discussing it with others. Def could be more structured tho. #learnlap
A3 We discuss A LOT & I do try to throw out reflection questions. This past non-HW post included the skills we experienced during class. I provide several classes for them to reflect & write about their skill and personal growth for their websites #learnlap
A3. How do you NOT make time for reflection? It is so important and easy to incorporate as an activator/summarizer for the day. It doesnt have to be a big task, although it could be! Sometimes my only HW is to reflect on what they learned and come in ready to share. #learnLAP
A3. After addressing an open-ended question which may need time for Ss to reflect and think about ideas and answers. After learning new things, give Ss time to reflect an think in order to direct their line of questioning. #learnlap
A3 The easiest way that I have found is to use @flipgrid. The Ss record a video & then I have them go and respond to 2 or 3 of their classmates.The final piece if for each student to reflect on their own work and respond to it in a video response.Lots of oral practice. #LearnLAP
A3: As a student teacher, I need to get better at this. I do give exit tickets, but due to moving through the content, I do not feel like I am able to pause and help those students who need it. I need a better way for my students to let me know how they are doing. #learnlap
A3a: My students also reflect on goals they've set. They have the option to set academic or behavior goals. Today we reviewed them and they were asked: Did you meet your goal? If not, why not and how can you improve? #LearnLAP
If Ss are not reflecting on their learning or reflecting on OUR feedback, they really aren't making all the connections they can. If they do not reflect on my side coaching in a scene or monologue, then they are just a robot doing what the drama teacher says. #LearnLAP
A3: How easy would it be to build reflection questions into our conventional notes, handouts, tech activities? Doesn’t seem like it would detract from overall learning and/or flow of lessons #LearnLAP
A3: I set aside time in the morning and at the end of the day. Ss know to use the devices on the back counter for reflection time. My Ss enjoy doing the 3-2-1 activity . #LearnLAP
Love 2* and a wish (?). We use the * and ? On google comments so Ss have symbols to go along with feedback. It’s our common languageof learning! #LearnLAP
A3: This is another area that needs improvement. We move so quickly sometimes, that all of us have a hard time finding reflection time that in a time frame to be effective... #learnlap
A3: As a student teacher, I need to get better at this. I do give exit tickets, but due to moving through the content, I do not feel like I am able to pause and help those students who need it. I need a better way for my students to let me know how they are doing. #learnlap
A3 I try to give them time to reflect by making time to go over their work they didn't understand, a document on google classroom to help them reflect after particular assignments, and I will be upgrading it to reflect on their mindset so we can address triggers #LearnLAP
A3.Our students forget most of what we teach them.They will however remember us their teachers forever.Lets be good and kind to them.A kind word can last a lifetime #learnLAP
Due to the current weather forecast, Governor Charlie Baker has directed that non-emergency state employees, working in Executive Branch agencies, should not report to their workplaces on Tuesday, March 13, 2018. #MAsnow
A4b) @peergrade — students upload their work onto the Peer Grade website, peer grade distributes papers anonymously (you can see who gets who), and the students leave FB for the owner. #learnlap
A4: Model effective feedback first! My students are always working collaboratively in class but parameters and language needed to be set at the beginning of the year so it is constructive for everyone. Not to say it doesn’t break down sometimes... #LearnLAP
A4: I haven't done much of this TBH. I know there are some great tools out there for it...it does take some serious scaffolding and practice for Ss not to take things personally from ppl they don't consider friends. #learnlap
A4: Reminding students that they are trying to effectively help one another is usually a reminder that gets taken seriously-Ss usually enjoy being helpful #LearnLAP
A4 I try model, model, model. They often worry about hurting feelings or their own confidence in their responses. I need to put a little form on their desk with cues. That might help them find the right words or build confidence. #LearnLAP
A3 #LearnLAP reflection to my Ss probably has a cafe, Starbucks feel. We sit in a circle and just start talking about what they felt worked, didn’t, as well as what I could do differently. It took time for Ssto include my teaching in the reflection. But they know it helps me
A4: I feel like google docs are powerful tools that should be utilized more. I know many language arts teachers like to have students comment on each others work, and I went to a PD session on this form of providing feedback to the students. #learnlap
A4: I have been trying to teach my students how to be respectful in their communication to each other. Often times in MS they need that training that way their feedback can encourage rather than breakdown. Need to do this more though! #learnlap
A4: With my kindergarten students, we talked about when it was okay to give feedback (during a peer assessment time or buddy talks) and when not to give feedback (about someone's clothing, shoes, etc.). #LearnLAP
A2) Teach students to do their own grading. Teach them how to use a rubric, and be honest about where they did well and where they struggled. There is always room for improvement. The more you practice with them, the better they get. #LearnLAP
A4: Make sure students have clear areas in which they are offering feedback. Teach the difference between planting comments and planting growth seeds! #LearnLAP
A4: From day one we practice using Accountable Talk. We also discuss what effective means and how to to provide kind, helpful, and specific feedback. #learnlap
I have a reflection piece after each unit. Not only does it give them an opportunity to reflect on what they s learned, by a chance for them to help me reflect. We discuss the results of the reflection and talk about how I can improve so I model #growthmindset#LearnLAP
Time----there's the rub. I just have to make it a priority. In 50 minute classes, it gets hard to do that. I have to keep reminding myself, and put it in the agenda. That way Ss will remind me unless they are too engaged to stop! #LearnLAP
A1: I try to give feedback on my kids' writing. Sometimes it is quick, and after they have shared a response to a morning work question, and sometimes I try to write out feedback to them after they have published their work.
