#LearnLAP occurs on Mondays starting at 7pm Central Time. Guest moderators and participants discuss topics from author Paul Solarz's book Learn Like a PIRATE.
It is crazy to me that by introducing blogging into my classroom (introduced it a week ago) my most reluctant writers & readers have completed 5 blog posts PLUS commented to their peers. As a class, we have posted 116 blog posts in a WEEK. WHAT?! #FriscoFutureReady#HospLearns
Good evening! I am Tami, an international elementary T down in Mexico (originally from California). Hoping everyone's week is off to a good start. #LearnLAP
Jeremy McGinty, 5th grade teacher from Bowling Green, KY. My kids are starting to own their learning. I love when everything starts to connect!! #LearnLap
Phil from Northern, VA. I teach 7th grade US History II. Hmmm lots of wins last week. Biggest win was integrating sketchnoting into my classroom! #learnlap@MrsAsztalos@MathWithMsHawes@misskoplin
Julie from Ark! I'm a Tech Fac. A win happened today! Students using primary source letters instead of "reading passages" to learn abt reading and learning from informational text. Its a step!! #LearnLAP#TIS2Learn
I'm Paul Solarz, a 5th grade teacher from Arlington Heights, Illinois.
My Win: Thanks to Global School Play Day, #GSPD2018, one of my students organized a football game with 14 of his friends at our local park over the weekend! So proud of him taking initiative! #LearnLAP
Hello everyone,I'm Karen(a current student at Chapman University in CA) aspiring to be a teacher someday.I don't have experience yet other than working with sixth graders for a college and career mentoring program, but I hope to learn a couple things from everyone else #learnLAP
I'm Sarah, a 6th grade ELA teacher in GA excited for #learnlap tonight! We are working on argumentative writing and debates - had great engagement today with a Scope article about student behavior online!
My amazing win would be that a student nominated me for a staff high five because, as a student teacher, she thinks I have helped the team physically and mentally. #LearnLAP
It is crazy to me that by introducing blogging into my classroom (introduced it a week ago) my most reluctant writers & readers have completed 5 blog posts PLUS commented to their peers. As a class, we have posted 116 blog posts in a WEEK. WHAT?! #FriscoFutureReady#HospLearns
Melissa, 7th Grade Science from Upstate NY. Super happy to support @TeacherRunner42 as he leads the charge for #LearnLAP
Win for the week is getting almost all students to demonstrate proficiency on the last quiz. Reteaching the few who were close tomorrow!
Good evening #LearnLAP crew! I'll be in and out tonight but am happy to join for a bit. I gave my first HS paper test since moving to #flexibleseating and it went WELL! #platorv
Hi...James joining in from South Texas...Tech Integration...Was at #TCEA Conference last week...Hoping to introduce some awesome tech tools to our campus! #LearnLAP
Hello! Anna from Northern Va! I teach 6th grade math. We had a very successful sort, gallery walk, and discussion today on subsets if real numbers. Ss used great math vocabulary! #LearnLap
Kellie from Virginia Beach, VA- 4th grade- My big win- Having 15 kids join me for a Google Hangout "Study" Game last week! Our biggest group yet!
A1: Your Ss have evolved. Your Ss, some more than others, have grown up with a device in their hand, learning from YouTube videos, and experimenting with various apps. We should embrace that and evolve with them. Otherwise, where does the empowerment lie? #LearnLAP
A1 Because things change: Ss, world events, brain research, tech. If we don't change w/ it we're not relevant. "That's the way we've always done it doesn't cut it anymore!" #learnlap
A1: we are always learning about how the brain works, how kids learn, etc. & our world keeps changing! We need to keep up and continually look for ways to improve #learnlap
A1: My favorite video is a Prince Ea video about modern day schooling and how it has not evolved. Our students are adapting to many things that we did not grow up with. It is up to us, as teachers, to prepare them for that future. #LearnLAP
What up Mike... Can't save the world tonight so I'll join in here... A1: it's only necessary if we want to keep up with an evolving society... #LearnLap
A1: Our students are different every year, so how can we not #evolve and meet their needs? We must always strive to improve and use the best and most useful tools to help kids #LearnLAP
A1 Stagnation makes no sense. As our understanding of the world changes, as the world itself changes, we must adapt. Standing still is equivalent to moving backwards. Our future deserves more. #learnlap
A1: Educ must continually evolve because our Ss do! If Ss ever stay the same then we can finally say we have it all figured out...until then, change must happen. #LearnLAP#TIS2Learn
A1 The world is always changing, to meet the needs of our students and their future we must always be reflecting, growing, and acting on what we learn #learnlap
Hello, #LearnLAP! Ryan in MI, 6th Grade Social Studies.
Win of the week was working to get everyone caught up after a snow filled/illness filled couple of weeks. Most everyone is back on the same page.
A1: answers this today. When you let things get confortable you get out of touch and things change and you have to change with them because the Ss do become bored with a lesson taught the same as it was 20 years ago #LearnLAP
A1: Since the world we live in evolves, and the job market evolves, how can education not also #evolve ? We can't prepare our Ss for everything if we leave out the component of change. #learnlap
A1: We live in a constantly changing world. We need to change with it. It's like that old (slightly dramatic) saying, "If you don't change, you die." #learnlap
A1. Because the world is continuously evolving! We owe our kiddos the skills that they will need to succeed in a future full of things that we aren’t yet aware of. #LearnLAP
A1 Education must constantly evolve because we constantly evolve. We learn from our past/history daily. With that learning should...hopefully...come growth. #LearnLap
Hello everyone,I'm Karen(a current student at Chapman University in CA) aspiring to be a teacher someday.I don't have experience yet other than working with sixth graders for a college and career mentoring program, but I hope to learn a couple things from everyone else #learnLAP
A1: One of the most important reasons we educate is to prepare our students for the future economy. If our classroom are not continually evolving to meets the needs of future industries we are doing our students a disservice #LearnLAP
A1. The world around us is currently evolving into the next thing. If we teach students the same way that’s always been, we’re teaching them how to comply. Way to reach the 1980s! We need to be teaching creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. We need innovation #LearnLAP
A1: Our goal, what it will mean for our students to contribute to society, evolves. If we don’t, we are preparing kids for some historical world rather than the rapidly-changing world they’ll (and already do) contribute to. #learnlap
A1) B/c we live in a world of constant change; we as a species r always changing & evolving; education helps us to live in our world today, while remembering the past, but also contemplating the future. This requires an education that reflects & respects those changes. #LearnLAP
A1 - Everything grows for the better or worse. Nothing stays the same. Evolve like a caterpillar to a butterfly #learnlap Reflect on the past, teach in the present, grow slowly
A1: When Ts stop evolving, Ss need stop being met. Ss consistently change who they are and what their needs are. If we do not evolve, Ss cannot grow. #LearnLAP
A1: Perhaps we'd all agree that education must continually adapt to latest discoveries in brain research and learning theory. However, how much time and money devoted to R&D -- do we value education enough? #LearnLAP
A1 simply put the world is evolving and changing more and more rapidly each day. To be fair and to best serve our students for success we must evolve as well #LearnLAP
A1 - Although there are many different ways to successfully teach children, making education meaningful & relevant to our students helps them see learning as something that applies to them, not something that is done to them. Let's mold lifelong learners! #LearnLAP#MakeItReal
A1-School has changed so much since I was in school! We need to make learning exciting and continue meeting the educational needs of todays students! #LearnLAP
A1: Teaching is an art, craft. We are continually working to improve and be better, but we will never be perfect. Think of an artost’s progression over time. #LearnLAP
There have been so many advancements in technology since I became a teacher. We need to teach S’s how to communicate in many different forms. And let’s face it....I have so much to learn in this area. The children are teaching me a thing or two! #learnlap
#learnlap Evolution can be punctuated or gradual but it is inevitable- adaptation, growth and sustainability comes from seeing an opportunity to progress and taking it- minds change, perspectives alter- we always have to improve to survive
A1. It comes down to life long learning. We should never stop learning. Because of this, education needs to evolve and change as we learn and discover more. #learnlap
A1 because #kidsdeserveit , we owe it to kids to always be learning more and doing more! The world is changing, kids our changing, our teaching must too! #learnlap
#learnlap A1: The human brain is always evolving. The culture around our brains.....which help encode and develop HOW we learn is always evolving. These things are not independent. (If you don't think cell phones and video games have changed the way we learn, think again.)
