I used it for the first time. It was great to make my slide show interactive, the kids loved to draw! I want to upgrade @PearDeck , but expensive! #scitlap
In reply to
@MarianaGSerrato, @PearDeck, @PearDeck
A1: It's relatively easy because of what and with whom I teach. Our units are crosscurricular, often based in current events and problems id by Ss. Lots of choice and opportunities to explore. #scitlap
Which is why I've shied away. Have you tried @goformative? Not the same thing, but lots of things to embed and multiple ways to make it interactive. #scitlap
In reply to
@daleyscience, @PearDeck, @goformative
A1 I feel like in 7th grade, the real life connections that work is if students can relate it to one of their own stories, they love to share experiences. #scitlap
Kristen, from PA, 6th grade physical science. My favorite game was Heart throb where you had 3 boys you had to choose from by pic, then by 3 characteristics on a card, and then by 3 more. You had to guess what your opponents chose too. Hysterical. #scitlap
Yes. Very fortunate. Helps that we are a small program in a bigger MS. Only 8 teachers and we all see the same kids for the whole time (5th-8th) #scitlap
A2: I make it a point to reach out to them, and involve them as much as possible. From grouping to individual convos. As usual, the magic #relationship word. #scitlap
Trying to be better at this. Using some of @aaron_hogan 's advice from #TeacherMyth and purposefully asking those kids how they are doing or asking what they did over the weekend! #scitlap
A1: I make connections to their personal lives to make it relevant. We talk about freezing point and melting point when we are preparing for a snow day. We compare particle movement to bodies in a classroom. We talk about how we could prove my engagement ring is real. #scitlap
A2: i intentionally say hello to the quiet ones. one of my quiet girls felt invisible and ignored and felt she couldn’t compete with the strong personalities. Her mom emailed and told me this. Her last statement: she knows I like her because I always say hi to her. #scitlap
A3 I love collaborating and have my go to people, but this year, I'm relying on my science dept. colleagues. We are occasionally overwhelmed by new standards, but we lift each other up and share, share, share! #scitlap
A3 I bounce ideas off my wife. I've also been working more closely with the coteacher period 6. I don't have time to meet with the other HS sci teachers much. They tend to complain more than help. #scitlap
A3: I teach along side of 2 other fantastic teachers. We collaborate and meet and share resources. We share our how our lessons went. I truly appreciate all their advice. And my feelings are never hurt. #scitlap
I don't mind complaining as long as it has positive action to it. When it doesn't, it's a real downer. Glad you have a colleague to bounce things off of and of course your wife!! #scitlap
A4: Not an activity per se, but rather the appearance of either Easter eggs or side quests that can drop items in my gamified classroom. You never know when that can happen. #scitlap
A4 I'm not really a fan of the game Clue, but I do love mystery....hooks, escape games, and adventures that kids aren't exactly sure what to expect. #scitlap
A4 Not activity but I have been alluding to where we are going for our class trip. The roller coasters this week should have been a dead give-away. #scitlap
Gamification question coming soon. I knew there would be some gamers in the group. I used to LOVE finding EastervEggs in the show Lost and now in Marvel Movies. #scitlap
A4: #breakoutedu!!! Figuring out clues and mixed up codes was fun to watch!! Also, project based act because you never know what you’re going to get!! Tomorrow I get to see magnet inventions!!! #scitlap
Going 100% game based. Sometimes it has been great, and sometimes it has been a headache, but overall definitely worth the risk! already planning on what next year's game will look like #scitlap
A5: Two units - Boardgame, which was excellent. Biomimicry Youth Challenge, with is ongoing. Powering through the latter but its taking its toll. #scitlap
A5 I feel like I take risks all of the time. I am always trying new things and I constantly involve kids and ask for feedback. Most risky - probably a new @breakoutEDU game, but also @Flipgrid and @PearDeck#scitlap
A5: I’ve taken a bunch of risks. Some good, some ok! I began running an anti bully club. I taught in station teaching and collected data on its effectiveness. I helped run a sci fair and am designing a STEM club for next year! I also created 2 @PearDeck tutorials! #scitlap
A5: Trusting the Genius hour model. Sometimes I can’t tell if Ss are truly engaged. I heard the term co-planning
from @trev_mackenzie. Met with Ss more. It’s been good. 5ths cranked today. #scitlap
I love digital @breakoutEDU. I have heard good things about @PearDeck but not tried it for a year or so when it was too overwhelming for me. Did you like it? My learners have enjoyed @MetaverseApp this year. Both through participation and creation. #scitlap
In reply to
@daleyscience, @breakoutEDU, @Flipgrid, @PearDeck, @breakoutEDU, @PearDeck, @MetaverseApp
A1: Work with 3/4/5. I always try to relate every little thing to real world! From jobs, to why we have math, and why they have to know how to read. I actually got into a pretty deep discussion with 4th grade one time about everything you do involves reading AND OR math!
I recently reworked my plate boundary lesson to help the kids see what happens at the boundaries rather than me telling them. It is still a work in progress, but I like it better than it was. https://t.co/oEp510R2xv#scitlap
A6: My energy source unit! Started having ss “use” energy with beans, then they researched info on a source. this info was used to make a presentation to sell their energy source! We did a fishbowl. Ss asked each other questions. We voted who was the most convincing. #scitlap
It would be soo cool if that turns out. Otherwise, we are hoping to get together virtually and plan a way for our classes to meet up virtually in the midst of our games. I get a little giddy just thinking about the possibilities. #scitlap
Very cool. I think we talked about this before. Have you done snack tectonics? Also, if at all interested https://t.co/xCv7r3IymK Lots of Ss choice and it is due tomorrow ;) #scitlap
We did snack tectonics before this. Hopefully, between the two we can make the link. We will finish off next week with using explain everything to show where the different rock types would be found based on lithospheric plate movement. #scitlap
A7: Gamification allows you to reach and develop things for individualized instruction, encourages students to take risks and think critically and laterally. My classdynamics and the relationships I've made with my Ss because of it have reenergised my teaching! #scitlap
A9 Again. Biggest game changer has been gamification. Places that fun element smack dab in the middle of class and allows for so much more. It was what I was thinking teaching should be from the beginning but now I have a roadmap to follow. #scitlap
A9: Becoming a part of several communities of forward thinking educators. Lived in my little bubble too long and there are so many geniuses, like you all, out there! #scitlap
Going 100% #gamification totally changed how I plan. I looked for hooks in the past, but now I also look for ways to turn it into a game or make it part of my game. Planning has become much more intentional. #scitlap