A4: “Oreo feedback” compliment, suggestion, compliment. stems to start their fb.found a QUACK one recently. lots of acronyms for fb that are fun to use and easy for them to remember.always remind them that they aren’t going to get better if they don’t have good fb. #learnlap
A4: The key to successful peer feedback is establishing a culture of respect for learning in my classroom. When learning is the goal, feedback is useful. #learnlap
A4: We have peer to peer writing conferences as well. I give them guidelines for how to provide constructive criticism to each other, and a time limit for each level of analysis. Students then respond to the criticism and explain why they made their choices. #learnlap
Model, model, model.
The biggest thing is MS is not teaching them to give quality feedback, it is teaching the Ss to give them in a kind way that does not destroy the actor. #LearnLAP
A4: Make sure students have clear areas in which they are offering feedback. Teach the difference between planting comments and planting growth seeds! #LearnLAP
A2: We have a board designated to work that the kids are proud of. Everyday they go through their mail, and choose work that they feel they worked hard on, and did well on.
A5 I like to ask Ss for feedback often, especially when I try something new. I like to use digital tools like Socrative or Google Forms so I can sort the results and search for keywords. #LearnLAP
A5: I ask them at the semester break what I can do to help them be more successful. We also have "class meetings" every month where Ss can say something they are grateful for and something they are unhappy about, either in or out of my class. I listen!! #learnlap
A3: This is tough to always fit in! I try to have conferences with the kids to discuss their progress towards reading goals and their writing.
A5 I use it to help me find new ways, clarify or reteach information, extend the lesson when great, or just scrap it and try it a completely different way if it fell way flat. #LearnLAP
A4: The key to successful peer feedback is establishing a culture of respect for learning in my classroom. When learning is the goal, feedback is useful. #learnlap
A5: I ask my Ss how they feel about the lesson just verbally, but def want to do this more formally- then I make changes as I go. I think what they don’t say (their face/expressions/attitude) says a lot more, so we have to constantly be prep to monitor and adjust. #learnlap
A2: As Principal I just had students reflect on their learning as we spent two days at the high school because our power was out at the middle school. Students reflected on a @Flipgrid about what they learned. Check out the story here! https://t.co/9xJVR582gU#learnlap
A5. I have changed my teaching style significantly from Ss feedback. I constantly ask different groups of Ss what they like/don't like. They are always honest! #LearnLAP
A5: Whenever trying a new tech tool I give Google Form or Google Questions for students to reflect on their process and for me to grow. Last tech we used was deemed “forgettable fun” and totally changed how I looked at it for future use. Back to the drawing board #LearnLAP
A5: As a student teacher, I had my students fill out a student teaching reflection form prior to the start of second semester. I have been with the students since August, so I did appreciate their input. I took those suggestions on how I can improve. #learnlap
A4: When I ask students to do peer reflections I try to give them a checklist of things to look for. I also model what an appropriate conversation would look like so that they use positive and constructive feedback.
Have a good night! #LearnLAP. Heading to zzzz it’s pretty late over on this side but I was excited to see you all pop up on Twitter. Will look back on hashtag in AM.