Yes, we have learned SO MUCH about the brain in recent decades, particularly the adolescent brain. If we taught the way we did 20 or 30 years ago, it’d be like doing open surgeries instead of laparoscopic. #learnlap
A2- Great question! Time is always an obstacle and I'm constantly readjusting and prioritizing. Trying to find ways to get the most bang for the buck! #learnlap
Q2 - time is a fleeting moment, it comes down to your priorities, find time or make time. If you why is big enough, you find your how! #learnlap#liveinthemoment. Dont rush success.
Diane Watson SS and LA teacher 6th grade joining in, the struggle is real today realized Media Literacy needs to be a big part of my future lesson plans. #LearnLAP
A2 I'm still working on that one. I beg and borrow from teaching other subjects to get things accomplished. Never enough time...I'm dying that we're in the middle of the 3rd nine weeks. #LearnLAP
A2: The same way you stop saying, "This is how we've always done it." Make effort to change, fail, succeed, innovate, and empower; not excuses. #LearnLAP
A2: Just wrote a blog about this yesterday because this was something we struggled with as leaders and a topic at our last leadership meeting https://t.co/nmHucHqSAV#learnlap
A2: Time is exactly the same for everyone. I have seen again & again, what is valued gets done! We we say we value has to match what we give time to! #LearnLAP#TIS2Learn
A2: I don't know if we can over come the "time" obstacle but we can learn to manage the "time" better. I think there are ways to cultivate time instead of always talking about it as an obstacle. #LearnLAP
And because the future is evolving at a pace never before seen, we better teach our students how to evolve with it. Not how to regurgitate facts! #LearnLAP
A2: We need to work smarter...that is use #PBL, flip the classroom, and facilitate students to conduct authentic research so that class time isn’t spent lecturing and wasting time #LearnLAP
A2. Time is certainly a precious gift in our field. We need to use it in the most effective ways possible. If we focus on meaningful experiences for Ss, we certainly won’t find ourselves wasting time. #learnlap
A2: One way of overcoming the "I don't have time" obstacle is by having a growth mindset. When you continually tell yourself that you don't have time you only discourage yourself. It's best to tell yourself that you can make time and then work from there... #LearnLAP
A2: you make time for what’s important to you, prioritize, eliminate the dead weight activity that you do out of habit, plan ahead, be prepared and dive in! #learnlap
A2: As a student teacher getting ready for EDTPA, it would be easy for me to make that excuse, but I am learning that it is important to grow as well. I just use my time wisely to allow myself a break. We tend to make time for things that matter. #LearnLAP
A2: I decide what is important, divide up the class into 3 sections of activities, actually use a timer to keep myself and Ss on track, and then do the best I can. If it's deemed important, then we make time for it. We do that in life too. #learnlap
A2: Creativity & out-of-the box thinking allows us to find the time for what’s important or prioritized. Be brave to try something different! #LearnLAP
A1 #LearnLAP If we focus on the now and not on the will be- we will stall at the gate- we have to foresee and explore the next adventure because like an Escher painting the stairs & direction of progress is always changing
A2: When teachers break through the, “This is the way I have learned. This is the way it’s always been done and it works fine” mentality, time will not be an issue.
Stop grading everything. Focus on how you relate to the kid! Give them vocal feedback during class. #learnlap
And in my excitement to jump into this awesome chat I forgot to introduce myself: Kim from Lockport IL --High School special education teacher #LearnLAP
A2: learned this from @KellyGToGo & @pennykittle last week. Don't look at how you can fit things in - start with the important stuff and build the plan around those #learnlap
#learnlap A2: Recognize that statement as the lie that it is. You can always have an excuse...if you want one. Is that what you want to model to your Ss? Can they use that excuse when it suits them?
More gently, learn to take smaller steps.
The “I don’t have time” obstacle will continue if you do nothing to change it. Try a new delivery model if necessary. Same old things get same old results. #LearnLAP
A2 Prioritize your curriculum, focus on what is most important for Ss to be successful. This year I have let go of some of my "activities" in favor of doing more deep dives into learning. #LearnLAP
A2 Our focus has to be on our Ss and what is best for them. Focusing on time and 'getting it all in' prevents us from being in the moment- and it's often in the moment that the most meaningful learning happens! #learnLAP
A2 - I've discovered that the more time I dedicate up-front, the more free time I gain. I teach my students to lead the class, maintain strong peer relationships, think for themselves, etc. and now I'm reaping the rewards of watching them thrive! (Feedback continues.) #LearnLAP
A2: Time is relative; the learning should be fixed. Can't use this excuse when we want our Ss to realize that it does not matter how long it takes a learner to reach mastery -- learners will use time differently. The key is that mastery is achieved. #LearnLAP
A2 as teachers we FIND time for what is MOST important. Teachers are basically wizards of time. It’s like we can create more than 24 hours in the day! #LearnLAP
A2: We need to focus on the BIG ROCKS in our classroom. If there is time after we finish those tasks, we get to those little rocks and pebble that come up. The big rocks are the most important. #LearnLAP
A2 Yes, time is limited. But, I also see Ts wasting so much of their Ss' time in learning content the Ss already know! We must do a better job of reaching Ss at the level they are as individuals.
The "I don't have time" statement feels too much like an excuse to me. #learnlap
A2: I think educators always feel time pressure. Plan smarter, eliminate the things that are not effective, and teach so that children truly understand the content. #learnlap
A2: Ugh, yes. I’m already at school till 5 every day. Time is a real issue. But honestly 1 hr a week on a good twitter chat like #LearnLAP or #mschat makes me stay up-to-date. And read current research whenever possible (usually summer break).
A1: Though I’ve used it in the past, the time objection drives me crazy. Our priority is teaching Ss the best that we can. One way to beat the time objection is to collaborate. No need to go out alone with tech advances, collaborations as no boundaries now. #LearnLAP
A2: While time can feel fixed learning does not have to be. When learning is student-centered and self-paced students who embrace the learning process are not held back. We should equip our students with the skills to engage in continuous learning without relying on us #LearnLAP
A2: We can find time for things that we are passionate about. If we are passionate about our students and what is best for them, we need to make the time to make changes for them. #LearnLAP
Exactly. Know how I'm serious about working out? Because I take time to work out. Know how I'm not serious about learning to play the violin? Because I don't ever practice the violin. #learnlap If you're serious about evolving...you will make time.
