Hello, #TECHtalkGA! I'm Angela, Dist ITS for MS/HS in Forsyth Co!
We've been using a LMS for years, but heavy focus on good blended instruction/learning for 5+ years!
Hi #TECHtalkGA. I'm Robbie, HS Media Spec & Ed Tech instructor, from DeKalb. Currently using itslearning, but wish they hadn't turned off G-classrooms as an option.
#TECHtalkGA Q2: @e_sheninger talked about the diff bwtn blended learning & blended instruction in a post from Dec17. What do you see as the most imp difference?
A1: Hi #TECHtalkGA
My name is Cori and I am a math teacher in Gwinnett.
We trying to encourage blended learning/transformational teaching the last couple of years.
We are using itslearning - but we have Chromebooks and could use Google Classroom IF it was turned on. But it's not. I really like options, not limits.
#TECHtalkGA A2: I love how @E_Sheninger defines the diff in WHO is doing the work and who is the focus!
For me, that's the best diff! Who has control over pace, place, or choice? Whose work is blended, Ts or Ss?
#TECHtalkGA Q2: @e_sheninger talked about the diff bwtn blended learning & blended instruction in a post from Dec17. What do you see as the most imp difference?
Ben @SFMSBen has put this so succinctly. It applies across the board, and it matters in every decision made, not just in blended environments #TECHtalkGA
A2: Hadn't really thought about the difference until you asked. Love the response that @SFMSBen gave!
Learning is and should be student-focused.
#TECHtalkGA Q3: Blended learning is often defined as formal learning experiences in which Ss learn at least in part in person and in part through online learning AND where Ss have some control over time, place, path, and/or pace.
How does a LMS help with this the MOST?
I’m fascinated by this conversation. Google districts who actively turn OFF Google Classroom? It says a lot about the district AND about the LMS choice and Google Classroom. #TECHtalkGA
I’m fascinated by this conversation. Google districts who actively turn OFF Google Classroom? It says a lot about the district AND about the LMS choice and Google Classroom. #TECHtalkGA
A3: A truly ROBUST learning management system will provide mechanisms and means to create and support all these learning experiences / environments listed. That’s the key behind an LMS that decision-makers usually overlook #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q3: Blended learning is often defined as formal learning experiences in which Ss learn at least in part in person and in part through online learning AND where Ss have some control over time, place, path, and/or pace.
How does a LMS help with this the MOST?
A2. Not sure I agree w his def. Blended learning is "any formal ed program in which a student learns at least in part through online learning, w some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace" (C. Maxwell, 2018). #TECHtalkGA
No way!!!
I don’t support turning off of something just to force the hand of teachers to use something else. If you roll it our right and have a tool that can serve a similar or better purpose than Classroom, then it won’t matter if it’s turned on. #TECHtalkGA#strongfeelings!
A3: Huge fan of Google Classrm for ease of use on any device/situation. intuitive, simple. S can work where/when suits them. Computer not needed, all device friendly. Plus for me, I can post/add/adjust with ease from phone. Plus comment feature = gamechanger #TechTalkGA
You are limiting your students if you don't consider them as capable of choosing and instructing. The joy of blended learning is that a student can lead. (But, yes, in gen'l, Ts teach & Ss learn)
#TECHtalkGA A4: So many Ts look at #blendedlearning as something MORE. I look at it as something DIFFERENT. What was something I could do in class, but could do on the LMS instead to allow some choice?
A4: experiment. Be bold. Tell the kids you are new to it. Let them see you can make mistakes. Be responsive and open to their difficulties too! #TechTalkGA
Oh, so true! As a HS T at heart, I *get* that the S is often the T. But that was still (often) as a result of my design...although not always, LOL!
A4 showing them an example typically alleviates any questions. I would also tell them that it takes time to fine tune a blended lesson b/c we are used to traditional lessons. #techtalkga
Love that! I can post different exile levels, depth of question, etc., and no one knows but me! Recent essay I gave certain students a template to help with their organization. Only those kids were aware #TECHtalkGA
A4. Advice to start blended learning: think about how you can teach this w edtech help. Now think how you can expand lesson with edtech help. NOW redesign lesson totally for new possibilities.
Sorry #TECHtalkGA I am jumping in late.
A4 An LMS is great for self-paced S learning even though it is ALOT of work for the T on the front end. My advice...as you are building courses, sketch it out and add placeholders. Go back and think how can I incorporate the 4Cs?
A4: take a risk. It's ok not to know everything about technology. Design the learning to increase one or more of the 4 Cs. Allow students to CREATE something to show their understanding. It should not be just consumption but creation. #techtalkga
A4: When I began working with our LMS, I found one area that I could use in class (our quiz feature) and became proficient with that one feature. I tried not to overwhelm myself with all the features I could use. #startsmall#TECHtalkGA
YES! This is so key! It's not necessary to learn all the ins and outs in one day! Learn one thing, get comfortable with it, move on to the next thing to add to your toolbox!
A4: When I began working with our LMS, I found one area that I could use in class (our quiz feature) and became proficient with that one feature. I tried not to overwhelm myself with all the features I could use. #startsmall#TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q5: We know that relationships matter! How can you use a LMS to build BETTER relationships through blended learning, instead of de-personalizing the learning experience?
A5: since using GC I have been able to have far more consistent communication with my S. From posting reflection questions to our question of the Week, from responding to private comments on assignments to open discussion on class questions. So many options! #TechTalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A5: For me, I was able to use assignments or assessments in our LMS (@itslearningUSA) to give quicker/better feedback, which helped me focus on the F2F relationships with my Ss!
I could also build S to S relationships w/discussions, etc.!
#TECHtalkGA Q5: We know that relationships matter! How can you use a LMS to build BETTER relationships through blended learning, instead of de-personalizing the learning experience?
A5: by differentiating instruction students are shown that I want to help them be better. A LMS allows me to give additional help to those select students while allowing extension opportunities to those who are mastering the content.
A5: I think providing personalized feedback instead of addressing a whole class on multiple issues builds better relationships. A variety of tools could be used. @Flipgrid, @screencasto individual feedback on writing, voice notes, and more. #TECHtalkGA
A5: The unique aspect of blended learning — the anytime, anywhere, anybody part — naturally brings people of similar learning preference together. They become a support system for each other. It’s an intrapersonal study skill. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA Q5: We know that relationships matter! How can you use a LMS to build BETTER relationships through blended learning, instead of de-personalizing the learning experience?
IMO, that's one of the strongest powers of a LMS! The ability to integrate other tools! Choose the tool that works for you, use the LMS as a one-stop shop for resources!
A5: I think providing personalized feedback instead of addressing a whole class on multiple issues builds better relationships. A variety of tools could be used. @Flipgrid, @screencasto individual feedback on writing, voice notes, and more. #TECHtalkGA