A1)I’m Milisa. I’m a newly certified middles grades social studies and science teacher, about to move to a state with a high ELL population. Looking forward to learning from you all! #ellchat
A1)I’m Milisa. I’m a newly certified middles grades social studies and science teacher, about to move to a state with a high ELL population. Looking forward to learning from you all! #ellchat
Good evening #ELLCHAT ! I’m Karen Nemeth, co-host of this chat and I’m a consultant/author focusing on ELLs/DLLs in #earlyed. Tonight’s topic is timely and compelling: Strengths-based approaches get a lot of talk, but how do we put them to work??
A2: All students need to focus on what they do well, find and celebrate their successes, and strengths in one language can usually transfer well to another language #ELLCHAT
Great question, Crystal! in early education birth - age 6, we say “dual language learners” instead of English learners because young children are still learning 1st lang while also learning L2. DLLs is the early childhood term for ELLs. #ELLCHAT
A2) I think it’s vitally important for every student, but ELLs especially need to be celebrated to give them support and confidence building for their struggles as they learn #ellchat
A2b: Identifying and highlighting ELs’ strength will lead to them tapping into their potential!
Realizing their potential - will encourage them to learn more and be more!
A2. It’s so important to identify and teach to a student’s strengths. They need to have something that they can feel connected to, or feel proud of, because learning a new language can be such a challenge for them. #ellchat
A2) A lot of professionals in school building don’t know how to interact with ELs; I often hear comments like “they don’t know anything!” We need to work hard to see our kids strengths so we can advocate for them and help others see what we see 💕 #ELLCHAT
A2) I think it’s vitally important for every student, but ELLs especially need to be celebrated to give them support and confidence building for their struggles as they learn #ellchat
A2) ELs sometimes struggle with a lot of new information. They need someone to recognize their value and celebrate their successes. This will encourage a desire to keep learning. @allapolatty#ELLChat
A2: Because by providing opportunities to be successful we build positive momentum. Students start to see a connection between their effort and their progress. They begin to take ownership of their learning. Once that happens, they can learn anything. #ELLCHAT
A2 About 10 yrs ago, an educator stood at a national meeting and said “Why do we call them ‘limited English proficient? Shouldn’t we call them ‘other language proficient’??”. I’m still talking about that remark. Why do people think having more language makes people less? #ELLCHAT
A2) I feel like a lot of ELLs don't know their own strengths. They just feel like struggling students, and are often surprised when I point out "superpowers" they didn't know they had! Kids need to know what they're good at. #ellchat
A2) Once you identify strengths, you can build on them and differentiate instruction to support areas of need via areas of strength. Ex. If strength in speaking, use that to support writing. #ELLCHAT
A2 Here is the joint policy statement from US Dept of Health & Human Services and US Dept of Ed with official term DLLs - a totally strengths-based position! https://t.co/9LGrwoFviR#ELLCHAT
A2) I think it is imperative that we support development and bilingual/biliteracy in the native language. It is all about supporting language as an asset! #ellchat
A3) Depending on the age of the child, have them help identify their strengths and assets. #WIDA suggests a "Can-Do Portrait" or "Can-Do Resume" for Ss that they can share with other teachers. #ELLChat
A2 I think teachers often forget that every test and quiz is an assault on ELLs’ self esteem. No matter how nice you are - if you hand someone a test they can’t answer - you have hurt them. #ELLCHAT
Find the part of language that each student is “getting” and use that! Build confidence whether it’s reading, writing, speaking.... give them choices in how they communicate while building relationship. #ELLChat
A3 A Head Start tchr shared that she sends home scrapbooking materials for families to make a picture book about their child before entering preschool. Start by celebrating child AND family #ELLCHAT
A3) I focus on getting to know the whole person through conversations, inventories, and asking directly to build those relationships before anything else #ellchat
Start with letting them (and all students) communicate with you visually and in any language) about their identity - where they have been, what their likes/dislikes are, experiences, family,... Important for the teacher as well as for peers to learn about each other. #ellchat
A3: When I read in my class, I have students take notes for me on a whiteboard identifying interesting vocab - then they are encouraged to write the word in their first language (so in my class I am also learning new words in Korean and Mandarin). Everyone is learning. #ELLCHAT
The WIDA CAN DO descriptors describes what an ELL should be able to do depending on the English level. Teaching to strengths is an approach where we look student assests rather than deficits. #ELLCHAT