A2: We need to focus on the BIG ROCKS in our classroom. If there is time after we finish those tasks, we get to those little rocks and pebble that come up. The big rocks are the most important. #LearnLAP
#learnlap I blended my classroom so notes are preloaded- I use class time to reinforce through active, STEM lessons where students collaborate and learn together in a flexible, student-centered environment
A1: Learning is constantly evolving so education must evolve too. If we just keep learning the same way, doing the same things, we never grow. Teachers need to have growth mindset if we want our students too. #LearnLAP
A1: It’s necessary for education to continually wvolve because the world is constantly changing. Technology is new everyday and in order to truly prepare our students for the future, we need to give them their best chance with. We need to keep up with what’s new! #learnlap
Those 7 Habits never seem to leave you if you actually live them. They have made my life far less stressful and I can truly have control of my life. #LearnLAP
I agree. It is sorting out what is most important from what is not as important. This becomes even more important as we are bombarded with more information in our interconnected world. #learnlap.
A2 #LearnLAP The big map- can have lots of pins in it- marking the cities in which we travel- but the focus should be on the countries and continents that connect the world together
A3: My motivation is directly connected to my learning. This type of chat, reading books, blogs are all part of the motivation I need to continue to move forward. #LearnLAP#TIS2Learn
A3: I motivate myself by hopping on Twitter for 10 minutes to see the great things other people are doing. I then realize how much growth I can make and how much better I can make myself for my Ss. Twitter is powerful. #LearnLAP
I have also been reflecting on things that don't mean as much and removing them. Also working on putting my top tier people first (main family) Much more time and peace now #learnlap
A3- I share, share, share! The twitter chats, podcasts, and blogs I read inpire me to try new things. Sharing with my PLN helps me #evolve with my teaching and learning #learnlap
A3) I motivate myself by my drive to always improve. Reading and learning from other educators really motivates me; twitter; podcasts. I hope to motivate others by being the change, & through my podcast. #LearnLAP
#learnlap A3: Because doing the same thing over and over every day.....sucks. Are you dedicated to serving the new, evolved Ss in front of you? Or serving your routine? You cannot pick both.
A2-Personally, I need to quit making the excuse that I don't have time and just do it! There is time, I just need to use my time more wisely and focus on doing what is best for my students! Stepping on my own toes! #LearnLAP
A3 - Seeing my kiddos each day is my motivation. I know that if they're bored, disinterested, confused, frustrated, etc. that I'm not doing what's best for them. I want to see each one of them become the best they can be, so I do everything I can to see that happen. #LearnLAP
A3.Keeping up on classroom practices and research. I tell my Ss that learning is a life long endeavor, and I practice that with them. I will tell them we are going to to try something new today, and if it does not work out, I show them how I learn from the experience. #learnlap
I motivate myself by constantly reading and chatting; it really drives me. I motivate my colleagues by constantly sharing, talking, good or bad, cheering my department on like their own cheerleader! #LearnLAP
A3 I never want to be a stagnant learner. I love to challenge myself to take life and learning to new levels both personally and professionally. #learnlap
A3: That's a loaded 2 part Q. Myself? Twitter keeps me motivated, as well as listening to podcasts & hearing what other Ts try in the classroom. Others? Inviting them to Twitter chats & sending out inspirational podcasts. However, you can only lead a horse to water. #learnLAP
a3: It is so difficult to motivate myself because sometimes I get caught in the “I have to do this and I have to do that for this standard.” My biggest motivation is hopping onto Twitter and being a part of these amazing PLNs. I love to read PD and listen to podcasts. #learnlap
Q3 Keeping up using twitter, educational seminars and always striving to improve. Using the skills I instill in my classroom. #gms#learnlap#lifelonglearning
A3: I surround myself with people doing brilliant things (like right here!👍🏻) & try to improve my practice through learning, risking & reflecting A LOT! Sharing & experimenting helps too! #LearnLAP
A3: I am always trying to learn as much as I can. I'm inspired by co-workers and Twitter friends. I try to plan engaging learning and am always trying to make things relevant. I just keep searching for new ideas and trying new things #learnlap
A3: Where do I start? I have been motivated by @StantonAlana, @RaeHughart, @megan_hacholski, @MandyStalets, and many more to change the face of education. As a student teacher, I have my whole career ahead of me to make a difference. So lucky to have amazing rolemodels.#learnlap
A3. I pay attention to the rewards that come from innovative classroom practices. I know if I can provide awesome learning experiences, it will be worth it. I also know if I provide lackluster experiences, I won’t be doing my job. #learnlap
R3: I think it is part of my nature, and also part of the way I was raised. If I'm not getting better or if I'm not learning I'm doing a disservice to those around me. So while I don't struggle with motivating myself. It is hard for me to truly understand those that do. #learnlap
A3: There is something disruptive about innovation and change, the antithesis to stagnation. This disruption is like filling the soil so that something new can grow. The fear of becoming irrelevant is a wonderful motivator! #LearnLAP
A3: My motivation is driven by student needs. There are always areas of my class that can better serve students. Each quarter I try to pick an instructional focus to improve upon. If I ever feel a lull, I give a google forms survey on my class to gather student feedback #LearnLAP
A3b. My biggest inspiration is my daughter. I want to be a teacher I would be thrilled for her to have in class. Some days are tough but we are there for the kids! They might not remember the difference between types of waves, but they’ll remember I cared! #learnlap
A1: Surround myself with motivating & innovating "workout buddies" for EDU, constantly read #DBC Books & blogs, present at conferences and in my own district, and participate in various @voxer book studies and think tanks. #learnlap
A3 I always focus on the fact that each day is an opportunity to impact And change kids for the rest of their lives. How awesome is that?!?! Each day, each lesson, each child is a chance to change the world! #learnlap
A2 #LearnLAP A wise IC @LindsayBVanWyk got me hooked on timed-preset music at different intervals to transition more smoothly and quickly in order to savor every moment
A3: Always looking to learn. Whether it’s from my #PLN here or through other resources, I can’t rest unless I am taking in more info. We must constantly seek to improve. #LearnLAP
I see the impact educators have when they live it. I sponge what I can and look up to my PLN/staff in their responses, blogs, podcasts, and voxes #learnlap
A3: When your passionate about something, finding motivation is easier. I want my classroom to evolve because my students and what they need evolve. The skills they need outside of school are changing, so should my classroom. #LearnLAP
A3 I am motivated by chats, conferences, and school visits that inspire me! Attend as many as possible. I collaborate with enthusiastic and forward thinking educators. Never stop learning. #LearnLAP
A3 Connecting w/students & helping them reach their goals is what keeps me motivated AND connecting with my PLN/Twitter. I'm a different teacher because of this chat on Monday nights #LearnLAP