A1: Since we don't collect grades for traditional rept crds, we gather data w/ Ss to conference abt. Some examples: interactive rdg logs for home as well as independent rdg logs (while I confer w/ using Sharon Taberski-style docs.) #LearnLAP
A5: My habit was to begin a lesson with a buddy talk/turn and talk question so that I could get an understanding of prior knowledge and also learn what misconceptions I needed to clear up before we began. #LearnLAP
A4: I try to use online tools for student feedback. I try to model that feedback isn't telling someone they are wrong or heckling them, but trying to help that student better explain themselves. #Learnlap
I use feedback on what needs to be tweaked, what went too long, what they could've done on their without so much teacher voice. Last week, I told them I had 2 choices of assessment. I described both. They suggested they do both and choose the one for "grade" #LearnLAP
A5: I use feedback from students to build building goals, organize school events and monitor school improvement. As Principal it is important to listen to their needs.....It is their school! #learnlap
A5: it is important to be aware that formative assessment happens every second of every day in our classrooms. It drives my instruction & allows me to differentiate. Listen to the formative assessment in classrooms! It’s one of the most effective ways to help our Ss.#LearnLAP
A5: Students give feedback on lessons in a Google Form that I also share with my team as needed. Ss are honest with me because they have seen me make changes. I have gotten some great ideas this way. #learnlap
A5: SHOW students their voice matters. They won’t know its impact outside of the classroom if they don’t see it impacting change inside the classroom. Solicit feedback from your students often and use it! #LearnLAP
A5: I try to measure feedback by how they kids did and how they behaved during the lesson. I would like to get better at getting more direct feedback through surveys and questions.
I use a google form and I ask 1-2 questions about each activity we did., usually whether they liked it or not and/or whether it helped them learn. I also ask what I could do better and then a silly question at the end. #LearnLAP
A6: I got to work with a few students today during our resource time and this conversation came up for us. In regard to the work the students might do next year. The students this year are helping me to give more language and shape and direction for a year-long project. #learnlap
A5: I have asked students after a lesson how they liked it or what things I could do to improve. I also use students data and work samples to help with this as well. #learnlap
A6: Observations by other teachers and feedback from students guide the changes I make in my classroom for improvement. I like to try new things, so for me it is fun to take their advice. #learnlap
A6:I rely on my Administrative team and my staff. Always looking for feedback on my PD workshops and presentations. If it is not helping improve our school or teacher development then I need to look at what I'm doing. The support of my PLN is amazing also! #learnlap
A6: If I could I’d have ppl in my room all the time. I love feedback! I ask what other ppl think and replay scenarios for them and see how they’d do something. I am constantly self reflecting and trying to think of how something could be better- blessing and curse. #LearnLAP
A6: If I was fortunate enough to have an aide in the classroom, I will ask them for feedback. I would also ask my students for feedback. Those comments helped me to improve because my perspective/view when I am teaching is different from someone watching me teach. #LearnLAP
A6: I am constantly asking other Ts in my building and district and following others on Twitter to learn from them. I tell my students that I'm always searching for ways to improve and I expect them to do the same. #LearnLAP
A6: Specific lessons, not a lot. More like general principles or ideas for different lessons I don't have yet. To whom? To YOU ALL, of course!! #learnlap
A5. At the end of every handout/task I have added the questions: What did you think of this activity? Is it a keeper? How would you improve or change it? I've gotten some tough responses, but it has enabled me to make important changes and created positive climate. #learnLAP
A6. I’m asking for help daily from whoever will listen:-) #learnLAP what’s worked for you? What’s worked? What’s failed? Am what I’m asking for even make sense?
A4: this is a tough one. For Peer editing I like to give a guideline for both students to follow. They will focus on positive then what might need to be changed #LearnLAP#IHmarchmadness
A6: PLC time is a great time to talk with other colleagues about how lessons went, and what changes you can make to improve them.
A6: As much as I ask my students in #Room407 to stop and reflect, it is also good for me to do this along the way with a longer project. Who better to help to give more shape than the students currently doing the work in the room? Most helpful to me to listen to them. #learnlap
This is hard for me being the only drama teacher in my building. I do chat with colleagues and ask for feedback. I'm hoping to find and build a PLN with MORE DRAMA or Fine Arts teachers. There are a couple of FB groups that I throw things around with, too. #LearnLAP
A5: Yikes, catching up! I try to incorporate what they say helps them learn in class. Different notes, even more activities, whatever will help make the content stick! #learnlap
A5: In kindergarten it's all about the body language. It's easy to tell when you have lost them and it's time to make a change.