A3) Depending on the age of the child, have them help identify their strengths and assets. #WIDA suggests a "Can-Do Portrait" or "Can-Do Resume" for Ss that they can share with other teachers. #ELLChat
A3) Greet your students! Find out what they like/what is important to them through basic questions—always give them opportunities to TALK and WRITE about what they love. Use their funds of knowledge to find out what is important to their culture. #ELLChat
A3) I focus on getting to know the whole person through conversations, inventories, and asking directly to build those relationships before anything else #ellchat
A3 Working with young children, they may not be able to tell you about their strengths, but you can observe their play and build on their interests. They’ll show you what they’re good at! #ELLCHAT
A3. Interactive journaling (which can include visuals as well as language) that is not marked up, but simply responded to by the teacher. This lowers the affective filter, as it is not graded or a means for pointing out language mistakes, but just practice with writing. #ELLchat
A2) I think most people know that when we value ELLs’ strengths, it is to their benefit, but on a larger scale, all of us benefit from them. When students are valued and empowered to act on their strengths, their contribution to society can be vital to all of us. #ELLCHAT
A3) Use varied assessments and SHOW your ELs how much they are learning! My kids love to see their lines go “up” for letter ID, vocab, etc. It gives them confidence that they don’t always feel in the gen ed classroom #ELLChat
A3: When I read in my class, I have students take notes for me on a whiteboard identifying interesting vocab - then they are encouraged to write the word in their first language (so in my class I am also learning new words in Korean and Mandarin). Everyone is learning. #ELLCHAT
A3: In the beginning of the year, ask ELLs to draw a picture, write, or say one thing that they can teach you/their peers (or something they know a lot about). #ELLCHAT
A3. I have students set up the classroom with me each year so that they feel valued and take ownership. Then we spend a few weeks building classroom community through games & activities at the beginning of the year & again each time we receive a new student. #ellchat
Right @judiehaynes "Can Do Descriptors" are one resource, but having students create their own Asset-based portraits that include other strengths (music, sports, work, cooking, etc.) is also powerful. #ELLChat
The WIDA CAN DO descriptors describes what an ELL should be able to do depending on the English level. Teaching to strengths is an approach where we look student assests rather than deficits. #ELLCHAT
A3) Depending on the age of the child, have them help identify their strengths and assets. #WIDA suggests a "Can-Do Portrait" or "Can-Do Resume" for Ss that they can share with other teachers. #ELLChat
A3) I don't think we can depend on ELLs' identifying their own strengths. We have to be detectives and seek out and reflect their strengths back to them. #ELLCHAT
Thank you so much for sharing. I had no idea this was an official term in the US with a strengths-based position... I have been teaching overseas for about 4 years know and am curious is this policy is new or not. #ELLCHAT
A3. Interactive journaling (which can include visuals as well as language) that is not marked up, but simply responded to by the teacher. This lowers the affective filter, as it is not graded or a means for pointing out language mistakes, but just practice with writing. #ELLchat
A3. I believe strongly in the power of being bilingual. I encourage students to use their native language in my classroom and try to include it whenever possible in lessons. Students don’t need to give us their identity & culture just because they’re learning English. #ellchat
A3: Strengths-based relationship building starts by seeking out ELs' funds of knowledge, finding resources they bring & using them as areas of expertise. #ELLChat
A3) Informal conversations go a long way. Is important to know our Ss. Making those connections will assist us in making the content more comprehensible. All our Ss have strengths. It is our duty to identify them. #ellchat
A3) It's not a policy. It's an approach that is gaining ground in the U.S. We have a lot of students who living with adversity and this approach is great for them. #ELLCHAT
Thank you so much for sharing. I had no idea this was an official term in the US with a strengths-based position... I have been teaching overseas for about 4 years know and am curious is this policy is new or not. #ELLCHAT
A3) Basing instruction on strengths can be as simple as maximizing student talk time, by allowing students to negotiate meaning, problem-solve, and have collaborative discussions. The more their voices are validated and heard, the more student agency takes place. #ELLCHAT
A3 I guess that’s true, Judie. So many times we read guidance about working with ELLs/DLLs that involves asking students or having students tell something - but when they start with us, they may not even understand the question! #ELLCHAT
A3) I don't think we can depend on ELLs' identifying their own strengths. We have to be detectives and seek out and reflect their strengths back to them. #ELLCHAT