A3: I stay motivated by learning through my PLN and never settling for the status quo. When asked by a teacher why I have so much passion for my job..."My students and staff are all the motivation I need to be the best I can be." #learnlap
A3: I’m motivated when I see Twitter or Instagram teachers sharing their true stories, including the struggles. It helps me realize it’s ok to try and sometimes fail, as long as I keep trying- and I love the great ideas I can “steal” - inspiration!! #learnlap
A3: My hope is that I am an encourager. I motivate myself by a relentless desire to want to make sure I am bringing my A game. I try to motivate others by celebrating their victories and weathering through storms with them. #learnlap
Changing to a delivery model that is inquiry based, driven by student needs + interests + requires self-reflection + assessment would save a teacher time. We can take time to save ourselves time, which I didn't do early in my career + regret. #LearnLAP
A3: This year, I’ve made a few simple changes…thanks to Twitter and the wonderful books I’ve been reading. My students are excited and love coming to school. That’s all the motivation I need. #learnlap
OK - we're warmed up and there are some AMAZING educators in this chat - I want you thinking REALLY outside the box for Q4 coming in 1 minute #learnlap#CHALLENGEACCEPTED
Q3: Well I mean you all are motivating one another through this chat :) and in terms of myself this is motivating because it gives me the comfort of knowing that there are many ways for an educator not only reach out for help but to also give some great advice #LearnLAP
#learnlap Tweet & blog, read education books ferociously- collaborate and share ideas- the most important for me is to quiet my mind and listen- when I listen to other educators I get inspired
A3: As a pre-service teacher, I realize how lucky I am to already have a great PLN who is always there for me and has my back 110 % of the way. This is a shift we need in education- get more pre-service teachers connected on Twitter. It has honestly changed my life. #learnlap
A3 I have started pushing myself to learn more about what I am passionate about and I started a blog to have an outlet to share my learning with others. #LearnLAP
A2: Building relationships w/students saves a lot of time. It saves time with classroom management, & class climate. Also, not reinventing the wheel every time you want to try something new. There are so many fabulous ideas out there. #learnlap
A3 Constructive feedback motivates me and I motivate myself because I want to know more, do more, and open my students up to more. I know that my students are individuals so I am constantly trying to learn ways to help them. #LearnLAP
A3 Sometimes I have to stop & think - why did I want to be a teacher? To prepare kids for tests? No- that's not why. I wanted to share my love of learning with others & help prepare children for their future. Nothing is more motivating than that! #learnLAP
A3 Sometimes I have to stop & think - why did I want to be a teacher? To prepare kids for tests? No- that's not why. I wanted to share my love of learning with others & help prepare children for their future. Nothing is more motivating than that! #learnLAP
Speaking of a judicious use of time, it's important to surround one's self with like-minded people who value the process of evolving. Poor use of time trying to tolerate those naysayers or pessimists. #learnlap
A3 Sometimes I have to stop & think - why did I want to be a teacher? To prepare kids for tests? No- that's not why. I wanted to share my love of learning with others & help prepare children for their future. Nothing is more motivating than that! #learnLAP
A4: @educationISU stressed the importance of student choice. i think PBL is a necessity with our students because I have seen my Ss get immersed in their projects if they are researching something that is relevant to them. #learnlap
I love finding new strategies, ideas, and methods! I motivate myself by checking in with PLN and asking my students about lessons. Most of the time they enjoy it and that is motivation enough for me! Others- by sharing what I do and by telling them to just try! #nofear#learnlap
A3 #LearnLAP I think between Twitter and reflective writing I stay focused on my growth as an educator but asking my students for feedback is the best instigator for me- it is eye opening to say the least- but it lets me see teaching from a unique perspective
A3 Sometimes I have to stop & think - why did I want to be a teacher? To prepare kids for tests? No- that's not why. I wanted to share my love of learning with others & help prepare children for their future. Nothing is more motivating than that! #learnLAP
A4: To be honest, this is academic malpractice. Assessment must include Ss agency and empowerment where they choose the evidence that demonstrates mastery. #LearnLAP
A4 exit tickets, flip grid, PBLs, assessments don’t have to just be paper/pencil tests, but unfortunately most are, and then the dreaded state tests... #learnlap
A4) We understand that there are different kinds of assessments. We use a body of evidence to assess; formative assessment should be pushing our instruction & tells us a lot;Summative assessments don't always have 2 look traditional (they can be performance & authentic).#LearnLAP
A4 I think the first step to evolving assessments is to create preassessments that are used (instead of given and tossed)! There is value in a traditional assessment to identify S prior knowledge so that extension activities can be developed that meet Ss' needs! #learnlap
A4: Great question! Assessments should be short, periodic, and incorporate different elements than just multiple choice and essay. How about performance assessment? Project based assessment? Let’s change it up! #learnlap
A4: Throw out the collages and making powerpoint just to make a powerpoint. Create AUTHENTIC assessments. Design twitter chats, differentiate, write blogs, do shark tanks, create RAFTs that allow students to really share the depth of their understanding! #learnlap@ERobbPrincipal
A4: In a blended learning math setting I am freed up to experiment with different assessment strategies. Students can convey mastery through individual presentations, short mathematical tasks and long term projects. The more we vary the better we differentiate #LearnLAP
A4: It's time to give students the opportunity to choose how they will master a topic and then present evidence of their mastery in a medium of their choosing. #LearnLAP
A4: For me, the best way to make sure my assessments evolve is to look at the standards and ask the best way for the students to demonstrate their mastery? Then look at the students I have. Then look at the tech available. Then I begin my design. #LearnLAP
#learnlap Assessments are about growth- they need to be meaningful & purposeful- I love collaborative quizzes and informal assessments- just listening tells me more than any m/c exam
A4: Knowing that assessments doesn't equal trickery or a one size fits all answer. Students should be assessed with transparency through rubrics, feedback, and conferencing. Not through deception. #learnLAP
A4. I think we focus on the value beyond school. How can we build assessments that can be applied to what Ss will need to do in this 21 century world they will inherit from us. #learnlap
A4 assessments must mirror instruction they go hand in hand. As we #evolve in our instruction to prepare kids for a changing world we must also provide current assessments to determine how kids are mastering standards. #learnlap
A3: I always feel empowered when I hear that I am a step ahead of other student teachers. I owe all of that to my Twitter PLN. I take risks and feel empowered to make a difference. #learnlap
A4. Focus on mastery learning and application. Provide students with an opportunity to express their knowledge in a creative way that is meaningful to them. #learnlap
Awesome, and share your feedback! Gotta finish my grades before #tlap, so gonna duck out now! Thanks for moderating tonight! Great chat #learnlap crew!