A2: We reflect using post-it notes, class logs, sketches & rich conversations. We make many bks, including those when we invite families in for stud-led conferences. There we show how we've grown as rdrs, wrtrs, mathematicians, scientists, soc scts, artists & friends. #LearnLAP
A6. Love sharing ideas and getting suggestions from others. You can learn a lot if you listen and observe others! Learning new ideas, different ways to do things, etc. #learnlap
A6: Be open to feedback—don’t ask for it if you aren’t willing to be reflective. Be teachable and always assume you still have so much to learn. #LearnLAP
A6: My PLC team is amazing. We offer many ideas on how to reach each kid, or how to tweak a lesson. I know have a new PD team to help me learn new things. And let's not forget the Twitter community!
A6: I run new ideas by my coworkers and definitely check out what members of my PLN have already done! There are fantastic ideas already out there that can be utilized/tweaked for my class. I love learning about new tech and activities from others :) #learnlap
A7: Tough one!! I remind the Ss that it's about the learning and that 5 years from now NO ONE will care what grade they got in HS USH or Civics, but they will care what they learned there and how they can use it. #learnlap
A7 - In our classroom, I only provide feedback on assignments, no assigned grade. Always looking to help students improve no matter what level they're at. Assignments must be higher level for this to work (doesn't work with practice worksheets)! #LearnLAP
A7: I think a student's mindset about grades being rewards is changed when students are able to do things they are intrinsically motivated to do. #LearnLAP
A7: I try to show kids their progress more than the grade. I remind them of where they started so that they can see they are making gains, regardless of the "grade."
A6: I rely on feedback from Admin, instructional coach and colleagues. I appreciate and value what they have to say. It is only to make the learning environment best for my students. #LearnLAP
A5) Tasks that my students LOVE and that show learning I repeat. Tasks that my students dislike I ask for more questions and ideas to help improve them. #learnlap
A4. One of the best strategies I have used with students to encourage better peer feedback is to compliment and question. They are so much more comfortable doing this bc it is more positive and doesn't verge on criticism or being the grammar police. (Thats my job) #LearnLAP
A6: Co-teachers! I’ve cotaught for 11 years of my career and am on Year 7 with my current SpEd co-teacher. I now have a Gifted Support co-teacher (in my Honors class). The collegiality & feedback we provide each other is priceless. I don’t know how others do it alone! #LearnLAP
A7: Okay. . .on any given day, my #Room407 students may not agree with me. . .but. . .an extended writing project helps us all to find approaches to learning and breakthroughs into our project not afforded by quick-turnaround, point-driven products. Focus on process. #learnlap
A7: I don’t put a big emphasis on grades or what’s being graded. I just have set expectations and expect them to rise. I highlight Ss who are working hard and encourage those who haven’t given their best. #LearnLAP give them opps to shine in their own way!
A4: We watch videos of ea other rdg, wrtg, doing math strategies. We also have "fishbowl" demonstrations (sit around a few Ss showing how they made buddy bks, conferred as rdrs.) We make time to share/publish & for others to raise ?s & comments. Inspiration abounds! #LearnLAP
A7: I've said this in chats before, if students ask if something is graded I pause and look at them and when they as why I say, "I just don't understand why you wouldn't want to do your very best on any assignment." I put the emphasis on the work instead of the grade. #learnlap
Changing the grade mindset is almost impossible in the school where I teach. Hyper-motivated kids and immense academic pressure...some suicides in the next town over b/c of lower than anticipated grades... #learnlap
A7. The amount of time and effort you put into learning something new, as you are striving for your goals, your grades are the rewards of excellence for that hard work that are the marks of achievement for goals! #learnlap
A7: If I have said it one time this year, I have said it a thousand. We're not always looking for the RIGHT answer (usually only one and worth some amount of points). Most often, we're looking for the WRITE answer (multiple and presenting multitudes of possibilities). #learnlap
A5: I really love to adapt my lessons. I continuously look for Ss understanding. I will give quick assessments to know what they are mastering #LearnLAP#IHmarchmadness
It's hard. I'm honest each semester. I tell them we will work; the work will often be fun, but not always; they won't be graded on everything. For the Ss motivated by grades, I say the non-graded work helps them master what they need to to get the grades they want. #LearnLAP