YES! And we need to be better at communicating to our students how much our society and communities need them! I like to give my students little flash-forwards. "You're going to be so good at __ someday. The world needs more people like that!" #ellchat
Including myself! Everyone learns. And we must model it as adults. We can all be life long learners! It's obviously harder the older you are bc you just don't hear certain sounds. But is shows that adults make mistakes too. We all must take risks learning new languages #ELLCHAT
A4: Piggybacking on Shaeley's comment, MODELING growth mindset to kids by being vulnerable to them about areas where I want to grow, and the steps I am taking to do so, builds relationships and teaches students the growth mindset as well. #ellchat
A3 I guess that’s true, Judie. So many times we read guidance about working with ELLs/DLLs that involves asking students or having students tell something - but when they start with us, they may not even understand the question! #ELLCHAT
A3) I don't think we can depend on ELLs' identifying their own strengths. We have to be detectives and seek out and reflect their strengths back to them. #ELLCHAT
A4) I heard a brilliant 4th grade math teacher ask a student, who had gotten the 'wrong' answer to a math word problem, "So what question does the number 8 answer?" The student had to rethink the process and came up with the right question for that answer! GROWTH! #ELLChat
YES! And we need to be better at communicating to our students how much our society and communities need them! I like to give my students little flash-forwards. "You're going to be so good at __ someday. The world needs more people like that!" #ellchat
A4: Model learning new languages as an adult. My students are very patient as they teach me the correct pronunciation of their names or words in their language (which sometimes I still don't always get right) but if I can do it, they can too. It takes a lot of practice. #ELLCHAT
A4) I stole this from the internet and recreated it in my own style.... But I enjoy walking students over to the display when the utter a forbidden phrase, and I make them correct it. :) #ellchat
A3 "Promoting the learning and development of young children who are DLLs begins by creating a climate that is based on their strengths, recognizes the benefits of bilingualism, embraces diversity…”
A4) As an EL person myself, I tell my students that learning English will take time, but that they need to be aware that they are learning new words every day. #ellchat
A4) I think one way is to show our imperfections, mistakes, and how we own them and recover from them without beating ourselves up. Teaching them that no one is perfect and we’re all learning and growing, at every age and ability level #ellchat
A4) Another way to change the language to growth mindset is to add the word 'yet': "I don't know how to do that YET." This helps them believe they WILL get there. #ELLChat
A4) Show ELLs the value and purpose of being persistent and that you value their efforts . Also, teach ELLs to believe in their abilities to embrace challenges #ELLCHAT
A4 I think that teachers first have to really understand what a growth mindset is. In #earlyed we got so used to saying “process over product” that we forgot that the process has to take the child somewhere! You can’t glue pompoms on paper all day and call it “art”! #ELLCHAT
A4: Writer's Workshop - I don't want a summative writing to be "finished" after they submit. Ss should have the chance to refine and refine again their writing, for example. Grading student work, giving feedback, and then moving on to the next task is not effective. #ELLchat
A4 And I think teachers miss the growth mindset boat if they think it means they can do all the talking if they just say different words like “I see you are trying”. :( Growth means giving over control to student thinkers. Do you agree? #ELLCHAT
Absolutely! That modeling is so key. I let my nerd flag fly and am honest about my struggle with challenges (learning language, technology being dumb...), and then enthusiastically celebrating when I finally get it. :) #ellchat
A4)One thing that I do is to show my students their writing from beginning of the year and compare it to their writing now. They are always impressed on their growth. #ellchat
A4 I think that teachers first have to really understand what a growth mindset is. In #earlyed we got so used to saying “process over product” that we forgot that the process has to take the child somewhere! You can’t glue pompoms on paper all day and call it “art”! #ELLCHAT
This is a great point! I like to speak in Korean with my students at times so they can see me get stuck on a word, yet persevere. I also want them to see that, although my speaking is riddled with errors, they still get my message. Accuracy comes with practice! #ellchat
A4: Model learning new languages as an adult. My students are very patient as they teach me the correct pronunciation of their names or words in their language (which sometimes I still don't always get right) but if I can do it, they can too. It takes a lot of practice. #ELLCHAT
A4 This is why we like project - based learning for ELLs/DLLs. Judie and I have presented on that topic together because we love seeing tchrs giving students the power to explore, attempt, revise, persist, and conclude… and talk about it with each other! #ELLCHAT