A4: what would it look like if a skill was mastered? Then let them demonstrate it that way. & regardless of how we feel about standardized testing, even those tests have changed. If even the state test can admit learning has changed, why can’t teachers? Right? #LearnLAP
R4: We have to give provide students opportunities to show what they know. Let them be creative. Empower them to have real solutions to authentic problems. Tests aren't always bad, but they aren't always good. #learnlap
A1) with education not evolving, we might as well just take our ball and go home. It’s not worth teaching if we aren’t learning and evolving. #LearnLAP
A4 Assessments don't have to be paper and pencil. Aside from traditional pre and post assessments, You want to know what a student knows? Open up the box and allow them to show you what they know. Videos, drawings, raps/writing a song, talking. #LearnLap
A4- I'm moving away from the traditional assessment because I can get a better since from PBL's, hands-on, and informal. Now, if we could just get rid of that state assessment!!! #learnlap
A4: By providing different options and multiple opportunities to assess student growth. Multiple choice, short answer, etc do not always give a clear picture on student understand #LEARNLap
Collaboration is awesome, but only with people who also value + understand collaboration. Working with another person or group of people should be a mutually beneficial experience. When it turns into "my way or the highway" or totally negative, it's time to go. #LearnLAP
A4: OH MY GOSH! You know what else was made in the 1980s? ME. Assessments have been the same for my entire life! Multiple choice Qs cannot represent a Ss learning! Make tests collaborative and creative. Allow each S to reflect and grow. Ss leave feedback to themselves. #learnlap
A4: It's time to give students the opportunity to choose how they will master a topic and then present evidence of their mastery in a medium of their choosing. #LearnLAP
A3 looking at my WHY ... and asking what can I do to help my students reach their goals?? - means always looking for the best solutions- the best opportunities- the best learning experiences — searching for greatness #learnlap
I will ask "How are you going to show me you mastered this skill?" It is sad to me how many just say "ummm... take a test?" they're indoctrinated to think that is the only way #learnlap
A4: Create opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know in real, authentic ways. Blogs, videos, presentations, etc. Assess skill over content. Let the #geniushour model be something that drives your classroom. #learnlap
A4 #LearnLAP I believe in pressure- feeling the motivation & determination to do well- but I also believe in chance & growth & above all community learning- flexibility is key- let them decide how to demonstrate their knowledge
Assessments reflect the evolution of the educator. What message is a teacher sending to the Ss when outdated, ineffective assessments are thrust upon the Ss? Quality learning sacrificed on the altar of convenience. #learnlap
A3: Twitter has motivated me the last year because I love connecting with educators from different parts of the nation, and world! You don’t have to be in the same building to collaborate. #learnlap
A4: Nothing shows a student’s true understanding better than creation! Projects are big! Taking a skill and applying it! Also FEEDBACK! You know it’s good if it requires specific feedback! Using relevant tech to assess is also important! #learnlap
They often think that because they haven't been challenged appropriately in the past! There is great value in giving them deeper thinking challenges from a young age- It is the primary message I want people to take away from trainings I do with teachers! #LearnLAP
Q4 - tracking growth and make assessments accordingly. Use technology.. PLICKERS #pechat#learnlap. Plagnets the way to go (plickers on a magnent). PE world is EXPLODING with it
A4: PBL and student choice is an amazing development in the world of education. Providing Ss the opportunity to interact with authentic situations as assessment is important to their growth and preparation for future endeavors. #LearnLAP
A4: This has to start w/educating the public, the parents, & the teachers abt what assessment could be and how it could be used. They have to have an alternative to what they have always known. #LearnLAP#TIS2Learn
A4 evolve assessment by providing choice in ways to demonstrate mastery and comprehension. Projects that require creativity and application are engaging. Take ownership in learning process. #LearnLAP
R4: Backward design is crucial. We're failing Ss if we aren't purposeful with our design choices. Having the test written and saved from the last 5+ years is NOT backward design. #kidsprobablyhavecopies#learnlap
Have you read "Learn Like a PIRATE" and want to connect with others at your grade level?
Then, add your name to the #LearnLAP PLN and connect with others: https://t.co/yqOsvPp2kv
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A4: I've never had a student come back years later to tell me they remembered a math test they took n my classi. However, authentic writing projects, learning activities, & hands-on projects they do remember. That is what the assessment should be about. #learnlap
I aim for balance. Regardless of our feelings abt it, they like be in a world where they will be assessed on a mega-test. So, yes, I give tests. But we also demonstrate learning in half a dozen other ways, allow oral retakes, assess via conversation, etc. #learnlap
A4: I’m still working on different ways to assess student learning. I’ve been using flip grid, Kahoot, and PBL’s. I find that speaking to students and understanding their thinking on a topic gives me much more information than a paper and pencil test. #learnlap
And make assessments reflect the way the real world works! That collaboration and analysis of information is what we should be testing, not a bunch of facts! #LearnLAP
A4: Using different assessments including PBL, genius hour, and even having Ss verbally explain something makes their knowledge now real, genuine, & tangible. We need to #evolve assessments in all subjects #LearnLAP
A4 using their feedback to help prepare - using passion projects and genius Hour ...evolving to meet students growth needs and interest needs #learnlap
A4: This has to start w/educating the public, the parents, & the teachers abt what assessment could be and how it could be used. They have to have an alternative to what they have always known. #LearnLAP#TIS2Learn
A5: If student learning requires a day of independent work, than that is what needs to happen. If is it called "Textbook, worksheet or test day"...just no. #LearnLAP
A5:Different strokes work for different folks #learnlap we all learn differently so might help some might not just depends on students and how they learn
A4: offer menus- students can showcase knowledge in a way that makes them shine (and I doubt any choose to be a fill in the bubble ninja), allow them some freedom of expression, the are pretty bright, we should let them show it! #learnlap
A5: If you have students listening to you talk for an entire class- Yes. There is an issue with that. Ss cannot retain 50 minutes of lecture at one time. They need interaction. Worksheets? If they’re just finding answers in a book. NO! #learnlap
A5- It is a waste! I'd lose 1/2 my kids. Some would tune be out, and many would never finish the boring work! Ss want to learn, but they want to be engaged! #learnlap
Every student is entitled to meaningful, timely, growth-oriented feedback + an opportunity to use that feedback to improve their skills. Formative assessment throughout a learning cycle is vital. We need to use our student work + feedback to guide our instruction. #LearnLAP
A4 #LearnLAP Homework- no, worksheets - no makerspace- yes collaborative learning- yes = student-driven classroom- when students own their process & progress they feel part of the performance rather than a piece of the scenery
A5: Nothing wrong with using these things as tools! Sometimes you need to eat your veggies before you can have dessert. I use short lectures in class to help spark conversations. I use traditional tests sometimes because sometimes that is the best way to meet Ss needs. #learnlap
A5. Depends on how you are using it! Not the best use of time but it happens now and then. Even these days can be turned into critical thinking activities. #learnlap
A5: Yes, there is. Our Ss don't have time to waste because "we are just having a day". There is a finite amount of time and we must use it to the fullest. Not easy, but important! #LearnLAP#TIS2Learn
A5: If you like the status quo, that works.......Or if it was 1990. I say challenge the status quo. We want schools that kids are running into, not running away from! #leadlap#learnlap
A5: I think a worksheet can be a brain break and lectures are sometimes necessary and can be intriguing; it's all about balance. Education suffers when we deal in absolutes. #learnlap
A5: I think no matter the activity there needs to be clear objectives. Sometimes, my SPED students do best with a paper-based activity also known as the dreaded worksheet. I like to mix it up though! This should just be one tool in your teacher toolbox! #learnlap
A5b: The problem is when we never move beyond that, and never try something new and innovative. These traditional assignments can certainly be valuable tools, but you don't use a hammer to dig a ditch. #learnlap
A5: Yes. It's avoidable. How about "We're having a day where the kids explore and discover answers to all of their unanswered questions" - MUCH more engaging & empowering. "If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten." #wonderday#LearnLAP
a5: I try to turn my lectures more into "story time" or "choose your own adventure" .. "I need the name of a character... ok, a setting" then apply the learning target #learnlap
A5: There is something wrong with the occasional worksheet/etc... day if the work is not meaningful. I am less concerned with the delivery method than I am with the purpose. #learnlap
A5: Yes, I think that the tradiitonal method does not cut it anymore. I had the SS teacher on my team say how he went digital, but after a while. Ss were asking for paper. I think a mixture is beneficial along with varied instructional approaches. #learnlap
A5: Every teaching technique could be a useful tool depending on why it’s being used. My goal is teach in the most effective & engaging way possible for my Ss. Their needs trump mu comfort! #LearnLAP
A5 I think if you have to word "just" you have answered the question. Anything you do in class should be because it is in the best interest of learning. I have independent work days so I can connect with my struggling kiddos #LearnLAP
A5- You can turn any worksheet into an authentic experience by having students create their own questions using the Bloom’s hierarchy. Kids answer their own questions about what they are reading #authentic#learnlap
A5: I have completely removed lectures from my classroom and replaced them with self-paced videos. Students only move to the next lesson after they have proven mastery. Since implementing this model I could never imagine lecturing again. #learnlap
A5: I think there is nothing wrong with classic days! In math we have chapter tests. Not every wheel needs to be reinvented. Ss who understand from all the differentiated ground work Ts have done up to this point will achieve! Let them show what they know #LearnLAP
a5: it is the INTENTIONALITY of it all - if you are giving a worksheet because you didn't have anything better planned, then it is NOT a good plan #learnlap
A5: If the worksheet promotes critical thinking- Go for it. Most of the times- this is not the factor. A lot of “copy this down” and there’s only one correct answer. No- don’t do it. #learnlap
#learnlap I feel I gear a boo coming on- but I think a worksheet day can become a more engaging day if we get students more active- short lectures are necessary but a full day- I break it up & preload as much as possible
A5: Depends on the culture that you are trying to create. If you're trying to provide a culture of empowerment ...that probably isn't the best use of time. #learnLAP
A5 You are the professional and you should know what is best for your kids. Grades do need to be put in but remember ss are not robots they are kids #learnlap
A5 Kids need different educational experiences, they need to be supported in learning how to learn in all environments. Knowing how to learn from textbooks and take standardized test is a skill to learn as well. #LearnLAP
#learnlap A5: It depends on the motivation of the T and how it integrates into the total learning experience of the S. If a T considers the options, where the Ss are, and thoughtfully decides a good lecture or well constructed wksht is best, fine. If it's a lazy default, no.