A6. I invite other teachers to come in and observe or look over my lesson to provide feedback. This has been REALLY helpful when I had a challenging class. And now formal observations are no big deal bc I am so used to having others watch and make suggestions. #LearnLAP
A7: when the going gets a little tough, it’s important to remind Ss they aren’t a number; the person that keeps showing up and giving 100% will see the benefit of their hard work eventually #LearnLAP
A7: Ss mindset changed drastically when I gave them more control in the classroom . Ss know their voice matters and instruction goes with their interest. The change is awesome ! #LearnLAP
A6- I meet with the other two T regularly. We have working Google docs of units where we link up all of our act. We share everything and give each other authentic and constructive feedback but still maintaining our own personality in our lessons. I have it made! #LearnLAP
A6: Twitter is a fantastic vehicle for reaching out to other educators for support...really has helped to push my thinking (and planning) as an educator. #learnlap
A7: And so many of our friends are talking about how difficult this can be. It is. Points and grades are essential in the upper grades. But the question here for me is. . .what will sustain us. . .later in our learning lives. . .when the points and the grades go away? #learnlap
A6: Co-teachers! I’ve cotaught for 11 years of my career and am on Year 7 with my current SpEd co-teacher. I now have a Gifted Support co-teacher (in my Honors class). The collegiality & feedback we provide each other is priceless. I don’t know how others do it alone! #LearnLAP
A6: I’ve been teaching off and on since 1984! The key to improving is sharing ideas. Our PLC Time is an awesome opportunity to learn #LearnLAP#IHmarchmadness
A7: That's a hard one. Students are conditioned to strive for the highest grade. Most are very competitive here. I try to emphasize growth and being the best you that you can be. #learnlap
A7b: I think we need to do a better job at getting Ps to not focus on the letter grade. Ss don’t rlly know why it’s “important” they just know it is. This comes from Ps, but Ps need that why. Your child is not a failure if they don’t have straight As. #LearnLAP
A8: In my quarterly convos with students, I will accentuate the positives and let them see where they were last year or even last quarter in terms of grades...with the kids who don't care or want to learn it is a tougher task. #learnlap
A8 I have really tried to put a big emphasis on encouraging growth mindset and making mistakes as part of learning. I don't record nearly as many grades as I used to. Practice is never graded. #LearnLAP
A5: Our "best inquiries" are truly ones in which everyone invests. When Ss wrk w/ me to brainstorm ideas, gather (or list) supplies, create experiments, observe & gather data, design bks inspired by the lrng, I show that I value their ideas & agency. Their wrk matters. #LearnLAP
A5: Students’ perspectives, input and feedback are as valuable to me as an educator as I hope my feedback is to my students! It’s reciprocal! 😊 #LearnLAP
A8: Want to ask Ss for more feedback and try to get other Ts in there. Definitely highlight growth mindset and providing effective feedback. I will give more and better (one on one) feedback to my Ss. #LearnLAP
Great discussion tonight everyone! Big time thanks to @sreason329 for moderating!!! :)
Please join us next week as @cooper1503 moderates #LearnLAP (7pm Central) - TOPIC: "Improvement Focus vs. Grade Focus."
For now, jump on over to #tlap for more great discussion!
If you're around Twitter at this time tomorrow (7pm Central), please join #5thchat as @WritingCityK5 moderates:
"Motivating Reluctant Writers!"
All grades welcome!!! Should be a GREAT chat! #LearnLAP@joannavrteaches
A8 Revision, Reflection, and Reporting are my new 3Rs. SS have to revise their work after reflecting on it and then they report out on their learning. #LearnLAP
A7. I think changing Ss mindsets starts with how we phrase our feedback. I like say, "The next step to improving (name of skill) is... Usually I am making suggestions for spicing up their writing. It is never about improving their grade, only a skill or their learning. #LearnLAP
A7: If you ever have a chance to visit #Room407, you will see our Wall of As. It started with just one big golden A I found at Goodwill. Now the wall if filling up with As of different fonts and designs. The guiding question: "Which one of these do you want?" Inviting. #learnlap
Proud to say that both of our FREE, top-rated curricula incorporate pioneering scaffolds for English language learners.
Given today's diverse classrooms, we think this is a curriculum development Must.
A6: I reach out to Twitter and other educators to improve my lessons on the regular. I have to learn and grow to help my students learn and grow! #learnlap
A7: Thank goodness that our little ones come in, excited & eager to lrn! I agree that they love lrng & feel that their input changes the lrng of everyone in our classroom. #LearnLAP