A4) Show ELLs the value and purpose of being persistent and that you value their efforts . Also, teach ELLs to believe in their abilities to embrace challenges #ELLCHAT
A4) By not giving up when things get tough. Sometimes it takes our own surrender to the growth mindset to see the “silver lining” when students struggle and we feel powerless because we tried all we could at the time. #ELLChat
With so many of our students entering school with high ACE scores, trauma informed education is something ALL teachers should be researching 👌🏽 We must meet our students where they are! #ELLchat#responsiveclassroom
A4 Supporting persistence in children who have been through really tough times may take more attention from teachers. You can’t just brush by shouting “Keep trying!” You might have to stop and be with a child in building that persistence one on one. Really BE with them! #ELLCHAT
Always rewarding! I'm trying to get better at helping Ss see immediate growth too. Today we did a speaking activity where they practiced sharing their narrative (with notes) with three different partners. Ss were amazed at how much better their story was the third time! #ellchat
A5) When working in small groups, I let my ELLs work together if they want and they can switch to their first language as long as they stay on topic. It helps them relax and enjoy academic conversations #ellchat
So true.... I meet a lot of kids who've made it all the way to middle school with lots of encouraging "keep trying" comments, when what they really needed was a different tool or two in their toolbox. #ellchat
A5. I need new strategies as I have stepped back into the classroom this year. Maybe this comes back to knowing our Ss and the topics or questions that will tap into our Ss' passions. Making concepts relevant to Ss in class. Giving processing time, sentence stems #ellchat
A5: I think the key for encouraging all students to take risks socially is to create a classroom culture based on mutual respect and the importance of relationships. All people (whether you are a kid or adult) needs to feel safe in order to interact and communicate #ELLCHAT
A5 Clock partners switch weekly to make sure those partnerships stay fresh; celebrate those students who share using the modeled sentence starters/frames; explicitly teach how to listen #ellchat
A5) One of my favorite strategies is problem-solving through collaborative discussions. You can learn SO much about students, they can learn about and from each other. Not to mention the college- and career-readiness and critical thinking skills being developed. #ELLCHAT
A5) I'm a huge fan of #Kagan Cooperative Learning @KaganOnline. The structures provide support and ensure equal participation. With some extra language scaffolding, these structures create social and academic interaction in the classroom. #ELLCHAT
Yes, @MrsGodsiff, I've been working with my students a lot on active listening - that it's a 2-way street, not just each student focusing on what he/she will say instead of listening to a response. #ellchat
A5 Clock partners switch weekly to make sure those partnerships stay fresh; celebrate those students who share using the modeled sentence starters/frames; explicitly teach how to listen #ellchat
A5: I think the key for encouraging all students to take risks socially is to create a classroom culture based on mutual respect and the importance of relationships. All people (whether you are a kid or adult) needs to feel safe in order to interact and communicate #ELLCHAT
A4 OH YEAH: And please stop saying “Good job” or “I like how you’re sitting” or “High Five” all the time. Do you know why a kid finishes a puzzle or equation? Because he likes to see the finished product - doesn’t want to be interrupted by empty praise. #ELLCHAT
Work group, they tutor each other, and help each other study. They always have time to “be themselves” at the end of the period allowing them to release some stress and vent about their day. It is hard to be a HS ELL. #ELLCHAT
A5)Let them talk to each other.Model respectful conversations, provide thought provoking questions that encourage discussion and sometimes even differences of opinion that can be argued effectively.Gradually release responsibility until Ss are posing their own questions. #ELLChat
A4 When I do workshops for teachers I start asking conversational questions to them and after every response I say “good job!” How far do you think our conversation goes??? #ELLCHAT
A5) I love Kagan's Cooperative learning strategies. I find however, that some may be difficult for ELLs because they require a lot of language. #ELLCHAT.
A5) I'm a huge fan of #Kagan Cooperative Learning @KaganOnline. The structures provide support and ensure equal participation. With some extra language scaffolding, these structures create social and academic interaction in the classroom. #ELLCHAT
What a great reminder! These are all so simple and really important in building relationships with your students. I am making this a priority goal I focus on this year! Thank you @KarenNemethEdM for sharing! #ELLCHAT
I don't think of it as "facilitating social interaction," but we laugh A LOT in my classroom. Having inside jokes and weird traditions as a class puts everyone at ease, and creates a sense of community. Kids end up talking with people they wouldn't usually talk to. #ellchat