A5: It depends on the WHY -- do the Ss know the reason for the lecture/worksheet? If there's no pedagogical rationale for this type of activity, let's not kid ourselves. The Ss will see right through it. #learnlap
A4: Student assessments should be authentic. They should match what the world demands of our students. Traditional assessments tend to only prepare students for more traditional assessments, not the world. #learnlap
A5: it depends on what the learning target is. Know what your goal is, what you want students to be able to do - and decide the best way to get there. #learnlap
A5: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it (OCCASIONALLY) to prep for other major tests, etc, but I noticed today that when we do this, we have to be prepared for students to get the glazed over eyes look. They want the power packed classroom. They feed off it! #learnlap
A5: There is something wrong with the occasional worksheet/etc... day if the work is not meaningful. I am less concerned with the delivery method than I am with the purpose. #learnlap
A5: My initial thought was, “Heck no,” but I’m going to qualify that with: It depends. I teach drama, my Ss have very little experience with theatre of any time. There are days when it is more lecture to load that background. #LearnLAP
#learnlap A5: It depends on the motivation of the T and how it integrates into the total learning experience of the S. If a T considers the options, where the Ss are, and thoughtfully decides a good lecture or well constructed wksht is best, fine. If it's a lazy default, no.
Right! But some student like direct instruction (especially if they don’t know any better) #learnlap must teach a better way but not bad for a day variety is spice of life #LearnLAP
Q5 - not at all.. can be informative..but I can not say students will be engaged muched. More like a period of circle this write that im done! #learnlap
A5) An entire day? Yes. Well, I teach elementary so a day is a long time.Perhaps n a secondary classroom a "day" is only a "period" so that would be different. There's probably time&space 4 the "occasional" use,but no deep learning would stem from it. Proceed w/caution. #LearnLAP
A5: In the traditional sense of the words? NO! Using Kagan strategies during "lecture" is a great way to ensure collaboration is still a priority. Providing a graphic org. as a "worksheet" to help Ss keep order of information can teach effective organization skills. #LearnLAP
A5: As a current college student, I think that in moderation some are necessary. The tests/worksheets force us to really understand what we are learning & without them well we tend to slack off.. #LearnLAP
Nope... 3! #pechat#learnlap#P12Leaders I tend to find more and more chats each week.. I then ask myself where my time went.. Haha I took 2 weeks off so I had to fire back tonight.
In reply to
@lmwppeh, @TeacherRunner42, @PhysedNow, @PhysEdDepot
I would also argue that eval systems that reward compliance (of students + teachers) are also at work here + need to be changed to reflect evolving pedagogy + practice that account for student voice + choice. We say we value authenticity; our eval systems say otherwise. #LearnLAP
A5: have to remember some students want diversity #LearnLAP and it is good to show the MANY ways to learn so they can pick what is best for them and remind them that You rock!
A5: in all honesty, I’m an introvert bookworm and I’d be ok learning like that every once in a while, but the majority of my students would be snoozing after about 10 minutes— they thrive on engaging activities, so that would probably not work well #learnlap
#learnlap I know worksheets are necessary at times and lectures are a part of classroom life- but I feel they should be integrated into a lesson- not the lesson. If we chunk activities and have brain breaks & quick writes we can narrow down their length
A5 There always has to be an attempt for engagement or connectivity with Ss...It shows that no matter the resource or situation, we are going to be intentional in its use #LearnLAP
A5- I think almost everything has a place and time on occasion. Sometimes when the wifi goes down we go to " plan B", sometimes I think " maybe this is a sign for us to pause and relax for a minute before we get anxious and go to plan B" #LearnLAP
Sorry for my lateness! A3: My motivation comes from urgency. The realization that the work we do must be relevant to be important. Our students only get one shot at school. #learnlap
A6 Does anyone still say that? Most districts are progressive and moving forward. We want to empower our Ts and Ss to make learning an experience that the Ss will remember #learnlap
A6: We have different learners and we must be providing learning opportunities to teach the skills they need to be successful beyond our buildings. #LearnLAP
A6 I struggle with this ALL THE TIME bc this is the motto of my SD. I just started doing my own thing in my classroom, and talking about it at my team and dept mtgs. My P knows what I am doing and supports me, but change is hard and grassroots at times #LearnLAP
A6: You kick it in the booty and tell it to get away from you. Squash it like a bug.
If what we have always done was working, we wouldn’t have gaps in engineering and critical thinking jobs. Nope. It isn’t working and it needs to change! #learnLAP
A6. Be willing to be the model of why it should change. Let other Ts see the success. Help them overcome the fear of change by supporting them. #learnlap
A6: As a T in a new district, sometimes I see this and have to remind myself to try and understand the "WHY" behind what is being done. When that isn't answered, I have to push back and ask how we can change for the better to meet needs of our Ss. #LearnLAP
A5: Last week, after reading "The Wild Card", I did a @flipgrid and an escape room to drive student engagement. I had a lot fewer discipline issues, and my students were engaged which was great. #learnlap
A6: I think you have to start w/the ones who want to change...often others have to see the effects of the change before they see the need. Ask the objectors to at least wait and watch. #LearnLAP#TIS2Learn
A5 #LearnLAP If we have options & opportunities rather than preset handouts we can eliminate disengagement & misbehavior- the more independent they feel the more ownership they seem to take- at least in my class this is the case
A1) Without the evolution of education I would not be able to learn with you tonight via #Twitter. Being able to extend my learning beyond the artificial barriers of my school walls has been a game changer. #learnlap
A6: I’m grateful that my admin trust me to try things, even if they seem weird. I mean, my principal was the torch bearer for our Olympic opening ceremonies! But they also know I respect the job I was hired to do & will teach with depth no matter how weird the package. #LearnLAP
A6: What proof do those who say this have thabit has worked for decades? I would ask them to produce their data. How do they define “worked?” What was considered to work then is not what is considered to work now. #learnlap
A6: I go back to the doctor analogy. I use myself. I live with depression, and I’m sure glad my doctor has moved beyond electro shock therapy as a rule. I’m glad my oncologist knows the cutting edge therapies that knocked out my cancer. It makes them think. #LearnLAP
A6: Patience and understanding. Change is scary, and that's why it's important to continue and consistently model what change looks like and be willing to guide Admins and Ts to help them grow. If we can do it for kids, we can do it for adults as well #learnlap
If you want to make a change there will always be some push back. Remember your purpose, model it, and share
Remember difference makers are different and that is OK
A6: research, examples, your own data & observations, student feedback & work samples - invite the admin/teacher into your classroom to see the action & witness firsthand #learnlap
A6: Not a very effective argument, considering the advances in medicine, technology, or transportation. One excellent way to defeat this fallacy is to demonstrate the Ss gains in mastery when exposed to evolved methods of teaching & learning. #LearnLAP
A6 I think we need to lead by example collaborate and share with our colleagues and invite them into our rooms to see all of the new things we are doing #LearnLAP
A6: Is it working? Are your students engaged? #learnlap or do they forget concepts right after exams? Is there a better way to make students excited to learn?
A6: There is no they. Be the change you want to see in the world. Don’t value just what’s on test. Instead value what will be measured in life. #learnlap
A6: The important part is accepting and acknowledging that Ts now need to integrate into the 21st century & enhance learning for our Ss with that same mindset of integration. Some things may not change at all, others do a 180°, ask yourself "what best for the Ss" #LearnLAP
A5 it’s all about being intentional... stay the course - you can intentionally plan a day with great focus, goals, learning targets -completed on paper / it’s about the learning quality not the product - #LearnLAP
A6: Thankfully, I feel like I have the freedom to try new things in my classroom and then I use that as my ground to stand on. “It may HAVE worked, but this also works and it’s better because... “just do what’s good and others will jump on board when they see it #learnlap
A6: With a "This is what is best for our students' futures" argument. Remember, leeches used to be a "remedy" for diseases. Times change and we can either be ahead of the curve or leave our students stumbling into the future. #learnlap@ERobbPrincipal@KGT_Educator@misskoplin
R6: Don't water the rocks. Go-getters will go. Focus on the middle and work to get small groups of Ts doing new things. The rest will come - or they won't. But spending time focusing on the neg doesn't help anyone. #learnlap
A6 sometimes the best way to overcome it is to not share what you're doing until you do it. People stuck in ruts don't always realize that it's broke or don't want to. #LearnLAP
A6: As a student teacher, I am lucky to have an incredible CT (@MACKENZ1E_M) who allows me to try new things and understands my passion for teaching. I am not afraid to take risks because of her, and I do keep my students on the forefront of all I do. #learnlap
A5: I don't think all worksheets, and all test are bad. There are authentic worksheets and assessments. Sometimes for writing my students need a structure or graphic organizer to guide them in their writing. #learnlap
I would also argue that eval systems that reward compliance (of students + teachers) are also at work here + need to be changed to reflect evolving pedagogy + practice that account for student voice + choice. We say we value authenticity; our eval systems say otherwise. #LearnLAP
A6: I am a believer that sometimes we need to “ask for forgiveness not permission”. Innovative practice are not always embraced until the learning benefits are explicit. #learnlap
#learnlap Commit to the change, be the evolution. Lead the pack. If we keep our eye on the big picture- growth - others will see the beauty of change & innovation and will get inspired to join the movement
A6: Change can be a difficult thing to do because of the pressures of evaluations. It is important to have justification behind why you are doing something and provide evidence of what worked and what challenges still need to be overcome. #LearnLAP
Yes, know your purpose. It’s a good reminder when trying something new. I have fallen into a trap, where I value a tech tool for the sake of just using a tech tool. Have to remember our purpose with everything we do. #learnlap
A6: ugh! The proof is in the pudding! Provide evidence of others that have had success in the newer methods, offer to share your info and ideas with others, or.... close the door 😋I’m thankful that’s not a problem where I work! #learnlap
A6: is it really working? Again, if you have strong instructional, research based practices that are showing positive growth the question then becomes why not? #learnlap
A5-I don't see a problem with using them occasionally, but Ss get bored with the everday worksheets and packets! I think they want to be pushed and to use their knowlegde to show us, and their peers, what they know! #LearnLAP
Q6 - just bc it has been done this way does not mean it is the best way. Students constantly change, as we all do, dont reinvent the wheel, it does not hurt to shine it up a little. Little things can mke a difference #learnlap 10 yrs of teaching or 1 yr of teaching done 10 times
a7: So many students are focused on "will this be graded" "will this be on the test" - get away from "graded" and "test" - move towards REFLECTION #learnlap
My favorite question to students- brace yourself for turbulence- a collision with knowledge is inevitable -how will you brace for impact? #learnlap choose your landing gear
R6: Baby steps are still steps. We have to remember that for some, this change is so incredibly scary. Fear is powerful. I have this image from #blendingleadership hanging in my office to keep me in check. #learnlap
A6: Our Ss are changing with or w/o us. If we choose not to, schools & the teaching profession will lose every time. Past success doesn't ensure future success. Ask any winning Olympian if they're going to stop training for the next olympics bc they won the last one... #learnLAP
I love that this year I have admin who encourages change & not doing the same ol' thing. so refreshing & inspiring! I'm a 27 year vet - having admin that promotes /encourages me to forget the box means everything. I'm loving teaching again! #learnlap@jehaws@davidbfrench
A7. That they can be successful, especially on assessments. Keep building confidence and show different ways to engage them in learning and build confidence. #learnlap
A6: Today my Ss didn’t like me explaining the origins of the 3 month summer and why we don’t do it. They thought anything that outdated was silly but they still objected. We do shorter days and a 45 week year. #LearnLAP
A7: Get rid of "grades" in the classroom. Focus more on learning and understanding. Grades are meant to rank Ss, which is not a healthy way to ensure student growth. Feedback and formative assessment are how we help our Ss grow to their maximum potential. #LearnLAP
A7: GRADES. Students do not want to take a risk if their grade is going to suffer for it. We need to model and promote a growth mindset. We need to work with universities to see beyond GPAs so that our top students are not overly-stressing for that A. #learnlap
A7 we need to flip the script and put students in control of their learning. Schools need to be more collaborative with Ss and Ss and Ts must be in partnership with one another #LearnLAP
A7: Students are used to playing the game of school. They crave grades instead of feedback and they do not know how to be critical thinkers. We have to build their trust in a new way of thinking! #learnlap
This is hard for me. MS Ss that see nominationsse in Drama can be stubborn. But I don’t give up. Sometimes just trusting in the process is all I can do. In the heat of the moment, I’ve said, “I’m done.” Then I add, “For today. Let’s both think and meet tomorrow.” #LearnLAP
A7- We have to allow Ss to #evolve into active participants in their own learning! #Studentled classrooms are not the norm; but to really allow Ss to grow we have to give them control over their journey! #learnlap
A7. Antiquated ideas about what schooling should be. We are facing great resistance to moving away from the ways of the past, but if we want to really do what is best for Ss, we have to continue to fight and push forward! #learnlap
A6: If we want to change, "This is the way it's always been done mentality," we have to first be brave enough to challenge and question the methods.Find ways to reach the same objectives in a new way. #learnlap
#learnlap A7: the only obstacle is that we don't take the time (or know how) to change those mindsets. Another serious obstacle: How well meaning Ts grade. If you don't offer re-assessment, how can Ss NOT think that learning is binary? If it's a growth process:GRADE THE PROCESS.
A7: By celebrating failure, by focusing on mastery rather than grades/GPA, by prioritizing the learning process rather than a product, and by empowering them with learning opportunities that are built on self-efficacy and agency. #LearnLAP
A7: Standardized testing. Teacher's mindsets. Grades. We can't evolve student mindsets until there is less emphasis on standardized testing, risk taking by Ts, and grading policies altered. #LearnLAP
Wow! So inspired by all of you as a pre-service teacher. I aspire to be a great teacher just like all of you are. Thanks for making a difference! #learnlap
A7: GRADES. Students do not want to take a risk if their grade is going to suffer for it. We need to model and promote a growth mindset. We need to work with universities to see beyond GPAs so that our top students are not overly-stressing for that A. #learnlap
A7: That our job is to as be only a source of knowledge of them. Instead we need to Create opportunities to put them in the driver's seat. Showing them that they control their destiny and that we want to be there to guide them and help them reach their ultimate goal. #LearnLAP
A7: Currently struggling w/ Ss who want instant answers to all questions. Tough habit to break but I'm determined. The struggle is real in more ways than one! #LearnLAP
#learnlap Angles, edges & surfaces. The obstacles are boundless: perspective, personality, upbringing, culture- just to name a few-we penetrate these barriers with consistent, purposeful, relevant strategies that ignites the spark-curiosity that makes NOT learning impossible
A7 the obstacle to growth is stagnation... often from fear, lack of knowledge, lack of support and/or encouragement— properly Supported and encouraged, stagnation can be overcome and real growth happens #learnlap
A7 I think sometimes we are so eager to teach that we forget to connect...teach, but be relational in order to engage...Show them you care about them as well as their learning #LearnLAP
A7: Relationships and student self-confidence. When we build strong relationships with students such that they feel safe and comfortable in our classroom they are more likely to embrace innovations. #learnlap
A7: I get too many Ps who email me to ask about extra credit. My response is always the same. "Let's work with your Ss to get them understanding the material and we will reassess them later. Their grade is fluid." Takes a lot of time to get them on board with this. #LearnLAP
A7: Students are so stuck in their box. Procedures and order are important, but you can have those things and LET students be themselves,explore and wonder! They’re curious about so many things! Stop leading them to the answer you want and let them find it on their own! #learnlap
Students will advocate for the status quo because it demands less of them, but they will adjust so long as we are consistent in our practices across our schools and departments. They will fake it till they make it! #learnlap
A7: model a growth mindset, make it clear that just because “yo momma was bad at math” that you aren’t automatically going to be bad at math- help them see their own strengths! #learnlap
#learnlap How others use grades does not render them meaningless. Grades can be used to provide formative feedback...especially if the grade can change with demonstrated growth. Because some use grades poorly is not a reason for all to abandon grades.
A7b: We overcome the obstacles by leading the way, planning ahead, forging strong relationships & sometimes by looking for a different route!! Our Ss will usually follow our lead!#LearnLAP
Woah time flies when you are intrigued. Thanks to all the facilitators in tonights chats. #P12Leaders#pechat#learnlap. I have to depart, lot to do still before the night fades away. Remember - you control the outcome #makeAdifference all she wrote for tonight. Ciao!
A6 Businesses change w the times so they won't go out of business. As customers, we expect the highest quality & most recent improvements in everything we buy or consume. As educators we must remember that Ss are our customers they deserve no less. #learnLAP
Prioritize risk-taking over risk-avoidance. Encourage deep learning over surface learning. Demand the very best from Ss, do not tolerate anything but their best. #LearnLAP
Well said, Jon! My students "hate" when we try something new at first because they can't play the game, but once we get into it they love it and take all kinds of risk! #learnlap
A7: Often, student mindsets are forged by adult mindsets. They become set by judgment and grades and assessments that make them numbers instead of people. We overcome them by showing them that they are people. And they matter. Every. Single. Day. #learnlap
A7: The phrase "My child was always an A student at their old school," can go away. What is an "A student" anyway? Someone who can play the system or someone who has true understanding? #LearnLAP
A7: Picture this: Tweens and early Teens forced to take drama when they don’t want do. Getting them to take charge of learning is rough. I treat them like the ones that love my course. I connect in other ways with those students. Then I trust the process.#LearnLAP
Q6: with technology in every hand, lectured based lessons are not the norm. Inquisitive collaborative technology based learning places learning in the students' #LearnLAP
A8: The way I give feedback to the students for their writing. Cannot wait to begin grading their lab reports by leaving them screencasts with @Screencastify! Voice > Typing
More personal and easier! #learnlap
#learnlap A7: Active metacognition reflections. Explore their mindset with them. Show them a different way. Don't skirt around this issue of mindsets.......take it head on and personal.
A7: Grades can be a HUGE setback for HS students unless we as educators can help them see the growth from failure. And the idea that they don't know it YET! Fail & Yet are 2 powerful words. #LearnLAP
A8: I will definitely try to incorporate myself into more of these chats and gain some new knowledge from current teachers :) thanks everyone! #LearnLAP
A8: I am ready to evolve grouping of students! I’m ready for them to see that it doesn’t matter how weird or smelly or popular or quiet that kid is! Your two brains could make magic together! #learnlap#evolve
If we want our students to take risks we must jump out of our comfort zones and fail forward ourselves. This is what heroes look like to kids. This is what all teachers must do! I happily fail in front of kids because this builds the best relationships! #LearnLap
A8 I wish I could evolve to be able to be able to stay up late enough for chats like this one on a regular basis! Most nights I fall asleep on the couch!!! #learnLAP
Ohhhhhh !! I don’t think I could teach without my kids being able to use their phones. We are not 1:1- but phone availability helps me get much closer !! We use them to learn!!! It’s an evolution of the school classroom- and I’m researching! Thank you! #learnLAP
A8: Self reflection. I've started this already on my new blog https://t.co/0LNYnR44Om
Continuing to look back on practices & grow from losses & celebrate victories I've had within the classroom. Love reflecting these wins/losses on Thurs nights #waledchat@MrPStrunk#LearnLAP
HUGE thanks goes out to @TeacherRunner42 for moderating tonight's outstanding #LearnLAP chat! Thanks to everyone for participating!
Join us next week as @Mandy_Teacher moderates - TOPIC: "Student Responsibility."
For now, please jump on over to #tlap for more great discussion!
A7 - Empower your students to walk the tightrope and do acrobatics in your classroom. They’ll take risks if they know you’re there to catch them when they fall!
Excerpt from “P is for PIRATE.”
A8 still developing student voice by using Flipgrid to answer critical thinking questions. Need more opinion...rather than regurgitating what they read, but each time I see improvement. I'm enjoying the process! #learnlap
Are we talking about feedback or grades? Feedback based on a standard and formative assessment is a much more reliable way to understand Ss knowledge and growth. Grades are letters and percents that are inconsistent. #LearnLAP
thank you for everyone that was able to contribute to #learnlap tonight. if you want more on evolving a classroom, here is my blog entry: https://t.co/9IwOnk3ES2
And you can get cheap cell phones to use in class from ebay or even parents old phones donated that you can strip and add apps :) They connect to the wifi
Ohhhhhh !! I don’t think I could teach without my kids being able to use their phones. We are not 1:1- but phone availability helps me get much closer !! We use them to learn!!! It’s an evolution of the school classroom- and I’m researching! Thank you! #learnLAP
A8: I’m going to allow my classes to help design the assessment. I’ll share the standards, teach them about DoK, and create assessments for their learning. I’m calling “collaborative backward design.” #LearnLAP
A7 #LearnLAP Data is only one aspect of education-it is a glimpse, a blip on the radar of knowledge- it is the rise & fall of volume, that matters most-providing students with a bull horn so they can choose how they want to share their knowledge- with a quiet wave or a loud cheer
Develop a classroom blog in a math setting where students post weekly about their proposed problem solving strategies to inquiry based questions #learnlap
Amazing chat @TeacherRunner42! Awesome questions & so much inspiration from this brilliant group of educators! I’m thankful for you all, you make me better! #LearnLAP